My heart was still killing me but I managed to pull through and entered the gate to Crimson Preparatory School, I felt exhausted like I could pass out at any minute. the entrance door were all shut tight, I had to get in of course so the first thing to do was shooting the door open. And with a bang the door was opened just like that.
I opened it and began making my way down, "east wing or west wing?" I though to myself, I immediately went to the East hall and began roaming hoping I would run into Lily and Atom as I roam the school. As I roamed I saw really familiar bloodstain on the wall that was shaped like a smile, I had a bad feeling about this. As I continued on I could hear a blood-curdling scream from around the corning, "He'a crazy!" A student said as she ran past me, "Ahhh!" Another student screamed as he ran head first into me, "Ow!" The student yelled out as he hit the floor, "watch out idiot!" I angrily yelled out at him, "turn back man, that guy will kill anyone and everything in his way!" The student said as he got up and ran towards the exit, he couldn't be talking about him... could he?
I continued to hobble my way to the danger I was warned about but just before I continued on I was greeted by the announcements, "What is up Crimson Preparatory School!" Lily voice rang throughout the hallways, "where to start first?" She questioned herself, "oh yes, Gerald if you're hearing this you're a-" I couldn't believe how many swear words Lily just said, "oh yeah, second thing, everyone will be required to wear rabbit ears as part of dress code and lastly I would highly recommend getting out of here now, any exit will do as long as you head to the nearest safe area, this is courtesy of your heroes Atom, Oliver and Lily, Lily signing off." She informed the entire school and after she said everything, immediately I could here running in the hallways, looks like the students here are getting out to safety, good job Lily.
Now back to my investigation, I continued walking and I saw a message scrawled with blood saying "this way", someone was messing with me and I didn't like it. I continued walking until I reached the end of the hallway and there he was, my most hated enemy, Grin Scurvy.
He was just standing there at the end of the hallway, "You..." I said with a growl, "My, my, so the rumors were true? Oliver Peddleton really is alive." Grin jokingly said to me, he wasn't serious at all, he probably thinks all he's doing right now is a game, that got me mad, "You ruined my life!" I yelled at him, "and I would do it again in a heartbeat." He said mocking me with the biggest smile ever, I got mad and began to charge at Grin, he just stood there with a wide grin on his face, just as I began to get closer to Grin he moves, he grabs me and pinned me down to the ground, "I'm not a easy target to take down Oliver." He mockingly said to me, "I know..." I said, "...Atom!" I said hoping Atom would appear but nothing happened, "was that supposed to do something?" Grin questioned me, "yep." I replied back as Atom suddenly appeared and punched Grin right in face, "Oh thats gotta hurt!" Atom jokingly said to Grin, "Hmph, looks like you somehow gained superpowers, how mediocre." He said to me, Grin once again charged at me but with Atom on my side we hit him hard to the ground, "Thats it Oliver, I won't let you get out of here alive if my name isn't-" Just as Grin was talking he was interrupted by a Girl with bunny ears who dropkicked him out of the way, "Ah man, I always wanted to do that to you." Lily said in excitement as she quickly got back up, the three of us group back together and look at Grin Scurvy.
"Seems like little Oliver had to make a new squad in order to stop me, no matter I'll make sure they get put down like your previous squad." He said to the three of us, we ran at him and began to fight Grin but even with it begin a 3v1 we were no match, Grin must have has special skills when it came to hand to hand combat cause as soon as Lily rushed at him she was slammed down after Grin catched her foot, I quickly ran to help Lily and pulled out a claw to slash at Grin but he managed to dodge that too, I took out my pistol but before I could aim it him he head-butted me causing me to stumble to the ground, Atom quickly flew to Grin trying to be our savior but he was grabbed and slammed to the ground. Grin easily took down Lily, Atom and myself one by one, "Hmm what a bunch of pathetic excuses for heroes." He said mocking the three of us, "How can I win at a 3v1 that easily now?" He questioned himself, "You didn't" I replied back aiming my gun at Grin, before he could dodge the bullet, it immediately hits his leg, "ah!" He yells out in pain, I think I crippled his leg but he gets back up, "Hahahaha!" He creepily laughs it off, "what the hell?" I say, "You're weak Oliver, can't even fire a gun properly." Grin said to me, I decided to run towards him for a fist fight, "so you aren't going to surrender now? I'll teach you a really good lesson." Grin tells me as he begins to swing at me, punch after punch is throw at each other, a couple punches here and there and I think I have the upper-hand and with that I grew Atom's claw and was looking to slash at Grin but suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my gut, I look down to see a hook stabbed into my stomach, "What's wrong Oliver, didn't see that coming?" Grin said to me with his usual smile.
Everything began to fade to black, I could feel the hook exit out of my body, I fell to the ground with a stabbing pain in my gut, I was bleeding out, before I fell into a unconscious state I could see Atom fading away, he cant survive without being linked to my life and if I die he dies along with me, "Oliver!" Lily yells out... Lily... she's the only one left who'll be able to fend off Grin... if she can... Everything starts to appear dark... my eyes started to get heavy... I needed to... rest for a moment... I think... I think I failed my quest for vengance... I'm... sorry...