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History Strongest Disciple Again? by azndrgn

 Anime » Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Rated: T, English, Adventure & Romance, [Miu F., Kenichi S.] H. Niijima, Words: 269k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Feb 14, 2018 Updated: Sep 2815Chapter 2

Looks like I'm off to a good start! Over 1k view and over 100 fav/follows! Thanks to Third Fang for the shout out!

Also, noticed how nobody ever made a Street FighterxKenichi crossover. I could actually see the potential in that haha!

"Grandpa," said Miu nervously.

"Miu... explain," stated the Elder in a serious tone as he gazed around the room.

The strange boy he saw standing was frozen in the corner with a bunch of electronics. It looked like he was constructing his own computer. Quite talented for someone his age, in his opinion.

Then he glanced around the room to see it was well supplied. A complete gym to work on every possible muscle on the human body. A small refrigerator and microwave for snacks, along with a low table and several pillolw seats. A well-lit room, no windows, only ventilation shafts, and an ac unit to show they had no shortage of electricity. A few boxes full of items he didn't know.

A mat was right in the middle, where Miu and another boy was apparently sparring, and apparently, Miu hadn't been holding back. Then he looked at the boy at the mat and blinked in shock. Though the boy was doing his best to hide his ki, he could tell it was far beyond his age.

'A genius?' mused the Elder, 'Or someone pretending to be young.'

Yet his senses did not lie to him. This boy really was the same age as Miu. Speaking of Miu... when did she get such control over of Dou Ki? He had suspicions, but he hadn't realized she progressed this far.

"Umm... well..," hesitated Miu. trying to think of a lie. She didn't do well under pressure and especially against her grandfather.

Meanwhile, Kenichi and Niijima glanced at each other.

"What should we do?" asked Kenichi, using their Shinpaku hand signals.

"LIE OF COURSE!" fired back Niijima.

"Against the Elder? He can easily catch it."

"... I have no suggestions."

"... Bribery maybe?"

"Against him? What can you even bribe him with?"

"Remember the Choju Giga paintings I forced you to buy for me? The one that cost 200,000 yen? He's a huge fan."

"... You're kidding me."

"Nope. Jerk used his Shockwave of Forgetfulness on me to forget. I only remembered recently after Miu nailed me with a kick to the head and into a textbook that had it during our spar."

"... The evil in you is certainly growing Kenichi! Good, good, the journey to the dark side is going well! Use that power and strike-"

Niijima didn't get to finish the handsigns as Kenichi angrily fired his shoe into his head.

"I'm waiting," growled the Elder.

Miu and Kenichi glanced at each other before nodding, deciding to tell the truth.

"It's a very long story Elder," sighed Kenichi, signaling him to sit down. Miu quickly sat next to him while the Elder slowly followed suit, though being very wary. Niijima quickly served them tea, though he took his special alien soda for himself, and placed a scroll next to him.

"So... then regale me of your tale, then," said the Elder, noticing how close Miu and Kenichi were sitting and disliking it very much. Then again, they were just kids, just twelve years old. Surely it didn't mean much.

"We're from the future, five years from now in the year 2002. We traveled back 10 years from that year, back to 1992."

That changed everything.

"So the Eternal Setting Sun Yami planned succeeded?" asked the Elder, rumbling in his thoughts as they finished their story. Niijima provided the abridged version of it while Miu and Kenichi filled in some blanks.

"Somewhat. The nuke was supposed to hit Japan," clarified Niijima, "I managed to stop it from remotely launching. Unfortunately, Yami had a backup plan and had it manually launched it. However, it prematurely detonated before anyone could do anything."

"And you three traveled back in time... by Niijima-kun's shield?" inquired the Elder, raising his eyebrow at this.

"Hard to believe, but that's all we got," groaned Kenichi, "Wasn't easy trying to tell myself that the future wasn't something I just dreamed about."

Tears were starting to form in his eyes as his fist clenched, causing Miu to grab his hand and slowly pat his back to calm him down. The Elder had to stop himself from physically separating them. He could see the pain in all three of their eyes when Kenichi mentioned the pain of thinking the future was something they just imagined.

It was difficult to believe of time-travel, but so far, it was the only real explanation why Miu's control Dou Ki had skyrocketed. Not to mention, he did notice hints of Pencak Silat in Miu's fighting style, one that he had never taught. She tried to hide it, but he could see it incorporated into her moves. He growled as he learned Jenazad, a man he once called a friend, had kidnapped Miu and brainwashed her. It was only thanks to Kenichi and others that she was saved from falling in the way of the Satsujinken. His only son had already done so, or so he thought. Speaking of his son...

"So... you've met... or will meet... your father," stated the Elder calmly to Miu.

"Yes," nodded Miu.

The Elder pondered for a bit while sipping on his tea for a bit to buy himself some time. For so long, he thought his only son, Saiga Fuurinji, had descended into madness when he heard rumors of him killing others. He dismissed them as mere rumors at first, as he and his son both followed the way of Katsujinken. However, the rumors began to spread, and doubt began to bloom in his mind. When he finally heard that he had joined Yami, he was forced to admit that the rumors might have some truth in them. The Elder had not seen his son in years after his wedding with Shizuha.

All of a sudden, during a sunny day, he received a letter from his daughter-in-law about danger nearing the family and that Saiga was falling into the path of Satsujinken. He dropped whatever he was doing and ran towards the location indicated in the letter. He broke through speed limits, though he was unsure whether that applied to him or only vehicles, broke through customs and borders without checking in through the proper channels, and he was pretty sure he might've caused a car to crash into a building when they got distracted and decided to gape at a man who was over two meters tall somehow running faster than their car. The Elder didn't feel too guilty about that as the distracted party was actually bank robbers trying to flee from the cops, pushing their car to its limits, and he ran past them.

By the time he arrived, though, he was too late. His son was nowhere to be seen, his daughter-in-law dead, and his beloved granddaughter Miu hiding in the snow. He never got the full story but guessed that his son had finally fallen into darkness far beyond saving.

Now, he was finally getting the true story. That Senzui was the one behind all the attacks and murders. That Senzui had disguised himself as Saiga and used his face to spread all those rumors. And that he was the one who killed Shizuha. He knew he should've questioned it, but he was too distraught and busy with Miu. He was his own son! There was no way that he would fall that easily, nor murder his own wife! This revelation would take some time to sink into his mind. True, his son was affiliated with Yami, but not too deeply. In fact, it was possible he was acting as a spy for the government.

"Grandfather... are you alright?" asked Miu.

"No... I'm much better than before," confessed the Elder, "For too long, I lost faith in my own son. Now I finally have the truth, I can finally tell you more about your father without feeling ashamed. I've avoided the topic for too long, skimping on the details. Akisame can also give you some more insight, considering the two were best friends."

Miu didn't say anything but rather chose to hug her grandfather in a tight hug. the Elder had never gone much into detail about her father, only telling her about her mother.

"Alright, I'm convinced that that Miu is telling the truth," said the Elder as he patted Miu on the head, "However, I'm not sure I'm fully convinced about you two."

"Elder, if you would just come this way for a bit so we can talk in private?" asked Kenichi while bringing a fruity anmitsu to distract Miu. It worked as she began to dig into it while the Elder gave it a glance as if wanting one himself.

"So what is it?" queried the Elder as they were away from Miu.

"This may be hard to take in but in the future Miu and I... were..."

Niijima saw Kenichi hesitating and decided to rip the band-aid off, so to speak.

"The two of them are dating... will be dating... arg this future and past thing is confusing. In short, the two are going out."

The Elder was silent for a moment before his Ki flared out. The two boys were almost knocked unconscious if it hadn't been for the fact that both had experienced Ki flares from Advanced Grand Masters before. Niijima promptly threw up his Niijima barrier while Kenichi raised his Ki to shield himself. It was then that the Elder was shocked to see Kenichi's Ki was already at Ki no Shouka, though it was still rather unstable. Still, the fact that Kenichi could already do so was amazing.

"Grandfather! You're ruining my Anmitsu!" snapped Miu in complaint, not noticing several birds were falling unconscious outside the windows.

"Sorry!" apologized the Elder, and Miu went back into dreamworld with her dessert, not even noticing that the Elder had flared his Ki. The dessert she was eating was designed to look like her cat, which made her savor her food longer, going deeply into a trance.

"I know it's unbelievable, but you actually allowed me to date her," whispered Kenichi, "And her father even approves."

"Whether my future counterpart agreed or not doesn't matter," snapped the Elder, "I still haven't given permission, and so far, you haven't proven much to me. I am a little shocked at the level of Ki you can control, but that's a different matter."

"Then how can I prove to you I am willing to protect Miu?" said Kenichi as he gritted his teeth.

The Elder stroked his beard for a bit before giving a grin that would frighten most Master level, classes. Needless to say, Kenichi and Niijima didn't like that grin.

"By sparring with me!" declared the Elder.

Kenichi was ready to just jump out a window screaming.

The Elder managed to sneak all three of them into Ryozanpaku without being detected and into a familiar cave at the back garden, where the entrance was under a giant tree. It was where Kenichi had trained in complete darkness for three days with iron balls hanging from the ceiling. Luckily, Akisame and Kensei were at their respective clinics for the day, Sakaki was out on his bodyguard business, Shigure on her sword hunt, and Apachai... was very focused on feeding the ants in the yard.

"We can fight here with you fighting at full strength," stated the Elder as he walked further in before turning around to face them after they had cleared out the iron balls, "Face me with everything you have. I'll use 0.00005% of my power."

'Crap does he really hold a grudge!?' thought Kenichi as the Elder started to flare his ki. His first thought was to panic and flee. He nearly acted on that impulse and took one step back before remembering his promise. That he would get stronger so he could protect Miu. His promise to himself and to Sho. To protect her from the darkness that was Yami.

Kenichi took a deep breath before stepping forward, getting into a fighting stance while releasing all restraints on his ki.

"I'll fight too!" declared Miu as she stepped forward, releasing her Dou ki and invigorating her spirit to its highest point.

"Hoo then perhaps I'll bump it up to 0.0001%," grinned the Elder as he took in the sight of the two raising their spirits to spar against him. Kenichi was already reducing his Seikuken zone to form Ryusui Seikuken.

"Kenichi, let's go!" said Miu as she jumped forward to hit high.

"Roger!" replied Kenichi as he charged forward to hit low.

Fuurinji Benikawsemi


10 minutes later

"Owww," groaned Kenichi as he pulled himself from a wall. There were quite a few of them, all of them roughly his shape. There were also a few of them with Miu's shape, but not as many as his.

"Grandpa... did you really have to be that harsh?" groaned Miu as she rubbed her shoulder, trying to ease the pain from being hit there.

"I was going at 0.0001%," stated the Elder, "Though you two actually managed to land a hit on me, even with my eyes closed. "

"Liar," whined Kenichi, "You were going a bit higher than that. I know because I was forced to spar against you at 0.0001% in the future. You were stronger and faster by a bit."

"We've also fought you at 0.0002%," added Miu, "You were below that, but barely."

the Elder sweatdropped and whistled innocently as the two disciples managed to pick themselves up once more. Truthfully, he was forced to crank it up to 0.00015% with his eyes closed. Alone, 0.00005% of his true power was enough to handle them individually, though he was sure they would still be able to land a hit. However, with their teamwork, they forced him to go higher less he take an actual hit. It wouldn't hurt him, but that wasn't the point.

The two of them had told him that they were High-Class Disciples before the whole business, and he could definitely see that. Right now, they had just broken the between Middle-Class Disciple and High-Class Disciple. They would be higher up on the ladder if it wasn't for their current age and muscles, as they were still growing. He was sure when they hit high school once more, they would be cracking at the boundary of the Expert Class near the end of their first semester. Maybe even sooner.

"I can see that my future self taught you some of my techniques," commented the Elder to Kenichi.

"Yea, a bit. Now that I think of it, is this a safe place for me to practice my Ki no Shouka? I can't really risk practicing at our secret base or at home, and it's not very stable. I can knead the ki and hold it a bit, but I can't apply it very well yet even though I know how to do it."

"I could tell," said the Elder dryly, "Hmm it should be. It's deep in the caves so nobody should sense it. Not to mention that even if any outsiders do, they'll just think its one of the masters practicing. But from what Niijima tells me, you don't plan to officially join Ryozanpaku until later. I cannot just let you borrow this area if you're not part of the dojo."

"Grandpa, can't you just bend the rules a bit?" begged Miu.

"Well...," mumbled the Elder, unable to really refuse his granddaughter.

If the future really was as dark as they said, then they would need training as soon as possible. He would've preferred to teach Kenichi earlier in his age, but Niijima's explanation wasn't wrong either. Start training too early with them, and Yami might accelerate their plans. So far, they were under the radar, but they couldn't afford to stay under it too long.

"How about officially joining Ryozanpaku at the second semester of the third year in middle school?" offered the Elder as an alternative, "If we do this right, Yami won't know until Ogata reports to Yami about Ryozanpaku training a disciple roughly around the same timeline as last time."

"Could work," mumbled Niijima, who had put his Niijima barrier at full power while they were sparring, "But it might be better if he just trained here in the cave until he officially hits high school before going to the main hall."

"In that case, I'll take Kenichi as my personal disciple for the while!" proclaimed the Elder.

While Miu was happy about this, Kenichi had very mixed feelings. He was happy to get training from the Elder while being close to Miu and getting stronger, but it would mean he would be watching them much closer now. According to the Fuurinji rules of dating, they were only allowed to hold hands with very little cuddling. Kissing on the cheek wasn't even allowed. And the worst part was Kenichi knew the Elder's training was the worst compared to all his other masters. Even Apachai, who did not know the meaning of restraint, was better than his. His brain was screaming to run away, but his heart and soul knew what he had to do.

He would accept the offer and grow stronger to protect Miu from the future dangers.

The Elder was walking Kenichi and Niijima home after dropping Miu back home. It was during this time the two boys nodded to each other and made their request.

"What is it, Ken-chan?" asked the Elder as he noticed the distinct change in the air.

"Elder, what do you know about Tsutomu Tanaka?" questioned Kenichi.

"Hmm? He's a disciple of the Tenchi Mushin Ryuu. Why do you ask?"

"We need you to help save him and his future wife from Ogata Isshinsai."

"... Explain. You didn't mention this earlier."

"It wasn't as important," admitted Niijima, "But Kenichi is set on saving their lives."

Kenichi quickly went to explain what happened to Tanaka and the Tenchi Mushin Ryuu from what he heard.

"Hmm, his wife... I believe that could be Mayu Midou, Kai Midou's daughter. Tanaka and Mayu have been spending more time together."

"Ogata and Kai fought each other in a sanctioned match that they both agreed to," explained Kenichi swiftly, "I think it was to see who's version of Kazoe Nukite (Counted Overhand Stroke) that you taught was better. The result was that Ogata killed Kai, but what happened after is unclear. The only thing Tanaka even hinted was that Ogata killed Mayu right after, along with their unborn daughter."

The Elder had to take a deep breath to calm himself. He had personally taught Ogata and Kai the move and had come to regret teaching Ogata deeply pursued the path of Satsujinken despite his best efforts to dissuade him. Ogata wasn't an evil man and was likable to a degree outside of the martial arts world with his own sense of moral, but to hear him kill someone who hadn't been able to even choose chosen their path was troubling.

He had half a mind to hunt him down now but knew it would be useless. He would try to convince Kai not to do anything stupid or dangerous and try to live for his only daughter as his wife had passed away, but ultimately it was up to Kai's choice. He could not make the decisions for a grown man.

As for Mayu's death, he came to the conclusion Mayu attacked Ogata out of rage after seeing her only parent die. Ogata was most likely forced to defend himself and killed her, not knowing there was a child inside her. He had a suspicion that either Mayu forgot she was pregnant, or that the diagnosis that she was pregnant wasn't known until the autopsy was performed.

"And as an added incentive as well as a gesture of goodwill, we'll give you this!" grinned Niijima as he pulled out the scroll and gave it to the Elder.

The Elder raised his eyebrow and took the scroll and almost dropped it when he saw the label and price tag on it. He slowly and reverently opened it up, the in his imagination, the scroll lit up with each turn of the scroll. Choju Giga animals danced all around his head in celebration.

"How did you know?" gasped the Elder.

"You might've told me," answered Kenichi vaguely, not wanting to suffer the Shockwave of Forgetfulness anytime soon.

The Elder gently stashed the drawing into his robes, making sure to place the scroll in a safe spot, already marking where he would place this drawing.

"I would've done so without the scroll, but you have my word," stated the Elder, "I'll do my best. I'll still have a year and a half, according to your story."

"That's all we can ask for," said Kenichi as he bowed in appreciation.

The first year of middle school passed by quickly for the trio. Miu was dressed up as she had back the first time, with her hair braided and wearing glasses. She didn't want to attract unwanted attention, as her heart belonged to Kenichi only. Kenichi was purposely wearing long sleeves to hide his build, similar to how Tanimoto aka Hermit did. As for Kenichi and Niijima, they were continuing to get good grades in their classes. Kenichi decided to study a bit more and forced Niijima to go along with it.

There were quite a few bullies that tried to force the two to do their homework, though. Their response... was to run away really fast. None of them wanted to attract any attention from gangs, especially Ragnarok, or worse, Yomi. It was easy to run with their speed and Niijima's many secret passageways he had been making. Meanwhile, Niijima's empire was quickly expanding, thanks to his 'predictions'. Already he had his hands in several businesses, including the music industry in preparation for his most loyal servant, Hibiki Kugenin, aka Siegfried.

"I'm bored," sighed Kenichi during their second year in middle school as he read a "How to" book series. This one was about making sure how to survive your date's protective parents, but he was sure none of them had ever met someone like the Elder. Besides him was another book from the "In Case" series, this one relating on how to convince your boy/girlfriend's parents to accept you. He was currently on the rooftops relaxing while reading.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something important," pondered Kenichi as he started to do some crunches to help past the time. His mind wandered to friends that he would make in the future after Miu and Niijima. The first one was Takeda, the boxing pro. The roof reminded of the fight they had at the ceiling. A few seconds passed while a Choju Giga bunny trotted above his head. Kenichi snapped out of his trance and shot straight up, causing the imaginary bunny to scurry away. He couldn't believe he forgot about the injury that would disable Takeda for a good while! While not as life-threatening, it was still life changing!

"Niijima!" shouted Kenichi as he blazed through the school to find him. Several bullies tried to take advantage of this to stop and confront him, only for Kenichi to just forget he was hiding his abilities and weaved right past them. Luckily, this only made them think he was just a slippery bastard.

"Niijima!" shouted Kenichi once more as he opened a door to the computer lab to see him in there.

"What?" screeched Niijima in shock as he almost dropped the hard drive he was hacking into.

"Takeda! Left Arm! We can save it!" answered Kenichi quickly.

Niijima blinked before gently making Kenichi sit down. He quickly served Kenichi some tea while he drank his alien brand pop soda. A few moments passed in awkwardly as the imaginary Choju Giga animals made themselves known once more.

"Kenichi... I don't think we should intervene on that part," Niijima started slowly.

"Why!?" shouted Kenichi in anger.

"It was because of that fight against delinquents that pushed him into Ragnarok," explained Niijima, "If Takeda didn't get his left arm disabled, then he wouldn't have met us and gone on with his career in pro boxing with the same old coach he had, not James Shiba. He would be much weaker than before. Not only that, but he was forced to learn how to use his right arm to attack, being left-handed, and it helped him grow stronger, too. He wouldn't become our friend, and won't become one of Shinpaku's commanders. Would you really squash his potential to become stronger just because you wanted to save his arm."

Kenichi had to think for a bit before growling at Niijima, "You're trying to use your brainwashing on me aren't you?"

"Say what you will, but it's true, isn't it?" asked Niijima.

Kenichi could only sigh as he remembered his talk with Takeda in the old timeline. They had discussed what would've happened if he hadn't been forced to lose control of his left hand during their amusement park trip. Though Takeda had been initially mad, he told him he would've allowed the events to repeat itself if he had a choice as he made even truer friends and gotten much stronger than if he had continued training with his old friend and gym.

"I guess that's true," sighed Kenichi, "Here I was set to saving him the pain."

"That's why I'm here for," grinned Niijima, "To make sure you don't do anything that'll throw off the plan."

"Fine, but we get him to Koetsuji shi-sho as soon as we can," grumbled Kenichi as he left, slamming the door hard.

Niijima relaxed in his chair and wiped off the sweat that had built upon his forehead. To be fair, he had completely made up the reasons on the spot, but they were still accurate. No, the real reason why Niijima wanted Takeda to get his injury before heading to Akisame to heal and be trained by James Shiba was that Takeda would have a higher chance to win the world championship for light welterweights. If his company Shinpaku managed to finance and sponsor him, they would gain a fortune in return for all his wins. Not to mention it would make a great novel for Kenichi to write about a boxer who was thought to have lost his dream due to a crippling injury, only to make a miraculous recovery and win a title match in the WBA.

And why stop there, Takeda could possibly take all the light welterweight championships in the IBF, WBC, and WBO! And Kenichi said he didn't have a soul. He was giving his friend a chance to write a potential Naoki award-winning story and fulfilling his dream, wasn't he? Granted the pros were mostly for himself. Niijima cackled in laughter as he started to make his next investments in the sports field, especially boxing. He could just imagine it now, Takeda wearing Shinpaku boxing gloves and pants, along with Siegfried making money off his music.

"Speaking of which, I think it's time I get my loyal servant back," grinned Niijima as he grabbed wind-based accordion and setting out to a place he knew where Siegfried loitered to gain inspiration for his music.

"So will you be living with us when we hit high school?" asked Miu as she managed to hook her leg around Kenichi's neck and tried to toss him into the ground.

"That'll be the best time," replied Kenichi as he managed to prevent Miu from throwing his face into the ground by going with the flow and escaped out of her thigh throw in mid-motion and landed on his feet before charging forward with a Meotoude stance.

"I can't wait for you then," smiled Miu as she dodged his punches and attacked low, using her Silat techniques to attack low, aiming for his feet. Kenichi jumped in the air and used his hands to grab Miu's arm and threw her towards the wall in mid-air, but she recovered easily before charging forward once more.

"Time!" shouted Niijima all of a sudden, causing them to stop. They were at their secret hideout once more training.

"It's already five?" asked Kenichi in shock, "Time goes way too fast sometimes."

"Yes well I've been busy," replied Niijima.

Kenichi and Miu sighed as they began to do a different training with bricks, making sure their center of gravity was strong, one being the runner and the other the tosser. The two would switch after 5 minutes, each keeping score on who landed on their bricks successfully while the other would try to trick the runner with a different variation of bricks thrown, each brick with different sizes if needed.

"Hey Miu, do you want to eat at my house tonight?" asked Kenichi as it was approaching six. The two were sitting down and wiping down their sweat.

"Oooh? Asking her out and introducing your parents to her as a potential girlfriend?" grinned Niijima as he suddenly appeared behind the two of them.

Miu instinctively reacted and did an overhead throw, grabbing Niijima's arm and hurling him into the floor.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, that was my natural reaction," apologized Miu at once after she realized what she had done.

"Right... completely forgot nobody is supposed to stand behind you in surprise," groaned Niijima while Kenichi was laughing at his best/worst friend.

"Anyways, my parents asked me why I never brought friends over," explained Kenichi as soon as he managed to calm down, "Takeda and the others were good friends, but we 'haven't' met them yet. And the other people I've met in elementary and middle school can't replace what I've had with the others. Especially you, Miu. My little sister Honoka is actually inviting her friend over for dinner, and so my parents asked me to bring someone too. Obviously, I'm not going to invite Niijima, as he would freak them out. I mean, if you're busy, then..."

"I'd love to come," beamed Miu, remembering how adorable Honoka was. And, to be fair, she had never met his mother in person. The father... certainly left an impact when he came to visit the dojo one day.

"Well then, you two have fun," waved Niijima, "I've got some stocks I need to check on."

Miu quickly used the landline phone they had in their secret hideout to call Ryozanpaku to tell them that she would be eating out with a friend. Apachai had answered the phone with his usual statement "We have your child hostage."

"Apachai! You can't answer the phone like that!" scolded Miu once more, "Put grandfather on the phone, please."

"Hai!" replied Apachai before calling for the Elder over.

"Miu, is something wrong?" asked the Elder in concern.

"No grandfather, it's nothing serious," replied Miu, "Kenichi invited me to dinner with his family. His little sister invited her best friend, and his parents are asking to do the same. Is it okay if I go?"

The Elder's first instinct was to say no, that it was against Fuurinji dating policy. He had to stifle that reaction as Miu wasn't going alone with Kenichi, but with his whole family. Not to mention he knew Miu didn't have many friends, being on the road when she was young. It had caused her to be socially awkward for a bit when she started attending school.

Of course, that was before the time-travel business, where her personality did a 180. No longer was she an outcast, but she had some friends in her middle school that she would talk to sometimes. However, Miu didn't actively seek to hang out with them after school, as she was much more focused on her training. In the end, he said yes but told Miu to put Kenichi on the phone.

"Hello?" asked Kenichi when he got on the phone.

"Ken-chan, I'm going to say some very important things, so listen closely," said the Elder before somehow managing to flare his ki through the phone and directly to Kenichi, causing him to shiver. His eyes glowed with power, and Kenichi felt as though the Elder was standing right in front of him and not on the phone and pinning him down with his glare.

"Rule 1: She is not allowed in your room, period. I don't care if the door is open or not, you two will not be alone together. If the game is in your room, I suggest you take it out to the living room."

"Rule 2: Walk her home to the gates of Ryozanpaku. I don't care that she's strong enough to take care of herself. I expect her to be here by ten. Eleven at the latest if you call ahead."

"Rule 3: I expect you to keep your hands off inappropriate places. Scratch that, don't put your hands anywhere near my granddaughter's body. The only acceptable place is her hands when it is 12 centimeters away from the closest body part."

"Rule 4: I am the way, and I know when you aren't following my rules. Break any of them, and you'll find some bones surely broken too."

"Am I clear?' finished the Elder.

"YES!" cried Kenichi in fear for his life.

"Good boy, Ken-chan," said the Elder cheerfully as the suffocating Ki he was emitting disappeared, "Keep it up, and I might approve of you."

With that, the Elder hung up as Kenichi was left shaking in his pants.

"Apapapa, who was that?" asked Hopachai Apachai, the Death God of the Muay Thai Underworld, as the Elder walked back into the main area.

"Just Miu asking to eat dinner with a friend," replied the Elder.

"Hehehe, really?" laughed the Hundredth Degree Street Brawler, Sakaki Shio, "Sure didn't sound like it, given how you were flaring your ki like crazy."

"He's... right," added Kosaka Shigure, the Prodigy of Swords and Mistress of all Weaponry, hanging from the ceiling upside down. Tochumaru the mouse huffed in agreement.

"Hmmm could it be?" pondered the Philosophical Jiujutsu Master, Koetsuji Akisame "Is Miu going over to... a boy's house?"

Everyone paid attention to the Elder, the Invincible Superman, to see what he would do. They were not disappointed when they saw him flinch a little. Each one of them started to flare their ki, their eyes glowing in power.

"Hooo so our little Miu has a date, doesn't she?" grinned Ma Kensei, Master of all Chinese Kenpo, "Should we meet up with the boy?"

"Perhaps to see if he stand up to the test," grinned Sakaki as he sliced open a bottle of beer with his bare hands, "Make sure he's up to the standards."

"If he doesn't pass, Apachai will lightly beat him to death," clapped Apachai.

"Enough," commanded the Elder, causing them all to fall silent, "Miu is just eating dinner with one of her best friends at his house because his family asked their son and daughter to bring their best friends over to eat. Since Miu and the boy are best friends, it was natural for him to invite her. It is not a date."

"As far as we're told," snickered Kensei to Akisame while sneaking a camera out to take photos of Shigure. Shigure responded by throwing shurikens at him.

"What's more important is that we be able to eat tonight," sighed the Elder, "We need to be able to function and eat without Miu always cooking for us."

"That's... a fair point," frowned Sakaki, "She's always been cooking for us if we aren't going out to eat."

"I... help...," volunteered Shigure.

"Apa, why not just get something to eat from outside?" questioned Apachai.

"Because our budget is tight," lectured Akisame, "Though Miu's been balancing our budget as well as investing in some stocks so we aren't so poor. Sad to say, but Miu has been Ryozanpaku's steady earner next to Kensei and me, and she's only in middle school."

"I make a lot of money in one go...," said Sakaki as he tried to defend himself, but even he knew that was a weak excuse. Apachai and Shigure were silent as they were unemployed right now.

Miu, in reality, had been using Niijima as her source to invest in stocks to keep Ryozanpaku afloat. To all the masters, it was quite depressing that a young girl was one of the reasons, if not the main one, that Ryozanpaku hadn't fallen into very hard times where they had to share a single fish amongst themselves.

"Guess I'm cooking," sighed Kensei as he stood up to head to the kitchen and looked what they had in stock, "I'll be making bell pepper and beef stir-fry. And Akisame, learn to eat green pepper."

'Never,' thought Akisame in his mind as he suppressed a shudder.

Kenichi and Miu made it to his house at around 6:30, where Kenichi's mother, Saori, greeted them.

"My, when Kenichi said he was bringing home a friend, I certainly think it would be a cute girl," giggled Saori with her hand on her mouth, causing the two teenagers to blush.

"Honoka will be home soon enough," continued Saori, "She's bringing her best friend and apparently her older brother. The poor children don't have parents, and the older brother's forced to take care of both of them. They were orphans who were adopted until their stepfather suddenly died. Luckily, they're rich enough to support themselves, but I can't imagine how the elder sibling was forced to grow up so fast to take care of themselves. I hear he inherited a large corporation from his stepfather. As for your father, he'll be a bit late. He's currently in a business meeting, but he said he'll bring in a sashimi platter for us to enjoy."

Miu and Kenichi glanced at each other when they heard this statement. They had heard this story before, but surely it wasn't who they thought it was. They might've changed something, but could it really be... him? They were sitting in the living room when the door opened up.

"Mama, I'm home!" yelled Honoka from the door, "I brought back my friend and her brother!"

Honoka entered the living room and saw Kenichi, where she quickly greeted him with a tackle hug.

"Nii-chan, you don't play with me that often anymore! Kaede's nii-chan spends as much time as he can with her," complained Honoka.

It was then that the two visitors revealed themselves as they entered the door.

"Hello! I'm Tanimoto Kaede, and this is my big brother Tanimoto Natsu."

Miu and Kenichi had to resist the urge of screaming in surprise, though in Kenichi's mouth, his ulva was also screaming in shock.

"So...," started Kenichi as the two male teenagers stared at each other across the living room. Miu and the girls excused themselves to help Saori cook dinner. "You're the president of the Tanimoto Corporation, huh? A rather big position for your age."

"Yes, and though it is a bit difficult, I have embraced the position with excitement and hope to bring my stepfather's corporation to new heights," smiled Natsu, his teeth gleaming as he smiled and sat in a perfect position.

'Dammit I'm not used to Tanimoto being so nice,' thought Kenichi as he looked away guiltily. He couldn't even tell if this was really his personality or that he was just acting. Kenichi knew Tanimoto was a skilled actor, being able to disguise his emotions quite well. Yet he couldn't tell if this Natsu Tanimoto had changed because they had saved his sister.

"It's Shirahama Kenichi, right?" clarified Natsu, continuing the conversation, "Do you mind if I call you Kenichi?"

"If only I get to call you Natsu," replied Kenichi, very weirded out now. However, he noticed Natsu had flinched and clenched his hand. It was very minute that the average person wouldn't notice.

"Kenichi," started Natsu, his eyes suddenly narrowing, "Tell me.. wh-"

Natsu didn't get to finish his sentence as the front door opened once more to reveal Kenichi's father, Mototsuga Shirihama, had arrived.

"Dear, I'm home!" shouted Mototsuga while carrying a large take out box.

"Honey! Aren't you still supposed to be at your meeting? It's barely seven! You're not supposed to be home until 7:30!" demanded Saori in shock.

"Bah, it's nothing important," waved Mototsuga, "Just simple stuff. My secretary and other people can handle it."

His cell phone suddenly rang, to which he picked up and answered it.

"Division Chief!" screeched the person on the phone, "You can't just leave all of a sudden! We're still..."

Mototsuga hung up on the person immediately while muttering, "Stupid spam callers, stop calling me when I'm spending time with family. Anyways I bought the sashimi platter deluxe home for us to also eat!"

"Honey! Was that your workplace?" gasped Saori, "You can't hang up on them like that!"

"Family time is more important!" answered Motosuga, "Also, I heard my precious daughter brought home a boy, too. Ah, there he is! Come, boy, we must have a talk!"

Natsu's eyes narrowed, thinking that he wanted to talk about his corporation. It was obvious the man wanted a way in into his corporation with greed on his mind. Afterall, why dismiss what seemed to be an important meeting when the man had a chance to talk to the president of the Tanimoto corporation in person. He judged all adults to be the same... until Mototsuga's next sentence and action threw him completely off.

"I have a very special friend named Sebastian who's dying to meet you! "

Mototsuga had pulled out his shotgun from behind an ofuda and palmed it.

"Sebastian here is a special one here. I won several shooting awards with this baby, and keep him in mint condition. Now let's step into my office so I can interr- I mean to ask you about your intentions with my dau-"

He didn't get to finish as Saori smacked him in the head with a frying pan.

"Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. Kenichi, why don't you entertain our guests," suggested Saori as she dragged her husband away as the audience stood there in shock and silence, choju giga frogs and bunnies hopping through.

"Your family is funny," giggled Kaede.

"Well... anyone up for some Daifugo or Hanafuda?" suggested Kenichi as he went to the drawers to pull out a pack of cards.

Honoka and Kaede wanted to instead play old maid, something the others agreed on or suffer the consequences of angry little sisters. While playing, Kenichi could feel Natsu's gaze towards him, as if scanning him for anything suspicious.

30 minutes later

"I'm so sorry about my honey," Saori laughed lightly as they all sat around the table, "He can get rather excited sometimes, isn't that right?"

"I'm sowwy," apologized a bruised Mototsuga while Saori was pulling on his cheeks as continued punishment.

"It's... alright," said Natsu, still feeling a bit out of the loop with this family.

"It was funny!" grinned Kaede.

"So, Kaede-san, may I call you that? Ok, Kaede-san, I hear you're best friends with my daughter," started Saori as she finally let go of her husband's cheek.

"Yea!" replied an eager Kaede, "We like to hang out together at school a lot. Both of us are going to the same middle school and want to join the tennis club!"

"A good sport!" boomed Mototsuga, "I'm glad my daughter has a friend to be with!"

He gave a slight glare at Natsu, who was still sweatdropping at this apparent grudge that came out of nowhere that made no sense to him. He was used to people hating or revering him because of his position, but Mototsuga was not one of those people.

"Speaking of which, Kenichi! Why didn't you tell me you were bringing home such a cute girl!" grinned Mototsuga as he switched over to Kenichi and Miu.

"Dad!" blushed Kenichi.

"Miu-san, do you go to the same school as Kenichi?" asked Saori while Mototsuga continued to rib Kenichi.

"No, but Kenichi and I met up when we were still in elementary school at a park one day," smiled Miu as she lied. She couldn't really tell her that they met at high school in the future. "We hit off from then and meet up with each other when we can."

Honoka meanwhile was glaring at the girl that had apparently taken up so much of her brother's time, preventing him from spending time with her. She slowly scanned Miu's whole body and noticed that though it was not as big as her moms, Miu's bust was noticeably growing closer to it, and she was still in middle school!

'Big boobies is distracting my brother from me!' Honoka silently thought to herself, puffing in anger.

Kaede giggled as she looked at Honoka, clearly knowing what she was thinking. Her own brother Natsu tried his best to spend time with her, but she was more mature about it and knew her brother had his own life to do. Between running the company and going out at night doing whatever he did, she knew he was busy. The only glimpse she had of his nightlife was those weird gloves he had with the roman numeral VI on it.

And further in the past, some old man with a beard that loved to drink stayed with them for a bit. Natsu told her that he was a temporary guardian for their life. Kaede actually enjoyed talking with the man. Though he was grumpy and temperamental, he never did anything to her. He more of ignored her until Kaede would play some Mah Jong with him. That gave her brother a heart attack when he saw the two of them playing while carrying some stones on his wrist. Kaede thought Natsu was doing something for fun and ignored it. Then the old man left suddenly, nowhere to be seen.

'Just you wait, old man,' laughed Kaede, 'You can't just flee because you're losing our Mah Jong battle.'

After dinner was finished, Mototsuga swept both Kenichi and Natsu to his study room, declaring to his wife that the three of them needed some 'male bonding time'.

"So, Natsu. You're the same age as my son," started off Mototsuga, "That means it's time for a very serious talk."

Natsu Tanimoto gave an internal wince as he was guessing that this was the time the man wanted to talk about his company. All these adults were the same, looking down on him and trying to score big on his company. Well, he wouldn't go down that easily!

"Since my son brought home a girl, I figured it was time for both of you to learn about the birds and bees."

As choju giga monkeys hopped by, Natsu had to blink several times before turning crimson. Kenichi had the same reaction, as he had already gone through it once in his past life.

"N-n-no need!" panicked Natsu, "I've already learned about them!"

"Yea, I have a ummm read books about them! From both the 'How to' series and the 'In case' series!" claimed Kenichi. The sad part was that there really was books about it and that he had copies of them in his room as part of a package deal he bought.

While Natsu stared at Kenichi in utter shock that there were books like that, as he had heard about those two series before, in his mind, he was considering asking if he could borrow it to give to his little sister when it came time for hers. There was no way he was letting somebody else try to teach her in case they tried to trick her, but he wasn't willing to give her the talk either.

"Nonsense, my son!" scoffed Mototsuga, "Books can't explain these as well as a father can! I married your mother and had you and Honoka, so I know more! And Natsu, I know that you had a stepfather, but I don't think he would've had time to give this talk to you. So it is my job as a father to do what he should've done!"

"Can't we talk about something else?" cried Natsu, "What about my company, the Tanimoto corporation!?"

While Natsu couldn't believe he was hurling his company name as a distraction, it was better than getting the talk!

"Ah yes, the Tanimoto corporation," nodded Mototsuga distractedly, "A big company you lead. And from what I've heard, you're certainly doing a good job."

"Yes, yes," Natsu nodded his head eagerly, happy the distraction worked, "I hear you're a division chief for your company! I'm sure my company, which specializes in trading and shipping, could help yours."

"It's nice for you to offer, but I doubt my company would work well with yours," waved Mototsuga, "I work with Mitsubishi Financial, and we don't really do much on shipping. But I'm getting off topic. So now, the talk!"

While Natsu was in shock that his distraction failed and that Mototsuga worked in a such a powerful company with a high-end position, he was more concentrating on vowing to kill Kenichi for making him suffer through this. The only saving grace was that he was suffering through this with him.

It was nearing nine when Natsu and Kaede left in a company car that had picked them up while Kenichi was walking Miu home. Mototsuga wanted Kenichi to at least bring Maximilian with him for protection, but Saori knocked him out before calling a cab for the two of them, giving Kenichi some money for the ride. The two of them in reality just had the cab drive around the corner and park there, getting off and walking the rest of the way home the long way. They could've easily jumped a few river banks to get to Ryozanpaku faster, but they wanted to have some time to themselves while their hands were clasped together. Both had noticed Natsu had indeed gone under martial arts training from the way he moved.

"So Natsu had to suffer through the talk with you?" giggled Miu.

"It was embarrassing!" huffed Kenichi, "Though it was hilarious to see Natsu's face during the whole process. Speaking of which, what did you do with my mom, sister, and Kaede?"

Miu blinked before blushing, poking her hands together in reflex at the memory, "Your mom... decided it was also time for me to have the talk."

"What!? Why?"

"Well, I told your mom that I lived with my grandfather and …... uncles and a single aunt. She took it up herself to tell me from a female's point of view as well as a mother. When I told her my grandfather already went over it, she scoffed at it saying that males couldn't possibly understand a females body as well as a female, as it was their own body."

"Oh man," moaned Kenichi as he facepalmed, "The first time you actually meet my mother and my entire family and they decided to give you the talk. How embarrassing."

"It's okay, I didn't mind it too much. Your mother was very informative about some parts my grandfather was unclear about," smiled Miu, "I only wish that it was my...,"

Knowing what Miu was going to say, Kenichi hugged her to let her know that she was never alone. They made it to Ryozanpaku in silence before Miu gave Kenichi a swift peck on his lips before closing the doors. Kenichi would've stood there frozen if it wasn't the fact that he remembered the Elder was there and quickly fled the premises.

Kaede and Natsu Tanimoto made it back to their mansion with Natsu carrying Kaede on his back. Kaede had exhausted herself playing with Honoka and learning how to cook. As Natsu gently woke her up so she could take a bath before going to bed, Kaede made a remark.

"Honoka-chan's family is a fun family, isn't it?"

Natsu suffered through a quick flashback about the talk before agreeing with her. Besides that blight, it had been an enjoyable dinner. His sister wasn't being targeted as a potential suitor to get a way into his company, and the father had completely ignored the fact that he was the president of the Tanimoto corporation. Granted he worked at a rather high banking corporation, but he never pursued any line of thought about trying to get a way into his company. Though he still distrusted almost everyone, it was nice to have Kaede taste what a loving family was and what could've been their lives if their birth parents didn't die. Perhaps he wouldn't kill Kenichi if suffering through that talk was all that he had to suffer to give his little sister a good time.

"I liked Honoka's mom," yawned Kaede, "I wish she was our mother."

Natsu gently placed her on her bed, deciding that she could just take a shower in the morning.

"If you marry Honoka-chan, then she'd really be our mother and she'd be my sister," murmured Kaede as she started to drift to sleep, "Or if I marry Kenichi. That could work."

Something very audible snapped inside Natsu. Screw his previous thought, he was going to murder Kenichi and bury him deep in the earth where nobody could find him. He just needed some time to figure out how he could get away with it without arousing suspicion. Figuring he wouldn't get anything else done today, he donned his Ragnarok uniform and left the manor after making sure everything was secure, the security systems full operation, and the security guards he hired and trusted were there. If only his master hadn't left, then he'd feel even better. Afterall, nobody dared to attack the house Fierce God Ma Sogetsu was resting in.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Figured that Kaede would be roughly around the same age as Honaka, so why not the two of them become friends! Drags Natsu Taninmoto into the story way early for some humor. I was snickering as I was writing the latter half of this story. As usual, thank you Third Fang for the shout out. As for Kenichi's father, I figured he worked for some high company, but he does tend to put his family first. Honoka bring home a boy, even though it's her friend's brother, would no doubt bring panic upon him.

Natsu's personality is roughly the same, but a bit softer when it comes to his sister. He still doesn't really trusts adults, reasons given later in story when relevant.

Also, anyone who wnats to be a beta reader for this story, pm me.

Now for some rants:

Was having a good day when I caught up with the latest Hajime no Ippo chapter. Then I was outraged for a bit, and some stupid rumor about the story ending spread. Of course that's just a rumor, and do hope that it doesn't end that way. Otherwise, I'm completely dropping the manga and calling it stupid, stringing up the fans just to have that shattered. Seriously, felt like the author purposely 'downgraded' Ippo's power and everything when it came time for the fight, but whatever goes goes for the author. Most likely spin some bullcrap where Ippo goes "I can't escape the ring, it calls to me." If he doesn't then he really dropped the baton pass.

Also something that's been occupying my time. I borrowed FF15 from my friend. Gameplay was decent, shitty camera angles though. I somehow managed to screw the camera angle so that I was looking from inside the boss's ass or something. Game was completely black for a good 20 seconds. And no, my television wasn't off, I could use the pause or menu button. The thing I didn't like is how in order to completely understand the game, I have to youtube extra scenes. And not to mention with a few updates, they add in more scenes T.T. Also don't plan on buying the Royal Edition.

What I really didn't like was the storyline/ending. Depressing as hell, not going to spoil it here though. Also for when you complete the game and get the flying car, it's not really as free as the other games like ff7. You can't even take a straight path to Lestallum. I've tried, won't let me cross the ocean directly. Very easy to crash, feels slower and you might as well just let the auto drive on the road do its work instead. Funny enough, I've already thought of a storyline for it, and it uses my old FFX story. I might write it, and it'll have a bit more of a happier ending.

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