Chapter 7 Peculiarities

I stood up and started walking heading to the training room. There were lots of training rooms on the base and consist of single occupant, dual occupant and multiple occupant. It was important to create rooms for like this cause they're training methods differ one each other such as those who trains solo so they will not be hindered when they needed to concentrate cultivating or training for their selves.

I found and empty training room for single occupant's. I walked in and the place was able to satisfy my needs to train. In fact the training room for single occupant was large enough to dash around for short distances. i started changing my clothes and wore a more comfortable attire for my training. then I started doing warm ups and a little exercise to condition my body. Then I opened my terminal and started reading the cultivation method of my choice.

"Hmmmm. The word Placebo was just a medical term in my planet but for it to be a cultivation method here. This is rather interesting".

Although was not entirely convince that this method can help me at all as it looks like its just a mind conditioning method. Still you never know if you tried. Maybe this will be a jackpot. i don't know.

As I swipe my terminal reading the context of [The Placebo Effect].

"This method is kind of confusing at start but as I dwell much deeper it really make sense".

[The Placebo Effect]

It mainly focuses on the mind conditioning of the person and to trick one self's in believing it could do anything at all. To think this was only for medical purposes on earth and here it's actually a method to make you stronger.


[How can we mortal's surpasses our limits? How can we be someone who can do anything even if it's impossible? What do we lack? We lack the mindset to believe. This method may look only like it's all about words and motivational phrases to condition and encourages us, alas it's not. This is to open the sealed power inside of you! You yourself is god! You determine yourself! you can do anything you can!. I the creator of this method who was inspired by someone from earth manage to trick my mind and attained enlightenment. Some may mock you with this method as will label it rubbish! I think not! I myself is a living proof of one who can defy fate! If you cannot grasp the meaning the might as well give up! This method is not for you as it consists of many difficult challenged that will train you mentally and physically. If you cant handle the challenge don't try this method!]

[ I who was labeled USURPER OF FAITH only accepts those who are willing to take risk in life!]


= What an arrogant person!

=Usurper of Faith? more like a joke to me!

=If I ever see one trying this method imma call him usurper of faith too! Hahahaha

"Wew! good thing there is a single occupant training room. If not I would be humiliated. I must now reveal Im trying ths method now". The first procedure as I read was to meditate and feel your whole body. It said to merge your body and soul to unlock the secrets of yourselves.

I started trying out the methods first procedure. Meditating one' self and feeling my whole body. As I started the first procedure my whole body and soul became one my body feels light and my consciousness widened. I can feel all the cells in my body wriggling as I concentrated. My whole body became hot and my mind was like blowing up but i still pursued and struggled in pain. All of a sudden I blacked out.

I woke up and everything around me is dark, my body was shining and suddenly a ball of light appeared. I stared at the peculiar object but it didn't move at all. Out of curiosity I grabbed the object and it suddenly explode. I suddenly woke up like nothing happened.

I open my status window




















"What? only 1%? this is harder than I though!" the method said I have to achieve 25% of the total cultivation level to proceed to the second procedure. "This is one heck of a cultivation method". I have to try twenty times harder.

I tried meditating again and the same scenario happened, i kept reaching for the ball of light but ended up waking up. my body felt a little lighter like every cells in my body was under my command. I tried stomping the ground and a small crack appeared on the ground. I was startled and lost my balance until lay flat on the round. I was amazed by the changes in my body and joy was seen all over my face. "This! Now understand the feeling of those Mc's when they felt getting stronger"!

I continued meditating and repeated the procedure over and over. I was on a cycle of passing out and waking up again that I was numb on the pain when trying this cultivation method.

After so many attempts I felt stronger than ever but but my body was screaming in pain.

"This feeling of ecstasy of getting stronger"!

I decided I'll call it for the day and started to stop and headed towards the exit. My whole body was aching so much that it was so difficult walking towards the exit of the training room

I exited training room and went to my room, none of my room mates returned yet so I went to sleep hurriedly because I was hecking tired. As I doze of to my dream land the pain on my body subsided .


I woke up again on the dark place when suddenly the ball of light distorted and changed shape into humanoid form. I didn't move just be safe but the Humanoid started talking.

[ Is it you?]

I was confused and I stayed silent. But the peculiar being started walking towards me.

[ Who are you?]

it kept on staring at me.

Chills began to run down my body. It was like I was being stared by a million ghost in an abandoned city.

[ I see. Your the next one ]

Then the Humanoid flick its finger on my forehead.

[Try to end it this time second ONE]