Story Two- Room No-666(1)

Living his whole in the countryside, Jonathan was shifting to the city for the first time in his life. Jonathan just passed high school and wanted to study further in the University in the big city, his parents were against this idea, they wanted their son to live with them and help them with the family dairy farm. Although Jonathan lived between cows and pigs throughout his life, he always dreamed of studying in a big city. After many tussles between Jonathan and his family, his family allowed him to go to the city to study on the condition that he will come back to his family after his study is completed in the city. At last Jonathan's dream was going to be fulfilled.

Soon after coming to the city, Jonathan came to know about the challenges of living in a city. Everything is expensive in the city and the main challenge here is to find cheap accommodation. In the countryside, Jonathan had a big house and big farmland but here in the city, he is living in a shared hostel. Jonathan wanted to live in an apartment alone but his budget wouldn't allow him. I must find some cheap apartment he thought to himself but it was not so easy. Jonathan went from one property dealer to another but all of them rejected his request, some even ridiculed him for not having enough money but still daring to search for an apartment. Jonathan was defeated inside and was going back to his shared hostel when he saw one small properly office which caught his eyes. This will be my last try, if I don't succeed here, I will somehow manage in the shared hostel he thought to himself.

The office was a shabby one with no customer insight. When Jonathan entered the office, he saw two fat uncles sitting on their chair playing games on their mobile as if they have all the free time in the world. When they saw Jonathan, they quickly got up from their chair and went straight towards Jonathan.

"Welcome sir, how can we help you?" said the first of the uncles.

"My name is Jonathan and I am looking for an apartment to rent," replied Jonathan.

"We are Ramsey brothers. Sir, can you tell us your budget for the apartment?" asked the second uncle.

"My budget is just $300 per month," replied Jonathan.

"It will be difficult to find an apartment in that budget but we can suggest you search for a search for a shared apartment, this way you can live in an apartment and your rent will be shared among the tenants living in the apartment." said the first uncle

" I have that option for later but is there no apartment in my budget?" asked Jonathan

hearing that question both the uncles seemed to lost in thought about something. After a while first uncle replied.

"Well, can you give us five minutes, we will check the catalog."

Saying that both the uncles went to the corner of the shop and started whispering to each other. Jonathan couldn't hear a single word from the uncles. Looks like he has to leave empty-handed from here as well, Jonathan thought. Just as Jonathan was about to leave, both uncles came back to him.

"Well, we searched our catalog and it seems there is one apartment in your budget." said the first uncle.

"Really?, Where is it located?"

"It is located in Nirvana hills and the rent is just $295 per month."

Jonathan couldn't believe his ears. Nirvana hills was one the most luxurious area in the city and to get an apartment there and that too with so cheap rent was a god-given gift for him. He didn't even think about inquiring further and said to the uncles.

"I will take it. When can I shift there?"

"If you want then you can shift toady itself, we also have a movers company as well. For $50, we will shift all your goods from your current home to your new apartment." said the second uncle.

"Thank you. I have one last question?" asked Jonathan

"What is it?" replied the first uncle

"Do I have to deposit any security money or advance rent?" asked Jonathan

"No, you don't have to. We will just take a standard fee of $25, that's it." replied the second uncle

"Oh, then it's okay," said Jonathan.

After that, Jonathan handed over the money to the uncles and gave them the address of his shared hostel so that the movers can shift his goods from there to his new apartment. Soon after, Jonathan was hungry so he went to a nearby stall to eat. After eating he went straight to his shared hostel. When he reached there, he saw that movers were already present there. One person from the mover company came towards him.

"Do you know, where Jonathan lives here?" asked the movers employee.

"I am Jonathan, you must have come for me. My goods are in room 206. I will take you there." replied Jonathan

"Thank you." said the movers employee.

Jonathan and the movers company guys went towards room 206, Jonathan showed all the goods that were going to be shifted and the movers employees started loading all the goods in their truck. Jonathan requested them to give him lift in their truck to his new apartment and they obliged. Soon, they reached their destination.

Jonathan saw a big white apartment complex in front of him. Soon, he realized that he had forgotten to take keys and didn't even asked about his apartment number.

"Oh shit, I forget to ask for the apartment keys and I don't even know my apartment number?" said Jonathan.

"Don't worry sir, Ramsey Sir has already given us your keys and your apartment number." replied movers employee.

"Okay, that's good. said Jonathan while being relived.

Jonathan's apartment number was room number 663 on the sixth floor. When Jonathan entered the apartment, he was quite shocked to see, how big the apartment was. The apartment had 2 bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one big hall area. Jonathan was feeling extremely lucky to have gotten that apartment for so cheap. Soon the movers shifted all his goods to his apartment and went away. Now Jonathan was alone in his new apartment and he thought to himself, I should greet the neighbors. He went outside his apartment to greet his neighbors but he saw every other apartment was locked and no one seems to live in these apartments. Soon he came in front of apartment 666, some noise was coming from inside. He knocked on the door so that he can greet his neighbor but no answer came. After that, he returned to his apartment.

As he entered his apartment and was about to lock the door, he heard a knocking sound in his door. When he opened the door, a girl the same age as Jonathan was standing there.

"Good Evening, I am Jasmine from apartment 666." the girl introduced herself.