Beyond lying, Beyond smiled another one of those diabolical smiles that only he knew how to give. Everything indicated that he was no longer the pseudo-sane, but somewhat self-controlled, but now he had changed his personality again. Like a die that falls on a different square with each move.
─ Ah, Lawli. He whispered. A tone so hoarse that it didn't even seem to be his, as if the person inside his body had changed completely with the tap of the push.
─ You were always a difficult boy.
Every square inch of the wheelchair shuddered in a turbulent internal earthquake. He felt the bones that supported him weaken with the sight and hearing he was exposed to. Suddenly such a powerful chill went up the English spine that not even an ice god could make it feel. The sensation paralyzed him in his brother's slurred words, which hadn't even moved yet.
Beyond rose dramatically, enjoying every second of the movement just as an actor would. He remained with his deep-cornered smile, showing his teeth and was silent for a few eternal seconds.
L came to the conclusion that there was a lot more blood in his brotherly eyes than the amount he just spewed out.
Birthday spared any words after that. It would be a waste of time. I had work to do. Long work. And now I wouldn't want to be interrupted at all. The obstacles that would hinder you from having Lawliet would now be properly destroyed, burned, quartered, or how many forms of torture your creativity would allow itself to reach. He only cared about securing the wrists tightly, forcing them against the floor with almost unnecessary force. That done, I was more than ready to start.
Beyond looked at the body with one more time, running his eyes as he tossed a stark-like bite to his poor prey. And in fact, it was not much different from that; L's flesh, in fact, was overflowing with juiciness in his red eyes and he was eager to devour it as raw as he could.
He attacked at once, his target being the boy's pale, unprotected neck as dark as himself. Despite the fast movement, B still analyzed that place with some rigor, checking if all the old and faded marks were still there. Or if you know, a new and unauthorized brand has emerged from some unknown place that you would worry about later.
He was attracted by the end of the other's jaw, tilting a little more just to be able to glue more bodies that were already practically fused and achieve the best position for himself. He didn't hesitate even for a thousandth before snapping up that area.
And by snapping, I mean biting. Fierce, stunned, no different than someone who had just found food in the desert.
Lawliet almost screamed when the two fangs sank into his skin. On impulse, he tried to debate, to get that crazy head out of there, but he was completely immobilized. I couldn't control more than the expressions on my face.
When the blood started to come, Beyond tried to pull everything he could. He grabbed L so tightly that it wouldn't be long before he dislocated some bone. Extract more of the red liquid and the sharp grunts as if they were the only need that ever existed for him.
But in the end, I needed to breathe. And it was for this purpose that he reluctantly withdrew from there. He inhaled what he needed in a hurry, and returned to any other point on L.'s neck. He invested even more desperately. It sucked enough to go to a new point, coloring what was once white in red.
He fixed his sharpest canine skin into the skin, acquiring enough depth to drag it along the length of his neck. Literally, I tore it up like it was just paper.
"Argh," Lawliet shouted, closing his eyes as hard as possible.
His whole mind was clouded with a great haze of pain. He had no smell, no taste, or even the simple ability to think rationally. Just the feeling of the forced, painful cut. His facial features contorted so much that he resembled one of some somber theatrical mask.
Birthday went down the hickeys, insatiable. No millimeter was left out. It would be a waste to leave any part of something so usable without taking advantage.
He wanted to expand his horizons, and for that he urgently needed to get rid of that pile of fabric that covered the whole trunk of his brother. Not unlike before, he used his mouth to tear through his shirt with the voracity of a real beast. He spent a few moments looking at him maliciously, while his mind worked like that of a child in an amusement park: not knowing what to do first in the face of so many possibilities.
─ B-Beyond. ─ in a sudden moment of lucidity, it began. ─ You have to listen to me
He pressed L's wrists even more against the floor, warning him to shut up. There was not a trace of patience left in B to say a word.
He was absorbed in what he was doing.
L's body gleamed in its immense whiteness. Some scarred marks still adorned him, which were more like photographs for the red-eyed. He was proud of each of them, he aspired to nostalgia for the past times when he had L. He almost smiled seeing the trembling and reddish features that made that boy so his.
He continued his journey through his brother's chest, discovering him once again.
He was absolutely absorbed when his skin touched. Waves of pleasure invaded him in a powerful tsunami. It was incredible, incredibly addictive.
Lawliet was his opium
And, as if his conscience warned him to give L the least pleasure, he began to use his tongue to stroke one of the twin's nipples. B surrounded them, only to later find their center, in an almost frantic movement.
Ah, how good the first moaning sounds were. Stubborn groans, which insisted on being released even with all the strength that the English endeavored to contain them.
But Beyond was greedy. I knew there could be more. He risked releasing one of the trapped wrists, driving that hand directly between Lawliet's legs. She stroked lightly, stimulating him over his pants.
The other pulse was released shortly afterwards. After all, Birthday had a lot to touch, feel, explore and definitely needed his whole body to perform this task.
As euphoric and energetic as a steam engine.
The stimuli became more intense. He felt his brother grow between his fingers, and it filled him with satisfaction.
As planned, the sounds that L tried unsuccessfully to hide increased without his consent. His whole nervous system seemed to want to play a trick on him: all those disgusting touches were fast enough that the boy couldn't control them. Beyond's hands had a life of their own, roaming each member, scratching them in such a way that their hair stood on end.
He hated himself for that. For all your disgust and weakness.
He could almost smell the rot that was so dirty that he did.
What would your parents think of all that immorality?
What would Watari think?
What would Light think?
─ B ... Stop it, please. ─ mediocre whisper in the midst of his compressed eyes and his sweat that never stopped flowing.
Birthday got rid of his pants at superhuman speed. That pile of cloth was nothing more than a nuisance to his already painful erection. He beat as fast as his heart, and his impatience only became more and more blatant.
He made a point of removing his underwear right in front of L.'s face. Only with that garment the red-eyed one bothered to go slowly, slowly showing all his grandeur.
Despair took a leap. L had to get out of there, he had to run, run away anywhere. He didn't get used to it, no matter how many times it had happened. It was always the same panic.
And even more now. For some reason, now those acts seemed much worse than they had ever been. And even any splash of pleasure was only torture.
─ You cannot ... You cannot do this. - spoke relatively clear, while B finished throwing his clothes in any corner of the room.
Ignored again.
Beyond knelt again. He took his brother's lips as if he hadn't done it in a long time.
The expression in the red eyes was serious. It would melt an iceberg with ease. I was totally indifferent to what L said
He continued with his service, now removing what was left of other people's clothes.
"If you continue," L invested one last try, sounding as firmly as he could. ─ You can be sure that I will never forgive you.
I had no more hopes that anything would really stop Birthday. But like magic, the boy stopped. His eyes widened and he robotically turned to face the wheelchair. That was a threat that touched the depths of Beyond's greatest fears.
A shock of reason made him wonder how wrong it was.
How much it should all be hurting L, in every way.
Those bites that spewed living blood. The scratches, the bruises, everything.
But it was already done.
The sealing between brothers had already broken long before that date. From the first impure desire, there was no longer the supposed forgiveness.
Birthday knew very well that the things he does are inexcusable.
What's the point now, then?
─ You wouldn't forgive me anyway. ─ removed pants and underwear that were still in the middle of the other's legs, lifting his hips and placing himself in the middle of that space.
He felt the length of L's back, quickly finding his buttocks and grabbing them with both hands. He softened that meat with brute violence, squeezed and dug his nails in there without any mercy.
He sat down, and forcing Lawliet to do the same, placed him on his lap.
Erections brushed and both let out
muffled groan. Beyond felt compelled to continue with the action, rubbing the bodies wildly.
Pleasure corrupted all the naturally scarce sanity that the red-eyed had. He needed to supply that excitement before he lost his own self-control. He wanted more of that warmth, that sweat, that ecstasy that was only due to Lawliet.
I had to have it right now.
But something still stopped him from going with everything. He directed two fingers at the other's mouth, curling them around L's tongue and looking for saliva, since his brother clearly would not willingly suck them.
Lawliet tried to close his lips. He regretted it a second later, considering that maybe Beyond would finally give up preparing him and go the way he was now. Luckily, B simply forced his way in, stroking and pressing his tongue as if it were some kind of loofah.
He already felt the pain that would soon invade him. It was excruciating, like being on fire or being cut in half by swords. This several times, in a humiliating back and forth. Yes, it was certainly a thousand times worse than any cut or bite.
Where in the world could that be called love?
A first finger was placed inside him, impetuously removing him from his thoughts. His fright was so great that he struggled reflexively, using the strength of his arms to try to remove that intrusive indicator.
Ineffective method, since Birthday was holding him hard enough to keep him there. His waist was clamped and the more he moved the more he would make B come into him. However, he did not think about it. He thought of nothing but that he should get out of there. It stirred even more.
B snorted, seeing himself forced to lay him down again for better control. And he got that point made all his weight on the shoulders of others, with some strength, he got L's back to hit the ground.
The irritation was already overflowing, and all the unfortunate persistence that Lawliet insisted on having was not only a nuisance, but also a novelty. How long had he had trouble penetrating him like that? Not even his brother's stubbornness had so much willpower.
Not even when they did this for the first time did the wheelchair make such an effort to fight it.
What had happened?
He hated to think that that behavior could be related to the night he spent. More precisely, with that boy from the call.
Now it's your second finger's turn.
One more wave of agitation, kicking, bruising by the brunette. But Beyond hardly heard. He was focused on that wonderful place that was the fraternal interior. Hot, pulsating and sucking, practically a black hole. I couldn't wait to have it.
He made several scissor movements and penetration simulations.
Finishing with a third finger, concluding that wild phase that was preparing you.
Finally, Beyond lifted his brother's legs, placing them next to the belly of others and giving him an incredible view of his next goal. He guided himself to that entrance. His eyes shone and melted as soon as his penis had first counted there.
"No," murmured L, when he felt B's member finally start to enter that space. His voice was tearful and unease rose to his mind. His body denied that being as much as he did, closing in with such force that the whole agonizing process of preparation never seemed to have happened.
Lawliet doesn't know how it happened, or where that impulse came from. But his hands and torso just moved in the direction of B, giving something similar to a punch, only with his nails open.
He was immediately dropped on the ground when B retreated because of the
proximity of the scratch to your eyes. Insignificant thing, just a little red mark. Birthday practically recovered himself immediately, running a hand over the cut and frowning
─ That's enough, Lawliet. He exclaimed, standing up in a change of plans. - That's enough.
L felt his heart stop beating.
He took the boy by the arms, dragging him into the kitchen. They passed through the entire corridor, reaching a small gray door. Beyond snorted much more than before, they returned to establish an angry expression.
L and his damned impulses.
He dropped it just to unlock the door. L, totally bewildered and immobile because of the trawler, soon recognized the unfortunately familiar environment.
─ Beyond ... ─ voice totally incredulous. Not that place. ─ Beyond!
His tone took on a pleading posture. Her whole core shook with panic.
─ Shut the fuck up! ─ this time his response was a beautiful cry.
He took it back, even though L begged him not to go there. He went downstairs listening to the desperate protests, as if the place where they were going to be the real hell.
The place was pitch black, a high-pitched musty smell and an echo that reproduced even in the mere sound of footsteps.
Not only did he drop Lawliet, he threw him from a great distance
enough to break your arm. A cry of pain shook the four walls. Being there hurt by itself.
He took one of the many strings that were the only thing on that floor. and tied the hands of others. He even gagged him.
─ There. No more interruptions.
He turned to L with the same movements. He crouched down and once again grabbed the wheelchair's legs. The black eyes were wrapped in a last silent request.
He entered, with such an impulse that he was able to be entirely inside with a single thrust. A guttural scream was drowned out by the rope in L's mouth, which he bit with all his strength.
Tears welled at the speed of light as B moved as quickly as he entered.
He whirled his head through the darkness, looking for anything to save him. Any god, any person. Any light.
But all he gained from these thoughts was yet another series of deeper thrusts.
And now all there was to facilitate the fluidity of their bodies was the blood itself.
There was not even the memory that once vaguely crossed the twin's mind, which was to give L some pleasure too. No, on the contrary, he imposed a cruel and selfish rhythm, fucking him without caring for anything but his own relief. His moans were quite different from his brother's, hoarse, filled with the purest lust. He fixed his eyes on Lawliet's countenance as if this were the only vision he needed to live.
─ Do you understand, Lawli? ─ pause for a groan ─ Do you understand how this could be avoided? How is this, argh, necessary for your good?
L narrowed his eyes, anger rising through his veins. "Ah, of course, I certainly understand."
Beyond pulled the boy to him, again placing him on his lap. He leaned on any wall, and holding his knees, resumed the speed of penetration.
The sound of the bodies crashing and Lawliet's kicking caused an absurd echo in that basement. An even greater echo was what happened in the wheelchair user's mind. He felt so empty that the sharp pain was the only thing that reminds him that he is alive. That unfortunately familiar place had an atmosphere that seemed to have less oxygen than normal, and all you can breathe is a mixture of fear and absurd despair.
The tears did not stop. They ran like waterfalls without L.'s knowledge. He grabbed a rope and squeezed it as if it were an antidote to pain. It was going fast, merciless.
─ So ─ Birthday resumed his speech, even if he was breathless. ─ Why don't you call your boyfriend? He sure can, uh, get rid of me, can't he?
Another series of thrusts, even more violent than before.
─ Isn't that what I am, Lawliet? Am I the bad boy here ?! The only villain.
The red-eyed one came out of L, supporting his body on his stomach and lifting his hips. Of course, he took advantage of this to enter there again, invading as if he were invited. He bit his lip, but much of that howl of pleasure faded into the echo.
He used an angry tone, but not too loud. He invested more of his time in getting in and out of the Brit than thinking about what to say. The movements have reached their limit, as well as those who make them. Beyond broke up in his brother, letting out a muffled groan when he finally withdrew from him.
Lawliet was removed from his lap and placed on the floor. The pottery was freezing, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter the darkness or the musty smell. None of this was relevant. L didn't think. It was lying there in some state between consciousness and unconsciousness. The sounds were vague and the vision blurred. He had no water to expel, so he allowed himself to close his eyelids until the first feelings of disgust and disgust came.
Oh, and they came. Strong as punches.
And wait, that is not enough. We still have to deal with the bipolarity of others. This characteristic of Beyond, of changing behavior suddenly from one hour to the next, was worse than everything else in the situation. It was as if several people lived in the same body and fought tirelessly for dominance. Once in a while, one managed to win and overlap the others, and then the twin's entire behavioral pattern changed from water to wine in the blink of an eye.
L breathed. He felt his chest rise and fall and his muscles complain about the effort. The sperm running between his legs almost made him vomit.
The strings were carefully removed. It didn't make any sense, but Birthday really tried hard not to muddle through any of the scratches / bites / cuts and the like that he himself had made.
A hand stroked his cheek, so light that it was incredible that whoever did it was the same person from minutes ago. Beyond slid her fingers over the other's sweaty face, then holding the twin head and bringing it close to her. L didn't dare open his eyes.
─ Everything will be fine, Lawli. He whispered. 'You don't have to cry.
Funny where daydreams can take us.
At that moment, they
they went to some point, from a past childhood. Something unimportant, which only remained in the subconscious and which, for some reason, came to the British mind like a movie screen. The biggest one.
He fell asleep.
─ Look, Lawli! A ladybug!
Beyond nudged the small shiny green leaf, admired by the insect walking around routinely. The boy was sweating with excitement, covered by a cap and remnants of sunscreen badly spread over his face.
L glanced at him.
─ Hm.
─ Now it's a red caterpillar! Wow, it's giant! ─ moved to another nearby bush. ─ They are exactly the color of my eyes!
Birthday managed to get his brother's attention a little more. L turned around, looking for such an animal that the other was looking at. Lawliet looked at the reddish thorns and then at B.'s sparkling eyes. In fact, they were the same color. His twin smiled, and he almost did, curling his lips slightly before turning back to the trail that his other colleagues followed.
He walked a few steps through the mud covered with leaves and twigs, until he was far enough away to realize that Beyond was still motionless, fixed on the herbivore that crawled under a pile of flowers. His was broken and his gaze was distant.
Lawliet snorted
─ Hey, Beyond, come on, let's get lost. He shouted loud enough, clearly bored.
He had no answer, being obliged to march there with rigid steps to mark the soles of his shoes on the floor. He studied it before shaking one of his shoulders. The red-eyed one blinked hard, returning to reality.
─ I hate them. The words blew, so low it sounded like the wind.
─ What?
─ I hate them. He repeated, more to himself than to L. Cerou one of his fists, implying such strength that the veins in his wrist protruded from his skin.
It was too quick for L to react, as he soon completed;
─ I hate those eyes! He shouted, lifting his once upright face. He had angry tears and drawn eyebrows.
Lawliet took a step back, having no idea what was going on.
─ What are you talking about ...
─ They are the only thing that makes me different from you. They are weird! I hate them.
─ N-They're not weird. It's better that way, to know who's who.
Beyond looked at Lawliet as if he had said the greatest blasphemy in the world. He frowned even more and turned to the caterpillar that was almost out of sight. He took it with his bare hands, without showing any pain and lifted it in the air, only to later throw it again on the floor in front of you. He stepped on it with absurd strength and speed, causing a gooey "crack" and spreading the red and the body across the floor.
L looked surprised, but again, he was interrupted before he could speak.
─ What are you two doing there? ─ the teacher's thin voice came out of nowhere. He examined the two expressions of the boys and when he crossed the tears that still welled in B's eyes, she undid the stiffness.
─ Why are you crying?
Birthday sniffed, still annoyed, but didn't respond.
─ Why is he crying? ─ addressed Lawliet.
The boy deigned to answer. But B looked more and more desperate and took the floor.
─ A caterpillar burned me. He said dryly, showing his reddened hands.
The middle-aged girl sighed, looking with disgust at the dead animal on the floor.
─ I will call your mother. No more shipping today.
Are these the possible first signs of bipolarity?