And just like Mu Xuanyin said, day later, they had visitors from the most of the Royal Realms.
Instead of bothering with them, he left Holy Grounds and went to closed Profound Beast infested forest.
And that was Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range.
After spreading his sense he was slightly impressed that the Emperor Profound Dragon which was living here actually broke through to Tyrant Profound.
"Ji'er dear what do you say about short warm-up before we start with the training?" Raynor asked her as he was observing large cave from air.
She purred when she heard that.
"Yes~ I am all for IT!"
Raynor nodded hearing that as he connected with his Inner World Palace and activated the Spirit World Gates.
Moments later the sky got cloudy as massive golden gates started descent from the sky just behind Raynor.
He smirked after noticing them, there was large Crimson-winged Eastern dragon painted on the gates, he made it so on purpose, so that when anyone, uses the World Gate technique it will be Golden Gates with his symbol painted on it.
Seconds later the gates opened and black miasma started to roll out from it, and then with a roar a large devil-like creature dashed from the gates.
Just seconds after that a snarling roar came out from the cave as large crimson dragon flew out.
It unleashed its dragon breath on Xue Ji.
"Hahaha it tickles! It's all you can do?" The shapeshifting Asura Spirit laughed at the dragon attempt to burn her.
"Since I allowed you to attack this Majestic One! Now it's this Majestic One's turn!" Xue Ji jumped into the air and caught the dragon.
Sinking her claws into dragon's underbelly.
The crimson dragon released painful roar, as he tried to shake the Asura Spirit off, but Xue Ji claws only sunk deeper into dragon flesh.
Not to lose momentum, she then turned it around and dragged down on the ground, causing massive damage to surroundings.
While the Asura Spirit was smaller in size her cultivation was higher than the dragon's, Raynor is still wondering why the dragon didn't try to escape instead of facing them?
'Maybe it already knew it was pointless?'
He just shrugged didn't care much about this kind of thing.
Moments later Xue Ji snapped the Dragon's neck like a stick, and then looked Raynor eagerly like a puppy who just did something amazing for his master and waiting to be praised.
Hei'er just groaned inside Raynor's Inner world, Xue Ji just proved the point that they are just like pets!
"Nicely done Ji'er." When Raynor said that Xue Ji would bang her tail into the ground if she had one to begin with.
"It was easy Master! the lizard was quite weak!" Xue Ji puffed her chest.
"Yeah, thanks for taking care of this pest, you can keep that Dragon carcass if you want." He said that as he floated into the cave and went to pick up the Fire seed.
Once his hand touched he, his fire laws reacted.
"Hmm, so that's how he did it... well... he was dying..." After inspecting the seed he threw it into his storage dimension and walked outside where Xue Ji already fished our the dragon core, and sucked out the dragon's spirit.
"Right, so we should start with the training dear, I got three techniques for you." Raynor walked over to the large Asura Spirit.
"For that, I have to give you the ability to manipulate positive and negative energy and mould it with your spiritual energy."
Xue Ji eyes widened for a second he is going to give her the ability to manipulate energy to THAT level? if it's true then she will be able to fight beings above her cultivation!
He then touched her and operated laws on her body, moments later Xue Ji felt like she could do much more stuff with energy and that it answers her call much easier than before!
While Hei'er inside the Inner World just pouted like crazy, why that wild woman is getting all the stuff?!
"Good, it seems it's worked, now first technique is called 'Tailed-beast Bomb' or 'Bijuudama' it's powerful technique which mixes both negative and positive energy and upon impact it explodes, the first being who used this move landscaped most of his world." After explaining this he transferred how to use the technique and the perfect ratio of the negative and positive energy needed to mould the ball.
Xue Ji and Hei'er gulped down hearing that, landscaped the world? that's scary! while they know there are Asura Spirits who can destroy worlds, but such beings are an old and don't mingle with more regular spirits, but now Xue Ji knows technique who can by all means and purposes erase all life from the face of the planet!
"Second one is an actual energy beam, where you mix your negative energy with spirit one, you charge it into a ball and then release it as a beam of destructive energy, it's called 'Cero' or 'Doom Blast' it's a technique used by Hollow like creatures, basically evil spirit who had too many attachments to the living world" Once again Raynor transferred knowledge how to use the technique.
"And the last one's origins are the same as last one, and it's not as destructive as the other two, but it's very good for quick and devastating damage at none suspecting enemy, it's called 'Bala' or 'bullet'." After explaining the techniques he took a step back, and for fraction of a second, he released his killing intent towards mountains in distance.
Even if it had a proper direction, everyone in hundred-kilometre radius felt that and Xue Ji for second felt like running into hills and hide.
"Right, so... I made sure those mountains over there are deserted, I want you to start practising your techniques." Raynor pointed at the mountains in distance, and Xue Ji nervously gulped down, once again she was reminded that her master is Primordial God, no matter how much his actions says it otherwise...
"Ok, Should I try with 'Bijuudama' first?" She asked him.
"Yes, as the technique says, you have to focus it at your mouth, and started collecting the energies and then start moulding them, the ratio of positive and negative energies are at 8:2..." He explained with crossed arms as Xue Ji started the technique.
Seconds later her just above her mouth black ball started to form and black and light blue energies started to gather.
This was the first time Raynor saw 'Bijuudama' being created in front of him, before this he only created animals for barbeque day who can use this move, and even then he saw it in a live-action only in front of live stream from the Royal Star Realms.
So his inner otaku was giddy to see this move used by being of similar size to Real-life Bijuu.
Moments later Xue Ji swallowed the ball and then spit it out towards the mountain in distance.
An implosion later followed, and massive mushroom cloud formed soon after it.
Both Xue Ji and Hei'er looked at this with opened mouths.
"T-This was made by me? how did I cause this much destruction?" She asked him, not quite believing what she saw.
"Well you being Half-step Divine Origin, combined with Raw power when Positive and negative energy react to each other upon impact, and you have this..." Raynor pointed at the plateau now in distance, he then erected a transparent barrier in front of them as the aftershock finally reached them.
"It was not bad for first try but your ratio was 7 positive to 3 negative we going to try again." He said casually to her.
"B-But master! where I am to shoot it?" She asked him as she looked around, the mountainside was pretty much wiped out, and another mountain is to closer to them!
"You do realise who is your master, do you? I am above Creation God realm, meaning that Creation is easy for me... but I have something even better! 'The World' obeys me!!!" That very moment Golden figure rushed out from Raynor's body and it spread out its arms.
Next Moment there was a loud sound of time control, something similar to clock ticking.
The world turned grey for a second and the mountainside was back where it was.
'T-Time control? no! more like reset!?' Hei'er said from the inner world.
'Are you that surprised that I can do such thing? to reach my realm one needs to achieve full control of higher elements and laws, I did that and even then I decided on a method to have them accesses even easier with 'The World' power.' Raynor motioned at his stand floating in the air.
He obviously, cheated even there as he made his stand only possible to damage by another stand...
But, even then one first has to bypass his complete control over time!
"Right then Ji'er try again! we are going to master those techniques!" He snapped the Shapeshifting Asura spirit from her shock, his stand already returned to him.
Xue Ji nodded at him and started to charge another Bijuudama.
Mu Feixue can't believe she already messed up her job like this! her master was gone!
'How I am supposed to track Primordial God?'
But then she heard an extremely loud explosion in distance.
'Yes...follow the explosions...' She remembered what her new Mistress told her, since Raynor got large pets it means he is going to teach them some 'simple moves' as she said...
'Simple moves? that explosion just erased that mountainside!' The New Raynor's assistant thought with a shiver, something she should not feel in first place because of her Ice Phoenix bloodline!
So, she followed where the destruction came from and found large Demonic like creature around 50 metres or so tall, next to this being, was a person, who was very small compared to this creature, and that was her new master.
"Ah, Feixue are you were looking for me?" Raynor asked curiously.
The Icy girl was a little bit unnerved by the demonic being next to him, but was able to hide nervousness with her poker face.
"Master I am assigned to be your assistant, If you are going somewhere you should always bring me with you!" She said that with her poker face, but Raynor can feel just how close she was to make pouty face.
"Well, I am going to remember that next time, it all thanks to those profound arks once I saw them arrive I just decided to ditch the place and do something interesting." He said that with a shrug.
"By interesting you mean destroying mountains?" She asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"Yes, now you came here on your own or one of my girls asked you to find me?" Raynor asked her.
"Lady Erina was looking for you as she wants to start as she says 'tasting ingredients'." Mu Feixue said that as she didn't know the meaning of these words herself.
Raynor just chuckled hearing that, he was wondering how long Erina will stay 'idle' without touching anything related to food.
Turns out it's less than a week...
"Well, then we should not keep a lady waiting then," Raynor said that as he looked at Xue Ji.
"Ji'er let's call it a day, we can blow up mountains later."
Xue Ji slowly nodded as gates manifested behind her and she reentered back into his Inner World, Mu Feixue looked at this new thing which was brought in by her master, and wonder just how this is going to work, and how can she get her own if possible.
"Right then, let's go." He put his hand on her shoulder, so far her master was the only male who touched her like this.
Next moment they were back in front of his house.
He then started to walking inside followed by Mu Feixue.
The moment he was inside extremely cheerful Erina was waiting for him.
"Ray! did you knew that some profound beats taste like turkey? or that some mammal looking beasts actually, taste like chicken!?" The Heiress said that with sparkling eyes.
Raynor just smiled at her, at least she was past that phase where she can call him by his first name without blush, but he suspects that he unleashed something else entirely on the Cultivation world.