Summer Holidays

Lightning only watched for few more minutes how her sister played the game which is considered main 'building block' for her dimension, in a normal situation she would roll her eyes and say it's nonsense, but by this point she believes pretty much anything...

After all, she is in a different reality, she is in a house were two gods reside...

But In the end, she decided to leave that room and explore his house.

She did notice that the technology of this world is much lower than hers, not that she or Serah are big fans of technology or care about it...

As she was walking through the corridor and entered what she thinks is the guest room she noticed that wardrobes being moved, as well couches...

'Are they he moving out? or are they renovating the place?'

As she was exploring moments later Raynor's mother came in.

"Well, want me to show around? since Ray is busy showing your sister how to play..." Hearing that Lightning sighed, in a sense, she wants to know how Cacoon has ended up without Raynor interference...

But the same time she does not, for her, it would be a what-if situation at this point... since she has not experienced the original ordeal which she believes is something quite... harsh.

"I accept, I have to apologise for just... appearing in the middle of your house..." The elder pink head did a small bow.

Raynor mother quickly shook her head, she was a little bit freaked out, no one does this kind of bows thingies in this part of World...

"It's fine! Knowing my son's... unique power... I already expected something like this will happen..." Lightning slowly nodded, she was told by Raynor not to tell them, that he is a God...yet

"Do you need help with moving things?" Lightning asked her, Ray's mother quickly smiled at her.

"You just came here and you already feeling at home!~~~" She teased Lightning little bit, the girl in question blushed for a second.

She has no real experience talking to housewives like that!

"Ray really knows how to pick them!" She continued talking in that teasing voice towards Lightning who started to realise that she was meaning by that.

The Elder Pink head doesn't really know much about romance and that kind stuff, since she had to take care of her sister for most of life, it was never on her mind...

"D-Doesn't he has a harem already!?" Lightning said with a small blush, it's a theme she is not used to talking about.

"The more grandchildren the better~~~" This sentence only amplified that, if it was a normal situation she would already pummeled someone...

"Don't listen to her, Lightning, she loves to tease people..." Raynor said to ther as he entered the room, and started moving stuff, Lightning looked at him, with little bit irritation, while his mother just rolled her eyes.

"Really now~~~"


A few hours later it was night time and Lightning, went outside to check the sky...

Someone like her who spend her whole life living in 'Paradise' called Cacoon, she never saw real stars before.

"Different isn't it?" Raynor asked her as they were outside, and the night sky is a privilege only small towns can enjoy.

"Indeed it is... are they truly other solar systems and galaxies?" She asked curiously.

"Want to find out?" Raynor asked her as he was giving her his hand.

Lightning shook her head.

"Not today... I had enough craziness as it is..." She said to him, as she decided to walk back, the pink head decided to hit the sack, she still needs to adjust to this new reality, the good thing is that Raynor exited Cacoon and entered this world around the same time, meaning that her biological clock is not affected that much...

Raynor simply shook his head, and decided to do same, while he truly enjoyed the floating 'paradise' he still loves his bed, where certain beauty already is waiting for him...

Next morning, Qingyue accidentally mentioned Xing Tong, in front of his parents as Raynor brought some strawberries from their back garden.

Soon enough they started asking questions who she is and so forth, at first they thought it's one of his harem member, after all, Raynor for now keeping tight lips around his harem...

There is a reason for this because most of his harem members are older than him or their positions in society are quite high, they will severely stand out just from their sheer mannerism...

But Xing Tong? he can bring her here, after all, she is his cute sister and she deserves to get some sort of family after what happened to hers...

And of course maybe even Cang Yue or Bing'er...

Cang Yue is eighteen and Bing'er looks like sixteen to Seventeen year old...

"Xing Tong is the little sister I got in that dimension..." Raynor said to his mother, who gasped for a second, she then started to grin.

"Ray you have to bring her then! I always wanted to get you a little sister!" Raynor cringed for a second, he really didn't want one, before he got his powers that is...

Especially from a toddler age, who get in your way when you playing video games or read some novels, but he has no qualms with someone who is at a similar age like Xing Tong, at least they are at that age where they know when he wants to be left alone...

"Alright I shall bring Xing Tong with me, I am sure she is interested to see this place...

'Especially since we have a strawberry garden here...' Raynor chuckled internally at the girl's obsession with anything red...

Raynor activated his Planewalker, and checked the worlds, what he found are three worlds which his power branded as alternative realities, the First one is called 'Raynor's Primal Chaos' the second one is called the 'Peaceful Gran Pulse'.

And Third one is somewhat confusing as it's a Naruto universe which is called 'God's Playground'

'Does the system sees it as my 'Playground' because I interfered with the whole Shinobi creation process?' Raynor thought for a second.

'Well, I shall check this later...' He selected Raynor's Primal Chaos' and a portal opened and he passed through right back to his living room in Primal Chaos...

~~~~~~Raynor's Primal Chaos~~~~~~

Once Raynor was back everyone just looked at him, for them not a second has passed, but for Raynor well that's over five or something weeks...

"Um..." Chu Yueli was confused as she didn't saw Qingyue next to him.

"I am back..." Raynor waved his hand in a greeting manner.

"Back?" Several voices who are godly beings asked with confused manner, they didn't sense anything! no power surge, no time laws or any laws in use...

"Yes, I was away for over a month, while Qingyue was for over a week, since I went explore another dimension..." Raynor said with shrug, he walked over and took a seat, surrounded by his girls, he really likes that feeling.

Several curious faces lit up, they intrigued where he went.

"Don't look that surprised, it's not that interesting dimension, compared to Primal Chaos standards, but they do know how to build floating paradise..." Raynor said that to his ladies, he pulled up Bing'er on his lap, she gave a smug look to Xing Tong and Huan Caiyi...

Raynor saw it and squeezed her nose.

"Anyway my parents want to see Xing Tong, they learned that I have 'Younger Sister'..." The crimson-haired girl's eyes lit up, same time she somewhat internally panicked, she doesn't really know how to act with her Elder Brother figure parents...

She doesn't want to sound like some royalty as she realised that after seeing Raynor slapping few Realm Kings from court for continuously calling themselves 'lowly kings'...

So she started to call herself 'I' instead of 'This Princess' at least in front of him...

"And of course I will bring another one since there is more space in my place now...(Raynor expanded his bed, he got used to sleeping in King size beds in his Penthouse and well as in Primal Chaos...)" Raynor said as he stroked his Little Icy Phoenix hair.

"So, who can go?" Chu Yueli asked with interest she want to check out supermarkets...

"It's either Bing'er or Cang Yue..." Raynor said that while hugged Bing'er closer.

Chu Yueli pouted for a second, Chu Yuechan only rolled her eyes at her sister, who is acting like a small child in her eyes.

She can't how her character got effected by those two laws...

Thank Heavens she is cultivating Water and Ice...

"You not going to notice that we are gone, it doesn't really matter that much..." Raynor said with a deadpan look.

He doesn't really want to bring this little naughty girl until the first floor is finished...

While Cang Yue looked at Bing'er with narrowed eyes.

"Shouldn't I go? I know my way around the kitchen..." Cang Yue said with somewhat smug voice.

Bing'er stiffed hearing that, while she considers herself mascot of his harem ( That her personal opinion, it's constantly gets disputed by Huan Caiyi and Xing Tong...).

She doesn't really know her way around the Kitchen, apart of making ice cream...everything else is still something she needs to cultivate...

"You are right... what is of course if you can survive my mother teasing..." Hearing Raynor comment Bing'er looked towards Li Suo for second she remembered how this certain Creation Goddess loves to tease and pull her cheek from time to time (couple thousands of years between teases), and knowing how different is Raynor world, and how that teasing could be realms above...

She doesn't know if she can actually survive that...

"Then I suggest Cang Yue should go for now..." The Ice Phoenix said smoothly.

Cang Yue smiled for a second, internally she fist-bumped.

She can show off her cooking skills, and show to Qingyue that she is better cook that her!

"Right then Xing Tong you should go and collect some stuff as we will be gone for at least two months, same goes to you, Cang Yue..." Both girls nodded, for Cang Yue, it doesn't really matter she can create stuff on a whim, but she knows she has to be discreet in Raynor's world, so she is going to make few things in here and store in her storage ring...

While Xing Tong went to pick up a few things from her room...

~~~~~~Home Verse~~~~~~

When Xing Tong and Cang Yue saw his room, they wanted to explore...

But, his mother noticed the Red-Head girl very quickly...

She really stands out like little ethereal fairy, even with her lowered beauty(cuteness)...

"Oh, my God! Ray, she is so cute!!!" Before Xing Tong can realise what is going on she was engulfed in a hug, and she was quickly carried out...

Raynor was gobsmacked how his mother just reacted.

'Did Xing Tong cuteness pulled her heartstring to the point that she just wants to protect her and cuddle?' Raynor thought with a chuckle.

While Cang Yue was just confused... what just happened?

"Right... sorry about my mom's actions... it seems Xing Tong cuteness is 'bomb'..." Raynor chuckled for second...

He then started to show Cang Yue around, she quickly met Serah, who playing FF XIII, its amusing sight for Raynor as she is stuck in an area where Lightning gets her Eidolon.

Raynor decided not to help her in this area, its something she should get over herself...

"Oh, Cang Yue you are here..." Qingyue said to her 'sister', as She and Lightning entered into his room, they wanted to know why Ray's mother was carrying Xing Tong outside...

Lightning looked at the new arrival, she can sense this...girl is a god as well, even if she doesn't show it she has that feeling...

'Maybe if he takes me to that dimension I can achieve similar power...' She thought for a second.

'But then again how can ask this?' She looked at Raynor who is showing his house to Cang Yue, who had the look of a child who just arrived at the amusement park...

'Well... I will think I know a way to do that...' His mother gave some hints what is going...