
Just In




Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Supernatural & Suspense, Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Words: 289k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Sep 16, 2006 Updated: Sep 1, 2007 3,864Chapter 37: Storm Strike

A/N: As Oliver Wood would say: "Here it is, the big one, the one we've all been waiting for…"

Chapter 37 – Storm Strike

6 June 1944

James crouched alongside the cave wall and braced himself. Rockjaw's goblin team would soon deliver on their promise to breach the Durmstrang wards. It had been slow going to work their way through the cave system to reach a cave near the Durmstrang underground recreation cavern. The rest of the team waited a short distance away either resting or talking in hushed voices.

The various magical creatures inhabiting the area made the work dangerous. The giants and trolls were not much of an issue. The cave entrances were too small for the giants to enter and a subtle ward diverted the trolls. The dire wolves recognized James as one of their own in human form. Their heavy presence around the cave mouth helped to keep the trolls and yeti out of the area. The large humanoids may have been willing to fight a wolf or two, but not the whole pack working together.

It was the creatures inside the caves that provided the greatest challenge. A large number of magical creepy crawlies inhabited the underground labyrinth. Claude was nearly bitten by an adolescent acromantula. Only quick spell work by Charlie prevented the large spider from biting the French Auror.

The largest obstacle was the unexpected presence of a large contingent of dwarves. James had to negotiate their passage with the dwarf chief, Broadaxe. The colony of miners lived deep under the mountain and had little interaction or interest in the magical humans living above them. However, the dwarves saw the goblins as a direct threat to their territory. James had to pay the dwarves to allow the goblins to work in the caves.

Once the goblins started their work James expected to be assaulting Durmstrang within weeks. The weeks dragged into months. First the goblins took longer then they expected to pierce the wards without setting off alarms. Once the wards dropped it would be obvious an attack was underway, but they had to be careful not to trigger the alarms before they were ready to bring the wards down.

The next delay was caused Dumbledore's arrival a month later then expected. The Hogwarts's Transfiguration professor only arrived last week. The British Muggles and their American allies were on high alert for any movement between the British Isles and the mainland. The Muggle militaries were preparing for the invasion of France by huge numbers of amphibious troops. The additional Muggle security measures made it difficult even for a wizard to cross the Channel unnoticed.

In the end the Ministry of Magic worked out a deal with Prime Minister Churchill and the Defense Ministry. The Supreme Allied Commander, General Eisenhower (a squib), knew of the relationship between the magical and Muggle wars. The British PM and American general agreed to allow the wizard passage and assistance in return for cooperation on the timing of the magical attack. As a father, James was furious over the delay. However as an Unspeakable and a British citizen, he had also understood their reasons.

So now James crouched against the cave wall almost three months after his meeting with Serena. A slight scruff of a shoe on the cave floor alerted James of someone's approach. He looked up to see Rockjaw approaching with his entire crew trailing behind him. In his hand he held a small box with a red button on the top. A wire led from the box back the way he had come.

The goblin stomped up to James and thrust the box into his hand with a toothy grin. "The wards are balanced on a toothpick. Press that button and the whole ward structure collapses."

Rockjaw's second in command, Bloodspit, snickered. "That is not all that's going to happen."

James stood and gave the goblins a slight bow. "Thank you, Rockjaw. I take it this is exactly what it looks like?" The goblin's grin grew as he nodded. "Your payment is already on deposit with the London Gringott's branch. Thank you for your efforts."

Rockjaw returned the polite bow. "Count, May your enemies' bloods run cold."

"And may your pockets be ever full with gold," James said in reply.

The goblins left to make their way back to camp as James wordlessly summoned the rest of his team. James smiled at his grandfather, Chaz Potter, and Albus Dumbledore as they moved next to him. Beyond them were Claude and Abraxus Malfoy. Charlie stood paired with one of the unexpected guests Dumbledore brought with him, Professor Flitwick. The other two surprise guests were currently out of sight.

Maria stood a short distance away. The reason she would not be accompanying them slept in a silenced wizarding tent in the next cave. The witch refused to wait at the farm house and wanted to be on hand to act as a medic. Little Alan would be safe in the tent whilst Maria guarded their retreat.

James closed his eyes and called on his Occlumency skills to calm his mind to a completely focused state. "Let's review the plan one last time," he started. "Once the wards are breached we move across the pitch and up the stairs into the school proper. You all have copies of the map Selena provided us. Charlie, you and Malfoy will remain at the top of the stairs to secure our retreat. The rest of us will move to the base of the central tower. Chaz and Filius, you secure the base of the tower. Albus, Thomas and I will move up the tower to find Tom. He should be in his room or the private library nearby."

"You all heard what Serena told me about Tom Evan's treatment whilst he was here. Be careful and be prepared for anything. When we find him I will approach him. If he attacks you remember Stunners only. Anyone doing him harm will answer to me." James looked at each member of the team to ensure they were clear on this point.

Thomas Potter added, "This boy is my grandson in all but blood. I get the leftovers from anything the Count leaves behind." James smiled briefly under his Unspeakable hood at his grandfather's comments.

He returned to his briefing. "Remember, once the wards are breached, they are going to know something is up. There are no students left in the school except Tom. All of the adults in the castle are to be considered hostile combatants except Serena. She was instructed to lock herself in her room once the wards come down so she should not be in our zones."

"We don't know if Grindelwald is in the school or not. Once word of the Muggle landings in France reaches Germany, he could be anywhere. If he is here, back off and let Albus handle him. If Tom is not in the tower we will start a search of the school and hope we find him quickly. If Charlie and Malfoy are pushed back from the cave stairs, we use our brooms as an alternative escape route. The school's Apparition and Pork key wards will still be up so don't try to use either until you are clear of the school. Is everyone clear?"

When there were no questions, James said, "Okay, everyone, take your positions.

The magical wave caused by the Durmstrang ward's localized collapse was almost unnoticeable in the roar of the explosion caused by the Muggle explosives laid down by the goblins. A simple spell cleared the air of dust so the strike team could move through the new entry into the Quidditch cavern.

Rocks the size of a man's head lay scattered around the pitch as James led the way. Debris was scattered 50 meters from the new tunnel. The cavern was lit although no one was using it. Serena told them the cavern had twelve hours of 'daylight' every day because of the live plants.

The team moved easily through the cavern and to the bottom of the stairs. A quick check did not reveal anyone responding to the ward breach. They moved quickly up the stairs.

They met their first resistance at the top of the stairs. James-the-wolf burst out of the stairs to the surprise of the wizard standing guard there. Surprised by the wolf's appearance, the wizard barely had time to point his wand at James before Thomas hit him with a silent Stunning Spell.

The team did not stop moving as they passed by the unconscious wizard without a word. Charlie and Malfoy dropped out of the formation and took defensive positions. Charlie casually transfigured the wizard into a child's block and flicked it into an out of the way corner. Malfoy gave a grunt of approval of her skill as he kept watch.


The British strike team found the majority of the Durmstrang staff assembled at the base of the central tower. The staff was assembling in response to the alarms of the wards being breached. Fifteen teachers and other supporting staff were gathered and being assigned tasks.

James did not know this but about half the staff was Dark Soldiers assigned to the school for added security. The remainder, including most of the professors, were everyday witches and wizards. All of them were highly competent in their fields, but they were not really trained to fight as a unit. Although the school staff did maintain and practice emergency drills for use during the school year, they never really considered what to do during the summer months; a common error in human judgment.

James paused briefly to access the situation from around the corner. He made a couple of brief hand gestures and stepped out into the entry hall. As he cleared the corner, James dug deep and pushed a lot of magic out through his wand.


The Blasting Curse had a little too much power behind it. Three of the staff were smashed by the broadly cast spell. Ribs and internal organs shattered by the sudden force of the spell. The remains of the three wizards were thrown into their still living comrades leaving a confusion of bodies scrambling on the floor.

Claude and Chaz moved up on either side of the Count and started their spells. Dumbledore, flanked by Thomas and Flitwick moved to the left of James's trio to attack the Durmstrang staff from the side.

James dodged a Cutting Curse as his shields absorbed an orange colored spell. He heard a gasp as the edge of the Cutting Curse caught Chaz on the arm. James aimed his wand toward where the curse had originated and silently cast, "Tarantus."

Lightning forked out of the wand. The electricity sought to go to ground. The unfortunate wizards and witches in its path without shields raised felt as though they had been hit by a mass Cruciatus Curse for a split second. Then they found themselves hurled back ten feet.

Pulling his slightly smoking wand back, James noticed the Dumbledore-led trio was working more like snipers. Thomas was using Shield Spells to protect the other two whilst Dumbledore and Flitwick used Stunning Spells and Binding Charms to remove targeted opponents from the fight.

Ninety seconds after starting, the fight was over. While the Durmstrang defenders were all above-average to exceptional in power and skill, the attackers could claim the same. In addition, Dumbledore and James were two of the top ten spell casters in the world. The power difference and the element of surprise made all the difference.

Nine of the Durmstrang staff were dead. James's first spell killed three and the Thunderer Curse killed another three. Chaz accounted for one and Claude the remainder. The survivors had been stunned and bound by Dumbledore's team.

James looked around observing the carnage, "Chaz, Filius, secure this area. Snap all the wands you find and get the survivors out of the way. Keep them bound and stunned. Is your arm okay, Chaz?" Chaz waved it off as he and Flitwick started to carry out their tasks. A quick inspection said the Chaz's minor injury was the most serious of the lot.

The Count, Thomas, Albus and Claude moved into the base of the central tower and stopped at the magical lift device.

"What an amazing development!" Dumbledore smiled whilst observing the lift. "This is Albert's work. We used to argue about the magical theories involved when we were in school."

"This isn't the time Albus," Thomas growled.

Dumbledore seemed to realize where they were. "Oh, quite right, old friend. Quite right."

James ignored the byplay. "Serena told us Tom would be on the third floor from the top. When you step in, think about the floor you want to go to." Then he stepped into the lift and started immediately up the tower. He stepped out on the appropriate floor.

He moved into the floor without waiting for the others. After more than a year, he was finally going to get his son back. Anticipation and excitement fought against his Occlumency-induced calm.

The door to the room Serena identified as Tom's was open. James heard the others arriving on the floor as he stepped into the room.

No one was in the room. James did a quick check and found no signs of anyone hiding here. He did notice the decidedly Dark nature of the books sitting on a neat shelf by the desk.

"Is he here?" Thomas asked from the door.

"No." The disappointment was thick in James's voice.

"We are in here, Count." A voice floated into the room from down the hall. James did not recognize it at first particularly from the scornful emphasis on the word 'Count'. A fist clenched around his heart as he did recognize the voice.

James and Thomas stepped back out into the hall with Claude and Dumbledore. Clause silently pointed to an open door at the end of the short hall. Light spilled out of the door and into the corridor.

"The door appeared just before young Tom spoke," Albus said.

Tom called from within the room again. "Come, Count. It is rude to make us wait."

James motioned for Claude to remain in the hall and watch their backs. The French Auror did not look happy but nodded his acceptance.

James, Thomas and Albus walked into the room with their wands drawn.

It was a large room with a huge fireplace against the outside wall. A large oak table sat between the fireplace and the door. The room must have been thirty meters from the door to the fireplace with the fireplace two-thirds the way across the room. The room was obviously magically expanded since it was physically impossible for a room this size to be located this high up in the tower. But what caught James's attention was not the room and its décor, but rather who was sitting at the table in front of him.

Seated at the table were three figures. James's eyes immediately sought out his seventeen year old son. Tom looked harder than the brief glimpse James caught of him in Hamburg so long ago. The look of arrogance and greed made him look almost identical to the memory of a sixteen year old that a twelve year old Harry Potter had faced. James felt his heart drop as he realized that everything Serena Raven told him was true.

James reluctantly tore his eyes away from Tom to look at the table's other two occupants. One was Christina. The Dark Witch had a pleased smile on her face mixed with anticipation. With his previous encounters and Serena's reports, it wasn't hard to guess what she was thinking. The final occupant James found intriguing. This was his first meeting with the Dark Lord. Subconsciously, James had been expecting someone like Old Snakeface. Not this urbane, dapper wizard that looked like a successful Muggle banker.

"Ah Albert, I had wondered if we would be seeing you tonight," Albus said with a resigned sigh.

The Dark Lord smiled but it never reached his eyes. "Hello Albus, Thomas. Well this is myschool after all. It has been a long time since all three of us were together in one room."

"And it would have been longer if you hadn't stolen my grandson!" Thomas growled.

Christina laughed, "Well at least you came to try to rescue him. I notice his 'father' stayed home."

James was surprised they did not know his real identity. In parseltongue, he hissed, You never told them about me?

Tom glared back, You only stole your ability from the other me. They needed the Heir of Slytherin, not a fake.

Tom, listen to me. They are using the Slytherin curse against you. They gave you a potion…

Grindelwald suddenly recovered from the shock of hearing his apprentice and the British Unspeakable hissing a conversation. "There are no other parselmouths in the world! We searched everywhere for any signs of one!"

James smirked in his hood. "Sorry Al, but I know of at least four others." And they really want their big brother home.

Tom narrowed his eyes in suspicion. What potion are you speaking of?

"How can you be a parselmouth?" the Dark Lord demanded. "Mr. Slytherin, stop speaking to him."

Thomas thought of the painting in his office and muttered, "Salazar would love to have heard that."

They had the house-elves put a potion reducing your inhibitions and impulse control.

You're lying! Tom snarled as he rose to his feet. You just want to use me to prevent the future you came from! From this range, James could feel Tom's rage through his scar even with his mental shields fully raised.

"Enough!" Grindelwald said in a deadly calm voice. "You will stop addressing my apprentice. Sit Mr. Slytherin." Tom slowly sat back down glaring at James all the while.

"Albert, you must stop this mad pursuit of yours," Albus said in his calm voice. "Your attempts to expand knowledge, while laudable goals, comes at too high a price. The Britanious scrolls have been destroyed as have Slytherin's writings on Horcruxes."

"You lie," Grindelwald asserted. "The Albus Dumbledore I knew would never have allowed the knowledge to be destroyed. You may have hidden them but they still exist."

"Alas, it was not my call to make," sighed Dumbledore. "I would have done exactly as you accused me. However, the Ministry felt they were too dangerous to allow their continuing existence.

"Impossible! No one but my apprentice could enter the Chamber of Secrets!" Then the Dark Lord blinked and turned his glare on the Count. "You. You could enter the Chamber. But how could you know about the journals?"

"Salazar told them, milord," Tom said quietly.

Grindelwald looked stunned. "What did you say, apprentice?"

"The Potters have a magical portrait of Salazar Slytherin together with Godric Gryffindor. The Salazar figure can move to a painting within the Chamber and the real Salazar often talked to it. It must have told them."

Now the Dark Lord looked angry. "The Potters had this? Then it must know the secret or their creation."

"Nope," James said in a cheerful voice. "Slytherin only told it what he was researching. Kind of like a diary." James allowed two small objects to drop out of his sleeve and into his hand. "Now, I have a gift for your apprentice." With that he dropped the objects onto the floor.

The objects were figurines. Once they hit the floor the spells on the small statues released. A small crack was heard and sitting at the Count's feet was a large King Cobra and an even larger black dog. Snuffles gave a happy bark in greeting and wagged his tail.

James felt Tom's anger falter for a moment to be replaced by excitement. But then the rage reasserted itself.

"I felt the young wizard would care to see his familiars again."

Grindelwald grinned evilly. "My grasp on the boy's soul is too firm now. Cute little animals won't help you. Slytherin's curse opens him up to my outside assistance. Darkness is his true home. He will have a glorious destiny!"

"I don't think so, arsehole," James growled.

James tore open the scar link and pushed into Tom's mind. The sudden attack was past Tom's shields before he even realized it was occurring. Once he did he tried to expel James from his mind.

Unlike Voldemort's mental attack on Harry Potter in the Ministry of Magic, James was not attempting to possess Tom. Since he was not trying to mentally grab hold of control, he was able to avoid Tom's expulsion attempts.

"Tom, listen to me!" James mentally cried out. "They are using the curse to control your mind! The food was laced with potions to weaken your resistance! I cannot lie to you in here!"

A fresh surge of anger pushed through Tom directed at James. He redoubled his efforts at pushing James out of his mind.

"Mr. Fleetfoot, this is not the behavior of a Marauder!"

"Don't call me that! I am Mr. Slytherin!" Tom screamed back.

"Tom, if you don't break this now you never will. Fight it, son!"

James started throwing memories and emotions through the link. He sent the first meeting in the alley. The moment James told Tom he was adopting him. When he found out Sarah would be his new mum. Images of Nagini and Snuffles running around Hogsmeade and Hogwarts with Tom at different ages. Pranks played by the Revolution. Getting his first broom. Seeing his first Quidditch game. Playing in his first Quidditch game for Slytherin House.

The barrage continued as a continuous stream of images and emotions came through. James felt a lurch in Tom's mind as the first images of Katie and Michael appeared, followed by images of Tia and Ron. A sense of longing leaked back to James.

James altered his flow to focus on the younger Evans children. He showed Tom the missed third birthday for Tia and Ron. How sad the faces looked as they tried to celebrate for the twins yet knowing Tom was missing. James felt Tom twitch when he focused on the sad, crying image of the ever bouncy and happy Katie upset about missing her beloved older brother.

James asked a question across the link. "How will Katie and the others feel if you never come home? If you turn Dark of your own choice? Because it is your own choice now, Tom Evans."


Now James felt Tom turn his fight inwards. He felt Tom fighting the Darker side of his own soul. The potions opened him to the Dark influence of Slytherin's curse but they did not put the Darkness there. The Darkness always existed. It came out in Tom Riddle. Raised in a hostile, brutal environment, Riddle embraced it. Tom Evans learned to suppress it and channel it.

James could feel Tom was winning his soul back but he was tiring. If not for the counter potions provided by the Durmstrang librarian, Tom would not have had this chance of reclaiming his soul. James sent the strength and support through the link that he could.

The mental battle raged for what seemed hours. Finally an exhausted Tom Evans sealed his Darkness back inside where it came from. James could feel Tom's relief at being free coupled with his extreme exhaustion.

James suddenly found himself back in his own mind and the room coming back into focus. He immediately looked at Tom.

Tom looked up at him with an exhausted smile. "Thanks, Dad." Then Tom slumped into his chair unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" Christina shrieked. She grabbed Tom's hand and tried to wake him. A sudden hiss caused her to jump back.

Nagini had slithered unobserved across the floor and climbed Tom's chair while all the stupid humans were talking. The cobra was now wrapping itself around Tom's neck and shoulders. It hissed a warning at the Dark Witch that James would have refused to translate in polite company.

"Stupid snake!" she yelled as she pointed her wand towards the snake. "Let me at him!"

"Get away from my son!" James yelled. Snuffles growled his agreement.

Christina froze in shock. "Your son?"

James dropped the hood on the Unspeakable robe. The Obscuration Charm deactivated revealing James Evans. "Yes, my son."

"You're not the Count! You're just that stupid teacher!" the Dark Witch raged.

James almost laughed. Harry Potter had seen this reaction before when fans realized their mythical Harry Potter did not really exist.

Christina glared at James. "You are not him! And I will prove it!" The Dark Witch suddenly turned her wand in James's direction. In an instant, James and Thomas both had their wands up while Dumbledore and Grindelwald stood silently considering one another.

"We seem to be at an impasse," the Dark Lord dryly commented.

"You look like an imp's ass," Thomas shot back.

"Still the same Gryffindor, Thomas? How sad for Elizabeth."

A look of anger crossed Thomas's face that James had never seen on his grandfather before. "Elizabeth chose me, Albert. We were dating when you met her for Merlin's sake."

"Wait, Grindelwald went Dark because Elizabeth wouldn't leave you for him?" James asked in an incredulous voice. "What is it with Dark Lords needing a hug?"

For the first time since their arrival, the Dark Lord lost his temper. "SHUT UP!"

Grindelwald seemed to regain control after his brief outburst. He gestured and the oak table disappeared. "I believe this had gone on long enough. You are not welcome here. Leave now and live."

"Step away from my son, and we will be on our way."

"He is my apprentice and he remains here. I don't know what you tried to do to him but this is where he belongs. He will be the most gifted Dark Lord in history when he finishes his training."

"That is not acceptable, Albert," Dumbledore said in a serious voice. "My student comes with us."

The impasse would have continued if not for a disruption from outside the room. James recognized the sound of Claude's voice casting a number of spells. A deep bellowing roar answered his spells.

"Thomas, see what is happening," James told him.

Thomas had just turned to the door when Claude Delacouer's body flew through the doorway. James ducked as he say the movement out of the corner of his eye. The French Auror's body landed in a bloody heap on the floor. From the vacant stare on his face, James knew it was already too late for his friend.

A huge, troll-like witch appeared in the doorway. Her hands were bloody as she clenched her wand tightly in her right hand. Her left arm hung limply at her side. "Leave now as Lord Grindelwald demands," she growled. Then she reached out to grab Thomas.

That started the fight. Thomas cast a Blasting Curse and knocked the witch back through the doorway. Then he followed her through the door.

James didn't have time to worry about his grandfather fighting the half-troll witch. As he ducked a dark purple curse cast by Christina. He ducked and rolled to the side. His second wand appeared in his left hand.

"Come on, Christina lets finish what we started at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons."

The Dark Witch smiled. "It is you. Yes, the three Tri-Wizard schools. I always wanted to complete in that and never had a chance. We'll have one of our own."

James heard Grindelwald saying, "Come, Albus, let us take our discussion outside. I promise this will only take you out to the courtyard. I think we will need the room." James wanted to turn and see what was happening but heard two pops as Portkeys took them away.

James made a holding gesture towards Christina. "One moment." Christina paused with confusion on her face. James deliberately pointed his wand at Tom and cast Moblicorpus. Tom's unconscious body was moved into an out of the way corner. Snuffles and Nagini moved next to their master to protect his slumber.

When James turned back to Christina, the Dark Witch had a smile on her face. They started to circle each other.

"I am glad you did that. I am really fond of the boy. He will make a superior Dark Lord."

"That is supposed to make me feel good?" James asked absently.

Christina ignored his question. "I should have known you and the Count were the same person. Tom's style is modeled too much on yours. I thought it was a natural gift, but now I know it was conscious on his part."

James smirked at her, "Tom called you my 'psycho fan-girl'."

The witch frowned but her lips quirked. "Brat." She seemed to start to say something else but slid directly into an attack mode.


Tom woke up as he felt himself lifted off the floor and floated into the corner. He felt the warm, comforting presence of Snuffles leaning against him. The familiar sensation of Nagini slithering around him added to his comfort. Tom needed that comfort as the memory of everything he did since arriving at this cursed school came back to him.

The sound of a curse exploding against the wall caused Tom to open his eyes. What he saw he would remember for the rest of his life.

Two silent Blasting Curses and a Bone-Breaking Hex passed through the space his father had just been occupying. Christina moved lightly on her feet in a constant motion as she dodged James's returning spells. A virtually silent whirlwind battle of spells and motion ensued. The only sound coming from the room was the sound of curses hitting the walls, footsteps and the breathing of the combatants.

Curses, hexes, charms and spells of all types flew through the air. Neither combatant could get the upper hand in the fight. Tom noticed the outside wall of the room was melting as the stone of the tower liquefied.

Tom had spent many hours training with both his father and Christina. He had flattered himself to think he was approaching their level of dueling skills. The display in front of him proved how wrong he was. Tom knew he was an extremely gifted wizard; much more advanced than his father in almost every field of magic. But what he saw here told him he would never reach the level of dueling mastery he was watching here today.

'No wonder he kicked Voldemort's arse.' Tom smirked to himself as he watched his father's preternaturally quick reflexes. 'I may end up a more powerful wizard than Dad, but as a duelist he is the best.'

Except he was watching Christina go toe to toe with his father and neither was giving an inch. It was the most fantastic display of magic he had ever seen.

Tom noticed his father was moving subtly closer to Christina. Never a direct approach but the distance was definitely closing. Then the fight suddenly seemed to end. Tom's heart stopped.

A Cutting Curse caught James on the right shoulder leaving a great rant in his Unspeakable Robe. James gasped in pain and dropped his left hand wand as a hand went instinctively to clench his injured shoulder. His right hand looked shaky as he tried to keep his right hand wand pointed at Christina.

Christina gave a delighted sound as she moved in to finish off her long-time rival. She stepped forward to cast a spell and finish the fight.

Her wand dropped to the ground as a foot of steel suddenly appeared in her side. The witch looked down at the jeweled hilt of the sword sheathed in her body. Christina looked up at James with confusion on her face.

An uninjured James rose to his feet as he let his Unspeakable robe drop to the ground. Another set of robes appeared beneath. Tom recognized the robes. They were the same Battle Robes improved by Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley and worn by Harry Potter to defeat Voldemort, they were now being worn to rescue Tom Evans.

"A trick?"

"I need to get Tom home to his mother," James explained almost apologetically. Christina was a Dark Witch but not in the same manner as Bellatrix LeStrange. James grasped the Gryffindor sword and pulled it out. With the sword gone, blood poured quickly from the wound. She sank to the floor as blood loss weakened her.

"You've really improved since our first meeting at Hogwarts five years ago." James observed idly even as he cursed her back.

James drew the sword back to strike. "I am sorry," he muttered.

Tom's weak voice stayed his hand. "Wait, Dad. Don't do it." Tom saw his dad glance over at him with a questioning look on his face. "Let her live. I just want to go home."

James lowered the sword. "Are you sure?" After Tom nodded weakly, James turned back towards the witch slipping into shock on the floor. "Christina, take an Oath not attack me or mine again and I will allow you to live."

Christina fumbled for her wand. James pushed it closer with the tip of his sword. She picked it up and said, "I swear on my life and magic that I will not attack the family of Tom Evans or assist in such an attack in anyway. So mote it be."

The Oath took the last of her energy and she passed out. Tom was pleased to see his dad pause to cast a healing charm on her sword wound. It would leave a nasty scar unless it was healed soon by a real Healer but it was better than dying.

Oath or no Oath, James took her wand and tossed it into a corner as he made his way over to Tom.

He crouched down in front of his son. "Are you okay, Tom?"

Tom gave a game smile. "Better than over the last couple months. But I want to sleep for a week."

James smiled in relief. "Can you change into your mongoose form?"

Tom nodded, "Yah, I think so."

"Do that and I'll carry you out of here."


James placed the mongoose form of his son in his robe pocket. The poor boy was asleep again as soon as he changed his form. James had planned to transfigure Tom to make it easier to get him out, but allowing Tom to do it meant Tom could turn back if something went wrong.

He did transfigure Claude's body into a wooden block. James knew having the body would be a comfort for his widow. Merlin only knew how the issue with Maria would be resolved now.

James stepped into the hall with both wands at hand. The hallway was almost as destroyed as the room he just left. Fear suddenly sent a cold shot up James's spine. "Grandfather?" he called in an urgent tone. He repeated the call twice more. Aside the concern of losing his grandfather and friend, James was concerned about the impact on the future. James Potter wasn't supposed to be born for another fifteen years or so. How could he be born if something happened to Thomas? James started searching with a feeling of dread. Snuffles, with Nagini riding atop, ran around the area sniffing.

A slight groan from Tom's former room led him to discover Thomas pinned under the remains of the bed. The body of the huge, half-troll witch lay on the floor nearby.


"That witch was tough." Thomas groaned. "If Claude hadn't already weakened her, I don't think I would have survived."

"Are you okay?"

"I can't move my leg. The bed collapsed when she fell on it. I think it's broken too."

James cast a quick diagnostic charm. "Yep, it's broken. I'll get you out of there and we can immobilize it until we get down to Maria." James moved the witch's body out of the way and banished the bed' remains. As he worked on his grandfather, James quipped, "This is what you get for going to bed with strange women, Thomas." Thomas's answering growl promised revenge for the comment.

"Did you get Tommy? Where's Albus?"

"Tom is fine. He changed into his mongoose form and is currently sleeping. Albus and Grindelwald took a Portkey somewhere else."

The last piece of news irritated the older Potter. "That stupid, old goat. What was he thinking?"

Thomas's rant may have continued but the tower suddenly shook as a great crash was heard outside. James gave Thomas a hand up and the two wizards with Tom's animal friends started back for the lift.

They stepped out of the magical lift field a couple moments later. Chaz Potter stood there waiting. Flitwick was not in sight.

"Did you get Tom?" Chaz asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes, he's safe. Where is Filius?"

"He's watching the fight between Albus and the Dark Lord. Malfoy's going to recognize you without your cloak on."

James turned to Chaz. "Here, take Thomas down to Maria. Snuffles, go with them. Tell Charlie and Malfoy to pull back with you. If we haven't seen any reinforcements already, I doubt they sent for them. I'll get Filius and Albus."

James moved out into the entry hall as the others started back to the staircase. He opened the main door only to hear Flitwick's high pitched voice chirp, "Duck!"

James ducked back into the hall but nothing happened. He carefully stuck his head back out.

"Filius, what is going on out here?"

The Charms professor looked at him in surprise. "James? What are you doing here? How did you get here? Oh, never mind. You must see this! It is the most intense magic I have ever heard of!"

James stepped out and ducked behind a half-wall with Flitwick. When he looked up, he realized he had to agree with his old professor.

The courtyard looked like the remains of a bombing attack. Whole sections of the school's wall had been blown out. None of the school's statuary remained as anything but very small pieces of rubble. Oddly enough, one pine tree stood off to the side untouched while not one other plant remained.

The two combatants stood ten meters apart in the center of the yard. Neither made any attempt to dodge or use tactics. This was a flat out power struggle. No subtlety involved.

Sheets of black flame radiated from Grindelwald's wand. The Darkness seemed to fill the yard in an unholy light. In places the Darkness was not as intense; everything seemed to be colored with a disturbing red tinge.

Dumbledore answered this with a narrow beam of intense pure Light. The beam seemed to draw the Darkness into it. The inky red blackness roiled around the beam and crashed against it. The beam of Light stopped just short of the Dark Lord's wand tip. A small red and white maelstrom marked the end of the Light's reach. Sparks jumped from the maelstrom to strike out in random directions.

Both wizards were showing the strain of their prolonged duel. Albus's hair seemed to have changed from auburn with a bit of white to all white in just the time of the duel. Only his beard still had large hints of his original hair color. The previously urbane looking Dark Lord was having an even harder time. His hair was gone and his scalp seemed to be hardening up, forming ridges.

"The lighting is what has done all of the damage," Flitwick commented in an excited voice. "It has been most exciting!"

In spite of the situation, James chuckled absently, "Filius, you are the perfect Ravenclaw. Rowenna would have been proud of you." Suddenly, James realized what was bothering him. "Have you ever seen a demon?"

Flitwick started. "No, not many have. Demonology has been banned for centuries. Only a misguided few have attempted it in the last millennium." The diminutive genius shrugged, "Some Muggles play at it but they don't have the ability to actually open a portal."

"Yah, well I ran into a demon this guy's followers raised a year ago. Look at what is happening to his head."

Flitwick looked over the wall. "Oh my, the power he is channeling is altering his makeup due to the influx of magically negative elements within the magic's force. It will metamorphosis Grindelwald into a being of that plain of energy!"

"Couldn't you just say he's turning into a demon?" James muttered under his breath.

"I did," the Ravenclaw Head of House answered.

"Well, what happens when he changes?"

"I don't know," came the answer. "The negative aspects of delving into Demonology were never an area of interest to me."

The Dark Lord was starting to shake under the stain of the power output and the changes were growing more pronounced. James could swear he saw the nubs of wings under the wizard's robes.

"Albert, this cannot last much longer," Dumbledore suddenly called out. "You must desist from this action at once to save yourself! Please, don't do this! Don't make ME do this!" The note of pleading in the wizard's voice surprised James.

Grindelwald answered him in a voice that seemed raw and worn, but held a deep power to it. "I have come too far to turn back now!" The Dark Lord made a throwing motion and a ball of vile blackness flew directly towards Dumbledore.

The wizard merely batted it away like an irritating bug. James and Flitwick ducked as the black ball sailed over their heads and struck the Dark Lord's tower. The entire tower wavered for a moment and seemed to dissolve like so much smoke. In moments no sign it ever existed remained save for the hole in the roof of the school.

Dumbledore called out in a great voice, "This ends now, Albert!" The wizard seemed to push on his magic and the beam of Light closed the gap to the Dark Lord's wand. The maelstrom seemed to quiver a bit just off the tip of his wand but then, just for a moment, the beam entered Grindelwald's wand.

James would later need to watch what happened again on a special Pensieve to figure out what happened next. The Dark Lord and the air around him seemed to explode whilst a rift in the dimensional fabric opened behind him. Before the explosion could go anywhere the rift swallowed it up and sealed itself up. This happened in a single heartbeat.

Dumbledore collapsed to the ground as all trace of the Darkness disappeared. Sunlight suddenly filled the courtyard. James and Flitwick emerged from their shelter and made their way over to help their friend.

8 June 1944

The survivors of the strike team together with Maria and Tom collapsed in exhaustion in the underground lair that had been their base for the last several months. Dumbledore lay unconscious on a bunk with Tom resting on the couch. Snuffles and Nagini were curled up with him.

Charlie's body joined Claude's in a special case. The Unspeakable with Malfoy fought a demon slave of Grindelwald's. Surprisingly, Malfoy gave full credit for killing the creature to the Unspeakable. Chaz and Thomas found the wizard sitting next to her body and holding her hand. When asked about it later, Malfoy responded simply, "She was my cousin."

Maria was devastated with the loss of Claude. She held young Alan and rocked him gently as she cried. James tried to talk to her about returning with them but she did not seem to be listening.

Europe, in both the magical and Muggle worlds, was reacting like an knocked over anthill. The Muggle Germans were reeling from the successful Normandy landings. British, American, and Canadian forces were pushing hard for strategic footholds. The Muggle German commander, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, called 'Wüstenfuchs' or 'the Desert Fox' had been on leave at the start of the landings with several of his key staffers. Failures in the chain of command increased the levels of German confusion.

The Dark Army was in no position to assist them like they would have in another situation. With the Dark Lord and Christina's disappearances coupled with the loss of several key leaders at the base of where the Dark Lord's tower once stood and the German magical government was in even more disarray than the Muggle one.

Albus finally woke on the afternoon of the 8th. He was magically weak but physically felt fine. Seeing his Transfiguration professor was recovering, Tom turned to his father and asked, "Can we go home now?"

James reached over to hug his seventeen year old son. "That sounds good. Let's go home."

A/N: Next chapter: Tom returns home and the question of the Time Turner is answered. We're almost to the end!

Special thanks to Dellacouer for her excellent beta skills and lightning response!

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