Returning Back Home

Once the white light washed the whole Floating paradise, Raynor altered a few things as well as fixed Cacoon shell, in its place, there is a single exit point, where airships can fly in and out and explore the Gran Pulse.

While the whole population completely forgot this incident which happened a day ago, instead everyone had a 'normal day'.

Eden was restored, all the damage Fenrir did was rebuild, Raynor puppy was recalled, and people who were in limbo returned back to their rightful place, completely forgetting this traumatic event.


When Sazh opened his eyes he was no longer in Primarch Throne instead he was back home...

"Huh? how did I end up back home?" He scratched back of his head and looked around, he then slowly started to walk to other rooms...

Eventually ending up in Kitchen.

Where he saw everything like the way he left it before he went to see Fireworks in Bodrum...

Except for one small thing...

There is a letter on his table.

He slowly picked it up and opened it...

"Probably didn't expect to end up in your house huh?" Sazh chuckled reading the first line.

"Anyway...Primarch spilt the beans on my identity...I wanted to end the whole thing with a massive battle where I can see Eidolons(summons) in action, but alas not even plans made by God are failproof..." Sazh only shook his head and continued reading.

"But away, I made Pulse allow you to keep your fancy tattoo, that even includes your son as well... you probably wondering how I know that, but Gods have their ways... " Sazh eyes widened for a second, there was panic, since he still is l'Cie, he continued reading.

"Don't worry about your focus, or whatnot, it's my gift to you for helping me in this small adventure...oh... and helped you with something else... its a surprise..." Sazh read last part with a raised eyebrow, as he heard doors opening...

Then he looked who it was he was shell shocked...

"He really is a God...."

Not everyday people who suppose to be dead for a few years come back just like that through the main doors of his house...


"Well, this should do it..." Raynor double-checked all the changes he did to Cacoon citizens...

With that he took a step and appeared inside Lighting house where both Pink heads are waiting for him.

He appeared right in front kitchen doors, and then passed through them and entered into their kitchen.

"Well, girls I am back..." Raynor looked at both pink heads, Lightning was sitting in a chair with crossed arms and waiting for Raynor, while Serah was a little bit spaced out.

"So, A God huh..." The younger pink head said to him.

"Not naturally born one, but yes..." He said that to her as he took a seat.

"I was a normal teenager, when got this power to travel around the multiverse, my first world was full of extremely powerful beings, I had to gain my strength really fast, which lead me to become a deity..." Raynor said that to her as he summoned a bottle of coke from thin air, and opened it, then he created a cup of glass, and poured some coke into it.

"I see... so you have been just a normal human before?" Raynor nodded at her.

"I am, still just very powerful human, I don't see myself like some fanatical being, I don't really have that Ego of God, Something like that takes time to manifest," Raynor said with shrug.

"I see... then what you are really doing here?" Lightning asked with narrowed eyes.

Raynor simply smirked at her, he then looked at Serah.

"To... offer to come with me, and explore the multiverse..." After saying that Serah eyes widened, being the most curious one, her eyes gleamed with excitement of such opportunity.

Lightning saw her sister she knows where this is going, last time she was over curious one she ended up being branded by Pulse fal'Cie...

"Well, what do you say?" Serah quickly jumped from her chair and walked to Raynor side, she quickly found a reason to hug him again...

So she did...

Lightning could only roll her eyes seeing her sister's actions...

She knows where this is going...

She sighed...

Raynor really knows how to push her buttons and get what he wants...

"Well then, why don't we relax for a few days, and then we can leave towards my home dimension?" Serah quickly nodded, she quickly left towards her room she has few things to do...

Leaving only Lightning and Raynor.

"Since Serah is going so am I then..." She said with a simple sigh.

Raynor only smirked at her.

~~~~~~Bodrum Main Beach~~~~~~

Next Day, Raynor was lazing around in the beach chair, when he heard several gasps from people around his area.

Moments later next to him there was a person standing, Raynor moved his sunglasses a little bit down, and looked who it was.

"You are that PSICOM leader girl..." Raynor looked at the sexy woman, her hair is quite long, something you won't see in the army, especially in non-Cultivation world, people over there usually have long hair that defies laws of physics...

"Your Excellency, may I have a word with you?" She asked very respectfully.

"Sure thing..." Raynor for second dived into his mind, and checked his memories in-depth to remember her name.

"Since... You have dealt with all the threats from Pulse, in fact with all the threats possible... gods included, my branch of the military is no longer needed..." Raynor remember her name being Jihl Nabaat...

She is pretty much like Qianye Ying'er very cold woman and pretty much bitch to anyone who is not her boss or Leader...

Basically a Zealot...

and a perfect secretary...

"And?" Raynor asked her to move on...

She was somewhat nervous talking to literal God...

"Serving someone like you was always my dream... I became the leader of PSICOM just so I would be close to Primarch and be his right-hand man..." Raynor internally smirked, finding perfect minion, who has a minion mindset is something rarely found...

"I see... so you wish to serve me?" Raynor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Your Excellency..." Jihl nodded.

"Are you sure? I may be a God, but you don't know what kind of God I am, While I mastered all attributes(Laws), I have a dominant one's ...are you interested to hear about it?" Raynor asked her with a smirk.

"It will be related to your work..." Raynor continue smirking.

Jihl was not moved, Raynor can see that she is not that easily threatened by things.

Seeing that, Raynor simply sighed he wanted to see more expression from her.

"My dominant attribute is Primordial Yang, which governs over lesser attributes which are light, fire, physical attributes which includes stamina, as well as what is considerate 'man', the same time I am quite attracted to the opposite side of Yang..." Raynor eyes wandered on her body, Jihl eyes widened for a second she understood quickly enough... she is a smart woman...

There was a thin blush on her cheeks for a second, she quickly nodded at him.

"I will gladly agree to whatever you wish of me, your Excellency..." Raynor simply smiled, he is wondering if its a thing with blondes...

He has now two blondes with cold and ruthless personalities...

'Oh well, as long as she is using that bitchiness on my enemies I don't mind...' Raynor internally shrugged at this.

"Very well then Jihl, I will pick you up, in a few days..." She nodded at him, and respectfully turned around and walked away...

Raynor was impressed... she actually came with a bunch of PSICOM grunts...

'I bet they are masochist and they just loved being beaten up by that sadist woman...' Raynor chuckled.

"What does Jihl Nabaat wanted with you?" Lightning asked Raynor, as she walked over with few milkshakes, and gave one to him, Raynor eyes wandered around her body as well, she is dressed in sexy light blue bikini.

"She wants to join me, as PSICOM is getting dismantled..." Raynor said to her as he started drinking his milkshake.

"And do you actually have work for her?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, She did grill him out for more personal information... she lost pretty much any awe she had for him being a God...

She can easily relate to an average teenager than a God...

"I did 'conquered' the first dimension I visited..." Raynor said with a shrug, Lightning rolled her eyes.

"And why you didn't tell me about it when you spoke about yourself?" The elder pink head asked him.

"Because I don't really see it being important at that time..." She groaned for second hearing his answer.

"Right of course... Being a Ruler of the entire physical plane is not important?" She asked sarcastically.

"When I want to show off I will use that card...Claire..." Raynor smirked at her when he said her real name.

Lightning, nearly choked on her milkshake when he said that, she was quite shocked hearing him call her by her real name...

'Oh that expression...I like it...'

~~~~~~Home Verse~~~~~~

When Raynor brought Serah and Lightning back, it was directly in his room, where Qingyue was still there.

She looked at newcomers with interest, While Serah and Lightning looked with interest at her, they know this girl is a goddess in he own right, something is hard to believe, as she looks just a very pretty girl in her later teens...

"Why hello there..." Qingyue walked over, to them, She had a smile, Lightning for second felt a shiver going down her spine.

'She is very dangerous!' Her soldier instincts scream to her run away from her.

"You must be Serah, Lightning younger sister..." Qingyue did her own research on this (She read the wiki).

"Yes... and you must be Qingyue..." She nodded at her, they did a simple handshake.

Qingyue looked at the elder pink head, she is quite fascinated by their hair colour.

"Darling, I do believe their hair colours will stand out in this dimension," Qingyue said to Raynor as she looked at the newcomer girls hair colours.

"Indeed... I am going to make a few more necklaces..." As Raynor was about to continue talking he, he saw his mother enter into his room.

She looked at Lightning then at Serah, she was not really shocked seeing them...

While Raynor was out of the loop because of her expression...

"Lightning correct?" The elder pink head slowly nodded, she knows its Raynor mother, she has details of his household.

"Yes ma'am." Raynor was quite taken aback by his mothers actions.

"Ray, you look shocked... You do realise that you spend months playing that game, and its quite easy for me to put things together that you going to bring her over here..." Hearing that Raynor could only facepalm, he really thought his parents barely pay interest to what he is playing...

"Wait! game?" Serah asked curiously, Qingyue pulled out an Xbox 360 game case with Lightning on the cover.

"Woah, sis look it's you!!!" Serah said with wide eyes.

Lightning actually blushed for second seeing that.

"Can I play?" Serah said with puppy eyes, she was giddy, holding the game case like some holy object, she wants to play as her sister...

Raynor rolled his eyes at her...

"Fine let me fix the Xbox..." Raynor walked into his room, he connected the Xbox 360, operated few time laws, fixed the whole thing then he started the console, he took the game case from Serah and took the first disk and inserted into the console...

Soon enough the game started and Raynor showed her how to play it...

Moments later...

"Woah sis you are awesome! you took those PSICOM soldiers like it was nothing..." Serah said with awe.

Lightning wanted to find a hole and hide, it so weird for her to see... herself as video game character...seeing the whole train cutscene...

'What did I sign myself up....' Elder Pink head was so weirded out... especially since her own sister is controlling her...