Chapter Thirty-Six: Put on a Show

John and the twins were able to scout out the city in peace for only a few days before people began to suspect something.

After all, who wouldn't suspect three cloaked men who refuse to show there faces, especially when you can tell they aren't human? Naturally, a few people reported them to the city guards and even nobles, but some just ignored them.

John sat with his legs crossed as he thought about multiple things. 'In order to get to space, I'm betting on the Union having a mass amount of gold stored in their secret vault. How am I supposed to find it if even the highest ranked guards don't know about it...' His thoughts were interrupted by one of the twins knocking at the door. They stayed in separate rooms at an in, free of charge thanks to the Force.

"Master, there are three guards here asking around for you. What do we need to do?"

John smiled as he put on his cloak, lifting the cloak over his head. "Bring them to me."

After a few minutes of John arranging himself in the proper position, the guards were brought by the inn keeper, under the twin's control, to John's room. The door opened and the three guards entered, one with a golden banner on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" The guard asked John. "A spy for another country? Or maybe of the Duchess?"

John only sat in silence as the guard spoke.

After a few minutes of silence, John finally spoke. "How many of you are treated poorly by the ruling family? Is it all the guards except those under the nobles?" He waved his hand across the main guard.

The man's eyes glazed over as he began to speak. "None are mistreated. We all serve diligently to protect the Dynasty."

"Who's the Duchess?" The other two guards couldn't move, so trying to stop the man from speaking was only a dream.

"She's the former ruler of the Union. 15 years ago, her brother betrayed her, framing her for the murder of the then-ill former ruler. She fled as her brother and his family took over The Union." His eyes went back to normal and he stared at John in disbelief. "You warlock!"

John stood up at that point and left the room, saying only one line before closing the door. "I hope you die before you suffocate." They began to feel there throats close as they heard some kind of ignition as a red blade appeared in front of them.

He walked out of the inn and jumped to its roof, looking over the piece of the city he could see. The twin in white walked up behind him and kneeled as the sun began to set. "I'm growing impatient. If we seek out the Duchess, we will only be drawn into this civil war, but it may give us a political pawn and access to the vault."

"It's a good plan, master, but why not just break into the castle and take the rulers hostage?" The twin looked up at him as he spoke.

"..." John stood in silence. 'Why didn't I think of that? I've been looking for information these past few days when I could've just done that!" John cleared his throat. "You've discovered my true plan. Very good. We'll move for the castle in the middle of the night. Target the heirs. I'll take the rulers. Tell your brother."

Hours passed as they waited on the roof, hidden from the public eye.

"Master. It's time." The twin in black said.

John nodded. "Bring the heirs to the ruler's chamber. I'm getting into that vault in the next few hours."

Once they split into three, they targeted the palace.

John went right over the first guards and gates like a ghost. He quickly arrived in a long hallway and waited in the shadows. Shortly after him, a guard to his right dropped to the ground, clearly strangled.

The twin in black walked in over it and stared directly at John as the other twin immediately followed him around the corner.

There were six rooms. One with giant golden doors, and the others with smaller silver doors. Some moaning noises came from one of the silver rooms while the others remained quiet.

"Find the youngest ones." John spoke as he grabbed the handles to the golden door. "Also kill the one having sex, along with their partner."

The twins bowed and both entered that room first, followed by the noise stopping and a few things hitting the ground, producing a thud.

John saw a woman's hand fall through the door frame before being pulled back in.

He took a deep breath as he pushed the door open. 'Time to put on a show.'