I will make you pay!

It has been two weeks now that Cathy wed and relocate. Susan drag her tired body to the empty house. she is more than lonely in here apart from that the house is too big for only her. She made a mental note to find another apartment.

She has promise Cathy she will visit her but not now, the coast must be clear before she does that. No one knows she is still alive. She looked around the empty house and sigh to herself. After her accident she is s always afraid to be alone.

She recall while she still work at the restaurant in the suburb she recollect how she always made an excuse just to stay behind near people. She is more afraid of darkness too, she can't stay one minute without light. She close her eyes and hot steam tears ran down her cheek.

Thou her life is fine now but she can not help but reminisce about the past. " Mother , where are you? I miss you so much.... Suzy miss you! why do I have to be like this? why do I have to suffer ....why, just why?" She continue to sob silently talking to the empty room. She pour out her emotion that she has hide deep in her.

She always cry herself to sleep every night and first thing in the morning that it has become an habit. ' It is almost a year now, those bastards must be enjoying my money now' .

' She started laughing hysterically at the thought. " I will make you pay!!!! You made me suffer you will suffer times ten of what I suffered." She calm herself before she drag her feet to her room to bath since she had eaten dinner with Jerry before coming home.


Betty has not being feeling fine for the past two days now, she went to the hospital. ' First hospital is the top hospital in their country, they offer first hand treatment. After visiting her doctor, she was referred to OB/ GYN department at the top fifth floor just as she stepped out if the elevator she sight a familiar silhouette.

She hurry to the figure to get a clear view even if she was blindfolded she need no one to tell her it is her husband . 'What is Bob doing here?' She mumble to herself, just as she was nearer him she saw him standing up assisting a lady that is heavily pregnant. She was jawed slacked not believing what is playing right in front of her.

She saw how he looked at her with so much love and guide her with utmost care. She recall he has also treated her like that when.....She snapped back to reality when someone tao her on the shoulder.

" Excuse me miss, are you here to see the doctor?" The nurse asked making her, she smile at her before she nod gently at her. " Don't stand there then, please seat you might be hurting the baby."

Betty sat quietly silently rubbing her stomach, she pray it is as the doctor said, she can't wait to carry her child with Bob.

Her brow furrow when she remembered her husband inside that room with another woman. ' maybe, she is one of his worker .' She said to herself forgetting how stinking her reasons are.


She fixed her gaze on the door of the consulting room. She avert her gaze when she heard the voice of the nurse again. " don't worry, you don't have to be nervous, everything will turn out fine."


Inside the doctors office

Alice lay on the examination table while the doctor pour the special gel on her producing stomach rubbing the instrument on her stomach . Bob was grinning from ear to ear when looking at the movement of his baby.

" Darling, see he is OK! see it moves!." Alice was full if joy looking at the baby too. When the doctor was done with the ultrasound scan, she wipe the gel off her stomach before helping her to sit. Bob guide her gently while she sat beside him to face the doctor.

" Thanks my wife. "

" He hold her pecking her face making Alice blush. Doctor Sam clear her throat to show her presence. " Sorry doc! am excited. "

Sam smile in understanding. " I understand Mr Bob, now you have seen for yourself that your baby is doing fine. Just let your wife take enough rest and eat lots of fruits. "

" OK, I will just continue to spoil her then." They all chuckle at his statement before they bid their farewell.


Betty rose to her feet when she noticed the door to the office is about to open, she faced the other direction with excuse that she want to visit the restroom. Bob was too happy to noticed anyone.

He place his hand on her shoulder with face full of happiness. Betty came back after she make sure they have enter the elevator.

She enter the doctors office. She came out after her consultation. She was both happy and sad. She was happy because she is two month gone, now she understand the reason for her mood swing but sad because she saw her husband with someone else wish she doubt in her mind or her mind made her to believe so.

After getting home she called Bob on the phone and the latter promise to come whenever he has time. " Am busy, I will come when am chanced ." He drop the call after that statement without waiting for her reply. Betty stated at her phone for a long time sighing to herself.