CH.3 - Artemis the Bitch and Lycaon

Artemis hated the Wolf-King Lycaon. She wanted to put her knife through his head and crotch. She wanted to make a pincushion out of him with her arrows. But somehow, Lycaon always matched her or managed to flee away—or the more horrible opinion is where the Lycaon and his pack overpowered or overnumbered her and her hunters and it saddened and grew her hatred to epic proportions when a huntress of hers died.

When a pack member of Lycaon's died, it made her face lit up with glee and it gave her delight to see Lycaon howling with misery and rage. Right now, she was hunting down a pack member of Lycaon's, laughing with delight as the wolf ran away from her and howling for its pack to help him.

Her silver eyes lit up with joy when one of her arrows hit the wolf in its hind leg, making the werewolf fall over with a moan. She came to a stop next to the werewolf, standing above him like a hunter should and started to take out her shining silver dagger making the werewolf moan in distress and shiver with fear.

She didn't give the disgusting werewolf any chance to beg or plead. She crouched down and slit his furry throat, delighting in the feel of his thick liquid splattering her hand and enjoying the moment when the life left its eyes and slumping over. Artemis stood up and walked away, leaving the werewolf's to rot.

Artemis stopped walking when she reached a clearing in the forest and sat down on a log. She placed her bow and blood-covered dagger down on the ground next to her and took a water bottle from her hip and poured water over her bloodied hands to wash it off.

"Hello Artemis," the deep voice of the werewolf king Lycaon growled.

Artemis looked up, disgust and hate corrupting her beautiful face.

"Lycaon," she spat, her hand going for her dagger.

"Hold on," Lycaon said making her stop reaching for her dagger and Lycaon walked out from behind the shadows. His tall muscled and furry body coming to stand in front of her.

Artemis thought about leaping up and driving her dagger in his chest because of how close he is. It would be so easy too, she thought but wanted to know what Lycaon wanted despite her massive hatred.

"You have a body made for fucking," Lycaon commented careless. "Those pink lips are made for sucking cock and that tight firm ass... it just demands attention, begging to be touched and your pussy... that pussy desperately needs a cock in it."

Artemis spluttered, her rage increasing to massive proportions.

"Don't deny it," Lycaon continued, walking closer to her. "You hunger for monster-cock and cum, don't you?"

Artemis' hand remained frozen near her dagger, somehow her thoughts about taking the dagger and burying it in Lycaon's chest disappeared.

Lycaon smirked and decided to go for it. He walked closer to her till his knees started to seperate her smooth thighs and making her silver skirt hike part, showing her white panties. Artemis shivered involuntarily when his furry knees tickled her thighs and her eyes widened in anger when Lycaon exposed his thick and long manhood in front of her eyes. His big sweaty balls hung in front of her and Artemis growled, taking the dagger in her hand preparing to strike the disgusting animal down.

"Drop that dagger," Lycaon warned. "Or I will tell every demigod and god about your encounter with the Minotaur and how you enjoyed it. I will even tell every monster about it and let them know that you're a slut for monster-cock."

Artemis' eyes widened in stunning shock. She thought she was alone when she was with the Minotaur and unconsciously she moaned, remembering the thick minotaur-cock.

Lycaon smiled, hearing the goddess moan made his cock twitch.

"Please don't," Artemis pleaded. Her reputation and everything would be ruined if the news of her taken by the Minotaur and enjoying it leaked to Olympus and every where else. Her hunters would hate her and leave her. She didn't want that.

"I won't if you do what I want," Lycaon said, his amber eyes glowing with lust.

Artemis dropped the dagger back down and looked down at the bulging shaft throbbing with need. She gulped nervously.

"Put your hand around it," Lycaon said.

She did so shakily and slowly, not wanting to touch her enemies cock. Disgust taking over her beautiful features as she held the werewolf's cock in her small hand, barely able to fit it around his thick shaft. She felt it throb in her hand and heard the werewolf standing groan.

"Stroke it," he commanded, annoyed by her still hand.

She straightened her back and gathered her nerves, hoping to get this over fast. Her hand started to move slow, up and down and the werewolf moaned above her, starting to thrust his hips and fucking her small smooth hand.

It disgusted Artemis to give her enemy pleasure. It disgusted her so much that a monster derived its sick pleasure from her.

"Spit on it," Lycaon said before moaning, enjoying the feel of her hand on his thick manhood. It made it all the better to have the goddess of hunt, his enemy, to be sitting before him and pleasuring him.

Artemis did as he said and gathered a good amount of spit in her mouth before spitting it on his cock, she used her hand to lubricate his cock with her spit before continuing to stroke him off. This time using both her hands. Moving all the way down to his base and coming back up to the tip of his cock mixed with her spit and his pre-cum.

"Touch my balls," Lycaon said, wanting to see if she would use both her hands to do it or just one. If she did touch them, he had something special in mind to tell her and even if she didn't he'd say it anyway.

Artemis didn't bat an eye at his command. She lowered one of her hands to his big, hairy and sweaty balls and touched and massaged them, feeling them in her hand and continued to stroke his spit-covered shaft.

Lycoan moaned with increasing lust. His furry hand coming up and threading his fingers through her silky hair. Artemis bit her wetted lips, her thighs shaking and her panties dampening. The lust from being with the Minotaur was slowly coming back. The thick and long werewolf cock only increased her lust, it was almost as big as the Minotaurs and she unconsciously moaned and closed her eyes.

Lycaon stepped even closer between her thighs, as much as he could and it was quite a bit. Artemis could feel him stepping closer and she wanted to push him away but another part of her mind stopped her from doing it. The part of her that enjoyed having monster-cock. Artemis knew ever since the Minotaurs cock that she started to become more accepting to monsters and hoping that they all had big thick cocks and balls with potent cum that would bring her endless pleasure.

His pre-cum covered cock tip touched her wet pink lips. Artemis moaned and licked her lips, her tongue coming to touch his tip and she licked the salty pre-cum and swallowed it. Do they taste the same? Artemis thought because it seemed so. She couldn't tell the difference between the Minotaurs and Lycaons because they both tasted the same, nevertheless she delighted in the taste of his pre-cum.

Lycaon moaned at the feel of her hot wet tongue on his cock. He pat her head, making her look up at him and Artemis opened her silver eyes. Lycaon grunted at seeing those silver eyes that used to look at him with hate and disgust, but now they looked at him with lust. Lycaon smelled something sweet, he sniffed the air and the smell was coming from between her thighs. The sweet honey-like smell made him growl viciously, a snarl forming on his mouth and his hunger increased.

Artemis yelped when Lycaon gripped her shoulders in his big hands and shoved her onto her knees and hands. Lycaon yanked her skirt off, ripping it to pieces and Artemis winced when he tore her panties off of her.

Artemis tried to close her thighs on all fours, she didn't want to be in this position to her hunt's number one enemy. Lycaon growled and forced her legs apart, he knelt behind her and took a lick at her delicious wet pussy lips with his long tongue. Artemis released a moan.

Her hips pushed back at his face. What are you doing?! One half of her mind screamed.

It feels so good! The other half of her mind screamed, the part where it held all the lust for monster-cock and the desperate need to be fucked. Unknown to her, it's also the part that Aphrodite could affect the most, something that Aphrodite took full advantage of.

Artemis wasn't disappointed when Lycaon's tongue licked and teased her. Her toes curled, she shook and her legs quivered. Lycaon probed his tongue inside her pussy, enjoying the taste of her sweet honey, licking and swallowing it all down.

Artemis moaned when Lycaon pulled away. Artemis grunted when Lycaon's powerful frame leaned over her small body, his arms coming around to her front, groping her tits through her shirt and she moaned when she felt his hard shaft against her quivery thighs.

Plunging hot shaft penetrated her tight glistening moist cunt. Artemis moaned, accepting his driving thrust and yet trying to deny that she was enjoying this. Lycaon growled and started to pound away at her tight womanhood. She screamed and couldn't believe how fast he thrust and how good it felt to have a cock back inside her pussy. She shivered beneath his slamming thrusts. She grunted and moaned under his powerful driving thrusts and whimpered and answered his driving thrusts by pushing back at him.

"Bitch," Lycaon growled and pounded her tight needy cunt harder.

"Noo," Artemis moaned through the haze of pleasure.

"No? You are my bitch," Lycaon said through gritted teeth, groaning with pleasure as her tight wet cunt tightened around him. "You felt my big balls earlier? They are full of cum, cum that I will be shooting inside your needy cunt and your slutty mouth."

Artemis' eyes closed in sheer ecstasy and cried out her release, riding the wild and wonderful wave of pleasure. She bucked, thrashed and quivered under his muscled and furry body and arched like a cat against him. Lycaon ferally smiled as the goddess orgasmed under him and continued to fuck her squirting pussy through her orgasm.

"Oh gods," Artemis moaned. "Oh fuck! Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

Lycaon smirked before pulling out slowly, leaving only the tip inside and stilled his movements.

"What are you doing?" Artemis whimpered. She moaned, twisting her head to look up at him and she tried to thrust her hips back at him but Lycaon held her still. "Why did you stop?"

Lycaon smirked as he looked at her pleading eyes.

"Beg me," Lycaon said, his wolfish teeth showing in a grin. He wanted that feeling of victory of having Artemis below him begging and pleading him to fuck her.

Artemis frantically twisted her head, shaking and nodding at the same time. She didn't want to beg him but she wanted him to fuck her.

"Beg me you bitch," Lycaon growled and twisted her erect nipples through her shirt and thrusted once hard making her yelp intermixed with pain and pleasure. "Beg me you cock-slut!"

Artemis writhed under his groping hands and wriggled her hips, getting that smalm amount of pleasure making her want more. Her mouth opened involuntarily and she begged and pleaded. The words came out fast, pleas and promises of so many things. She screamed and flushed, embarrassing herself to the smiling werewolf balls-deep inside of her. Lycaon's eyes were open in stunning shock at the words escaping her mouth and it made him feral with lust.

Artemis took him to the hilt, and Lycaon thrust his hardness deep inside her, filling her to the brim with his shaft. Artemis screamed her pleasure and lifted her hips to his thrusting body and pressed her hips frantically against him.

"You're my bitch, aren't you?" Lycaon grunted, slamming his cock inside her ruined soaked cunt, loving the sound of her pleasured screams.

Artemis' lust was consuming her mind and she agreed with him. She was a bitch. She was a slut. She was a slut for monster-cock.

"Yesss!" She moaned and screamed, haze, lust and pleasure overwhelming her mind. "I am your bitch! I am your slut! Just keep fucking me!"

Artemis grunted when she found her head roughly shoved to the muddy ground by Lycaon's furry foot grounding her face to the ground by her flushed pink cheek. She ignored the slight jolt of pain and instead focused on the never ending pleasure.

"Oh fuck!" She screamed against the ground, arched in unspeakable ecstasy, her body quivering and shaking. Her mouth open in a silent scream and her hazy silver-eyes staring at nothing. Her pussy convulsed and tightened around his monster-cock making him groan and bury himself to the hilt in her molten orgasming pussy. Artemis moaned and twitched, her hips wriggling as his cock throbbed and spasmed inside her. Spraying her walls white with a big load of hot potent cum.

"Yes! Yes! In me!" Artemis shouted. "Breed me!"

Lycaon groaned and pushed her head deeper into the mud, withdrawing his cock and sliding home again with a powerful thrust and oozing more cum inside her fertile pussy. He did it again and again, making her shake and quake under his powerful thrusts. Her tight cum-filled and juices soaked pussy tightened around his cock and milked him.

Lycaon pulled himself out of her tightness and got off of her. Artemis fell to the ground in a quivering and shaking heap. "Get up," he commanded as he stood above her.

Artemis did so. She managed to stand up for three seconds on her weak legs before she fell to the ground again in a pleasured haze and groaned. Lycaon had a smile on his face when Artemis fell to the ground in front of him. "Bitch likes to remain on the ground, doesn't she?"

"Noo," Artemis denied, but grunted when Lycaon's hand gripped her hair and pulled her face up to meet his eyes.

"I said that the bitch likes to remain on the ground, doesn't she?" Lycaon growled, managing to lean down and stroke his juices-covered cock in front of her lips. Lycaon smirked when Artemis shook her head yet licked her lips as if wanting that piece of monster-cock in her mouth.

Artemis gasped in stunning shock when his hand slapped her cheek hard, leaving a red-hand print. She didn't understand why she enjoyed this... type of pleasure because. Her lust-filled mind demanded to be degraded like this, to be slapped, to be used like a slut.

"Yess," she hissed through the haze of pleasure and pain.

"Yes what?"

"I like the ground. The ground is for sluts like me." Artemis admitted.

"Good slut," Lycaon complimented her making Artemis feel oddly proud and happy. She yelped when Lycaon roughly helped her up and shoved her back against a tree. Lycaon gripped her leg and made use of her flexible body by placing her foot on his shoulder. He teased her pussy lips with his cock before thrusting up inside her wetness again.

"Oh fuck," Artemis grunted. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder!"

Lycaon gave a wolfish grin at the submissive goddess and thrust harder and faster. Plunging his thick shaft to the hilt and out again. Lycaon's hands gripped her shirt and ripped it off, exposing her small pert tits for his eyes to feast and his hands to touch. And he did exactly that, he fondled and groped them without shame, twisting and pinching her erect nipples and making her gasp for breath as she bucked against his superior muscled body.

Lycaon groaned and his body stiffening up, his hips speeding up even faster as he thrust his cock deeper inside the goddess making her moan and yelp with his powerful thrusts. Lycoan grunted and buried himself to the hilt inside her tight moist needy womanhood.

Artemis screamed, pleasure taking over her senses as she twisted and bucked against him. Her legs quivered and she almost fell over again but Lycaon held her still against him.

"You are mine! Your tits are mine! Your pussy is mine! Your ass is mine! Your fucking body and mind are mine!" Lycaon roared and spilled his seed within her fertile cunt, breeding her like a bitch in heat. "I own you, slut!"

Artemis moaned, her eyes wide open in stunning shock, her hazed silver-eyes stared up at his amber-eyes filled with lust and staring down at her like she was his slave. His eyes demanded her to be a obedient bitch to him. Her cunt tightened and sprayed her juices on his thick shaft and she screamed again as she orgasmed.

"Yesss!" She submitted. "I'm yours. You own everything that I am and have! You own my mind and body!"

Lycaon grunted, pulling his still spurting cock out of her wet molten pussy and threw her leg off of his shoulder and shoved her onto her knees. Lycaon had a smile on his face as he sprayed her face white with his thick cum. She shivered in delight as his cum splattered on her face and started to take his cock in her mouth but Lycaon stopped her, continuing to splatter her face with his cum.

Shivers of pleasure continued to run through her body. Juices and cum dripped from her pussy and she moaned when Lycaon gripped her hair and shoved her face down on his wet cock. She licked and sucked with enthusiasm that she didn't know she had. She swallowed the taste of cum and her juices down her throat, her eyes sparkling with joy.

He shoved her head down against his balls, liking the way she choked and gagged on his full length and continued to try to please him. Her eyes stared up at him and he held her head before starting to thrust hard and fast, fucking her throat and his sweaty balls slapping against her chin.

"Such a good slut," he idly commented and laughed when he saw her eyes lit up with pride and joy. That just made him fuck her face harder. Overwhelming pleasure rode his body as the goddess was submissive and obedient below him like a pet, a bitch. She didn't even mind that he was hurting her and it was getting him off. Her lips were starting to bruise, tears were staining her cheeks yet her eyes were filled pleasure and lust towards him, and he could imagine her throat hurting. If only he had a camera to take a picture of Artemis on her knees with his cum on her face.

"Create some slutty panties," Lycaon commanded and that made her confused yet she did what he said without questioning it. Out of thin air, small pink lace thongs appeared in her hand and he took them away from her. He gave a few quick thrusts inside her throat more before shoving her off and letting her fall on her back and he managed a quick laugh when she moaned and shook under an orgasm before trying to get back on her knees before him.

Lycaon grunted and stroked his cock against her underwear and he stained her new underwear white with his seed, spurting a few times before aiming his cock at her tits and came on her tits. Artemis moaned and pushed her small tits together, her hands touching the thick cum before yelping when he spurted one last time on her face.

He slapped his cum-covered cock head against her cheek, smiling when she didn't turn away from it.

"Now, you're going to be a good slut of mine," Lycaon said and Artemis sat up straighter. "You're going to wear these cum-stained panties and only these panties and walk back to your camp. There, you're going to show your cum-covered, my cum, body to your hunters and declare yourself as a slut, my slut to your hunters."

Artemis nodded so fast that he could barely tell how many times she nodded.

"You're going to force them to sit around and tell in explicit detail how much you enjoyed being my bitch to breed. My slut to fuck and how much you want to be fucked again and bred like a bitch. You will then tell them that if I want to fuck any of the hunters, then they can't deny me, fight me or run away from me."

Artemis' eyes were wide with lust, already thinking of who he would fuck and if she could be there to see it.

"If there is someone that is going to deny me, you are to pull off your cum-stained panties and stuff it in their mouth and bind them down for me." Lycaon said, saliva dripping from his mouth as he fantasised about fucking all the hunters.

Lycaon took a hold of her chin with one hand and used her other hand to pinch her nipples hard and made her yelp. "Is that understood?"

"Yes," Artemis moaned.

"Good," Lycaon muttered before slapping her cheek one last time with his cock and left her kneeling on the ground. On his way leaving, he leaned down and dropped the stained panties on her hand and gave a big slap on her firm ass leaving a red-print and a yelping Artemis behind him.

Artemis stood up on quivering legs as her entire body shook in the aftermath. She looked at the cum-stained panties and shrugged her shoulders before wearing them. She moaned as his thick cum rubbed against her wet pussy lips. She left the clearing and started to walk towards her camp and hunters—clad only in stained panties.

-Few minutes later-

Aphrodite was frozen as she looked at Artemis walk away. She licked her lips. Artemis' cum-covered tits and face were turning her on so much and she wanted to rush there and push Artemis to the ground and take her. She wanted to peel away those stained panties and stuff them inside Artemis' mouth. Aphrodite wanted her strap-on and push Artemis to her back and fuck her.

"Fuck," Aphrodite moaned and teleported away to get a good rough fucking from Ares.