We are relocating!

" Where are you coming from Bob?"

" What do you mean where am I coming from?please I had a long day just let me be, I need to shower ." He started climbing the stairs when Betty run after him.

" You have not answer my question Bob!" She yelled angrily.

" I think it is a mistake coming here."

" Am I now your mistake? It is two weeks Bob. Whose two weeks you came home. He descended the stair and walk out of the door. Before Betty come back to her senses he has already drove out.

" Shit! what a useless guy! I won't take it easy with you if I ever find out you are trying something funny behind me . I don't know why I had to tolerate all this rubbish . Did he take me for a fool.? Am I a piece of a furniture to him?" She said to herself.


Country f

Susan apartment

Susan open the door to her shared apartment with Cathy, she removed her shoe and slumped lazily on the couch, she is dead tired from the long day and boring meeting.

" Welcome home, lazy bone."

" Thank you! You can say that again, am so tired and lazy to carry my body right now. I will go and shower I just need to rest here a little."

" OK! you need a warm bath, I already prepare dinner. " Susan look at her in amusement she know this friend of hers will never bother preparing dinner if it is not something special is happening. " Did I smelling something. " She said sniffing around.

" Come on! can't I prepare a simple many meal?" Cathy answer with a pout.

" Did I said something like that?"

" You are a meanie!!"

" OK, just let me shower, I will be back you better be ready to spit everything out." Susan rushed into her room to take care of herself. Cathy smile at her ' You knows me the best.'

After twenty minutes Susan came out looking energized and fresh, she went to the dinning area where Cathy has already set the table waiting for her.

" Am ready, Come out with it."

" Hey! what are you coming out with, let's eat am famishing already waiting for is like waiting for water in the desert. ". Susan glared at her, she knows perfect well that she usually take long time in the bathroom but that was because she always cry and let the water wash away her tears without the knowledge of anyone. " I barely used thirty. minute this time though "

" Yeah! I know that was because of the gossip. Who will believe that the person that sat lazily on the chair a while ago, is jumping for gossip right now."

Susan shrug as if it is not her concern " You don't know and I will enlighten you. That gossip keep me going. It is like medicine, I wonder why you doctor's don't prescribe it. ". They both burst out laughing holding there stomach.

" Alright let's eat. I will tell you everything you need to hear. Miss gossiper , I will heal your poor soul of its disease. "

" This food taste real great!" Susan said in between her chewing enjoying the flavour of her food.

After the food they went to the kitchen together to clean everything. The two of them come out to seat in the living room beside each other.

" We getting married Suzy!".

"ahahhhaaaaaaa! My dear that is not funny at all! " Susan laughed at what Cathy said, she vividly remembered she vow not to get married at all. She stopped laughing she. she saw that her friend is. not laughing at all. " A.....are you serious with what you are saying?"

Cathy exhale before she nod her head in response. " Am not joking girl, am no more a young girl I want to settle down and build my own family too."

" Wait ! Are you two at that stage already? or you are doing this because you are no longer a young girl?"

Cathy chuckle at her questions. " It is inevitable my dear. whether we are at that stage or not I have to settle down and start my family. "

" Cathy! I know you are a great person, I want you to settle down and start your own family but not because or pressure but because you too are in love. Please I beg you don't go ahead if you don't love him. Marriage is a life time contract my dear."

" Yeah! I know, Thou I don't love him the way I love .....never mind my heart will love him totally in the nearest future. Don't worry he will make me happy. I know he love me sincerely."

" I know he love you with all his heart. I wish you happiness my dear. With time things will fall into place. "

" Thank you and I want you to move forward too. I know he cherish you with all his heart. You are the only one in his eyes every other ladies are garbage. I have witness it once. " She chuckle sadly.

" Enough of this. Let us drink to celebrate your union my dear. By the way has he propose or you want to give yourself away just like that." The two of them grab a drink from the refrigerator and toast to long life and blissful marriage.

"Susan, We are moving after the wedding." Susan hand pause before she drop the bottle of her beer on the table. "

" It understandable , you can't stay here with me now. I don't want to be stuff with dog food everyday of my life." The two burst out laughing .

" No you are wrong. We are relocating.!"


" What!!!???