Death Of Soul Emperor

It took just moments for highest ranking Spiritas to feel pressure lessen and that they were able to move once again!

They all rushed towards where their Soul Emperor is, as they sensed that something is happening there!

As they arrived at the place where their Soul Emperor spends time cultivating they noticed destroyed walls and such.

"Where is Soul Emperor? What's going on here!?" Extremely beautiful woman asked with anger in her voice, her presence alone could chill people to bones, but right now most of that effect is being crushed by the pressure of whatever being which has invaded the Spiritas Capital.

Before anyone can answer her, another portion of wall exploded to bits and the beautiful woman saw the Soul Emperor fly out like some ragdoll.

"Is this the best what Spiritas has to offer? a billions years old man flailing his arms around like a small child?"

All top experts from Spiritas stopped in their tracks as they heard a voice coming from the same place where Soul Emperor was send flying from.

The Black-haired beauty eyes widened, she subconsciously gulped down, for some reason her throat was dry.

In her several lifetimes she never saw someone this...perfect before! And the power rolling from him was on a level she couldn't even comprehend! worst of all she can't sense proper cultivation from him! It's like he is something... more?

"AHHH ENOUGH!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!! I.WILL.KILL.YOU!" Soul Emperor snapped at his attacker, the dark beauty has never seen Soul Emperor lose his cool like this before!

"S-Soul Empress! The Emperor is going to use his Domain! we have to leave this area!" One of Top expert of Spiritas warned the beautiful woman, but she was far too shocked at what she saw to properly react.

But then Soul Emperor stopped in his tracks as his eyes widened.

"Hahaha, so you noticed did you? it took you several minutes of me beating the crap out you to notice that Demon God Tomb is gone?" Raynor laughed heartily seeing the face of 'Almighty' Soul Emperor, who looked like someone stole his sweet roll, The moment he destroyed the Dark Abyss his hidden trump card got destroyed as well!

"I-I-Impossible how did this happened?! HOW CAN WORLD STRENGTH OF SUPER UNIVERSE LEVEL BE DESTROYED!" Soul Emperor looked like he lost his mind.

"Mortal... you are facing a Primordial God, how can pathetic universe created from sacrifices of filthy demons be strong?" Raynor said that as if he is explaining things to a child.

"IMPOSSIBLE! I have faced countless Gods before none of them even came close to the power of US!" Soul Emperor said that already with deranged look.

'He is close to breaking point, this is quite fun actually.' Hei'er said as if she was watching some evening TV show.

"You faced Gods? HAHAHA that's the biggest joke I have heard since coming to 33 Heavens!!!" Raynor laughed once again and then unleashed his Ancestral God Pressure empowered by Omnipotence.

That moment whole 7 heavens where Spiritas were living got slammed into so much force that everyone just dropped to their knees and started to feel utterly powerless in front of this pressure.

And at very blunt of this force was Soul Emperor who collapsed on ground and stopped responding.

The Primordial God only needed a few seconds of his pressure to make his point, as after taking down the Soul Emperor he turned around and looked at terrified group of Spiritas experts.

"Well, Well your... Emperor is down... so now let's start with cleaning 'the house'..." He smiled at the group who realised what he meant.

Before that he pointed one of his hands at downed Soul Emperor.

'Girls are you up to taste Abyss Demon Soul?' Raynor asked them curiously.

'Yes! of course, Master Ray!' Hei'er nodded very quickly, followed by Xue Ji as well.

So, next moment Raynor used one of his Spiritist abilities to feed his Spirits with soul energy of his victim.

Even if Soul Emperor is down, he was not dead, only... 'dead inside'...but the pain of ripping his soul from his body? he is going to feel that! even in that state!

What followed next, going to stay with Spiritas experts for the rest of their lives...The sight of their Emperor soul being ripped out... and the scream which followed after.

Everyone gulped down as, this time... their Emperor stopped moving for real.

'Mhh... his soul tasted like those dark chocolates Erina made us taste.' Hei'er said with satisfied humming voice, her cultivation went up by two Great Realms just by eating half of this Demon soul!

'Same Here I! I am Late Divine Soul now!' Xue Ji happily said from her end.

Raynor nodded after hearing from them, he then gave one more glance towards the downed body of Soul Emperor, his eyes glowed for a second.

"Amaterasu..." And the body ignited into... golden crimson flames... it was incinerated into nothing in less than three seconds.

Everyone from Asura Spirits to Spiritas Experts they all paled at the display of monstrous power of these flames, the Soul Emperor body strength rivalled that of Saints 'True Divinity'! Yet it was reduced into nothing in less than three seconds!

'Heh... so my Amaterasu is golden crimson and my Tsukuyomi gives great fantasies as base illusions.' Raynor has put those things together, it seems they are based on his dominant laws as well...

Once, he is back he is going to ask his girls how are those techniques are to them, but for now, he focused on the things at hand.

"So, Experts of Spiritas, I am wondering what should I do with you all." Raynor hummed while thinking multiple things at the same time.

"Not thirty minutes ago or so I destroyed Dark Abyss, now its time for Spiritas." Raynor raised his hand and sky started to glow in nine different colours and temperature started to rise dramatically.

Then he started to teleport all humans from this place one by one to closest world ruled by humanity...

Without even leaving the place he was standing right now, he knew Omnipresence and Omnipotence insanely powerful, but testing them personally, it was something else entirely!

"W-Wait! what did we do to provoke someone of your calibre?" The Soul Empress asked with very nervous facial expression, if this continues they are doomed!

"That's... amusing, what would possibly Spiritas has done to Humans?" Raynor sarcastically said that's which made the woman and expert turn paler than paper.

"B-But I believe it would be too wasteful if this holy land to be destroyed! we have countless legacies treasures and resources!" The Soul Empress was grasping straws, and trying to find a way to stay alive while she from time to time noticed growing massive suns in the sky.

Raynor blinked several times hearing that and then started laughing, these people were so set in their ways that they though he needs techniques and pills?!

He lowered his hand and everyone took a deep breath thinking that they were saved but that quickly evaporated as the suns were not disappearing from the sky!

"You think that someone who has unlimited power and..." Raynor clapped his hands and then created a pill and showed to everyone.

" a God needs resources? I could create realities and sustain them easily, you people still don't understand what real Godhood is, do you?" He said with a humorous voice.

Raynor then noticed the Black-haired woman looking at him with barely hidden desire, if they were not in danger then she would actively lust after him.

She reminded him of Chi Wuyao, who he knows that she is plotting something... well all his dark beauties are plotting something, that's in their blood... or law in this case.

With a single step, he appeared in front of her.

Her eyes slightly widened she took a step back.

"You are interesting... you are not afraid to show your desire do you?" Raynor lips slightly went up, and the woman can see up close his golden eyes, which had six rings inside of them, with some sort symbols.

"I-I-I..." She didn't know what to say to him not to provoke him further, she never was in such a weak position of power before! even with Soul Emperor, he treated her as a subordinate...

"You are not afraid? at what can I do to you?" He asked with curiosity, he lifted his hand and he is about to snap his fingers.

"Your understanding of what is a 'God' in 33 heavens is very muddied... you see... I only need to do this..." He snapped his fingers


"And your Heavens and Earth energies are gone." He smiled, as everyone felt that...

"And that is what true divinity is capable of doing, are you still not afraid?" He looked at her and she was just like Chi Wuyao, when he was holding her at the very edge of life she still showed that desire.

'I wonder if I am to bring this woman with me, what will be Devil Queen's reaction? a woman so similar to her achieving what the Devil Queen could not?' Raynor internally smiled at that, his dark beauties are not the only ones who can 'scheme'.

"T-This is the power of a real god? but how? what kind of cultivation is this!?" She was in utter shock, as she felt how the whole surroundings just lost the Heavens and Earth energies! it's like its barren wasteland!

"All roads lead to end, even your martial one, and I am someone who is from that kind of place." He said that with a smile, which shocked her even more.

"I-I-I see..." Her eyes widened and narrowed in quick succession she now fully understood, just WHO is in front of her.

And that is what she wanted to achieve her whole life! Realm of Power so high one can do anything!

"Hmm, since your Emperor is dead that makes you the next leader." Raynor had knowing look when he said that.

"So, Spiritas is in your hands now."

The woman didn't even react when trillions or even more people lives were put on her shoulders, in fact, she only looked at him as if not even hearing anything that he just said.

She dropped on her knees, the Spiritas experts gasped seeing that.

The Soul Empress on knees!? whatever spark of resistance they had evaporated with that this sight! they all followed suit and dropped and their knees.

"Spiritas surrenders to your will, Your Excellency." She said that with worship like voice.

Raynor just nodded at her choice, and the suns above him disappeared, everyone took a deep breath and relaxed, they finally moved from thin ice and into little bit safer waters.

"Very well, then. what's your name?" He asked curiously, but same time he already knew who she was.

"I-Its Sheng Mei, Your Excellency!" She quickly answered his question.

"Good, since I am an ex-human God, I am on humanity side, do you know what this means if you wish to submit to me?"

Her eyes widened she quickly turned to late Emperor subordinates.

"Release any human race people we have in captivity! listen to any of their wishes! at once!" She ordered them, everyone quickly disappeared to relay the orders.

Raynor that moment fully retracted his pressure from Spiritas Seven Heavens.

Everyone took a deep breath feeling like a continent was removed from their shoulders.

"Your Excellency... what will happen now?" Sheng Mei asked curious and nervous at the same time.

"I will deal with Saints as well." He answered back casually, to which the Soul Empress looked at him with slightly widened eyes, this is the first time someone told that to her face!

The sheer magnitude of what he is about to do is going to shake heaven itself and he said that...casually!

"You look shocked? is it same when expert descends to a mortal world? you all are mortals to me because you all posses lifespans." He just shrugged at her.

That got her attention even further.

"Your Excellency... take...disciples?" She asked with, very, very hopeful voice.