Deciding On Next Thing

Erina dragged Raynor into their kitchen there were bunch food ingredients on the table, from vegetables to slabs of meat from different Profound beasts.

"So far I noticed that the more ingredient is exposed to energies of this reality the more tasteful it is, the downside is that not everyone can consume this kind of foods," Erina said that with her trademark thinking pose.

"Yeah, some restaurants in cultivation world, separate their restaurant into several flours, depending on influence and cultivation level," Raynor explained that to her.

Erina slowly nodded, she already came with this conclusion, this reality has everything based on a strict hierarchy which is enforced by cultivation even further, opening a restaurant in the floor like system is the best option so far, if she wished to get the best outcome and touch all the people.

"Ray, I need those eyes to taste them as quickly as possible! with that clone ability it would be six times faster!" The orange-haired girl stated it like fact.

Hearing that Raynor just looked at her, and then smiled.

"You do know what you have to do?" He smirked saying that.

Erina just crossed her arms for second and then rolled her eyes followed by taking a deep breath.

She leaned forwards towards him and kissed him on lips.

Raynor held his part of the bargain and transferred the knowledge to her.

Moments later Erina lips separated from him, there was thin blush for second but then it was replaced by a pout.

"I can't have them yet!" She said that with a growl, and then crossed her arms under her bountiful breasts.

"My cultivation is too small! I KNOW how to sense them thanks to our cultivation method..." She looked at him then with almost teary eyes, something she probably picked up from his girls.


"I can give you Primordial Energy, but it will be better if you properly cultivate the method." He said that, only to earn even bigger pout from her, eventually she caved in, as Raynor was not budging from this.

"Fine! I will return to cultivating! and once I am at that level we will go around and collect ingredients!" She said that with fire in her eyes.

He just nodded at her enthusiasm.

"Sure thing, I will tell my minio... I mean disciples to get some stuff for you." He almost slipped there, and Erina just rolled her eyes hearing his slip.

"Yes do that, while I will finish with the cultivation thing!" The Heiress quickly disappeared with her 'Dragon Leaping'.

"Yes it seems she already enjoying her new abilities." He said that with amusement as he left the kitchen as well.

~~~~~~Week Later~~~~~~

Raynor was lazing around on the couch, in his hands was his tablet, and he was reading a Chinese novel.

He never thought he will end up reading another Cultivation novel after he dropped Against The Gods.

After he did most of the things in the sect he decided to laze around in his living room.

He already gave access to Spirit Realm to his girls and his sect, Arno included, not only that but his newest three girls finally finished with the cultivation thing.

The first thing Erina did after that is dragging Cang Yue and Serah with her as they went out to do something food-related, while her secretary can barely follow the Heiress around with her Sky Profound Speed.

Her secretary decided to join Li Suo branch as the Goddess of Life is the literal Goddess of Medicine as well.

So, she found worship someone alongside her Mistress.

What all of this means is that Raynor can just kick back and relax, and try reading cultivation novel without laughing his ass off at the absurd number of years cultivators spend 'practising' martial arts!

But soon enough he realised something... he has picked a 'dry' cultivation novel!

A Crown Prince just gave the MC a palace full of Maids! and what does he do!? He continues to practise his martial arts because if falters here it will affect his martial Heart! Bullshit!

It kind of pisses him off that Author turned the main character into a something similar to a Sociopath.

'It just pisses me off to point that I want to go there and erase all the energy in that universe.' Raynor internally growled, and for a second the temperature in whole Primal Chaos increased by several degrees before it returned to normal.

Raynor continued to read but he was starting to lose interest in reading such dry thing.

Perfectly honest he wouldn't mind this dryness if MC was actually, interest individual! but he is 'cultivation this, martial arts that... so far he saw at least four to five girls which showed interest in him, but what he does? Well, he shows his Anime Protagonist most well-known trait, density... and that is just going to increase as MC travels to new areas and meets new people and some of them being beautiful chicks...

'*Sigh* Then why are you even reading this stuff if it brings you so much frustration, which leads to temperature fluctuation in whole Primal Chaos?' Hei'er asked him, she was reading this as well, since she can see the same thing he can.

"Because of stupid thing called hope Hei'er..." Raynor sighed and pulled out his glass of drink from his storage dimension.

"I gave this book a hope that it might become better, first two hundred chapters were interesting, but if this same for next two thousand chapters then all hope is lost," Raynor said that with deep and sorrow voice, as if massive catastrophe is about to happen and even he... A Primordial God can't stop it!

Hei'er released a frustrating sigh! she want to get out from his inner world and start pulling out his hair to stop being such a dramatic person!

Still, Raynor continued to read, he started to notice that the Mc showed some interest towards this Phoenix Saint girl, well there is hope for him yet!

But, then reality crashed around him as he realised that with this kind of protagonist, it's going to take ages for him to do anything remotely romantic with his personality!!!

While, Raynor is thinking of just going there and use his 'b1tch' on him and make his luck worse than first young master, wuxia protagonists usually met!

His royal Asura spirit is more interested in this Cube thingy which has spirits pieces inside of them!

'Master Ray~~~ can you let me out of the inner world? Please~~~?' Hei'er with very seductive voice spoke to him.

Raynor instantly raised his 'defences' when he heard what kind of tone his cute and sexy Asura spirit spoke in.

But, same time he is interested what did she cooked up in her cute head of hers.

So, moments later the Spirit World Gates the size of normal doors appeared in front of him.

The golden doors opened and his Xiao Hei'an passed through.

She looked at him and then gave a charming smile.

Then after taking a single step she turned around and got comfortable in his lap.

Raynor instantly smiled seeing that, she literally, made this a battle four times harder then it needs to be, as she already started to get flustered.

"Master~~~ why don't we go into this reality?" She turned around and looked at him, The Royal Asura Spirit gave him a very cute smile rivalling the puppy eyes technique.

"Oh, you have something in mind? My cute Hei'er?" He stroked her cheek and her eyes turned misty for second, but she very quickly snapped out from it.

'Oh, this is so entertaining!' Raynor said that to himself.

"YES! I mean Yes~~~ why don't we go there and have some fun? I want to inspect that cube! and on the chapter we are right now there is that Beast horde invasion which we can hunt down and give it to Erina~~~" Hei'er explained that while trying and failing hard to control herself and stop stroking her finger over his chest.

Raynor hummed hearing that, the more he thinks about that the more he wants to go there and just cause some CHAOS.

"You know I am all for it, but there was no need for you to try to seduce me like that." Raynor chuckled and Hei'er cheeks exploded into crimson glow, she is about to get up from his lap but his hands quickly wrapped around her waist and brought her closer to him, her eyes widened as she realised that she was like deer cornered by big bad wolf.

"Master Ray please... let me go?" Her eyelashes blinked couple times, she was now super cute, and it, has the opposite effect, Raynor wanted to hold her even more now.

"For a kiss, I might let you go." He gave her a chance to get away...

She stopped her thing with eyelashes and started to pout at him, but Raynor just smiled at her and...slightly activated his Original Yang laws, the effect was instantaneous, her eyes turned glazed and she was about to lean forward but then she snapped out again and narrowed her eyes at him.

"You used your stupid laws on me!" She angrily pouted at him.

"Nope, I used it on myself, so it was all you..." He smirked at her.

She then huffed and puffed for several minutes, but Raynor didn't care he just enjoyed looking at her.

"FINE! you will get that kiss! but you have to promise me you will let me go!" She said with desperation as she was at ropes end, her master natural attraction is driving her nuts.

'And why I thought this was a good idea!?' The Royal Asura spirit was already imagining that wild woman laughing her ass off inside Raynor's Inner world!

She gathers her courage and started leaning forward...

The moment her lips touched his, her eyes widened as felt her whole body shuddered and then lightning-like current went through her whole body.

A large moan escaped her lips and she collapsed on Raynor body.

"Did...she just..." The Primordial God was more than a little bit confused as to what just happened.

'Did she just climaxed from a kiss!?' Raynor asked that himself.

'Hahahaha she came from a kiss!!! Hahaha' Xue Ji was laughing her ass off inside Raynor's inner world, rolling on the ground, while Raynor had to hold the sleeping and already drooling Hei'er in his hands...

He just sighed and got up from the couch, and opened World Spirit Gates to his inner world and walked inside, over there he got Hei'er into one of many available buildings inside his 'Asgard' and put her on the bed.

"She has underestimated her attraction to your Laws master, to think she can be this bold..." Xue Ji said while getting her breathing under control, Hei'er actions made her quite amused.

"Well, she knows what she wants," Raynor said that as he decided what to do next...

First, he is going to pacify that Reality and then he is going to bring his girls over to have some fun...

"Well, my course is set, time to read some wiki..."

After saying that Raynor left his Inner World and then Returned to Home Verse.

With a little bit of time manipulation he read whatever he found interesting about this novel and who to destroy, and with whom to try to have a dialogue... but mostly where to cause Chaos...

The best part is that this universe is big and he will not need to hold much of his power under leash.

And the other thing, which he did was to spoil the story, and its good thing he did, his worst fear were true!

The MC is a complete nutcase and he won't going to feel nothing for ending him, unlike Yun Che, that guy was at least amusing, this one...

This one has a one-tracked mind, which is what is needed to become 'Greatest Genius' expert in that reality.

That's why he decided to unleash some chaos over there mess with people heads about 'what real talent is', he doesn't have other goals in there apart for getting the cube to his cute Royal Asura spirit.

And of course pacifying the reality so that his girls could have some fun.

"Time to see... just how Martial is this World..."