Exploring The City

Next morning somewhere around seven in morning Raynor divine sense tingled, he slowly with groan opened one of his eyes, he saw his room door little bit opened and his mother was grinning and him with the phone in her hand.


She took a picture...

"So cute! I can't wait to send this to your father!" His mother said happily, but then she got serious for a second...

"No grandkids before you graduate!"

Raynor wanted to roll his eyes but he is too lazy to do that... he simply cuddled closer to his girlfriend.

His other hand waved at him mother.

"It's the summer holidays mother, don't wake me up so early!" Saying that he closed his eyes and continued napping...

While his mother went to work a few minutes later...

Around 10:00 AM, Raynor opened his eyes and checked his Phone...

Realised that his phone was still on Airplane mode...

He turned it off... and a few minutes later it started receiving stuff...

By this point, Qingyue opened her eyes and looked at what Raynor was doing...

That sound was getting annoying for her...

While Raynor checked the messages one of them is from his best buddy who is getting 'exiled' to the countryside to work for most of the summer.

'Damn his mother is such a slave driver...'

He did remember that both of them had planned spending portion of summer playing Mass Effect Trilogy...

He already finished the game on Soldier, Adept, and Infiltrator...

He did planned Playing Renegade Vanguard this time...

'Damn...oh well... I will have time to brag later...' After checking messages from his best buddy, he checked another one, which was from his mother...

After reading it Raynor groaned.

"What happened darling?" Raynor stroked her hair and showed her the message.

"She wants us to go to the supermarket when it's her break time so that she could buy stuff which we will bring home... but it's just her plot to show off me...and you of course, to her co-workers..." Raynor rolled his eyes at her, there is the reason why his mother is a head cashier in his local supermarket...

Hearing that Qingyue slowly got up from his bed, and dressed up, while Raynor checked the news online, more specifically 'Anime News Network' as well as 'Novel Updates.com'...

'Nothing interesting going on so far...' he then followed Qingyue example and got out of bed.

He dressed up casually and went to the kitchen, where his girlfriend was already being busy making sandwiches.

"So, what are we doing today?" Qingyue asked him.

"Well, since mother wants to us go to the supermarket, I think we should explore the city, and let me show you around..." Her eyes gleamed with interest, she quickly nodded.

"While same time..." Raynor summoned a golden coin from his inventory and showed to her.

"I do have mountains of gold..." He flipped it between fingers.

"I am thinking of selling a few to get some euros..." Raynor shrugged his shoulders, he has a ton of them so why not use it...

"Are those the tributes you got from Realm Kings?" Qingyue asked him as she handed over three sandwiches to him, the same time she took her seat next to him.

"Yeah, It's kind of amusing, that they think I am going to do something to them... funny enough I don't really even know them, yet they think I am going to wipe them off for some weird reason..." He shrugged his shoulders saying that, Qingyue only giggled hearing that.

"True enough, they were terrified, same time they thought you uncovered their dirty secrets, since they simply don't know limits and powers of Ancestral God realm..." Raynor simply shrugged again and continued eating.

"By that point, I stopped caring what Realm King A Things about Realm King B..." he summarized his experience as Overlord of Primal Chaos...

Raynor finished eating breakfast with Qingyue, and decided to go outside...

After creating a few more modern clothes for her, including a pair of 'Nike' sneakers, they were ready to go outside...

Qingyue instantly started to look around, the first thing she noticed was the same with Raynor when he arrived at her world for the first time...

"I feel this world is smaller..." Hearing her honest thoughts Raynor only chuckled.

"Well obviously this planet is much smaller than Blue Pole Star," Raynor said to her as he created a pair of sunglasses, and gave one to her.

She took it first, then she looked at him, as wanted to know the purpose of these.

But then she looked at what he was doing.

"These are sunglasses, it will hide a portion of your face, and besides its summer and summer sun is annoying..." hearing that she simply nodded and put it on.

"Hmm beautiful..." he said that to her as he inspected her more.

Qingyue little bit blushed, but quickly got over it, Raynor gave her his hand and they started walking...

Raynor house is built on the newer part of the city which started to spread around when World War 2 ended, as the Soviet Union started to centralize their rule over their new portion of Europe they conquered, His grandfather got that land for serving in military which is where it was built...

By now it's quite a sweet place, which westerners call it 'suburban area', quite big gardens areas, not many people...

And it's a good thing...Raynor has yet to develop proper Mind arts...

He can, of course, use something like 'mind blast' but everything he does at this point will be like using a sledgehammer to break a nut, the nut being persons mind...

"This world is very interesting... everything is so organised... people conserve here land to such an extreme degree, it's as if they using math in this..." Hearing that Raynor chuckled... because what she said is true.

"In fact they do, land in this world costs quite the money..." Qingyue in fact was trying to joke about math... but it was the truth...

'Such micro-management!' She was quite taken aback...

The other obvious interest was the machinery like cars...

In fact, she wanted to know when Raynor is getting his...

It was quite an amusing sight when she asked all about different brands of them and so on...

Eventually they arrived at his mothers working place.

"So this is a supermarket?!" She looked with interest.

"Yeah, an upgraded version of Marketplace, more organised, and advanced, while this is not biggest supermarket in this city, it has pretty much anything needed to be related to food..." Raynor said to her as they passed automatic doors.

Qingyue dropped a quick look at them, there was obviously no runes or formations in play, she knew that before, but still... she was intrigued how they work...

Raynor quickly swept through the cashier points his mother was not there, that means, she in cantina...

He pulled out his phone and quickly called her, he already noticed that people are looking at him and Qingyue...

He already started to hear something about 'movie stars', 'models'...

So he decided to enter the supermarket instead of waiting at the entrance.

"Everything is so organised...no wonder you were so intrigued by Floating Cloud City market, it's polar opposite to this..." She said quietly to him.

Raynor simply shrugged.

"Not really, I never was in Martial Arts fantasy marketplace before..." He said that to her with an amused smile, she rolled her eyes and followed him, where staff entrance is.

The Best part of living in a small city is that people don't often change their work, while in a normal situation to Raynor it would be great...but not at this moment as his mother's co-workers, started asking questions...

In end, he decided to simply say that he met Qingyue over the internet which is a weird sense is half-true...

And thanks to his lovely Girlfriend acting skills she quickly realised what he meant and she covered for him in this story...

Eventually, his mother came out...

"Ray dear, you finally here!" Raynor rolled his eyes at her, while Qingyue fiddled with her skirt for a second.

His mother quickly noticed changes in their attires something she had not seen in Raynor wardrobe before...

She knows all of his Adidas jumpers and hoodies... but not the one which has a winged serpentine dragon on it...

More mysteries for her to learn... but that for later...

"Anyway Raynor you have to tell me how to call your girlfriend! I have very little cultural understanding about China! and how did you learn Chinese? as well how did your cute girlfriend learned English?" Her mother asked with a quiet voice, as they started going through a list of groceries they need.

"It the 'power' I got when I beat that person in a game of Chess, the language barrier disappeared, and you can call her Qingyue or Yue'er." His mother slowly nodded, still trying to get over that fact that her son was away for a year.

"Anyway, mother tell anyone who asks an excessive amount of question that I won a ticket to China or something and went there for a week, or something like that..." His mother only rolled her eyes hearing that... but at this moment the most somewhat believable excuse, since he can talk in Chinese and his girlfriend has a Chinese name...

So she just decided to roll with this, until his father comes back then they decided what to do next.

So in less in ten minutes Raynor and Qingyue followed his mother around the Supermarket, while same time showing off Qingyue as his son girlfriend, this time Qingyue was somewhat ready and didn't blush much...

The funny thing was, she attracted quite an amount of males attention... but single ice-cold glance from her made them turn around and walk away...

Her 180-degree change in character is quite famous in Primal Chaos...

"Son, does she knows martial arts too?" his mother asked when she saw that ice-cold look Qingyue can make.

"Yeah... with swords as well...but she most dangerous with ranged attacks..." Raynor said that in a very casual way...

But for his mother...

'Well at least she knows how to defend herself, as that beauty she has is something else...'

Eventually Raynor and Qingyue left supermarket with four bags...

But Raynor stored them inside his Inventory the first moment he could...

Once that was done, they walked towards the city centre which was half an hour walk by foot.

When Qingyue saw river separating Old City part from the newer part, she commented :

'What a nice little water stream!'

Raynor wanted to facepalm.

As he personally saw what is considered 'River' in Primal Chaos...

Eventually they arrived at City Centre and his first destination was a pawn shop.

He pulled out two pure Gold coins...

And handed over two the shop owner who inspected them.

"Not bad kid, where got these?" Raynor wanted to roll his eyes another nosey character...

"I was in China for a week and explored the countryside I guess I was lucky..." the shop owner nodded slowly, he murmured something about more than 'lucky' with that kind of girl next to him.

Raynor only rolled his eyes and motioned to get on with it...

'Thank god he believes that BS... I guess those Chinese characters on coins makes it believable...'

"Right kid, those coins are pure gold...and in total it will be 423 Euros..." But before he gave him the money he gave Raynor to sign up some papers...

Once that was done he got his cash and left with bored Qingyue who by then was tired of waiting...

"Heavens...darling why so much paperwork for simple sell?" She asked him while her hand wrapped around his elbow.

"Because people in this world love their micromanagement..." She rolled her eyes and they continued walking towards a small coffee shop...

It was pretty empty as it was around half past 11 am in the morning people are working or they are on holidays somewhere...

That moment Raynor got an awesome idea...

A smirk appeared on his face.

"Did you though of something nice?" His girlfriend asked of him.

He smirked at her.

"Yeah, I think I know where we should spend this summer holiday..." He pulled his phone and showed pictures of Caribbean beaches to her.

'Hmm I do plan on travelling the old fashion way or a cruise? but even then I will need a passport for Qingyue...'

He then decided to go to the naruto world to fetch his Rinne-Sharingan, mind-controlling will be much easier with that...