Chapter 6 Power

After 5 hours of rest a siren loudly rang on the entire base telling all cadets to be ready for the day. We immediately woke up and got ready for our morning drill. We wore some clothes for morning exercise. The four of us quickly ran going to our platoon. After arrival we we slightly warmed our bodies then engage in some serious physical exercises which causes us to catch our breaths.

200 push ups



The instructor shouted loudly as we were doing the exercise. Some faces were frowning because of the speed of the instructors counting.

200 squats

200 curl ups

200 meter dash

200 jumping jacks

20 laps run

We did all of it continuously without rest which lead to some people to puke and some to lose consciousness.

On our last lap I was about to fall when Chaelus helped me to stabilize my balance.

"We are almost there, haaaaah, hooooh"!

Chaelus was panting to hard, nevertheless we finished all finished our last lap and I just let myself fall on the ground. When I was lying and resting I noticed Arv and Zumerius standing and was just sweating.

'Damn those guy's'.

The instructor then let us rest for a moment and told us to take a bath and eat.

"After you're done with your daily necessities proceed to your room".



We all shouted cheerfully.

"My body is in pain"! I said groaning.

"Uuughh. This is better than being a slave". Said Chaelus.

I then faced towards Arv and Zumerius.

"How come you two are not tired at all"?

"You call this an exercise? It's pretty much a warm up to me", Zumerius said indifferently.

"Uhmm. I think i just have good stamina i guess", said Arv.

"Doesn't matter we better take a bath".

We then all took a bath and change to our uniforms. After that we ate breakfast and proceed to our room. The lecture then started and Sergeant Arkumar turned on the large monitor of the room.

"Today I'm gonna impart to all of you methods on how to get stronger. You can't beat the Rulers army if you're not strong".

Screen then revealed a silhouette drawing of a body with the large dots placed on the heart, the head, and on the center of the body.

"Almost all of us here in our base have humanoid bodies so we all have pretty similar body structures. The main focus of this topic is to understand the energy inside our bodies. These three large dots here have its own unique energy inside of it".

The dot's soon glowed into colors. The dot on the head began to glow to a blue color. The dot on the heart glowed into bright red. And the dot on the body began to glow into orange color.

"Now pay attention to the dot here", he pointed first on the dot on the head.

"This energy is what we called [PSYCHE], this energy is related to all mental type related abilities. For example, Psychic abilities such as Telekinesis or Clairvoyance". Sir Arkumar pointed the next dot on the heart.

"This right here is the energy we called [RETHOS], this energy is rather mysterious even we could never unlock its full potential. This energy provides us our unique abilities that only we can use. Once your awakening occurs you will gain your own unique abilities, some may have similar abilities but it will differ in its traits".

"Now the last energy is what we call [NOSTRUM], this energy is our life force this provides us our bodies healing capacity. This energy focuses on maintaining our health".

"These three energies is our base energy which means we can combine two energies to make a new source of energy, well talk about that later". Then the body on the monitor glowed into a white light.

"This body of ours is just a vessel. When we have achieved our bodies limits we will attain another awakening called [THE TRIGGER]. This phenomenon can only happen when you reach a certain state called [ENLIGHTENMENT] in this stage you'll be powerful enough to beat a soldier rank RULER".

"It could take thousands of hours to obtain your trigger, you need to work hard".

"Did yours trigger sir?" I asked.

Sergeant Arkumar smirked and then lift his hands.

Thunder sparks then emerged from his fingers then envelops his hands turning into thunder claws that radiate a purplish color.

We all marveled at the spectacle like it was unreal, and then our bodies started trembling. A chilling sensation started creeping in our bodies. Our eyes then met the sergeants eyes, it was ominous like he was about to devour us. Sweat began to emerge from our bodies. And then it stopped.

Sergeant Arkumars hand then returned to normal.

"Did you feel that? That was killing intent. That's the feeling when you face the rulers".

"We will now categorize different power levels. You are currently here". The monitor then change into a list






"You are all currently at the BUILDING STAGE 2. We in this star base have many methods which we gathered from all of the cosmos to help you on your body development. For those who have their own methods it's up to you whether you try new method or stick to your own. You can search it up on your on your terminal. We also have training facilities where you can practice the methods you will try. Of course you know where these training facilities are right"?

After the lecture the Sergeant left and we all tried searching our terminal to find these so called methods.

I was so immerse on reading I didn't realize my friends already left. When i was scrolling i read many different methods with cringe ass names like what you read on wuxia novels. They all have multiple reviews and discussions of how effective these methods are. I was scrolling and scrolling until I read a method with too many negative reviews. It said

"This method is a joke, what the hell is this?"

"I can't understand a single thing about this method"

I began to be curious. The title of the method is.