
Rowling is British and I ain't, and I can't draw.

Surprise! I want to thank all of my readers who reviewed this story. The response to this fic was amazing, and I hope it continues. Going into the future, I will treat this fic and my other Highschool DxD crossover like I do my Star Wars crossovers: it will be put on my Pat R on page as a separate poll, which will run from the time I put it up to the end of the month. Then the winner will join the small story poll to see which two small stories will be updated in the next month. Yes, it will be a Pat R on only poll. If you wish to have a say in it, please join us. You'll get access to several omakes, my new Fairy Tail/Ranma crossover and a few one shots. If you don't want to do that or can't, you can win points for this or any of my other small stories by testing your artistic side and come up with a title picture.

For January, this story won first place here on fanfic bringing in 405 votes, I put down a 100 of my own votes on it because of my promise to put a 100 votes down on the two small HP stories due to the ATP chapter not being the one I had intended to put out and brought in 344 votes over on Pat R on, giving it 849 votes total.

One or two reviewers noted I'd made a mistake claiming that either I had made a mistake or this was the first year Kuoh had been open to boys. However, just because this is the first year it's been open to the boys, doesn't mean that Issei and co will be coming in as freshman. It just means they were transferees. Given the level of perversion in all three and the fact one of them is academically inclined I could easily see them putting in the effort to pass an entrance exam. "For our harems!"

Another issue many of you pointed out was how the Sensei had to leave to move to his next class, with the students remaining in a single class throughout the day. This has been corrected in the last chapter, and I will keep it in mind going forward.

Others have also expressed concern about the idea of using Rias for various reasons as the main girl in this story. I will argue against that below.

She's over used.

Ehhh I don't think so. She is the main female character for one thing, and for another she's sexy as hell and can be damned powerful too if people actually push her to grow unlike in the original which never really allowed her to move past being the source of a lot of the Ecchi comedy and the 'princess' type of heroine: the one whose need to be saved powers the story. And if you count out the utter dreck and the stories which force crossover characters to become part of her peerage rather than making their own way, there aren't very many good stories with her in them. Or at all in this fandom considering that last point, which pisses me off a LOT: people dying against Raynare and her coterie, who are scrubs in terms of her power level in terms of the original story, and super powerful people being forced to become devils. Makes no sense. Yes my standards are high, is that a problem?

Rias's age and Harry's.

This is a more relevant point in many ways. However, Rias and Akeno, and to a lesser extent Tsubaki and Sona all have bodies that are those of college age women at worst. In many ways they are better looking and more mature than most women that age. Akeno's is… just impossible. And I think Rias and Sona in particular will have had to grow up faster mentally than they would have otherwise. Plus, the actual age difference isn't all that big a deal even in the real world. We hear about couples with ages differences all the time.

They are teacher and student, that's immoral!

In the real world yes. In the real world I would never ever condone this. I would sooner see the teacher drawn and quartered. However the same could be said for the perverted trio. The instant they started to try and spy on girls changing they should have been expelled. The moment that one asshole admits to being a Lolita he should have been kicked out and forced to see psychiatric help. However they are not and this is not the real world. THIS… IS… FICTION! In this world perverts can survive beatings, hordes of students create almost cults worshipping their idols, and oh yes, magic and everything else exists.

Further, I'm not the first to go with this idea, though I might be the second or third to write this idea into this particular fandom. Several Japanese manga and Korean manhwas deal with student/teacher relationships for good or ill, older man/younger woman and older woman/younger man. So while they couldn't be open about their relationship if it occurs, the actual relationship is not revolutionary.

Besides, we tend to forget that Rias and the other characters are devils. They have a sense of morality true, but their morals differ from normal humans in many ways. And in my opinion Kuoh Academy was recreated in a way to allow Sona and Rias to go there and control the territory in the first place. It is very doubtful they could do anything wrong and be called out for it, and even if they did, hey presto devils magic for the win.

It also remains to be seen if Rias will be the main girl in the harem, or simply one of several, with another girl getting past her for the prize as it were first.

For other women I am willing to look at the older women in the series, but other than Yubelluna and Kalawarner, none of the ones who aren't already in a relationship interest me - yes Kuroka is being considered, we'll see, but some of the choices she has made, beyond running off in order to protect her sister, would not sit well with Harry. Feel free to try and convince me, but that is just how I see things, and please remember I won't break up happy couples, so no Grayfia, Veneleana or others. There was a review who asked for Grayfia despite my showing that she and Sirzechs were together and Millicas around, so this has to be said.

This chapter has been betaed by Nad Destroyer. Thank him for his work please, as without it there would have been a lot more mistakes than there no doubt still are LOL.

Chapter 2: Perverts Come in All Shapes and Sexes

The rest of Harry's first day as a Sensei at Kuoh was a solid block of classes from lunchtime on but out of four classes, he only really ran into two further issues that first day. One was his first freshman class, which he had right after lunch.

The issue started immediately as he entered the room where the class was taking place. This class, 3-A, or the best and brightest freshman class, was three floors down from his first class. The Japanese believed in separating the grades by floor, and even kept all of the labs and other specialty classrooms on a single floor.

As Harry entered the room he took a sniff of the air his werewolf enhanced senses almost going haywire as the distinct smell of cat reached him. The reason for this was easily apparent as he looked around, the students all standing up and bowing as he did, though Harry quickly waved them back to their seats.

The smell was coming from the student nearest the windows in the first row of students. She was a short white-haired girl, who probably could have been an example for the term petite beauty. She was quite cute with short silver hair and an athletic looking body type though her face was markedly expressionless. The girl also had a yellow issue eyes which were locked on Harry the instant the door opened.

Now without those eyes, I'd have just thought that she was simply a cat person who owned a lot of the furry little murderballs. Those eyes, and the way she's looking at me though tell me something different. Is she some kind of were-creature? Harry had done some reading on local were-people, and he knew that there were a few were-people in the world that were not traditionally found in Europe, werecats being one of them.

Shaking that off Harry moved to the front of the classroom smiling at the class. "Good afternoon, my name is Mister Potter, as you all probably no doubt know by this point. As I am a new Sensei here, I am in the same boat as all of you are: getting to know the school and getting to know the students and the other Senseis. As such, whenever I ask you a question, could you please state your name before you give me the answer?" Harry spoke in Japanese and while worded that as a question, it was obvious to the freshman that he meant it as an order.

"Can I have a volunteer for a moment please to come up and take these books for me?" He said in English, gesturing to the large pile of small paperback books he had carried in.

The sudden switch seemed to startle many of the students, but more than half of the class understood what he said, and a few raised their hands. Harry chose one of them randomly, and she stood up, giving her name and said "Traditionally jobs like that are given to the class representative Sensei."

Harry laughed. "That might be, but you're all freshman, and it's the first day of class so you don't have a classroom rep, do you?"

That won him some laughs, and the girl ruefully replied that they did not, just that she had been a classroom rep at the middle school she had been in the year previous. Harry nodded affably and said "Well if you win the job again, I'll be sure to remember that. For now please, Miss Sana, please distribute copies of this book."

The girl did so, reading the cover of it as she did, which read, Terry Pratchett's Witch's Abroad.

"I'm assigning this book as a sort of assessment," Harry said going on as the girl went down the rows, trying not to look in the white-haired girl's direction though he could feel her eyes still on him. "As this is the first day, I would like to perform an assessment of your skill levels personally, rather than relying on the grades that I saw from your old schools. I realize this might be a little unusual, but I hope to show that learning English he doesn't always have to be difficult, or dominated by reading what are known as 'classics'."

Harry held up his fingers making the quotation mark around the word 'classics' while still speaking in practically flawless Japanese before switching to English as he went on. "This however is a slightly teenage book, so if you are irritated by curses, or curse words, or find magic as a topic offensive, please raise your hand and you won't have to participate. There's nothing dirty in these books of course, but they are set in a Middle Ages sort of world, and people cursed a lot back then."

That won him more laughs from the people who were still able to follow what he was saying, and they quickly shared what they were hearing with their neighbors, which was partly why Harry had switched. Students learned best when they were learning together after all, and he wanted them all to get into the mindset of helping one another quickly.

Harry was also happy to see that this class had five boys rather than the two that his first class had, and all of them looked the studious type. Harry noticed one of them exchanging shy glances with a girl next to him, and wondered if there were already couples among the kids. Not my business, Harry thought determinedly.

He began to walk around front of the classroom, handing out syllabuses. "This is going to be our syllabus for the rest of the year. We'll go over it first before we get to the fun part, during which I want you all to take out your notebooks and pencils."

As Harry was about to reach the girl with the silver hair one of the students at the front row quickly held up a hand. Harry turned and nodded. The boy stated his name, then asked "I don't see any actual textbooks on here sensei."

"I'm not going to assign full textbooks. You will be giving excerpts and writing assignments from a few textbooks, but I hope to create a more natural learning environment in this class than would be the case if we just followed along with a single textbook." Harry said in English before repeating himself in Japanese. As he did he finished putting down the paper in front of the white-haired girl, and whispered in a tone that no one but another were-person would have been able to hear. "I don't have an issue with you unless you start one kitty."

The girl twitched, but some of the tension seemed to leave her body as Harry went on, moving across each line of desks and handing out papers. At the same time he fielded questions about the syllabus, which was a good sign, they were reading it, and looking ahead rather than waiting for him to give them all the information. One of the first questions had to do with the assigned weekend reading Harry had inserted into the syllabus.

"Every week you'll read a chapter from an English book. You can pick one out of every five at the start, and you have four days to choose them, but I expect you to start reading them right away. You will be required to write small chapter summaries in English over the weekend followed by a question-and-answer sessions on Mondays. During those question and answers sections we'll cover areas such as grammar, specific vocabulary words, and any difficulties you run into during the reading. Those summaries can range from five sentences, the bare minimum I'll accept, to twenty if you want to show off and maybe earn some extra points."

"Extra points?" asked a student, not giving her name.

Harry looked at her, pausing in handing out syllabuses until she muttered her name and apologized. Harry nodded, and went on as if nothing happened. "Extra points can go towards specific quizzes or test grades to bring your grades up, or homework. As I said I'll also be assigning you specific fill in the blank type worksheets every night except over the weekend so you can use a good twenty sentence summary say to get out of a night's work if you have a test coming up in another class. Though if you do have another test in another classroom coming up please tell me. I'm very flexible in making certain that we don't overburden you."

Many of the students looked grateful at that since Kuoh was a prestigious school and the workload reflected that.

Finished handing out syllabuses, Harry moved up to the front of the classroom. "Now, to read these books there are a few extremely odd names you'll need to get used to speaking. We'll go over those now. Repeat after me," Harry said as he turned to the whiteboard and began to write on it.

Soon enough he had the characters of the Discworld series written out, and some of the students were whispering, and one of them stood raised her hand gave her name and asked quizzically, "Is the Luggage really a character?"

Harry smiled at her which caused the girl to blush but Harry ignored that figuring the students would get over their reaction to him soon enough. Oh please let them get over it, especially those two from my last class.

Shaking his head from an image of red hair and black hair and bodies built for sin Harry asked the girl to look to the back of the book, where the characters were. "Open your books to that page, and let us all read along with Miss Ikki as she tells us about… the Luggage."

After the reading, Harry translated some of the more hard to understand words, and gave a brief overview of how to change Japanese sentence structure into English. There was now a lot of interest in the books, all of the students looking down at them thoughtfully as they realized that this was a fantasy novel that maybe could get into even if it was assigned reading.

This was helped by Harry saying that he would read it first, and continually translating from English into Japanese as they went.

By the time he was done reading the first five pages, the students were into the story, smiling at one another. Harry then stopped, looked at them all and asked, "Now how many words did you notice there that you didn't already understand?"

Most of the students had three, some of them had as many as seven. But this was within the ballpark of what Harry had expected from this class and he nodded. "Good we'll go over those now, and then let's start from the end of the first row and go across towards the windows then back and forth. Each student will read five sentences, and you can ask for help on words two times. Let's see if you can make it interesting too, I'd like to see some accents if you're speaking as a character. How do you interpret the character's speaking, what kind of tone do they use, can you speak like a stuck up king type?" Harry said, changing his voice to match that, getting giggles and laughter from the entire class. "Can you speak like an airhead? Or a belligerent warrior?"

Again his impressions won him more giggles and laughter from all the students save from the white-haired girl, who had only allowed a small smile to flit across her face and that was all. The unresponsive type? That's not fun; we'll have to do something about that.

The students did frequently need to ask for help, but Harry took that in stride writing the word up on the whiteboard to make certain that all of the students understood that they needed to write those words down to, and when questions about grammar came along, answered them quickly. They only stopped the storytelling when they got to Ms. Koneko, who stated her five sentences flatly, without asking for help which was a good thing, but without any kind of emotion or happiness in her town, staring straight at the book.

When she finished, Harry shook his head sadly. "Lame."

The girl looked up at him narrowing her eyes. "Not lame," she said firmly as if the word was a personal affront to her.

Smirking slightly, Harry realized it might well be though why he didn't know. "No, that was quite lame. I mean come on. I asked the class to put some imagination some passion into it, and you do that? If we ever get to a story about robots perhaps that would be the proper tone to use, but not here. Now come on Ms. Toujo, give me an impression of Granny Weatherwax."

Harry ignored the fact that most of the girls had blushed when he had said the word 'passion', feeling their reaction to that was just a little on the creepy side. Rias and Akeno, for all that they were third year high school girls had the bodies of fully grown women and attitudes more like that of college girls so their flirting (subtly in Rias's case) didn't freak him out nearly as much as being looked at like this did by the younger students. I really hope they get over this kind of thing quickly.

Eyes narrowed Koneko stared at him for a moment, but when Harry smirked back at her making it clear he wasn't going to let the next student pick up the tale until she obeyed his request, she sighed then reread the section she had just read. She gave a near perfect rendition of Granny Weatherwax as she had appeared in a cartoon Harry had watched with his daughter at one point.

"Well done!" Harry said, clapping, which caused the rest of the class to clap.

This caused Koneko in turn to flush slightly, sitting down abruptly. She perked up however, when Harry pulled out a bag of local sweets.

"I will give one of these sweets out to every person who we think did the best job both reading in English and the best impression of any voice that she had to do. I think we can all agree that Ms. Koneko, once she was prompted, did the best." Harry said winking at the young girl. With that Harry handed the girl a sweet before motioning for the young girl behind her to start up.

With something to actually win the rest of the class was far more determined and Harry smiled slightly. At this stage, the student should be moving from exterior motivation to interior motivation, but it wasn't as if the change was like flipping a switch, and apparently the truism that all kids liked candy was true in Japan as much as it would've been back in England.

By the time the class ended, the students had about thirty words they would need to study how to speak, though only four whose meaning they hadn't understood. On top of this there were only three points of grammar that they would have to memorize. So Harry was quite pleased with the level of education and interest that they were already showing.

He ended the class with a smile on his face, storing the books in the back after reminding the kids to look at the book list for the weekend reading by Friday. That day they would be able to pick them up from the bookstore.

Still feeling Koneko's eyes on him Harry left after that and headed for his next class. That next class was a simple one, another freshman grade class. Harry again had quite a bit of fun, with none of the students reacting as Koneko had to his presence. On top of that he had become somewhat inured to the blushing and stairs from this students. It still struck him as extremely creepy coming from girls this young but he was able to get us past it.

His fourth class for the day however was a sophomore class, where the ratio of girls to boys reverted to type. There were only three boys in this class and they swiftly proved to be the second problem Harry ran into that first day.

All three of them were in the back of the class crowded around one of their desks. Apparently they had decided to take the time between their last Sensei leaving and Harry turning up to talk about the girls in class.

"Oh my God! I am so glad we transferred Look at the ratio here! Boys we are in oppai heaven! Here it is, right here, I will start down the road of a Harem King!"

"I know! And the uniforms here, they are so damn sexy!"

"Bah who cares about the uniforms, it's the bodies underneath! Have you seen some of the oppai and asses around here, fantastic! I am so glad we were able to get in."

"Your thanks are duly noted," said one of the three to the other two, pushing up a pair of round glasses on his nose. He was the shortest of the three, with messy black hair. The other one who had talked about 'oppai heaven', whatever oppai was, was the middle of them in terms of height. He had brown hair, brown eyes and looked altogether normal beyond the leering expression on his face. The last was the tallest with a cru-cut and a more athletic body type than the other two.

Harry had entered the classroom silently, having gotten used to the idea that the students would notice his arrival, and one or more would then tell the rest of the class to stand and bow. This did not happen this time as most of the girls were too busy glaring back of the boys who didn't seem to realize that their quiet discussion wasn't quiet at all. Nor had the boy noticed the expressions of disgust and growing fury on the faces of the girls all around them.

Deciding to nip both sides of this issue in the bud, Harry reached behind him and forcefully slammed the door shut. The slam did its work, jolting everyone's eyes towards him. "Ladies and gentlemen, I realize it is the last class of the day, but that is in no way a sign that you are allowed to slack off. Eyes front!" He barked, and all of the class jolted, quickly staring forward toward Harry as he marched into the room.

The other classes Harry had been able to handle rather gently but here he would have to tailor his teaching style to his audience. "My name is Mr. Potter and I will be your English Sensei," he said, still in Japanese, before repeating himself in English.

"I am not a very strict disciplinarian, but I do demand that you concentrate on what we are learning, and that certain discussions do not occur in my classroom." He said looking at the three boys, only one of whom had the decency to look sheepish about being caught out. "As for your discussion boys, which was quite loud whatever you might've thought and not at all private, if you're looking for a girlfriend might I suggest that you get to know girls first rather than simply ogling them? Girls don't like it if you only like them for their bodies."

"But the bodies are this thing you have to know first! You can get to know them later," said one of the boys waving that office if it was of no consequence.

"We must be true to ourselves after all!" the boy with glasses said nodding his head firmly.

The one who had looked sheepish before nodded sternly with the others. "There are only two types of men in the world, closet and open perverts. We are upfront with our desires! And I love oppai!"

"It is our power of perversion that sets us apart, that drives us to succeed!" the taller one shouted.

The girls all began to shout, but Harry stopped them with a simple single word. "Enough." It'd taken him months of training with Professor McGonagall to get the Teacher Tone down, but paid off here.

The classroom immediately quieted, and Harry looked at the boys. "If you're not willing to listen to my advice on that point, that is your own problem. However, if I find you harassing girls, concentrating on other things in my classroom when you should be concentrating on learning English, or in any way acting inappropriately for a classroom or scholastic setting, I will have you suspended at the very least. Then you can kiss your oppai kingdom, whatever oppai is I haven't heard that word before and I'm not certain I want to, goodbye."

Harry looked around the girls. "That goes for the rest of you as well. There will be no shouting in this class unless it is in character," Harry said holding up one of the books he was going to hand out. There will be no violence either," he added, looking at one of the girls who had looked like she was going to hit the boy sitting next to her. "Bottle up that emotion and use it in the Phys. Ed. class. It will be particularly useful when we play dodgeball."

There were some laughs at that as two out of the three anyway cringed. The one boy who looked a bit more athletic than the other simply smirked, leaning back and crossing his arms arrogantly.

Harry sighed realizing that his little diatribe wasn't sinking in and decided to move the class on. "I didn't have to cover this with any of my other classrooms, but if you do act out breaking my simple rules of the classroom, or do not perform adequately on your homework, there will be consequences and punishments. These punishments can range from physical such as having to do push-ups for the entire class say, or perhaps coming up and performing a little play in English for us all complete with costume. Now sit down, pay attention and you might learn something above and beyond English ladies and gentlemen."

The rest of the class went somewhat better than it had started, though he was interrupted a few times by the boys trying to comment on one of the girls when they stood up to speak and once when Harry saw one of them had actually pulled out a porn magazine. "This is what I was talking about before when I mentioned disruptions in my class and not concentrating Mr. Motohama." He said grabbing it the hands of the boy in glasses, whose name was Motohama, before he could do more than twitch.

"But Sensei, it's educational! It's not only in English, but it uses foreign bra sizes, that's important information!" The jock, Matsuda, protested.

"Wrong answer Mr. Matsuda." Harry held up the offending magazine, noting that the girl on one cover was being groped from behind while standing in a train, and the one on the back was in chains. That was a sign to Harry and he added a little more force to the glare he sent at the trio.

Holding that glare on the three he ripped the thick magazine in half and then into quarters which seemed to send the boy into paroxysms of grief, there were even tears in his eyes. "Consider yourself lucky. I can't imagine that it's legal for someone your age to own that kind of magazine at all, which means you either stole it or got it from your parents. I suppose I could call and ask if your father's missing a…"

"No, no that's fine!" Said Matsuda hurriedly said, indicating without actually saying it that the magazine had been his.

"I thought so." Harry replied grimly, returning to the front of the class. He had to wonder if this would be a constant battle or if the boys might actually shape up and put aside their childish fantasies.

Harry moved on from there, not covering nearly as much of Witches Abroadas the first two freshman classes had. This class also had a lot more new words they would need to practice and several more grammar issues than the other classes he taught. This was especially sad considering they were a year older than hit the two freshman classes.

Later that day Harry left the school heading toward the elementary school he had had enrolled Lily in. Even as he was walking Harry was still thinking about the students here.

Besides Koneko there was a very odd feel to some of them. I've never felt anything like it wizards don't give off feelings like that unless they're really powerful. It was a sense of something right on the edge of his awareness, something about them was telling him they were more than they appear. In that manner it reminded Harry of the two women he and Lily met in Tokyo that first day.

If I could've trusted my werewolf side to behave I might've tried to smell Rias and Akeno to see what I could detect from that. But there's no way I could have. Damn it, I didn't realize I was so pent up to react the way I did today to flirt, however lightly with my students whatever their looks or maturity. I'll have to do something about that tonight if I can…

Still, that can wait until after I pick up Lily, have dinner, and help her with her homework if I need to. Then I have my first class in the local school of magic to get to. That should be fun at least. Yes Harry decided, despite the issues with the perverts and the mysteries surrounding his strangely mature students and, Harry was pleased with how the day went.


After school let out for that, Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki met up in the Occult Research Clubs meeting room. It was still somewhat more comfortable for long conversations then the Student Council's office and since Rias had been the one to call the meeting and have personal information about the mystery they were discussing it happened in her territory.

Sona looked at her friend, pushing her glasses up her nose as she did. "So he's a good teacher at least?" She hadn't had Mister Potter's class yet. Before the class began she and Rias had decided to stay in two separate classes so they could more easily compete against one another via school activities in the future. Mr. Potter would have her class and two sophomore classes the next day along with his first two PE classes.

"A very good teacher, actually. Different certainly, and not very authoritarian I think, but very good." Rias said looking over Akeno who nodded. "He seems to wants to teach us how to speak English in as natural format as he can. Koneko, what did you think?"

Koneko shrugged. She was still a little irritated at being called lame, even though she had enjoyed the sweet that Harry he had given her. She also knew she would have to be more emotive in the future in that class, having gotten the impression Mr. Potter would call her out on it if she wasn't. Still, he didn't seem to be too violent or biased against her thanks to her heritage, so she was okay with that and he had given her sweets. "He's a good werewolf," she supplied, munching on the last sweet.

"So he is a werewolf?" Sona asked, prompting Koneko to nod once.

"Well done Koneko-chan!" Rias praised, reaching over to gently stroke the younger girl's hair. The girl leaned against her quickly, pushing her head against her king's hand.

"So he would be a rook for certain if we offered her him a position in either of our peerages."

"No, Mr. Potter also has quite a bit of magical power within him," Rias said thinking aloud. "In fact I think he'd be perfect for the Queen position, but then that one's already been taken," she said teasingly, winking over at her oldest friend, who giggled in reply.

"Ara, I could transfer to become our second Bishop Rias-sama. I'd certainly be more than willing to… serve… under … him." She finished sultrily, her eyes going half-lidded as she licked her full lips.

Sona rolled her eyes at Akeno's seductive tone while Rias simply laughed. "Personally I am uninterested in adding a man to my peerage at this moment. It would wreck our internal dynamics too much. However I do have news of my own about Harry Potter."

As Rias and Akeno looked at her Sona sighed, looked back at Rias seriously. "Mr. Potter was scouted and offered the job by Lucifer-sama."

Rias nodded evincing no surprise at that. "A bodyguard for certain then for both of us I presume, just in case we run into anything we can't handle. Still, he's not one of my Oni-sama's peerage, which could give him a plausible deniability if that ever came to light." She finished musingly. "And he's not a devil of any kind, so if he can be recruited. He could be a major asset."

"True, but I'd caution you about being a little too quick to jump on that idea. He is after all an adult, and frankly I don't see him willing to be easily forced into a submissive position." Sona replied.

Rias glared at her. "I have never treated my peerage like that!"

"No you haven't, but you are still the head of your little family, and he might not be willing to submit even to that." Sona said smiling, patting her friend's hand in apology for how Rias had taken her words.

Rias smiled, taking her hand and squeezing it once in response to that, and nodded thoughtfully. "I thought of that too, and I will be careful."

"There is also the whole Sensei-student thing to consider," Sona went on seriously. "We might be devils, but there's a limit to what we can get away with even here at the center of our territory, not without a lot of memory changing magic. He would get fired unless we continually changed people's memories and you possibly sent back home if any kind of connection between the two of you came to light and got back to our families. This isn't a manga after all," Sona finished, teasing her friend lightly.

Rias nodded, not taking umbrage at the dig to her favorite pastime. "I thought of that too. But building up my peerage is easily the best way to get out of a certain issue that you know is coming up. And Harry Potter represents power of some kind. I'm not going to leap into this. But I do want to find out more about him."

"Perfectly sensible," Sona said standing up. "Now if you'll excuse me, there's a lot of work I need to get done before I head home." She exchanged hugs with Rias before exiting the room with her Queen Tsubaki following her quickly.

After her friends left, Rias moved over to the chest puzzle that Akeno had set up, her eyes peering down at the board but not seeing it for the moment. There were several ways she had thought of to get out of the unwanted marriage to Riser Phenex that her parents had foisted on her before she was even born. Building up her peerage to the point where she could challenge him for the right to her hand and beat him soundly was easily the best of those options, hence why she and the others trained every weekend they could to become stronger, but there were others. One of which would probably have extremely negative long-term consequences, but it was an idea.

Funny, Rias thought, I liked how Harry looked at me; it strangely made me feel good to be looked at like that by a man rather than a boy. Rias thought of Riser as a boy despite his being older than her. Riser Phenex was too consumed by his passions, too grasping and childish in other ways especially his arrogance, for her to treat him as anything but. But Harry Potter, he was something else. What that something else was, she had yet to determine.

So busy was she thinking about their new teacher that Rias neglected to think about the other students at all and how they could help her with their unwanted engagement. She even forgot that she had sent Kiba to keep an eye on one Issei Hyoudou, who she had felt some kind of power from.

Quickly solving the chess problem her queen had laid out, Rias looked over to Akeno. "Could you prepare a magic circle Akeno? I think I'm going to send out my familiars for a little scouting mission."

Akeno nodded readily, having anticipated that command and looking forward to it. Koneko, unable to use the same spell the two of them were, simply pulled out her homework and began to do it, munching on her sweets at the same time while waiting for their peerage's fourth member to show up.


Lily stood with the other students of her elementary school, glowering at a group of older boys and girls. Even elementary school kids formed cliques, and the older boys and girls especially the group she was glaring at seemed to lord it over the younger kids. As a girl who was perhaps a full grade or perhaps even two grades ahead academically of where she would be normally, Lily was perfectly well aware of that and didn't like it one bit.

Since she was a foreigner on top of being a newcomer, Lily had garnered a lot of negative attention from that group and others. I won't do anything about words or whispers, not unless they try to become physical. If they do, then Kapow!

Lily liked the word Kapow. She had seen it in a comic book, and really liked the comedic yet violent nature of the made up word. That and Kazzaam. Kazzaam after all could be used for magical effects and Lily loved magic. She often thought that was another problem between her daddy and mother. Mother took magic for granted, seeing it as the normal way of things. Daddy loved magic, and never stopped learning about it.

Several of the boys and girls she was looking at looked over at Lily glaring back at her, mouthing the words gaijin witch at her, and she scoffed, not breaking eye contact but crossing her arms. As if being called a witch was supposed to be a curse. Her mommy was a witch, Hermione and Luna, her favoritest people in the whole world next to her daddy were both witches and Lily knew she was a witch too. Lily thought these bullies were calling her that because red hair, but if so that was stupid too.

"Lily!" a loved voice said, and her eyes quickly shifted over to where it had come from a wide smile on her face.

"Hey daddy!" She shouted, quickly bowing to the Sensei and picking up her bookbag moving over to her father who stood at the entrance to the school.

The Sensei walked her over, and Lily noticed several of the mothers who were hanging around the jungle gym which was part of the elementary school's front yard blushing at the tall handsome foreigner. Rolling her eyes, Lily grabbed her father's hand and pulled him away. "Come on daddy! I'm hungry."

Harry laughed, letting his daughter pull him away, though he had wanted to talk to one of her teachers about how she was fitting in. Still, that could wait until Saturday, giving Lily more time to fit in and the teachers' time to get to know her. "Does that mean you want to stop on the way home?"

Lily stuck out her tongue in thought for a moment then nodded. The two of them had had a few bad experiences with the food here, the most horrifying being something called natto, which Lily would never eat ever again. Some of the sushi had also been pretty nasty, though some of the others were good.

"All right, let's see if we can find one of those little street stall places. They seem to have decent and quick food. Heh, I doubt I'll ever get over the idea of KFC and McDonalds being high end family food here. Were you assigned a lot of homework? I've got a few things I need to work on too."

"Only a few worksheets," Lily said, waving that off. "The teachers were really surprised by how good my Japanese was already daddy, thought they stuck me with my age group 2."

"Well that probably won't last week don't worry Lily," Harry said, smiling affectionately at his precocious daughter and rubbing her head. "Have you made any friends?"

"Hmm, not yet," Lily said, frowning a little. "I think they'll need a bit to warm up to me, and me to them too. After all this is the first time I've gone to school, and fitting in is hard."

"That makes sense I suppose," Harry replied, not happy about it but understanding that sometimes it took kids time to get used to one another. Not everyone could make friends like he and Ron had right off the bat after all and they were older than Lily was to boot.

The conversation continued as they walked down the street until Lily spotted one of these small food stalls and pulled Harry towards it. The fact that it advertised oden, which was one of the things that she had really enjoyed trying over the past few weeks, explained the urgency.

Harry however paused as he was about to push his way under the stall's flap, staring up into the sky where he had noticed something flying around near one of the rooftops, frowning. A bat? But it's not that dark out yet. Bloody hell, I hope that doesn't mean there are vampires around. Arrogant arseholes the lot of them.


Back in the Occult Research Club's headquarters, Rias and Akeno were looking through the eyes of Rias's familiar via a magical spells they had learned to use in conjunction with their familiars. As one they let out involuntarily squeals at how cute Lily looked the instant she ran over to her father.

"Wow!" Akeno muttered, pushing her shoulder against Rias's. "She really does look like you when you were younger. Except perhaps for a certain air of innocence that you never had."

"Ouch," Rias said, holding a hand up to her large chest. Then she cancelled the spell, sighing slightly. "We won't follow them further for today. I just wanted to see what Lily looked like, intruding like this on family time is a little wrong."

"Ara, so you don't want to find out more about them?" Akeno teased, knowing what the answer was already.

"I didn't say that," Rias said smiling. "While I don't want to observe the two of them having family time or anything like that, that doesn't mean I don't want to snoop around their house little. After all, this is our territory, and if Harry, er Mister Potter is operating within it even with my Oni-sama's approval, we need to know more about him, don't we. Now, why don't you call up your little Oni?"

Akeno nodded, smiling happily at the justification Rias had come up with for their spying. Akeno didn't really need any of that; she was far too interested in trying to get to the bottom of the mystery that was Harry Potter to bother with justifications of any sort.

Waving one hand in the air, she summoned up her Oni. They appeared in the air, all five of them hovering there before falling, landing lightly on their feet. In appearance they were little creatures about the size of her hand that appeared to have skin colored in various shades of neon. They also wore traditional Oni clothing, complete with tiny clubs strapped to their backs. As she looked at them they lined up, saluting. "Desu!"

Giggling Akeno reached down, picking up and hugging each of them to her in turn, causing each Oni to blush as it disappeared into her chest for a moment. "My dears you're going to go on a bit of an espionage mission. Don't be seen, and please remember to work together, this isn't a competition understood?"

"Desu!" the five little Oni chorused, saluting once more as Akeno set the last of them down in the magical circle. Two of them looked a little sheepish at her words of admonishment, but they were sincere in their understanding of her orders, so that was fine.

Stepping back Akeno held her hands out over the magic circle beginning to chant a spell. Rias supplied her with Harry Potter's address, and she finished the spell which should have teleported the little things away,

Instead, the spell fizzled blocked by something. The two devils exchanged a glance and then Rias said "Send your little friend to the house next to Mr. Potter's. Let's see what happens."

That time the spell worked and Akeno nodded. "Some kind of anti-teleportation spell?"

"Well we knew he was a magician," Rias said, shrugging philosophically. "I've never heard of one of them being able to block a devilic type teleportation spell, but it isn't exactly outside the realm of possibility. It simply tells us more about Harry doesn't it?"

Akeno giggled. "So he's no longer Mister Potter at all is he?"

"Oh hush," Rias admonished, moving forward to join her friend as the circle changed, showing the area around the five Oni.

They watched as one of the Akeno's other devils stop started to climb a tree on the property they had been teleported to, which was directly behind Mr. Potter's place. As it climbed it was followed by the others, exchanging orders with them as it dropped a rope to help their climb along. "Desu. Desu Desu Desu!" The Oni in the lead ordered, the others obeying the climbing specialist quickly.

As always, both girls giggled as they heard the Onis speaking. To their ears it was only a single word, but the Oni could have entire conversations simply repeating that single word.

Unfortunately for the tiny explorers there was no tree on the other side of the fence separating the two properties. After some discussion it was decided one of them would have to jump for it. A brisk competition of rock paper scissors followed, and the little blue-skinned Oni came out the loser.

Grumbling Desus under its breath it walked back along the tree branch to get a running start before leaping off the edge of the branch shouting its battle cry. "DESUUUUUU!"

However rather than land on the grass on the other side of the fence separating the two properties, it splatted against something unseen. The jumper slammed into it like it was a solid object and the blue-skinned Oni slid down to the ground as if he had hit a window of glass. "Des…u…" the little being moaned, hitting the fence and then flopping back down to the ground.

"Some kind of solid barrier?" Akeno said intrigued. She wasn't worried about her little Oni. Despite their size they were tough, and could take massive impacts only to come bouncing back like rubber.

"Can your other Oni look inside the property?" Rias said, though she suspected the answer would be a negative. It was, and she smiled brightly. "Well now, that is interesting."

"Such a reaction could definitely not come from a Sacred gear, and I've never heard of a magician able to keep familiars out let alone stop them from seeing into his property at all," Akeno said, one hand coming up to rest on her chin that arm cradled by her other arm under her breasts.

This pushed those two giant mounds forward to a degree that made Rias twitch a little. "It reminds me of something we were told to avoid coming to Japan but not quite. Certainly I never heard of the hehe, going splat phenomenon before just the idea of an aversion field. Still it wouldn't affect familiars like that, this is something different."

Akeno looked at her quizzically, and Rias waved that off. "I'll think about it, we weren't given much information about the aversion fields, just to avoid going anywhere where we felt that kind of feeling."

As her queen watched Rias began to pace thoughtfully, going over everything they had already learned of the foreign Sensei, not noticing a smile had appeared on her face as she contemplated the mystery. Akeno did notice it, and was wondering if that was for the mystery, or if Rias was simply interested in Harry. It would be the first time Rias actually showed interest in a boy at all or rather a man in this case, and Akeno idly pondered how much fun she would have with that if such was in fact the case.

For her part Akeno knew she was interested in Potter the man not just the mystery. He was handsome, strong, and seemed to have a lot of willpower. What wasn't to like?

She had enjoyed trying to flirt with the man, and when he had let out that little response to her it sent a thrill up her spine. It was so much more interesting playing the game with someone who was willing to respond in kind rather than simply blushing, stammering or bowing to her every whim.

"We'll continue to try to get close to him," Rias decided. "But I don't think we'll keep trying to spy on him outside of class. If he became aware of our actions, it could count negatively against our getting to know him."

And frankly it was making me a little uncomfortable watching Harry and his daughter walk around like that, Rias thought but did not say aloud. Of all of her peerage, only Rias came from something which could be called a happy family, though her relationship with her father wasn't the best, and hadn't been for close to nine years now. But that was nothing compared to Koneko, Akeno or Kiba's past, and she refused to rub that into Akeno's face.

Akeno nodded and moved over to get them some tea while Rias moved over to their backpacks and got out their books.