Story Two- Apartment No.-666(2)

Having seen every apartment room in his building was empty, Jonathan returned to his room. Only just as he was about to gently close the door, a peculiar knock on the door obstructed him and when he opened the door, there was a girl standing there. The girl introduced herself as Jasmine.

"Good evening, I am Jonathan. I am sorry, but I don't recognize you?"

"I am your neighbor. I live in apartment no. 666. I observed someone shifting in this building, so I thought, why not take a look at my new neighbor.

"I thought no one lives in this apartment complex. I on top went to apartment no. 666 but no one opened the door even though the lights were on."

"I was on the roof drying my clothes. I must have forgotten to turn the lights off. I am ashamed, you must have thought; what a rude person lives here."

"No, I didn't conclude anything like that. Anyways, why don't you come in? I was just about to partake of some tea."

"Wouldn't it be impolite to disturb you?"

"No, on the contrary, I will graciously welcome a company at tea time."

"If it's convenient with you, then I will help myself with some tea."

Soon after, Jasmine entered Jonathan's apartment. As Jonathan shifted to the apartment a little while ago, his goods were still disorderly placed. Jonathan and Jasmine went to the inner room where a table was placed for sitting. Jonathan invited Jasmine.

"Why don't you sit down here? I will brew some tea, and then we both will have some tea and snacks."

Sure, go ahead."

Making sure that Jasmine sat on the table comfortably, Jonathan went straight to the kitchen. Jasmine remain the first guest Jonathan received in his new apartment, so he wanted to make an impression on her. Jonathan decided to make some Darjeeling Tea for his guest, he also searched for snacks to go along with tea and found some cookies. With tea prepared along with cookies, Jonathan put the tea in the cups for two people and went to the room where Jasmine was sitting. He placed the cups on the table along with cookies and sat opposite Jasmine. Jonathan initiated the conversation with an apology.

"I apologize for it gripped me so long to prepare tea."

"You don't have to apologize; it has been only 10 minutes."

"Regardless, I hope you enjoy the tea. This is the best Darjeeling Tea ever produced."


Saying that both Jasmine and Jonathan took their share of cups and started taking the sip of the tea. The tea was indeed the best tea ever produced, just as Jonathan claimed. There was silence in the room with sounds of only sipping of tea and cracking of cookies. After some time, the silence was disturbed by an unusual question by Jasmine.

"Jonathan, Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?"

"No, Why would I believe in something so irrational and Superstition and I haven't even seen ghosts yet?"

"Things exist even when they seem irrational. Do you believe in Aliens?"

"Of Course I believe in Aliens, it is not possible we are alone in this universe."

" You believe in Aliens, but you don't believe in ghosts? The truth is you have ne'er seen an alien or a ghost in your life but you believe in one and dismiss the other as irrational, aren't this irrational behavior from you?"

That question from Jasmine made Jonathan think about his views about the world. Jonathan was outwitted in Jasmine's questions but didn't want to accept defeat just yet, so he played his last card.

"I will believe in ghosts only if some ghost appears front of me and offers me proof of being a ghost."

"Is that so, then you will start believing in ghosts very soon."

Jonathan couldn't decipher the meaning of those words from Jasmine. Their conversation ended soon after. Jasmine bid goodbye to Jonathan and went to her home. Jonathan was now alone in his apartment. He was feeling refreshed after a session of tea, so he decided to complete all his work relating to the arrangement and putting his goods in order. Jonathan started arranging all his goods in the proper manner, and he unlocked all the boxes of goods and place them in their place. After a few hours of backbreaking labor, all his goods were in their place and now his apartment was pleasant and tidy. After this much backbreaking labor, Jonathan was hungry, so he decided to order Noodles from the restaurant. Just as he was about to order them, he heard his doorbell ring. When he opened the door, Jasmine was standing with a pot in her hand. Just as she saw Jonathan, she spoke.

"I thought you just shifted today, so you mustn't have set up your kitchen and I have made too much food, so I brought extra food for my new neighbor."

"I was just about to order food but anyway, thank you for the food. It looks like I have come to a helping neighborhood."

"A person should always help her neighbor; I am just doing that."

Saying that Jasmine handed over the pot with food to Jonathan and returned to her apartment. Jonathan took the pot and served the food in it on the plates. The dish was simple curry rice, but it tasted like Jonathan had never tasted before. Jonathan devoured the food in a few minutes and washed the plates thereafter. Jonathan was exhausted from working so hard in the day; he decided to take early sleep. As soon as Jonathan laid on the bed he fell asleep.

It was dead of the night; Jonathan was sleeping soundly. Suddenly Jonathan started feeling freezing even though it was summer and the weather outside was hot. Jonathan woke up from his sleep, feeling cold and thought it must be A/C set on low temperature causing him to feel cold. When he looked towards the A/C with the intention of switching it off, he saw A/C was already off.

All this cold made Jonathan want to pee, so he went straight towards the toilet. When he came out after peeing, Jonathan felt that someone was watching him. When he twisted his head to confirm his suspicion, he saw a silhouette of a person behind the curtains of his balcony. Jonathan went straightforward towards the curtains to identify who the person is. The silhouette was gone just as Jonathan reached there. Right now the silhouette was at another spot in the room. This cat and mouse match continued for 15 minutes. The silhouette appeared in various spots in the apartment, and when Jonathan went there to uncover the silhouette; the silhouette disappeared from that spot.

Jonathan was now convinced there was a burglar in the house, he went to his room and took a baton for his protection, just in case the burglar tries harming him. He sat on the sofa in his living room, waiting for the burglar to approach and soon after he fell asleep.