

Just In




Issei's Gamer Life was harder than he expected by NickTheHun

 High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D & Fate/stay night Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Parody, Okita Souji, H. Issei, Rias G., Ravel P., Words: 219k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Mar 23, 2015Updated: Aug 19, 2016 1,433Chapter 22: Ninja God?

AN: Just read Fate/Kaleid Prisma Illya Chapter 41, I teared up. The feels… Fate/Kaleid Heaven's Feel Big Brother Shirou edition. His wish was actually voiced in 2wei Herz final episode. I don't think many people noticed it. By this point, Issei is at God Level by default overall, with Chakra… essentially Top 10 if he went all out right off the bat. Then again, the issue is that not all problems can be solved just by blasting it. Thus, his life is harder than expected. Sometimes, it's not the amount of power you can throw around that matter.

There's a timeskip here and next chapter will be on some slice of life, slightly crackish and some romance on what happened in the Elemental Nations. Oh, please read Fate/Kaleid's latest chapter, Miyu Shirou best Oniichan ever.

Next Chapter includes - Madara+ Hashirama shenanigans, Shirou+Caren Fluff, Issei+Okita stuff

Chapter 22: Ninja God?

Not everyone is a soldier. I have no problems when it comes to killing. But if it could be avoided without risking the people I care about then it should be attempted.

"[Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu]!]" Hundreds of clones appear.

"Don't use any Chakra, I will need it for my final show of power. Maim and capture. Kill when necessary or if the targets are not worth keeping alive. Help out any civilians or allied ninja." I say out loud for my clones and the rest of my party to hear as well.

All my clones proceeded to activate [Presence Concealment] and split up. Followed by everyone else… hmm, maybe I do make some of them redundant. Such is life as someone who ate the Chakra Fruit. Kaguya did manage to conquer the world with it, after all.

I only left the place for a minute in this world… that the damage has managed to spread into the city means they must have somehow bypassed all the seals… ah well, that's what happens when you get too reliant on one thing.

With Doomwing, Miyuki (Magician), Celise (Angel), Shiho (Yatagarasu)

Maximum Speed, Target locked, Right Hand Morph, Slash, Target incapacitated, Move on to next…

In the battlefield there was no need for complex thought. From killing and/or maiming targets, keeping an eye on the conditions of allies and to protect oneself it wasn't too complicated of a task when collateral damage was being handled by shadow clones. Plus, the incapacitated ninjas were swiftly being collected by… even more ninja like shadow clones of Issei.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Ignoring the ramblings of the technologically inept ninja, Doomwing proceeded to maim the man who had obviously not been taught how to stoic enough. Probably some Genin fodder, or some new Chunin. Definitely not Kiri ninja's, those guys were plain murderers. They probably would not be freaking the fuck out if the person they are attacking would take and attack only for the person to reform from it. Terminator-verse technological is really good for scaring people it seems.

"What kind of barrier jutsu is this!" Yelled some other ninja that was shooting spears of rocks alongside some ninjas that were flinging some Raiton jutsus.

The one behind the 'barrier jutsu' was his companion, Miyuki, the magician girl who was literally just standing there insider her spherical magical barrier.

"Ha… magical barriers for the basic so-called 'elements' are so overpowered in this world." She didn't really make any effort to attack. She wasn't exactly an attack specialist considering that she was simply introduced to the whole moonlit world very recently. A quick learner for sure, genius, in fact, but mustering the will to actually harm someone else is rather difficult for a middle school girl who was living a normal life till now.

But that's where the supernatural beings come into play. Spears of light came from above, piercing right through the stone barriers made by the Doton jutsu users. And from the shadows, the blade wielding Yokai girl would quickly cut the defenceless ninja down.

Granted, no ninja was truly defenceless. But humans tend to be off guard when they first encounter beings that don't fit into their expected world view. Very little people in the world would just easily deal with the fact you have women on wings killing you with strange mystical powers despite your 'ninja magic'. Plus, the women also happened to transcend humans when it came to physical abilities, so there's that as well.

Hence, we have a girl with shiny barriers to attract attention, and death from… basically everywhere.

"Aren't these ninjas supposed to be spamming Kawarimi or something?" Celise asks while tilting her head and putting a finger on her chin.

"Real world and story segregation. It is a lot harder to substitute yourself in the middle of battle. Not to mention, we're fighting on water right now, and there's not much around to substitute with." Doomwing answered his friend who had also just became his Servant in a literal sense, good thing she took the whole Command Seal thing well.

"It would have been more challenging if we were in a game-verse instead." Celise pouted.

"Are you mental or something? Wait, don't answer that, being a devil for a short while probably fucked your mind up or something…" Miyuki retorted, still a bit sore about having her views on devils and angels more than a bit shattered.

"Maybe… Although I think that's because our father in heaven is dead."

"Wait what! God's dead!" Shiho, the Yokai who is nominally on the Yokai side, although she prefers to be called a free lancer, yelled out as she was gutting some cannon fodder genin.

"Oh, whoopsie! Wasn't suppose to tell anyone from the other factions. Doomwing and Miyuki already know, you came later so we kind of forgot to tell you. Teehee!"

"Did you not just say that you were not suppose to tell me… only to imply you were going to tell me sometime anwways?"

"Eh? I thought secrets were meant to be shared with friends?" Celise innocently replied.

"… Yeah, I guess so. I will ensure to share some of mine later, it is only proper, after all." Shiho said smiling, admittedly it would be a little more heart-warming if the smile wasn't dirtied by the blood.

"Secrets later, more blood spilled now." Doomwing grunted while shredding his opposition with multiple high speed metallic blade appendages.

With Dohnaseek and Mittelt

"I should have taken more spear throwing classes… Pew, pew!"

"Could you please stop making weird noises when you're doing that? Light spears do not work that way. And really, if one spear doesn't hit, just use more spears." Dohnaseek answered his younger comrade while sending down dozens of exploding light spears.

"Hmm… oh, that one survived an explosion, time to engage in mortal combat." Dohnaseek excitedly grins and goes down towards him.

"Ugh, men and their obsession with single combat. I'll just stay up here practicing spear throwing. It's not like we have much to do considering that everyone else is crazy competent."


"Seriously? What kind of ninja asks for a direct battle?" Mittelt muttered.

"The guy looks like a Jonin, this could be exciting!"

"Yeah, yeah, have fun ok."

With Shirou

"Doton barriers…. Basically, any mound of abnormal dirt or rocks." Reinforcing his eyes, Shirou, scans the battlefield from one of the taller buildings in Uzushiogakure.

He sees a moving dome of dirt that's shooting rock spears at Uzushiogakure ninjas. Definitely hostile.

"What to use…. Think, think, it has to be piercing, but should also detonate. Broken Phantasm, but it doesn't need that much piercing power so…"

Bah! A normal Caladbolg that maintains it's Anti-Army characteristics should be fine, after breaking it that is.

And so Shirou did so, and fired the massive drill sword straight into enemy lines.

The explosion was a … teensy bit too big. Alright, he may have understated the size of the crater by a fair margin.

"Maybe something below A rank…" Yeah, no shit.

With Arturia, Sasaki and Okita Souji

"A mist generating technique huh? This will be interesting test of my skill." Sasaki says, only to have his hopes shattered immediately.

"Hammer of the Wind King!" Arturia immediately uses Invisible Air as an attack to remove said chakra generated mist. Killing a few ninja's while at it.

"Ha… alright then, guess it's just me, my sword and some honourable combat." He was then pelted with shuriken, senbon and kunai. All of which he effortlessly blocked.

"Fucking Ninja Scum! This is worse than fucking magic wielding devil scum! Is there anyone that can give me a real fight here!?"

"Go to the Land of Iron where you belong, fucking Samurai! And take your fucking Bushido with you!" Some ninja yelled out from the trees. He was promptly cut down by the Sasaki's long blade a second later. The ninja clearly didn't get the memo he was dealing with people that casually moved faster than sound.

"… It feels a little dishonourable considering that we out match them by a tremendous amount, don't you agree Okita-san?... Okita-san?" Arturia said after watching Sasaki's uncharacteristic outburst.

She promptly saw a trail of corpses. Okita was back a few seconds later. No doubt that [Reduced Earth] played a key role in closing the distances between enemies so quickly.

"The area is clear, let's move on to the next area covered by mist." The girl clearly stated.

Arturia recognised the sheer coldness of Okita's tone, it reminded her of Kiritsugu, and also of the difference between her fellow Saber. Arturia was a knight, soldier, king. Okita was a cold-blooded killer, she didn't fight for ideals or a cause, she was simply pointed to her targets by whoever she was serving, and then she killed them.

Okita paused for a moment, before her eyes widened.

"OKITA, Has… LEVELED UP!" The girl yelled out suddenly in a cheery manner.

"… What?" Arturia was quite frankly, flabbergasted. She highly doubts she will ever get used to how Okita switches forth between her killer and cute teenage girl personas.

"GAH!" Okita coughs out blood and falls face flat on to the ground.

"Okita-san! What happened!"

"W-Weak Constitution. Ah, I hate that skill. But! It's OK! My body is still fine! I can keep going –COUGH!?" The girl fell face flat into her own blood again.

Or she would have if Issei… or one of his clones didn't come and grab her, hoisted her up on his shoulders and went off in the direction of Uzushiogakure.

… Arturia decided to just get on with her orders.

With Tuka Luna Marceau, Asia, Aika and Issei's Parents

Tuka didn't really understand the language. That was an understatement. In general, all she did was beat people with this staff and they were somehow healed.

The blond girl, Asia, was healing people with a warm green light. Tuka liked that light.

Issei's parents and Aika were healing with the same staff, they were also chatting with the civilians it seems.

Tuka whacked one of those 'ninja' people, he didn't look so healed despite his gesture of gratefulness. So she whacked him again.

The ninja tried to say something, but she didn't understand. But… he probably needed more healing. He must be really dedicated to be trying to get back to work, but Tuka wouldn't want to let Issei down by letting someone injured go off.

By now she was somehow keeping up with the man while whacking him repeatedly on the head. Some people just try to hard…

With Zelretch

"Well hello, young boys and girls?" The dead apostle ancestor was promptly interrupted by a barrage of water, lightning and earth jutsus. Also, hundreds of the typical ninja throwing weapons.

"That was rude." The vampire said as he casually dodged every attack. It's the least someone at his level could do, even when his body was degenerated he could fight most Servant's with a reasonable chance of winning. Now… he was a lot stronger.

"I haven't had a drink in quite a while." He moved, right next to a Kiri ninja. And bit into the man's neck. Drinking some blood.

"You know, there really isn't much difference in blood quality when it comes to whether you have chakra or not." He says as he crushed his victims head with one hand in a non-chalant manner.

"What would Madara say if he was here… oh right, Let's Dance!" Dashing forward onto the water, Zelretch stretched out his hand and ripped into the unfortunate Jonin's body. From left shoulder, to right hip.

If someone were to ask him if it was deliberate… he would say yes, and that he did it to strike fear into the lower ranked ninjas with how easily he dealt with a superior ninja. In reality, he went for the nearest guy.

Not that a difference in rank would make any difference from the man that pushed back the moon.

"Really? Is that it? I'm just going to go and drop into a fourth shinobi war just for the novelty of fighting edo tensei ninjas. Because this… is definitely not worth my time. So, Buh-bye!" He materialised his mystic code, The Jewel Sword Zelretch, named after himself, of course.

A casual swing shot a prismatic wave of light that cleaved apart scores of enemy ninja's. They were standing on water, the whirlpools guarding Uzushiogakure, so too bad for them.

"Damn! My hands are dirty! Well, good thing Issei knows Harry Potter magic, I will never complain about the convenience of wizard spells again…"

With Issei

Let's see, 50% of the main force maimed or captured, 30% dead… time to finish this up.


That was the tenth boost. Issei hit his throat with a [Sonorous] charm to amplify his voice.

This was so cheesy that he actually used his memory partitions to filter out what he said. He basically [Monologue]d on how they were fools to attack the village that was under his protection. And that they would face the power of a God, yeah, Chakra Fruit gives you THAT much Chakra. Having dispelled nearly all his clones, he had more than enough Chakra for this. After all, he had practiced it for around 500 hours, since he was so bloody good at Chakra he could do this rather easily. It helps to have [Intuitive Aptitude] along…

"[Banbutsu Sozo]!"


Say hello to your neighbourhood friendly giant meteor! Since I didn't have the Rinnegan I had to just create a Meteor, but it worked out well if I do say so myself!

Yes, the battle ended there. For real.

Quite honestly, you didn't really feel up to celebrating over a war even through you won it with your friends. I could have won it yourself now that you have thought about it.

I proceeded to transfigure many extra prisons to fit the captured army in, some chakra blocking rods courtesy of Banbutsu Sozo went along way. Oh, having nigh unlimited wealth allowed me to just buy food off supermarkets to feed the people of Uzushiogakure and the prisoners.

I had decided that considering that the people of this era was so used to following a higher power… they should actually follow a decent higher power, namely me!

I mean, seriously, ninja's following Daimyo's? And civilians?

Fuck this shit! It's time for social, political and economic reform! Funny thing I tested out was that conceptual magic worked very well here… in other words, compulsion charms worked… like a charm hahaha!

I let Uzushiogakure celebrate us as heroes and myself as their new lord and saviour… I mean, not that I'm head of their clan or anything, just that I'm their new God.

I sent everyone except Okita, Shirou, Tuka and Zelretch home. Zelretch, because he could make it back himself. I brought Caren over while remaking some shadow clones. Sending three back to my home world, three off to other parts of the multiverse to gather some technology and other materials. Three clones would stay here to work on changing the ninja world.

Tuka would be staying here so I could use the changed passage of time to teach her some languages and some culture.

Okita, Caren and Shirou… well, we're essentially a de facto nuclear family, might as well play the part of it.

I always had a couple of clones on them. A boosted Banbutsu Sozo gave me all the land I needed to make my own island somewhere near Uzushiogakure for the new family to stay in. My clones easily made a modern mansion and eventually got the island to float. I've also been busy spamming compulsion charms and enchantments on everyone of importance in this world to gain political and economic control.

Breaking into Konoha was easier than I expected. So was copying the Forbidden Scrolls of Seals which conveniently contained the Edo Tensei Jutsu.

In order to bring peace to the elemental nations I needed crazy powerhouses that were committed to maintaining it… coincidentally, I went ahead and blew up the moon with [EA]. Yeah, no Infinite Tsukuyomi for anyone. Doing that also hyped me up as a God in this world, not that I actually wanted to be a God, it's just that these people are used to it, so I might as well roll with it.

Raising Hashirama from the dead and putting him in a new healthy body helped with my credentials. I smacked him with the Kaleidoscope and slapped him with Canon memories, that helped out a lot in explaining what I aimed to achieve. Giving Mito Uzumaki, Hashirama's wife her youth again with a few drops of the [Elixir of Life] buffed up my credentials as a God even more.

It had some strange effects… namely, this made it so that Mito didn't have to transfer the Kyuubi… Kurama, out of her to Kushina. Kushina somehow declared that she didn't want to be Hokage but wanted to be the new Ninja God. Somehow I ended up her sensei when she wouldn't stop bugging my clones that were travelling across the Elemental Nations.

As for Madara, I went with Hashirama to his hiding place and slapped him with Canon memories. He went ape shit on Black Zetsu despite being stuck onto the Gedo Mazo. Hashirama wasn't too big on whole compulsion spells on everyone plan… but I said that it was only a temporary measure to build up some trust between the Daimyo's and the villages to ensure reforms had worked. Plus, it was an in between ground between Madara's wishful Infinite Tsukuyomi Plans and Hashirama's everyone cooperates plans. I think it helped that the two really wanted to go back to being best friends, so I fixed up Madara, which somehow awakened his Rinnegan in the process, and we instilled terror and awe into the Elemental Nations.

Three Years had passed in the elemental nations, my increasing proficiency in the Kaleidoscope had allowed me to get in three years within 9 days back in my home world. And the results were…

Name: Hyoudou Issei Age: 19

LVL: 135 EXP: 420360/21181548

Title: [Kaleidoscope Bullshit] Affiliation: None

Race: Human with Draconic Traits

HP: 17460/17460 Regen: 1484.1 per minute (1% (Base) + 5.5% (regeneration skill)+2% (Philosopher's Stone))

MP: 11680/11680 Regen: 1818.388 per minute (0.6*WIS + 0.1% of max mana per WIS)

Prana: 5000/5000 (Opened Circuit No * Prana Limit)-50*100

Chakra: 20390540/20390540 (END+MAG)*(Chakra Fruit Multiplier(10000)+Chakra Circuit number)- 2036*10015 Regen: 2242954.4 per minute (1% (Base) +10% (Master of Chakra Manipulation skill))

STR: 827.5 (288+467.5+72)

END: 868 (279+598+0)

AGI: 1168.5 (332+587.5+249)

INT: 956 (250+706+0)

WIS: 1028.5 (250+653.5+125)

MAG: 1168 (250+918+0)

LUK: 530 (250+280+0)

GAR: 150

Points: 138

Wealth: 3 Gil (Gilgamesh)

Note: GAR increases permanently as more GAR worthy deeds happen.

Status: Dragon's Aura (+300% in Reputational Gains with women, when not hidden, your presence will be felt)

Skill list

[Gamer's Mind] – Passive –

[Gamer's Body] (Default) – Passive – - Variants: [Mostly normal body], [Locked]

[Beginner's Boost] – Passive –

[Dimension Traveler's Instant Adaption] – Passive –

[The Multiverse Affinity] – Passive –

[Spiral Energy] – Passive – LVL. 1

[Mana Conversion] – Passive –

[CG EMIYA Stance] – Passive – Lvl.50 -Increase in AGI and WIS by 1% per level

When taking this stance: Increase in AGI and STR by 10+1% per level when parrying

[Yolo Dual Blades Stance] – Passive – Lvl.25 -Increase in AGI and STR by 1% per level

When taking this stance: Increase in AGI and STR by 10+1% per level when attacking

[Eye of the Mind (True)] – Passive – Lvl.55 – Rank A

[Presence Concealment] – Passive/Active – Lvl.47 – Rank B

[Item Construction] – Passive/Active - Lvl.50 – Rank A

[Territory Creation] – Active – Lvl.10 Rank E

Description: The skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus. Can create a makeshift 'workshop' and can create terrain to give a slight advantage to physical combat.

[Archery] – Passive/Active – Lvl.45 – Rank B

[Body Modification] – Passive – Lvl.11 Rank D

Description: It is the aptitude to merge one's own flesh with body parts of others. The higher the ranking in this skill, the further away one is from being a proper hero.

[Teaching] – Passive/Active – Lvl.22 – Rank D

[Cooking] – Passive – Lvl.80/100 - Rank: A+++

Description: A skill to create food from ingredients. The higher the skill, the greater the quality of the food and the efficiency of which you make it.

+Foodgasm Effect

[Shared Perception] – Active – Lvl.24 Rank D

Description: Allows the sharing of the sensorial inputs of those you have a mana connection with. Range and detail of shared perceptions increase as level increases.

[Clairvoyance] – Passive – Lvl.31/100 Rank: C

Description: Clairvoyance connotes superior visual perception and dynamic occipital capture, such as to supplement the long-range aiming of projectile weapons. At higher ranks, it is possible that the bearers of this skill have acquired such abilities as precognition and other forms of perception beyond standard eyesight. Rank C: Capable at keeping track of fast-moving objects at just over 4km.

[Villain's Overwhelming Power]- Active/Passive –

Description: The ability to willingly lower your total STR temporarily and increase either your STR or your AGI by 5 times that amount for half the time you held back. Your original STR values are regained regardless of your choice. (50 + 100 Base STR bonus)

[Villain's Forced Equalisation]- Active/Passive –

Description: The ability to automatically adjust your STR to whatever is needed to keep a stalemate in any instant should you choose to do so. So long as the value is equal or lower than your current STR. (150 Base STR bonus)

[Villain's Sudden Strike]- Active/Passive –

Description: You know that time when the hero thinks that things are going to go well for them? Well, fuck that! STR Increases by 1000% for one second or the time it takes for one attack. Only usable at start of battle or when you were holding back by a very significant amount.

[Flexible Defence Control] – Active/Passive –

Description: The ability to rearrange the END values of your body and also exchange physical defence for MAG defence. (50 + 100 Base END bonus)

[Regeneration Cycle] – Passive –

Description: Triples base health regeneration to 3%. (150 Base END bonus)

[Reactive Defence] – Passive –

Description: Increases EXP gain to skills that grant resistance to damage and abnormalities by a tremendous amount. (250 Base END bonus)

[Resistance Zero]- Passive –

Description: The ability that reduces all damage from moving at high speeds to zero. Also all forms of resistance when moving will become zero. This also applies to all equipment you are wearing. (50+100 Base AGI bonus)

[Zero Lag]- Passive –

Description: The ability that renders all logic regarding perception, action and reaction null. (150 Base AGI bonus) i.e. Your body and mind perceives, acts and reacts on the level of your INT and AGI allows. Silly logical rules like reaction time no longer apply. Your thoughts and actions are completely in sync.

[Fragile Speed]- Passive –

Description: Can exchange END values for AGI at an equal ratio. (250 Base AGI bonus)

[Unforbidden Concepts]- Passive –

Description: The ability that allows you to understand concepts at an instinctive rather than theoretical level. Allows the usage of concepts beyond your comprehension by instinct. (50 base INT bonus)

[Perfect Memory]- Passive – (100 base INT bonus)

[Intuitive Aptitude]- Passive – (150 base INT bonus) (Think Sylar from Heroes)

[Intuitive Replication]- Passive – (250 base INT bonus) (Think Sylar from Heroes)

[Rejuvenation cycle] – Passive –

Description: Triples Base mana regeneration levels. From 0.2 to 0.6 per WIS. (50 Base WIS bonus)

[Peace, Gained through Wisdom] – Passive –

Description: Adds mana regeneration of 0.1% per minute for every point in WIS.(100+150 base WIS bonus)

[Combat Perception] – Passive –

Description: Allows for you to understand how a person thinks and fights in combat. (250 Base WIS bonus)

[Multi-Cast]- Active/Passive –

Description: Allows you to set macro commands using mental triggers to activate up to 3 spells at a time. (50 Base MAG bonus)

[Overcharge]- Active/Passive –

Description: Allows spells to be charged with as much Mana as the user desires. Effects vary. (100 Base MAG bonus)

[360 NO SCOPE CASTING]- Active/Passive –

Description: The ability to cast spells in any direction without channelling through body parts from a distance of 100m or as far as the Gamer can see. (150+ 250 Base MAG bonus)

[Essential needs of the Gamer] – Passive –

Description: Increase in LUK and % chance of getting what is needed. Applies for materials, skill acquisitions and the needs of your flesh. (50 + 100 Base LUK bonus)

[Noob's Luck] – Passive –

Description: Higher chance of getting rare loot if you have never gotten the loot before. (150 Base LUK bonus)

[Itemised Kill] – Passive –

Description: Every kill s guaranteed to drop an item or skill book. No guarantees if it's good or not. (250 Base LUK bonus)

[Knowledge of Respect and Harmony] – Passive – Lvl.48/100 Rank: B

Description: Knowledge of Respect and Harmony prevents any decrease in the effectiveness of a technique, regardless of how many times it is used against the same opponent. Rank B: Attacks cannot be perceived by the enemy.

[Spirit Phase] – Active – Lvl.30/100 MP cost: 20 per second- Increase in END by 2 per level

Description: Allows the user to phase through physical material like a spirit by temporarily transforming one's body and clothes to a visible intangible ghostly state.

[Arms Mastery] – Passive- Lvl. 100- Increases all stats by 2.5 per level

Description: Increases damage done by all 'weapons' by 500%

[Eternal Arms Mastership] – Passive – Lvl. 10 – Rank E

Description: Prevents degradation of fighting skills when under the effect of mental hindrance.

[Onmyōdō] - Passive/Active – Lvl.45 –Rank B

[Shikigami creation] - Passive/Active – Lvl.42 –Rank B

[Jewelcraft] - Passive/Active – Lvl.35 –Rank C

Description: This magecraft branch allows the storing of mana in jewels. Jewels with stored mana can be used to heal, recover mana from, used in spells and detonated as a limited mystic code.

[Alchemy] - Passive/Active – Lvl.50 –Rank A

[Detect Intent] – Passive – Lvl.40 – Rank B

[Homunculus Creation] - Passive/Active – Lvl.38 –Rank C

[Technology] - Passive– Lvl.30 –Rank C

[Deception] – Passive – Lvl.32- Increase in INT and WIS by 0.5 per level

[Intimidate] – Active – Lvl.25 MP cost: variable- Increase in WIS by 1 per level

Description: The act of using various methods to strike fear into the hearts of those around you. Be it through physical, magical or psychological means. Anything goes.

Increases intimidation effectiveness by 5% per level

[Mana Usage] – Passive – Lvl.55 - Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Aura Mastery] – Passive/Active – Lvl.30/100 MP cost: variable- Increase in MAG by 1 per level

Description: You can control your Aura which represents a mix of your mana density and your overall physical fighting prowess. It can be used to force weaker opponents to the ground or lower their statuses. Also can be used to affect your environment based on the density. Can be combined with elemental magic to reproduce that effect close to you.

[Observe] – Active – Lvl.70 MP Cost: 1- Increase in INT by 1 per level

[Pain Resistance] – Passive – Lvl.40 - Increase in END by 0.5 per level

[Physical Resistance] – Passive – Lvl.40 - Increase in STR and END by 0.5 each per level

Decrease in physical damage by 10+0.5% per level

[Multiverse Martial Arts (Master)] – Passive – Lvl.50 - Increase in STR and AGI by 0.5 each per level

Increase in damage when using weapons by 10+1% per level

Increase in damage when not using weapons by 20+2% per level

[Regeneration] – Passive – Lvl.45 - Increase in END by 0.5 per level

Increase in HP regeneration per minute by 1 + 0.1% per level

[ID CREATE] – Active – Lvl.30 MP cost: 170

Current dungeons available: Zombies, Ghost, Direwolves, Orge, DireBears, Slimes, Tentacle Monsters, Assorted Local Monsters, Mixed Dungeons, Empty, Time control (10:1)

[ID Escape] – Active – Lvl.30 MP cost: 35

[Structural Grasp] – Active – Lvl.60 MP cost: 3 - Increase in MAG by 0.2 per level, and increase in INT by 0.5 per level.

[Reinforcement] – Active – Lvl.55 MP cost: depends on object - Increase in MAG by 0.2 per level

[Alteration] – Active – Lvl.60 MP cost: 3 - Increase in MAG by 0.1 per level

[Gradation Air] – Active – Lvl.40 MP cost: 5 - Increase in INT by 0.5 per level

[Tracing] – Active – Lvl.55 MP cost: Variable - Increase in MAG by 1 per level

[Mana Infusion] – Active – Lvl.35 MP cost: Variable - Increase in MAG by 1 per level

[Dark Flames] – Active – Lvl.20 MP cost: 90 - Increase in MAG by 1 per level

[Life Transfer] – Active – Lvl.15 MP cost: 10 - Increase in MAG by 1 per level

[Failburst Stream] – Active – Lvl.1 MP cost: 0 or 12 Increase in STR and AGI by 0.5 per level

[Starburst Stream (Anime version)] – Active – Lvl.14 MP cost: 0 or 40 – Increase in STR and AGI by 0.5 per level

[Kido] – Active – Lvl.22 MP cost: Depends on Kido used – Increase in MAG by 2 per level

[Hohō] – Active – Lvl.60 MP cost: 6 – Increase in AGI by 2 per level

[Spiral Mana Arrow] – Active – Lvl.12 MP cost: 3 per arrow – Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Energy Bolt] – Active – Lvl.14 MP cost: 8– Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Mana Rope] –Lvl. 12 – MP cost: based on thickness – Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Mana Chains] –Lvl. 18 – MP cost: based on thickness – Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Mana Step] –Lvl. 50 – MP cost: 1 per step – Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Mana Bullet] –Lvl. 12 – MP cost: 1 per bullet – Increase in MAG by 0.5 per level

[Dragon Slayer Magic] – Lvl.14- MP Cost: Depends on spell - Increase in MAG per level by 2

Description: Allows the use of Dragon Slayer Magic. Currently: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic (Rank D)

[True Nine Lives Series] – Active – Lvl.15 MP Cost: Variable – Increase in all stats by 2 per level

Description: The skill that originated from Heracles slaying of the Hydra in a single blow filtered down so that it can be used with all weapons. Nine Lives variants for every conceivable attack.

Used: True Nine Lives-The Shooting Hundred Heads, Nine Lives Blade Works, Nine Lives Blade Dance

[Tsubame Gaeshi] – Active – Lvl.15 MP cost: 50 – Increase in AGI by 2 per level

[Kakuyoku Sanren (Issei Version)] – Active – Lvl.15 MP cost: 30 + Reinforcement Cost – Increase in AGI and MAG by 1 per level

[Incantation Magic (Negima)] –Lvl 15– Increase in MAG by 2.5 per level

[Centum Lanceae Umbrae (Hundred Shadow Spears)]

Description: A spell that gives physical form to 'shadow' spears, pierces Magic Barriers. The number of spears summoned is equivalent to the skill's level.

[Heaven's Feel] – Active – Lvl.15/100 MP cost: 1000 Increase in MAG by 2 per level

Description: A use of the Third Magic, one of the True Magics of the Nasuverse. The magic of the materialisation and control over the soul. Higher levels will increase length of time soul can be materialised and manipulated.

[Gate of the GAMER] – Active – Lvl 80 MP Cost: 100 + 10 mana per item- Increase in WIS by 2 per level

Description: Opens the gate to the Gamer's inventory, allows items to be taken out from any direction, at any speed up to Mach 3 and in whatever manner of the user's choosing. Items that can be taken out at a time: 2 per level

[Monologue] – Passive/Active – Lvl.24 Rank D

Description: Improves the attention drawing abilities of monologues delivered to people. At higher ranks people will cease their actions in order to listen to you monologuing. If it's an internal monologue, your thoughts are accelerated so that the chances of your internal monologues being interrupted will be lowered.

[FF White Magicks] –Active – Lvl. 30 – Increase in All stats except LUK by 3

[FF Black Magicks] –Active – Lvl.15 – Increase in All stats except LUK by 3

[Boundary Field Creation] – Passive/Active – Lvl.15 Increase WIS and MAG by 0.5 per level

[Light Energy Resistance] – Passive – Lvl.6 Rank E Increase in END and MAG by 0.5 per level

[Magic Resistance] – Passive – Lvl.10 Rank E Increase in WIS and MAG by 0.5 per level

[Memory Partition] – Passive – Lvl.50 Rank AIncreases INT by 1 per level.

Description: It is the ability to partition their thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms. Gain one more partition every 10 levels.

[Thought Acceleration] – Passive – Lvl.50 Rank A-Increases INT by 1 per level.

Description: Fast thought is only a prerequisite to it, does what it says. Increases thought speed by 5% per level.

[Conceptual Defence Mastery] – Passive – Lvl.10 Rank E

[Kaleidoscope] – Passive/Active –Lvl. 30 MP cost: 1000 Increase in MAG and INT by 1 per level

[Boosted Gear] – Passive/Active – Lvl.60 – HP cost: Varies

Description: One of the Longinus series Sacred Gear. Contains the soul and spirit of the Welsh Dragon Ddraig, one of the two titled Heavenly Dragons. Increases STR, END, AGI and MAG by 25% X 2n-1, where 'n' is the number of charges. Charges increase every ten seconds and can be released for an exponential and explosive boosts that lasts for one instance or ten seconds. Can also use [Transfer]. At this level, Balance Breaker can easily be developed.

Grants [Dragon's Aura], Dragonic traits, [Red Dragon Emperor] title

[Chakra Usage]- Passive/Active – Lvl.100 - Increase in MAG by 0.25 and END by 0.25 per level

[Master of Chakra Usage] – Passive – Lvl MAX

Description: Reduces chakra costs of techniques by 75%

[Chakra Control]- Passive– Lvl.100 - Increase in INT by 0.25 and WIS by 0.25 per level

[Master of Chakra Manipulation]- Passive–

Description: Allows for the above to be done easily. +10% of Max Chakra recovered per minute.

[Gamer's HUD Eye] – Passive/Active – Lvl. MAX

Description: A genetic trait that passes on a weakened Gamer ability. Essentially redundant for you, but for your descendent or whoever you perform the Madara style eye surgery on, they will essentially get the ability to form parties and gain the ability to use skills from other worlds so long as they have researched it from sources sufficiently. Also, allows body to adapt to different energy sources more easily.

Grants [Gamer's Body], [Gamer's Mind (Lesser)] and [Omni-Planar Adaption]

[Sex Magic] – Passive/Active – Lvl. 15 MP Varies- Increase in END and MAG by 0.5 per level


[Inheritor of the Dark Flames]: You killed it, you bought it. + 50% Flame resistance, +50% Demonic resistance, +100% damage from dark flame techniques

[Carrier of the King's will] – You have wielded King Arthur's treasured symbol of authority. + Kingly Aura (Low)

[Kuoh's Master Chef] – Your food is literally the best in Kuoh Academy. Considering it's a prestigious academy, that says something. +Reputation gains when people eat your food.

[Master Zombie Killer]- You have killed over a thousand zombies. Unknown to Death. Nor known to Life. -80% damage from zombies +80% damage to zombies

[I AM MAD SCIENTIST] – You have made something totally new! YOU SO COOL! SONAVABITCH! + Reputation with fellow mad scientists and inventors + Chance for inspiration to make something insane

[Liberator of an Army of Souls]- Have killed over 20 Legion Zombies. +20 LUK

[Kick the son of the bitch] – You have committed acts that are considered forgivable because the victim totally deserved it. +100 % chance of forgiveness when you do evil upon evil.

[Well-intentioned Extremist]- You have an overall goal that can be appreciated but you have chosen problematic ways of achieving it, you now have +200% chance of gaining sympathy when explaining your motives.

[World-Renowned Vigilante]- By establishing a global presence with your vigilantism you will now gain larger reputational changes for your acts. This can be positive or negative, depending on the person.

[Teenage Genius] – Your reputation as a genius increases the chances of people accepting your reasoning, evidence and work without thinking, the greater the audience knows of your reputation, the more effective your persuasion will be.

[Grave Defiler]- You destroyed a graveyard! You Monster! Increases your propensity to perform morally reprehensible acts.

[WMD] – You shot a sword as a tactical mini-nuke! When title is applied, broken phantasms will not increase the rank of the attack but rather, triple the AOE of the attack.

[Destruction Maniac]- You have stood in awe of your destructive actions. You know you liked it. Greatly increases enjoyment from committing acts of mass destruction. Increases reputation gained from psychopaths, sociopaths and battle-maniacs.

[Third Magic Practitioner] – You performed a feat of Nasuverse True Magic! + Triples LUK when engaged in Third Magic experiments and usage.

[Suicidal Sword Master] – You defeated a sword master by risking your death with every move. #YOLOSWAG +100 GAR when holding a sword, +another 100 GAR when holding another. Doubles LUK when parrying fatal blows.

[The Kingslayer] – You just killed a King! Increased reputation gains from assassins by 200%, Decreased Reputation gains from royalty by 100%.

[Usurper] – Gilgamesh died! You monster! But hey, you looted a good chunk of his stuff. Passively grants full use of looted/stolen items. If title is equipped you get a 100% bonus in damage dealt from looted/stolen items.

[Keikaku Doori!] – Everything literally went according to plan! Allows for maniacal laughter with latin chanting in the background. Environment around you gets darker and your eyes turn red. Also has the effect of stunning people around you when you laugh.

[Red Dragon Emperor] – Increases chances of attracting powerful foes and allies alike. Increases protectiveness to whatever you cherish most. Boost's [Dragon's Aura] Potency by 300%.

[Kaleidoscope Bullshit]: You have Zelretch'ed multiple people and 'efficiently' used parellel dimensions. Increases LUK by 300% when Kaleidoscoping yourself to unknown places for duration of trip.

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