Fall Of Dream

"THAT'S IT!" Whole Divine Dream Heavenly Palace shook from the force of its leader's shout.

The Regal Divine Dream was huffing and puffing, for whole day and half she tried to concentrate on something else then that man's face!

It has been constantly popping and popping in her mind, like some annoying little bugger!

Eventually she just decided to stop this! accept his offer and be done with!

"FINE! You have won! I accept!" The moment she said that she was teleported away with a flash before any of her disciples could approach her she was already gone from the place.


When Divine Dream opened her eyes, she was not in that unique space with nine suns, and colossal Giant holding the platform, no the place looked as normal it possibly be, it even looked mortal.

As after quick around she finally saw him, but his looks where not same as it was before, he looked much more... believable now.


He saw a beautiful woman sitting on his lap, she was dressed only in a long white shirt with dragon emblem on its front, the shirt was quite long for her, going down to her tights and black stockings going all the way to her tights... there was nothing else on her!

She was all lovely with her future husband, feeding him, while pressing her body intimately on his.

Divine Dream was about to say something but then she noticed her face.

'Where did I saw her...' The Blue Haired beauty slightly frowned, trying to recall, but then she had a flashback.

Her eyes widened.

"Xuanqing...you should be dead!" She said the very first thing which came to her mind! Not every day someone who should be dead, is alive and cuddling with HER future husband!

"Oh, Divine Dream... and no... I am not Xuanqing, she is by all means and purposes dead, well she left a wisp of her consciousness in this pendant, but I am keeping that, in case I want to talk with her." The Xuanqing look-alike said with nonchalant voice.

Divine Dream blinked several times, this was not Xuanqing! She never talked this way!

"I am Long Qing, my master's loyal Heavenly Dragon Empress." The woman said proudly, but with the she was dressed and how her hairs is a mess, Divine Dream can guess that they had a very... intimate moment...

"I...see... but how did this happened?" She was still confused as even if she was the different person she still looked like a replica of deceased Heavenly Empress of God Race.

Long Qing'er decided to explain which lasted only a few moments.

Simply, Primordius didn't want her body to rot away, so he did something to preserve it, and then Raynor came over altered her body 'little' bit, gave couple bloodlines, and gave her a soul.

Divine Dream just opened her mouth, but no words came out.

Raynor actually can do this much? give bloodlines, even make souls? She knew he was incredibly powerful... but this...

"So, did you decided to become my future wife?" He asked her with a smile, while Long Qing narrowed her eyes at Divine Dream, that moment she hugged him tighter and pressed bountiful breasts on him.

Raynor slightly chuckled seeing how defensive Long Qing was.

"I have! whatever you did to me, made me incapable of cultivating! If it means I can continue to cultivate by being your wife so I will!" Divine Dream said with an annoyed look.

Long Qing snorted at her.

"My master can make your cultivation pointless! once you accessed his Primordial Dual Cultivation art your lifestyle will turns meaningless!" The Heavenly Dragon Empress said that with a smirk, she knows full well how... pointless their life will become once they have access to THAT technique!

It's a technique created to destroy cultivation lifestyle!

Divine Dream stopped in her track when she heard that, she bit her lower lip for a second, she turned indecisive once again.

Raynor seeing that, moved Long Qing aside, who had a slight pout, and got up from his couch and walked towards Divine Dream.

He then pressed his finger on her forehead, she didn't have time to react he transferred the technique to her.

Her eyes bulged out, as he just transferred a technique so casually!

She then swayed from one side to another, she was about to pass out from shock as to what she just learned, but Raynor caught her, and helped her to sit on one of the couches.

Long Qing looked at Divine Dream, she knew that the technique is a hard thing to swallow, it made any cultivator hard work utterly useless, in front of this technique, it's like an ultimate slap to their lifestyle, Divine Dream was not the only one who was shocked as Xuanqing would have reacted the same way... maybe even more so, she was much more prouder the Divine Dream ever was.

She probably would have died from inside if she would have learned about the existence of this technique.

Eventually, Divine Dream calmed down, but her eyes have lost its light.

"Should I start cultivating this then?" She asked with a resigned sigh.

"It's up to you." He said that simply as Long Qing already was back on his lap, snuggling like cat.

Divine Dream looked at him like he was crazy, giving away such technique! it like waving slab of meat to a starving predator right in its face!

"Do you have a room where I can start cultivating this?" The Blue-haired Goddess asked him, as she got up from her couch.

"Take those doors and then second one to right is a cultivation room prepared... just for you." He said that with his trademark smile, which made the Blue Haired Goddess gain a small blush before she quickly left the living room.

Moments later she has left the room and Long Qing started to giggle.

"She knows what is coming and she can barely hide that blush, the untouchable Divine Dream is about to get touched!" The Heavenly Dragon Empress said all that as her legs swung up and down, as she was on Raynor lap sideways.

She can't believe she will see the day such thing will happen!

Around ten minutes later Divine came out from the cultivation room, her eyes were glowing gold, she entered into the living room and noticed Raynor.

She was about to pounce on him.

Long Qing started to laugh seeing how Divine Dream was behaving... like a cougar!

"Now, Now Qing'er you will joining, I really, doubt Divine Dream can carry the 'weight'." He said that to his Dragon Empress who in turn sultry smiled at him.

"Of course Master~~~ Always happy to help those in need especially when its related to you." She said that eagerly, but Raynor knew what she said had couple maybe even triple meaning, someone who has over several million years of experience she can weave her words when she wants to.


Divine Dream was laying on the bed her face is buried in the pillow, she can't believe she did all that, not only that but that Xuanqing look-alike, was training her how to please her future husband!

And she was utterly shameless woman! The Blue-haired woman can't believe that her future husband just took both of them at the same time.

Does he even know that both of them were one of the most revered women in the whole 33 Heavens!?

Yet they ended up doing all that!!!

Same time she already started to feel the effect of the cultivation method, her mind fundamentally gets rewired to fit into the 'Gestalt law learning method' She shared her understanding of 'Divine Dream law' while she got her Future Husband's understanding of his and his whole harem laws...

'What a terrifying cheating method...' She said to herself, she can use Yang, Yin, Ice, Water, Nothingness, Thunder, Light, Darkness, Night, Earth... the list just goes on and on... and she can use those laws to perfection...

"You still not getting up?" Long Qing asked as she entered the second bedroom.

"Uhh... how can you be so shameless! aren't you inhabit Xuanqing body?" Divine Dream asked the Dragon Empress without lifted her face from the pillow.

"Me? Shameless? you have not met the Primordial Goddess Of Yin, and Primordial Goddess of Darkness and Night, Mistress Xia Qingyue will chew you up and spit you out, she is Master's first woman, and she will do thing worse to you than I ever did, believe me, I was given full information on master's harem, you won't be hiding like this, otherwise they will do things worse each time you try to hide." Long Qing said to her as she got in bed next to her.

The Blue Haired Goddess finally looked at her and noticed that she was still wearing the same clothes as she was before!

"And why are you dressed like this?" She had only a thin shirt and black long stockings.

"Oh? you interested? I could ask My Master to give something similar for you as well!" The gave her a wide smile, seeing that kind of look on proud and arrogant Xuanqing is something Divine Dream will have a hard time getting used to!

"N-Noo... I am asking why you wearing them!" She Blue Haired woman asked, while pushing down growing embarrassment.

"The shirt is something I took from master's wardrobe, in his birth world, when a woman is wearing her man's shirt is like unspoken proof that, this woman belongs to that man." Long Qing said to her, Divine Dream eyes slightly widened hearing that.

It... had some proper meaning? she thought that Long Qing had it just to entice her master!

"I see..." Before she can say anything, Long Qing turned serious and with swirl she changed her clothes and spear appeared in her hand, it was complete 180-degree change in her attitude and behaviour!

It's like in front of her was Xuanqing... but much more dangerous.

"And it takes me only a moment to be fully battle prepared, Divine Dream." Long Qing said that seriously but then she sighed and whatever battle aura she had disappeared..." Not that my Master will allow me to fight being's who can kill me." She said that and her battle robes changed into previous ones.

The Blue-haired Goddess subconsciously nodded after seeing Long Qing do that, internally she was slightly baffled as just how much power she has now!

She remembered that Xuanqing was Peak Empyrean before she died! Now she emits more pressure than her!?

Raynor's ways started to mess up with her understanding of cultivation! especially in late stages of cultivation like Empyrean Realm Or True Divine!! God Race doesn't even have True Divine cultivators! Yet here was Long Qing who is now half God Race and Half-Dragon God with power easily rivalling hers!

Her future husband doesn't care about the hierarchy of cultivation at all!

'He is so powerful... that to him everything we do is just little games...' She somewhat came to realisation...


A Dark beauty slowly opened her eyes, her black eyes looked at somewhat familiar ceiling.

She can't believe that her previous Emperor hid so much of her life from her.

If only he was alive she would freeze him into a ball of ice and shatter it into billions pieces!

For now, she slowly got up from the King size bed and left the bedroom and entered the corridor, one of her eyes slightly rose for second, there are two more rooms added to this place?

Instead of checking them out, she walked over to the living room, she could feel her Master energy, and another one, similar to hers but mixed up with something else? Half Dragon?

Once she opened the doors she saw another person there as well.

'Divine Dream already joined my Master?' Sheng Mei eyes widened for a second, she could feel the energy she emits is very similar to her Master's that's why she didn't think that someone was here as well.

'She already started to cultivate the method?' a throb of jealousy invaded her heart.

"Oh, Sheng Mei you are up? faster then I expected..." Her master greeted her in his unique style.

"Oh! Sheng Mei you finally up!" Another woman from his lap spoke.

Sheng Mei eyes went on her, and for several moments she wanted to put a name to woman face...

"Heavenly Empress Xuanqing... no way..."