

Just In




Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens by VFSNAKE

 Star Wars & Game of Thrones Xover Rated: M, English, Drama, Words: 158k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Mar 22 Updated: Jul 8 826Chapter 9

Chapter 9- Dragon's Judgment Part 2

Robb Stark read the message in front of him. The other Northern Lords and the Lords of Riverrun with unease. And rightfully so given the seal was the used by the Targaryens. The seal itself made several Northern and River Lords look nervous and they had been in quite a few battles together. Robb knew enough about the history between his House and House Targaryen was not a peaceful one from his Father's time.

So why send this message.

To Robb Stark,

No doubt reading this after seeing my seal has made you concerned. I do not blame you for feeling that way. Our two Houses have not had good history between us in the past and you are fearful of what my return means. Will I go mad? Will I demand people be burned while laughing at the sight? Will I violate Guest Rights and take those you love from you.

I say no to all these things. If word has not yet to reach you of the most recent events in King's Landing, I will provide an update to your Father's situation there. He is in fact alive. Alive and well. I personally saved him from being executed on the Sept of Baelor itself by the false King Joffrey. Know that your Father was being forced to confess to crimes of treason while his daughter watched with a blade to her throat. It hardly says the man is guilty of crimes when forced to say it or else lose his daughter.

I know you don't believe your Father to be a traitor to Robert Baratheon and no one in the North believes it either. But I felt it should be said just in case anyone in passing tells you different. Your sisters are also alive and safe under my protection. The city is mine and the people willingly accept me as their new King. Those who betrayed your Father are either dead or in the Black Cells under heavy guard to ensure they do not escape justice.

Speaking of justice. I offer you and the North a chance to obtain it in full. Both from the Lannisters and from those who orchestrated the fight between your Houses in order to be too weak to face the real enemies pulling the strings in the shadows. Come here to King's Landing, if only to see your Father and sisters are in fact healthy and safe. To see that I am speaking the truth and to reveal more truth to the world that many would find hard to accept, but needed to know all the same. I offer Guest Rights to you and those Northern Lords who come with you.

If you still have doubts, the message scroll beside this one bearing the mark of the Hand of the King should put your mind at ease. It is from your Father. If my own words will not convince you to listen, perhaps your Father's will.

Fire and Blood.

King Aegon Targaryen

Putting the message down, Robb looked to the scroll next to it that had yet to be opened by him, and was almost hesitant to read it. Was it a forgery? Did his Father write it, but under force? Was he truly well along with Sansa and Arya? Or were they the ones in the Black Cells instead of those who betrayed House Stark?

Grabbing the scroll, he saw it did bear the seal of the Hand of the King. Meaning it was from his Father. Or so this Aegon claimed. Breaking the seal, Robb opened it and read its contents.

To Robb,

Son, if you are reading this, it means you have read Aegon's scroll first. Know that I am well. So are your sisters. Though it was a close call. I won't go into details about it now since I have more important things to say here. First, I advise you to come to King's Landing. There is much to discuss. Not just with you, but with all the Lords and Ladies from all of the Seven Kingdoms. Truths must be revealed and lies exposed so no one is made ignorant what has happened.

Second, I have already pledged the North to support Aegon Targaryen. Yes, you heard right. Of my own free will, I have bent the knee to House Targaryen. As to why, you must not say to the other Lords, but only let them know that the man who now sits on the Iron Throne is Prince Rheagar's true born son. By blood right and might, this man is worthy of the Crown. As to how he can be Rheagar's son Aegon when you were told how said child met his fate at the hands of Gregor Clegane, it is not that Aegon Targaryen who is King.

But rather he is your Aunt Lyanna's son. Yes, you heard right. My sister, your Aunt, is the Mother of Rheagar's child. However, he is not a bastard Blackfyre, nor was your Aunt raped like everyone believed following her supposed kidnapping. They had married in secret following the annulment of Rheagar's marriage to Elia Martell. Messages were sent throughout the Seven Kingdoms about it, but somehow they never reached any us, and I suspect further treachery on the issue. As does Aegon, who will provide further proof aside from my own testimony when all the Lords summoned come to Court.

At the moment, a temporary truce has been declared between House Stark and House Lannister to stop fighting until a permanent one can be made. Do not worry about the Lannisters retaliating or breaking the truce. One of Aegon's dragons has effectively removed that possibly as only a dragon can.

However, before you go to King's Landing, there is the matter of Gregor Clegane and his men running through the Riverlands like bandits. In the eyes of Gods and Laws of Men, they are not part of House Lannister, as such they are not bound to the truce. Drive the Mountain from his position and out into the open field. With so many against him, the man will flee and under normal circumstances, he would escape. But not if you have help from an unexpected source. He will be by a river near a Stone Mill in three days. Do not ask how I know this Robb. Only that I do. Engage him and his men with as many as you can spare for the engagement. You will lose men, which I am sorry to say is expected in a battle or war. It is never easy to ask men to march to their death for such a cause. But the Mountain and his men must be stopped at all costs or they will continue their attacks long after the peace has been made. Once he has been subdued, bind him in the strongest of chains and restraints. Leave nothing to chance. The stories I have told you of the man's monstrous strength are nothing compared to actually seeing it in action.

After the man is detained, make for King's Landing with the other Lords, and bring Ser Jamie with you since I have been told he also is your prisoner. Keep them separate from everyone Robb and under heavy guard at all times. Gregor Clegane will try to muscle his way out while Jamie will try to find a way to outsmart you. If you are not careful, they will succeed and spell doom for all of you.

The North Remembers

-Hand of the King Lord Eddard Stark

"It could be a trick lad," commented Lord Umber.

"Its my Father's hand writing. I would know if it was a forgery," said Robb with Lord Umber nodding.

"I agree. It is his hand writing," said Catelyn Stark.

"With all due respect my Lord and Lady, just because they are his words doesn't mean someone else isn't telling him what to write them," offered Roose Bolton with many of the other Lords nodding.

"The question is not whether my Father wrote it willingly my Lords, but rather should we accept the invitation? Should we listen to what it says about the Mountain? Should we do what my Father and Aegon have asked of us?" asked Robb while the different Lords were mumbling to each other.

"The Mountain is a serious threat to the Riverlands. If we leave him alone, we condemn the innocent lives he slaughters to the Hell he would unleash on them. To leave such evil alone and unchecked is a sin onto itself. I say we go the Mountain, if only to bring him to face justice!" said Lord Glover with a few nodding.

"That man killed innocent men, women, and children with many dying horrible deaths. The Old Gods demand this animal be stopped. I say we do it!" said Dacey Mormont and others joined in.

"I believe in justice. I believe a man should do what he can when called upon. I believe this letter from your Father and this Aegon Targaryen to be true. I believe we should go after the Mountain, capturing him, bring the foul beast in human skin to King's Landing, and the let everyone see him receive the justice the Gods Old and New demand be carried out!" said Lord Manderly with more cries being heard in support for this decision.

"The message from Ned said the Mountain would be near a river by a Stone Mill in three days time. Uncle, do you know where this river and Stone Mill is located?" asked Catelyn while her Uncle Brynden the Blackfish Tully nodded.

"Aye, I know of it. The location is not far from here. A single days ride really. If we can get there ahead of time, we can setup the ambush properly, engage the Mountain along with his men when they least expect it, and force them to flee like Ned suggested. If this unexpected help comes to us like the letter claims, I think we can capture the son of a bitch," replied Blackfish with Robb smiling.

"We will need a lot of men for this. But not too many that the mad dog sees the ambush coming. They also need to know that if we do this, there is a chance many of them will not be coming back alive from the battle," replied Robb with Blackfish nodding.

"Many a Riverland bannermen knows the stakes here. We can do it," said Blackfish while hoping his nephew Edmure doesn't do something stupid to mess things up.

"Then let us prepare and catch ourselves a monster," replied Robb with the people around him cheering.


Around the same time Robb Stark was receiving messages, Holster Tully had received one of his own. His son and heir, Edmure Tully, was with him when the scroll came with the seal of House Targaryen on it. Seeing the seal after all this time drew fear and worry within the old man when he read it in his solar where its contents were read. In fact, it had sent the man into a coughing fit requiring the Maester to prevent it from becoming worse.

His son had been confused with a hint of concern since he was a young man when the Targaryens had ruled and fallen. The man didn't see what had made his poor Father have such a coughing fit, but after reading its contents, the man was filled with anger. Even about what was essentially a demand from his House that they bend the knee.

To Holster Tully,

I do not wish to speak honey filled words with you my Lord. I find my dislike of you and your House has only grown with each passing Moon before I wrote this letter. Few in this world have earned such a place in my heart where my hatred for my enemies dwell. The Usurper, his Foster Father, Gregor Clegane, Armory Lorch, and Tywin Lannister.

The last one named I hold a great of rage for due to his actions with King's Landing and its sacking all those years ago. He will of course face my judgment soon enough as will others when the time is right.

The same will be said for you as well. As you know, the Usurper is dead. the old Falcon is dead, and Tywin Lannister's army has just been crushed. Even now, he is seeking to have temporary peace with House Stark, and is willing to face judgment at Court if it means sparing what little I leave to keep on breathing.

But you Holster will not be so lucky. You have wronged my House. It was through my House that yours rose to greatness. You tried to make it rise higher by betraying mine through making an alliance with the Falcon, the Stag, and the Dire Wolf. You knew what Lord Arryn was proposing was treason against the Crown. Against my House. Against the King. Mad or not. You don't have an excuse like Lord Stark, who was blinded, and deceived by those close to him. You don't even have the excuse of Tywin Lannister since he didn't join in until after it was clear the Usurper would win.

You chose to betray those who raised your House to become Liege Lord of the Riverlands and Riverrun. It does not matter if your daughter has married my Uncle. I do no care if you are feeling guilty. What I do care about is making sure those who crossed the dragon pay for their crimes.

You and your entire family will come to King's Landing with the other Lords. You will bend the knee and confess your crimes for all to hear. If you fail to do so, I will reveal your shame as a willing oath breaker with the proof in my possession to further back my claims. I will reveal how you willingly joined the Usurper to overthrow the dragon in exchange for more power. I will cast down your House and make sure it never rises to glory ever again.

House Stark and the North will be with me in the end. The South is with me. Dorne will soon be with me. I have three dragons and an army capable of crushing yours. Do not force my hand to crush you and your House.

Come to King's Landing to do the right thing. Or I will do it for you and make sure you pay your debts with fire and blood.

King Aegon Targaryen

"Who does this upstart think he is? Who we are? That we will just submit like this? To a Targaryen? No! I won't allow it!" declared Edmure while Holster sat in his chair.

"We don't have a choice Edmure," replied Holster in a tired voice.

"What do you mean we don't have a choice? We can stand and fight! None of the Houses or their Lords want to be ruled over by a Targaryen King. We can fight him. We can get House Stark to join us. Cat married the House Lord. Surely she can convince her husband to rally to our defense. And Lysa in the Vale could muster the knights to ride against him. We could win!" protested Edmure with Holster glaring at him.

"Didn't you read the message in full? This Targaryen King has three dragons under his command Edmure. Three! One alone could crush us and our army in a single moment. Do you think the other River Lords will still fight when our House is consumed in fire and ash? They will bend the knee. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them decided to do just that if given the offer," replied Holster while Edmure scoffed.

"We can still beat them. We just have to overwhelm this King with numbers. Nine out of ten battles are won with superior numbers," protested Edmure with Holster sighing.

"And the tenth is different due to dragons being a deciding factor, which we have here with three of them. There is also the issue of the other Lords not joining us if we tried to fight back. The message here clearly says as much," replied Holster with Edmure clearly not believing it.

"It is a lie Father. Cat can get the North on our side. Lysa can have the knights of the Vale to join us. We can repel Dorne and Tyrells easily. And the Baratheons will gladly fight against the Targaryens like they did with Robert," challenged Edmure with Holster slamming his fist into the table.

"Damn it boy! Are you not listening?! Have you lost your senses within the mind? We cannot win! Even if we had the North and the Vale, it would never be enough. This King has his own army, plus House Tyrell, and possibly Dorne if he can deliver on what they want in exchange for support. The Lannisters have apparently been crushed already and they were far stronger then us! Tywin would not ask for a temporary peace unless it was the only path to keep what little will be left of his House alive," countered Holster with Edmure not looking convinced.

"And what do you propose we do Father? Bend the knee? Confess to crimes our House supposedly did like this message claims? No! I will defend our House and its honor with my dying breath!" exclaimed Edmure with Holster sighing.

"By the Seven, I have raised a halfwit. You don't get it Edmure. You never do no matter how hard I try. Your pride and arrogance will doom this House long after I am gone. In a way, the Gods are punishing me through my son and heir. All my faults I had during my youth have ultimately transferred onto you. I ignored them before realizing they should have been stamped out, but by that point it was too late. I should have never agreed with Lord Arryn back in those days before the rebellion. I should have just said no him and to the arranged marriages, even though it strengthened our House tremendously," remarked Holster in semi-defeat of his situation.

"And give up all the power gained from our loyalty to King Robert?" questioned Edmure with Holster sighing again.

"What good is this so called power, if you are dead? Edmure, you fail to realize that the only reason we are strong is because Robert won at the Trident and we supported him at the time. Do you think it would be that way if Rheagar had won? No! We would have been stripped of our lands and titles as a powerful House. For once in your life, learn to think before you speak your mind," commented Holster knowing he couldn't get out of this mess he had created all those years ago.

Perhaps it was the for the best. Perhaps the Gods were sick of the lie and the people who had thrived using it for so long.

The faint, yet no less powerful roar of the dragon flying around in the distance had only further enforced his decision to accept. However, his worries did not leave him, as he glanced at his stubborn son, wondering if Edmure would do something stupid to provoke the dragon.

(King's Landing-Nearly a Moon Later)

Olenna Tyrell was not fond of King's Landing. It was crowded. Smelled bad. The people here were struggling to survive each day under King Robert's rule while the minority of them making up the stupidly rich in the city got even richer. How could anyone let this happen to a city meant for a King? Or a Queen? She had made it her business to rarely ever set foot in the Capital after the Stag ruled, preferring to send her oaf of a son Mace to do it while making sure the man understood what he was meant to do when he was here on business before reporting back the end result.

Of course now, this situation required her to personally see things through since meeting the new King required a firm hand and sharp mind.

When a secret message had been sent to her by Varys of all people about there being an actual Targaryen being alive and planning to make a claim for the Iron Throne, she had been skeptical. A ploy? A trick? A trap by Robert Baratheon to reveal House Tyrell was still loyal to the dragon and as such have their title as Paramount be stripped and given to someone else? Mace thought so, but Mace was an idiot at times, and would always puff his chest out for every compliment given.

Regardless of whether it was true or false in its delivery. Still, his concerns did have some merit given the serpents slithering around at Court.

So she did some digging with her own spies to know more. Discreetly of course given it could be a trap and Mace might be right for once. She even met the Spider in secret once or twice. How the man can get away from the city and not be noticed was a testament to the Spy Master's skills and why he was the Master of Whispers.

"Is it true? He is a Targaryen? Not a mummer?"

"All of it my Lady. As true born as your own children and grandchildren. Naturally, there is evidence to support his claim if you still have doubts. I can even provide you with the location of the documents in order to obtain such proof. Provided you can obtain said documentation and are willing to personally hand all of it to the King himself after he sits on the Iron Throne."

"If it gets my Granddaughter on the Iron Throne as Queen, I have no problem with that. Where would I find the means to support the King?"

"At the Citadel. The Maesters there have it, but I am told they don't even know it even exists. Which is probably for the best given how in these current times, they were never fond of House Targaryen. You will need to get a man into the Citadel and find a way to gain access to the books and documents currently located in the restricted area of the Citadel library. Do you have such a man capable of this?"

"Sadly no. Not yet. But I might know someone who might wish to carry out the deed if it benefitted his House in our eyes and the eyes of the King."

"Oh?! You have someone in mind? May I ask who?"

"For now, it is best you not know who just in case it fails. But if what I am told is true of the man I have in mind, being a Maester is what he has wanted from the start. All the lad needs is a chance to get his foot in the door and an influential sponsor."

"And for a sponsor, the Queen of Thorns has no equal short of the throne itself."

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me Spider. I will make the arrangements on my end. You do what it is you do on yours."

And sure enough, Olenna found her man from House Tarly, who was Randyll Tarly's son and heir Samwell. Though she had heard in recent Moons of the man's disappointment of his eldest son being fat and not considered worthy of being the next Head of Horn Hill. Word an rumor also reached her that the ever strict man was going to send his gentle son to the Night's Watch, which Olenna felt was harsh considering the man did it to remove the presence of the fat young man from his sight over some sense of duty to the realm.

But Olenna couldn't have that happen. In a conversation she had in passing with young Samwell's Mother a few years ago, she recalled hearing how the boy loved to read books. He thought the idea of becoming a Maester was ideal, but his Father hated it since it was "soft work" for a man, and thus was unbefitting of a Tarly. It made Olenna scoff since it was clear Randyll was still the angry man she had known since he was a small boy with that same grouchy look on his face.

Still, Olenna was not about to let the boy go without using such a resource at least once before he was sent away. Besides, being a Maester held the same responsibilities as those of the Night's Watch, except they didn't use a sword. If anything, the boy would thrive in the Citadel, be happy learning there, and still give his Father what he wanted in forsaking his title as heir to Horn Hill.

But Randyll was always an angry man, who felt his way was the only way, and anyone who thought otherwise within his own House was a fool. But Olenna saw the man as a fool. Oh he was a warrior at heart and wished his son and heir was one too. But the boy was not one. He was fat and gentle. Not dimwitted or an oaf like Mace. But a gentle boy turned man, who wanted to learn through books, and use the knowledge obtained to help others with their problems.

Which was exactly what she intended the boy to do with his future. And of course, ask him for something in return for her generosity.

"You wished to see me Lady Olenna."

"Of course. Come here child. Don't be afraid. Contrary to rumors and reputation, I won't hurt you unless it is well deserved."

"Thank you my Lady. And thank you for inviting me to your home. I am truly honored."

"Thank you child. You are one of the few who actually say what you mean. I like that in my guests."

"If I may ask my Lady, why did you wish to speak to me so suddenly. When I read your message asking for my presence, it baffled everyone in my family. Including my Father."

"Because I heard of your Father's plan for you child. I don't agree with them."

"H-His plans for me?"

"Yes. How he wants you to join the Night's Watch. To forsake your claim to lands and titles so your brother can be the heir to Horn Hill."

"And he would be within his right to do it. I am not really good at anything like wielding a sword or firing an arrow from a bow. My only skill is reading books and understanding things. Father said its soft work and meant for the lazy."

"Knowledge is power child. There is nothing shameful of learning with books. From what your Mother told me when I saw her last, you wanted to become a Maester. To learn at the Citadel."

"Yes. I told Father about it. How I could still have what I wanted and he could have his own wishes met. But he refused. He said it was the Night's Watch or...or..."

"Or what child?"

"I didn't want to say or admit this to anyone, but...my Father has no fear of seeing me dead. Possibly by his own hands. On the morning of my eighteenth nameday, my father came to me. You're almost a man now, he said, but you're not worthy of my land and title. Tomorrow you're going to take the black, forsake all claims to your inheritance and start north. If you don't, we will have a hunt, and you will be die from being thrown from your horse. Or that is what I will tell your Mother."

"I see. It is fortunate my letter reached you when it did. Your Father has always been a very direct man in getting what he wants without considering others or their feelings. My oaf of a son had a hand in that during Robert's Rebellion. Your Father won the day, but my son took the credit for the victories. It left Randyll quite angry and bitter."

"I see. My Father has grumbled once or twice about the issue."

"I'm sure he did. But that is still no reason to send you to the Wall when the Citadel will do just as nicely. And is much warmer to boot."

"It would be nice to go to the Citadel my Lady. But my Father made it clear I would be going to the Wall once I finish my time here with you. I cannot disobey him."

"Actually, you can sweet child. Especially if I order you too. While Randyll Tarly is your Father, he answers to me and my House. If I say you are going to be a Maester, you are going to be a Maester. In fact, I intend to sponsor you for such a position so you can. If he has a problem with that, I will gladly explain it to him."

"T-Thank you my Lady. I am truly honored. I will never forget this generosity! I promise on my family name to do my best to make you proud."

"I have no doubt you will child. In fact, I believe I will need your help in the Moons to come regarding something the Maesters have in the Citadel. I won't say what it is for now since you won't have the means to get close to accessing what I need when you first arrive. But when the time comes, I will send you a raven with instructions on what I need you to obtain from the Citadel to send to me. Can you do that for me young Samwell?"

"O-Of course Lady Olenna. I will not let you down."

"I know you won't child. Now go make me and your family proud. I will deal with your Father when he comes to raise a fuss."

And oh had the Lord of Horn Hill raised a fuss. He came into her home angry, scowling, and sat down in front of her before demanding an explanation on why his son was going to the Citadel over the Wall? She had provided one of course. One Randyll Tarly didn't like given it made his son happy, even if it did give the man what he wanted in removing his eldest from the line of succession.

"The boy is soft. He won't amount to anything. Learning to be a Maester is an insult to the Tarly name."

"And going to the Wall would be better? You know as well as I do that what awaits him there is not pleasant and its not a means to improve himself. Murders, rapists, thieves, and other vile men go to that place. Not to mention the Wildlings living over the Wall trying to get over it. Being a Maester gives you what you want just as easily without the need to send him so far away."

"Your point being my Lady? You make it sound as if I should care about my failure for a son's happiness. I don't. He is fat. Incompetent. And his Mother coddled him too much as a baby through his childhood. When my second son was born, I knew the Gods had made a mistake in making Samwell my first son and Dickon my second. So I decided to correct the mistake by removing him from my sight. There is no place further from Horn Hill I could have my son go then the Wall."

"Well Lord Tarly, it just so happens I have found a use for your apparently not so useless son, and it requires he become a Maester at the Citadel. Besides, there may come a day where he serves a House of a prestigious Lord as its Maester. Or even serve the King as the Grand Maester and serve on the Small Council. Surely that would make you proud?"

"With all respect Lady Olenna, I do not have high hopes for Samwell. Perhaps, if he is assigned to a reputable House or the King, I would feel some measure of pride. But my son will never achieve such status. You can choose to believe my son will achieve such goals, but I will not."

"No. I suppose you don' care or believe. Just as you don't have any intention of telling your wife the truth about your threat to her son's life if he didn't go to the Wall, right?"

(Cue a long silence)

"I won't dignify that with a response since he is my son and I will handle him as I see fit."

"And you forget Lord Tarly, my House is Paramount, which you are sworn to support, and to defend when called upon. Meaning any of the people living in the Reach and High Garden fall under my House's domain. And it would be negligent of me to ignore such a thing such as kin slaying from one of the Lords under my House's domain would shame us both. One for not stopping it and one for performing it. Now, I am willing to let your threat to young Samwell slide. However, I do not want you opposing the boy in his quest to be something where he will thrive when in the proper environment."

(Cue a long silence)

"As you command Lady Olenna."

"I know you have your doubts about your son Lord Tarly. But ask yourself this, if I did not believe Samwell could be useful as a Maester at the Citadel, would I have sponsored him for it?"

She had given the brooding Tarly man some food for thought and it clearly stuck with him when leaving. Hopefully, the seeds she planted in regards to the young lad's worth would take root. Randyll was a good man, but he was so serious about everything, and just couldn't take a moment to consider how his children or wife felt about things. She could only hope this situation with Aegon being the new King would benefit House Tarly to the point where the man wouldn't be so...angry all the time.

Fortunately, young Samwell had proven his worth. The young man had taken well to his Maester duties. Reading everything he could get his slightly chubby hands on, learning new things, asking questions regarding various problems, ideas, and really trying to be something. The boy had quite the thirst for knowledge, which is what Maesters tried to obtain and use when necessary. So it was no surprise to Olenna when the young man had sent her a raven every so often, detailing his progress, his happiness clear in his words, and thanking her for the sponsoring in each message he sent. While many would see this as another person being a toady and trying to suck up to her, Olenna knew better when she first met the shy roundish boy. These were not a message written by someone who wished to gain more favor using sweet kind words. It was written by someone who did appreciate what she did and wanted her to know each time because he was that grateful.

So when the time came to make a request of him to obtain something from the section that was restricted to high level Maesters, her fears of him failing were minimal. Even more so when there were time when another Maester required the young student enter that area to get restricted material on their behalf. As such, Samwell knew where the keys were kept, which key gave him access, and where to look for something Olenna might want him to obtain discreetly.

Which he did. The boy had found what she requested and literally placed it in her hands with a proud smile on his face. Samwell even marked key passages in the documents just to cut down on the time needed to read everything. And Randyll called the boy weak and ill fit. Ha! If the man only knew how dedicated boy was to his work, Olenna had no doubt even the Lord of Horn Hill would be impressed.

Now if only her own oaf of a son was that good at doing work when called upon.

When she stepped out of her carriage, Olenna had noticed two dragons soaring in the air around the Red Keep. The third one (because there was always three) was nowhere to be found. Behind the Queen of the Thorns, her Granddaughter Margery, soon came out of the carriage with her, looking at the great creatures in awe. The Tyrell army now around her was a little nervous, which didn't surprise the elderly woman given the sight of the giant beasts, and there was suppose to be another one somewhere. They had heard how just one of the dragons had basically destroyed the Lannister army with only a handful of the thousands upon thousands of Lannister men surviving.

All the more reason to be loyal to the dragon at this point. Flowers always burned easily and didn't grow strong when consumed in the flames of such creatures. Even more so when they were angry for something they know you did wrong.

"What do you think the King is like Mother?" asked Mace while in his finest clothes so he could impress the King.

Something which she doubted, but wouldn't tell him.

"With any luck, he's better then the last two Kings who preceded him on the damn ugly chair. Come along Mace. Margery," said Olenna before heading to the Red Keep while finally seeing the third had come from the bay area.

And sure enough upon entering the throne room, she saw the new King sitting straight in the chair. Robert had always slumped or looked bored in it when having to deal with the affairs of the people. But not Aegon. No. He was wearing his mask to hide his face, but his form was no less intimidating. While not as muscular as say the Usurper in his prime, Aegon was clearly well built with a lean figure to balance strength with agility.

Stories had already spread of his sword skills and other rumored abilities used against the Lannister forces, who had been in this very room, and had fallen single handedly by this man.

Beside the King on the right was Ser Barristan himself. Ever vigilant. Ever watchful in protecting the King who sat on the Iron Throne. Only now, the man clearly had a sense of purpose as well as pride on his face. As if a life long dream or desire was being fulfilled at this very moment.

Beside Aegon on his left, sitting in a chair of regal status befitting royalty, was Princess Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen. The silver haired woman was beautiful and Olenna had to unfortunately admit to herself that the girl's beauty might actually surpass Margery's own. A small fear of the Targaryens practicing incest with family came to mind, but it was clear that they didn't show that kind of affection for each other. They showed sibling affection, but of a respectable nature and not the kind she had been informed Cersei and Jamie had done behind Robert Baratheon's back.

Beside the Princess was an exotic woman standing close to her, wearing something that was no doubt from Essos. It showed off the young woman's curves and beauty with its skin tight fitting form not unlike the Unsullied, but in a more sensual way. But it wasn't too revealing either, so you could say the dark skinned woman wasn't dressed more like a whore over that of a lady.

To Aegon's left was Varys. The Spider. Like Ser Barristan, the eunuch was also watching everything around him. Staring at those who came and left or stayed while no doubt deep in thought with schemes and plans for his next move. Whether to support Aegon or plot against him, Olenna didn't know. But for now, she believed he was supporting the dragon over moving against it.

Standing beside Aegon was Ned Stark himself. The man sporting the Hand of the King pin on his chest to show his position had been restored once more. Though it was clear the man did not like being in this city, much less this very room. And rightfully so given how its history with the Starks had not been positive to say the least. Losing a Lord and his heir over 20 years ago with the most recent events costing the current Warden of the North his bannermen who came here with him. Not to mention said Warden himself nearly being executed on the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor itself.

Olenna had to admit, the man had courage to stay here in King's Landing as Hand of the King after all of that. It proved the Starks were made of some pretty strong stuff when feeling the weight of such pressure.

And at the bottom of steps leading up to the Iron Throne were the infamous Unsullied, all standing at attention waiting to be given orders by the King. Of course what stood here in front of them was merely a fraction of the overall army the King's Aunt had brought over from Essos. Even she had heard the stories of the Unsullied, how they were trained, and what was done to them to make these slave soldiers into an efficient fighting force.

Barbaric sure enough, but she could not deny the discipline they possessed was nothing to scoff at when seeing them all watching with diligent eyes. Each one ready to defend the ones who broke their chains, gave them freedom, and happiness beyond anything that anyone else could have given them if they were to serve another Master. And it was not just the Unsullied either, as many former slaves, now free men and women, had chosen to follow them here to Westeros to live directly under the rule of the dragon.

"Now introducing Lady Olenna, her son Mace, and Granddaughter Margery from House Tyrell!" announced the Herald at the door.

"Welcome to King's Landing Lady Olenna. The same to you as well Lord Mace and Lady Margery. I hereby welcome you into the Red Keep and the army you brought to further assist the city's growing stability," said Aegon with Mace puffing out his chest and face as usual while Olenna gave a small curtsey.

"It is good to be back in King's Landing your Grace. House Tyrell is proud to march its army in the name of the Targaryens once more," declared Mace proudly with chest out like a puffer fish.

"I am pleased to hear it Lord Mace. I know House Tyrell has been loyal supporters of my House for ages long past. When things have settled, I intend to reward that loyalty," said Aegon with Mace nodding while Olenna approached with the item in hand.

"To further show our loyalty towards House Targaryen, the items you requested are here your Grace," said Olenna while handing the journal and other documents to Ser Barristan, who handed them to Aegon to review.

"Once more you have done my House a great honor Lady Olenna. This act of loyalty will not be forgotten," replied Aegon with Olenna smiling and followed Mace to their spot in the throne room.

Soon, more Lords and Ladies of major Houses or representing major Houses entered the room, which soon became filled with people. Some talking to others. Spreading rumors and speculation on what was going to happen with the Targaryens now back in power. Would the supporters of King Robert during the Rebellion be punished? Would Wardens lose their position and new ones take their place?

As for Olenna, she had observed each of them in the room. Some were happy. Some were fearful. Some were unsure how to feel. The Tullys were clearly scared though Holster for all his years of fighting in wars and battles was surprisingly the most nervous one. She of course knew why the man was scared right now given the history the fish had with House Targaryen before Robert's Rebellion.

House Arryn had not shown up yet. A clear smack in the face if there ever was one since Lysa Arryn felt no one could touch her or her son in the Vale. Olenna silently scoffed at this given how Aegon could simply use his dragons to make the woman realize there was no place in the Vale you could escape the dragon. Though perhaps the Blackfish was here representing House Arryn as well as House Tully, but the Queen of Thorns doubted it. If Lysa Arryn wasn't coming, she wasn't going to send the Captain of the Bloody Gate to King's Landing. Olenna also guessed that the other Lords of the Vale weren't here due to the stupid woman commanding them not to come either.

House Stark and the Northern Lords with them were clearly nervous, yet trying to remain calm while looking at the Hand of the King. The man's daughters were also standing by their Mother and the other Northern Lords. Clearly happy to be around those of the North and felt safe in their presence. Seeing Lord Stark standing there alive and as Hand of the King also gave them some measure of reassurance. The loyalty these Lords had for their Paramount was inspiring since so many of them marched an impressive host for an army South to rescue the man. Even if he had been executed, Olenna believed they would still march with the intent of making lions bleed quite a bit for losing there Lord Paramount.

House Martell was being represented by Oberyn Martell, the man's Paramour, and had even brought his four bastard daughters. The infamous Sand Snakes. All four of the girls beside their Father were vicious little things with their choice of weapons and knowledge of poisons that House Martell was known to use. Each of them was anxious for things to start and see the secret deal made by Aegon to Prince Doran be upheld. Olenna was not a fool when it came to knowing what House Martell wanted. Dorne were passionate people in the ways of life and while many of the faith would claim it was sinful, Olenna knew it was more then that. When Elia Martell had been brutally violated and murdered, all of Dorne wanted to go to war if not for the fact they didn't have the strength to win it. So they waited and waited and waited for years until the time was right to strike at those who had done them wrong. All the while, letting the rage and hate burn within them like the heat from the deserts Dorne possessed. Even Olenna wondered just how much longer that House would wait until they unleashed the full might of Dorne on their enemies.

Though now, it looks like they wouldn't have to wait much longer.

Near them, Olenna saw Stannis Baratheon being his usual serious self and watchful as ever with his mind no doubt trying to weigh the situation in front of him. Not surprising given his late older brother was an Usurper in the eyes of the dragon sitting on the Iron Throne. Renly wasn't here, which meant he was not willing to support the change and wished to be King himself. Just as Loras had told her, which was foolish on Renly's part given the rules of succession would never allow the man to sit in that ugly chair with the way things were now.

And to make things worse, Olenna's Grandson Loras had left the Reach to be with Renly in his quest to make it happen. The stupid boy had gone against the command of both her and Mace. They knew what would happen with Renly being crushed in his attempts and the man was going to take her Grandson down with him. Olenna would have to ask the King for mercy when it came to that boy not being killed or sent to the Wall for his desire to be with his secret lover. House Tyrell had fortunately gained some political currency with their recent actions, which was good because it could be used to save the idiot boy from ruining his future.

House Lannister was clearly the most worried out of everyone here if the sight of Kevan Lannister and Tyrion Lannister being nervous was any indication. Most of their army was lost, what was left had been forced to retreat back to Casterly Rock, Tywin's eldest son, Ser Jamie Lannister and often called Kingslayer, was captured. The Mountain was also locked up in heavy chains after being caught in a trap in the Riverlands. The story behind that tale was an ambush using forces consisting of House Stark and Tully forces aimed at attacking the Mountain at a river near a Stone Mill.

After seeing the overwhelming odds were against even him, the giant of a man had found himself fleeing the battle while his men died or were captured. It was said the mad dog of House Lannister would have escaped too, but was stopped by two unexpected forces that came into the mix. One was a dragon blocking the Mountain's path on his horse with fire. The second came surprisingly in the form of a white as pure white as snow dire wolf of all things, which was apparently the size of a horse, flanked the Mountain's ride, and had ripped the back legs of the animal clean off. This caused Gregor Clegane to fall off his now crippled horse and the angle of the animal had caused it to fall right on top of the Mountain for good measure. Before he could even throw the animal off his body, the snow white dire wolf had started mauling the monster's face with teeth and claws before retreating back into the woods where it came.

And surprisingly no one had seen it since that day, but Olenna suspected it would now turn up soon. Word has it, Lord Stark had found a dead female dire wolf, who had given birth to six dire wolf pups, and kept them all at the pleading of his second youngest son. Lord Stark had seen it as a sign from the Gods to keep them for each of his children with the white one being taken by him for a time in the belief it was his own.

Only for it to run off when it grew large enough to be on its own in the wild. From what Olenna could piece together over the event, Lord Stark took the loss surprisingly hard, as if there was some secret meaning behind the snow white dire wolf leaving Winterfell, but no one really knew what.

In regards to the Mountain's partner in crime, Armory Lorch, he was with the Lannister army at Harrenhal, but upon seeing where the wind was blowing, the ugly pig monster had tried to get to the nearest town with a port in order to leave the Seven Kingdoms. Sadly, for Armory Lorch that is, the reach of a dragon goes far beyond that of the Seven Kingdoms, and the great creature had descended upon him from the sky before the man could get to the boat. From the story told from those who saw everything that happen, the dragon enjoyed the taste of roasted pig monster before it returned to the skies once more.

House Martell had been especially happy with that news given what the man had done to Elia Martell's daughter when King's Landing was sacked. Olenna knew the Mountain and Tywin Lannister dying painful deaths in the name of justice were the only things left in this world that could appease Dorne.

Speaking of the old lion, she noticed he wasn't with his brother and youngest son. Did he not show up? Or was he arrested soon after entering the city to face judgment?

With a raise of his hand, the room became silent, and Aegon slowly rose from his seat of power. His masked face being the focus of everyone staring back at him. He took several steps forward until he was standing tall and proud in front of the steps of dais where the Iron Throne sat. His gaze while unseen behind the mask could be felt by all in the room. They could feel his eyes behind the mask looking at each and every one of them with an intensity that slowly became thick within the room.

"As many of you know from my letters I sent out, my name is Aegon. Aegon of House Targaryen. Some of you still suspect I am a mummer or a bastard Blackfyre. How I am using Daenerys, my Aunt, as a means to sit on the Iron Throne. I am neither mummer or bastard. I am true born. I am Rheagar Targaryen's son. Some of you think it is not true due to the story of Gregor Clegane killing Elia Martell's son Aegon when he was just babe in his crib when Tywin Lannister sacked this very city we stand in. I am not that Aegon Targaryen. But I was named Aegon by my Mother, who married my Father in secret after he had his marriage to Elia Martell annulled. An annulment both Rheagar and Elia agreed to given the man had fallen in love with my Mother," said Aegon with many in the room looking on shocked and some whispering amongst each other.

"Begging your pardon your Grace, but...who is your Mother?" asked Lord Blackwood from the Riverlands, who decided to come with his Liege Lord to see this Targaryen King sitting on the Iron Throne.

"My Mother was none other then Lyanna Stark. The She-Wolf of House Stark and the North," replied Aegon before he removed his mask from his head to reveal his face to the Lords and Ladies in front of him.

And in that moment, Catelyn Tully Stark gasped since she knew that face even after all these years of not seeing him in the North. The hair, the eyes, the overall facial features had matured since last seeing them years ago since that fateful day in the North. When she had smacked him the face, smacked the harp out of his hands, and crushed it beneath her feet. How she told the boy his place in life as a bastard, her husband's bastard, was beneath those who were true born like herself. Like her sons and daughters. Lady Stark had used her position as Lady of Winterfell and Ned Stark's wife to make Jon's life there miserable behind her husband's back.

Only now, he was the King. Only now, was it revealed he wasn't a bastard. He was true born. Of royal blood. He wasn't even Jon Snow. He was Aegon Targaryen!

Glancing at her husband, she saw the guilty look he sent since it was clear the man had wanted to say something prior to this. But why didn't he say anything? Why didn't her husband ever say anything about the boy's lineage? Surely he could have trusted his own wife and told her in confidence.

So why didn't he say anything?

Any further thoughts were interrupted by the shocked gasps and whispers from the rest of the room since many of the Lords and Ladies here did not expected this.

"Lyanna Stark was raped by Rheagar Targaryen!" exclaimed one of the Lords near House Martell.

"According to who my Lord? I will tell you who with a question. Who spread those lies and rumors about my Father? Who told everyone that Rheagar Targaryen kidnapped and raped Lyanna Stark? She was of the North. A fierce She-Wolf that no man throughout the Seven Kingdoms could tame. Do you think my mother would or could be taken so easily without a fight? Raped by someone so easily without a fight? Do you think men from the Kingsguard like Ser Arthur Dayne, who you all know as the Sword of the Morning, an honorable man through and through would follow Prince Rheagar? That he would simply standby and let him rape my mother? Just standing by and doing nothing while Rheagar supposedly committing the vile act? No! There was no rape. There was no kidnapping. Lyanna Stark fell in love with Rheagar and he loved her back. They had married in secret before the Old Gods and the New. What you all heard were lies. Lies to demonize my Father in order to support the Usurper Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn so they could take the throne from my House!" declared Aegon with more murmurs and whispers by mostly everyone in the room.

"I take it you have proof of this your Grace?" asked Roose Bolton while Aegon glanced at him with piercing eyes that made even the Lord of the Dreadfort nervous.

"I do. I have documentation proving the marriage Rheagar had with Elia Martell was annulled with both consenting to it. The only reason Elia and her children were unable to leave the city was because my Grandfather wouldn't allow it. They were meant to kept as hostages so Dorne could fight for the Crown and at the same time keep Rheagar from trying to take it from him. I also have the marriage certificate between my parents, which they both signed, and is dated within moons of the previous marriage's annulment. I even have my Uncle here to testify to what my mother told him at the Tower of Joy in Dorne all those years ago just before she died bringing me into the world," replied Aegon with many in the room now nodding since it was clear such proof made his claim iron clad.

"But what about the madness in your blood? Or your Aunt sitting behind you? She is the Mad King's daughter just as you are the Mad King's Grandson," said Lord Glover with some mumbling in agreement.

"I will not defend my Grandfather or his actions. They were wrong! He lived up to his name for being mad, but the source of the madness was not of his blood like people have come to believe, but something else. Something I will explain that later at another time to the various Lords in this room. What you do need to know, is Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn conspired with other Houses to overthrow mine. Robert never loved my mother. He wanted only to conqueror my mother and parade his victory in front of others like a trophy to show off. It was why he was so eager to be married to her in the first place and angry when she left with Rheagar. Some of you may say my mother should have done her duty as a lady. To swallow her Northern pride and married Robert. But given how we all know of his drinking and whoring ways, would she have been happy? Would any of the Lords here with daughters and sisters, be happy if their kin were old enough to marry Robert Baratheon, and see him for the man he became following the Rebellion? See him as a drunkard? See him as an unfaithful man, who slept around with countless whores in brothels, and wenches in taverns while siring roughly twenty bastards? Could you see them happy in a marriage with that man regardless if he was King or not?" questioned Aegon with many of the Lords frowning in thought since they knew of Robert's appetites for women when ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

And they had to admit, their daughters and sisters would not be happy married to Robert regardless if he was King or not. So why should a She-Wolf like Lyanna be any different in regards to this?

"As the new King of the Seven Kingdoms, one of my duties is to bring justice against all injustices that someone of my position must face. One such injustice, is treason against the Crown and the dragon. A treason committed by the Lion, the Falcon, the Fish, and the Stag!" declared Aegon with Stannis now looking nervous for a moment, but stayed where he was despite some eyes on him.

"What of the North? They joined the fight as well!" said Edmure Tully while the Lords from the North glared at him and his Uncle was whispering for him to shut up.

"The North and House Stark were deceived. My Uncle here joined the cause because of what happened to his Father and brother and what he believed had happened to his sister. I have found Lord Arryn's personal journal, which he kept secret to write things down. In the near beginning of this journal, he detailed his plans to use my Uncle into the fold and gain his loyalty through the Fostering. By doing this with my Uncle, the North would be brought into the fold when the Usurper started the Rebellion. It states of how he would tell my Uncle the lie about Rheagar kidnapping Lyanna Stark and hearing rumors of him repeatedly raping her. Considering what the Mad King was said to do to his own sister after seeing people burn alive, it was only natural some people would believe Rheagar would do it too. It goes on to name Holster of House Tully as one of the conspirators in the plot through an arranged marriage with both House Stark and House Arryn to secure the needed armies to challenge those loyal to House Targaryen. The only other House who could shift the balance of power in either House's favor was House Lannister, who Lord Arryn tried to convince later in the war to fight for the Stag. Lord Arryn promised Tywin Lannister that Robert would marry Cersei when he was crowned King and thus tie the Lion to royalty. But Tywin was not a fool. He could not join because both sides were still evenly matched throughout the war. As such, the old lion had told Lord Arryn that he would only join the Usurper's side if Rheagar was killed during the fighting, and would help ensure Rheagar's bloodline did not challenge Robert's when taking the Iron Throne," said Aegon with many Lords and Ladies wincing since they knew what Tywin did when ordering the sacking of King's Landing.

The look on Prince Oberyn's face told everyone what he was thinking at that moment in reference to what Tywin had planned.

'Keep your promise to us dragon. You promised us justice!' thought Oberyn while he gave a quick glance at House Lannister with a small glare.

"Seeing as the Usurper is dead along with Lord Arryn, I have no reason to exact revenge on their Houses any longer. My anger is with the men themselves. Not their Houses. But I will see to it those remaining and other accomplices are punished for their own crimes. Bring them in!" commanded Aegon to the Unsullied in the back.

And soon everyone turned to see who was being brought into the room. Many gasped in shock at seeing who was brought in chains by the Unsullied. First, was former Master of Coin, Petyr Baelish, who had looked like he had seen better days. He had resisted in just about everyway imaginable to get out of the Black Cells, but none of his attempts through pleading, commanding, bribing, threatening, blackmailing, and fighting the guards had worked. Even more so when the Unsullied were assigned to guard the prisoners to ensure no one successfully escaped. In the end, the former Master of Coin had been crippled by a spear to his right leg during a scuffle a few days ago in an attempt to escape.

The next to come into the room was Tywin Lannister. The man had come with his family to King's Landing in his finest armor to possibly go out being remember as a man from a great House. Said armor had been forcibly removed at spear point and was given simple clothing to wear for this before being put in chains. While not harmed physically, he was relocated to the Black Cells without Kevan or Tyrion knowing where he had been taken soon after their initial arrival. During his time in the Black Cells, he had to hear Joffrey's repeated whining and empty threats with Cersei doing the same while stating what her Father would do to the dragon.

The third, fourth, and fifth person to come into the room was Tywin's daughter Cersei, his son Jamie, and grandson Joffrey. None of them looked like members of high society. Their clothing was dirty and torn. The same for their faces and hair. Joffrey even had a mean looking black eye from Sandor Clegane, who punched him in the eye earlier, and had him gagged to shut his mouth before they were brought here from the Black Cells.

Cersei was openly glaring at anyone would dare look at her and vowed to make them all pay one way or another. Jamie Lannister no longer looked arrogant or cocky given is time as a prisoner of the North and even less of it when one of the guards from House Umber told him of how a dragon had burned most of House Lannister's army to ashes. How the Targaryens were now back in power and they would be itching to see the lions brought low. He didn't want to believe it at first, but soon hearing the rumors from the other men in the camp echoing throughout about the dragons flying over King's Landing...the man started to believe it.

Cersei was a different issue. She had tried bite, scratch, claw, and do everything in her power, even seduce others, to escape the Black Cells. The last one did not work because her guards had been Unsullied and thus did not work on them. But the fighting was soon taken out of her when Aegon commanded she be brought to him for a small conversation about her House's future.

(Flashback-Days Prior)

Cersei was brought into the room by the Unsullied. Her wrists and ankles were shackled with chains rattling as she walked. The woman had fought them every step of the way, but her already weakened strength was no match for the sheer muscle of the eunuch men taking her to their King. When they entered the room, Cersei saw it was the King's solar where the work was usually done despite Robert using it for fucking his whores one after the other.

But unlike when Robert used this room, the stench of sex and wine were none existent here with the new King clearing out anything related to his predecessor. The room was more organized from what she could see and it was clear this Targaryen meant business.

Speaking of the man, he was sitting in his own chair at the desk in front of her with that Seven cursed masked helmet on. She hated it. Not only because it secretly frightened her given its design, but Cersei could not read the man's face and know what he was thinking. She needed to know in order to outmaneuver him one way or another. To get sense of his mood so it could be turned against him with words and if necessary seducing the man in order to gain the upper hand. While not at her best right now, Cersei knew if she could turn up the seduction level high enough, any man would give into temptation to fuck her.

And when he did, Cersei would strike while choking the life out of him with her bare hands while smiling all the way through it.

Or at least she would, if not for the fact Ser Barristan was in the room with two Unsullied at the only door being the entrance and exit behind her.

"Hello Cersei. I trust your time living in the Black Cells has been accommodating to one of your station?" asked Aegon with Cersei snarling slightly at him.

"You are making a big mistake doing this to me. Treating me, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, like some criminal. Along with my eldest son no less. Where are Tommen and Myrcella?" questioned Cersei while she glared at the King.

"They are both fine. They are being watched over by Ser Jorah Mormont and our Lady Missandei. Unlike you and your son Joffrey, I do not torment innocent lives for some cruel form of amusement. I will not stoop so low as to act like a monster and then hide behind my title of King like your son has done. As you as Queen have done," commented Aegon with Cersei clearly not caring about such things.

"I am a lioness. My son is a lion. My Father told us long ago that lions do not care about the opinion of sheep. That is what the people are here in King's Landing and throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Mere sheep. Mindless sheep," commented Cersei with Aegon not moving in the slightest.

"And yet, even the lion must bow before the might of the dragon," countered Aegon with Cersei glaring now.

"Lions bow to no one. Not even dragons!" challenged Cersei with anger burning in her eyes.

"And yet your Father is coming here to bow to me," replied Aegon with Cersei smirking at him now.

"My Father is going to come here with an army. Our House's army. He is going to crush your House once and for all. I'm sure you heard the stories of how he crushed two Houses that rebelled against him and what happened to King's Landing when sacking this very city. I guarantee my Father will do far worse to you and to King's Landing in order to get his family back. To make you pay for what you did to me. To Joffrey. To all Lannister bannermen who were killed because of you. A Lannister always pays his or her debts," said Cersei with Aegon, to her surprise, letting out a chuckle at the threat.

"I am well aware of the saying Cersei. I am also aware of how ruthless and cruel your Father can be when it comes to hurting people. Which is why I have taken the initiative here to make him pay some of his debts by destroying most of House Lannister's army and its desire to fight. Or rather, his desire to fight. Your Father isn't coming here with an army to sack the city and crush me. No, he is going to come here, bend the knee, and beg for his House to be spared from being burned to the ground," replied Aegon with Cersei looking at him in disbelief.

"You lie! My Father would never do that. He is a lion! Like me! Like Jamie!" exclaimed Cersei, but it was clear to Aegon there was a sliver of doubt.

"Did you not see the dragons out there? The bigger one of the two, is named Vaderon. I had him go to your Father's military encampment and burn it down. Only your Father, your Uncle, and little brother Tyrion, the only family left among the army with them, are alive from that attack. My dragon burned or devoured everyone else. What is left of your Father's army at Harrenhal has retreated back to Casterly Rock on his orders. I sent him a message stating he was to come bend the knee or else both of my dragons would finish the job and burn the West to the ground. Can you see it Cersei? See your childhood home burning? All the forests, all the trees, and all the land burning? The gold mine entrances being closed and collapsed with just the velocity of my children flying by over them. I will turn your home into a wasteland filled with nothing, but fire, ash, and death! Your Father knows I will do this without hesitation. I made my point with him already on this, as I stated earlier regarding the Lannister army taking heavy losses," replied Aegon with Cersei looking fearful.

"You wouldn't dare. Such an action would make people rebel against your House once again," said Cersei with Aegon chuckling.

"Considering how your Father did things, I highly doubt it. Besides, I would only destroy Casterly Rock and the surrounding area. The rest of the West would remain untouched for the most part. Still, the sight of your girlhood home burning would be quite a sight," remarked Aegon with Cersei glancing at Ser Barristan.

"And you would let him? You wouldn't say anything to change his mind?" asked Cersei to the Kingsguard.

"It is not my place my Lady. Besides, when your son Joffrey was King for a short time, he did as he pleased regardless if people told him what was right or wrong. Why should this King not do as he pleases?" asked Ser Barristan with Cersei glowering at him.

"My son has every right to be King. You stole it from him! You are the Usurper here," challenged Cersei with Aegon being amused by her words behind his mask.

"That might be true, if I was in fact a mummer, there were no more Targaryens left in the world, and the boy actually was the Usurper's son," said Aegon with Cersei's face going pale for a few seconds, but it was enough to further confirm what the man already knew.

Sending her away, Aegon watched Cersei leave his solar with less confidence, less sure of herself, and that cold dreadful fear of certain secrets coming to light. Even as she was taken back to the Black Cells, her mind screamed out to him though the Force regarding all the fears related to the children she had birthed.

Did the King know the truth about her three children?

Did he know they weren't Robert's, but Jamie's?

If he did, how did the King know?

Who told him? Who betrayed her?

If he knew, would the truth be exposed?

How could she stop him from exposing the truth of her children's real parentage?

"That woman is poison made flesh your Grace. She kills all she touches or claims to love, yet hates everyone around her. To this day, I am happy Cersei never married Rheagar like Tywin Lannister wanted," commented Ser Barristan.

"Of that, I have no doubt Ser Barristan. Some people just can't be with others. Their souls are just too toxic and ugly. They poison and kill everything that's pure," said Aegon with a sigh.

(End Flashback)

A surprise addition to the group of lions was Kevan Lannister's only son, Lancel, who was caught trying to escape the city after Aegon had taken it. Of course, the City Watch had King's Landing under lockdown before he could get out through the gates, and by the time he made it to the city port, no ships were allowed to take anyone onboard. So Lancel hid in the city as best he could before the Spider caught him in one of his webs and was soon grabbed by the City Watch. Usually, word would have spread of the young man's capture by the people, but Lancel had been evading capture for so long by hiding in the dark underbelly of King's Landing. As a result, his appearance had gone from a young man in fancy clothes to that of a low born commoner living in filthy ragged clothing that had seen better days.

When Kevan saw his son, he winced since the boy had clearly had a hand in something nefarious to put him in this position. Either the sword or the Wall awaited the boy unless Kevan did something to prevent it.

The next and final person to come in brought gasps, cries of panic, and some among the court with weapons getting ready to draw them. And for good reason since the person in question was practically a giant. Chained from head to toe, the now disfigured face of one Gregor Clegane was forced into the room by no less than thirty Unsullied with weapons ready, and being watched by Ser Jorah, Jon Connington, and Robb Stark with all of them ready to draw swords if necessary. And behind all of that, stalking silently without even making a noise was the giant snow white dire wolf. Eyeing the Mountain careful with each step, calculating each move made, thinking of where to bite, where to sink its teeth into the flesh of this monster in order to cripple or kill it.

In short, the Mountain was essentially bound in a way where even his own monstrous strength could not help him escape. His arms were forcibly crossed in front of his chest, the hands covered past the elbow in special binder locked in place. The angle of his arms made the use of his strength impossible. The giant of a man also had pole's with binders connected to his wrists, ankles, neck, and even two poles with large binders wrapped around his waist. Each pole was handled by no less than three Unsullied with orders to treat Gregor Clegane with the utmost caution and keep him contained at all costs. To finish off the design, a metal bar with leather straps on each end of it had been fitted for the man's drooling mouth to keep him from biting anyone should they get to close.

It also muffled the man's voice so they wouldn't have to hear him curse everyone around him every single second of every single day.

It was a sight many thought would never come to pass. The infamous Mountain had been contained, if only for the moment, and brought to heel for all to see at Court. Even Tywin Lannister was shocked his prized monster had been caught and contained so effectively when forced to stand in his own area before Lord Connington kicked both knees out of the giant from behind and made Gregor Clegane go to his knees despite it barely reducing his intimidating size.

With the Mountain subdued, the snow white dire wolf made its way to the Iron Throne, the Unsullied easily letting it pass without concern for their King for they were already told to trust the great beast. It soon took a spot beside Aegon, signifying he was not only half dragon, but half wolf too.

A perfect blend of the North and South with the blood of both being in perfect harmony with each other.

Nearby, Sandor Clegane grinned at the sight of his big brother being held this way like some damn side show attraction or freak of nature put on display. The Mountain had been frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal when they had initially tried to restrain him and get the beast of a man here. Which was no small task unto itself given who they had to restrain on the long march to King's Landing. Fortunately, help came along in the form of an unexpected ally found in Harrenhal following House Lannister forces pulling out of the castle with Northern forces coming there soon after to see all the prisoners from this war had been freed.

The ally in question? A former Maester named Qyburn, who was kicked out for carrying out questionable experiments and practices not sanctioned by the Citadel. Still, the man had proven to be useful to Robb Stark when they were transporting the Mountain and the man offered his services in providing potent concoctions that would keep someone like Gregor Clegane docile long enough to get to King's Landing. Which was where Qyburn wanted to go in order to see and possibly study the dragons there. Not to hurt them, but rather to see, study, and learn what he could about their potential since such knowledge was only in ancient or lost books with vague stories being the only other resource to go on.

Now the former Maester would have a chance to be near one after they had been gone for well over a century. To be in a position of power he never thought possible. And all that was asked of him, was complete, if not absolute loyalty to House Targaryen.

Which he gladly gave Aegon earlier in front of the others and was made the new Grand Maester within King's Landing. Oh it was unofficial of course, but Aegon had made it clear that the Maesters, or at least some of them, within the Citadel were not to be trusted.

Qyburn agreed since those stuffy men with their chains and grey robes always acted so high and mighty when they all just sat around talking to each other about nothing. So when Qyburn was approached with a position to get back at the Maesters and be given access to nearly unlimited resources to continue his experiments, he nearly jumped at the chance. Of course, any and all experiments that Qyburn wished to perform would have to have Aegon's approval after careful explanation of what he would doing and what was the intended end result. If Aegon said no to an experiment for whatever reason he chose, the answer was no and was considered final.

Qyburn understood and accepted the conditions since they were not unreasonable.

"Lord Holster Tully, step out among the people, and join this little group of traitors and criminals here in front of me," ordered Aegon with Holster now swallowing a lump in his throat and did as he was told despite some protest from his son.

"Your Grace," said Holster giving a respectful bow while Aegon was glaring at him.

"Do you know why I called you out here to stand before these men? Why I have you beside these traitors and criminals?" asked Aegon with Holster nodding slowly.

"I do," whispered Holster with Aegon scowling.

"Louder Lord Tully. I want them to hear your voice," commanded Aegon with his tone leaving no room for resistance.

"I do," said Holster louder so the room could hear.

"Please, tell the people here why you are standing among those chained in front of us," commanded Aegon with Holster hesitating and looking back at his family.

"I...uh...I...I...I," said Holster while looking nervous since he didn't want this past sins against House Targaryen to be made public.

"Tell the people here why you are here in front of me Lord Tully. Or I will! Do not try my patience!" stated Aegon his voice getting louder with Holster reluctantly nodding.

"I am out here among these traitors and criminals of the Crown and House Targaryen because I, Lord Holster of House Tully, betrayed the dragon. I broke my oath of loyalty to House Targaryen, the same House that brought us up from nothing. I did this in order to raise my House even higher in position and power by supporting the Usurper during the rebellion against the Crown," said Holster with many gasping out loud despite this being common knowledge among the people of House Tully's position during Robert's Rebellion.

Just not the reason. Fighting against a Mad King for justice and peace was one thing due to being a righteous cause. But plotting to do it in advance and for the sake of power was another.

"Good. Now we can begin. Starting with you Lord Tully and your decision to betray my House!" replied Aegon while glaring at the nervous fish in his sights wishing not to say anything about his actions about siding with House Baratheon over House Targaryen.

Not that it mattered anymore. There was no going back now. The dragon standing before this group of traitors and criminals was going to reveal all their crimes for all the Seven Kingdoms to know.

(A/N: YAY! I updated. Dragon's Judgment Part 3 is coming next. As you know, I tried to wrap to make this into two parts, but it got away from me to such an extent that it became so big I had to make this become three parts.

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