Five Years

Waves of uneasiness caused by Miyabi Uchiha's 'defection', gradually died down as the situation in the shinobi world grew more chaotic with each passing day.

Nations were in unrest. It'd been nearly 20 years since first shinobi world war, and the peace treaty was gradually losing it's effect and hold on the nations that wanted to exapnd.

The nations maintianed the balance that could be tipped over with the slightest movement, and slowly one year passed.


Uchiha Complex

An elderly woman, was gently singing a lullaby to a baby of roughly a year old. The boy's eyes were shut and he seemed to smile a lot.

'What a cute boy. Even though Lord Izuru only asked me to takecare of this child, until he made other arrangements, I'll ask him if I can rasie him alongside Obito.' Smiled the elderly woman, as she continued singing.

The elderly woman, switched her attention to another crib. There was another baby boy in this crib, who shared a few similarities the first boy. The only difference being, this boy's hair was spikier and he cried a lot.

Just the elderly woman turned towards Obbito, Gin opened his eyes. He couldn't move too much, or speak.

'...It's nearly been a year, and I still have no clue where I am.....' The baby thought, as he continued staring at the back of the elderly woman. 'I thought that this was soul society.....but the clothing and language are completely different.'

'....Rangiku....I hope she's okay.' The boy's thoughts longed for a different world. 'I'm a baby and can barely move my limbs. It's humiliating depending on this old woman for help...'

'I know she's not my mother....' The baby boy's eyelids started getting heavier as he gradually fell asleep.


One more year passed.

The situation in the Shinobi world grew even more chaotic. Especially tensions between Konohagakure and Sunagakure.

Both these behemoths seemed have set their sights on Amegakure. Iwagakure loomed in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.


Uchiha Complex

'I don't know how much longer I can take this.....' Gin thought to himself. He was two years old, and could walk and talk. 'I have to learn how to act as a baby from this crybaby....' He started at the other baby boy, Obito, who constantly cried.

Now was no different, as Obito started crying cause he stubbed his toe. The elderly woman rushed into the room, the second she heard Obito cry. She picked him and started patting him on back and spoke. "Dont cry baby, grandma is here..."

Gin sat on the ground and stared at the interaction between the elderly woman and the baby boy. '....Why is she coddling him? Doesnt she know that's the only way he'll learn.'

After Obito stopped crying he fell asleep. The elderly woman, then gently placed him in his crib and looked towards Gin.

"Is my baby feeling left out?" The elderly woman streched out her arms towards the Gin.

Gin immediately turned around and started crawling towards his crib, in fear of being lifted up and craddled. The elderly woman however was faster and she swooped him up and held him close to her heart.

'...What does she want....'Gin wanted to struggle, but he knew from past experiences that unless he slept, she won't put him down.

He gradually fell asleep.


Another year passed.

The major powers of the world gathered in Amegakure. Hanzo representing Amegakure, Hiruzen representing Konohagakure and Naaz representing the Sunagakure. (Naaz is the name I've given the third Kazekage, as I couldn't find his official name.)

This was the final attempt at a peace, and disscussions of a new treaty floated about.


"Hiruzen, you can't bow to wishes of a mere Amegakure?" Danzo spoke as he slammed his hands on the table in front of Hiruzen.

"Danzo, Amegakure is not the one I'm trying to negotiate with. Sunagakure is ready to wage war at a moments notice. Anbu members have also reported suspicious movements from Onoki's side as well. Sunagakure and Iwagakure are nations that equal us in might and prestige. We would be fools to take the the roles they play in this war lightly." Hiruzen sighed. "I will not wage a war that we can't win, and even if we win will let a third party benefit more than us."

'.....if this war doesn't happen, I won't be able to gather Sharingans...' Danzo was running out of time. He noticed a fatal flaw in his implementation of the shringan's into his arms. The optical nerves in your eyes, refine the chakra so as to not damage your eyes. The same can't be said about the arms. The chakra running through the arms and legs were more brute and rough. Thus, the sharigan surgically transplanted into his arms had to be replaced routinely for Danzo to be able to use them.


'It's been almost three years since I've adopted Gin. I must say that he's a peculiar child. He's never whines or crys, unlike my Obitio. His expression never changes, he displays no sadness or joy. He eats when fed otheriwse remians quiet.' The elderly woman thought as she looked at the boy who sat in the corner of the room, not touching any of his toys.

'I wonder how I can get him to be more comfortable with me....' The Elderly woman started walking towards the boy. 'At least he doesnt squirm or struggle when I pick him up now. Baby steps.'

'This woman has come again.....' Gin stared at the Elderly woman who bend down to pick him up.

"Grandma....You can put me down." Gin Spoke. 'It feels so werid calling someone 'Grandma'. Back in district 65, I was alone...until Rangiku came into my life.'

'I became a Shinigami to protect her...' Gin thought as he felt nostalgic about his times with Rangiku in Rukongai.

"My baby Gin, Grandma has a suprise for you." The Elderly woman put down the child, and retrived a box from a satchel that hung across her shoulder.

Seeing this, the expressionless Gin quickly hurried to take the box. He picked up the box that was too big for his hand and hurried back to the corner of his room.

Seeing this the Elderly woman let out a dry laugh. 'The only time he shows any expression is when I get him dried persimmons.'

Gin sat in his corner and started indulging on the dried persimmons.

Seeing this the Elderly woman shouted, as she walked to the kitchen. "Gin don't finish them all. It'll ruin your appetite for dinner."

'She's such a pain...' Gin sighed as he spoke. "Yes Grandma."

Being left alone, Gin's thoughts began to analyse the information he had accumulated over the past three years.

'This world isn't a part of the soul society. There are no wandering souls, everyone ages normally like in the human realm. But at the same time, this isn't the human realm. There is no reiatsu or reiyoku in this world. No matter how weak I am I should still have been able to feel it, if it exists. There however, is something called 'Chakra'. Chakra in this world is equivalent to reiyoku, and is used for various purposes.' Gin's thoughts trailed of to a different topic.

'My name here is convenient.' His perputual smile became wider. 'My 'father' was a traitor and my 'mother' commited suicide. While I can't say I'm might be worth looking into'

Just then a loud cry resounded in the room. Obitio had woken up from a rather long nap, feeling hungry and grumpy.

Gin walked over to him and stuffed a dried persimmon in his mouth. 'I need to find a way to deal with this fool.' Gin smiled as he held the persimmon in Obito's mouth.

Hearing the loud cry the Elderly woman walked into the room, to see Gin feeding Obito. 'My boys are getting along so well.'

She didn't want to disturb a bonding moment between brothers and went back into the kitchen.

'Once I'm five, I can be enrolled in something called a ninja Academy....' Gin started rubbing his chin. 'I'm getting major Soi Fon vibes from this whole place....'

'Just what is my purpose in this world.' Gin went back and sat in the corner of his room looking at the elderly woman cooking in the kitchen and then back at Obitio who was sucking on the dried persimmon. 'What is....this feeling...'


Two years went by.

The disscussion of the peace treaty collapsed. Konohagakure offically started the war, as they declared ownership over lands bordering Amegakure.

Sunagakure abandoned Amegakure and solely focused their efforts in facing Konohagakure in a direct confrontation. Despite abandoning Amegakure, that's were majority of the battle between Konohagakure and Sunagakure took place.

Iwagakure movements became erratic, but the never offically declared a side, and merely spectated.

Hanzo the leader of Amegakure faced three young jonnin from Konohagakure and decided to spare them. The three jonnin came to be known as the legendary 'Sannin'.

A strong jonnin from Konohagakure distinguished himself in the war against Sunagakure and earned the epithet 'Konoha's White Fang'.

Oddly enough, two anbu members were assassinated in Konohagakure village, causing a major panic to break out amongst the Konoha shinobi and civilians.


In a cavern hidden well beneath the ground, plants and vegetation flourished suprisingly well despite a lack of sunglight and water.

In this cavern, there was a throne made of wood. A elderly man with long spiky white hair sat on this throne. There were white tube extending from his back and into the ground.

Suddenly another figure walked into the dim light seeping into the cavern, revealing his figure. The man was tall, and wore a black cloak with a chin high collar. He wore a black featureless mask, with only two slits for his eyes.

The old man on the verge of his death spoke. "Did you finish your job, Yami?"

The cloaked man didn't speak and only gave a nod.

"The truth about Konoha is not one I wanted to burden you with..." The old man sighed. "But the shinobi of the world are heading down the wrong path..."

"Sometimes we are too occupied with selfish and material reasons to see our own shortcoming. This leads to conflict...which leads to war. That's why.....our plan must work....." The old man gasped for air and coughed several times as he spoke.

"We are the envoys of peace....." The old man suddenly coughed out large amount of blood. "I entrust my will to you, Yami."

The Old man tunred up to look at the cloaked man. Through the slits in mask, the Old man could see red irises with a black tri-pronged design. "So even you awoke the Mangekyo Sharingan."

Hearing this the black cloaked man quickly deactivated his Magekyo Sharingan, return his irises back to pitch black.

"You must remember...they are both a curse and a gift..."

"I hope you didn't have second thoughts after seeing your son...." The Old man's voice trailed off, as he began to observe the cloaked man's respone.

"My goal is to correct the errors of this world. Personal relations will only serve to hinder me from reaching them." The cloaked man spoke, his voice turned cold and grim.

The old man didnt reply.
