Chapter seven Six month later

Six month later, At the Richards mansion.

Mrs Richard sat leisurely on a two sitter sofa in the living room slowly sipping the ginger tea the maid made for her due to her cold. She silently browse through her phone for latest dress in vogue. It's been awhile she attend any fashion show, since today is Saturday she might decided to go shopping later but she needed to see latest things first.

Even if she need to go shopping later, she need a lot of rest because the stress from work is taking toil on her health.

Her assistant/secretary Emily always advice her to take rest but now she think its time to do just that. she has taken leave to rest for three days. She left the leadership of the company to the CEO Mr Lexus and Bob her daughter's fiance. Thou she can ask her daughter to act on her behalf and take care of things during her absence but she is so disrespectful and snobby, she will destroy thing before her return but Bob is trustworthy and dedicated young man.

Despite that he helps in his Father's company he always find time to check on her and also help her in her work, that is why her mind is at peace leaving things in his care.

She is trust him more than her own daughter. Now thinking about her daughter, she heave a sigh thinking about that daughter of hers. She doesn't even know what is going on in that her head.

The relationship between the Richards and the Kelly has brought a lot of peace to her mind since they got engaged. A beautiful smile crept into her face when she remembered her husband, she has achieved what the could not achieve in making the two families become one but she still has step in achieving the goal only if her daughter could be more cooperative but she is not helping the matters at all.

She will be indeed happy and glad to leave her in a competent family like the Kellys if she went to meet her husband in the old age. She did not know what went wrong between the two if her memory serve her well the two has been getting along but in the recent time everything has taken a 90 degree turn. While she sat there ponder on what to do , she lifted her head to see Susan coming down the stairs in her black bump short that stopped in her mid thigh and a blue tank top looking radiant as always.

Susan moved closer to her mother to peck her forehead. "Mum, what are you thinking about? you seem to be dull an prob ?" she asked her mother cheerfully before sitting on the sofa next to her. She sat on the single sofa next to her mother resting her elbow on the arm if the chair looking at her mother awaiting her response .

Mrs Richard chuckled at her she wanted to replied nothing but she decided to push her luck when she notice Susan was in a good mood .

She put the tea cup she was holding on the table before she replied with a straight face "I don't think you should be asking me what you already know, Sussy."

"mum! she yelled. I don't know what you are talking about. Moreover, why should I know when you are not telling me anything." she shrugged.

"You can not understand?!Why will you understand? when all you do is to go about bragging." Mrs Richard sneer before she picked up her phone to continue what she was doing before her daughter came.

Susan was fuming with anger when she heard what her mother said, she stood up from her seat faced her mother. "Mum what are you even taking about? you decided on your own to keep things away from me . is that my problem? "she asked with her hands on her hip before she continue, "you treated me as if am not your daughter anymore. I kept quiet watching you and you are asking me what I did not know."

"You believed in Bob that outsider more than your own daughter, you allowed him to help Mr Lexus in overseeing the company's affairs while you rest. you cast me the heiress of that company, my own fathers company aside. You left me as an assistant to that old man did I complain. Tell me mum is he that trustworthy that you lost all you trust and confidence in me, am I that useless. Bob has his own family company even if they are not as rich as the Richards, it is still something why will he be here. Ever since you allowed him into that company you seem to believed in him and neglect me like an old shoe. Why are you like this?" She blurted out angrily at her mother. "Only if Dad is ..."


The sound of slap made her stunned, made her unable to complete her sentence.

Her mother just slapped her. She looked at her mother that is now standing in front of her face to face . She hold her cheek with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Enough! Susan. I won't sit down here and have you insult me and question my authority. I am your mother, you cannot talk to me like we are mate. oh! I see! you have grown a new wings right? instead of you to fix yourself, you are here asking me how I do my things. You are saying he is this and that, let me ask you are you the only one that will be a heiress? are you the only one that will be born with her silver spoon in you mouth? Why are you so arrogant looking down on everybody?."

"If you are as half obedient and good like that Bob you called an outside do you think I will still be in that company working my ass off everyday while you go out there flaunting your wealth to everybody. I hope that slap wake you up and if you refuse to wake I think its time I seize you cards and vehicle so you know how to work for your own money."

After saying her piece she walked away leaving the stunned lady alone. On her way out of the living room, she beckoned on one of the maid to pack up her laptop and phones to the garden for her to enjoy fresh air and calm down.

Susan looked at her retreating figure and heard her instructing one of the maid, she quickly ran up the stairs to her room. She did not want the maid to see her embarrassed state, her cheek is lightly swollen and red with hand print and her hair is a bit messy too.

She knows all of them are rejoicing right now but she will make this house uncomfortable for them later but right now they are not her concern. She opened the door to her room ran into her bathroom and cry her eyes out. She did not expect her mother to slap her that hard, no one has the effrontery to treat her like this. She stayed there for God knows how many hours before she dragged herself back to the bedroom after taking shower and change into her pyjamas.


Dinner time

Mrs Richard sat down at the dinner table waiting for her food. She noticed she has not seen her daughter after confrontation this afternoon, she decided to ask after her.

"Josephine, where is Susan?"

"Madam, young miss has been in her room since afternoon."

"Alright, send someone to call her for dinner. She instructed before she started eating her food."

A moment later, the maid sent to call Susan came back " ma'am, she said she did not have appetite and ....."

"and what again? can't you talk ? "Mrs Richard yelled at her.

"No ma. She said she is not hungry and no one should come to call her again. "

"Is that all?"

"Yes ma,am."

" You can go. call Josephine for me." She dismiss the maid

"Josephine send Susan food to her room."

"OK ma, I will do just that ma."


In Susan's room

She sat down, staring at the ceiling, sulking alone in her room, she is angry at no one in particular.

knock! knock!

She got angry when she heard knock on her door again, " what is it again I think I have made myself clear that no one should come to call me again, I said am not hungry " She yelled from room.

Josephine flinched when she heard her yelling and throwing things at the door. " young miss, am sorry to bother you. madam asked me to bring you your food since you are not coming down."

She was still talking when she heard the sound of lock opening the door, thou she is afraid . She smiled brightly when she saw her young miss opening the door to received the food tray. "Young miss please eat. They are all your favorite. "She said happily.

Susan stretched out her hand to receive the food, suddenly she pour all the content of the tray on Josephine.

It happened so suddenly that she have no time to dodge well but hot soup still land on her leg, she screamed from the burn on her leg. Her scream attract others in the house.

" I have warned that no one should come to me again." Susan screamed at her before closing her room door with a bang.

Mrs Richard ran up the stair when she heard the commotion. She came right in time to see her daughter scream and close the door. She shook her head and murmured an apology to Josephine. "Josephine am so sorry to cause you all this. Jane come here and clear this place and attend to Josephine's wound." She said before she head to her room with heavy heart.

Inside the room , Susan stomach growl, she pat her stomach talking to herself "stomach sorry. let's endure till tomorrow we won't die." She lay on her to sleep but she kept tossing and turning till dawn when sleep finally visit her.