CH.2 - Zoe's First Monster Cock and Gang Bang

The summer sun shone down on Zoe's copper colored skin and long black hair as she walked through the woods. Gently, she stepped over leaves and sticks making no noise, her ears alert to the faintest sound that could mean danger. Zoe knew there were many things in the forest that harbored evil intentions, but today everything seemed innocent.

The heat, the heat was another matter. She felt like she was baked, and she realized that she was over two hour's walk from the camp. She shivered as sound of running water reached her. A grin spread over her sweet pink lips, showing white teeth, and the huntress ran through the woods towards the sound.

Zoe laughed when she reached the shady side of the forest near the rocky hills. Clean water fell in a stream down from the hill, collecting in a pool that looked perfect for a quick bath. Zoe quickly looked around. She hadn't seen anything dangerous yet, and the clearing was surrounded by leaves and bushes, it would be difficult to find her.

Zoe's decision was made, she rapidly stripped off her T-shirt and skirt, exposing her lovely panties and bra covered body to the sun. A thrill sped through her and she quickly took her bra off, exposing her bare small breasts to the warm air, then she pulled her silk pink panties down and kicked them off. The warm wind making her shiver.

Smiling to herself, Zoe dipped one foot in the water. It was cold and her nipples hardened. She giggled, plunging in feeling the cold all over her bare skin. It felt incredible with the heat of the day. Ducking under, she let the water soak her hair, then breached the surface in an spray of droplets.

Zoe was so distracted that she didn't notice the approaching footsteps until they the loud stomps fell on the pool's edge. Her blood froze and her coppery skin paled as she heard the mocking voice of Cyclopes.

There were three of them, standing near the pool where she had left her clothes. One lifted her skirt to his face, two lifted her panties to his face, breathing in her scent and the third was observing her pert breasts that she covered up with her hands making the cyclops grunt. She wrinkled her nose in distaste.

She did what any Artemis' huntress would do when alone naked and with men or monsters. She had two choices, either to kill them or flee and because she didn't have her weapons she turned to flee. Zoe leaped swiftly from the pool, her nude body shone in the sun instantly as she landed on the opposite of the three cyclopes. She pushed quickly through the leaves to run – elation surged in her chest, thinking that she was getting away and she looked back towards the pool stupidly when something strong plowed into her strong flat belly and she doubled over, coughing.

A fourth one! She thought desperately as strong fingers curled into her hair, and dragged her back to the pool, her arms and legs flailing.

The grunts and growls of triumph greeted the cyclops holding her when the three realized that their prize wasn't lost.

"Let me go or my lady, Artemis, will have your heads!" Zoe despite her fear managed to say, relishing in seeing the four cyclopes flinch. Zoe knew that she and Artemis had a good reputation of hunting monsters down relentlessly and she hoped to use that.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"I never hear a woman talk," said a cyclops, his voice deep and strong, running a finger over his club. "Just scream."

"It's cause you usually are bashing their heads in with your club," the cyclops holding her said.

Zoe blanched when she saw the cyclopes nodding.

"I can make them scream without a knife," the cyclops sniffing her panties said , grabbing his crotch with a laugh.

"This one's mine first, Crimert," the cyclops holding her said threatening. He used his thick hand and rubbed her naked ass and Zoe managed to flail her legs powerfully, hitting the cyclopes in the chest. He growled and slapped her ass so hard that she fell over on the grass, landing on her stomach.

"Watch it, huntress," he said, picking her up by the neck. Zoe kicked and writhed as he squeezed her soft neck. "I think we need to teach you a a lesson."

Zoe's heart dropped as the cyclops shoved her forwards over a rough rock and dropped his loincloth. Zoe was sure that the cyclopes rough weight would be over her body and its cock would be penterating her virgin pussy. Instead, the cyclopes powerful hand came down on her ass. A sharp smack made to her ears as he slapped her butt, a jolt of pain made her scream until a cyclops stuffed her mouth with her panties.

Zoe's eyes watered and her cheeks stained with tears as she squirmed under his blows. She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut against the pain. Her eyes opened in shock when she felt something hard, thick and long press against her thigh. Her cheeks reddened as she realized what it was. The thrill from being naked rushed back, twice as strong and she wriggled as this hand hit her again. Involuntarily, she raised her red butt up for the next blow.

What are you doing?! Her mind screamed.

The cyclops, with his thick shaft between her legs sniffed the air, letting the trembling huntress rest on the rock. It smelled like honey and he licked his lips. Looking down at the huntress, her pussy peeking out between her thighs glistening with wetness and the cyclops realized that the huntress was enjoying it. His cock twitched when her wetness dripped on it, pre-cum leaking out of its tip.

Zoe squealed when the cyclops rolled her onto her back and spread her legs apart. Zoe didn't have time to register what he was doing until his thick shaft penetrtated her womanhood and the three watching cyclopes crowed with delight. Zoe moaned when the cyclops above her thrust his thick cock inside her.

Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open as she came. The cyclops thrusting inside her could feel it, her pussy convulsing and tightening and spilling her juices on his cock as he continued to thrust through her orgasm.

A cyclops came to stand above her head, his manhood above her open mouth and Zoe willingly opened her mouth more and licked her lips staring at the impressive monster shaft. The cyclops thrust its shaft inside her mouth with a grunt and Zoe, shamelessly and wanton with lust sucked on it. Her tongue swirling and licking, swallowing the pre-cum. Her hands came up to touch her aching small pert breasts when the two remaining cyclopes came to stand at her sides and grabbed her hands and guided them towards their cocks.

Zoe moaned, her hands stroking the thick long shafts, she sucked on the big cock in her mouth and thrust her hips back at the cyclops thrusting its throbbing shaft inside her moist cunt.

Zoe moaned against his thick cock, wet with her saliva and enjoying the salty taste of pre-cum.

If Artemis were to find me and if she were to disturb me or kill these cyclops, I would leave her hunt and angrily scream at her for disturbing this wonderful moment. I would probably attempt to make Artemis join me. Zoe thought, accepting the massive amount of lust that was running through her mind.

Zoe shattered under the climax, shock waves of pleasure sizzled and her sweaty body shuddered as she came again. Her head bobbed frantically and her hips twisted violently against his hips. She screamed and moaned against his cock as the cyclops buried his cock to the hilt and stopping. His throbbing manhood pulsed exploded inside her, spilling his hot thick cum into her sopping ruined cunt.

The cyclops pulled its erect cock out of her pussy making her moan with loss and yelp when he brushed against her clit.

"Lets switch," the cyclops that just fucked watched his cum and her juices dribble out of her cunt. He stroked his cum and juices covered cock.

"Hold on," the cyclops fucking her mouth said and sped up its thrusts. Zoe' grunted as the cyclops fucked her mouth faster and harder, pistoning in and out of her sloppy throat. She choked and gagged, her eyes tearing up yet continued to try to lick and suck.

The cyclops stopped its thrusting, burying himself down her throat and Zoe grunted as his thick cock pulsed and spilled its seed down her throat making her gag and swallow. Zoe swalloed with enthusiasm, enjoying the taste of his salty seed. His sweaty and hairy big balls resting on her chin.

The cyclops pulled out, his throbbing cock dripped cum and saliva down onto her face that she tried to catch with her open mouth, gasping for breath. Some she caught, rest landed with a splatter on her cheeks.

"She's a good sucker," The cyclops commented and they switched.

Zoe moaned when he pushed his wet thick cock inside her sloppy cum-filled cunt. He gripped her strong legs and held them onto his shoulders and penetrated her deeper making her release a deep moan.

Her empty mouth was filled by the thick cock covered in cum and her juices that she enthuastically sucked on. Licking the taste of salty seed and her honeyed-juices, swallowing the mixture down her throat and licked the tip of his head.

Her hands continued to pump the two aching bulges in her hands as the two cyclopes played with her aching tits. They twisted and pinched her nipples making her gasp in pain mixed with pleasure. Their meaty hands grabbed, groped and fondled her small tits. The two cyclopes at her sides were waiting for their turn and enjoyed her small hands that barely fit around their thick cocks.

Zoe lost count of how many times they switched and fucked her ruined sopping pussy. All she knew was endless pleasure as the four cyclopes used her willing pleasured and to be given pleasure body for themselves. Her lips were bruised and her cheeks were stained with tears, tits were red and aching from their groping and her erect nipples stood out poking.

Her pussy, even after taking four large shafts to the hilt was still tight around their cock. She lost count of how many times they filled her cunt to the brim with their potent molten cum. When a cyclops pulled out, her cunt pushed the hot cum out before another came between her thighs with his shaft hot and hard and slid himself home again.

Zoe knew she had swallowed at least 10 or more loads of warm cum and her own juices down her throat and her salivating mouth begged for more. When the cyclopes wanted to change positions, she did so happily. When they told her to get on her hands and knees with her ass up in the air, she did so fast that it made her look like a bitch in heat. When two of them started to lay down on the ground, Zoe didn't even think about it. She stood up on quivering legs and ran at them before crouching down and impaling herself to the hilt on their thick cocks and rode them and sucked the two cyclopes off who stood.

It didn't bother her when the cyclops gripped her head with two hands and used her mouth as a pussy. She choked and gagged and felt pain, but the pleasure overrode that pain and she moaned happily as the cyclops force-fed his cock to her open mouth, pushing her head back and forth on his cock and spilling his seed deep in her throat.

When the cyclopes called her a slut, she promised to be te their personal slut. When the cyclopes asked if they could come back and fuck her again, she agreed without a moments hesitation. In fact, if they did come back to fuck her again, she promised to be naked and wet with her legs spread for them.

When they said that they'll bring more of their friends to fuck her, Zoe moaned and told them to bring them all and that she would be ready and wet for them.

When the cyclops who was thrusting deep into her pussy idly commented about wanting to fuck Artemis or another huntress. Zoe had screamed and moaned against the thick cock in her mouth, she had shivered and climaxed, spraying her juices on his shaft.

"I'll help you fuck my lady, Artemis!" Zoe had then screamed. "I'll help you fuck any huntress you want!"

The cyclopes were frozen in amazement, amazement at how they managed to fuck the huntress into so much pleasure that she'd help them fuck the goddess Artemis or another huntress of their choice.

All at once their cocks throbbed and twitched, releasing their release hot cum inside her pussy and throat and the other two cyclopes spurted cum after cum on her small tits.

Zoe passed out from the sensory overload of pleasure. She fell in a heap of quivering mess with cum staining her sweaty body. The cyclopes didn't stop and continued to use her passed out body. They came again, insetad this time surrounding her and spurting cum on her tits, face and thighs.

"We'll come back again?" A cyclopes asked.

"Of course stupid," Another answered and slapped his head.

The last two cyclopes walked behind the two stupid-heads and both said at the same time. "Thalia"

They gave a belly-rumbling laugh as they walked away from the passed out huntress, leaving her in the clearing.

"Yes, what I wouldn't give to have the daughter of Zeus below me."


Aphrodite blinked into existence, amazed at how willing Zoe was after a tiny minuscule of her power. Aphrodite's panties were damp and her thighs were rubbing. She couldn't believe how hot and aroused Zoe was after she used her powers on her.

"Zoe's first cock and a gang-bang," Aphrodite murmured, her eyes still wide on Zoe's cum-stained tight and sweaty body. She remained on the ground, her tits facing the sky, her face to the side with her lips parted. Her legs were spread and shaking, her glistening cunt dripped with cum and juices down.

"Such a monster-cock slut," Aphrodite commented when she saw some cum dribble from her mouth.

"I too hope you help those cyclopes fuck Artemis," Aphrodite said, her fingers rubbing wet pussy through the damp panties. "I want to see Artemis spit-roasted"