

Just In




Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Supernatural & Suspense, Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Words: 289k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Sep 16, 2006 Updated: Sep 1, 2007 3,864Chapter 36: Storm Surge

Chapter 36 – Storm Surge

1 September 1943 – Durmstrang

The young wizard sat at his desk reviewing one of the texts his teacher assigned him to read as homework. It was fascinating material. So much magic was left forgotten, abandoned due to the squeamishness of a few, weak wizards in anonymous government bureaucracy positions. Why should a powerful wizard listen to these small-minded, almost squibs?

The Flesh Dissolving Curse really was an incredible feat of magic. The magic acted like a swarm of insects taking thousands of tiny bites out of the target. The flesh was then converted into the separate molecules. Water was released into the atmosphere as steam. If the spell hit the target in the foot, the entire body would be consumed within ten minutes without the proper counter-curse. Of course, death occurred well before that point. An 80 kilogram (176 lb) wizard hit by this spell would leave behind a 32 kilogram pile of nutrient and trace element-rich dust.

Oddly enough, the spell was developed during the Black Death as a way of disposing of the numerous bodies left behind by the plague. It allowed the magical community to dispose of the bodies safely without any risk of the bodies spreading more disease. The fact the remaining dust made excellent fertilizer was an added bonus. However, after the plague subsided the magical governments listed this spell as 'Dark' because the dust remains were easily disposed of making murder cover-ups much easier.

Tom frowned at the stupidity of the wizarding world and concentrated on the pronunciation and wand movements required for casting the spell. It was not a quick spell to cast but did not require much more power then a good Reducto.

The sound of the door opening brought the young wizard's attention back to his surroundings. He looked up to see a very large witch filling his doorway. He smiled to see his favorite teacher.

"Good morning, Professor Helena. Have the other students arrived yet?"

The half-troll witch gave him a leering smile that would have terrified anyone that did not know her. She actually had a rather pleasant disposition on top of a wicked sense of humor. At least if you didn't annoy her.

"I just heard they have left Berlin and are on there way here. They should arrive in the cavern in two hours."

Rather than use a train like Hogwarts, Durmstrang used a black ship that navigated subterranean rivers making stops in central locations in eastern and central Europe. Berlin was the last stop before making for the school. The ship arrived in the lake inside the cavern. The students would then proceed to their Great Hall for their Opening Feast. Durmstrang did not have Houses like Hogwarts. Their dorms were divided by class year and sex. Unofficially, they were also divided by nation of origin. Each dorm room housed four students and the students could choose their own dorm mates. It was not the school's concern if the rooms tended to cluster along nationalistic lines.

The half-troll professor walked casually into the room and settled on the end of the bed. The bed groaned in protest but held her weight. "Are you looking forward to meeting your new classmates, Mr. Slytherin?"

Tom nodded. "After spending over three months as a captive, it will be nice to see people my own age again."

"Ah, Tom," the professor said with a (for her) gentle smile, "you are not a captive anymore. You are our Lord's own apprentice. And when you are truly ready, you will leave this school to face our enemies and defeat them. You have already progressed a great deal."

Tom gave her a grateful smile. He never revealed the full extent of his training under James. Christina pushed him in dueling to near his limits, but his Occlumency and Animagus skills remained known only to himself. His studies here may have revealed James Evans's hypocrisy, but that did not mean the wizard's training had been wrong. In fact, he found the man he once deluded himself into calling 'Father' had provided him with training much greyer then had been admitted at the time. James placed a higher emphasis on surviving and winning a duel then following the rules.

A house-elf appeared in the room with a lunch tray. "Lunch for Master Slytherin!" the elf proclaimed in an excited voice.

"Set it on the table," Tom directed with a gesture at the table. He turned to his professor. "Would you care to join me for lunch?" he asked politely.

"No, I have already eaten," the witch replied. "I will leave you to your lunch. A professor will come up to take you to the Great Hall for the Feast."

"Will I be moving into the dorms with the other students?" Tom asked.

Professor Helena frowned, "You are not a regular student, Mr. Slytherin. You are our Lord's apprentice. As such this is your rightful place, not in the dorms."

Tom sighed. He had heard this argument several times already in the last week.

Professor Helena caught his sigh and started to get angry. "You may visit the dorms, the classrooms, or anywhere else in the school until curfew. But your Master insists you stay in this room and you will not question it!"

There was nothing Tom could do but acquiesce. "Yes, professor." Helena nodded before turning and leaving the room. Tom picked his book back up and moved over to the table with his lunch. He settled down to finish the chapter whilst absently eating his lunch.


Tom was surprised when Christina arrived to take him to the Feast. His surprise must have shown.

"Our Lord wanted to ensure you were able to attend the Feast without any problems."

Tom followed the Dark Witch down to the Great Hall. He idly played with the wand sheathed on his forearm. A month ago he would have hexed her as soon as his wand was back in his possession. Even two weeks ago, but now something made him hold back.

The witch confused Tom. One minute she was a pleasant person, but put her in a dueling situation and she became a crazed killer. Even talking about magical combat caused her eyes to fill with an unholy light. The Count was her favorite subject. They knew just about everything about the Count except for his real name. They even had transcripts from some of his meetings with the Minister of Magic. Tom did notice all of the meetings had Acturus Black in attendance.

Christina led Tom into the Great Hall. Like most of the school, the Hall had a cold, forbidding feeling. She led Tom to the front of the room. Long benches for the students to sit filled the room; one for each year. A the head of the room was a raised stage with the staff table much like Hogwarts. In the center of the staff table at this school however sat a Dark Lord.

Grindelwald sat in casual conversation with some of the professors waiting for the students to arrive. He looked up with a smile when he noticed their approach. Tom noticed the smile never reached his eyes. The eyes were coldly assessing and judging.

The Dark Lord said, "Welcome Professor Raven and Mr. Slytherin. Please join us." He gestured to two open seats on his right hand side.

Tom had expected to be seated with the other Sixth year students. But now he was guided to a seat one step to the right of the Dark Lord. Christina sat immediately to his right while the wizard who served as the Deputy Headmaster sat on his left. Professor Helena sat at the far end of the table from Tom. Tom was sure it was due entirely to her massive size rather then a low placement in Grindelwald's esteem. Serena, known to the students as Madam Raven sat on the other side of James. The cool distant witch ignored his arrival as she talked with the wizard on her other side.

The students started to file into the Hall in neat columns. Their feet drummed on the floor as they marched to their assigned positions. The First years were obvious as they lacked the older students' coordination as they marched to the position at the center table.

Christina leaned over and whispered, "Aren't you glad you didn't have to march in with them? I always hated that part. The First years sit in the center, then Second and Third year on either side of them. So the even numbered years are on the left hand side of the Hall and the off numbered years on the right."

Tom automatically glanced at the two outside tables and noted they did contain the older looking students. "Why?"

The Dark Witch smirked. "To keep the years from fighting in the Hall. There is great honor in defeating the class above you. You are outside that structure but the Dark Lord will be most disappointed in his apprentice if anyone were to surpass you."

'Great,' Tom thought. 'I'm going to be the target of choice for all of bloody school.'

All the students stood at rigid attention behind their seats. A barked shout from the Head Boy caused them all to be seated. Grindelwald rose from his seat once they were all seated. All noise in the room ceased as the Dark Lord looked down on them.

"Greetings, my students. Welcome to another glorious year at the Dumstrang Academy of Magic. You have accepted the responsibility to learn the proper use of your magic. As the elite of the magical world, I expect you to show me the intelligence, diligence and dedication to excel in your studies. Do not disappoint me."

Tom almost shuddered in his seat. Grindelwald's greeting was delivered in pleasant tones, but the threat was unmistakable.

Grindelwald continued. "I have good news for all of you. Professor Raven has return to us after too long away on other business. I am sure you all look forward to once again learning from the best magical fighter in all of Europe."

Tom resisted the impulse to lean over and ask Christina if the Count had left the continent. Since they assumed the Count was dead, Tom couldn't very well use him to tease the Dark Witch now. Besides, from what Tom had seen the Christina's claim may well be true. She was definitely in the same league as the Count now.

"I am also pleased to announce I have accepted an apprentice." If the room had been silent before, now the silence was deafening. "Mr. Slytherin will be attending many classes with the Sixth years when he is not in training with me. Mr. Slytherin is the Heir to the great wizard Salazar Slytherin. I am certain that all of you will do your utmost to welcome and assist my apprentice throughout this school year. Mr. Slytherin, would you please stand?"

Pushing himself to his feet, Tom used his Occlumency training to keep his expression blank. The students did not clap, smile, or react in any visible way. Rather, Tom felt them weighing and judging him. After a minute, the Dark Lord motioned to him to sit.

Grindelwald turned back to the students. "Now enjoy your feast. " He snapped his fingers and food appeared on the tables. With only a light murmur of conversation, the students started to eat.

A mug filled with a hot cider appeared in front of Tom. "Drink this. You look as if you need it." Tom looked at the speaker in some surprise. Serena had been ignoring him since his arrival. Now she acted concerned about him?

Tom nodded politely, "Thank you, Madam. This has been rather a surprise to me." The witch gave him an acknowledging nod and returned to her previous conversation.

Tom settled in to eat his own meal whilst watching the staff and students around him. He sipped his cider and thought about all he was seeing and hearing. It was all so different from Hogwarts. Tom felt as if his soul was being torn in two different directions. A part of him missed his old school and his friends. Thoughts of his family confused him. His father was a hypocrite, but hadn't he saved him from the orphanage rather than kill him? Thoughts of his mother, Katie, Michael, Tia, and Ron came to mind. How would mum feel about him learning the Dark Arts?

However, looking around this room, Tom felt an addictive pull, power. There was a great power here in this school. The Dark Lord could assist him in reaching the height of magical power. With magical power would come other types of power, political, economic and social. No one would ever be able to dictate to him ever again.

2 September 1943

Tom made his way down to the Charms classroom for the first day of class. He had eaten breakfast the next morning in his room. The thought of eating in the formal setting of the staff table was a bit daunting this early in the morning. His decision was confirmed when he stepped out of the Dark Lord's tower and into the school proper.

The students were milling around making their way to their first day of classes. Gone was the military-like precision from last night's dinner. The students were still dressed in the sever school uniform but they looked more relaxed. However, there was no sound of laughter or shouting in the hall which marked it as distinctly different then the Hogwart's halls would be right now.

Since he was not a 'student' Tom did not wear the same uniform they did. Instead he wore the formal robes of a Dark Army officer. His presence was noted as soon as he stepped out of the tower. No one said anything, but they all paused momentarily when he appeared. As he started walking towards the Charms classroom a pathway opened in front of him through the students. All of the students stayed a respectful distance away from him.

Tom was glad for his Dark Army robe as he made his way down the hall. Although it was still early September the school was cold as it sat a top the Alps. The fireplaces were only lit when called for in magical rituals or by teachers wishing to communicate via Floo. Thick robes and warming charms was all the students had outside their dorm robes. Charms kept frost from forming in the halls and classrooms. If not for them the school would soon be layered in a thick blanket of snow and ice.

The door to the Charms class appeared out of the gloom of the hallway. Tom stepped into the room to receive his first surprise of the day.

"Good morning, Mr. Slytherin. So glad you could join us."

Tom struggled to keep the surprise from showing on his face. It was a difficult struggle. "Good morning, Professor Helena. How are you this morning?"

The huge half-troll witch smiled mischievously. If not for the fact Tom had already grown accustomed to her appearance, he would have been terrified by that smile. It still made him slightly nervous, just for different reasons now. "I bet you didn't expect to see me until you Physical Training class." Her smile grew larger. "My troll heritage makes me highly resistant to spells. It means I am relatively safe when irresponsible students let their spells get away."

Any further conversation was disrupted by the arrival of the students. Tom moved into the room and selected a chair. The classroom was setup in a U around the professor's desk. Tom chose a seat at the top of the U where no one sat behind him.

A Sixth year student dropped into the open chair next to Tom. The student made no attempt to talk to Tom but Tom could feel the boy's scrutiny through his pretended indifference. Tom ignored him and pulled out his Charms text.

Professor Helena impressed Tom in that class. Her style was very different then the diminutive Professor Flitwick, but they both seemed to take a great deal of enjoyment out of the teaching process. The class focused on focused on protective charms. The class ended with the students casting a protective charm on an egg. Professor Helena then hit them all with a Crushing Hex. If your egg survived intact, you passed the day's lesson. Tom's egg survived but the egg of the young wizard next to him never even shook when hit by the hex. The boy seemed to smirk at Tom in triumph without ever really looking up.

Transfiguration and Potions followed the same pattern. Tom's status as the Dark Lord's apprentice separated him from the other students and it none of them seemed willing to approach him. However, they all seemed to mark his progress against their own. Tom spent a silent evening in his room after a uncomfortable dinner at the staff table.


Friday morning broke the pattern of Tom being ignored by the other students.

The morning started off exactly like the preceding day. Tom ate breakfast alone in his room before making his way to his only class of the day. It would be a double and fill the entire morning up until lunch.

Tom walked into the Dark Arts classroom and moved toward the raised seats. He was stopped by the professor.

"Please join me at the head of the room, Mr. Slytherin." Christina called him. "You will assist me with practical demonstrations."

Tom shrugged and moved to the indicated position. After the last month of dueling with Christina and James before that, facing a room full of his fellow Sixth years did not seem to be anything to get nervous about.

The students filed into the room. Again, none made any comment or indication of Tom's presence, but he knew that all noticed him. Christina waited until all of them were seated before she began.

The Dark Witch walked confidently to stand in front of the class. She surveyed them with a cold eye. When she spoke, her voice was even colder. "When I left you, you were completing your Third year of studies. Since then you have done well enough to pass your OWLS to attend this class. Very well, now we shall see if you have truly earned your position in my class. You will each duel Mr. Slytherin. If you survive, I will assess your performance and decide who goes and who stays. The Dark Arts are not for the weak of mind or determination. I will not waste my time on incapable students." Tom's stomach clenched at the thought of fighting twenty-six students in one on one duels.

Christina picked a student at random. She pointed at the young wizard, "You shall be our first trial, Mr. Schlagel." She looked at the rest of the students. "Rest assured anyone we do not get to today will be tested at our next class."

Tom recognized the boy from his classes the previous day. He appeared to fall somewhere in the middle ranks for magical power. Tom dropped his wand into his hand as he stepped onto the dueling mat. Then he waited.

Schlagel stepped onto the dueling mat with his wand drawn and pointed towards Tom. The Sixth year did not seem to be taking any chances of Tom launching an ambush. Once he reached the traditional dueling distance, the young wizard moved into a classic dueling stance and waited.

And waited. And waited.

The watching students started to stir and mutter as the time seemed to drag out. They all expected the Dark Lord's apprentice to launch an all out attack on his opponent but instead he just stood with his wand at his side.

Schlagel couldn't take it anymore. The stress of anticipating Tom's attack was causing him to sweat. He gripped his wand tighter and muttered a spell. A sickly purple pulse of light shot straight for Tom's chest.

The tightening of his grip had been all the warning Tom needed. Tom gently swayed to the side allowing the spell to pass by him unhindered. Tom was mildly impressed that even with his nervousness; his opponent resisted the urge to shout the spell he cast.

A second and third spell followed the first. Tom never raised his shields. He simply stepped just out of their path as James had taught him. Since achieving his animal form, this had become easier then ever. The students were starting to jeer his opponent. Focused on hitting Tom, the young wizard missed the cumulative effect of Tom's dodges until it was too late.

Tom darted in and jumped at his opponent with a spinning heal kick to Schlagel's right knee. The knee buckled with an audible pop. The wizard dropped to the ground with a shriek of agony and clutching his knee. Tom bent over and picked the wizard's wand off the floor and calmly handed it to Christina.

The Dark Witch calmly accepted the wand and walked over to her student. "You lost. Take your wand and go get yourself fixed up. Come to my office this afternoon."

The Sixth year's face was pale from the pain but he nodded and struggled to his one good leg. He cast modified Body-Bind Curse on his leg. It froze the limb in place allowing him to immobilize the limb and hop to the Hospital Wing.

Once the boy was off the platform, Christina picked out a dark haired witch sitting on the end f the front row. "You're next."

The witch strode confidently to her starting position with her wand at her side. Tom silently cast a spell and waited for her to start. The witch's arm snapped up like it was spring loaded to fire off her first spell.

Tom never raised his hand from waist level. Silently he cast, "Bombus lux." The room filled with a thunderclap as a brilliant light flared from the tip of Tom's wand.

The rest of the room was stunned as a result of the spell. Even Christina seemed to have been taken by surprise. Tom took advantage of this time to disarm his opponent and cast a spell to bind her with ropes. He also removed the protection charm from his own eyes and ears.

Tom waited until Christina seemed to shake off the effects of the charm. In a casual tone he said, "Next?"

Christina smirked in return. "Mr. Krieger!"

The Sixth year who sat next to Tom in Charms rose from his seat in the middle of the students. The young wizard dropped lightly to the ground. Tom noticed he moved lightly on his feet, ready to move instantly in any direction. All the signs said here was a very well trained opponent.

As Tom continued to assess his new opponent, he noticed Krieger's eyes. The calm, black eyes gave him a look of absolute hatred. Not the typical schoolyard antagonism he had known with Alajos Sardonnes. This was a flat out hatred Tom had not encountered since the orphanage.

The two opponents studied each other looking for a sign that an attack was imminent. Even watching, Tom was almost taken flat footed by the first spell.

The dim yellow ball of spell energy screamed past Tom's head, only missing by two inches. He had barely ducked in time. Even so the side of his face went numb from the passage of the near-miss. A second spell followed closely behind the first spell but this time Tom's shields were in place.

Tom wanted to get the initiative back. He fired a brace of quick spells. Not to defeat his opponent, just to put him on the defensive.

"Corycus, Fucotig, Corycus, Fucotig Perfringo!"

The Punch Spell and the Paint-Ball Hex were both quick spells to cast and used little energy. Tom wasn't too concern with aiming the spells. The Punch Spell was great from draining shields and the Paint-Ball Hex would leave be a good distraction. He just wanted Krieger to have to pay attention to them. The Bone-Shattering Curse that followed it up was a different story. The curse came in low to the ground near knee level.

Krieger side stepped the first Punch Spell. The first set of paint balls clipped him on the shoulder. The German wizard was surprised by their physical impact and the paint dripping from his shoulder. His distraction allowed the second Punch Spell to connect. He grunted as his magic flared to reinforce the Shield Spell. The second set of paint balls passed to the wizard's left.

The Bone-Shattering Curse smashed into the Shield Spell. The shield absorbed most of the curse's energy but some passed through as the shield collapsed. Krieger grunted as the spell impacted on his left shin.

Tom did not have time to follow up on his hit. Even as the curse hit his leg, Krieger flailed his wand around and cast the Fire Whip Curse. A whip made of a fiery substance appeared out of the end of the wand. The whip snapped through the air at Tom. Acting instinctually, Tom raised his left arm to block the whip. It wrapped around his arm, burning through the thick material of his robe.

Pulling back against the Fire Whip, Tom cast a silent 'Sectumsempra!'

The silent spell flew directly down the top of the fire whip until it reached the wizard's wand. The magic sliced through the top of the wand cutting the front third of the wand off. The spell continued into Krieger's hand, entering between the second and third knuckle and creating a two inch deep gash.

Tom almost groaned in relief as the Fire Whip Curse failed with the destruction of the casting wand. He cast a numbing charm on his arm to deaden the pain.

The destruction of Krieger's wand meant the end of the duel. Christina walked over to Krieger. The young wizard knelt on the dueling platform attempting to bind his hand with a piece of cloth. Blood dripped from between the mangled remains of his hand. Christina told him to stand up and cast a healing charm on the hand. The major bleeding stopped but not all of it. The Dark Witch raised an eyebrow at that since she expected her spell to completely heal the Sixth year's hand. Something about that spell tickled her memory.

The Dark Witch did not allow any of her surprise to show. "That should hold you until you reach the Hospital Wing. Now go."

Once Krieger was gone, she walked over to Tom. In a voice pitched so only Tom could hear here, she said, "Krieger was known to be the best dueler in the school. He won the all-school end of the year dueling competition last year. He beat all of last year's Sixth and Seventh years."

Tom kept his emotions in check as he asked, "Is that why he hates me? Because I am a threat to his status?"

Christina smiled with dark amusement glittering in her eyes. "Well that … and the fact that there was talk that the Dark Lord would choose him to be his apprentice. Krieger sees you as having stolen his rightful place."

"Oh, that's just bloody wonderful."

Christina just winked at him and turned away. She addressed the class. "Three students tested and already two in the Hospital Wing. I am glad this is a Friday or the other teachers may have been upset with me." She pointed at a random boy. "You, you're next."


Tom dropped exhausted into his bed. He had fought fourteen students in a three hour class. Krieger's fight had been the toughest but be no means the longest of the fourteen fights. Nine students were sent to the Hospital Wing. Tom would have gone too if not for the healing potions Serena provided him when he reached his room.

And to think, he got to fight the rest of them at the next class! Thank Merlin Dad insisted on training him!

17 December 1943

Tom walked out of the Potions classroom in a confident stride. The winter holidays were set to start the next day and Professor Ogglet had decided to give the Sixth year students a mini-NEWT exam to remind them not to slack off their Sixth year. Tom was confident he'd done exceedingly well on the test.

No students called for Tom to wait for them and none of them dared to approach him without his invitation. After more than four months of as the Dark Lord's apprentice, the students knew not to approach Tom Slytherin too closely. Originally they isolated Tom out of jealously, now it was out of fear.

The week after the duels in Christina's Dark Arts class, Krieger had sought Tom out with a new wand in hand. After avoiding the German wizard's initial attack from ambush, Tom demonstrated his improvement in casting Dark spells. He used the same Poisoned Arrow Spell he had tried on Christina. This time the three arrows formed a tight cluster around his opponent's heart. The paralysis poison completed the job by causing his heart to stop beating. After that, the students left the boy they were already calling the Dark Apprentice very much alone.

Tom was making his way to the Master's Tower when he heard a commotion coming from the entrance hall. He altered his path out of idle curiosity.

Two of his Lord's senior Solders were standing in the hall. What were obviously two bodies was floating next to them. The Dark Solders had conjured sheets the hid the bodies from view, but Tom guessed they were the groundskeeper and the Flying instructor who had gone missing two weeks ago. Christina and Helena were approaching as Tom came to a stop in front of the wizards.

"Where did you find them?" Christina called out before Tom could say anything.

The senior Solder made a short bow and answered, "They were on a small rise on the mountain south of here. They must have landed for some reason and been attacked by the dire wolves. Jonas's throat was torn out. Mythos was hamstrung but he must have fought them off. His leg is partially healed. He must have passed out from the blood loss and froze to death "

Tom knew better but did not say anything. Since September he had felt James moving around outside the school's wards trying to contact him. The Occlumency shields he had taught Tom kept James from making contact. However, Tom felt the flair of triumph from James the night the two wizards disappeared whilst on patrol. It was not the dire wolves who killed the two wizards, but a different wolf entirely. However, Tom held his tongue.

Christina frowned at the report. "Take them to the headquarters and continue the investigation. I want to ensure it was an accident and the injuries were not caused by magic." She turned to Tom. "Our master would like to see you in his quarters."

Tom nodded and turned on his heel to walk away. He did not need to ask when the Dark Lord wanted him. The answer was always immediately. Professor Helena caught up to Tom in just a couple of steps.

"Oh, Tommy-boy, were you a baaaad boy?" the large professor asked in a teasing voice. The half-troll witch and Christina were the only ones in the school who would dare do such a thing.

"Possibly," he allowed in a dry voice. "He may have heard about the incident with your wand yesterday."

Helena chuckled in remembrance. "I would love to know how you managed to switch my wand with a fake. I know you didn't enter my room before your class."

Tom shrugged. "I never admitted that I was the one who took your wand. I merely found it on the floor."

The Charms professor snorted. "We did not have any pranks before this term. Then they suddenly started. We must have a precocious Firstie or two."

"Or an older student decided to reveal his inner prankster." Tom offered.

"Possibly," the professor allowed mimicking Tom's earlier tone of voice.

The odd pair entered the Master's tower and rode the magic to the second highest level. Only the Dark Lord's office and personal quarters occupied this level. The highest level held a conference room with a panoramic view of the mountains surrounding the school.

Tom moved to knock on Grindelwald's office when Helena stopped him. "No, he's in here." She knocked on the door to Grindelwald's quarters.

"Enter," a voice called from within.

Helena preceded Tom into Grindelwald's private room. Tom had never been allowed to enter this room before. He used the opportunity to observe as he entered the room. What he found slightly surprised him.

The room reminded Tom of the Ravenclaw common room. Shelves of books lined the inner wall. A sealed glass case held several ancient looking texts. A pair of large windows provided a gorgeous view of the mountains.

Tom was suddenly stunned as a new sensation hit him.

He was hot.

For the first time since leaving Hamburg, Tom actually felt warm. His gaze turned to a large fireplace burning merrily against the one wall. Tom felt a desire to walk over to warm up at the fire.

"I admit I enjoy the feeling of being warm more then a proper Headmaster of Durmstrang should."

Tom turned to face the speaker. "Yes, milord. This room does remind me more of Ravenclaw then Durmstrang."

The Dark Lord laughed easily however Tom noted his eyes never changed. "Yes, you can take the wizard out of Ravenclaw, but you can't take Ravenclaw out of the wizard. But tell me my young Slytherin, how is it you are familiar with the Ravenclaw common room? I am sure things have not changed that much in my old school."

"Professor Evans knew all of the Houses passwords. I was able to get them from him," Tom answered. Technically that was all true. James did know all the passwords and Tom received the Marauder's Map from James. The Map listed all of the common room passwords.

"Very cunning, Mr. Slytherin. Much what one would expect of your vaunted line. Now, please have a seat. We have much to discuss." The Dark Lord turned to Helena. "Thank you, my dear. Leave us now please."

Helena curtsied in an almost dainty fashion. "Yes, milord." She turned and left without another word.

A sudden insight hit Tom. Helena was in love with Grindelwald. He almost laughed at the absurdity of the idea. Grindelwald merely raised an ironic eyebrow. Tom realized the Dark Lord knew about the witch's crush.

"Tom, I am sure you have asked why I worked so hard to bring you here and make you my apprentice." At Tom's affirming nod, Grindelwald continued. "I did not originally plan on approaching you. I need something your ancestor left behind. A piece of knowledge only you will be able to procure for me. Have you ever heard of a Horcrux?"

Tom pled ignorance. He did not want to reveal how he knew of the Dark objects. Grindelwald spent the next twenty minutes explaining the use of Horcrux and roughly how they are created. It was all stuff Tom had heard before although James's explanation was a bit less detailed.

"Salazar Slytherin gathered all the knowledge in the world on Horcruxes and stored it in his Chamber of Secrets. My sources say only an Heir of Slytherin can access the room. They also must be sufficiently Dark to read the proper material. Originally, I planned on using your maternal uncle to retrieve the texts. I believe you were a Second year during that raid? Securing young Nott would have been a nice bonus but it was mostly to raid the Chamber. His death at the Count's hands seriously derailed my plans."

"Why do you need a Horcrux, sir?" Tom asked.

"Do you know why I was exiled from Britain?"

"No, sir."

Grindelwald leaned back into the chair he was sitting in. "After leaving Hogwarts, I became obsessed with discovering a way to study new worlds and travel through time. The Ministry frowned on my efforts and sought to discourage me. The great magical philosopher Michael Britanious visited the Great Library of Alexandria shortly before those stupid, superstitious Muggles burnt it down. He wrote a great treatise from the material there for opening gates between worlds. The Ministry refused me access to his work, so I tried to steal it. My old friends Albus Dumbledore and Thomas Potter learnt of my plan and thwarted me. After a brief trial, I was exiled."

The Dark Lord's attention had moved from Tom to staring into the fire as he talked. After a brief pause he continued. "Although the scrolls were now out of my reach I continued my research and eventual managed to make contact with a plane of existence very different than ours. Most people would refer to it as Hell. Actually the proper name would be the Prime Plane of Fire. It really has nothing to do with our dead, but the creatures of the plane gave rise to our modern images of demons and devils. Through the use of certain rituals, we can pull these creatures through Gates and bind them to our will. Also, this plane opens onto countless others."

"Have you traveled there, Master?"

Grindelwald smiled, "You have hit on the core of the problem, my young friend. If I travel there, I can open Gates to the other realms. However, the transition through the Gate is deadly to humans. Only someone with a Horcrux can survive the passage. So you see why I need you."

Tom nodded, "You need me to access the Chamber and retrieve the correct text. You also need me to be Dark enough to translate it for me."

The Dark Lord smiled pleasantly. "I understand you have taken to our training like the natural you are. Christina tells me you have become quite accomplished and is pleased with your progress. Serena tells me you are very gifted academically also. It is exceedingly rare for those two sisters to agree on anything. You are to be commended."

Tom bowed his head. "Thank you, master"

"Now, I have a special treat for you, Tom. Archipedous, would you care to join us?"

It took all of Tom's self control to hold himself in place as a demon emerged from the fire. The creature gave Tom a considering look before turning to the Dark Lord. In a voice that sounded burnt, the creature said, "It took ye long enough, wizard. I tire of this cold plane. Release me or come through with me."

"Silence, slave. You will do my will." The Dark Lord sounded almost nonchalant, but his voice had an undercurrent of effort. There was a moment of silence between the Dark Lord and the creature known as Archipedous. Then the demon gave a slight nod of submission.

Grindelwald turned back to Tom. "As you can see, the 'demons' must be subjugated to our will. But they make excellent servants once they have been broken to our will. They have visited countless worlds over the eons and have a great deal of knowledge gathered from their visits." Grindelwald frowned at the demon and said to Tom, "They even claim to know the answer to the age old question of does time travel alter history or create a new universe, but they refuse to share their answer like they refuse to share all of their knowledge."

The demon grunted, "Told ye 'fore. Only access information in real world. Travelers bound from sharing."

With a sigh of frustration, Gridelwald translated. "He claims all demons leaving their plane are prevented from sharing their knowledge. They consider the Fire Plane to be the only truly real world since they can access all of us."

'Return to your home for now, Archipedous. I will summon you later before I begin the next ritual."

"Yes, master." The demon turned and jumped back into the fire as it flared and was gone.

Once the fire died back down to its normal size, Grindelwald dismissed Tom. "I will be gone for a few weeks. The school will be in break and I must coddle my Muggle puppet. He becomes increasingly unstable and the potions are not working as well as they once did. I will call for you on my return. Continue your studies."

Tom rose and bowed at the dismissal. As he made his way to his room one level down he thought about all he had seen and heard that night. Reaching his room, Tom failed to reach a conclusion.

10 March 1944 – Durmstrang

Tom's seventeenth birthday had passed unremarked. He was not even sure they were aware of when his birthday was. The Dark Lord and Christina were all away most of the holiday break. The only person he saw on the 1st of January was Serena and that was only to deliver yet another vile tasting potion. Tom asked a house-elf for a piece of cake and celebrate his crossing to adult wizard status alone. He imagined his mother and the two sets of twins celebrating at the same time in their Hogsmeade home.

The next two month's Tom threw himself further and further into his studies. The spells and rituals he was reading fascinated him.

He idly wondered if the Tom Riddle of Harry Potter's world had spent time with the Dark Lord also. James told him that Tom created his first Horcrux during the summer after his Sixth year. Could that Tom have delievered Slytherin's text to the Dark Lord and learned to make them also? That Tom would not have had to spend time compensating for the weakness James Evans introduced into him. Evans said that the last Gaunt died by Riddle's hand so obviously the Dark Lord never found him.

A knock on the door broke Tom from his thoughts. Christina and Helena entered the room without his response. The Darkness in Tom called for him to punish them for their temerity but he knew the Dark Lord would punish him in turn.

Christina almost pranced into the room bubbling over with enthusiasm. Helena entered the room at a more restrained pace.

"We come bearing good news!" the Dark Witch cheerful called as she danced into the room.

Tom set his text down and leaned forward in his chair. "And what would that news be?"

Christina smiled at Helena and said, "He is practicing his menacing Dark Lord expression."

The half-troll witch shook her head with a grin, "No, it is his imitation Serena expression of 'You've interrupted my studying. Prepare to die,' look."

Christina looked thoughtful, "You may be right…"

"You had something to tell me?" Tom growled.

Christina smiled, "Lord Grindelwald has set a date for you to return to Hogwarts and retrieve Slytherin's writings."

"And that would be?" Tom prompted.

"The twentieth of June. Hogwarts gets out on the fifteenth this year. By the time we arrive the school should be empty of staff and students. We can slip in, get what we need, and get out with none the wiser."

Tom had to ask, "We?"

The Dark Witch smiled. "Helena and I will be accompanying you. I know the Dark Lord wishes for this to be a quiet mission, but I can't help hoping for another shot at the Count."

I will be going to keep an eye on both of you," Helena rumbled.

Tom smirked at her, "I almost hope we run into Professor Flitwick." Seeing her questioning look he added, "He is the assistant Charms professor at Hogwarts."

"Is he a big, strong wizard to match me?"

"Nope," Tom grinned. "I think he is a half-goblin and he's shorter then a First year. But he was a dueling champion before becoming a teacher."

Christina joined Tom laughing at the mental picture. Helena, however, looked thoughtful.

Recovering from his laughter, Tom focused on Christina, "So tell me the Dark Lord's plan for my triumphant return to my old school."

The planning went long into the night.

6 June 1944 – Durmstrang

All of the preparations were in place for the mission to Hogwarts to commence. The Durmstrang students had left to return home for the summer holidays two days previous. Tom never really grew to know any of them. After his treatment of their school hero, Krieger, none of them wanted to get too close to Tom and he only saw them as target dummies for his new Dark curses anyway.

It was late in the evening when Helena found him in the Durmstrang library. Serena was working at inventorying the school's books. The 'Librarian from Hell' had been groaning about the condition of the returned books all evening.

Helena came striding into the library and called out, "Tom, I have been looking for you." The Charms professor ignored the librarian's black looks at the noise in her library.

"I have been here all evening," he answered without looking up.

Helena came to a stop in front of his table. "We just received word from the Muggles that the British and American Muggle fleet has started bombarding part of the French coast. It looks like the prelude to a full invasion. The Dark Lord wants us to be ready to leave on our mission immediately."

Tom nodded but he wasn't really listening. He was thinking about the emotions he had felt through the link to James Evans. Since March the feelings of fear, concern and frustration had been increasing exponentially. But earlier that night that had all faded into one emotion: Anticipation. Tom knew James Evans was somewhere near by and had been all year, but something had changed. Tom searched for it.

Suddenly, he knew what was missing. He could feel nothing through the link!

"Helena, I th…"

The entire castle rumbled as a sudden shaking struck the school. Dust filled the air as the shaking stopped.

"What was that?" Helena asked in a bewildered voice.

Before Tom could answer, Serena was at his side with one of her ever present potions. She forced it into his hand. "Take this and be quick about it." Used to her demands Tom complied without arguing.

Tom looked up at Helena and dryly said, "I believe that was Christina getting her wish."

"Her wish?"

Tom grinned without humor. "Yes, the old saying, 'Be careful what you wish for." Have you heard it?" Helena nodded trying to figure out where Tom was going. "Well, I believe that was the Count knocking on the door and leaving his calling card. I think he want to come in."

Helena's eyes went big as Tom's comment set in. "Come, we must go find Christina. We have a fight to prepare for."

As he followed behind his huge Charms professor, Tom thought, 'This should be interesting."

A/N: Guess what comes next…

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