The Fruit And The Purple Eyes...

"What do you like to order sir?" one of the waitress girl came over to Raynor and Qingyue table, she was in the early twenties and was quite cute.

That amused Raynor to a degree is that she was trying to hide her blush, he smiled at her, that only make her blush increase, several times...such experience for him is quite new, while he did make his girls blush several times in Primal Chaos, the setting right now is new, he is in his home verse...

"I would like some Earl Grey tea and some croissants..." Raynor said that as he looked at his girlfriend who was reading through the menu.

Eventually, she decided to order the same thing as Raynor.

"I would like to order the same thing as my...Boyfriend..." She said the 'alien' word which never existed in her universe, it sounded somewhat weird, but she can get used to it.

The Waitress snapped out from her blush and quickly typed it down, and walked away to get their orders.

"What do you wanna see after we finish our snacks?" He asked his girlfriend who was looking through the Coffe shop windows.

"Getting some books would be nice... oh and you mentioned there is that small 'museum' as well..." Raynor nodded hearing that, he was in that museum only once and even then it was in his elementary school years...

Their conversation got interrupted by their order arrival.

Soon enough Raynor was drinking his tea, while Qingyue was tasting the croissant.

"Interesting taste..." She said after tasting the Austrian originated pastry.

"There are several variants of pastries, this world was built on competitive and innovative minds, that goes to food all the way to buildings and technology..." She nodded hearing that she can see that happening as people don't raise their strength instead they improve in different ways...

After finishing their small tea break they walked towards the book store which was quite close...

Once they were inside their noses were assaulted by the smell of paper...

Qingyue quickly started exploring it, while Raynor gaze went to a different direction, what attracted his attention was on the opposite side where Qingyue walked.

With a few steps, he was there and his hand touched one of these...colourful books...

['Bleach' Universe Detected]

[Adding Gateway to Plainewalker]

Raynor was quite shocked at what he found...Never before he found manga in his home city...

It's even rarer than finding games for consoles...

He pulled out the first volume of Bleach Manga.

'Oh, this brings back some memories...'

Checking through the pages he was hit by nostalgia.

Raynor still remembers that AMV video made from Ichigo Vs Ulquiorra battle, and combined with Skillet: Awake and Alive song, it makes one of his favourite battles in Bleach...

Skimming through the Volume, Raynor picked up the second, the third, fourth, and fifth volumes, basically all available in book store...

Once he done here he saw Qingyue who had a small mountain of books, he walked over to her, and checked what she took.

'World history, modern science, the great migration, World war 1 and 2, Philosophy...'

Raynor whistled for a second.

'She really knows what to pick'

After selecting her books Raynor paid for all of it...

'155 Euros for books...'s the first time I spend that much money on Books...'

After book shopping was done, Raynor took all these books into inventory, and then they continue with their adventure, eventually arriving at the museum.

After paying the entrance fee, they went on exploring, it's the only museum in the city, and it's heavily focused on city history, most specifically the city times in the medieval era, so there are swords, chain mails, plate armours...

"It's says medieval era... what does it stand for?" Qingyue asked Raynor as she looked at rusted Steel sword.

"My world history is sorted in time periods, it reflects my worlds technological level, the medieval era is where steel dominated the world... each of these eras have their own unique points, the next era after medieval is renaissance, then industrial era..." She nodded hearing that she already decided to quickly learn all of that...

They continued exploring the museum for another 30ish minutes before they started walking towards home.

As Raynor was walking towards home he saw another car pass them, Raynor, of course, didn't pay attention to that, as it was just another car.

Until he felt heated look coming from it, for a second he used his divinity to find out who it was.

What he found out quite surprised him...

'Never expected to see my crush from elementary year's...its seems she found out that it's me...' Shaking his head he dropped this, he won't be seeing her for whole summer, by then he will have proper excuses ready for his supernatural looks...

~~~~~~Late Night~~~~~~

Raynor finished relieving himself in the toilet and walking back to his bed, but that stupid idea about the passport didn't leave his mind constantly popping back...

'Fine then...'

He activated his Plainwalker ability and time stopped, he then turned off his disguise...

And created a pair of simple slacks and flip flops, with a simple white t-shirt.

He then select 'Naruto Universe' and set the time of entry to be at five minutes before Kaguya eats the fruit...

Soon enough white doors formed in place of the one's leading to the kitchen from the corridor.

He casually walked through them and realised that he was in the air, he quickly started to fly...

He looked to his left and saw massive tree stretch all the way high into the sky...

'Quite tall...but the one in Primal Chaos is much taller.' after finishing his observation Raynor looked forward and 'looked' what happening there...

He saw The 'Rabbit Goddess' running from those people, her handmaiden killed off, and she used her connection to the tree, the fruit started to fall...

Seeing that it was his time to act Raynor waved his hand and erased her pursuers...

He then motioned the fruit to fall into his hand...

A few seconds later he was holding the fruit in his hand.

'What a strange texture... it's like it's made from metal but it still has that soft feel to it, so weird...' Checking it out for a another second, he then took a bite...




Nothing happened...

'Strange... Kaguya turned all Primordial Goddess from a single bite...' Shrugging to himself he finished off the fruit.

It was somewhat tasteless, but taste was not the point in this situation...

Raynor waited for a few more seconds, he looked at White-haired woman who was looking at him with shock and fear...

That moment he felt something in his stomach it's like a power tried to take its course and spread through his body, but then it was mercilessly crushed by his Divinity...

And consumed like some food...and all the 'nutritions' added to his very being...

'That was...weird as f*ck...'

Another second later there was scalding pain in his forehead...

More Information was added to his mind...

He quickly dived into his mind.

Inside his mental library, there were three massive bookshelves, there were his three deities experiences, but to a side he found fourth one forming...

'I see... instead of getting the dojutsu or understanding of elements, I get information...'

He quickly went to this new book shelve and found what he was looking for...

He picked a purple specific looking book, and got intel he needs about...

'Hmm, I see..." Moments later he left his mind.

Outside world, not even two seconds have passed...

He brought his hand up and touched his eyes...

He then operated his Laws in the way he just learned...

Moments later he felt a searing pain in his eyes as if hundred of needles were poking them at the same time.

"F*ck! F*ck! this hurts like hell!" Raynor hissed from pain for a second, then it was done he removed his hand, and for the first time, he opened his 'new' pair of eyes...

Instead of his Draconic red eyes with yellow slits, it was Pair of Purple ringed eyes with nine tomoe's...

"So this is Rinne-Sharingan..." He looked around his vision was much clearer not that he could manipulate his vision before, but this is 'natural' state when his new eyes are active.

'Right since I have these now, I should test them, but first...' He took a step and appeared in front of 'Rabbit Goddess'

The White-Haired woman took a step back defensively.

"Who are you?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

Raynor simply showed his right-hand palm at her...

It was empty, and Kaguya didn't understand his actions...

He then performed a 'magical trick' and a Shinju tree seed appeared on his palm.

"I am taking the tree as well..." Her eyes widened hearing that, before she can ask anything she felt his finger on her forehead.

" something you will be grateful to me later...and... see ya later..." After saying that she felt some sort of energy washing her up...

She didn't know what it was but her mind was quite clear for some reason...

"Kaguya-sama!!!" Her eyes widened hearing that she turned around and saw her handmaiden Aino walking toward her with a confused face.

"Kaguya-sama... I feel weird it's as if I was dying, and it was cold... and next moment I was alright..." Her assistant said that with confused face...

Kaguya looked shocked at her as well, she didn't sense any chakra use at all...

It's as if the world itself rejected her assistant death...

'Who are you? Such power is something I never seen before...'

When she looked at the Shinju tree she saw it slowly... just disappearing... as if it was negated or simply cut and pasted somewhere else...

~~~~~~Half Galaxy Away~~~~~~

Raynor appeared in an inhospitable solar system with closed eyes, he was deep in his mind again, as he is integrating the Shinju tree into his mindscape, he then started to change it by creating nine branches which are growing outside of it, and then creating nine pedestals on which are written one to nine in Japanese.

He then connected these pedestal to the branches.

These are the spots where he is going to keep the tailed beasts in future...

He will be able to summon them at will from his mindscape, as the tree will act like a leash in case they will be disobedient...

Once he done with that Raynor focused on his powers, he can sense that it's much easier to wield elements as well as higher elements like time, space, gravity, death, life...

And of course, new abilities related to Yin, and Yang...

Delving deeper there he found, the famous abilities of Mangekyo Sharingan.

Like Susanoo, Kamui, Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu...

Basically all of them.. are added like techniques he doesn't need to use laws specifically to use them...

Even Kaguya's technique of space-time the Amenominaka...

While it's a good technique to travel between dimensions, Raynor has a faster mean to move...

'Interesting... with this I can create proper breathable planets easily...' Raynor smirked sensing how to use 'Creation Of All Things'.

"But for now... let's see my Susanoo..." Moments later...

Crimson Ribcage appeared around Raynor, there was golden like flames dancing around the ethereal looking ribcage...

Next shoulder blades appear and pair of skeletal hands manifested, followed by a spine and skull...

Slowly the Crimson aura continued to grow in size...

20 metres...

50 metres...

100 metres...

300 metres...

Stopping at 500 metres...

Raynor inspected his Susanoo, he was quite surprised...

He spread out his omnipresence and looked at the Susanoo from outside perspective...


What he saw was not Eastern Samurai...

It was Western Knight...

Winged Helmet, one wing is angelic other one is Demonic...

The Giant was in Full Plate Armour, and it had something like Coat of Arms on its chest which is an Eastern Dragon with wings...

While on it's Back there are a pair of wings, one Angelic other one is Demonic.

Raynor was quite confused how this happened...

'Then again the Fruit power couldn't take its course... instead I used my own Divinity to build this...maybe it related to my sub-consciousness, and my upbringing...'

In the end, he likes it, and couldn't complain, instead he decided to test something...

'Since this is my 'Gods avatar'...' He focused on his Susanoo size...


it started growing, and growing, and growing...

Eventually Raynor used his Susanoo to grab the closest moon which was the size of his Avatars palm, he then...

Squeeze it...


It's shattered like some fruit...

'Not bad...not bad at all, anyway, time to get home, '

He turned his Susanoo off, and used Time Law to reset the Moon.

And then he use his Plainwalker...

The Universe turned grey and he vanished...

He is planning to return here in thousand or so years...

Well for the residents that is...