hapter 21: The ninja's never saw us coming

"Hey Ddraig… why can't I hold all these [Ea]'s?"

'Because you only have two arms?'

"I guess… I really should get more chakra, then I could use that chakra arms technique and wield multiple [Ea]'s."

'You do realise that there's only so much Anti-World attacks you can throw around."

"But sometimes there's no such thing as overkill."

'For someone trying to gain power for a goal to prevent the world's destruction you seem to find it ridiculously easy to destroy it.'

"Destroying things is always so much easier than creating thing… speaking of which, I really wish I could use Banbutsu Sozo, The Creation of All Things…"

'Based on your knowledge… won't you have to master yin and yang chakra?'

"Yeah, but the good thing about this gamer ability is that it groups all the chakra elements under [Chakra Control]. The Shadow Clone Technique already counts as Yin-Yang Release and you only really need to use every element once to get the hang of it. Once you get to a high enough level and memorise the energy flow then seal-less techniques become easy. I got the memory bit down, but I need to grind levels."

'You are definitely the most overpowered host I have ever had.'

"Not really. I dare say I'm the most overpowered partner you will ever have. Calling me a host makes it seem as if you're a guest in my soul. Considering that [Spiral Power] was unlocked when you awakened it's safe to say that we both complete each other… no homo."

'Definitely no homo. Plus, it would be bestiality as well.'

"… I hope you have nothing against cat girls."

'So long as they aren't full blown animals it's cool.'

"How about elves?"

'Don't apply human rights to them and we're cool.'

"Is this related to the whole 'It's not rape if it's an elf' debate?"

'To be fair, they aren't remotely human so your laws do not really apply to them, so technically your morals shouldn't apply as well.'

"Yes, but the fact is that they are sentient and thus fit into the category of 'people', hence, I should treat them as I would treat my fellow man."

Such was the discussion me and Ddraig had after the whole debacle with the Fallen Angels. Well, technically it was the discussion we had after a whole lot of events.

Firstly, I quickly typed and printed a professional report on what had occurred. Next, I healed my captives up to the bare minimum, tied them up and dropped them into Azazel's bedroom with the report. In which he happened to just be exiting from his hotel room's showers at that exact moment, hence, he got to show off his body to his future interrogees.

Thank God again for Shadow Clones! After recalling my clones, I recreated four of them and had them work on a number of things.

One of them informed Sona and Rias about a Fallen Angel plot that resulted in a friend's soul being tore apart and that the burst of power was me putting it back together.

Another clone debriefed everyone on what had happened and well, considering I had done enough reputational quests to trust them enough, I recruited Mittelt and Dohnaseek to the cause. Mittelt was fine with it so long as she gets to stick around, Dohnaseek found it interesting enough, plus he felt like he owed me, so there's that. Asia was all for it, with exception to the killing bit, but the 'making the world as close to a utopia' bit was fine. Plus, the revelations on an infinite amount of worlds out there meant that none of the Fallen Angels had any grounds of rejecting due to fear of 'boredom' in a peaceful world. Not too say they liked war, it's just that considering their lifespans they would like something interesting to do more often than not. The clone then continued to explain while bringing the rest to meet my parents.

Two of my clones were dedicated to techniques and skill training. Basically, I sent them to the Naruto-verse and 'infiltrated' Uzushiogakure under the 50:1 Time difference as 'twins'.

The shinobi tried to kick them out or capture them but were captured instead. After my recent acquisition of Shokugeki no Soma volumes I had improved my [Cooking] ability by adding the 'Foodgasm' special effect. Plus, apparently all Uzumaki's were Ramen addicts so after force feeding the shinobi home cooked Ramen my clones were allowed residency.

Later, my clones would take turns running the Ramen Stall during the day to build connections and farming in Instant Dungeons. At night, my clones would duel each other under 10:1 Time ration instant dungeons in order to improve our fighting skills.

If they ever dispelled then I would just recreate them. As such I was getting more strength and skill through the process while my main body was travelling to all the Nasuverse Holy Grail wars that ended with the 'Bad Ends'. In other words, I was mainly killing lots of Gilgamesh's, Medea's, Dark Sakura's and Angra Mainyu's.

By now I already have pretty much all of Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasms and extra copies. Rather ironic if I do say so myself…

Plus, [Sha Nagba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star]… basically, one of the most useful Noble Phantasms that Gilgamesh either doesn't use or keeps at minimum power. It's basically my [Observe] skill when limited to 'Truths' plus a heavy [Clairvoyance] ability into possibilities across worlds when confronted with a situation. Although like Gilgamesh I keep that restrained because it fucks with the mind. Well, in any case, I keep the retrained version on at all times. Unfortunately it essentially lowers my ability to grind my LUK stat since I essentially know how to win every single game with it. I did manage to get some by spamming the slot machines and 'defying' the odds but man…

After all of that…. Then we had that random discussion.

But in any case, it's the next day, everyone's sort of used to the Gamer ability now… and I called a meeting in my mansion first thing in the morning.

Dohnaseek, Mittelt, Doomwing, Asia, Arturia, Okita Souji, Sasaki Kojiro, Aika Kiryuu, Zelretch (First one I met), Ddraig (In gear form), Shirou, myself and my parents.

"Alright, I'm glad that everyone has taken their time out of their schedules for this meeting."

"Uh, we don't really have anything to do right now." Dohnaseek interjected, speaking for Mittelt and himself.

"My companions are heavy sleepers." Doomwing says.

Asia, Arturia and Okita were fine with it.

"It's a weekday so my younger students will only come after school. In regards to the adult students I set a couple of exercises for them." Sasaki stated.

"Warn me next time you wake me up this early." Aika groaned.

"Kaleidoscope bullshit lets me pop in whenever I want, so no time is ever inconvenient." The now young looking Zelretch says with a smug grin much to everyone else's jealousy.

"Well… I'm stuck with stupid here." Ddraig said.

"Funny how I can say the same for the Dragon that got ganked on by the people you pissed off." I retorted.

"Yeah! Ddraig-san has no sense of tactics!" Shirou agrees with me.

"Oi! Watch your mouth, brat!"

"We have no need to work. And all me and my wife do is fuck all day anyways." My father bluntly says.

"AHHHH! LALALA! I did not need to hear that!" I close my eyes and block my ears while thinking about happier things.

Didn't stop you from 'knowing' that everyone else was laughing at you. Aside from Asia who was blushing profusely.

"IN ANY CASE…" I decide to get the meeting going. "I need some advice on how to well… get stronger and better achieve my goals. I have several proposals which I will put forth but first let's get each other up to speed and also if you have any requests then ask and you shall receive." I think Asia brightened at the bible quote.

"Nothing much on my end. Point me at devil scum, give me decent pay, good food, some spars, interesting fights and free time. I'm fine with that." Dohnaseek states.

"No problem on that end. As for interesting fights there are lots of worlds out there so you won't have to worry about that any time soon."

"Hmm… I don't really know what I want to do. If you have something interesting or useful for me to do then I'm fine with it. But… as long as we get to hang out as usual, test out those romance clichés as per usual, then it's fine." Mittelt says.

"Shadow Clone abuse has that covered."

"In my second day in Tokyo I escorted a rival gamer girl home only to discover her parents were killed by a stray devil. In which I revived them with the evil pieces and reverse pieces you gave me. I learnt that they were retired magicians who were targeted for their magical energy, after which, I hacked into a warlord's financial accounts, drained it and transferred some of it to the girl's parents to start a new life. The girl then decided to follow me in finding the stray devil that did this."

That… was eventful. While I roughly knew the story I never got the full details yet. Everyone else was very interested in the story.

"After which, I found the stray devil, fought her and questioned her. Only to find out that she was actually the innocent twin of the other stray devil . Anyway, I obscured some facts from you previously and called her a Fallen Angel but it turns out that they were mid-ranked angels who were captured and forcefully reincarnated into devils by a high ranked devil. But the guy was an idiot and her sister backstabbed him immediately. They both fled to the human world but the sister succumbed to the devil's inherent desire for power and tried to eat her twin, the one I met. Well, she survived and hid in Tokyo to heal, only for our little misunderstanding to occur. So I used the Reverse piece on her and decided to help her in ending her sister's miserable existence."

Oh wow… this is some sort of main character plot line all right. That's my son for you! I mean, he already has the whole 'hybrid' existence right down to pat and is a super genius in energy manipulation.

"We discovered that reversing the devil process did not make her a Fallen Angel like we expected but back to an Angel. However, we found that she couldn't 'fall' when she begun thinking lewd thoughts for some reason."

Dohnaseek, Mittelt and Asia were understandably shocked considering that they were more familiar with the 'rules' of this world.

"Hmm? Perhaps everything that has happened has severed her from whatever 'system' that regulates the dependence of Angels on prayers and following whatever rules angels normally follow." I theorise.

Doomwing puts on his thinking face. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Although we did find out that her energy levels were much weaker than her previous level."

"Probably due to her being cut off from the system. Pick a Class Card, should fix her up I think since she can rely on your mana instead or the fact that the Class Card provides a core on its own."

He picked a [Saber Class Card] from my hand.

"Well, after that. We went and completely pwned her sister. In which we somehow saved a female Yatagarasu in human form in the process. We then found out that she was on a quest to retrieve a lost relic and is also a young treasure hunter. So for the heck of it we all ended up travelling across Japan going on bizarre adventurers. It helps that we all enjoy video games so that's a huge plus."

"… Well… I'm glad you're having fun and I'm proud of you for what you have done. Although let me know if you think they would be willing to contribute to the cause." I say as I felt very proud in my creation and son. After all, that's some really interesting stuff he's gotten involved in.

"Oh yes, if you make any connections with the Yokai in Kyoto then I'm counting on you to connect me with them. You know… networking stuff." I requested.

"No problem."

"Anything else you need?"

"Can you go to a different dimension and get me a PS4 and Bloodborne? I can't wait for the release date anymore."

… I freed up one of my clones that was busy doing Seigi no Mikata stuff and remade the clone. He disappeared and immediately returned with five copies of the game plus extra consoles. My clone was hugged and was proclaimed best dad of the year.

"Um, I would like to go to school with Aika-san and Arturia. Will that be alright, Issei? I mean, I know Japanese now since you revived me with the Class Card so um…" I raise my hand to stop Asia.

"Say no more, it will be done as soon as possible. I'll get Rias and Sona to pull some strings, build them some random weapons, give them a bit of training and appease Rias's inner otaku should be easy enough. Plus, I recently used [Rule Breaker] on some firebird familiar and convinced it to switch sides. Turns out Rias is involved in a typical arranged marriage plot so she can easily be convinced if I promise her some help. Which reminds me that it will be a good stage for me to debut in the underworld." I ponder.

"I want to castrate the Perverted Duo without consequences." Arturia demanded.

"Nope. You can beat them up enough so that they will be sent to the nurses office. And they are not… that… bad? I think… well probably… how about you consider it a personal challenge to shape them into productive members of society."

"…Fine. But I also want a more active role to use my skills."

"I will be building an army eventually so it's obvious that you will be acting commander considering your experience."

"Very well then." Arturia finished, mollified slightly.

"More spending money and a Japanese style garden! Ooh ooh, this Okita-san would like a hot spring as well!"

"Done. You, transfigure a section of the garden and install one of Gilgamesh's hot springs Noble Phantasm." I say to my clone.

"Wait what! There's a hot springs Noble Phantasm!" Arturia spoke for everyone for the sheer outrageousness of what I said.

"Ha! How ignorant, you forget that I have the origin of all of humanity's creations. Of course I have the Original Hot Springs!" I stand up and boast in typical Gilgamesh fashion. Much to Zelretch's amusement.

"Hmm… well Issei-kun, some challenging fights would be good enough." Sasaki says only to be interrupted by Okita enthusiastically waving her hand to volunteer. Well, that's dealt with.

"I want to get more involved. I know what you're doing is dangerous and all, but when a chance to make a real difference comes then I would be a fool not to take it. Oh, and I want you to start learning some sex related magic from some H-games, I personally want to learn some of that." Aika requests.

"Wait, you can have sex magic and you didn't tell your dear parents!" My mother, Misa, exclaims as if she was scandalised.

"Aika I can understand and… well fine, you get a training schedule and some jobs. But mommm…. Not in front of everyone please!"

"It's our job to embarrass you." My father says sagely.

"Uhh… please tell me I'm exempt." Doomwing quickly suggests.

"Can I be the grandson now?" Shirou tries his puppy dog eyes on me.

"Doomwing, no you can't. Shirou, grandparents will embarrass you too." Haha, join me in despair. I shall continue the Cycle of Parental Embarrassment!

"Back in my world the Clock Tower is in a minor panic about the new sorcerer that can use two True Magics. Everyone you met back there is doing fine, Waver is being heralded as a genius in teaching, The Emiya's are happily settling in Fuyuki and hence I suppose I should start up Operation :Prisma Illya. Oh, this will be good…" Zelretch began to chuckle.

"…Won't there be an age difference from the original?"

"Kaleidoscope Bullshit." He answered as if it solved everything.

"Okay then, send me a video later."

"Continuing on… the Matou's are doing okay I suppose. The Tohsaka's… well, they sort of made peace with the Emiya's and are have working relations right now. As for requests… I will like for you to adopt a girl you orphaned and also for you to cough up some of Gilgamesh's treasure so I can start funding Operation: Grand Order."

Oof! That's a dagger of guilt right through my heart!

"… Let me guess, the girl is Caren Ortensia."

"Correct. And before you ask about her mother's relatives… do you really want the church to raise her as a tool to detect evil?"

"Nope. No complaints. Plus, Shirou gets a new sister."

"Great. I already sorted everything out." And as Zelretch said that a white haired child popped in and landed softly on my lap.

She looked up at me with her bright yellow eyes and asked.

"Are you the man who killed my daddy?"

"… Yes."

"Okay. Then you will be my daddy now?"

"Of course."


…. What was with this exchange? It was so strange and awkward everyone stopped just to stare.

"Well then, uh, this is your new big brother Shirou. Shirou, be a good big brother and uh hold her for me please." I say as I moved the four year old Caren and put her in Shirou's lap. She was there for two seconds before Okita snatched her up for herself. Well then, she's taken care of for now.

"Are you my new mommy?" She asked which caused Okita's face to froze… wait, what's with that face, why is she turning to look at me!

"Yes, of course I'm your new mother!" Alert, alert, danger, danger! I don't know why but my dragon senses are tingling.

'You have no such Dragon senses!' Ddraig commented mentally.

STFU if you don't have anything helpful to help with my impending sense of doom.

[Sha Nagba Imuru] why you no help?

"A-Anyway… what's this Operation Grand Order?" I try to change the topic as I ignore Asia's, Aika's and Mittelt's rather intense look at Okita's and my direction.

"I want to build an organisation that combines magecraft and science and would eventually revealing the moonlit world to the general populace. It will include researchers from every field, both magical and mundane, for the purpose of observing the both the magical and scientific aspects of the world. They will have a single goal: "to extend the reign of human history, above all else."

"Plus, I can implement the Guardian Hero Summoning System "FATE", aka… the Servant Summoning system for protecting humanity. While it will be applied seriously in most cases… it is also my cheap and easy go to solution to grabbing some Heroic Spirits, mostly EMIYA. Unfortunately, it's not cheap and only a few of my alternates have finished it, and only two of them have it for personal use. There's a big waiting list and personally I believe we can solve that issue. Besides, I'm sure you need some recruitment done."

"You already got me at the first sentence. Heck, I would like to eventually move to a similar business model. Get my clone to give you whatever funds you need."

"Actually let's get it over with now." He disappears and reappears with my clone. I realised I just lost 5 entire GIL units. That's five Gilgamesh's worth of treasure. Plus a few weak Noble Phantasms, basically, nothing troublesome considering that I still have another 3 GIL units to work with.

"By the way, I just installed a portable Kaleidoscope equipped version in your basement."

I feel over backwards at that.

"By the way, it's powered by mana and money. Good luck in rolling."

"Wait! It's Gacha based!?" I exclaimed.

"Yorokobe Shounen." He said as if that would answer my questions.

… "Moving on. Ddraig?"

"Just keep doing what you're doing. And get laid please, I have to beat my rival in how quickly my ho-partner… can get laid as well. You will probably win anyways so I won't ask for much."

"…How about I connect our senses somehow so that you can taste food?"

"That would be nice. But take your time, I've been stuck here long enough to not expect much."

"Okay then… Shirou, how about you?"

"I want to help out!"

"In time Shirou… go be a kid while you still can. And stop pouting."

"You already gave your mother and me enough but if you have any exotic vacation spots that will be nice." Jinoza, my father, says sheepishly.

"Anything for my family and friends. I'm certain there are plenty of beautiful fantasy worlds out there for you to pick from. Grab me a book, comic, movie, light novel and I'll get you there."

I say confidently.

"Well, then. That's everyone. Now it's time for my suggestions. Firstly, I was thinking of finding a world and grabbing a Chakra Fruit of a Shinju, gaining lots of Chakra. Read the file and give me your opinions."

I dropped copies of my plans and summaries of the Naruto-verse, history of the Otsutsuki Clan and the nature of Chakra.

Everyone was of the opinion that there were no real draw backs. The only downside was that I had to real inherent abilities that will evolve when I eat the fruit. My clone immediately went to around a thousand years before Kaguya went for the fruit and grabbed a Chakra Fruit. He took my spot in the meeting and went to explain the Bleach-verse plans while I went to another world and went in a time ratio ID to save time in adapting my body to Chakra.

The fruit was tastier than I thought. And then the pain came. And I was knocked out.

57.6 seconds in home dimension time later… (8 hours in ID time (10:1) in a 50:1 time ratio world)

"I have returned with a Dojutsu!"

I exclaimed, surprising the group with my quick return. Yes, the Dojutsu was in my non-enhanced eye.

[Gamer's HUD Eye] – Passive/Active – Lvl. MAX

Description: A genetic trait that passes on a weakened Gamer ability. Essentially redundant for you, but for your descendent or whoever you perform the Madara style eye surgery on, they will essentially get the ability to form parties and gain the ability to use skills from other worlds so long as they have researched it from sources sufficiently. Also, allows body to adapt to different energy sources more easily.

Grants [Gamer's Body], [Gamer's Mind (Lesser)] and [Omni-Planar Adaption]

The [Omni-Planar Adaption] honestly helps out as while my [Dimension Traveler's Instant Adaption] allows me to rip the knowledge and skills, the new ability will help give me the means to use them better.

Which I explained word for word to everyone. After I did that I recalled all of my clones and quickly made 7 clones and spread them out. When Aika asked why I only made seven, I explained.

"Basically, the information I will get if I have hundreds of clones might cause dangerous mental feedback, as such, each of the seven clones will go out with different focuses and will make more clones, that will make more clones. So basically, there's a hierarchy so that information is passed along in a more manageable manner."

"So… does that mean you've become the strongest with so many clones?" Shirou asked.

"Not at all, even if I have all the firepower in terms of quantity I'm still rather squishy." I hear Dohnaseek calling bullshit.

"I can still be killed in one shot by powerful beings rather easily."

"Actually, with the other eye you made with a [Philosopher's Stone] you essentially won't die if you're killed."

"… Point is I'm still on the lower end of the scale in this world and many other worlds." More calls of bullshit.

"Look, I'm seriously killable. Just because a guy has possible hundreds of clones that has access to nearly all his skills and a virtually unlimited amount of Noble Phantasms doesn't make him any less squishy."

Yeah, no. Apparently not many believe me. But seriously, it's ridiculously easy to kill me.

All someone needs to do is to annihilate every single one of my cells.

… I should fix that.

"Anyway… I have a clone handling all my social and business affairs, aka… Social Issei, will be the guy that the public sees, along with handling all the business stuff. Plus if I'm hanging out with you and I didn't explicitly say I'm the original then it's probably Social Issei." Mixed reactions there, not surprising.

"Next, there is the Saviour Issei. Which basically is me taking up multiple identities and different tasks to make the world a better place. By the way, if you see a blonde guy claiming to be a Doctor Gil, short for Gilgamesh, it's me. Training Issei is being super-efficient in training chakra and a lot of other skills. Grinding Issei is grinding for items, materials and money in this world and other worlds. Research Issei is stea-I mean, researching various technologies across the worlds along with building things. Spy Issei is looking for trouble in and all the secret organisations of the world right now. And then there's… Recruitment Issei, who is looking for people that might be interested in joining the cause."

"… I think I speak for a lot of people that wanted to help out that you're making us feel rather redundant." Aika responded which caused most people sans Zelretch to nod.

"I think you're exaggerating. Trust me on this; there are a lot of things going on in a single world that for all my power right now I still feel rather small. Anyway, according to the previous discussion, Zanpakuto's are out for now considering that it is uncertain if I can even modify an Asauchi for any of us to use." I change the topic.

"Now, to solve our firepower problem." For whatever reason everyone was either rolling their eyes or giving me the blank stare.


"I saw you juggling seven [Ea]'s." Arturia flatly says.

"Pftt. Seven [Ea]'s are barely a deterrent considering it could mean mutually assured destruction. Anyways…. How about Dragon Ball Z?"

"What the bloody hell! You just talked about mutually assured destruction and now you're talking planet busters!?" Arturia yelled… wait a minute, she knows Dragon ball? Probably some otaku's talking about it at school.

"It was Ddraig's Idea!" I protested. It really was! Although I think he liked it because of the Dragon title in it.

"More power is always good."

"Aside from the hyperbolic time chamber I think that we can postpone the Dragon Ball Z plans for now. So, focusing on the world's problems… I think that we should turn to the bullshit that is… Tinkertech." I then took out files on the Wormverse by Wildbow.

"Now, the main problem is that doing so will probably attract attention from a multi-dimensional abomination. So let's turn to our expert, the Master of the Kaleidoscope, Zelretch, for his expert opinion." I say and pass the buck to him as everyone reads through the rather large file.

"Well… it is very likely should you choose to shield yourself magically and conceptually you will be hidden from the world awareness shards that help power precognition and other information gathering shards. In that case, even the Perfect Path to Victory won't stop you… but if you want to actually end Zion and possibly reap ridiculous amounts of EXP. You will probably have to charge [Ea] to the max with all your skills and all your boosts, then… you will need to [Kaleidoscope] yourself to where it's main body is and finish it in one go. Otherwise he would just regenerate from it. And as for its dimension travel capabilities…"

"Now imagine all possible realities as hotel rooms. Imagine planes walkers as the guys that would travel to an empty and dangerous hub which connects them to every possible room in a hotel. Now, Kaleidoscope users are the guys that can teleport right into every possible room. Most, if not all other brands of dimension travellers will simply move to different parts of their own room… or make their own space. Which is what the Sacred Gear Dimension Lost is capable off. Anything to do with alternate timelines and realities fall under this category… or, they fall under the category of the guys that move across rooms but can only do so on the same floor. So quite frankly, Zion can't track you down back to this dimension."

"Oh, whew! That's a load off." I breathe out in relief.

"The tinkertech will certainly help us achieve a lot of things but… I think it's too risky for now." Zelretch adds his opinion.

"I believe that if you do so it should be done later once you obtain greater strength and mastery." Arturia adds. Many others agree as well but…

"We should help!" Yelled out two voices, Shirou and Asia.

I smiled. "I thought you might say that, but the thing is… I can appear at almost any point in time so…"

"Actually, some worlds have specific 'must happen' rules, and also there are some 'Stations of Canon' rules so technically not all worlds will give you that leeway." Zelretch corrects me.

"Well, yeah that. But still, time is in our favour and we can intervene at any point when we are more prepared to do the best we can. And I knew that you two would focus on the fact that their worlds are pretty much crap sack and should need help."

Asia blushed while Shirou smirked triumphantly.

I felt a rush of information and quickly I grimaced. I reverse the time flow for the Naruto-verse I settled in.

"Hmm? What happened?" Zelretch seems to have noticed.

"Uzushiogakure is being attacked. I already spend twenty or so days there and I dare say I made some new friends. As much as I would like the world to give rise to our a new orange overlord in the form of our lord and saviour Naruto Uzumaki, I would rather not ignore the slaughter of a… admittedly rather cocky tribe of seal masters just to maintain a timeline."

"Then your path is clear. We fight. And you will not it alone." Arturia declares.

"We're talking about ninja's right. The type where in your file you said that a high-ranked devil would probably be the equivalent of a High-Chunin to Mid-Jounin? I want in." Dohnaseek gave a slightly bloodthirsty smile.

"I think it's about time I tested my skill in a war." Sasaki says. Okita silently equips her clothes magically. Ready to take orders.

"There… there might be people hurt so I'm coming with you to help." Asia says with determination.

"We want to help too. Although I don't think we're fighters so we could do things like help the civilians and keep Asia safe." My parents say.

"Same with them. Hand us all one of those Final Fantasy healing staffs and we will get to work." Said Aika.

"I'll stay in the sky and throw spears from up there. No way am I taking on a ninja up close." Mittelt wisely decides on a very practical strategy.

"I might want to stretch these new bones a little." Oh what the fuck, Zelretch is going to fight. GG.

"I… I know that saving the people in the village will mean I have to kill others. But… I want to help, no, I will help!" Shirou says.

I sigh. "Honestly I think I can take care of it alone but… fine then. I changed the time flow so I will give us an hour max to prepare. I'll get to work on making some defensive equipment. And well, Doomwing?"

"Permission to recruit my companions?"

"The choice has always been with you, son. Although how do you plan to convince them I'm a dimension traveller?"

"I already have a fool proof plan. After all, I now have copies of Bloodborne for every one of them!"


"Ah, that's right. How can they deny such convincing evidence?" Zelretch says sagely, while everyone else nods along.

… What. The. Fuck.

"You can't be serious."

"No, Sirius is Harry's Godfather." Doomwing please don't make that joke when Harry Potter isn't even here.

Anyway time to get this over with. I apparated with Doomwing to the coordinates he showed me.

Yeah, his friends were… lounging around in a hotel room playing Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution… how ironic. Or is this some sort of narrative plot at work? Oh well, it's convenient enough.

"Everyone! My father is a dimension traveller and got us all Bloodborne before the release date!"

"The fuck are you smoking this time!" Yelled out the brown haired twin tailed middle school girl in front of the screen. Should she really be wearing such a loose T-shirt and such short shorts… better not stare at my son's friends.

"Isn't it supposed to be released at the end of the month?" I turn my attention to the blonde haired lady that asked the question. She had her white wings out and was playing the game with her feet while painting her wings black with paint… probably to disguise herself as a Fallen Angel.

I was mentally whistling at the size of her breasts. Damn son! Lucky bishounen bastard!

"That is correct. Miyuki, you should not voice such disbelief without researching the HOLY AMATERASU EACH OF THEM ARE COLLECTOR'S EDITION KYAAA!" The somewhat serious black-haired beautiful suddenly switched to squealing fangirl.

They promptly ended the play session and started trying the game out. A few minutes later and they were calling me father-in-law. Doomwing better thank me for this. In any case, Doomwing gave them the run down and he went ahead with making his angel companion, named Celise, part of the Saber Class.

I also performed Madara Uchiha style eye surgery with him, in other words, I ripped out my eyes and his organic eye. Then, I stuck my eye in his empty socket and healed it up. I quickly regrew my own eye after that.

I gave Shiho, the Yatagarasu girl the Final Fantasy buffed enchanted items to distribute to the group before apparating back.

Five minutes before we left I recalled my clones. Grinning in the massive progress made. My [Chakra Control] and [Chakra Usage] was near maximum, plenty of Madara's elemental techniques were learnt, although I seem to have an affinity to Fire, no surprise there. Other weapon masteries had improved tremendously, the [Gate of the Gamer] was over Level 70 now.

The rest of the Issei's made good progress but it's more or less the same stuff I usually achieve. Just a lot more…

Recruitment Issei only managed to find one person willing to join so far. Which I immediately brought over after reversing the time flow.

"Eh? So this is what the JSDF's world looks like?" The blonde haired elf said in amazement.

"Not exactly. Structurally yes. However, there are a lot of different magical races here and not all of them are so kind to humans." I explain to the elf that my clone had spent well over a day with, bullshit time differences.

"And the JSDF is well, a self-defence force, mainly. In that world they had to go through the gate in retaliation to the Empire's attacks in Ginza, a district in Tokyo. Politics, hah… are you sure about following me?"

"You saved the village from an ancient flame dragon, the life of my father and me. I am indebted to you."

"That's not a real reason Tuka. In any case, in a few minutes we will be going on a… war campaign to defend some friends of mine. Only I know how to speak your language right now aside from a handful of them that can speak any language. Just stick close to the kind looking blonde girl and hit injured people with this staff to heal them. Put these bracelets on so that you'll be better protected."

"Hehe! You're being over protective again."

"Haa… this is a war and I'm not taking any chances with your safety. You're a friend like Itami so of course I'm taking care of you. This reminds me, I should take Itami to a Comiket in a different dimension since he's probably fated to keep missing them."

An in-joke considering how Itami keeps missing the Comiket in the source material of Gate: Thus the JSDF fought there.

After introducing her to everyone Zelretch handled the transportation to the village. I left a clone to take care of Caren back at home.

We were already greeted by fire and explosions. Thankfully they were still at the edge of the village.

Everyone's already been briefed that the Kirigakure, Kumogakure and Iwagakure would be attacking. While canonically they would have succeeded, they would have lost the war due to heavy casualties here. Our goal is well… to win.

"Hyoudou! I've been looking all over for you, we know you aren't officially a ninja but we need your help! Three-" A regular customer that is high up on the leadership of the Uzumaki Clan ran up to me the moment we arrived.

"Kirigakure, Kumogakure and Iwagakure right? Don't worry, me and my friends are here to help. Sit back and relax."

"Wait, what do you mean relax?"

"Doomwing, you know how your group functions so I'll leave disrupting Iwagakure to you. Arturia, Sasaki and Okita will head to the mist and deal with the Kirigakure ninjas, your instinct and experience will best be suited in the more dangerous environments considering their mist making techniques. The super heavy hitters, me and Zelretch will… well, wreck everyone else. Shirou, bombard any Doton users. Dohnaseek, stay out of the line of fire and enjoy yourself with those at the edges. Mittelt, take to the skies. Non-combatants, whack the injured with those healing staffs. Tuka, stick close to Asia. Ddraig, let's do this. Everyone, Move out!"

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