Flash Forward...

*Three years later*

You seem to be ready. I hope that my teaching efforts have not been wasted, and that you find your way in Skyra.

You will find your superiors in the largest home in all of Skyra. It is known as the Elders' Chapel. They shall give you a name, and a purpose. I wish you the best of luck, little one. Farewell, for now.

. . .

"Wow. It's beautiful."

Her head began swiveling in every imaginable direction, observing her new home. It wasn't long before she had laid eyes on a large white building at the center of a bustling city.

"Ah, largest home. Found it." She thought.

She approached the immense temple with as much curiosity as she did caution. There must have been hundreds of Starians coming and going to the temple, each had the same solemn expression on their face as they went about their work.

The child entered the temple's main doors, traveled up the winding staircase, and into the Council of Elders.

"State your purpose." She couldn't see over the table at which the man speaking sat. She could tell by the sound of his voice that he was old, so she immediately assumed that he was an elder.

"I have come from my star. I, who has yet to be named, am a four year, one month old female, Starian child. I completed my education seminar within those few years, and am prepared to enter society." She had rehearsed this many times with Chase in the past, as this was the proper way to address yourself in the Council of Elders.

"Very well, " said a different council member. "you shall be named Lina. Your role in society has yet to be determined. It seems that your mind has a capacity far greater than that of a laborer. You shall be assigned an educator.

They will have studied your brain activity during the initial learning seminar upon meeting you. After their teaching methods have been approved by my colleagues and myself, you will temporally be in their care. Until that time, you are to return home and review the newest lessons in your star's memory database. Do you understand?" Lina heard the folding of a paper file as he concluded.

"Yes, sir. I understand." She straightened her shoulders, lifted her chin, and spoke modestly.


Do you also understand that you are one of the youngest to ever complete the seminar?"

Lina began to blush as she was asked this question. This is the first time that she had realized her accomplishments meaning; she was smart.

"Well?" Questioned the elder.

"Of course. "

"Very good. You may go now."

"Thank you, council."