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History Strongest Disciple Again? by azndrgn

 Anime » Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Rated: T, English, Adventure & Romance, [Miu F., Kenichi S.] H. Niijima, Words: 269k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Feb 14, 2018 Updated: Sep 2815Chapter 3

Yaa chapter 3! On a side note, I am looking for a beta for this story. Third Fang was kind enough to do the first two chapters, but he's busy enough with his own stuff.

Anyways enjoy!

Also, I fact-checked whatever I mentioned in the story that some of you may have doubts. More at the end so I don't spoil it.

Time passed by once more towards the end of the second year without much incident. Kaede had been invited to Kenichi's house a few more times, but Natsu rejected each invite, stating that he had a business to run and other tasks to take care of. It was late March of 1999, where students had finished their final exams and see if they would move up a grade, graduate, etc. Niijima was busy fiddling with his PDA while Kenichi was working on his core muscles at their secret hideout. Miu was absent for the day as the Elder had asked Akisame and Ma to help train a few specific muscles and tendons for Miu.

"I think I'm going to head home early," groaned Kenichi as he finished his intense workout with weights strapped all over his body, "I promised Honoka I'd take her to the park with Kaede."

"I'm still laughing that you had to meet Taninmoto!" cackled Niijima, "An unexpected twist, but I can work with it! You can ask your sister to ask Kaede to-"

Niijima didn't get to finish as Kenichi jabbed him in the ribs hard.

"Don't involve my little sister in your evil plans," lectured Kenichi.

"Fine, I've got other ways," groaned Niijima when they heard someone knocking at the only known entrance.

The two of them glanced at each other, not expecting anyone. Niijima discretely turned on the security cameras he had installed and checked his pda.

"It's the Elder," sighed Niijima in relief, "Don't know what he wants, though. I'll buzz him in."

The wall slowly separated horizontally to reveal the door, which opened vertically. Niijima had managed to get a few more upgrades to their security after the Elder managed to breach it so easily. It wasn't fullproof, but it never hurt to upgrade security.

"So what's up?" asked Niijima as the Elder entered the room while Kenichi quickly served tea.

"It's done," the Elder sighed.

Both boys could see small bags under his eyes, signifying just how tired he was. It made Kenichi realize that though Hayato Fuurinji was one of the strongest, if not THE strongest man in the world, he was still an old man. Sure the Elder was much fitter and more powerful than almost anyone Kenichi had ever seen in any age range, but with great age also meant the Elder had seen much more than a majority of masters throughout the years that could haunt even haunt a grandmaster.

"What do you mean?" asked Niijima.

"Tsutomu Tanaka and Mayu Tanaka, along with their unborn child, lives on," announced the Elder, "Unfortunately, I was unable to convince Kai to refuse the duel and think about his health. It was painful... to witness the death of my disciple, caused by my other disciple and my move."

"If you don't want to go into detail you don't have to," Kenichi said with a serious tone.

"No, it's only fair that I do so," replied the Elder, "After all, without your warning, Tsutomu Tanaka would have become a widower at such an early age in marriage. No doubt vengeance would've consumed his entire existence."

The flashback begins weeks ago

"Kai, your body had deteriorated quite a bit. Please, go see Akisame for this," begged the Elder.

"What's with this sudden approach?" coughed Kai as he spat out some blood, "You've always seen me in this condition, but you've never pushed me to see a doctor this hard before."

"It's just a gut feeling," said the Elder, pushing off the subject, "But don't you think it's more important than ever that you see a proper doctor? Your daughter is married, an-"

The Elder didn't get to continue as Kai started to twitch uncontrollably, but not from his illness. Rather this was from the fact that his lovely and only daughter was actually married. And what was worse, was that it had been a shotgun wedding at the age of eighteen! On the plus side, he was ensured a successor to the Tenchu Mushin School, though he dearly wished it hadn't been this early.

"Get a hold of yourself!" sighed an exasperated Elder. He had to hold back Kai while he cried tears of blood every time he saw Tanaka and Mayu together before the fateful event that got her pregnant. Perhaps he should've let Kai interfere on some of those dates. His thoughts went back to Miu being pregnant right out of high school.

'Nope! I'm making it a requirement that anyone that wants to marry my granddaughter or even touch her must be able to defeat me in a fight. That should prevent Miu from getting married or pregnant too early!' thought the Elder, 'Especially since she's dating right now!'

Needless to say, it was because of this shotgun wedding that the Elder made that a requirement in the old timeline. The master truly learned from the disciple.

After Kai finally managed to repress the urge to throttle Tsutomu, he looked at the elder once more.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," grinned Kai, "I'm not kicking the bucket any time soon! Not until I pass all my techniques to Tsutomu and Mayu. "

'That's what I'm afraid of,' thought the Elder.

He couldn't just tell Kai that he was going to die if he accepted the duel against Ogata and he couldn't force Kai to refuse. Kai had his pride as a martial artist as well as a rivalry against Ogata. They had both been taught the same technique by the same master and taken different approaches to improving it.

"Please, just consider it," pleaded the Elder.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it," waved Kai, "Now let's go see my daughter! I hear that her belly bump is starting to show just a little for being a month pregnant!"

"Thank goodness," breathed the Elder before smiling and agreeing to go. Kai seemed to be able to restrain himself from punching Tanaka in favor of rubbing Mayu's stomach and speaking words to her stomach.

A few days later, the Elder was hiding and forced to witness the duel against Ogata. Tsutomu was working overtime at a job to support the family while Mayu had to wtiness her father's duel and death by Ogata's hand.

"I'll avenge my father!" screamed Mayu as she charged forward when she saw the light extinguish from her father's eyes.

"I warn you, I make no distinction between men and women in a fight," warned Ogata as he quickly turned around to defend himself from the bloodlust he detected.

Mayu took no heed of this warning and tried attacking him, throwing a palm attack to his face. Ogata, though bleeding heavily, manage to parry this attack away from him.

"Stop! This is my last warning!" declared Ogata as he moved his head away from another strike that broke the flaming wooden pillar apart, "If you continue, I will fight back!"

Mayu, lost in her rage, continued to attack Ogata without heed. She had just about broken past the expert barrier and in the world of masters. However, even though Ogata was weakened, he was still in the Grand Master range. Ogata parried her strike and countered with a swift kick to the head. Mayu blocked it, but the attack was so powerful that it made her stumble. At the same time, her stomach acted up and disoriented her further. Ogata noticed that she was wide open and threw a killing knife-hand blow right to her stomach. Before his attack reached just centimeters away from the stomach, a large hand clasped onto his thrust, stopping it cold while another hand dragged Mayu by her dougi.

"Enough," rumbled the Elder, shocking both fighters for a brief second at his sudden appearance, "One man's blood has already been spilled today. There will be no more as long as I am here."

Mayu was still lost in her rage, trying to claw at Ogata and almost kicked the elder before he suddenly let go of her and stabbed her in the neck with two fingers, knocking her unconscious.

"Why did you interfere?" asked Ogata warily as he faced the Elder. As confident as he was in himself, he knew he would be unable to win against Hayato Fuurinji, the Invincible Superman, even if he was in perfect health. However, what the Elder had done could be considered a breach of duel etiquette. Even Mayu didn't interfere until her father stopped breathing. So why did the Elder do so now? And why not during Kai's fight?

"She chose her path! You, who stand at the peak of the martial arts world, would choose to interfere in such matters? Is it because she is your disciple's daughter that you interfered? Is she so important that you would throw away your pride and reputation as a legendary master?"

"I interfered not because of her sake, nor yours," snorted the Elder, "But rather, for the one who had yet to even choose their own path. One that has yet to open their eyes to this world."

Ogata looked confused for a bit until he suddenly looked down at Mayu, and most importantly, focused on her stomach. It was then he noticed that her stomach bulged out a little, and knew it wasn't from belly fat. He then recalled his kick and how she had blocked it perfectly, and yet she stumbled enough to give Ogata a perfect killing opportunity. Ogata first thought that he had landed a stronger kick than he thought, but looking back, he realized that it should not have been the case. At most, she would've stumbled but easily recovered her position.

Ogata looked at his hand, the one that been poised to stab Mayu in the stomach, killing her... and the unborn child.

"Leave," advised the Elder, "You have already accomplished your goal. I will not take revenge for my student. It was his wish to fight you, and it is because of that I will respect his wishes and not fight you. It would be against the martial art's code for a master to interfere in his own disciple's fight, ex or not. However, I will not tolerate the loss of another's life, especially one that has yet to even open their eyes to this world."

"... Thank you, Fuurinji-sensei," bowed Ogata after some silence, "Thank you for preventing me from claiming a life that has yet to choose their own path. However, I still hold on to my code of Satsujinken."

"And I respect that, even if I dislike it," rumbled the Elder, "Just know, the next time we meet on a battlefield may be one that we will fight against each other."

Ogata nodded and quickly left the fiery premises, not wanting to fight the Elder in case he changed his mind. It was unlikely the Elder would do so, but that was something Ogata wasn't willing to risk. A few minutes later a panicking Tsutomu arrived to see if everything was alright. They quickly took refuge at Tsutomu's rented apartment.

Mayu slowly opened her eyes to look up into a familiar ceiling. She blinked as she recognized it as part of Tsutomu's apartment. Especially that hole that she made by accident when she came over to visit and the two got a bit amorous. She had flung her shoe off her feet into that specific spot by accident when eagerly stripping. Boy was her father mad when he found out she went to his house to get close. It was possible that was the day she got pregnant, too.

A choju giga bunny hopped by for a bit before Mayu suddenly sat up, scaring the bunny.

"Father!" shouted Mayu in a panic as she tried to get off the bed when she noticed Tsutomu, her husband, laying his head on the bed while sitting, his hands clenched on her left hand.

"You're awake," rumbled a voice from the kitchen.

Mayu blinked as the Elder stooped down under the hallway leading from the kitchen. Her mind swiftly recalled the events of what had happened before glaring at him.

"Why did you stop me?" growled Mayu, "He killed my father! It was my right to duel him right there and then, and he was fighting back, agreeing to the duel! You had no right to intervene, even if my father asked you to stop me!"

"I stopped you not for your life, foolish one!" yelled the Elder back, his eyes glowing and flashing with power, "I know better than to stop a person from making their own choices. But did you think about the consequences if you died? You would've left your husband as a widower and childless! Did you forget about that bundle of life growing in your stomach? The one that hasn't even made a choice yet?"

At this statement, Mayu paled and instantly put her right hand on her belly. She had forgotten that she was pregnant in her own rage, and started to hyperventilate.

Tsutomu had woken up when the Elder had finished lecturing Mayu just to see her hyperventilating.

"Mayu! Breath, just breath in deeply and slowly," instructed Tsutomu.

"The baby! Is the baby... is the baby alright?" asked Mayu in fear.

"As far as we know, the baby is safe," smiled the Elder, "Though I suggest going to the doctors just to be sure."

"Thank goodness," breathed Mayu, tears starting to fall out of her eyes.

"Unfortunately, your dojo was completely burned down," frowned the Elder, "If you need somewhere to stay, you will always be welcomed at Ryozanpaku."

"Thanks, but I think we can handle it," smiled Tsutomu as he rubbed his wife's stomach with tender passion, "I can't wait to hold him or her. Think he or she will be a martial artist like us?"

"Honey, you're looking at the next successor to the Tenchu Mushin," smiled Mayu before frowning, "But we don't have our dojo anymore, and we weren't exactly rich or filled with students."

"Ah, but I managed to convince your father to take an insurance policy on the dojo just in case," smirked Tsutomu, "The insurance will cover everything and more!"

"How'd you get an insurance company to agree?" mused the Elder, knowing how hard it was to get Ryozanpaku even through the front door, "And wouldn't it count as fraud as Kai did half the damage to the dojo itself?"

"When you've worked within insurance companies before, you tend to be able to navigate those treacherous waters," replied Tsutomu, "Our new dojo will be better than ever! Your father's legacy will live on!"

Mayu chose to show her gratitude give him a passionate kiss on his lips. The Elder chuckled as he decided to leave the couple alone.

Flashback ends

"That's a relief, Tanaka-san's wife and future child lives," breathed Kenichi.

"Another ally for the future against Yami," remarked Niijima.

"Tell me... what was Tsutomu Tanaka like in the future if I hadn't saved Mayu and the child?" asked the Elder with trepidation. The boys and Miu hadn't really described his personality, taking the abridged version as it was faster.

"Broken," replied both boys instantly.

"He focused all his efforts and broke through the Expert boundary, reaching Master class at the age of 20, but...," Kenichi trailed off.

"In order to try to remain to the path of Katsujinken, he had an automated dialing service that would dial to his phone, and he would pick up and converse with the phone, as though he was talking to his wife," continued Niijima, "It was his crutch until he finally caved to Satsujinken while fighting Ogata."

"And nobody would really know except for Ogata himself," mused the Elder, knowing that there were likely no other witnesses. He doubted he would've known until years after. "Though it is sad to hear such a devoted disciple fall to the path of Asura."

"Tanaka-san seemed to regret his choices before he died," said Kenichi as he leaned back on his chair, "His last words to me was to protect Miu, and to not follow the same path as he did."

"So he saw the light to Katsujinken in the end," concluded the Elder, "Perhaps this time, such temptation won't happen now, though I worry about Mayu. She may be tempted to do so to get revenge for her father."

"I'm confident with Tsutomu and his daughter, Mayu won't be tempted to kill Ogata just to win," stated Kenichi, "I'm sure she'll train until she can defeat him without killing her opponent, just like her father wanted."

The Elder gave a small smile, hoping Kenichi's opinion would be correct as he left to pick up his baby sister and take her to the park.

"How's training going for you now?" asked Kenichi during the spring break before they would be third-year students in middle school.

"Harsh," replied Miu, "Grandfather's pushing me harder than ever now that he knows I can control my Dou Ki."

She giggled before continuing, "Of course, he wasn't happy that the reason why I could was because of you and your words reaching to me."

"Is that why he's not watching over your shoulder right now?" asked Kenichi.

The two of them were at an actual date at a cat cafe, where Miu was happily eating while petting a small kitten.

"Grandfather promised me he wouldn't interfere or watch today's date," said Miu before switching topics.

"I can't believe I've never heard of this place and that you found it!" said Miu cheerfully.

"Yea, well, I just used the internet to look for it," replied Kenichi guiltily. In reality, he had asked Niijima to help him.

"So let's catch a movie at three!" said Kenichi, swapping the subject, "I heard there's a good one out now, and I don't think I've seen it back in the past."

"Let's go then!" smiled Miu, as she had never been to the movies before.

Meanwhile, high above them all, was Shigure and Sakaki. Though the Elder promised not to watch her date, he found a loophole that didn't state he couldn't send somebody else to do so. It was a petty loophole, but still a loophole none the less. Akisame and Ma were busy at their clinics, and Apachai... wasn't the best to ask to do a reconnaissance mission. Hence Shigure and Sakaki were his only choices.

"Hehehe, so that's who Miu has been hanging out with," grinned Sakaki from the rooftops, "Looks like a date to me. Think we should interfere?"

"Elder... said to... observe only...," answered Shigure with her mouse Tochumaru nodding in agreement.

"Feh, you're no fun," pouted Sakaki as he watched the two teenagers leaving, "Maybe that's why you haven't had a single date before."

Sakaki had said this out on a whim, not really thinking of his words, but Shigure looked like she was contemplating something when he said this. It was true that before she came to Ryozanpaku with Akisame, she had lived her childhood with her adopted father alone in the middle of nowhere, and then her child to teenage years in a house with the old hermit Hachirobe Kosaka that was Akisame's master for a little, learning the Kosaka style. Her only other contact with a male remotely close to her age during the time she grew up was Rin Tachibana, her 'sibling' by being in the same discipleship with Hachirobe Kosaka, and even that was barely a day.

She looked at Miu to see she seemed very happy with Kenichi and pondered what it was like to go out on a date with someone. She witnessed Miu hook arms with Kenichi as they walked towards the movie theater, keeping the image in mind. Miu looked radiant while she was with Kenichi. Perhaps she should try it too? But on whom, was the question. The only males she had extended contacts with were the ones at Ryozanpaku. Shelving these thoughts for later, Shigure, Tochumaru, and Sakaki chased after Miu and Kenichi

"The kid knows a good movie," grunted Sakaki a few hours later, still stalking... tracking Kenichi and Miu.

The two were now heading to Ryozanpaku, where Kenichi would drop Miu off before heading home. Sakaki, not wanting to lose sight of Kenichi and Miu, had paid for his and Shigure's ticket. They had all ended up watching Titanic in English with Japanese Sub. He had half-expected the kid to bring Miu to see the new Detective Conan movie or some action film, not a romantic/tragedy.

Shigure was still strictly observing Miu more than Kenichi, witnessing Miu kiss Kenichi on the cheek before they parted ways. She observed Kenichi's giddy form as he walked away and tilted her head in confusion. This would need further questioning.

A few days later while Miu was at the hot spring, relaxing after a long day when Shigure joined her. The two bathed in silence when Shigure popped her question.

"Miu... what's a …. date like?" asked Shigure.

Miu's hair flew up in shock at this random question before sputtering out, "What brought that question up? And what do you mean, a date? Like a calendar day?"

"Curiosity... from a book," replied Shigure, "And the... one dealing with... romance."

Miu raised an eyebrow before attempting to explain to her what a date was like. She had an inkling that though her grandfather didn't spy on her, he might have sent others to spy on her date with Kenichi. She had no proof, and she wanted to believe her grandfather wouldn't do such a thing.

"So... going to a movie... with a male... who pays for …. my ticket... is like... a date?" asked Shigure.

'That was oddly specific,' thought Miu, "Yea! What type of movie was it?"

"A romance/tragedy one," answered Shigure.

Miu squealed in excitement, "That's definitely a date! Who asked you? Oh I want to know!"

"A …. friend."

"C'mon, give me a name!"

"You'll …. see."

Seeing as she was unable to pry an answer from Shigure, Miu gave up, though she would have to observe Shigure more closely. She had never shown any interest like this in the past.

They had finished bathing and dressed back in their sleeping garments, or in Shigure's case, a loincloth and skimpy yukata, and were walking back to the dojo when they passed by Sakaki, Akisame, Ma, and Aapachai, who were going to take a turn in the hot springs.

It was then Shigure surprised everyone by walking up to Sakaki and kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks... for the... date," said Shigure as she walked away.

Choju Giga animals trotted around the frozen masters and disciple for a full five seconds before there was any reaction.

Miu was squealing with excitement and surprise while her hands formed a heart shape. Ma was looking at Sakaki in shock while Apachai was clapping just because he could, having no idea why Shigure kissed Sakaki. Sakaki himself was frozen in place at whats just happened.

'Date? I didn't take her out on a date!' thought Sakaki, his mind whirling through past events. The only time he was with Shigure was... when they had gone to spy on Miu! He racked his brains to figure out why Shigure thought it was a date. It's not like they went to see a romantic movie and he paid for her ticket and food... oh wait he did! Now Sakaki felt more self-conscious about Shigure then ever! He had already gotten used to her unusual choice of clothes and lack of awareness for others, but now this one kiss made him realize just how beautiful Shigure was.

Shaking his head and already getting ready to explain to Shigure what a real date was, he swore he felt the cold hands of death touch his shoulder.

"Sakaki...," said Akisame slowly, his grip tightening on Sakaki's shoulder while his eyes were glowing, "What have you been doing or saying to Shigure?"

"I'm innocent in all this!" panicked Sakaki, not wanting to fight Akisame over a simple misunderstanding.

"So you didn't take Shigure to see a romantic movie and pay for her ticket?" asked Miu innocently.

"Er, well," stammered Sakaki, "That was... well... ummm..."

"Did you take her to see a movie?" asked Kensei curiously.

"Well I did, but it was completely circumstantial," stated Sakaki, trying to navigate through this hazardous mine field. He couldn't tell them that the Elder had asked him and Shigure to stalk Miu and her date.

"Oh... and what were the circumstances?" asked Akisame lightly.

"I... err... Miu why don't you get me a beer while I explain it?" begged Sakaki, hoping to distract Miu while he could quickly explain everything without her having to hear it.

"You already had 5 beers today," said Miu sternly, "I won't allow you to go over the limit, otherwise I'll have to rebalance the budget, and I don't want to."

"Err, how about a snack!?" exclaimed Sakaki, "I'm sure Apachai is still..."

He trailed off as he saw Ma Kensei and Apachai already snacking on food and watching the scene.

'Bastards,' thought Sakaki, having another path shut off before turning to Akisame, "It's... not what it looks like?"

"It seems to me you took advantage of Shigure's lack of experience in the real world," stated Akisame, his eyes glowing, "As her 'uncle' and as well as the one who took care of her until we arrived at Ryozanpaku, it is only fitting that I bestow the punishment as well as the 'angry father' talk! Prepare yourself, Sakaki Shio!"

The dojo was lucky that Akisame's first move was to hurl Sakaki out into the back woods before they started their epic fight. Trees and dirt were tossed everywhere, stones shattered into dust, and birds actively avoiding the danger zone. It was only thanks to the Elder's intervention that the fight didn't move into the neighborhood.

After Miu had gone to sleep, it was only then the Elder managed to tell Akisame that the reason the two had been together was that he had asked them to watch over Miu and Kenichi just in case. That sent Ma Kensei laughing for hours.

"Seriously? Shigure-san and Sakaki-shifu together?" gaped Kenichi the next afternoon back at their hideout.

"I know!" giggled Miu, "I don't know what happened, and I don't know if this happened back in our old timeline. None the less, it's good to see Shigure actually going out on a date!"

"The two of them though... seems very unlikely," said Kenichi with a wry expression.

"Who were you expecting?" asked Miu curiously.

"Akisame-sensei," answered Kenichi with a serious tone, "He knows so much about her."

"Akisame is almost 17 years older than Shigure," lectured Miu, "He's almost old enough to be her father, which apparently, he stated that he was her 'uncle'."

"And... done!" yelled Niijima as he triumphantly lifted his upgraded PDA.

They were all eating lunch, as they had finished their second year with all of them being first or in the top ten at their respective schools.

"So... the third year," said Kenichi as he looked at the ceiling.

"One more year before it all starts," Miu agreed.

"One more year until I gain all my faithful pawns," chuckled Niijima before being elbowed in the stomach by both Kenichi and Miu.

Half a year flashed by already for the trio, marking the end of the first semester for their third year in middle school. Right before the end of the semester, all students met up with their homeroom teacher to discuss which high school they would be attending or wishing to go with recommendations, etc. The trio all answered that they would be heading to Koryo High School, which, of course, caused many of the teachers to panic and convince them to think about another school. Koryo High School was very well known for their free sense of tradition, which was to say, half of its student population were delinquents. The school attracted delinquents from everywhere and due to their rather lax standards on the entrance exam, it was easy for them to enter. Each of them tried to tell them all about the hilights of other schools, such as the gymnastics club at one school for Miu, where they always attended the championship and won it.

One teacher tried to convince Niijima and Kenichi to apply to another high school, stating that he heard rumors of a delinquent in middle school that had bullied various students for money, homework, or for fun. What was worst that nobody would punish him because all his victims were terrified of him that they opted to transfer schools instead of telling on him, thus leaving no witnesses or squealers.

However, their minds were already made up, and thus the teachers were unable to convince them to apply to another school. The teachers could only accept their decision and only hope was along the path, they would change their minds.

The principals and homeroom teachers of their schools did try to convince the parents to convince the children, but that failed as well. The principal from Miu's school was frightened away when Apachai and Sakaki had answered the door. Two teachers from Niijima and Kenichi's school were sent to their homes. Mototsuga told the teacher that it was Kenichi's choice and that he would stand by him. Naturally, after the teacher left, did Mototsuga fall down to the couch, crying that Kenichi was growing up too fast while Saori comforted him. As for the other teacher that went to Niijima's house... he disappeared for a week. He was later seen walking around the halls as though he had been brainwashed.

Now, though, the time had finally arrived for Kenichi to rejoin Ryozanpaku.

"Dam I'm nervous," shivered Kenichi as he stood in front of the giant door that led to Ryozanpaku.

"What's wrong?" asked Miu, who had accompanied him to the door.

"What if they don't trust me? What if they don't believe in our story and just think it's something I made up or a prank?"

"Kenichi! Have more faith in your masters!" scolded Miu.

"Sorry, but it's nerve wrecking!" admitted Kenichi., "Apachai would probably accept it with no question. Sakaki might be the hardest to convince though."

"Have no fear," said the Elder as he walked up towards the couple before placing himself in between Miu and Kenichi discreetly, "I will be there to verify your claims."

"Well then, let's go!" declared Miu, pushing Kenichi forward.

Kenichi took a deep breath and pushed the heavy oak doors open. He was so thankful that he managed to do it on his first try, remembering in the past how he couldn't even make it budge when he first came here.

"Apapa, Miu and the Elder is back!" shouted Apachai, "And they brought a boy with them!"

Sakaki blinked as he saw the boy and knew it was the same kid that Miu had been on a date with.

"Well this should be interesting," Sakaki darkly chuckled, "Perhaps the Elder brought him over to intimidate him. I would certainly help him."

"... Why?" asked Shigure, who was hanging upside down from the ceiling as usual.

"You have to ask? Akisame went full 'father' mode one me!" growled Sakaki.

"Because... of our... date?" asked Shigure, "Because... I enjoyed... it... and wouldn't... mind …. doing it... again."

Sakaki blushed and looked away, unable to respond to that. He was once more aware of her figure when she said that and decided to distract himself by flaring his ki towards the kid. He was a bit surprised to see the kid flinch but still stand, even though he only sent a low-level ki intent against him. It seems like things would be interesting.

Soon, all the masters were gathered at the main dojo, wondering why the Elder had called this meeting for, and why Miu and the new kid were sitting with them.

"I called this meeting for a very important reason," started the Elder, " Miu had been hiding a secret from us for quite some time now."

"You mean having a boyfriend?" asked Kensei curiously, "That doesn't seem to be that big of a secret."

"No, something deeper," clarified the Elder, "Ken-chan, would you care to start it off?"

"I doubt it's anything big that we can handle," chuckled Akisame, slightly stroking his mustache.

The bomb that Kenichi and Miu dropped, of course, surprised him as well as the rest of Ryozanpaku.

"Time travel!? Like legitimate time travel, as in going to the past!?" yelled Sakaki.

"Elder, such a tale seems... implausible," stated Akisame before pulling out a blackboard from seemingly nowhere and spouting off random theories, using Einstein's equation as the basis for the majority and then disproving each one. Kensei also seemed a bit suspicious but said nothing.

"Apachai thinks we should trust him," said Apachai, causing the other masters to turn to him, "He and Miu both have the same story, and the Elder believes them! What else is there to discuss?"

"I... agree," nodded Shigure.

The others blinked in surprise but still held their suspicions.

"Bah, still don't believe it," blew off Sakaki, "I never take disciples!"

Fortunately, Ma Kensei decided to ask a smarter question.

"If it's true, and that you were truly all of our disciples," said Kensei, "Then you must know our habits or traits."

Immediately, Kenichi brought the limited edition magazine of women in bikinis so skimpy that it might as well had been small pieces of clothes or spandex and presented it to Ma Kensei. The magazine immediately disappeared from his hands as Ma Kensei began to flip through it and giggle while saying that he believed him.

"Kenichi, why do you have that?" stated Miu as her eyes turned into white circles, her ki flaring up as strands of hair seemed to float.

"Because I knew he would want that!" defended Kenichi, "You said to bring something that'll make them believe the story! Ma-shifu is... well.. you know... perverted and loves those stuff!"

Akisame coughed before stating, "While bringing that may .. pacify Ma Kensei, it still doesn't prove-"

"You hate green peppers," interrupted Kenichi.

"...You could've easily asked-" began Akisame weakly, but Kenichi wasn't finished.

"You specialize in Jiujitsu, you're known in some medical groups as 'the man even diseases fear', aka the medic demon. You're a polymath, you constructed your whole body to be composed of pink muscles, and you once told me that you believed that you killed Shigure's father, the Last Blacksmith of Yami, when in reality he was already dying from a disease and you tried to save him from being thrown over a cliff, where he cut his own arm off to fall to his death. You then took Shigure to your old master, where she became Kosaka Shigure. "

Akisame blinked in surprise, especially at that last part. He had never told anyone about that, especially not Miu.

"Bah, Akisame is known in several circles," scoffed Sakaki, still in disbelief, "Bet you can't get my profile."

"You used to work with the FBI until you got tired," started Kenichi, "Your teammates were Christopher Eclair and Mycroft until you had a disagreement with them. You tried to bury them with a loader when they tried to kill you. You have a sister "

"... you could've easily gotten that from looking at some general missions," whistled Sakaki, looking away while chugging a beer bottle.

"Your fiance is Jennifer Gray."

Sakaki spat out his beer in surprise.

"She's not my fiance!" roared Sakaki, "I dunno when you managed to talk with little Jenny, but whatever she said ain't true! Plus, if you're friends with her, then you can easily learn stuff about me! Give me something more solid, something I've never told her before!"

"... You're best friend/rival was Akira Hongo, aka God Fist. You've fought each other so many times that you have 125 wins and 126 losses, though he believes he didn't win the last fight because he failed to kill you. Your scar on your face is from his attack while you gave him a vertical scar on the left side of his face, near his eye."

That stopped Sakaki cold in his tracks. He had never told anyone about his win-loss ratio against Hongo. There was only one other person that knew about those duel records besides the participants, and he was dead.

"Apapapa do me!" cheered Apachai, not even caring at this point. He just wanted to learn about the disciple that he would raise in the future.

"Err... you like hamburger steaks, you know Agaard Jum Sai, and you hate planes."

"Apapa that's amazing!" clapped Apachai, "Do Ma Kensei next."

"That's unnecessary," intervened Kensei, "I've seen enough to believe him."

Shigure was silent as usual until she dropped a rather big bomb on Sakaki again with a completely different subject, "Does that mean... I had an affair... with Sakaki on that date?"

The whole room was silent at this announcement until they remembered Kenichi had mentioned Sakaki having a fiance.

"SA!KA!KI!" growled Akisame, his face contorting in anger while his eyes were glowing with power.

"Dammit Shigure stop doing that!" cried Sakaki before trying to pacify Akisame, telling him that he did not have a fiance despite what Jennifer claimed and that he was not interested in Shigure. That last part set off Akisame as he asked why wasn't Sakaki interested in her, that if she wasn't good enough. Sakaki was caught in one of the worst catch-22s until the Elder finally intervened.

"Instead of just talking, let Kenichi show you by sparring," proclaimed the Elder, "You can verify from his moves that he learned from you all."

"Good idea," acknowledged Akisame after he finally stopped trying to throttle Sakaki, "Who should do it, though?"

"Apapa, I'll go!" volunteered Apachai.

Kenichi had to resist screaming once more, as he knew Apachai had trouble holding back even after he took Kenichi as a disciple. Even then, Apachai had more than once sent him close to the afterlife only for Kensei to drag his departing soul back in with his medicine.

"No, it's better for me to do it," stated Akisame, "You don't know how to hold back."

Apachai was sent sulking in a corner while the others cleared the floor to allow Kenichi and Akisame to spar.

"Don't hold back," lectured Akisame, "I will be on the defensive to see your moves."

Kenichi nodded as he took a deep breath and released his ki, his eyes glowing. The masters all raised their eyebrow when they saw his Ki kneading was already at a master's level. They had their suspicions when they first saw him, but this merely confirmed it.

'Perhaps I shouldn't hold back as much as I was planning to,' thought Akisame before raising his arm, his hand flicked the universal 'come'.

Kenichi charged forward, initiating the first steps of Korui Nuki.

A few moments later, Kenichi rolled away breathless and bruised as Akisame threw him into the ground for what seemed to be the 8th time in a row. His opening gambit hadn't worked, as before he could exploit the weak points in Akisame's defense, which were very few, Akisame had moved and grabbed Kenichi, throwing him into the ceiling. Kenichi tried other tactics using each style he learned, but was met with Akisame's iron defense, though Akisame did look at at him with slight approval.

'Ow,' thought Kenichi as he shook his head. Clearly, his moves weren't working. He looked at each of his future masters and suddenly had an idea that would surely convince them that they had taught him besides knowing their history.

Akisame sensed a changed and prepared to what was to come. He was, however, very surprised when Kenichi attacked like he was a mini version of Apachai, complete with Muay Thai, personality, and tempo. Kenichi's power was obviously lower than Apachai and slower, but he could clearly see the resemblance.

'Interesting,' mused Akisame as he dodged a fierce knee attack, 'It really is like fighting a small Apachai."

"Apapa, that's me!" clapped Apachai in excitement. "Look, Shigure, look look look!"

Kenichi fired an Apapunch strong enough that Akisame felt his hands tingling after blocking it and attacked back with a palm thrust. Akisame's eyes widened a tiny bit as he could feel Kenichi change once more, switching to a Karate block with his right hand and attacked with his left. He dodged it and jumped back just as Kenichi stepped in while yelling "Chesto!"

"Apapa, look it's Sakaki!" laughed Apachai, "He even sneers like him!"

"I do not sneer or laugh like that!" sputtered Sakaki as Kenichi stood in a karate pose with a sneer.

"It's very accurate," commented Akisame out loud for Sakaki to hear.

"Hoo, it looks like his story about us being his master becomes much more obvious as he fights," grinned Kensei.

After Kenichi's simultaneous attack to the face and stomach, the Yamazuki, was blocked, Kenichi decided it was time to switch it up once more as well. Akisame sent a fist out just for Kenichi to dodge it and attempt the attack he had recreated from Shigure, Shutou Muzan.

"Ah! That's my move!" smiled Shigure in glee. She had her doubts that she was one of his masters, as he didn't seem to carry any weapons, but seeing this move cleared those doubts.

"Heeya!" shouted Kenichi as he swapped to Kensei's personality, along with Chinese Kenpo.

"I don't say that!" fretted Kensei.

"Actually, you do," chuckled the Elder.

"Alright, that's enough," declared Akisame as he grabbed Kenichi's wrist and threw him into the floor before he could react. A fist stopped right before his eyes before Kenichi could recover.

"I believe I win."

Truthfully, Akisame wanted to see a bit more, but at the cost of being laughed at when Kenichi would inevitably copy him wasn't worth it.

"I see you've already begun trying to copy my pink muscle build," commented Akisame as Kenichi washed off his sweat with a towel while Miu tended to his bruises. He could tell from a glance at Kenichi's naked chest as well as during the fight.

"Yea, I was hoping to create a better base for you all to work with," admitted Kenichi, "Last time, I wasn't even strong enough to open the door when I first entered Ryozanpaku."

"Hmm, then I can easily modify my plans," said Akisame with a gleam as he began writing in his notes, "The basic training I originally thought of before we started this fight can be increased by tenfold!"

"That'll have to be put on hold," said the Elder as he hands descended down on Miu and shivering Kenichi, who was suffering traumatic flashbacks, "I want to take them to Yamigadani. (Dark Valley, or to the heart of Japan) Ken-chan still needs to work on his Ki while I believe it's time I took a deeper look at my granddaughter's ki training. At the very least, I want Ken-chan to be able to hide his ki levels so other masters won't get the wrong idea and attempt to sway him to their side."

'Especially if what they said was true,' added the Elder in his mind, 'I'm not letting Kushinada nor Jenazad corrupt them if they get the chance. I know they'll take the chance to kidnap these two if they found out about their Ki levels and future knowledge.'

Miu and Kenichi gulped in slight fear but agreed. A call back to the Shirahama resident and a crying Mototsuga hanging up, Kenichi would be using the summer break to train with Miu and the Elder. Niijima gave his goodbyes while plotting on how to increase his influence with Kenichi holding him back.

The Elder, Kenichi, and Miu made their way to the train station where they rode it for three hours, then went on a bus for two, and finally began just running towards the location for a good hour. Kenichi had been training himself hard that he could keep up with Miu's speed until she started to use Nanba Hashiri, swinging her hand and legs at the same time. Slowly but surely, he started to lag behind until the Elder decided to pick both of them up and carried them the rest of the way, deciding it would be faster.

"For a person who trained himself, not bad," chuckled the Elder, complementing Kenichi as his two passengers clung on to him for their life, "Remind me to teach you the running technique. It might help you a bit in the future."

When they finally arrived, Kenichi took a good look around, remembering his time here.

"Never thought I'd be here again," gasped Kenichi.

"It's my first time here!" admitted Miu.

Kenichi blinked in surprise and was about to ask a question when the Elder answered it before it could be asked.

"There are other places similar to the Black Valley. However, I've never pushed Miu too hard on her Dou Ki as it was rather immense for her age and quite unstable."

Kenichi quickly recalled back at the island during the DFOD, where Miu went on a rampage and winced. He had been very lucky to shock her back by using Ma-shifu's Memory Recovery Technique... which involved groping Miu's breasts. Of course, he had enjoyed it immensely even though he had been kicked in the face hard. They felt so soft and firm... then he made a quick note not to tell the Elder about what he had to do to bring Miu back that time. Kenichi didn't want to be maimed beyond belief.

"Ah wait!" snapped Kenichi, "I know I met Ogata here! Isn't it dangerous to bring us so close to one of Yami's fighters?"

"As far as I know, nobody is currently residing here," replied the Elder, "Remember, Ogata never killed Mayu and Tsutomu's child. I believe in your old timeline he came here to live in self-exile for killing the child, even though he or she was still a fetus."

Kenichi sighed a breath of relief for a only a moment before he remembered that he was in a dangerous place with the Elder.

"Now then!" declared the Elder as his eyes began to glow, seemingly firing short-range lasers, "The both of you will have one mission! Survive!"

Both Miu and Kenichi gulped as Choju Giga animals scurried away.

20 days later

Kenichi and Miu dragged their bodies back to camp and fell face forward near the firepit. The Elder hadn't been joking when he told them to do their best to survive.

"Get up," said the Elder, poking both of them with a stick, "You'll need to eat first. The two of you should have food you gathered, right? I'm not going to get food for the two of you."

They groaned but picked themselves up to grab some food they had left in the storage they had built. Kenichi, with his knowledge of edible plants and spices due to his 'How to survive in the wilderness' books, managed to gather some herbs, fruits, and fishes while Miu seasoned the food and cooked them.

While they were eating, Kenichi raised a question that had been nagging him when he saw the Elder teaching Miu how to wield her Dou Ki and showing her an example of an extreme Dou Ki technique.

"Elder, what type of Ki do you have? I originally thought you had Sei Ki because you taught me Seikuken and the advanced form of it, Ryusui Seikuken, but I also saw you using Dou Ki while teaching Miu. Can you use both?"

The Elder grinned as he chewed on the bones of his fish, "Normally I don't really tell others, but since you've seen me use both, I suppose I could tell you. What I use isn't Sei Ki or Dou Ki, but rather a slight mixture of both, though it's more Dou based. I call it Ga Ki. That's the reason why I'm able to use the advanced form of Seikuken."

"Is that what Ogata is looking for?" asked Kenichi, "A fusion of both?"

"No," rejected the Elder, "As I said, Ga Ki is more Dou based. If I had to say, it's 70% Dou and 30% Sei, mixed in with my special breathing techniques. From what you've told me about him, he pursues an even mixture of both Dou and Sei, his technique called Seidou Goitsu(Sei and Dou Roar as One). It uses a 50/50 split, gathering Ki inwards before exploding them outwards. A very dangerous technique that could be described as putting firecrackers within a glass container. The person will be given an explosive boost to his or her power. I'd say the power gained during that technique is maybe multiplied by three, but it'll destroy the body. Even I would succumb to it, though I'd say I would be able to use it for at least an hour without harming my body."

Both disciples nodded at that, though Kenichi was wondering about something deeper.

"Would it be... possible for me to learn the basics of Dou Ki?" asked Kenichi.

Both the Elder and Miu gaped at Kenichi's outrageous suggestion.

"Why would you want that!?" gasped Miu, "Would it even be possible?"

"The last time I met Ogata back at the amusement park, he mentioned how it was possible for me to use Dou Ki," replied Kenichi.

"And why?" asked the Elder in a somber tone.

"Because of my friend Ryuuto," replied Kenichi with a serious tone, "He used Seidou Goitsu and it destroyed his body. Back when I fought Satomi Kajima, I managed to fix his ki channels when I defeated him. However, he was using pure Dou Ki, so I only needed to focus on one type of Ki. Ryuuto will most likely use that move once more, and I'm not sure if I can help if I have to deal with two Ki types running amok in his body. I know I can defeat him as I am now, but I need to be able to understand how the two Ki's work against each other. I don't want him to suffer all those injuries he inflicted on himself. Not only could he not use his legs for a year, but his hair turned white and his right eye turned black. If I can, I want to be able to defeat him while making sure all those self-inflicted injuries never happen."

"Kenichi..," whispered Miu as she hugged him.

The Elder couldn't help but grin at this answer. When Kenichi asked to learn about Dou Ki, he was worried that Kenichi wanted to pursue more power. This answer that he got, though, was more than enough to put those worries to rest. To defeat his enemy without truly harming or killing them, to save others at the risk of his life, it was truly Katsujinken. The Elder had no doubt that this man would never stray away from the path.

Then he noticed that Miu and Kenichi were way too close for his liking.

"HEY! I DIDN'T GIVE PERMISSION TO BE THAT CLOSE!" yelled the Elder before splitting them apart once more.

Finally, the month-long training trip was over and the trio was headed back to Ryozanpaku. The Elder decided to teach Kenichi the basics of Dou Ki but made him promise never to attempt to use Seidou Goitsu. Miu and Kenichi fell asleep during the bus drive, their heads leaning against each other. Miu's head resting on his shoulder comfortably while Kenichi had his head on top of hers.

"Just this once," grumbled the Elder as he sat down on the other side, watching them.

As the bus traveled down the road towards the train station, another bus was heading the other way, passing each other. In that bus was Ryuto Asami and Ogata Isshinsai, whom Ryuto called Kensei.

"Kensei-sama, where are we headed to and why?" asked Ryuto.

"We're heading to Yamigadani to train," smiled Ogata, "It's time I taught you a special technique I've invented recently. You've learned about Sei Ki, it's time for you to learn the other spectrum, Dou Ki, and then use them together."

"Will this make me stronger?" asked Ryuto with greed in his eyes.

"Immensely," nodded Ogata, "It's a trump card for sure if you are tied or losing. Use this technique only for those situations, though. A trump card is useless if played too often."

What he didn't tell him was that he was using him as a guinea pig to see what happened if both Ki's were used and the time limit, but Ryuto didn't need to know that.

"Welcome back my important pie-, I mean friend!" cackled Niijima as the second semester of their third year in junior high school started, "My, you look tired!"

"I'm sore all over," groaned Kenichi as he slouched on his desk, waiting for homeroom to begin. When he got back and signed the contract to study at their dojo for 5000 yen a month, Akisame had plans and inventions ready for him. Being able to have a whole month in advance certainly allowed him to be creative with his inventions, half of which helped lower Ryozanpaku's electric bills.

"Good for you," nodded Niijima, not really caring about that. He was used to him complaining back in their old timeline, and knew that Kenichi didn't really hate his training, "Meanwhile, I've got my information network back up, my website almost completed, and having been tracking multiple Ragnarok members."

"You haven't actually gone spying on them, have you?" frowned Kenichi, "The last time you did that in the past, you got caught and almost shipped to who knows where. You got lucky the freighter freaked about some alien vision and crashed the ship into the nearest shore to escape."

"Yea, I don't remember either," frowned Niijima. He remembered freeing himself thanks to some mice chewing his ropes and being thirsty. He had quickly found something that looked like grape juice and drank it before everything became a blur before ending up at a beach, where Apachai managed to locate him with the use of seagulls. He had no idea he was the main reason for the crash.

"But no, I'm not the one spying," continued Niijima, waving off the blurry memory, "I have an inside man already."

"Isn't that dangerous for them?" asked Kenichi, "Any of the Fists in Ragnarok could punish them if they found it."

"Oh come, Kenichi, you foolish boy," grinned Niijima, "Do you not remember who was my most faithful servant of all?"

Kenichi blinked for a second before slamming his hands on the desk in surprise, "You recruited Siegfried already?! Isn't that dangerous for him? What if they find out he's the spy?"

"Shhh," hushed Niijima, "And I trust Siegfried will be careful. He did counterspy on those Russian soldiers without them even noticing him during our camping trip. I doubt a bunch of teenagers will be able to. Not to mention, he's in the midst of convincing Thor to defect to the Shinpaku Alliance when it's time."

"Alright, but don't do anything stupid that could risk their lives," hissed Kenichi.

"Of course! I only go forward with my plans if I have a high chance success rate," huffed Niijima, "I'm not an idiot planner like Loki."

Back at Ragnarok's hideout, Loki sneezed and almost gave away what he hand in his hand while playing poker with others.

Soon, graduation was upon them all in a flash. Niijima's rank fell down to 10th while Kenichi managed to achieve the top position, though he did feel guilty that he had high school knowledge already. It also helped that Miu forced him to study when they hung out together. Niijima was too busy managing his future empire to care about grades too much. Much to their school teacher's displeasure, though, they couldn't convince any of them to switch away from Koryo High School.

Miu looked to see her grandfather and the rest of Ryozanpaku attending her graduation ceremony and waved at them, wishing dearly her father could've been here. Everyone at Ryozanpaku was family, but ever since she learned her father truly loved her mother and her, she wished she could've spent some more time with her real parents. She would have dreams every now and then about a life where they were still alive. As she went to talk with her friends, a man passed by the Elder and slipped a very expensive cat doll for the phone into the Elder's hands. It was a limited edition accessory doll, with only 100 of them available in the whole world.

"You sure you don't want to see her now that we know the truth?" rumbled the Elder, using his special technique Obstructive Lung Voice to make sure nobody heard him.

"I don't know how you got the truth or how you even found me, but it's too early," replied the man back, using the same technique. After all, it was a technique that Saiga Fuurinji learned from his father.

"My hands are too stained to carry Miu anymore," continued Saiga, "I've not seen her in years, and revealing myself now would just put her at risk. Not to mention, I don't deserve to hold her."

The Elder merely nodded at his son, who was in disguise.

"I am disappointed that you decided on Satsujinken, but at least I know the truth that you are not the heartless son that I have no hope for, but rather the misguided son that I hope to bring back."

Saiga merely chuckled, "The deaths I have caused... some I regret, some I had no choice. And don't try to tell me otherwise father, I made my decision. My goal now is to find Senzui and bring him down. Someday, you'll tell me how you figured everything out. I thought for sure you wouldn't believe me even if I told you, and I know for a fact Senzui would never tell you, and try to push his lie to the world as the truth."

"It is not my secret to tell, and I was not the one who discovered it," replied the Elder, "But perhaps someday soon, maybe even a year from now, we will be able to come together once again. And maybe you who have walked both paths will make your final choice."

Saiga merely nodded as he watched his daughter hug some of her friends, wiping a tear from his eyes as he gazed at her.

"She looks so much like her mother, despite her hair and eye color," lamented Saiga, "She'll be as beautiful as her soon. Until then, I'll continue my work from the shadows. Take her of her for me."

"I would do so regardless of what you said," replied the Elder.

With that, Saiga left the school, having witnessed his daughter's graduation without her ever knowing.

"So, it all begins here," declared Kenichi as the trio were on the rooftops of Ryozanpaku during midnight. Niijima had been lifted up there by Apachai, and all three would be sleeping over for a day, as there were a few days left before they would enter Koryo High School.

"The beginning of everything," nodded Miu.

"The start of the Shinpaku Alliance and my glorious empire!" cackled Niijima, causing Kenichi and Miu to elbow him in the stomach.

"I mean, the start of all our friends," coughed Niijima as he corrected himself.

"And this time, we will protect everyone!" shouted Kenichi, clenching his fist towards the night sky.

"Yea!" shouted Niijima and Miu in agreement, following his lead.

"Yomi, Yami, and everybody else look out! We're coming in!"

And thus starts the beginning of the story! We're done with all the prologue and now heading into chapter 1 of the manga! Just how different will it be? Find out next time!

As I've said, I am looking for a Beta Reader for this. PM me if you're interested.

Yes, the Elder's chosen Ki is indeed called Ga Ki. It's Dou based, though it does bring up just how he's able to use Sei techniques. In short, I think it's a mixture of both, but rather than 50/50 like Seido Gaototsu, it's more likely 70-30.

It is possible for Kenichi to use Dou Ki. Ogata himself told Kenichi that it was possible for Kenichi to learn it even though he's Sei based. Most likely any fighter can use both Ki's, but most choose the one they are more attuned to. Possible chance for Kenichi to create his own type of Ki in the future maybe.

Someone asked why I didn't update this fic often for a fresh new fic. Well I am currently juggling 3 other fics, one of them I'm actually behind on due to muse not working for that story. Not to mention I have other things to do. But I do promise this one will be updated at least once a month, maybe a month and 2 days.

Let's see, other rants...

Called it. FF15 is planning to release season 2 with a possible 'happy' ending. Man Square Enix is just doing DLC crap, squeezing money from all. Hope they don't do that for KH3 and release the full game. DLC with alternate costume or small side stories I can accept, but a full chapter and alt ending is ... bleh.

I should probably write out my ff15 story soon... so others don't say I copied... maybe they copied other writers who made their own...

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