Chapter Thirty-Five

A group of people sat inside a longhouse and waited for the one at the head of the table to speak.

After clearing his throat, the old man spoke. "My spies have informed me the worst has happened. The human kingdom has begun to collapse, and the elf democracy was truly destroyed by this emperor."

"Lord, can we trust your spies information? I believe that the elves are prospering in the new Empire."

Whispers could be heard throughout the great hall before the old lord raised his hand, quieting them. "The seer has also spoken. Although we are advanced centuries ahead of them, the emperor is heading our way soon. With her prediction, he may be able to wipe us out in a single fight."

Whispers again erupted before someone stood up. "What do we do, lord?"

The lord sighed. "Take the women and children away from the fiefdom, towards the capital is preferable. Anyone who is ill or unable to fight as well."

"We will fight then?"

The lord nodded. "If we can't come to an agreement with the emperor, we will need to stop him from getting to the capital."

Just then, the sorts to the longhouse opens and a women dressed in white walked in, guided by a cane. The hall went silent as everyone looked towards the woman.

"Seer Fyorn. What warrants you leaving your hut? Another vision?"

Just then, two more figures walked in behind the seer, with glowing blades by their sides. "Who is the lord of this land?" One of them, wearing white garments asked.

"We would like him to meet with our master." The one in black followed.

Everyone at the table stood and reached for the weapons at their sides, but Seer Fjyorn raised her hand. "Go with them, lord. They wish not to harm anyone here."

The lord stood and spoke. "Who are these men? Soldiers of the emperor?"

The boy in white nodded.

'Red skin?' The lord thought. "I'll go with you on the promise you won't harm the people in my fiefdom."

The one in black nodded and they deactivated their lightsabers. "Follow us, and bring your cartographer."


John sat under a dying willow tree and gripped his black saber in his right hand, touching his face with his left. 'I need another helmet.' The saber slash didn't heal like his arm. Instead, it left a nasty scar.

John sensed a few figures approaching and stood up, his hood covering his face. He put the lightsaber back on his waste and the twins soon kneeled before him.

"Master." They both bowed their heads. "We've brought the nearest lord and his cartographer." The one in black spoke.

"The woman is their seer. She has had visions of us coming here." The one in white spoke.

John nodded. "Return to the ship. I'll be with you shortly." He spoke through the force and the twins looked at each other, before standing and walking into the mist. It wouldn't pass the willow tree, nor the line of willows next to it.

"Seer, the Great Willow is dying!" The cartographer yelled.

Seer Fyorn only stood in silence.

"Lord Galan, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Emperor Thane, ruler of the Sith Empire."

Lord Galan bowed at a 45 degree angle. He was just a lord of a poor fiefdom, how could he not? A man that took over a whole domain stood before him.

"What is it you're here for, Emperor? Surely you understand the feat of crossing the abyss?"

John smiled under the hood, but quickly took on an indifferent expression. "It was nothing. I heard the abyss was full of beasts, but it was only darkness. My men won't have a tough time crossing either."

"Your... men? Are you bringing an army?"

John just looked at him. "I would like you to bring me and my acolytes to your capital, as well as have your cartographer draw up a map of the regions you know of."

Lord Galan turned to Seer Fyorn and back to John. "I'm sorry, but I only listen to the seer, and it's only when I seek advice."

John nodded. "That is fine. I have many other methods of persuasion." He reached for his saber as the seer spoke.

"Lord, do it."

Lord Galan turned to look at John for a moment. "What is it you want in the capital?" He felt his throat begin to slowly close and dropped to his knees, before it released.

"That isn't important. What's important, is that you get us in."

Lord Galan shook his head. "They won't let you in unless you have ID. Besides, the harvest is almost ready. I'll need to be here."

John smiled under the hood. "How long?"

"Maybe two weeks."

John turned towards the dying willow. "When the harvest is transported, we will hide inside of it, seeing as they wouldn't expect that."

"I'll get you in as long as you don't kill my people. You've my word."

He then walked into the fog, disappearing.


John arrived at the LAAT, and saw Cueball sitting with the twins.

"Contact Indigo." He spoke plainly, and soon, he heard Indigo's voice coming from the ship.

"Emperor, I hope the fall wasn't too hard on your legs."

"We never jumped, Indigo. We've learned that outside the capital, the Union is nothing but a bunch of poor fiefdoms, especially along the borders of the Abyss and forest."

"Do you want us to send over some troopers or your apprentices?"

"Not yet. Have Fain continue in my place. I'll contact you again, so at that time send Squad 22 with a Shadow Trooper escort."

"Yes sir, Emperor!"

The communications cut off as John sat down. "We'll wait two weeks. If Galan is gone, we'll burn his lands. If their's no harvest, or any unforeseen circumstances occur, we'll do the same."

"In these situations, what do we do with the seer?"

John shrugged at the twin's question. "We've no use for her. Right now, she breathes with a hand ready to snap her neck should she do anything."


Two weeks slowly passed, and John and the twins were able to get into the city using the harvest.

'Galan was good on his word.' John thought.

As the wagon they'd were in road through a street, they climbed out one by one, making sure to go unnoticed.

"The city sure is advanced." The twin in white said.

John nodded. "We've made it this far. You'll now have your names. You will be Irus'. It means light." He pointed at the one in white first, giving him his name, and then turned to the one in black. "You will be Odacai. It means hidden."

"Now then, let's find ourselves a vault."