Danzo's Scheme

A loud explosion sounded out, as the cave that trapped the Konoha Anbu, started collapsing.

"Boar.....take Eagle and head towards the back. I think I remember seeing light seeping in from there. It might be an exit."

"What if it isnt????" Shouted Boar, as he carried Eagle.

"We dont have another choice. Run now." Miyabi spoke as he stared at the entire ceiling that started to fall. 'It's fall in one large piece. I might be able to hold it up.'

"I'll hold up the place. Get out nowwww!!" Shouted Miyabi.

"Five Gate: Gate of Limit. OPEEENNN" Miyabi's body turned red once again, as veins started bulging out. His pupils dissappeared. His muscles got slightly larger. He streched his arms out, and held the falling ceiling in place.

"RUNNNN... NOWWW. I CAN'T HOLD THIS FOR LONG." Shouted Miyabi, holding the cave ceiling. While horizontally it wasn't large, vertically it was nearly the height of the entire moutain. It wouldn't be an understatement to call it 1/4th of the entire moutain's mass.

Boar quickly fled towards the seeping while holding Eagle. He spared a glance towards Miyabi, and then look away.

"Arrggghhh" Miyabi's muscles started to tear, as he started coughing up blood. lsowly, but surely the moutain was crushing him to death.

after holding out for nearly five minutes, Miyabi's knees collapsed as he fell. The Moutain, seemed to have become a couple meters shorter than it's orginal height.

Thankfully, the direction miyabi pointed out was indeed an exit, as Boar and Eagle, safely escaped.

They didn't loitter around, in fear of the remaining Sunagakure Ninja, and hurried back to the village.


The Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, wore a grim expression as he read the report on the mission assigned to Miyabi. "Miyabi....."

A scuffled up Boar was standing infront of him as he relayed the events that transpired. After handing off Eagle to Medical Unit, Boar hurried to report everything to the Hokage.

"How could Miyabi have not noticed the ambush..?" Hiruzen was confused. Everything he heard was extremely unlike Miyabi.

Suddenly a figure barged into the room. The figure had a bandage covering his right eye, a X-shaped scar on his chin and his right arm was concealed by a robe, which he used as a sling to support the arm. In his left arm he held a cane.

Hiruzen looked up lazily and spoke. "What do you want Danzo?"

"I've heard everything Hiruzen. Miyabi was obviously a spy for Sunagakure." Spoke Danzo calmly.

Hearing this, Hiruzen felt his blood boiling. "Are you out of your mind, Danzo? Do you know the amount of merits he's earned us over the years?"

"Think about it Hiruzen. He knew just like us, that we are on the verge of war. He conveniently, allowed the Sunagakure Anbu's ambush to take place. He jepordized the lives of his teammates, and finally we don't even know if he's alive or dead." Danzo spoke, twisting the facts to his liking.

"Danzo...even you must have your limits?" Hiruzen retorted in digust. "How can you drag the name of a deceased shinobi through the mud like that."

"Hiruzen, unlike you, I dont live in a fantasy world. This world is a cruel place. And people who we thought were our friends won't hesitate to turn their backs on us." Danzo smirked.

"Miyabi has nothing to gain from siding with Sunagakure." Hiruzen spoke, as he looked towards Boar.

"Lord Hokage, Lord Danzo." Spoke Boar.

Hearing Hiruzen being reffered to as 'Lord Hokage' filled Danzo with contempt and digust, but he carefully hid that and continued listening.

"Miyabi was definitely acting weird. He was less careful and cautious. When I confronted him about it, he said he was distracted. Thinking about all this, I feel like it is possible for Lord Danzo's words to make sense." Boar spoke respectfully.

"...." Hiruzen was at a lose for words. He truly refused to belive that Miyabi would betray the village and jeopardize it's safety. "Leave for now, I wish to be alone for a moment."

"Yes, Lord Third." Boar spoke as he left, leaving on Danzo and Hiruzen alone.

"Hiruzen you've grown soft. War is almost here." Danzo left hiruzen alone with this.


In a dark hall, Danzo stood on a podium. Infront of him, were countless members in a black cloaks and masks similar to the anbu. This organization was 'Root', a oragnization were similar to the Anbu, but they only heeded commands from Danzo.

"I want you to spread rumors about the defection of Miyabi Uchiha. Be as discrete as possible. Recently Hiruzen has been trying to pry into the workings of 'Root'." Danzo spoke to the group assembled in front of him.

"Yes." The group replied in unison as they dissappeared from sight.

After they left, Danzi revealed a grin. 'This should expose the true evil nature of the Uchihas to the public of Konohagakure. Lord Second was right, the Uchihas are an evil clan, that needs to be exterminated.'

As Danzo spoke, he stared at his hidden right hand. "The Sharingan shouldn't belong to an evil clan. It should be used to protect the Leaf."


Within the following week, the entire village was speaking about the failure of Miyabi's mission and Miyabi Uchiha's defection to Sunagakure.

The various Jonin and Anbu under the third Hokage tried to trace back the rumors to it's source, however they all met dead ends. this was done for mainly two reasons.

Number one, the normal Jonin and public, aren't supposed to possess information about Anbu missions, reagrdless of whether the mission was a success of a failure.

Number two, Hiruzen wanted to clear Miyabi's name and stop the slander on Uchiha clan.


Uchiha Clan Complex

A lady with black hair held a tray of food and waited outside a wooden. "Reina, open the door. I've bought food for you and Gin."

The woman waited for a while and heard no response. He decided to open the door, regardless and to her surprise it wasn't locked.

But what she saw inside, scarred her for life. She saw Reina's corpse handing from the ceiling of the wooden house.

The tray of food fell from her hand, as she rushed towards the crib to check on the newborn.

The baby's eyes were closed, but she could feel a faint heartbeat. 'He hasn't been fed in a day or so... he's barely hanging on to life.'

She hurried took the baby to medical unit for intensive treatment. "The baby hasn't been fed in a day or two... Please save the child."

The medical ninja hurriedly took the baby and went into one of the treatment rooms.

The black haired lady hurried back to Reina's house adn untied her corpse from the ceiling. Tears started flowing from the corners of her eyes. 'She was already distraught when she heard Miyabi died on the mission, then everyone suddenly started say that, he defected to Sunagakure. I guess she couldn't take it anymore.'


"Hey did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"They say that the traitor Uchiha's wife took her own life."

"Serves her right."

"How can you say that? She did nothing wrong."

"What's it matter to you?"

Gossip spread through the streets of Konoha, as people passed their own judgement on the topic.

"But I heard that their son survived."




Hokage's Office

"Lord Third, how can you let these rumors run amok?" A middle aged man with black spiky hair spoke.

"Izuru, I understand your frustration. I gave the command to everyone related to this mission to seal all files." Sighed Hiruzen.

"My clan has suffered great unjustice. First we lose one of our strongest Jonin, then his wife commits suicide. I've been forced to disown the two. I've been forced to disown my own flesh and blood, to save face. If it wasn't for the betterment of the entire Uchiha Clan..." Izuru spoke, as he felt raging gushing inside him. 'Forgive me Reina....Miyabi.'

"I understand Izuru...however there is nothing I can do..." Hiruzen hung his head down in shame, not daring to look his old friend in the eyes.

"The best we can do right now is to takecare of their child." Sighed Hiruzen.

"Dont worry about the child. He's undergoing treatment for severe malnutrition." Spoke Izuru

"Thank god, someone found the child before it was too late."

"I'm leaving Lord Third.....I'll find the culprit myself, and when I do...." Izuru's eyes glowed red, but instead of three tomoe sharingan appearing, a strange tri-pronged pattern appeared in his eyes.

He didn't speak any further and proceeded to leave.

'Danzo...' Hiruzen had his own thoughts on the culprits, and had to follow a more dipolomatic way to seek justice for his friend.


A week earlier.

In the remains of a collapsed mountain side.

From the ground, a large green bud sprouted out. Once fully above the ground, the large green bud erupted, revealing a white figure inside.

The white figure's appearance was split into two halves. One half had spiky green hair, eyes, mouth and rounded teeth, however the other half look malformed, as it possessed no humane features. The malformed half, had multiple spike like protrusions.

"Hehhehehe.....looks like that old man won't need to wait for the war..."

White wood like tentacles emerged from the malformed half of the white and dragged out a bloodied and bruised corpse from under the rubble. The corpse was dragged back to the green bud which looked like a venus flytrap.

The corpse along with the white figure, was suddenly sealed tight by the green venus flytrap, and started to merge back into the ground.