Story Two- Apartment No.-666(3)

When Jonathan woke up in the morning, he was still on his sofa with a baton in his hand. His head was aching, and he couldn't recall why he was sleeping on the sofa and why was there a baton in his hand? Jonathan placed the baton back in its place and went straightforward to the bathroom to refresh himself. He quickly took a bath and now he was refreshed and his headache was gone.

Today Jonathan's Fate was going to be decided, whether he will be staying in the city or heading back home to his family? Jonathan was nervous about his college entrance examination. His university selection results were going to come out today, the results were to decide how many days Jonathan have left in the city.

Jonathan reached the University to obtain his result. In that location he saw a mob of people were already nudging each other to know their result for the entrance test of the university. Although Jonathan was reasonably confident in himself, seeing these many people checking their results made him doubt himself.

As Jonathan was sitting on the bench in the university premises waiting for the crowd of people to disperse so that he could confirm his results, a man approached him. He was about 6 feet tall and 2 years more senior than Jonathan. Initially, Jonathan was puzzled as to why this man approached him until he saw a volunteer badge on his T-shirt. The man with the volunteer badge inquired Jonathan.

"It looks like you need some help, how may I assist you?"

"Good afternoon, I am Jonathan; I was merely waiting for the mob to reduce so that I can verify the result of the entrance examination."

"Hi, I am Marshall. I can aid you to obtain your result if you don't mind?"

"Really? I will appreciate that."

"Can you tell me your roll no, If you don't mind?"

"Sure, my roll number is 6530001."

"You just wait here for a moment; I will be back soon."

Saying that Marshall went in the direction of the crowd and soon disappeared in the crowd. Jonathan sat on the bench waiting for Marshall to come back and tell him the result of the entrance examination.After waiting for a while, Jonathan saw Marshall coming towards him with a piece of paper in his hand. Marshall stood in front of Jonathan with a smiling face and opened his mouth.

"Jonathan, I have one good news for you and one bad news, which news will you prefer to hear first?"

Jonathan didn't understand what Marshall was trying to convey, but he played along, nevertheless.

"I would like to hear the good news first and then the bad news."

"Well, the good news is you passed the entrance test, and the bad news is you have to study hard from now on to pass with good grades."

Those words from Marshall forced a smile on Jonathan's face. He couldn't suppress his happiness from Marshall. Seeing that smile on Jonathan's face, Marshall demanded from Jonathan.

"Jonathan, now that you are officially part of the university, and as I have announced you the good news, you have to treat me."

"As you would expect, I will treat you. You have assisted me a lot."

"One last thing, I have your enrollment letter with me. You can start coming from tomorrow."

Saying that Marshall handed over the enrollment letter in his hand to Jonathan. Soon after, both of them exchanged goodbyes and went their separate ways. Jonathan thought about walking to his apartment as his apartment was not far away from the university. After walking for a while, Jonathan recognized two familiar faces sitting in a bus stop waiting for the bus. Upon more thorough inspection, Jonathan recognized them as Ramsey brothers, from whom Jonathan secured his apartment. Jonathan thought he must thank them for aiding him to search for his current apartment, so he went towards them and greeted them.

"Good evening Uncles."

Upon seeing Jonathan, the Ramsey brothers suddenly became nervous and cautious. They replied nervously.

"Good evening Jonathan."

"Uncles, I would like to thank you for aiding me to secure such a vast and magnificent apartment. I had lost hope that I would be able to find an apartment in this city at all but then I encountered you and I genuinely appreciate your help.

Ramsey's brothers looked at each other nervously and the first Ramsey brother replied.

"It's not a significant deal. When we saw you so desperate, we decided to assist you."

Saying that both Ramsey brothers without even waiting for any word from Jonathan started walking away as if they were in a hurry. Jonathan also started walking towards his apartment. When he reached the gate of his apartment complex, there he saw Jasmine sweeping the ground. Just as Jasmine saw Jonathan, she inquired about him.

"So, how was your entrance result?"

Jonathan was quite shocked hearing that question, so he asked Jasmine.

"I am sorry, but I don't recall informing you about my entrance test result?"

"Silly, you must have forgotten. You notified me about your entrance test result yesterday at the tea."

Jonathan still didn't recall anything like that, but he decided to believe Jasmine anyway. He replied to Jasmine.

"It is possible, I must have told you yesterday. Regardless, don't you attend school or college, after all it looks like we are of the same age bracket?"

"Well, I am enrolled in an open university, so I don't need attending in person."

"Oh, I see."

"By the way, today also I made too much food, so would you like to have dinner with me?"

Jonathan was half-starved, so he replied positively. After that Jonathan went to his apartment to change his clothes. Just as Jonathan changed his clothes, the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, Jasmine was standing there again with a pot of food just like yesterday, but this time Jonathan himself agreed to have dinner with Jasmine. Jonathan invited Jasmine to come inside.

Both of them went to the hall with the table. Jonathan placed the plates on the table and placed the food in the plates. Both Jonathan and Jasmine started to eat afterwards, but unlike last night, there was no conversation between them. Soon, both of them devoured their food, and Jonathan took the eating plates to the kitchen to cleanse them. After some time Jasmine went back to her apartment.

Jonathan soon went to sleep in the hopes of a more promising future, unaware of the events that the future has in store for him.