
Lina found her way home, and instantly flopped down on her bed.

"Chase, you there?" She asked with a sigh.

"What can I do for you miss?"

"Well for one, I received a name. You can call me Lina now."

"Then I assume you made it to the Chapel?"

"Of course I did. Did you have doubts?" Lina turned from her back to her stomack, supporting herself with her forearms.

"Never. Only concerns."

"Concerns? Concerns of what?" At this point, Lina was dangling her torso over the edge of her bed.

"Nothing that you need worry about at the moment. What exciting news did you recieve from the Council of Elders?"

"Well, they basically congradulated me for being so young and completing the seminar. I was also told that I would recieve a teacher at some point in the near future."

"Good for you Lina."

"I just don't understand a few things. First, why do we have to be so formal in public?"

"It is simply the better way to converse with other Starians. Once you make friends, you will have them to 'chit-chat' with. Informally."

"Right. . . Anyway, second, why am I being praised for being younger than everyone else? If you ask me, it seems like more of a punishment."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, almost everyone in society is a whole generation above me, and those from my generation have not finished learning yet. I don't want to be that person whose friends are all in their twenties. It'll look more like they're connections rather than friends. Plus, they won't think highly of me, or even equally because of the large age difference."

". . . I'm certian that you will make friends your age. It wont be long before another child finishes their learning seminar. You'll see. Everything will be just fine."

"Yeah, I guess so. Thanks Chase." Lina didn't think that she extremely special, just lucky that she has a good mind. It would take her years to learn why she was really special, and the truth. . . It would break her.