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Wandering of a Sword Hero by A Dyslexic Writer

 Fate/stay night & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり Xover Rated: M, English, Shirō E., Firo, Words: 221k+, Favs: 7k+, Follows: 8k+, Published: Jan 27, 2019 Updated: Sep 22, 2019 8,517Chapter 16

Rider had once told Shirou to never under any circumstances cook for a God. According to the Fallen Goddess, half of the Gods of Olympus would have acted dismissive of Shirou's cooking, regardless of its quality, just because he was a mortal, while the other half would attempt to turn him into an octopus or something out of jealous fury because his cooking was better than theirs.

At the time, this didn't seem to be very important advice, as the world he was in had long since passed the Age of the Gods. So Shirou had never sweated the details, such as how one goes about turning down a God that has demanded that you not only provide it with food but cook it too.

He just had to hope that the Bird God wasn't the cursing-type.

Luckily it seemed that she was a Goddess of Gluttony and was more than willing to ate whatever was placed in front of her, mortal or no mortal. It was more difficult to get her and Firo to wait until the food was properly cooled than it was to get them to eat it.

Fitoria, as Shirou found out her proper name was, had used her power to bend space and time to place her fog around part of the town and a majority of the field where the Wave had taken place, completely isolating them from the outside world. The Queen had then left her subjects to 'clean up' the bodies while she went with Shirou and his group into one of the larger houses that neighbored a store house. She did however make sure that Shirou was given one of every type of monster corpse for Jian to absorb, after the sword had put up a fuss about all her kills being taken away from her.

Because he didn't want to keep the deity waiting any more than was necessary, Shirou took a few short cuts while preparing his food, using Jian in order to turn the raw ingredients they had in the store house into hard noodles and fresh down, as well as create some sauces to go with various dishes.

The ingredients were only of 'normal' quality when Jian spit them out, but with a bit of reinforcement magecraft and some cooking tricks that Shirou had picked up over the years, he still managed.

[Griffin Dumplings with Mild Spices: Heavenly Quality]

Shirou barely got the things out of the steams before he was cleaning it and shoveling another prepared batch in so as to keep the train rolling. He had ten different cooking stations going at once in the admittedly large kitchen and was barking orders at a confused Rita to get more stuff from storage, or to chop more firewood.

Perhaps he should have felt guilty about using up all the food and spices that the people had in stock, but considering they would have all been dead and their town destroyed if it wasn't for his group, he didn't think they had the right to complain.

If they did wish to complain, they could take it up with the God herself and her army of true omnivores.

Two hours had passed since Shirou had started cooking and both Fitoria and Firo were still eating. It seemed that it took a while for their human form's mouths to eat as much as they needed too. Though it should be noted that Fitoria ate at roughly five times the rate that Firo did, being a master of Saber's almost mechanical method of eating.

Firo had found her idol in life. Which made sense when you realized that Fitoria was the God of Filolial.

Firo had seemed to have taken a liking to Fitoria, as she talked to the older Filolial in her usual bubbly manner and didn't seem to mind sharing the food with her, and if Fitoria's small smiles were anything to go by, she had taken a liking to Firo as well. With the way that they acted towards one and other, it was almost as if they were sisters.

When the younger angel girl had first transformed into her human form in front of Fitoria, revealing herself without any clothes on, Fitoria had given the girl a nostalgic look before creating her a white dress with blue ribbons out of pure magical energy, with a form of enchantment woven into it so that it would transform as Firo did. She created it with a simple gesture, something that would have taken the average magus hours to make, even if they didn't have to deal with Gaia's influence.

Firo had been thrilled and showed off the dress to her Master. Shirou wondered if he should have asked her to create underwear to go with it but thought better of pushing his luck.

Finally, after hours of cooking, the Queen of Gluttony had her fill and sat up more straight in her seat was a sort of happy sigh. "The cooking of a Legendary Hero. It's been so long that I had nearly forgotten how good it tastes." Fitoria said, her voice wasn't loud, but still carried well. She patted her still small stomach in a thoughtful manner, as if she hadn't just eaten 10,000 pounds of food. Enough food to satisfy a small city.

"Yeah, Master's food tastes the best!" Firo agreed as she licked at the bit of sauce that were stuck to her own face before Shirou took a napkin to her. Fitoria looked at Shirou expectantly until he did the same for her… Wiping the mouth of a messing eating goddess. That had been the most uncomfortable thing that Shirou had done in a long, long time.

"Indeed, it makes me glad that I came, though I wouldn't have if I had known that one of the heroes was here. I did not sense any of the heroes being transported to fight this wave, so I planned to take care of it myself. Tell me, Sword Hero, how is it that you arrived here at this battlefield?" Fitoria asked Shirou, talking to him directly for the first time since the gorging began.

"Just happened to be in the right place at the right time, I suppose." Shirou said as he served the Queen a cup of tea.

"Yes. I remember that about heroes too. Always stumbling upon things… for good or ill." Fitoria said, though it didn't sound as happy. Shirou noticed her glancing at Azu from out of the corner of her eye as the trembling little dragon girl tried to hide behind Nico and Rita, both of whom were uneasy. "I suppose you also just happened upon that as well."

"Regardless of her heritage, Azu is just a child and has nothing to do with your conflict with the dragons. I would ask that you not threaten her." Shirou said, hoping this wouldn't come to a fight. He still didn't have all of his Od back. Not that it would have helped him against this monstrosity…

"I'm afraid you are wrong about that, Sword Hero. She has a great deal to do with my old battles with the dragons. Her parent appears to have placed his fragment of the Dragon Emperor's Core inside of her. If it wasn't for this one's humanity, she would have been transformed into a pureblooded dragon already." Fitoria said, turning her head and narrowing her eyes. "In order to prevent the revival of the Dragon Emperor, such things should be destroyed immediately. The fact that the Waves have started means that the danger is even greater."

"Fitoria, leave the girl alone, or I won't cook for you again." Shirou said seriously. The Bird God glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, as if to ask him if he really thought that would work. It was worth a try.

"Perhaps I should explain to the Sword Hero just how great of a threat the Dragon Emperor is. The Dragon Emperor is what a magi would call a 'Beast of Gaia'." Fitoria told him, her voice showing that she was dead serious.

"…Oh fuck." Shirou said, as those words sank in.

"Sensei, what is it?" Rita asked as she tried to calm Azu.

"…A Beast of Gaia is… It's like this. The World has a sort of collective consciousness, born from the cycle of energy the moves through it, and like any other conscious thing in existence, the World will do just about anything in order to insure its own survival. The 'Beasts of Gaia' are one of those insurance policies back in my world." Shirou explained.

"So the Dragon Emperor is a protector of the World? Then what's the problem? Why are you acting like it is such a bad thing?" Rita asked.

"Because it is only concerned with protecting the World, not the lives in it. To a creature like the Dragon Emperor, if the entirety of sentient life is the cost for the stability of the world, then so be it." Fitoria replied, leaving the girl shell shocked.

"The Dragon Emperor is… was… I don't believe it." Nico mumbled, his eyes wide, though he still tried to shield his granddaughter. The Dragon Emperor was still worshipped as a god by some Demihumans, it's no wonder that they would be shocked to hear about its true nature. Rita looked to Shirou for conformation.

"…She isn't wrong. That's exactly the kind of thing that the Beasts of Gaia usually do, if they aren't stopped or placated. Not that I have seen anyone in this world with the kind of power needed to do such a thing, besides Fitoria, of course." Shirou admitted with a sigh. "You said that the Wave increases the risk. Is the 'World' causing the Waves to happen? A method of drastically reducing the population of sentient life."

"…I do not believe so. The comings of the Waves of Calamity predate even me, and I do not know the cause of them." The Queen of the Filolial said with a slight shake of the head. "However, a drastic reduction of the population of sentient life is one method for stopping the Waves. If half the people in the world die, then the Waves of Calamity will stop. The Heroes who raised me in long past asked of me to make sure this did not come to pass, even if desperate measures had to be taken."

"…I understand the threat. However, I would still ask that you show mercy. Is there anything that I can do to convince you to leave her alone?" Shirou begged the God.

"Hm…" Fitoria hummed as her eyes drifted from the frightened Azu to Firo who was observing the entire thing with an adorably clueless expression, she really wasn't following any of this. "In such a short time, you have already raised an exceptional Filolial Queen. I would like to test her. If she passes, I will recognize your character as a Hero, and allow you to stand guard over this fragment of the Dragon Core until such time as it can be removed without destroying its vessel."

"You want to test Firo?" Firo asked with a tilt of the head.

"Yes. I want to see how well you fight." Fitoria said with a small smile.

A wide smile spread across Firo face and she nodded rapidly. "Firo can do that!" The Filolial child said without asking Shirou's permission.

"Fitoria, please keep in mind that Firo is only nine days old." Shirou said. He worried, but there wasn't much he could do other than place his faith in Firo, and hope that the God didn't demand too much from the girl.

"Perhaps, but she is a Royal Filolial. If she has the qualities that I am looking for, then she will show them regardless of age." Fitoria said, standing up from her seat. "Come, we will fight outside of this town."

"Alright!" Firo agreed, running full speed out the door.

Shirou wanted to say that one shouldn't preform strenuous activities right after eating, but he doubted those two would listen to him. If they get stomach cramps, then it is on them.

"For the purposes of this test, the two of us will remain in human form." Fitoria declared as the two of them stood part from each other within a barrier which Fitoria had erected. The fact that she could creature such a powerful forcefield with just a simple gesture was another sign of her unbelievable power.

Shirou, his group, and all of the Filolial that the Queen had brought with her stood around the barrier, watching and waiting.

"Huh? But Firo has never fought in human form before." Firo said, her shoulders slumping.

"I know. That is why it will be a good test of your qualities." Fitoria explained. "Beyond that rule, you can do whatever you wish. Any form of technique, trick or magic is allowed."

"Alright!" Firo cheered, bending her knees and raising up her arms. "Here Firo comes!"

While in human form, Firo's monstrous speed was diminished somewhat, though it was still an impressive sight to behold. She wasn't pushing at the sound barrier anymore, but normal people, such as Nico, couldn't keep track of her.

Not that it did any good. While Firo was moving at about the speed that Shirou could have managed in his old world while boosting himself to his maximum, Fitoria was just too fast. The Filolial Queen danced around Firo's punches as if playing with a child… which she was.

"Firo sure is incredible, but Fitoria is even better." Rita said as she watched the little fight playing out.

"Is that what you think?" Shirou said, a conflicted look on his face. "Firo doesn't have a clue what she's doing."

"Huh?" Rita responded with surprise.

"Fitoria's test seems to be about how well Firo will adapt and try to grow, but all she has done so far is throw punches, and not particularly good ones. Firo's never had to use hand to hand before, because she always relied on her long Filolial legs." Shirou pointed out as Fitoria grabbed Firo's arm and simply tossed her through the air. Firo managed to recover using her wings to break her momentum, but her attempt at kicking was met with failure. "Yesterday, I should have trained and equipped her to fight in her human form, instead of learning that low-rank magic. While her kicks are powerful, there is a limit to the amount of technique allowed to such a fighting style, and it puts the user in danger."

Shirou bit his lip whenever he saw Fitoria lash out of Firo with one of her hands, claws made of pure magical energy ripping apart some of the frill of Firo's new clothes, though not damaging the girl herself. Fitoria had aimed to miss. She had been measuring her strength in order to not harm the child since the very beginning. "You leave yourself too open. Those magic clothes won't protect you."

Firo lets out loud whine of frustration before putting her hands out in front of her. "Firo commands the origin of power. Firo has read and deciphered a law of nature. Blow them all away with a raging tornado! Tzuvait Tornado!"

The tornado appeared in front of Firo's hands, more powerful than before. The swirling winds rapidly approaching Fitoria.

"To obvious." The God merely waved a finger and Firo's spell collapsed. At first Shirou thought she might have crushed it under her overwhelming power, but he hadn't sensed any such serge of energy. She had preformed a counter spell, undoing Firo's magic with her own. A feat as easy to do as putting together a ship in a bottle while blindfolded. To preform such a counter spell with just the wave of a finger… Caster would have shat her robes if the demigod witch had seen that. The level of control over her power that Fitoria had was insane.

Fitoria returned fire with single wave of her hand, causing a gust of wind to appear, which threw Firo backwards and up into the air.

At first, Firo flapped her arms and wings about, trying to regain her balance, but Fitoria's winds weren't going to make it that easy. Shirou was worried that the whole thing might have been over, until Firo stopped struggling and spread out her wings. A controlled gust brought her back into stability and she fell to the ground, landing on her feet.

"Much better." Fitoria complimented with a smile. Firo had just preformed a low-level air control spell as a single action without any chant to help guild the energy. Any magus with an air element could have done the same, but for a nine-day-old girl to figure it out in mid combat was worth notice. Shirou sure was impressed.

And Firo wasn't through there. She leaned forward and used the spell again to shape the air in front of her, and push against her wings, boosting her speed. She rocketed straight towards Fitoria with her arms raised.

Fitoria simply lifted one hand and used a measured attack to knock Firo to the side… Only it didn't work, and the bits of magic bounced off of Firo's clothes. Shirou's eyes widened just as much as Fitoria's as he realized she had just used reinforcement magic on her clothes.

The God didn't move out of the way as Firo clawed at the air, sending the same kind of magic claws that Fitoria had used on her back at the Bird God. The attack landed, the first hit that Firo had in the entire fight… not that it did anything.

Firo blinked in confusion at the lack of effect, though Fitoria smiled at her. "Congratulations. You passed." Fitoria said, giving Firo a flick on her forehead, which sent her spinning backwards to the ground.

"Ouch… that wasn't nice." Firo pouted, covering her forehead as she barrier around them dropped and Shirou and Rita rushed to the girl's side.

Fitoria just chuckled at Firo's pout. "You should be proud, Sword Hero. You have raised her well."

"Not well enough." Shirou admitted weakly. "She learned fast because of her instincts, but I should have spent more time training with her. She still has much to learn."

"If that is how you feel, then I look forward to seeing how much she will grow under your care." Fitoria said, sparing a glance towards Azu. "As promised, I will leave the Dragon Core Fragment, and the girl, in your care. Just make sure that she doesn't absorb any more of the fragments. Otherwise, I might have to retract my promise."

"Understood and thank you." Shirou said with a bow.

"Think nothing of it. Now, it is time to mark this Queen's Candidate." Fitoria said as she returned her attention to Firo, who was dusting herself off. One of the upward trending locks of hair began to glow before pair of it slit off. Like a feather, it flouted in the air, twisting and turning before landing on Firo's head, where it seemed to take root, changing to be the same gold color as Firo's hair. The way it stuck up from her head looked a little silly.

Azu snorted into her hands at the sight of it.

"Huh, what's funny?" Firo asked, tilting her head, which caused the strip of hair to sway about.

"I think Fitoria just crowned you as her heir… sort of." Rita exclaimed, halfway between amazed and amused.

"Crowned?" Firo said, reaching up and touching the top of her head, finding the odd piece of hair. "S…something strange grew! No…!"

While Firo was overreacting and Rita tried to calm her down, Shirou glanced over at Fitoria. "That what this was about? You wanted to see if Firo was able to take over your position? To carry on your work."

"In a way." Fitoria admitted with a nod.

"…How long have you been carrying on their last wish?" Shirou asked with a sympathetic look.

"Long enough that I can't even remember why I am doing it, or if I ever really cared." Fitoria said. Her face momentarily fell into a look of pure misery. It was a look that Shirou had only ever seen before on Archer, when the man admitted to his own hypocrisy, and that his dreams weren't even his own and that he never believed in them. The horrors of longevity and the things it does to people. "I can't even remember the names or faces of those heroes who had raised me. And the things I have done to carry on their will can never be taken back."

Shirou stiffened as the God actual started to cry. Hesitantly, Shirou reached a hand up and started to pat her head, trying to comfort her down. "Fitoria, where is it that you live?" Shirou asked her, causing Fitoria to look up in surprise. "Even a Hero occasionally needs rest. I thought when that time comes, we might be able to visit you. If you would be so inclined."

Fitoria smiled sadly and wiped her eyes. "Thank you, Hero. But for the sake of my duty, I can't let myself become attached to you. Not yet. But if you survive long enough, we will meet again."

"Sounds good. We'll have a feast." Shirou said with a bit of a smile himself. "Take care of yourself, Fitoria."

"And you as well, Sword Hero. The World depends on it." Fitoria said, before turning and walking away, returning to her full, monstrous size as she and the rest of her Filolial disappeared into the mist. Shirou smiled as he watched her go, until the mist started to clear.

"God dammit." Shirou swore as he looked around the now relieved field in front of them to see what was probably the Siltvelt army standing there, weapons raised.

He should have asked Fitoria for a lift out of there.

Someone asked how Azu went from a lvl 5 to a lvl 40 in just that one battle. She was sharing experience with them when Shirou nuked 40,000 monsters at once. The total EXP earned would exceed what they got from the Mutant Griffin.

Also, the Blessing of the Bird God just gave Firo another considerable stat boost, because she so needed that. (The words stupidly overpowered barely even cut it anymore.)

Decided for a new running gag, in that all dog monsters and dog demihumans all hate/distrust Shirou on sight as part of a curse left behind by Lancer out of jealousy that Shirou got all the girls. Thus cementing Shirou's status as a cat person. (Note that while foxes are canines, a god of hunting dogs would probably not have them count.)

The Army not noticing that Shirou is just wearing a wig might straight the suspension of disbelief a little, but just go with it.

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