Two months later, the night of the Kyuubi attack, Naruto's birthdate.
The young Karma woke up when he sensed that the event was nearly over. After leaving his body in a temporary stasis that would look like he was simply sleeping again, he went to go investigate the situation. He had to get his third team member. He instantly arrived at the scene where naruto lay crying and froze time since it was the easiest way to provide himself more time.
Karma summoned the soul of Kushina Uzumaki to himself. He gave it some time, since it was dazed for awhile. "Kushina Uzumaki," he said when it gained clarity, "I will give you a chance, live on as the twin sister of Naruto Uzumaki, and forget about your past life. Otherwise, I'll have to erase you from existence and create a new soul."
The soul paused and looked at her would-be brother before replying, "Deal, but you have to do something for me! Get rid of Danzo Shimura. He's a power hungry piece of garbage. All he ever does is weaken the village with his actions. Also, Minato-"
"You have no right to make request of me, mortal. However, I was going to do that anyway, so I see no problem granting this small request." Karma answered he request. With a snap or his fingers Danzo's heart and brain exploded in his body. At the same time, a new body of a baby girl with red hair was formed and Kushina was directly tossed in by Karma.
"As for Minato, this... this is not your end." He said as he also pulled Minatos soul out of nowhere. "In maybe twelve or thirteen years, I'll allow you to come back to the world and see your son and daughter. During this time, I'll allow you to train in a different dimension replicating this one, only without your children. I had always hoped to see your power, had you not died. Unfortunately, I was too lazy to check other universes." Karma told the soul. Minato nodded, and then he got tossed into a portal.
Finally, Karma unfroze time, created another, gold colored Kyuubi for Kushina and erased Kushina's memories while simultaneously altering the rest of the worlds memories for Minato's wife to be named Shuna Uzumaki. He recompleted the actual Kyuubi. He did a similar thing for Kushina's Kyuubi which he named Chizuru. After writing a note that detailed the babies' names, and their status as jinchuriki, Karma's job was done. He went home to enjoy his hard earned nap with his sisters.
After he left Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, arrived at the scene. Looking at the two babies sleeping amidst the wreckage, he picked up the note in between them and read it. After reading the note he released a heavy sigh and said,"Neko!" He called out.
"Yes, Sarutobi-sama?"
"Put these two in the orphanage, keep their status as jinchuriki a secret. It is an S Class secret! I'll announce tomorrow the death of Minato, and Shuna, while simultaneously announcing my reinstatement as Hokage."
Meanwhile, Karma was crawling towards his twin sister, Ailane, in an effort to comfort her since she was crying. He wasn't really sure what he should do since entire existence to this point could be summarized as one big deadly brawl, drinking milk and sleeping. The only feelings he's ever had were interest and disinterest. Karma was sure he would adapt before long and have more human feelings of his own though. The only reason he was making an effort to comfort her is he had seen many big brothers in action over the course of time and most seemed to dote on their siblings.
Just as he reached his crying sister and reached for her hand the door to their room burst open and his 13 year old guard burst in holding his one year older sister Ibaraki Nekotsume. "Karma, I told you not to crawl around when I'm not here like that!" She yelled when she saw Karma had crawled across the room, prompting Alaine to cry even louder.
"Now, now, Himari, surely he just wants to comfort his little sister. You're his guard because you're our clans most talented young jonin, a genius similar to Kakashi Hatake, not because of your babysitting ability." Said Yoruichi as she entered the room herself.
"But Yoruichi, he could-"
"It's fine, Matatabi will also protect him from small things like this, at least until he can protect himself. You're in charge of bigger threats."
"It's fine, just look."
As they were talking Karma had ignored them and grabbed Ailane hand. He curled up beside her and she soon stopped crying, falling asleep with a smile on her face. Karma similarly fell asleep.
"See? It's fine! Take Ibaraki to sleep with them, there are some things I have to deal with in regards to the Kyuubi attack. Those elders will surely use it to try and have us give up Matatabi. You'll have to guard them in case any of them get any bright ideas.
Hmmm, maybe I should start being more friendly with other clans. The Hyuga are too rigid, but since they specialize in taijutsu, maybe I can make a deal with them. I'll offer giving their incoming heir a chance to meet our Great Feline Sages. Wether they earns the approval of one of them and learns Senjutsu is up to then though. If they fails, we'll still allow then to sign a contract with our summon animals. That should be enough for their support. Uchiha? Too arrogant. Though maybe I can work something out with Mikoto Uchiha? The Nara Clan is a great ally of ours, so I think we can count on the support of the Yamanaka and Akamichi Clans..." Yoruichi muttered as she left, talking to no one in particular.
Later that night, Hokage Office
"What?! Danzo's dead too?! Haah. Tonight is such a bad night. Fine, we'll settle matter with the Root starting tomorrow, too. I'll announce his death as a hero during the Kyuubi attack. Saru, send someone to search for evidence of his wrong doing before this now, we'll keep it secret, but I'm going to need something to take control of Root. Otherwise someone will surely try to take it themselves."
Once there was nobody near the vicinity of his office Hiruzen, threw a small tantrum. Who could blame him? Even the most mature would be angry they had lost so much in one day. Hiruzen knew that there had to be someone else involved on this night, he was aware of where Shuna was giving birth to Naruto and Kushina. How, then, could the Kyuubi have appeared in the middle of the village? It wasn't Minato, he knew that, but it must be someone with some kind of space ninjutsu. He swore that night, he would find that person.
Authors Note: "If you want to know why I'm bringing Minato back, he's a sheer fucking bad ass. The dude saw kamui once and figured it out and beat obito. He wasn't even stressed seeing the nine tails rampaging, like he could easily fuck that hoe up, which he kinda did lmao. During the ninetails attack, even Hiruzen was like "we gotta hold it off until Minato gets here!" He EASILY kept up with the fight between 8 gates guy and madara; getting rid of several truth seeking orbs for guy. Even the other kage respected his strength a lot. Yeah, this sounds like im sucking his dick, but he's a complete bad ass. Aside from that, I do want Naruto and Sasuke to rival Karma, and Minato would help Naruto in that.
I just wonder since he's not going to have the yin half of the Kyuubi, should I give him something else? Like another powerup that he would be able to use to have the same strength as he did with the kyuubi cloak. I kind of don't want to, but I feel inclined to since, you know, I took away his wife lmao
Also, Chizuru is Chizuru Minamoto from Kanokon, only buffed af and with an actual fox transformation as her basic form.