Preparing For Beast Tide

After hearing how her Master brought back a woman so that she could be his 'badass spear girl' his words not hers, she was able to calm down... somewhat.

But, that just increased the awe she feels towards him, not only that but she still has to reward him for slaying that mind manipulating bastard and freeing her from his control.

"What happened to you, Sheng Mei?" Divine Dream asked her as she could feel that she is slightly different? more experienced? and stupendously more powerful!

"That...bastard Soul Emperor! he has hid most of my life away from me!" She clenched her fist for second, her aura went berserk that moment, but nothing happened to the room, only a small wind show...

Divine Dream was slightly impressed by the room integrity, even when someone at Sheng Mei level can't even affect it!

"Pity that his soul has been eaten." The Dark beauty said with a disappointed sigh.

"Girls said it tasted like chocolate, I don't know if its good or bad thing." He said with chuckle.

'Its tastiest soul I have ever tasted master! can we get more of them?' Hei'er chipped in.

'You do realise that it was 100 billion-year-old Demon Soul? and they don't grow on trees?' He said that to her with an exaggerated sigh.

'Well, you can make it happen!' She said with sparkly eyes as such idea would be... awesome'!

'I am not making chocolate tasting soul tree!' Raynor just huffed at her and in turn Hei'er pouted at him, not that he saw it.

Instead he focused on Sheng Mei, he could see her aura was slightly different, and she was more... ambitious like?

"So, how are feeling Sheng Mei?" He asked her.

The dark beauty focused on him.

"I am fine Master, what are we going to do now?" She asked him, the more chance she has to prove herself the better for her and her standing with him.

"Well I only need the cube now, and it's in Sky Spill Planet, the same world where Primordius was born in." He said in lax tone.

"W-Wait you already have found the card?" She asked with slightly shocked voice, she was gone for only day or so! yet he already acquire the card as well!?

"Yes, it wasn't that difficult, anyway, I have already located the place where the current cube owner is, and I am ready to move out, but! we still waiting for Soaring Feather, as she already finishing with things on her side," Raynor said in a quite lazy fashion, his Dragon Empress has been spoiling him for past few hours, it sapped his 'energy' out and he just wants to laze around with her and do nothing.

Sheng Mei shoulders sank for a second, they won't be doing anything? she then looked at Divine Dream who decided to cultivate, she was sitting in lotus position on one of the couches, Sheng Mei could feel that Divine Dream was doing something, because the laws around her were doing...something! which she doesn't understand yet! it was annoying!

"She is cultivating my cultivation method, the second stage, approaching third soon," Raynor explained to her with one opened eye.

After hearing his explanation, Sheng Mei observed her more closely, she could feel the difference how she was before and how she is now, the energy itself she is using now makes her a monster against other cultivators with energy alone!

This revelation only made her bit her lower lip from jealousy even more!

While Raynor slightly smiled seeing how the super proud and 'one of billion years most talented' daughter of the God Clan is behaving like a jealous teenager girl.

~~~~~~ Later~~~~~~

Raynor and his four girls were observing a city bellow them, it was small in Cultivation standards and even to Earth standards as well! they only have hundred thousand people or so... it was as mortal as it can be!

"You telling me this little... village is where the Magic cube is?" Soaring Feather who finally returned to his side, asked him with utter disbelieve, Divine Dream and Sheng Mei were same as her, only Long Qing didn't care about this.

"What? you expect it to be in hands of super expert of some fancy sect?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well of course! it's one if three divine tools!" The seven coloured beauty said with an obvious look.

"If it was like you through, then the whole place would be in upheaval right now, because everyone would want the piece of it, the extremely talented people of large sect are not known to keep their mouths shut." Raynor for second mocked the so-called experts.

All three women slightly stiffed hearing that because what he said is true, only Long Qing didn't care about reputation, or cultivation, or anything like that, she only wanted to impress her master or cuddle with him, in the end, her Master 'programmed' her to be his Heavenly Dragon Empress, she would never do anything which would cause him to be annoyed with her.

"This is Green Mulberry City, this place in couple days will be in direct course of a beast tidal wave created by A demonic arts practising sect." He explained about this place.

"And?" Seven coloured girl asked him still trying to understand why he cares about that.

"I want that beast tide, the only reason why we are here because just how many different species of beasts are going to come here, and the other reason is the cube, its owner is native so he will arrive here in few days." He explained his 'perfect' plan.

"But those beasts are weaklings! why you even need them!" Soaring Feather asked with shell-shocked look.

"The way you look at this is wrong, the concept of strength is irrelevant and I never cared about it, I can kill cultivator at Beyond Divinity or Pulse Condensation stage, with a snap of my fingers and if I am lazy enough for that, I can crush them with my pressure, or If I not even bothered to do that I can just tell them to die and they will die because I have decided so." The way he said it sounded extremely arrogant and beyond belief, but for some reason it felt like he told them the truth it's like the world around them making them believe it.

"Follow me, ladies, its time for Gods to descend..." He casually motioned for them to follow him.

Long Qing followed without question, followed by Sheng Mei, Divine Dream and Soaring Feather just sighed and followed soon after.


The City Lord of Green Mulberry City Zhao Yanming was having not best time in his life, they received a word that a massive beast tide is heading this way.

And it's going to be here in a matter of days, he already did whatever he could to prepare for this inevitable event.

The good thing was that many Martial Artists already joined the garrison for this chance to fight the beasts.

But, even so, it doesn't mean he can relax, not until help arrives from Seven Profound Valleys.

"M-My Lord! Q-Q-Quickly come!" One of the guards rushed in he was sweaty and shuttering his words.

Zhou Yanming lifted his eyebrow for second, who could have caused such reaction from one of his guards?

"Calm down, what happened?" City Lord asked seriously.

"Extremely powerful experts have arrived my Lord! T-They can fly!" The Guard said last part with shutter.

"F-Fly you say!?" The City Lord Shuttered himself this time.

"Xiantian realm..." He muttered to himself his eyes were wide like saucer plates, their Kingdoms doesn't even have single Xiantian! even their Overlord! The Seven Profound Valley only has a handful of them!

He quickly rushed outside to see who it was.

To his utter shock, there was one handsome man with four incredible celestial women, one of them was even prepared for battle...

"You must be the City Mayor." The Young looking man asked him... well more like stated the fact.

"Y-Yes Senior!" Zhou Yanming respectfully bowed.

"I am younger than you old man, calling me senior is the wrong word, it's either Master or Young Lord, or My Lord, but not senior." He said that with narrowed eyes, The City Lord nearly passed out when felt like he was in front of a Dragon's opened jaws.

"Y-Yes my Lord!" The older man quickly fixed the way he calls him.

"Wonderful." The Young man smiled at him, and clapped his hands." It's incredibly nice when people learn quick..." He waved his hand casually when he said that.

"Anyway... now to business City Lord, I am here with my ladies to fix the issue which will plague your city in a couple days." His smile disappeared and got replaced with 'slightly' serious look.

"T-The beast horde? are you here to help Young Lord?" Zhou Yanming asked with shock, if someone of Xiantian level is going to help them then they are saved!!!

"More precisely I am here to 'claim' the horde for myself and my girls." He said that with a thin smile.

"Y-Young Lord what do you mean by 'Claim'?" The man was confused as hell, he never heard such word used alongside 'horde' he can't wrap his head around such concept!

"What I mean is this..." The Young Lord clapped his hands and the city started to shake...

Moments later massive walls started to come from the ground and surround the city.

The City was now properly protected by massive walls...

The City Lord dropped on his ass and started to shake from sheer shock and fear and disbelieve what he just saw.

"What I mean is that you...and all the mortals in this city will be staying inside the walls while...we... will have... fu... I mean, while take care of the 'threat'." He said that will smile as started to ascend into the sky.

"City Lord Zhou Yanming... make sure you don't allow any of the mortals to leave the city until the horde is taken care of, I don't like disturbances..." He said that with narrowed his the City Lord nearly pissed his pants...again!

After that the group flew away, Zhou Yanming was still on the group trying to process what the hell just happened!

No Xiantian has power to make walls appear from ground like this!!!

The only thing which made sense to him was that they were ever higher than that? But even legendary Revolving Core Realm doesn't have such ability!?

"A-Are they were actual Immortals!?" Just thinking about that made him nearly pass out!

How could some beast tidal wave attracted such beings!?


After creating rip-off version of Attack on Titan walls around the city, Raynor flew up high and his girls followed him, they are interested in what he is going to do next, as he has reached a realm where he can easily create things, as easily as they can destroy worlds...

He once again clapped his hands and started... landscaping...

This time all four girls looked at what is happening with slight wonder, it's like using some sort of tools to shape valleys and such, making a choking point for incoming beast tidal wave!

"Almost finished... now a place to relax..." Raynor said that as he started to look around.

Raynor then noticed a nice looking mountain, which is very close to the choking point he just created.

"You will do..." He softly said after inspecting it.

Then with single horizontal hand slash, he chopped the top part off, and disintegrated the part which was chopped off with a hand snap.

He then started to descent on the recently chopped off mountain top, followed by a very silent group of girls.

Once he landed on rocky surface he turned around and looked at the choking point which was a single way through the mountains, towards the valley where the city is located.

"Nice view... now, to put my house..." He then turned around and looked at what is now can be considered a plateau.

With another snap of fingers he pulled out his Temporary house and it manifested on top of the chopped off mountain.

"Well, Ladies lets relax and wait for the beast tidal wave." He smiled at them and started to walk towards his temporary house.