

Just In




Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens by VFSNAKE

 Star Wars & Game of Thrones Xover Rated: M, English, Drama, Words: 158k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Mar 22 Updated: Jul 8 826Chapter 8

Chapter 8-Dragon's Judgment Part 1

Aegon casually walked through the Red Keep. The people within the structure running to hide deep within its walls. Away from all of the windows and open areas where his two dragons could possibly get them. The Lannister forces tried to get in his way, but they were cut down easily. Those he didn't kill with the sword had their necks snapped using the Force or had them thrown hard against the stone wall or ceiling.

Honestly, who trained these idiot how to fight?

Ignoring that for now, Aegon made his way to the doors, which were shut, locked, and led to the throne room where his targets were waiting. After killing the five men standing in his way, the Prince stopped in front of the thick doors designed to keep people from entering when shut unless you had a battering ram on hand. Touching the door, Aegon had reached out to the Force, sensing all the lives inside of it, and all ready to kill him the moment the doors were opened. Many of them already had arrows ready to fire, thinking they could get him with projectiles over blades.

Perhaps they weren't so stupid after all. Of course, if they understood who or what they were facing right now, these idiots would have fled or bent the knee. Sadly, not even the heavy bags of gold given by Lannisters could pay for descent levels of intelligence.

Glancing back at the dead Lannister men at his feet, a clever idea came to mind on how to get around the arrows waiting to be fired at his person.

(The Throne Room)

Cersei was usually never worried. Her scheme to put her pure lion's blooded son on the Iron Throne was practically perfect. Perfect! Robert was dead. Ned Stark was arrested for treason against the Crown. Which is precisely what his action were against her son. Who cared if her fat drunken oaf of a husband had made the honorable fool Regent? No one did! Power was power. She had all of it and Ned Stark had none. Only his honor. And they were so close to destroying that too. How she hated people like that. Doing what was right. What was honorable. It made her sick. She didn't care about doing what was right or what was honorable. She only cared about power and wielding it from her position as Queen, if not Queen Regent.

And what better way to do it then through her son. Jamie was out making the lions he led into battle roar while she stayed here in the trappings of power. All to guide their lovely son to greatness. He would be a great King. A King worthy of the Iron Throne and one the people would and should love above all.

Or else they would face the wrath of the lions!

Unfortunately, it seemed someone decided to choose the latter option of "or else" because someone had ruined Ned Stark's confession and execution. Granted the latter event was not what she wanted or expected since the North would go into frenzy over the death of their Warden. Never believing the man would betray King Robert and would see this as a repeated event from the past with the Mad King killing two Starks who came to this city the last time.

Which was true in a sense, but Cersei would never admit that. No. She was the Queen. The Queen Regent. She was beyond the judgment of others or the actual truth. The truth was only what she herself called the truth. She made what she wanted to be considered the truth to exist. Everything else was a lie. Everyone around her were liars and schemers. She was one too, but as Queen, it was her right without having to face the judgment of everyone lower then herself.

Including the supposed Targaryen at the door.

"The moment he comes through that door, I want that masked fool dead. Do you hear me? Kill him! I want his head on a spike!" demanded Joffrey from his position on the Iron Throne before jumping when he heard the roaring of the dragons outside flying all around the Red Keep.

When the doors slowly opened at first, making the archers in the room ready themselves to fire before the doors suddenly flew open with a loud "BANG!" that echoed throughout the room. The noise made the archers fire there arrows at the opening, the sound of each projectile hitting their target with armor being pierced along with the flesh behind it.

Joffrey had cheered in the belief his men had done such a deed, but naturally he would take the credit for it per his Mother's instructions in molding the truth to his purposes. All the men here would either be sworn to silence, killed, or sent to the Wall to ensure no one could claim otherwise.

Of course, the happiness the supposed King felt was soon replaced with horror when the enemy he thought was killed had not been killed at all. Instead, all of the bodies of dead Lannister men that were guarding the door had been thrown into the room, all the arrows covering their bodies, showing they were the ones hit. Not the intended target.

"To fire on your own people. That is low even for a Lannister," commented Aegon after walking into the throne room and making multiple tsk like noises.

"Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my city? Do you know who I am? What I am?" demanded Joffrey angrily.

"Yes. I do who and what you are boy. You are whiny brat who thinks himself better then everyone else simply because he sits his ass down on an ugly throne while calling himself a King. But you are not a King. You are far from being a King. You are a true bastard in every sense of the word," replied Aegon calmly knowing it would enrage the foolish man child in front of him.

And he wasn't disappointed.

"How dare you say that to me! You lowly dragonspawn! I am the King! I rule this city along with the rest of the Seven Kingdoms! I will not be disrespected. I will have your head on a spike!" exclaimed Joffrey in anger while standing up from his chair.

"You want my head? Do it yourself! Don't send your pawns to die in your place," replied Aegon while Joffrey backed down slightly.

"I don't have to do anything. I am the King. I can choose how you are going to die and I say you die at the hands of my men. I sit on the Iron Throne and I wield all the power!" countered Joffrey before sitting on the Iron Throne once more.

"Power? You sit on that ugly thing and claim you have power? You stupid boy. You don't even know what real power looks like, even if it were slap you in the face. But I think its only fair you see what true power is when compared to your own," replied Aegon while his free hand flexed and was sparking with lightning around the fingertips.

"I will not be bullied by some lowly dragonspawn. My Father killed your House off to become King. I will finish off your filthy bloodline once and for all!" exclaimed Joffrey from his seat on the Iron Throne.

"Says the whiny child hiding behind a small army and his Mother's skirt. As for me? I am an army!" said Aegon darkly before he charged forward at incredible speed.

The screams of the men who died in the middle of the throne room would haunt Joffrey, his Mother, and their supporters in the room. Grand Maester Pycelle, who had been in the room at the time looked on in horror at the brutality of Aegon wielding his sword at the Lannister men. Cersei's looked on in horror and went pale in the face while her son's face went green and nearly lost his lunch from earlier that day. Lord Baelish had decided that leaving was for the best and tried to run when Aegon was finished with well over half of the Lannister men.

Only for Varys to discreetly bring his foot out and trip the Master of Coin. This in turn caused Littlefinger to stumble into a nearby pillar with his head hitting it first. The man slump onto the ground clutching his head, finding it was bleeding, and struggled to stand up.

"Oh I'm sorry my friend. Sometimes my feet have minds of their own," remarked Varys casually while holding a sword that one of the dead Lannister men had dropped and now pointing it at Lord Baelish's throat.

"Traitor! I always knew you would betray us!" accused Baelish while Varys gave him a "really?" type look that made the Master of Coin.

"Says the man who betrayed Lord Stark in this room with a dagger to his throat. I believe it was you who paid the City Watch to not only side with the Queen, but also kill all the Stark bannermen when the trap was sprung," remarked Varys with Petyr snarling.

"Lord Stark was a fool. He tipped his hand too soon. So what if he was Regent. Joffrey was King!" countered Baelish with Varys shaking his head.

"While he did tip his hand, Lord Stark was Regent until the Heir was considered ready to be King. Does Joffrey look ready to you?" asked Varys while Petyr look at the trembling boy sitting on the Iron Throne while Aegon had killed the last Lannister man that stood in his way with Force Lightning.

"I don't care about Regents or Kings being ready to rule over the Seven Kingdoms you fool. All I care about is power. Wielding it. Controlling it. Using it. Backing Joffrey as King, regardless if he was ready, would have put me in a position of power I could have exploited without end. The boy is a dimwit. A puppet others can use with mere flattery and occasional show of 'loyalty' when called upon," said Petyr angrily while Varys did not look moved in the slightest.

"True on all counts. But the new King, our true King is not. And unlike the others you have fooled in the past to get your way Lord Baelish, this one will not allow your actions to go unpunished. And no amount of coin or whores you throw at his feet will change his mind about how to deal with you," replied Varys before turning his head slightly to see Ser Barristan enter the throne room from behind one of the main secret passages that the Spider knew existed.

"Ser Barristan! This man has threatened your King. Kill him!" commanded Joffrey after seeing Ser Barristan approach.

The famous knight and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard stopped just a few feet from Aegon and Joffrey with a neutral expression on his face. Joffrey was smiling now. A cruel confident smile. His safety and victory now in the hands of the Kingsguard sworn to protect the King. Him!

"Is there a problem your Grace?" asked Ser Barristan calmly while staring at Aegon.

"Of course there is a fucking problem you twit. This man here is threatening your King and must be dealt with!" commanded Joffrey while shocked the knight would ask such a question.

"Is this true?" asked Ser Barristan calmly to Aegon.

Far too calmly for the Queen Regent's liking. It was also making Joffrey confused as well as worried since the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard had not drawn his sword.

"Yes. Though Joffrey is not so much a man as more of a boy trying to be a man while he is pretending to be a King. And yes, he did threaten your King. Something about having my head on a spike I believe," answered Aegon while Ser Barristan before drawing his sword and pointing it at Joffrey's neck.

"Ser Barristan! You fucking traitor! My Father will have your head for this!" exclaimed Cersei angrily knowing the wrath of her Father would make this man regret cross House Lannister.

"The time of invoking your Father's name to make people shake in fear and bend the knee are about to come to an end former Queen. Soon your Father will know what it is to face the wrath of an angry dragon," said Aegon casually while Cersei glared at him.

"You only have two dragons, this traitorous Kingsguard, and one crippled Warden of the North. That isn't enough to hold this city," countered Cersei confidently.

"You're right. But you're forgetting, I have the people within King's Landing supporting me too. I also have the remaining City Watch members you could not bribe in my corner. The people no longer support the Stag nor the Lion. They see you for the vile creature you and your son truly are in life," replied Aegon with Cersei snarling at him.

"And you think this support from them will last? Once word of my Father coming here to sack the city reaches the people, they will all turn on you in an instant to prevent another repeat of what happened last time," remarked Cersei confidently.

"That would be true. Provided I wasn't holding you and your children hostage at this very moment. Not to mention Robb Stark and the North are holding Jamie Lannister as their prisoner too," replied Aegon having sensed it earlier just when he was moving to prevent his Uncle from losing his head.

"You lie! Jamie would not be captured so easily by a mere boy and Northern barbarians," Cersei shot back while members of the City Watch entered the room.

"It doesn't matter. Ser Barristan, take some men and have them take these two, plus Lord Baelish to the Black Cells. One room each. No visitors," said Aegon with Ser Barristan nodding before grabbing Joffrey and easily removing him from the chair.

"You can't do this! I am the King! You must obey me!" exclaimed Joffrey while being taken away along with his Mother and Lord Baelish to the Black Cells.

"Shall I send for Ned Stark, his family, and Sandor Clegane to come here your Grace?" asked Varys curiously.

"Yes. Also, one more thing needs to be done," answered Aegon before reaching out with his hand and the Force to grab a surprised, if not fearful Grand Maester trying to sneak away from them.

"P-Please your Grace. Show mercy! Mercy!" pleaded Grand Maester Pycelle while floating in midair.

"And why should I show a weak fool like yourself any mercy? You who betrayed my Grandfather. Betrayed Rheagar," replied Aegon with Pycelle looking even more fearful.

"I don't know what you mean your Grace," said Pycelle before feeling the grip on his throat increasing.

"You betrayed my Grandfather by poisoning him. The madness didn't happen naturally like people believed. You poisoned his food and his drink in secret with herbs using the knowledge obtained in the Citadel. You used this knowledge to make him hallucinate and see things born from the dark corners of his mind. You used this all for the sake of trying to make my Grandfather appear mad. And when you couldn't do it to Rheagar, you were secretly poisoning Elia Martell so she would be too sick to leave with her children for Dorne," remarked Aegon with Varys looking surprised since he didn't know that piece of information.

"You can't prove anything," protested Pycelle with Aegon gripping his throat tighter.

"I know enough from the thoughts running around in your head. I know you have made a record of your attempts locked away in a secret journal hidden underneath a compartment behind the third row bookshelf. You were once a loyal agent of the Falcon. Not the Lion. He sent you messages, told you what to do, how to do it. You provided him with updates and information related to your progress on making Aerys lose his mind. Your progress in poisoning Elia Martell before and after birthing young Aegon. But when the Stag was going to be the victor of the rebellion when Rheagar died, you knew Tywin Lannister would be the true power behind the Iron Throne one way or another. So you turned your cloak in secret to be a loyal Lannister man over an Arryn. The old Falcon never knew you had changed sides until it was too late. You were the one who told Cersei that Lord Arryn was onto the truth about her children not being the Usurper's. The moment Lord Arryn came to you and asked about the book on the lineages of ancient Houses, you knew the man would find out the truth about Cersei's children not being Robert's in any sense of the word," countered Aegon with Grand Maester Pycelle struggling while hovering in midair.

"I had no choice but to help them. The Queen knew too much of my past actions and she would have gone to her Father or Robert regarding them. Once I told Cersei about Lord Arryn's investigation, she told me to deal with it so I went to Lord Baelish knowing the man was ambitious. He was already planning to remove Lord Arryn and quickly saw a means of gaining favor with the Queen through this!" exclaimed Pycelle with Aegon frowning.

"And like a good little puppet, you agreed to dance to the Lannister tune in order to keep your own favor strong for when Joffrey eventually became King," added Aegon coldly knowing this fool had long overstayed his welcome.

"Please your Grace. I know I wronged you and your House, but I can still be of service to you. Spare me and I will devout my remaining life to House Targaryen and their return to power," begged Pycelle with Aegon frowning with his fury growing.

"Your services are no longer required as Grand Maester. Consider yourself...retired from service!" replied Aegon before making a fist and crushing Pycelle's throat with the body falling to the ground moments later.

"It will take some time to calm the people your Grace. Even with word of you now sitting on the Iron Throne," remarked Varys, who put the sword that was in his hand against a nearby pillar.

"Spread the word throughout the city that Aegon Targaryen now sits on the Iron Throne and will ensure their voices are heard. I also want the City Watch deployed all throughout King's Landing to keep the peace," replied Aegon with Varys bowing slightly.

"Yes your Grace.

"Also, send ravens to all the Lords throughout the Seven Kingdoms about the return of the dragon. Even the Wall. I will not allow any area be made unaware of my return," said Aegon with Varys nodding.

"What of Stannis or Renly your Grace? No doubt they will see you as the Usurper to their claim of being King this time and wish to claim the Iron Throne for their House," offered Varys with Aegon looking surprisingly calm.

Well...as calm as one can be when wearing such a mask.

"If either have an issue with me sitting on the Iron Throne, they are welcome to try and challenge me. Though I doubt they will when I am done with Tywin Lannister. I take it his army is still engaging against Robb Stark in the Riverlands?" asked Aegon with Varys nodding.

"Yes. Though it is only half of the army. Lord Stannis and Renly, plus the Brotherhood Without Banners has forced him to divide his entire army in multiple directions. His part of the army is planning to be move into a defensive position near Harrenhal and use it as a base of operations given its fortified position. The capture of his son and repeated losses have caused the old Lion to reconsider his position in this growing war. The Lord who is in command of the army at Riverrun following Ser Jamie's capture has not been equipped to repel the might of the North," replied Varys with Aegon letting a noise underneath his mask.

"There will be no war. I'm going to end this stupidity before it can spin even further out of control. Varys, please send some of your little birds to the Tower of the Hand along with the late Grand Maester's office and residence. I want them to go looking for proof of Lord Arryn's crimes and those of Pycelle's. Make sure they look in all the usual and usual places someone like Lord Arryn would want to hide incriminating evidence. You already know where Pycelle's hidden his crimes, but have them look for anything else that might be useful," said Aegon before turning his head slightly to the right toward the window.

And soon heard Vaderon roar before taking off to his intended destination.

It was time for the Lion to start paying his debts. Paid with fire and blood.

(Lannister Encampment-Sometime Later)

They were a few days away from Harrenhal. It had been a demoralizing time for Tywin Lannister and he couldn't remember a time when such a thing had happened to him. His opponent was some wolf pup from the North who had yet to see any kind of battle. But to his surprise, Robb Stark had not only captured his son Jamie, but had won in practically ever single engagement against Lannister forces.

It was truly vexing.

At least his second son Tyrion had been able to provide them with additional forces using the tribesman of the Vale. They maybe savages, but they did make a descent vanguard to use in a fight when properly armed. The only cost to him was weapons, some supplies, and Tyrion leading them into battle to prove his worth.

The last part Tywin had no problem with since there was a chance his dwarf and failure for a son would die fighting the North's forces. He couldn't kill his own son himself for obvious reasons despite part of him saying it would be worth it in the end, but there were ways around that situation. This situation in leading the Lannister vanguard being one of them, which his son would not die by his hands, but by those of the enemy.

But right now, Tywin needed to discus the issue about his eldest son being captured by the Northern forces. His brother, Kevan Lannister, was beside him, supporting as always, but it wasn't support Tywin needed right now. He needed ideas. Good ideas. Ideas where he could win this conflict and get Jamie back by his side.

Unfortunately, it seemed they were short on ideas right now.

"The Stark boy has been surprisingly good at leading his army. I hear the Blackfish has taught him quite a bit and the Northern Lords with him have helped along the way by giving their own advice," said one Lord in the battle tent.

"I hear his dire wolf is nearly as big as a horse. The damn beast ripped nearly thirty men to pieces in the last battle from what I was told. It is also rumored to have killed twice as many horses," remarked another Lord worriedly.

"What of Jamie?" asked Tywin while turning to Kevan.

"They keep him with the army under watchful guard. Robb Stark doesn't dare consider leaving him in any castle within Riverrun they've taken back. He clearly knows better," replied Kevan with Tywin nodding since he understood why the boy was doing it.

While these men were loyal to the boy, it only took one person, a handful of people, or even a Lord of that castle willing to turn their cloak for a descent amount of gold House Lannister could provide for Jamie's safe return. That and some kind of guarantee of their House not being destroyed by the Lion when the time came to crush the wolf pup. With Jamie a prisoner within the army, he was under guard every moment of the day and night.

"We should sew for peace. Or offer something in exchange for Ser Jamie," offered one another Lord hopefully with Tyrion nearby throwing his goblet on the floor.

"There is your peace. You would sooner get the wine now on the ground back into this broken cup over getting the North to agree to any terms. They have been winning battle after battle and have my brother as a prisoner. Would you accept peace from the North if roles were reversed?" countered Tyrion with many of the Lords looking away since they knew the youngest son of Tywin was right.

"My Lord! My Lord! A message was sent from the Capital!" said a soldier running into the tent and quickly bowing before handing the message to Tywin.

"Who sent this?" asked Kevan while Tywin saw the seal and his face went pale before he slowly broke it to unfolded the message.

"I don't know my Lord. It was dropped off my a single messenger who handed it to me and ran off," replied the solider before he was dismissed by Kevan while Tywin read it.

"Father?" asked Tyrion before Tywin slammed the message down on the table and got out of his chair to get a drink.

"Out! Out all of you, except Kevan and Tyrion!" commanded Tywin before going for another cup and drank some more wine.

Meanwhile, Kevan read the message in his hands, and Tyrion motioned Bronn to go wait outside of the tent since this was clearly something above his pay level.

"This...This cannot be right," whispered Kevan, who took the message an read it.

"What does it say?" asked Tyrion before he read it.

To Tywin Lannister and his House,

This message is to inform you that House Targaryen has returned once more to Westeros to claim what was stolen from us. As to who I am Lord Tywin, I am the trueborn son of Rheagar Targaryen. While you feel this is a lie and I am a mummer pretending to be the dead baby who died at the hands of the Mountain, such thoughts are not true. I am every bit Rheagar's son, but not the son you think I am. I am the son of Rheagar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Yes, you have read this correctly. Lyanna Stark is my Mother. Unlike what the Usurper and the late Lord Arryn said during the war, my Mother was not kidnapped or raped by Rheagar. They married prior to the Usurper's rebellion and I have the proof to back it up so any contestation to my claim can be put to rest.

As you read this, know that I have taken King's Landing and sit on the Iron Throne as the new King of the Seven Kingdom. The people are with me. The City Watch is with me. All of House Lannister's supporters, whether they are House bannermen or those bribed by your daughter among the City Watch have been killed. Down to the last man. Speaking of supporters, Pycelle is dead. Janos Slynt, the Lord Commander of the City Watch is dead. Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard is dead. Lord Baelish along with your daughter and mad Grandson Joffrey are my prisoners in the Black Cells. Each of them will be charged for various crimes against the Crown, both before and after I took it for myself. Tommen and Myrcella are being kept under watchful guard and will not be harmed so take comfort in that fact I am not you in being cruel to innocent members of my enemy's family.

The same however, will not be said for you or the rest of your House. I know of all your crimes against my own and will not allow them to stand. You and the majority of your family will face the dragon's judgment and wrath one way or another through fire and blood. As such, should you survive the coming assault I intend to unleash on your forces, you will come to King's Landing with what is left of your family. I will see to it you pay your debt to the dragon until there is nothing left. If you do not come to King's Landing when called upon, I will ensure your family legacy is nothing but fire and ashes blowing in the wind.

Fire and blood.

King Aegon of House Targaryen

"A Targaryen? Here in Westeros?" asked Tyrion while Tywin was deep in thought.

"It doesn't matter. I will crush this dragon like we did the last one. And unlike Robert, I will make sure none of that House escape me. Even if I have to do it myself!" declared Tywin while confident his forces could take King's Landing if they marched now.

Only for a roar to echo outside of the tent and Bronn running in.

"You're not going to fucking believe this, but there is a big fucking dragon flying over us right now!" exclaimed Bronn before another roar was heard and screams of people soon followed from being burned alive by the dragon.

"We need to get out of here!" exclaimed Kevan while grabbing his brother with the two running and Bronn actually picking up Tyrion before running out of the tent.

And saw only chaos around them with fire coming down on them from a massive dragon not seen since the days of old when the Targaryens were in power. The mighty dragon was merciless in its assault on the Lannister army, Vaderon letting off another wave of fire, burning everything in its path on the command of his Father, and loving every single minutes. The great beast had sensed his Father's rage over these humans bearing the mark of the furred animal so many seemed to fear. It actually irked Vaderon that such a symbol on these flesh creatures was more feared over the symbol of his Father's own. It was an insult to his pride as a dragon and the pride of his sire that such people follow this furred creature's likeness over its own.

And his Father had commanded him to make these enemies of the dragon pay with fire and blood. Vaderon had every intention of seeing the order carried out to the last detail.

Below the mighty dragon, what Lannister men could get on horses rode out of the camp site to Harrenhal with Tywin out in front with his brother Kevan. Tyrion was on a horse with Bronn taking control of it and pushing the horse to move as fast as possible to the castle. But unlike the others fleeing, the Sell Sword also stayed near the trees in the area so they had to go in there to hide from the beast flying above them. The dragon would occasionally dive, grabbing men and horse in one shot before flying high into the air, and drop them from a height where the impact left little in terms of identifiable remains.

The damn beast nearly got him and Tyrion if they hadn't moved closer to some trees and the dragon moved to some more open field target. One poor soul had half his upper body bitten clean off with the horse rising with only the lower half of the Lannister man to take back to Harrenhal.

By the time the dragon called off its pursuit and went back to the burning Lannister camp to find more straggling victims to eat or burn, only a handful of men made it to the castle. Tywin Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Bronn, and three more men were all that was left of thousands of the Lannister army.

For Tyrion, he was glad that the camp follower Shae had left the camp a few days ago for the Capital at his recommendation where he assumed the woman would be safe until his own venture to the Capital. He also knew how his Father was aware of his activities with Shae and did not tolerate them being together. The last thing Tyrion wanted was for his Father to do something to her like what happened to the last woman who had earned the man's disapproval.

Though that was definitely the last thing on Tywin Lannister's mind at the moment.

After nearly killing their horses, the group made their way to the might castle, and to the war room within Harrenhal, the Lannister men plus one Sell Sword stormed into to catch a much needed breather. Kevan was breathing in and out, holding onto the table like it was the only thing keeping him standing. Tywin moved for a cup and drank some more wine from what was in the room, ignoring the bitter taste since it had gone bad. As for Bronn, he had slumped himself into the nearest chair before staring at the wall in front of him, though the image of the fire breathing dragon, and its action forever burned into his mind. Tyrion was closest to the door and simply walked over to a chair close to Bronn while being incredibly silent.

Until finally, after what seemed like long hours into the day, Kevan decided to speak.

"What do we do brother?" whispered Kevan before he turned to see Tywin was at a loss on what to do right now.

It was the first time he had ever been lost in anything. Tywin always tried to outthink his opponent first before outfighting them. But right now, the might lion could do neither. It lacked the mind or the might of this new foe that had descended upon them with all the power the stories claimed dragon's possessed. At first, Tywin had thought this would-be Targaryen was a mummer, a pretender trying to seat himself on the Iron Throne, just like everyone else believed. But no one knew about the dragon that just destroyed half of his army and was clearly being controlled by this Targaryen now in King's Landing.

As his mind processed what happened, the old lion recalled the letter sent to him about how if he survived the coming attack, Tywin was to come to King's Landing to stand trial for his crimes. The old lion also didn't have to read between the lines of the letter to know what would happen if he nor his family refused to show up as ordered.

That one dragon could burn down all of Casterly Rock. And what if there was more then just the one? What if this Targaryen had the other dragons? Didn't' Varys reveal that there were three dragons? The House sigil was a three headed dragon after all and sending one lone dragon without having another or more watching over King's Landing would be reckless. No. There was more then just one big dragon to worry about. Tywin was sure this was not the end of it. This Aegon Targaryen just needed to unleash the one beast to make his point while the threat of two more possibly being around to back it up played on his mind.

He was beaten. Deep in his heart, Tywin Lannister knew he was beaten. No amount of gold would appease this dragon. No whores to distract him. This wasn't the bloated Stag that was the late Robert Baratheon. This was a Targaryen with a sharp mind and a strong will to use whatever method was available to bring about victory.

"Find out where our men are located in Riverrun. Tell them to withdraw back to Casterly Rock," whispered Tywin at last in reply.

"We're surrendering Father?" asked Tyrion with Tywin nodding since it was the only real thing they could do.

"It is for the best Tyrion. If just one fucking dragon could do that to your Father's army, can you imagine what they would do with more under this Targaryen's command?" asked Bronn with Tyrion shuddering and Kevan was breathing heavier.

"He'd crush us. No! Burn us all," whispered Kevan fearfully while thinking of his son still in King's Landing.

"Bend the knee. Save what we can. Even if what is left becomes barely anything. As long as one Lannister lives, the House survives to still grow strong again," commented Tyrion with Tywin nodding in agreement.

"But will this Targaryen allow this. Judging from the letter, he may not let any of us walk out of King's Landing alive," warned Kevan with Tywin continued to think.

"If we don't go, the dragon that nearly killed us will come back, and I have no doubt the beast will bring two more to help finish the job!" protested Tyrion with Kevan sighing in defeat with his head now on the table since no matter what they did, their lives might be forfeit.

"We will go to King's Landing. Send a raven to this Targaryen. Tell him we will be in the city when he wishes it. Tell him I wish for a temporary truce with House Stark in order to get our affairs in order before we head for King's Landing," said Tywin with Kevan now nodding and slowly rose from his chair to carry out the order.

(Dragonstone-Sometime Later)

Stannis Baratheon was a man of honor and duty. It had been drilled into him since he was able to walk. To do your duty when called upon. Be honorable. And the Gods will reward you. For the most part, it had been true until his brother's war wit the Targaryens. He had done his duty. Held Storm's End against the Tyrells and their damn siege. His now late brother Robert told him to hold their ancestral home when the Flowers marched to claim it. And Stannis had done what was asked of him. it nearly cost the man his life along with the lives of his men in the castle, but he held it.

He could still remember those dark days with food being nonexistent. The men seeking anything and everything edible to stay alive. To keep the hunger at pain. Plants. Animals. Even the bugs themselves were eaten to ensure no one died such a horrifying death or to think of resorting to the lowest of the low in such desperate times.

The idea of eating each other.

Stannis made sure that never happened. Even when some of the men died before the siege was lifted, the man would not allow those poor souls to be eaten like one would eat at a feast. He stayed true to his duty and honorable to the end. His purpose during the war was to hold out no matter what.

And he had been rewarded. Whether by the Gods or some other form of intervention yet to be described, help came in the form of a smuggler. A smuggler, who brought onions to the castle, and gave his men the much needed food their stomachs needed. While some of them would have preferred something with actual taste over onions, it wasn't the time to complain about what they could eat while under siege.

As for Stannis himself, they were the best tasting onions he had ever tasted in his life.

When the siege was lifted thanks to Ned Stark's arrival, Stannis was grateful things had turned in his brother's favor. The war was over, the Tyrells finally bent the knee, and all was suppose to the be well.

Only it wasn't well. It only got worse. In the form of his angry older brother, who was now the King of the Seven Kingdoms. While Stannis had his own kind of rage, which was part of their bloodline, over issues, his older brother was at a whole other level. The man seemed to have an almost unnatural love for battles, spilling an enemies blood, the idea of seeing unrestrained violence, and delivering death to others who made him angry.

Especially Targaryens which the man hated with an incredible passion.

Robert also had a great and dangerous temper. His stubbornness was equal only to his rage over the most sensitive issues related to himself. Time and time again, those two parts of Robert would act as one in terms of who to hurt with his decision as King of the Seven Kingdoms. Regardless if you were family, friend, or foe, Robert didn't care. One moment, he would reward you as his King. The next, if it involved something personal, he would order what was given to be stripped from your person or House.

It was for that reason, and for what he did to Stannis following the end of the Rebellion that made the man slowly become bitter.

Stannis had recently arrived in the Capital when word reached Robert of the Mad King's sister and Queen being located within the confines of Dragonstone. Robert's response had been immediate. The newly crowned King wanted the woman dead. Her, Viserys, and the child the woman was carrying in her womb. All dead. Robert had initially tasked the deed to Tywin Lannister, who had smirked his ever confident smirk since it was a job his men would enjoy to further prove their new found "loyalty" to the Stag.

However, Stannis had volunteered to carry out the task himself. He had the ships, could sail to Dragonstone, blockade the island, and ensure the deed was done. And he would. As loathe as Stannis was to admit it, the deed had to be done. If the Targaryens rose to power once more, the madness they possessed would ensure all of the Seven Kingdoms burned under their return with vengeance in their hearts.

So Stannis decided to carry out the deed. At least he could ensure it was quick, clean, and painless in the end. Unlike Tywin, who would have had his men do horrible things prior to killing their intended targets. So the new King allowed him to sail with the royal fleet to Dragonstone and carry out the grim task that awaited them. Robert had expected him to complete it and crush the remaining Targaryens like a loyal soldier and brother should when called upon.

Only for Stannis to fail. Not that it was his fault. A massive storm, unlike any Stannis had ever seen before that day, had come into existence. Raging winds that tore through ship sails, hard rain that actually ripped skin from the body, and massive waves of water from the sea which consumed five of his ships from the start. And lightning flashing in the sky so bright it blinded the men for long moments of time. The cracking of thunder shaking the very ship he and his men were on to the point where Stannis thought his ship would just break into hundreds of pieces.

When the storm finally ended, Stannis lost fifteen of the forty five ship he had within his fleet. Another ten in need of repair at the nearest port, which was Dragonstone at the time since it was now abandoned. And while Dragonstone was taken, it no longer had any real interest to the new King, who had only wanted the Targaryens on the Dragonstone. Not Dragonstone itself.

So when Robert decided to punished him for his failure by making him the new Lord of Dragonstone over their family ancestral home Storm's End. He gave that honor to Renly, their youngest sibling, and it disgusted Stannis how the fool treated the position. By the rules and laws of succession, Stannis should have been the Lord of Storm's End. Not Renly. But did Robert care about that? No. He was King. His word was law. His orders and commands were absolute.

"I am King and I can do and say whatever I want! You failed to get those dragonspawn when ordered so you can have the fucking island. You don't deserve Storm's End!"

"It wasn't my fault Robert. The storm was massive. I lost fifteen ships from it alone! Every single thing I have done for you up until now, I did. I did my duty. And the one time you would deny me what is mine, it is over this?!"

"I am your King first and your brother second! You would do your best to remember that from now on. Renly will be the Lord of Storm's End. My decision is final!"

It was an insult. A humiliation that Robert felt Stannis needed for his supposed failure in capturing the remaining Targaryens. The King's hatred for that House was so deep and so great, he would strike back at his own blood to quench his stupid anger. Stannis had tried to make his brother happy since that day, to make him realize his decision was a mistake, but the man would not hear anything about it.

And now he was dead. Robert was dead. According to the message written by Lord Stark himself, his brother had no heirs to his name. Only bastard children from the whores and wenches he slept with. Apparently, Cersei's children had no Baratheon blood in them, but rather all Lannister with Ser Jamie being the Father. Under normal circumstances, Stannis would be able to claim the Iron Throne by rules and laws of succession given how he was Robert's brother with Renly being behind him.

Unfortunately, it seemed a higher power had stepped in to block his claim, and in the form of someone claiming to be a Targaryen.

To Stannis of House Baratheon,

First, I wish you to know that I hold no ill will toward you or your House as a whole in regards to the past history that we have written in blood. You are a man of honor and knows when to do his duty. No doubt you have received Lord Stark's message regarding your brother's so called children not being of his blood. That they are spawn of Ser Jamie Lannister. Her twin brother. The message is true. Your brother had no legitimate heirs. Only bastards. Under normal circumstances, you would be next in line to sit on the Iron Throne, which you no doubt read from Lord Stark's message. However, that part of the message is false since it was written prior to my arrival in Westeros. As such, given my heritage and the laws of succession, I am now King of the Seven Kingdoms. No doubt you suspect me to write false on the matter or be a mummer for a Targaryen. But I am neither of those things. I have proof of my claim. Uncontested proof. Both in document form and in the form of my Uncle, Lord Stark himself. Yes, you heard right Lord Stannis. My Uncle is Lord Stark. He had no idea I had returned until his arrest and his ordered execution by the false King Joffrey.

Know that Lord Stark is alive and well after I saved him from losing his head on the Sept of Baelor. And in regards to my Father, it is Rheagar Targaryen himself. My Mother was Lyanna Stark. Now before you jump to conclusions, she was not raped by him. She had married him in secret due to her unable to love your brother. Given his vices, I am sure you can understand why with Robert's drinking and whoring ways. My Mother would have been miserable and your brother would be the cause of it. In truth, the war as you know it was founded on a lie. A lie created by Lord Arryn and your brother along with several others to bring the Seven Kingdoms into war for the purpose of bringing down my House.

By now, I can imagine you are angered by my words. Stating your brother started a war under false pretenses and with countless lives dead in the process. I do not wish to cause further pain to you or your House given your loss, but you need to know the truth that was kept from you. Kept from my Uncle until just recently. Kept from the realms of men so we would live in ignorance of the truth. So I offer you the chance to come to King's Landing and see the proof for yourself. I guarantee you Guest Rights and swear no harm will come to you by my hand or any hand that I command. You may bring whoever you wish that has your unwavering trust and can offer wise counsel. I have sent messages to the other High Lords of Westeros to come as well to see this evidence for themselves.

For the sake of peace between our Houses, I ask that you set aside any desire for revenge birthed from old hatreds kept alive by your late brother. Let such things die with him and stay dead. We have a chance to start anew and I wish to have someone like yourself here supporting my claim over opposing it. You are a good man Stannis. One who does his duty and does not complain, even when it is his right to do so. Given how you have been cheated out of being Lord of Strom's End, your family's ancestral home, as punishment for failing to capture my Aunt, it is only natural to feel this way.

Come to King's Landing and together, we can make finally end the pain our two Houses have inflicted on the other. Together we can start anew and bring back a new golden age throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

-King Aegon of House Targaryen

"Its an insult my Lord. A trick to bring you to the city and burn you alive. Just like the Mad King did Lord Stark and his Heir years ago," warned one of the Lords in the room with Stannis.

"But what if its not a trick? What if its genuine? If we say no, it could make us look like traitors to the new King. And if this message is true, Lord Stark will back his nephew in his claim for the Iron Throne," said another Lord next the first.

"There is a mention of Guest Rights. The Mad King may have broken it with the Starks years ago, but this one clearly wishes to invoke it to start a dialogue. This man does have dragons from what Lord Stannis has told us. He could have attacked us at any time, yet chose a less violent path," said a third Lord while Stannis looked down at the table with his mind running through everything so far.

Could he trust this boy? This Aegon Targaryen? Lord Stark was his Uncle and apparently saved the man from a dishonorable death. Still, was it so wrong to desire the Iron Throne. To sit in the seat of power? To rule over the Seven Kingdoms and guiding it with his firm and yet steady hand? To do what Robert could not and rule properly? To have everyone in his presence bending the knee while he sat with the crown on his head and ruling over all his subjects?

But as the idea of being ambitious grew strength within his mind, so too did the side of him that was cautious. Could he challenge the dragon? Could he get Renly to support him with Baratheon men? Unlikely given his younger brother's sudden desire to be ambitious and seek the crown himself. Renly was currently calling the banners in the Stormlands and seeking an alliance with House Tyrell. Fortunately and unfortunately, the flowers had decided to side with the dragon. No doubt the Queen of Thorns saw her chance to make her Granddaughter the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And there were rumors of Dorne stirring after being offered something by the new King in exchange for their support.

The combined might of the North, the Tyrells in the South, and possibly Dorne too in the Targaryen's corner with the three dragons made fighting them near impossible. Not to mention the army obtained by the dragon in Essos and would one day come to Westeros to further enforce their rule.

Better to bow to the dragon in submission over being destroyed by them. If this Aegon wished for peace and to put an end to the senseless bad blood between their two Houses, Stannis would not deny him.

And yet...dare he seek one last alternative form of advice?

"And what do you say Red Woman? What does your God say about this?" asked Stannis to the only woman in the room, wearing a red dress to match her long red hair.

"The Lord of Light favors this Targaryen my Lord. He has brought dragons back to the land of the living and they have already earned his favor by casting down many prior to the lions. I have seen it in the flames. The lion has been badly burned by one dragon's fire and will soon lose more. My Lord has also warned me of the Stag could be devoured in its entirety if the dragon is met with any resistance," said the Red Woman also known as Melisandre while approaching him.

"While I would be against you listening to this woman's advice after she uses her sorcery my Lord, I strongly suggest you go to King's Landing. If this new King is offering Guest Rights, then by the laws of both Gods and Men, he must honor them. If he goes back on it, the other Lords will see him for what type of King he truly is, and would not support his rule," said Maester Cressen with Stannis nodding since that was always a possibility.

"With respect my Lord, may I speak?" asked Ser Davos, who out of all the men here, was one of the few knights in the room.

"You may Ser Davos. Speak truth to me as only you can," commanded Stannis since he always preferred hearing hard truths over honey filled lies told to him by the ass kissing toadies trying to gain his favor.

"I do not believe this King is an enemy. If what the Red Woman here said is true, the lion was crushed by an actual dragon. From what you graciously revealed to us after returning from King's Landing, this man has three of them. And there is always a chance they are still growing since no one knows how big a dragon can truly get. What concerns me right now is the safety of your wife and child my Lord. If you go to King's Landing and should something were to happen to result in your death...," replied Ser Davos with concern and Stannis raising his hand to silence him.

"They might be next should this Aegon decide to remove my bloodline from the world just like my brother wanted to remove his own. As always Ser Davos, your commitment and loyalty to my House is unwavering. Which is why I am hereby putting you in charge of their safety in the event something happens to me when I arrive in King's Landing to meet this new King," said Stannis with Ser Davos nodding in agreement.

"I understand my Lord. Rest assured, they will be safe with me," said Ser Davos with Stannis giving a rare smile.

"Prepare my ship. I sail for King's Landing. Its time to see what kind of King this Aegon Targaryen is and if he has the strength to rule," ordered Stannis with everyone nodding.

"I shall accompany you my Lord. The Lord of Light command it," said Melisandre with Stannis glancing at her.

"When you first came here to Dragonstone, you said I was going to be King. That I was the one who would sit on the Iron Throne. You said the visions in the flames had said as much," commented Stannis.

"I thought so as well my Lord. But the flames show me only what my God wishes. I can only interpret what he shows me at the time of the vision. When I first came here, it was because of a vision where a mighty Stag was empowered by fire. I assumed it was the Lord of Light saying you were the one he had chosen to be King. Now I believe it means something else. Only time will truly tell, but I do know that going to King's Landing to see the new King is the right decision," said Melisandre with Stannis nodding.

At least they agreed on that much.

(King's Landing-Red Keep)

It had been an interesting experience being King. If only to be recognized as such by the city rather than the whole of the Seven Kingdoms. But the rest would follow. Of that, he was sure would happen. The Force was with him. The actions taken since coming here had prevented the chaos from spreading, if only for a short time. But Aegon would need more to prevent the temporary dam he built to hold back the chaos from breaking at this point in time. If he wasn't careful, the plan would fall apart, and everything around him would follow too.

Fortunately, his allies within the city were keeping the peace. The City Watch was doing their job in putting the riots to a stop without harming the people. Sandor Clegane had been put in charge of them as the new Lord Commander. Aegon had made his Uncle the Hand of the King once more to further keep the peace since many respected the man for being honorable and fair.

Varys had sent his little birds to the Tower of the Hand and Pycelle's personal chambers and where he worked. Sure enough, the incriminating evidence Aegon needed to expose those men of their crimes had been found and brought to the King for his inspection. It was damaging to say the least with Lord Arryn and Pycelle's schemes coming to light in those pages with the latter actually conspiring with the Maester's at the Citadel to get what he needed to set the plan in motion to bring about the downfall of the dragon.

Those insufferable stuffy men in gray robes were afraid of actual dragons returning and the magic that went with it. They knew King Aerys had wanted to find dragon eggs and find a way to bring the might creatures back to life. To counter this, the Maesters within the Citadel had been more then willing to aid Pycelle in his plot to help destroy the King's mind so he would go mad and demonize himself in the process.

Aegon would deal with them later. No doubt those fools were concerned not only with his rise back the Iron Throne, but the return of the dragons too. He knew they would hear of Pycelle's death and send another to be Grand Maester with secret orders to get close to the dragons to poison or sterilize them so they could never produce any more eggs.

Aegon would make sure no such Maester got near his dragons. Ever!

"A message from Essos your Grace. From your Aunt if the seal is any indication," said Varys while handing Aegon the scroll.

Dear Nephew,

Word has reached me of your exploits in King's Landing. I hear the Usurper is dead and so is the Falcon. Whether you had a hand in this, I do not care, but I am pleased all the same. All that is left is to remove the lion's strength and expose the treachery of the Trout for siding with the Falcon. If there are more people involved in the conspiracy to destroy our House, we will get them as we go.

As for Essos, I am pleased to report that Ser Jorah has located the source of the Sons of the Harpy being the few wealthy members of society, who are related one way or another to the Wise Masters. Ser Jorah has reported they have all been found, their wealth taken from them to be redistributed among the people. The Free Cities of Essos we have taken are now finally free of slavery and things have become stable once more. Our transport fleet has grown considerably with ships being purchased or built to set sail for Westeros. We should be leaving for King's Landing sometime after this reaches you and will be arriving around the time when Court can be held to reveal everything.

See you soon nephew.

Fire and Blood.

Princess Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

"My Aunt will be coming soon Lord Varys. Prepare a place for her and the army that is coming to King's Landing," commanded Aegon with Varys nodding and left.

It was almost time. When his Aunt arrived with Drogo and the army, the judgment would begin, and his enemies would burn!

(A/N: YAY! I updated. In truth, I had to divide this up onto two parts. It wrote so much it was huge and had to be split in two. I already have a good chunk of part two done. Needs some fine tuning and adding more stuff, but its getting there. So for now, enjoy part one, and be ready for part two soon. Until next time...PEACE!)

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