Chapter 40

Mei didn't know what to think. In front of her, a young boy with a sword strapped to his back, reminiscent of Samehada due to it being wrapped in bandages, caught the massive water dragon with a war fan, absorbing the technique into it, before spinning around and launching it back at her enemies. Her enemies that were trapped by various thorny vines, sharp enough to cause many of them to bleed. Just before the new water dragon hit them, the blood drawn from them also began to float, moving towards the boy and floating next to him in a large ball.

There was a massive crash, followed by a flood of water going in the opposite direction of where Mei was standing and a red haired girl wearing some weird uniform landed next to the boy. Yagura and what remained of his forces were surprised and quickly fled, they didn't want to risk fighting an unknown factor. He turned around, smirking, "The Hidden Leaf Village send their regards!"


"Who are you?" The woman asked. They had already retreated back somewhere relatively safe, a small island, only big enough for a few tens of houses. The island was one of the only remaining territories her faction had left.

"Karma Daiken. My partner here is Tayuya Daiken." Karma replied. "So, Mei Terumi, I came to help, as long as you form an alliance with the Leaf and the Sand Villages after this is over."

"How do you know my name?" Mei inquired. She didn't think she was that famous outside of her village.

"I heard it while taking a stroll through your village." Karma replied simply. It was a believable lie.

"Okay. I have more questions if you want us to trust you, but clearly you're a young boy, are you even capable of helping other than lending us your fan?"

"I'm a very strong Chunin. Also, I'm not a boy, don't talk down to your husband."

"HUH?! HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO THE FUTURE MIZUKAGE?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Some fodder yelled. Along with him, several others, including Chojuro were rising up and taking aggressive stances.

"You want to fight?" Karma smiled.

"N-" Mei started.

"Indeed. A fight is pretty much required after you disrespected our future Mizukage and if you want to help, you'll need to be strong. We can't have a weakling running around." Chojuro smirked.

"Then, let's go to a better location!" Karma grinned, passing Shiro and Kuro to Tayuya for their safety, something they understood. They barked to let him know their determination to catch up to Karma. They were a little behind, but he had faith in them catching up eventually. He had to admit, fighting was indeed exciting. Over the course of the last 6 months he had learned that while taking on harder missions. The best opponents were those he seemingly had no chance against from the start. They were the one's that really made Karma's blood boil.

Suffice it to say, he had somehow grown into a battle junkie. And fighting an army? That was definitely something that sounded fun. He quickly went out of the house they were gathering at, running to the ocean away from the island with the Mist ninja following behind him. Even if he did enjoy battle, he wasn't selfish enough to potentially endanger random civilians just trying to live their lives for his amusement.

Finally, they were a good enough distance from the small island and Karma turned around, with Chimamirekiba in one hand, "Let's get this party started!" He yelled, running into the group of Mist ninja who until now had thought he was going to pick one and the rest would watch.

"This guy- guah!!" One of the fodder started before being impaled by Chima.

"Oh, sorry! It's fine though even he died! You see, it's okay because anyone I accidentally kill, I'll be able to make up for their strength!" Karma laughed while Chima retracted its fang. Then, he appeared in front of Chojuro.

'What? How did he-?' Chojuro thought.

"Savage Claw Arts: 64 Simultaneous Slashes!" Karma called as a set of blood red claws appeared underneath him and Chojuro. Karma slammed Chima on Chojuro's shoulder and it's fangs immediately extended, slicing by 64 different chakra points.

'What the- my chakra?!' Chojuro panicked.

"Thanks for the meal." Karma smirked. "You guy's are weak, so let's end this! Shadow Release: True Shadow Clone Jutsu!" From his shadow several figures sprouted before shaping themselves unto him. With the creation of those clones, his shadow decreased in size. "And for the finale, Yaminotsume!!" He and all his clones yelled.

Karma's had a maniacal grin on his face as the shadows of the weaklings surrounding him jumped away from them, coating Karma and his clones' hands, sharpening the fingers, making them appear as claws. Along with their shadows, the ninjas were also pulled a little, knocking them off balance and allowing the clones the opportunity to arrive in front of them swiftly. The group of Karma's collectively thrust their claws into their opponents' bodies. The Karmas caught all the unconscious opponents, having held back just enough so they would live.

"All right, guys. Let's carry them back. They'll be out of commission like this, so hopefully the other side is actually fun. These guys turned out rather boring." Karma sighed with a bored expression. Maybe the next army wouldn't be so weak.

When he got back, he saw an angry Mei Terumi.

"How could-" she started.

"I did it because I want to fight the whole war basically alone. Plus, these guys would just get in my way. Listen, I'm gonna make you Mizukage, so just relax and let your husband take care of everything." Karma smiled. "Besides, if they're that weak, they won't be helpful at all."

"How do you plan to beat Yagura and his men all alone?" Mei asked.

"It's simple. I charge in there and beat everyone." Karma laughed. "I won't run out of chakra since my sword here eats it, and can give it to me. Also, I'm not really at full power."

"Not at full power?" Mei asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I just need some blood for a power up. We'll go find some place to sleep, and I'll power up, since I don't know if I'm strong enough to handle Yagura alone yet." Karma laughed a he left.


Authors Note: Just realized its july and july is usually a pretty busy month for me. If I disappear at some point for a few days at a time or something, then I probably got busy.