Discovered Qualities

The following day, Seo-yeon spent her morning loading the images taken on the beach the day before, onto her laptop, and began making adjustments, and necessary editing. Kang Dae was not going to return until the day after tomorrow as he had exams all day and would need time off for studying, and exam taking. They made the decision to use the two days he was gone for developing the pictures for clients, and giving Seo-yeon a half day for some needed relaxation.

She looked up at the clock and realized that it was already three in the afternoon. 'The morning flew by,' she stood up from her computer and stretched out her sore back.

*Door chimes indicating a customer entered the waiting room*

She stepped out of her studio to greet a possible client, stopping midstep when she realized who the "customer" was. Jin stood in the middle of the waiting room, hands in the pockets of his beige slacks. He was rocking back and forth on the heel of his feet, staring at the pictures displayed on the walls. His face was not visible underneath the large face mask, and the black fishing cap he was wearing. His profile took Seo-yeon's breath away, 'I would love to take his pictures.'

"Hey, what brings you here?" she asked, bringing his attention away from the pictures.

"I asked Kang Dae before you left yesterday, where your studio was. I was curious to see your work."

"Oh, so what do you think?" She looked nervously at the walls, double checking what pictures they had hanging in the waiting room. Images from landscapes, family pictures, and independent images intended for various activites: idol tryouts, job hunts, or advertisements for local businesses.

"They're amazing. Have you ever considered applying at a big industry? You have so much potential, and could probably make a lot of money if you became a private photographer for a major company."

Seo-yeon was not shocked that he felt this way. Her own family pushed for her to venture out of their small town and take pictures for a big newspaper company, or private studios. Fear of the unknown, and failure were huge factors as to why she never made any attempt to leave. She also wanted to have the freedom to come and go as she pleased. Being tied down by a large company, and not being able to photograph what she wants, is something she greatly fears.

"I like my freedom, and I'm scared those companies would make my love for photography become a burden."

Jin could understand how she felt. There are brief moments when he wishes he had a normal life, and could make music without the burden of being a chart topper, or staying "relevant." He knows that he is fortunate that his group is so successful and can still express themselves through their music, but he knows that it is not always the same for others. Other artists conform themselves to what society expects, and it ultimately changes the love for what they do into something burdeonsome.

He wanted to preserve that love she had for photography, and stop anyone who tried to push their own views onto her. Her honesty, and refusal to follow what society, and in her case, family, expects of her, are refreshing qualities to Jin. Although, he knows she must not make much on her own, and it would be for her financial benefit to work for one of those companies, he respects her for doing what she believes in.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" Jin spontaneously asked. Even he was taken back by his request.

"I thought you didn't like crowds."

"I know somewhere we can go," Jin stared into her eyes, as if pleading for her to say yes, "What do you say?"
