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Wandering of a Sword Hero by A Dyslexic Writer

 Fate/stay night & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり Xover Rated: M, English, Shirō E., Firo, Words: 221k+, Favs: 7k+, Follows: 8k+, Published: Jan 27, 2019 Updated: Sep 22, 2019 8,517Chapter 15

Jessica had never really understood what it had meant to be a slave. She had been one for six years, working in the house of a lesser noble in a lumber town. It really hadn't been much different from her job before, when she worked as a maid for a dirty Count.

When she was seventeen, her former employer attempted to force himself on her, and when she resisted and threatened to tell his wife, he accused her of being a 'cat burglar' and had her made a slave for crimes she never committed. The man seemed to find it amusing, calling a member of the Keon race a 'cat burglar', ignoring the terms actual meaning. Bastard turtle thought he was so damn clever. The horny dickhead.

But Jessica hadn't really cared. She still did the same work, wore the same clothes, ate the same meals, slept in basically the same conditions and got around the same number of days off. Her life really hadn't changed much. She had always figured that worse things could have happened to her. She could have lost a hand and been left blacklisted, forever jobless and homeless, though she supposed that would have led to her becoming a slave anyways. So she counted herself lucky.

That is, until the sky spilt open and it started to rain monsters.

While all the normal citizens ran to the bunker that had been built in order to hold out till the army arrived, Jessica had a pitchfork shoved into her hand and was instructed to distract the monsters as long as possible with the rest of the slaves. Jessica wasn't the only one to break down into tears and beg for her life.

Fighting against the monsters was unthinkable to them, most of them were just level 1s who had never held weapons in their lives. They worked in kitchens, plowed fields and tended to livestock. They didn't know how to fight. But they couldn't disobey the orders. If they tried to run, then the slave seals would punish them, forcing them to the ground.

The hole in the sky was just a mile away. They watched, trembling in fear as beasts fell down from the sky. They watched and waited as the monsters turned towards the village, slowly closing the distance. It would take them around five minutes to cross the distance.

"Listen up! No one gave us specific orders on how to fight! So everyone needs to gather up in one place! We'll barricade a room and try to limit the number of them that can get to us at once!" One of the older slaves started to bark orders at the others. The man was a familiar face. A human, tall with an overgrown beard and hair that hadn't been cut in nearly three years. One of his eyes was missing, a scar over the empty socket. No one knew his name, as they had taken that from him when he had first mouthed off to his master, forcing everyone to call him Jack on the account of him being made to work as a lumberjack. That was long before most of the other slaves ever arrived at the village.

The human slaves outnumbered the demihuman ones eight to one and tended to have the less nice jobs around the village. Even among slaves, those of demihuman birth felt and were treated as though they were of a higher class than the human slaves. Those like Jack, who worked in the forest, were among the few who weren't level 1s. The need to defend themselves time and time again from monsters as they worked gave them a chance to level up, if only just a little. If they survived, that is. Most didn't last more than a year or two, but they were just humans, so no one really cared. Jack was old and had survived several confrontations where others had not. He had grown to the shocking heights of level 17, as high a level as the average man in the army.

"We don't have time to just stand around slack jawed! The capital is only four hours ride away, so the army won't be too long! Our death sentences haven't been signed just yet and I don't plan on giving up without a struggle! We just need to hold on!" Jack said, hosting his ax in hand, a few of his buddies giving weak laughs of agreement and started to follow his instructions.

Jessica watched, unable to believe her eyes as the beings she had been raised from a child to believe were inferior to demihumans in every way put on grim faces and kept moving. They had a determination to survive against all odds that she had never seen before. "Don't just stand their girly! Get inside and find a doorway!" One of them shouted at her, causing her to jump and move to do as he said.

They barricaded the house of choice as best they could, moving cabinets in front of doors and windows in order to limit the number of entrances as much as possible. However, it wasn't long before the monsters of the wave arrived.

So there they were, roughly a hundred slaves with farming and gathering tools in a larger wooden house surrounded what would soon become a sea of monsters. Many of them began to whimper as the sounds of the creatures grew, sounds much like cackling laughter coming from all around them as the monsters beat at the walls, trying to find a way in.

A window, one too high to be properly blocked, was the first to break, with a large gorilla's arm being shoved through, swinging around wildly. Screaming in panic, one of the young men who tended horses swung at the arm with the till he had been given at a weapon. It dug into the creature's arm and drew a little blood, causing the ape to pull back, but it didn't do much damage and soon another beast took the first's place at the window.

While some where occupied with that, one of the walls started to buckle as the planks gave way under the assault of several monsters throwing themselves against walls in order to break through. They didn't even care about the doors.

One of the points started to give way and the head of a giant hyena pushed its way into their room, snapping its jaws at them. Jessica stabbed at it with her pitchfork, but only got the glancing sound to indicate that her attack was doing no damage at all.

It was Jack who came forward, swinging his axe in a wide arc and smashing it down on the hyena's skull, splitting the thing open. "Don't panic! If you can't do damage alone, then team up, three people thrusting the same weapon together! We just need to hold out!" The man shouted as he moved about the room, smashing his axe into anything that started to poke through.

People around Jessica dropped their weapons and helped her grab the pitchfork and the next time a hyena had started to push open a space between the boards, the they all thrust through it with their combined weight and strength, piercing something and getting a cry of rage out of the monster.

One minute turned to two, and then three, but no one was keeping track. They were all focused on surviving the next few seconds. It wasn't until one of their number began to sob that will to fight on started to die. "Its hopeless. We can't keep this up for three hours. We're all going to die."

"It isn't hopeless, not yet!" Jack shouted furiously. "I did not endure for all these years just to end up as monster shit!" But even that man was starting to show visible signs of tiring. His singular eye registering that death was closing in.

Then, as hope started flicker out, more sounds came from the outside. The sounds of a wagon being pulled far faster than was advisable. The monsters stopped smashing themselves against the wall as they instead charged the newcomers. Dozens of howls and screams could be heard, along with heavy blows that shook the surroundings.

Then, in the middle of the maelstrom outside, a voice could be heard. "Is everyone alright in there!? We're here to help!" It was a woman's voice.

Jessica, along with many of the others approached the wall, trying to see through the brand-new gaps in the woodwork. Outside was a young Kitsune woman wielding a spear, seeming to easily cut down monster after monster as they approached her. Beyond her were four other individuals. One was a small child with dragon's horns that was flinging around magic and an old feathery man who was cowering in a very large wagon with the girl. A third was what had to be the fattest Filolial that Jessica had ever seen, who was sending the monsters flying with powerful kicks and slaps of its wings. And finally was a man with long white and black hair, small round ears and wielding two different styles of swords.

"A Hakuko!" Someone in the house gasped, sending a wave of hope through the group of slaves. They saw the man fighting, carving through monster after monster as they might swing a stick at empty air.

"No one here has suffered any injuries yet! Thank you for your timely assistance!" Jack shouted above the noise.

"How any of you are in there!? Where is the rest of the village!?" The Kitsune girl shouted back.

"There is a few more than a hundred of us! The rest of the village is safe in the bunker, back by the church! You shouldn't worry about them! The thing was made to survive monster attacks like this!" Jack replied. Jessica wasn't sure whether or not that was a lay, but since they had been thrown to the wolves, she wasn't about to be the one to tell their saviors to go and rescue someone else.

"A hundred… I think we might be able to squeeze everyone onto our wagon. Firo, do you think you can pull a hundred people!?" The Kitsune girl shouted to the Filolial.

"Sure Firo can! Its easy!" The bird replied proudly… huh?

"It talks?" Someone said, voicing all of their wonder.

"Alright, if you can get out here, we will protect you and help evacuate you from the area!" The girl shouted in. Their hearts sank at hearing the young woman's suggestion.

"As much as we will like to run, we can't! …We're slaves, and our masters told us to stay here and fight until we die!" Jack admitted.

"That… that's horrible." The young woman gasped, turning her head to the Hakuko man. "Sensei, they…"

"I heard." The man called back before she could even speak. He didn't shout, but his deep voice carried through the battlefield. "If fleeing isn't an option, we will just have to fight. Rita, Firo, protect Azu and Nico. I'll clear the field."

Then, with a massive leap, he disappeared from the view of the people inside of the broken house. "Where is he going?" Jessica couldn't help but to ask.

The Kitsune girl withdraw from the house to return to the wagon to help defense its occupants, calling back over her shoulder as she went. "Don't worry. Sensei will figure something out."

"Yeah, Firo's Master is the strongest!" The bird shouted in agreement.

Barely ten seconds later, jaws dropped in shock as seemingly out of the sky, hundreds of weapons dropped like rocks, impaling or crushing the monsters that had entered the town. Hammers, swords, spears, axes, every kind of weapon you could imagine, each one scoring a lethal shot.

"See!" The bird shouted, puffing up with pride as the weapons seemingly disappeared.

"We're actually going to make it through this."

Shirou sighed as he downed a stamina potion from his perch on the top of the tallest guard tower.

He had just used [One Thousand Swords] in order to clear the monsters out of the village, making sure to transform all the weapons in view of the trapped slaves into random hybrid weapons in so that no one would make the connection between him and the Swords-Only Hero.

But even with the village cleared, they weren't out of the frying pan yet.

He turned his attention to the expanse between them and the open hole in the sky. With the eyes of a man who could have been an Archer, he could see and track every single monster for four miles in that single direction from on top his perch. Roughly thirty thousand moving dots on the horizon, though many were clustered at the center underneath the gateway, seeming to be waiting to catch their breath.

[Otherworlder Sickness]

[Creatures of the wave suffer status debuffs from the World attempting to weaken them. This effect is only temporary and becomes weaker over time. Stronger monsters may be resistant to this effect. It is suggested to destroy the monsters before they have the chance to regain full strength.]

"I see, makes sense." Shirou said, thinking that the monsters they were facing just now were oddly weak when compared to the dogs from before, even though they gave roughly the same amount of EXP. "But that means I don't need to waste SP on Sword Change in order to kill them."


[A Hero was not meant to use that skill at this level. Over expenditure of SP can lead to danger for a Hero's health.]

Jian warned him, having already read his mind and knowing what he was planning on doing.

"I'll be careful, just be ready with the potions. And give me an extra one real quick." Shirou said.

He caught the vial of green liquid as it dropped from Jian's crystal. Glancing at his SP and OP bars to make sure everything was in proper order, Shirou took a deep breath and got to work.

"[One Hundred Swords]." In an instant, one hundred copies of Jian's base form appeared around him, suspended in midair. "[One Thousand Swords]." The swords all glowed before each split into ten identical swords. Without the need to use [Sword Change] to disguise or empower his blades, Shirou's SP was still running high. This was when Shirou had to open up his magic circuits and start to push himself a little harder. "[Ten Thousand Swords]." Shirou's SP bar dropped to the halfway point as the swords repeated their duplication, leaving him with ten thousand swords, suspended by his will and waiting for his signal.

Shirou popped the potion and drank it down, watching his SP bar refill and readying the final push. For this, he would need a good deal of Od.

"I am the bone of my sword."

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

"I have created over a thousand blades."

Shirou stopped as his magic circuits hummed with magical energy, what he hoped would be enough for this final push. He quickly mixed it together with his SP in preparation for his next attack, and as he did so, new words came to him.

"A wave of death approaching you."

"You cannot run."

"You cannot resist."

"For I march for [One Hundred Thousand Swords]."

Shirou's suspended blades shot off, splitting apart in midflight as they went, and their number increased to one hundred thousand. Guided by Shirou's inhuman eyes, they descended on the monsters of the wave.

[+67 EXP] [+62 EXP] [+54 EXP] [+56 EXP] [+59 EXP] [+61 EXP] [+57 EXP] [+64 EXP] [+55 EXP] [+57 EXP] [+60 EXP] [+65 EXP]…

The edge of Shirou's vision became blanketed by messages of his kill count.

Shirou staggered and nearly fell of the roof before he grabbed the flag sticking out of it to steady himself. His SP bar almost hit zero, and he had drained most of his Od, but he was still able to maintain consciousness. "See, what did I tell you. I'm fine." He said to Jian.

[A Hero should save potions for when they really need them.]

Jian's retort came in, sassy and passive aggressive. She was not happy with his disregard for his own safety.

"Ah, no… I…" Shirou stammered, trying to find words. "Sorry. I'll not push it so hard next time." He apologized to the sword, who accepted his apology and dispensed the needed recovery items. [One Hundred Thousand Swords] was a skill that Shirou had unlocked the previous day after unlocking Jian's one hundred thousandth form. Something that probably should have taken a good deal of time, but as Shirou grew levels, his quantity of Od increased, increasing the number of swords he could trace in a single day before running dry. Shirou wondered how many of the past Sword Heroes ever reached [One Hundred Thousand Swords].

[A Hero's potion supplies are running low. Suggest visiting a herbalist to restock and brew more potions.]

"I'll make sure to do that once we get to the capital." Shirou assured her. He had been going through a lot of them, and once he switched from walking to driving everywhere, he stopped picking up the random herbs needed to create more potions. He had been depending on monster drops for a while now.

"Sensei!" Rita called up to Shirou before hesitantly jumping up to the roof. She didn't quite stick the landing and Shirou had to grab her, so she didn't fall off. She still wasn't used to being as strong as she was but was coming around to the idea of being able to jump thirty feet into the air. "Sensei, that was incredible. All of those swords…"

"Thanks, though… I don't think I'm going to be doing that again for a while." Shirou said as he glanced back towards the hole in the sky, which was still dispensing monsters. "Also, this isn't over yet. That attack has a drawback, in that the weapons aren't as strong as they normally are. The boss monster is still alive. He doesn't even seem hurt from the four swords I pegged him with." Then he smiled. "Good news though, it looks like he is coming this way. I guess I got his attention."

"What?" Rita said, turning her head a looking out over the expanse. "Where is it?"

"It's that giant lion over there." Shirou said as he casually pointed in its direction. "It's about three-quarter miles out. It's be here in a minute or so."

Rita squinted her eyes in the direction that Shirou pointed in. "I think I see it. Sensei's eyes are a lot better than mine."

"I suppose so. You handled yourself well earlier. You've been practicing hard." Shirou complemented the girl on her performance. "I doubt anyone could tell that it was your first real battle."

"It's only because of Sensei that I am a high enough level to fight here." Rita said with a shake of her head.

"Give yourself more credit. You didn't hesitate or flinch when they came at you. You held your ground and remembered your training. You were incredible for having only had a week's training under your belt." Shirou said, giving the girl a pat on the head.

At first, he had been worried for her, and given her the 'Griffin Armor' which had come as a drop from when he had absorbed the Mutant Griffin. According to the numbers, the shiny bronze and gold armor with decretive wings patterns was comparable to Shirou's enhanced body armor and Holy Shroud in all save for magic resistance, with a special ability to grant temporary flight. However, she hadn't actually needed it, as she never took a hit.

"Thank you, Sensei." Rita said, blushing with the praise.

"So, do you feel ready to fight the Wave Boss by yourself?" Shirou asked her with a grin.

"Huh!?" Rita shouted, so surprised that she almost fell off the roof. "I… I can't do that! I'm not ready!"

"Firo and I will be here if you need us, but I think you'll do fine." Shirou told her as he looked over the field at the lion. "You are stronger than you realize, and more skilled. I think this will be good for your confidence."

"But I…" Rita mumbled as she took looked over at the lion which was now close enough to be in easy view, even for her. It was large, twice the size the monstrous dogs that they were so used to seeing. Though in truth, it was only level 35 and weakened by Otherworlder Sickness.

After that tidal wave of EXP, Rita was now level 40, with her stats even higher due to the effects of the Companion Series. That, along with the bonuses given by her Griffin Armor and the enchanted spear Shirou gave her, meant that Rita had the overwhelming numbers advantage over the creature. It was questionable whether the lion would be able to damage her with anything short of a direct hit.

Actually, something seemed a little off in Shirou's party's levels, as his companions' levels seemed to have halted after reaching level 40.

[Emiya Shirou: Lv 58]

[Firo: Lv 40(*)]

[Rita Aselia: Lv 40(*)]

[Azu: Lv 40(*)]

Worrying, but a question for a later date.

"It's time for you to realize that you aren't that frightened child who hid away in a hole in the ground." Shirou said with an encouraging smile. "Don't worry. If anything happens, I will jump in and help."

Rita was silent for a moment before nodding her head. "Alright Sensei, I'll do it."

"You'll do great." Shirou said with a nod. "Now, it looks like its arriving. Let's go and meet it." He said before taking a step off the tower and landing gracefully on the ground.

"I sure hope you are right, Sensei." Rita said with a deep breath before following after.

[Otherworld Nemean Lion: Lv 35]

A lion that seemed to have a connection in nature to the lion from the Greek Myths about Hercules. A creature that's hide was so immune to blades that the legendary man had been forced to strangle the creature to death, after which the demigod had to use the beast's own claw in order to skin it, as his knife had been useless.

It would normally be an incredibly difficult opponent, the kind for which legends would be written about fighting. Lucky for Rita, her spear's effects meant that the uncuttable skin was very cuttable. Even if this Otherworld Nemean Lion's skin worked the same way as the original.

"Firo, leave the lion to Rita. You can take care of the other once they get here." Shirou told the bird, signaling her to stand down.

"Okay." Firo said, rushing off to stand guard against the freshly fallen monsters from the gateway in the sky. Though it would be another eight minutes before any of them got there.

"You aren't seriously going to make her fight that thing by herself." Nico said with shock. With everything dead, he had come down from the wagon with Azu to stand with Shirou. "I know there is a sang about throwing your students to the lions, but I don't think it was supposed to be literal."

"…Rita-nee is stronger than the lion." Azu said as she watched.

"Oh, you can tell?" Shirou said, glancing down at the little dragon girl, who nodded in confirmation. "If you think so too, then there really is nothing to worry about."

The Nemean Lion slowed as it approached Rita and slowly began to circle around her, though she maintained her stance and slowly pivoted around to track his movements.

Lions weren't solitary hunters. The males rarely hunted at all. Merely wrestled over the kills. Intimidation was their best tool, roaring at their prey, trying to get them to turn their back and leave their necks open. But roar as it might, Rita kept herself focused. Shirou had taught her that in a one on one fight, the first to let down their guard loses.

Eventually, the lion got fed up with the act of defiance and crouched down to pounce at the young Kitsune. The attack was predictable, and Rita easily got out of the way of the lion's pounce, thrusting her spear into his slide as he paced her by.

It had been a good dodge, but she had put too much distance between them and the cut from her thrust was little more than a graze on the monster's right side. No important organize or muscle clumps hit. While it had been a hit, it might as well have been a miss. But at the sight of blood on the tip of her spear, Rita's eyes widened, and her expression became more confident.

The lion slapped its claw at her and she made sure to put her spearhead in the path of his arm, slicing a deep gash across the creature's foreleg and sending it staggering back with a pains hiss.

Minding her footing, so that she could retreat at a moment's notice, Rita pursued, forcing the big cat to move backwards, and even landed a hit on its shoulder. She was doing well, very very well. While she was being too conservative to land a finishing blow, at this rate, she would either be victorious, or the lion would be forced to retreat.

However, the end of the battle was much different than what Shirou had thought it would be, as a heavy fog rolled in out of nowhere.

Rita had been smiling as she slowly pushed the Wave Boss back, but that smile disappeared when she saw the shadow standing behind the creature. "Sensei… I don't think I'm ready for this."

"It's here." Azu said, starting to shiver at the sight of it.

"Oh holy birds." Shirou swore as for the second time that week he saw the massive form of the Queen of all Filolial and God of Birds, standing behind the Nemean Lion.

The poor thing didn't even know what hit it, as the massive Filolial, which towered over the town houses, casually lifted one foot and stepped on the giant lion in the same manner as one might step on a rather large cockroach. The Bird God then dug its talons into the lion's body and lifted it up, tossing it across the dirt to lay in front of Shirou.

Shirou started at what was left of the Wave Boss, his eyes popped out of its head and intestines squeezed out of its mouth and ass as the thing had been flattened underneath the foot of the tower sized bird. It appeared as though the thing had all the bones in its body broken.

The Bird approached them, though before it had to squeeze in between the town's buildings, its body started to glow and rapidly shrank.

Shirou had half expected it, but he was still surprised when he saw the Filolial Queen in her human form. She looked like a ten-year-old girl, no different than Firo, with short silver hair that had three antennae-like hairs sticking up in front which had a golden tint to them. She was dressed in a beautiful white fairy princess dress with pink ribbons and thrills, and her white wings were spread out behind her. However, regardless how young her body looked, her purple eyes told the tale of her age, and held a sadness to them.

She slowly walked towards them, the pressure produced by her magic making them all nerves, until she spoke. "Sword Hero… I would like you to cook that for me." She said.

"…Okay. Sure." Shirou said, not really sure what else to say.

"Also, if you have any more of that Griffin from before, I would like some of that as well."

Item Drop:

Lion Plushy: Very High Quality: Defense Up (Large), Impact Resistance (Small), Slash Resistance (Large), Thrusting Resistance (Medium), Dark Resistance (Small), HP Restoration (Medium), Magic Amplify (Small), Autonomous Repair, Size Correction, Skill Correction (Small), Race Change – Lion Monster

Lion Claws: Very High Quality : Agility Up (Small), Strength Up (Large), Pierce Power Up (Large), Blood Deterrent, Size Correction

The birth of Firo Lion, the child of Saber Lion.

Yes that is the entire reason I had the Wave Boss being a lion.

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