"Disciple?" That got Raynor off-guard for a second.
"I don't take in disciples, it's either..." Raynor wanted to say girlfriends but this is pure and dry martial reality, if not for his Omniscience he would doubt if they had a word for 'lovers' in this place as they would call them 'Dao companions' or something similar shit.
Sheng Mei quickly nodded and continued to listen.
The Dark beauty knew what a maid is, a servant who dedicated their souls, lives and bodies to their master.
"And Assistants." For second she frowned hearing that.
'Assistants? as in... cultivation assistant? but at this point he already is strongest... so then it means... as in dual cultivation? bed Assistant?' Sheng Mei continued to frown trying to understand the last position.
Internally she can see the benefits of dual cultivation with someone who has so much power, but she doesn't dare to ask to be one.
Instead, she will earn her keep...
"Your Excellency... can you please take me as your...Bed maid?" She on purpose selected these words.
'T-This woman! how can she be this shameless! and asking that with such straight face!' Hei'er nearly shouted from Raynor's inner world, she was blushing as well remembering something, same with Xue Ji, but she was quiet and is not saying anything.
While Raynor was little bit caught off-guard... again, but then he quickly realised that this was martial Society and she only looking for benefits and higher place in the whole hierarchy...
He smiled and, decided to offer the same thing as he did to Chi Wuyao since she is so similar to her.
"Very well, I accept your offer, and if you can impress me with your performance then I might promote you to fully-fledged lover and the benefits which come with it." He smiled seeing her reaction.
She gave him a massive smile which made him for second gulp down, as it was kingdoms destroying smile.
"Thank you... Master! is it alright for me to call you Master?" She quickly asked him realising her 'mistake'.
"Yes, of course... now do you want to follow me to meet the Saints or you want to solidify your rule over Spiritas?" Raynor asked her casually, but this caught her off-guard this time.
"Master, I don't care about Spiritas... I only ordered them because you made me their leader, now as your... bed Maid, I follow you." She answered simply.
Raynor blinked at her as she said 'bed maid' with pride, it reminds him of some harem animes were girls proudly say that they are pets of main character.
'My life definitely, turning more and more into harem anime.' He thought with twitchy lip, then again he already has an anime girl, and two game girls...
"Alright then... if this is the case then we will do something else..." Raynor put his hand on her shoulder, and Sheng Mei eyes widened because she felt his energy just washed her over, and she was getting hot and bothered just from that!
Raynor didn't even bother with that as its not first time woman reacted to that, instead he wondered how his Asura spirits would react to his touch when he is at his 100% without him manipulating Origin Yang law.
For now, he decided to move this idea aside as he has some stuff to do, someone to kill, and blow some people minds.
With that thought he 'Dragon Leaped' away from Spiritas Holy Land.
Appearing in the middle of nowhere, he quickly created a pocket dimension, seconds later a translucent platform appeared under their feet, followed by Raynor's trademark nine suns in the sky, and of course stars are needed if he is making a goddam sky, and lastly a massive replica of his God's avatar 'holding' the platform.
Sheng Mei just stared at this with wide eyes, she felt all the laws at works which were carried by an immense amount of energy to created this dimension, and it everything happened in less than a minute!
She bit her lower lip, thinking how she will do what she has started to plan.
Lying or manipulating is instantly out of the window, the consequences would be extremely dire for her, thus leaving things like proper seduction, maybe she should learn some mortal techniques when it comes to pleasing a man?
As was thinking how to progress from here, Raynor created a round table with a bunch of comfortable chairs and a throne for himself with his crimson dragon symbol on it.
Then Raynor started to walk to take his seat while Sheng Mei finally snapped out from her 'plotting' and quickly rushed to her new Master side.
"Master if I may ask a question?" She spoke as softly as possible.
"Of course as long as it's not something boring." He casually shrugged at her, Sheng Mei slightly nodded at him, she needs to learn what is her master considers boring, and from there to work on building a proper relationship.
"I understand, I was wondering what are we doing here? as you said that we will go to 'deal' with Saint race." She asked cautiously, same time observed his reaction to his question.
"Oh that, since you coming with me, I decided to use more 'civilised' means to pacify the whole race." He answered her question while he got comfortable in his throne.
"I am going to tell them that humanity now rules 33 heavens and that their Saint Emperor is going to die." He simply told her what is going to happen.
Sheng Mei slowly nodded hearing that, she somewhat now know, how mortals feel when experts descend and they have to do whatever martial Artists ask.
She never expected to end in that kind of situation... it's an eye-opening experience to be on receiving end.
Moments later flashes started to happen around the room as people started to appear, more like being forcefully summoned.
Raynor's new maid instantly noticed some... familiar faces...
Before anyone can say anything... her new Master raised his hand and pointed his finger at Good Fortune Saint Emperor.
And the Good Fortune Saint Emperor turned into mist of blood, with another hand motion one of three most powerful items of 33 Heavens ended up in Raynor's hands.
'Anticlimactic... but satisfying...' Hei'er said simply as the Grandmist spirit Bead appeared in Hei'er hands, The Royal Asura Spirit started to inspect the thing, while this item didn't interest her as much as the cube, it's still at the same level as the cube so, out of curiosity she inspected it closer.
The Saint were utterly terrified when they saw their rules killed like this, but what terrified them more was the sheer fact that their bodies were paralysed!
While the Human race Empyrean's and the spiritual leader of Human race the blue-haired beauty was in a shock as much as everyone else was... but that shock was a good one as the leader of the Saints just...died!
"You probably all wondering who I am and why I just killed the Saint Emperor," Raynor said that as he lowered his right hand.
While Sheng Mei behind him looked at dissipating mist of blood.
One of most influential man in whole 33 Heavens just died... without even knowing why or how... he probably didn't even felt anything...
Killed like some insignificant bug...
"My name is Raynor Valeron and I am Primordial God of Original Yang From outside 33 Heavens." He said that as he started to lean his back into his throne, he slowly got comfortable.
"Before I transcended the concept of cultivation, which is what it truly means to achieve godhood, I was a human."
At first everyone listened to perfect looking ethereal man, with abrupt attention, until the Saints heard who he has!
It didn't take much time for them to realise why this Primordial God just killed their Absolute Ruler!
"I see you all understood why, I did that... I already wiped out Dark Abyss of its filth, and subjugated Spiritas race." When he said that some powerhouse of the two races noticed the shocking beauty of Sheng Mei, there is not many martial artist in Divine Realms who don't know the Soul Empress!
"This leaves us only with Saints who will now surrender to the human race." Raynor motioned casually with his hand.
Moments later the powerhouses were able to move finally.
No one spoke they just stared at this... development with no focus.
"...Your Excellency... what do you mean by Saint Race surrender?" The Spiritual Leader of Human race asked for more clarification after couple minutes.
"What I mean Divine Dream, is that Saint Race has no say in this, or I will do the same thing what I did in Dark Abyss, I will Drop Purest Origin Yang Powered Sun on their Worlds, turning them into black holes." To make his point he with head motioned towards side and he showed his memory of what he did... more exactly he allowed them to relive the moment he erased the Dark Abyss...
To say the were terrified what they saw was an understatement, the sheer power of this Primordial God made them shiver with helplessness, even to point that they simply... didn't bother with hoping anymore...
He basically, broke their martial hearts.
But the ones who has ambitions... Like Saint Son Wumo, who dreamed of conquering whole 33 Heavens, simply passed out, experiencing his master's death, being threatened by being so strong which he could not even comprehend the strength of it, as well making him surrender to his enemies which he defeated several times before! His pride, his mind, even his soul could not take it anymore!
He simply collapsed... was he dead? no one knew unless they checked his body, but no one by this point cared, the Powerhouses of Saint race were in deep thought to care about him at this moment.
"Very well then, can we discuss conditions of Saint Race surrender?" A pearless woman dressed in white and seven coloured feather robes, was first one to speak from Saint race, she even had a veil hiding her face, but what Raynor felt from her was that she was not pure Saint...
'A half Saint? This reality is one of those realities where half-blood's are quite strong and get perks of both races.' Raynor hummed remembering that from reading the wiki.
"Soaring Feather!? Wha..." Before one of male saints 'True Divinities' can't say anything the woman raised her hand to make him stop.
"This is the part for diplomacy not fighting so be silent!" She said with narrowed eyes.
"Besides Saint Son is..." She looked at laying armoured man on the ground who looks like its dead."...and your Saint Emperor... is dead, if you have better ideas then tell me!" The veiled woman said with an annoyed voice, she wants this to be over with and doesn't really, care what going to happen to Saint Race.
No one said anything to her, while the Martial Artist on Human side just looked at this with interest, this is the first time even when Human race and Saint race were in this kind of close-proximity situation.
While human side very quickly decided for Divine Dream to speak as well, but the Blue haired woman wasn't sure, she just wanted to know why someone so powerful just wants to help the human race, yes she heard how he said that he is ex-human before his ascension but, this can't be this easy... there should be another goal...
Then they just looked at Raynor and waited for him.
"Well, then come! sit down." He motioned the massive round table with seats in front of him.
He then clapped his hands and tea appeared in front of him, and started sipping.
Moments later on one side was The Blue Haired beauty and the strongest human cultivator from the human side, behind her there were another 'True Divinity' which Raynor thinks looks like 'war buddha' kind of guy.
While on other side was Saint Race they had the Half-Saint woman with two 'True Divinities' behind her, not even bothering with the downed Saint Son, while the rest just watched this 'event' with bade breath, will human race finally have chance to breathe a sigh of relief?