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Wandering of a Sword Hero by A Dyslexic Writer

 Fate/stay night & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり Xover Rated: M, English, Shirō E., Firo, Words: 221k+, Favs: 7k+, Follows: 8k+, Published: Jan 27, 2019 Updated: Sep 22, 2019 8,517Chapter 14

"I command the origin of swords. I have broken a truth and created a hope. Gather and quench the heated strike. Faust Aqua Edge!" Shirou declared, finishing his incantation.

The spout of water that appeared was pathetic, as if Shirou had just momentarily turned on a hose rather than called upon the natural forces in an attempt to bring forth a deadly water-based attack.

[The Legendary Swords power amplifies the Hero's affinity for water.]

Jian commented, wondering just why it was that Shirou's water spell was so bad. Shirou could only sigh in agreement, his eyes going to the MP bar that had appeared in the corner of his vision after he had learned his first spell of this worlds magic. Even though Shirou's level was getting higher, and the spell was rather low level, it had cost a disproportionally large amount of MP, especially given the final result.

"It's impressive to manage to learn the magical alphabet and read the elementary-level magic book in just a single night… but the power of your water magic is rather underwhelming." Nico said as he sat in the wagon that Firo was pulling along towards the capital. The demihuman man was turning a little green, as without the children aboard, Firo felt no need to hold back. Shirou had been made to reinforce the wagon to make sure it wouldn't fall to pieces as she ran.

The old thing was larger than the one from before, meant for large delivers of hay and other such things, as the Lord and his lands were not wealthy enough to have carriages meant for comfortable transport. It was a horribly bumpy ride, and Nico and Rita were both holding on for dear life and suffering from serous motion sickness, though both Shirou and Aru were fine. Shirou had dealt with worse riding with Rider on her motorcycle, and he figured that Aru's dragon heritage prevented her from getting motion sick.

Well, as terrified as Nico and Rita were, Shirou wasn't going to make Firo stop. Time was pressing. The Wave could happen before they ever reached the capital if they didn't hurry. He had wanted to leave the day before, but Nico had insisted on staying until the town was set in order.

Besides, Firo was just so happy to finally be allowed to pull a wagon as fast as she could.

"Honestly, if it wasn't for my sword amplifying my ability to use water magic, I doubt I could produce any results at all." Shirou admitted. "Back in my world, I was considered something of a failure when it came to any magic outside of my very narrow field. Elemental magic was just not meant to be."

Well, at least it wasn't a total waste.

"Master, my speed buff is starting to ware off." Firo informed him.

"Alright, I'll reapply it." Shirou told her, causing both Nico and Rita to hold onto the wagon even tighter in preparation for the boost. "I command the origin of swords. I have broken a truth and created a hope. Cut through the air that holds and unleash the power of speed. Faust Agility!"

The spell increased Firo's speed by about 10% and lasted for 5 minutes. It wasn't really that much, but considering it was the first level of the support skill it meant that more powerful magic lay in Shirou's future. So far, the only two support class spells he had learned were Agility and Empowerment, which increased the targets speed or strength respectively by 10%. It would make a good replacement for Shirou's reinforcement magic later on, as unlike reinforcement magic, these spells amplified the strength he was gaining from stats.

Shirou was starting to get to a tipping point where his levels and his weapon equip bonus masters combined gave him strength about equal to that allowed by reinforcing his body to a dangerous level. So right now, reinforcement magic could increase his parameters by 100%. But in just 15 levels, it would be more like 50%, then 25% in 15 more. By the time he was level 100 the increase would be only about 7%, if his status growth remained constant. And considering some of his A++ rank Noble Phantasms required him to be level 200 or more, the effect of his reinforcement was going to eventually disappear entirely. Shirou would need a new way of getting his edge in battle.

It left Shirou wondering just how powerful was Jian going to make him. He was pretty sure his strength would be a match for Berserker by level 120. The Filolial Queen he had seen before had been a literal God, but the best estimate of her level had been 250+. So Shirou had no idea what her actual level was.

Firo still spoke in excited tones about the Queen of Filolial Queens, seeming to wonder if she would one day grow up to be that big and powerful. A frightening thought, though according to Nico there was a level 100 cap that no one save for Heroes could break, as the means to do so were lost to time. Some believed that you could break through with the blessing of a God to help. So as long as Firo wasn't chosen to be the Queen's heir or something, she shouldn't be able to grow to that kind of level.

"I command the origin of swords. I have broken a truth and created a hope. Gather and quench the heated strike. Faust Aqua Edge!" Shirou tried again, getting the same pitiful results. His MP was now low and he would have to stop for that if nothing else.

It had surprised him to find that the 'magic' of this world ran off of a system similar in nature to that of Divine Words, back in his old word, as they used the Mana in the air rather than Od. But just because it used the Mana from the air, didn't mean it didn't cost Shirou something. He just wasn't entirely sure what that something was.

Just like with SP, MP seemed to be its own form of energy that Shirou wasn't entirely certain on. It was some resource that his body had which was used in order to shape Mana in the air, but that was as much as he knew. Jian had told him that SP stood for Skill Points and that MP stood for Mana Points but couldn't tell him what exactly those were. Shirou just knew that these new spells weren't costing him Od, and that MP recharged much faster than his Od did, or as Jian called it, his OP. She even gave him a black bar right next to his SP and MP bars in order to display it.

"Um, Sensei, could you… teach me the magic alphabet sometime?" Rita asked as she watched Shirou trying to get his magic to work.

"I'd be happy to teach you, though magic is a rather personalized art. I can teach you the basics, but it will be up to you to refine that art." Shirou told her. Rita smiled and nodded, promising to work hard.

"Hey Master, Firo can use magic too!" Firo declared, slowing down her running slightly so that she could chant something. "Firo commands the origin of power. Firo has read and deciphered a law of nature. Blow them all away with a raging tornado! Tzuvait Tornado!"

Firo flourished one of her wings out of the side and a miniature tornado appeared, tearing trees into splinters and throwing up dirt as it moved away from them. Shirou's vision was filled with a series of small EXP gains and he hoped that it was just monsters that were unfortunate enough to be in that direction. Even then he felt sorry for them. The magicked-up winds lasted for 20 seconds before disappearing and leaving all the loose objects it had pulled into the air to fall to the ground.

"See, wasn't that great Master!" Firo bragged as she returned to her full speed.

"That… that was a second level wind spell? But how… how was it so power?" Nico stammered in disbelieve, along with the bumping of the wagon. "Where did she even learn it?"

"Members of Filolial Royalty have an innate knowledge of magic." Shirou said with a swallow. Firo was just too powerful. Her strength along with her immaturity were a dangerous combination. She had just summoned a tornado with almost no effort on her part. She could probably do another 50 before being tired out. Her mana pool was just absurd.

"That's right, Firo is the best!" Firo proudly trumpeted.

Azu glowered at this and then, to everyone's surprise, she too started to chant. "I guide the power of wind, and desire embodiment. Earth veins. Give me power. Air Pressure!" An orb made from blades of wind gathered in her hand before rocketing out to the side, blasting through several trees as it went and grinding them into toothpicks. Azu then smiled up at Shirou. "I can use magic too."

"Si…since when?" Nico was as shocked as the rest of them.

"Papa taught me." Azu said simply.

Shirou stared in disbelief, not because the fact that the young girl had preformed magic, but because what that magic was. She had not forced a mystery to occur using her own power to rewrite the natural order. She had merely guided the power of the world into creating a phenomenon, allowing her to create a relatively large effect with very little cost to herself. Her attack hadn't been inferior to Firo's, even though there was a massive gap in level.

"A Marble Phantasm." Shirou said, more to himself than anyone else. "She really is the daughter of a dragon." These two kids are monsters. They really are.

[It's the Dragon's Pulse.]

Jian informed him.

[Wielders of Legendary Weapons can usually learn to wield the Dragon's Pulse, however this Hero is especially ill suited for learning this type of magic.]

"Yeah, I know. Marble Phantasms and Reality Marbles don't mix." Shirou said with a short nodded of understand. Marble Phantasms embraced the laws of the world while Reality Marbles rejected the world entirely. It was one of the things that made him a specialist when it came to killing beings that possessed Marble Phantasms. Once inside of his Unlimited Blade Works, Marble Phantasms were near worthless, as they were cut off from the world that would assist them.

However, this did mean that the other heroes likely will gain mastery over something similar to a Marble Phantasm. Lovely.

"Hmm…" Firo grumbled, her feathers standing on end. "Firo doesn't like that magic."

"I don't like yours either." Azu huffed, sticking up her nose.

"Come on you two, play nice. There is no reason to be so unfriendly." Shirou scolded the two of them.

"To think that a level 5 could use such powerful magic, and Firo's magic is really powerful too, for her level." Rita said in slightly jealous awe.

"Both you and Firo are a lot stronger than your levels would normally allow due to Jian's influence. Even though Firo is level 35, I'd guess that her stats are closer to that of a level 65." Shirou admitted. Not only was there the extreme growth rate granted by the Beastmaster Series weapons, there was additional 66% flat stat bonuses provided by the Filolial series that the Filolial Queen had unlocked. While before she would have barely held her own against one of the normal Griffins they had seen on the mountain pass, Shirou was pretty sure she could fight one of them with relative ease now. "As for Azu, while the power of her spells is impressive, it doesn't come from her, but from her surroundings. So level isn't very important. The power her spell has now will be the same it has 50 levels from now. Technique will decide her power more than level."

"Do you think I will be able to use magic like that?" Rita asked.

"No idea. But you don't need to be powerhouses like them." Shirou told her. "It isn't about what you have, its how you use it. My field of magecraft is considered to be worthless by most, but since it was the only type I could use, I refined it until I got something usable. I have no idea what your specialty will be, but you just have to figure out how to make it work for you."

"Yes, Sensei." Rita said with a grateful smile, before a particularly large bump in the road caused her to jump up into the air with a squeak of surprise. "Cou…could we maybe take a break?"

"Hm… I suppose it is about time for lunch." Shirou said as he looked up at the sky. Hearing one of her favorite words, Firo immediately started to slow down.

"Food?" She said, looking back at Shirou with glittering eyes.

"Yes Firo, food." Shirou chuckled as he started to get out of the wagon with Azu, Rita and Nico too shaken to try to stand.

"I should have just written a letter of introduction instead of coming with you." Nico said with a relieved sigh.

"Grandpa is old." Azu said, patting the elderly Demihuman's head and causing the man to cry.

"How much further do we have to go?" Shirou asked Nico as they sat in the shade of a large tree. Firo had eaten her fill and was taking a quick nap to digest and recharge from her run. Rita and Azu were also using the limited time on stable ground to rest and recover.

"At our current rate, we will be in sight of the capital in another two hours." The man replied. "Remember your disguise and cover story."

"Yeah, I know." Shirou said, reaching up with one hand to touch the top of his head, feeling the fake animal ears that were now apart of his wig. As humans weren't even considered citizens in Siltvelt, Shirou would need to pretend to be a Demihuman if he wanted to be allowed anywhere near the Dragon Hourglass. Humans weren't allowed in the most holy of temples.

Nico had insisted on certain changes to Shirou's appearance, replacing his plain white wig with white and black one, with rounded animal ears, and a black trench coat to cover his tail, or lack thereof. He said that it was to make Shirou look like a Hakuko, a member of one of the clans that had once been considered among the top five most powerful races in the world, before the Melromarc King decided to enter a total war against them, scarring their lands and slaughtering their children. A Hakuko deciding to live their life as a mercenary wouldn't surprise anyone, but at the same time, the race commanded a bit of respect, even if they lacked the numbers, wealth and power of old.

"Shirou-sama, are you sure that you don't wish to reach out to one of the Clans for assistance?" Nico pressed Shirou again. "As much as I want to say that I can help you, I am a fallen, beggar noble of a town of undesirables. I can barely get us into the cathedral where the hourglass is housed. But if you allied yourself with one of the Greater Clans…"

"Then I would make an enemy of the rest of them." Shirou said to the man. "I might not know everything about this country, but I have dealt with politics enough to know how this works. The Genmu, Shusaku and Aotatsu Clans currently share control over the country. If something happened and one of these Clans gained the support of a Legendary Hero, it is almost certain that the other two would seek to eliminate that Hero in order to stop them from taking more power for themselves. Not to mention the problems it would cause me when news reached Melromarc. I only seek to help fight against the Waves, I'll leave the politics until I have a better grasp of this world."

"I see." Nico said, his shoulders falling a little. "To tell you the truth, I was hoping I could convince you to help raise up the Hakuko Clan again." The man admitted, rubbing his knuckles. "I owe the late King of the Hakuko a lot. When my wife and I were banished from our respective clans for our intermarriage, he spoke up for us, got us the land we needed in order to build our sanctuary and the money we needed for our research. I thought if I could convince you and then you could convince the Shield Hero to support them, then the Hakuko Clan might still be able to recover their position as the stronger Clan."

Shirou frowned. "Why do you mention the Shield Hero in particular? Wouldn't any Hero do?"

Nico blinked in surprise. "Ah, right. I forget that you don't know much about this world. You always seem so knowledgeable. You see, the Shield Hero of old showed preferential treatment towards Demihumans and convinced several of the human countries to deal with us as equals at the time. Because of that, most Demihumans raised the Shield Hero up above the other three summoned Heroes. Our country's national religion is called the Faith of the Shield, though some prefer the Faith of the Dragon. While the other Heroes still have their importance, only the Shield Hero is worshipped."

"What you are asking me to do is walk into a political mine field. If we supported the recovery of the Hakuko Clan, then the three Great Clans would all hire assassins to deal with us. More than likely, we'd be dead within a month." Shirou said with a sigh and a shake of the head.

"…The last Shield Hero did die from political assassination within Siltvelt." Nico admitted. "Forgive me. I know that you have more important things to do as a Hero. A man just cannot forget his debts."

"'Cannot forget his debts'?" Shirou repeated, raising an eyebrow. He had heard those words before from several Magi, and it rarely was talking about paying back favors. "Is this about helping the Hakuko Clan, or revenge against the Aotatsu?"

"…The Aotatsu are the ones most vocal about not seeking assistance from the Summoned Heroes. They have the most to lose if the Heroes gain influence in Siltvelt, as they follow the Faith of the Dragon and do not worship the Holy Heroes at all." Nico said, his head dipping even further in shame. "Once again, Shirou-sama sees straight through me. I will ask for forgiveness again… I just cannot forgive them. Not after what they did to my daughter."

"I know what you mean. There have been times when the people I cared about were hurt. I might have been a little overly zealous about dealing with the people responsible." Shirou told the man.

"Really? You? You don't seem like the type to pursue revenge." Nico said in astonishment.

"I erased two extremely old families from my world because of what their heads did to the people I cared about. Gave me quite the reputation as someone you don't mess with. Earned me a few enemies as well." Shirou said with a slight smile, remembering how he had killed those bastards. It was nice to occasionally come across something that was so undeniably evil that it could be killed without any sort of guilt. Zouken Matou and Jubstacheit von Einzbern where individuals who even slavers or Nazis couldn't hope to match in terms of pure, irredeemable evil. Or so Shirou felt.

"I… I see." Nico said, eyes wide.

"I'd ask you to understand that dealing with the Waves in my first priority. I can't afford to get in deep in politics until the Waves are over." Shirou said with a shake if his head. "If an opportunity presents itself to bring the people who hurt your daughter to justice for what they did, I will pursue it, but I can't create more conflict in order to do it. Not until the Waves of Calamity are under control."

"You would really seek justice for my daughter, even though it has nothing to do with you?" Nico asked Shirou.

"Maybe, maybe not. It depends whether or not it can be done without getting anyone killed." Shirou said with a shrug. "Killing an innocent girl and enraging a dragon over something as petty as jealousy. These people are a danger to themselves and everyone else. Removing them from power would be a civil service. I just need to make sure I don't cause a civil war while doing it."

"That is more than I have any right to ask for." Nico said with a bow of his head. "Thank you, Hero-sama."

Shirou shook his head and started to stand up. "We've rested long enough. It's time to finish heading for the…"

Shirou stopped mid-sentence as something akin to shattering glass rang inside of his head. Both Firo and Azu immediately shot up from their naps, eyes wide upon. Firo's sudden movement woke up Rita who had been resting against the giant bird's warm body.

"Shirou-sama, is something the m…" Nico started, but stopped as the sky started to darken. Cracks were forming in the sky no more than a few dozen miles away. Small specks falling from the sky, which Shirou's reinforced vision allowed him to see where monsters. Tens of thousands of them. The Wave had come, and they just so happened to be right in the middle of it.

Honestly, Shirou should have expected as much. He was always in the middle of things.

Rita is going to have fire, illusion and curse (debuff) magic.

Shirou has water magic, but he sucks at it. His support magic will mostly be strength and speed based, rather than any defense or resistance buffs.

With this chapter, I'm more than likely going to overtake the previous most popular story of the 'Rising of the Shield Hero' category. Three cheers for lack of competition!

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