
Harry decided he and Lily could eat out in their backyard for the day, having had enough of being inside for one day while at work. That's one thing I've never heard other werewolves talk about, Harry thought as he brought out two small desks and his laptop sitting with his back to a tree. Staying inside for any length of time makes us antsy. I wonder how much of that is werewolf instincts and the number of artificial scents that we smell when inside buildings, and how much of it is simply being enclosed?

I also wonder how much of that will carry over to Lily. Harry smiled slightly as he watched his daughter race out of the house, then over to a tree, climbing up it quickly then down before coming over to him an eager light in his eyes. "Work first luv, then we can play."

The young girl's eyes narrowed. Harry could almost see the wheels turn in her head as she debated trying her dreaded puppy dog eyes attack and he quickly held up a hand. "I mean it Lily. I have work I need to do too, so I wouldn't be able to play with you for very long anyway. But if we both work hard through the week, we can go running on Sunday. So let's eat while we work, and then maybe we can have some play time before your bedtime. "

That caused Lily to nod rapidly, dropping down next to her father, leaning not against the tree Harry was using as a back, but his side and pulling out her bookbag. Lily loved running, which Harry knew was her werewolf side coming out.

As Lily pulled out the food containers in turn and set them up on one of the desks, Harry's watched, a faint smile on his face not showing his thoughts. Lily and Teddy were not the first children of half-werewolf couples of course, but given the unique way Harry had dealt with the werewolf curse, Harry had to wonder how much of it would transfer over. Teddy was a year older, but he hadn't shown anything more than some slightly enhanced senses, and a more than normal hankering for meat. That made him pretty normal for kids like them.

Lily had the first, though she hadn't developed the latter, enhanced speed and, to Harry's chagrin, some enhanced strength too. He had found that out when Lily had fallen off his broom after 'borrowing it' the year before. Ginny's rage at that had been something to see, reminding Harry of Mrs. Weasley at her worst, but Lily hadn't been hurt much despite falling twenty feet, and Harry had declared that it must have been a Potter tradition to steal their parents brooms. Sirius had told him both James and Charlus, Harry's grandfather, had done the same thing.

"Here Daddy, the oden's ready. Eat it while it's hot, you know it goes manky if it gets cold," Lily said, then giggled, holding out a fork to Harry's face threatening to actually put the food in his eye rather than his mouth. "Say aahhh!"

"Ahhh," Harry said obligingly leaning forward and eating the meal off the fork. As Lily laughed, Harry put an arm around her, gently turning her to the meal and the desk containing her first day's homework. "Now, let's see what you were assigned hmmm?"

For the most part Lily was able to handle the workload easily. Math was math after all, and reading Japanese was easy enough with Harry there to help and the translation spell he had cast on the two of them. However the writing assignments, small worksheets with words she would have to copy, were a different matter. This was repetitive work, which Lily promptly began to hate with a passion. Still Harry was quick to help her, guiding her hand to write the first dozen words in kanji before leaving her to it.

With Lily thus unhappily occupied, Harry opened his laptop and signed on to his first class in the local magic. Skimming through the syllabus he found it was decently organized, but all in Japanese of course. And while he was getting used to reading it like Lily had to, he still had an issue reading down the page and from right to left, another thing he had in common with Lily.

The first class was a history lesson rather than a magical one, which was rather interesting to Harry. It detailed how the Japanese magicals had interacted with the Chinese and Korean magicals in the past, which basically had been marked with several short, very sharp wars. Whole communities had been wiped out in those wars, which had thoroughly mixed the different magical backgrounds up to that point. And then came World War 2.

It turned out that the Chinese magicals been wiped out during the war in China. There was a common theory between the surviving Japanese magical communities that some of their own, who had embraced the idea of Japan's racial superiority much like the Japanese military at the time, had instigated the rape of Nanking. Nanking had been the center of China's magical civilization.

Later near the end of the war the group which might have been behind it was wiped out in turn by MACUSA. The same government that would have forced Harry and Lily to carry trackers and bind their magical cores had no mercy on their enemies in a war of survival.

This had halved the size of Japan's magical population, as well as wiping out many native species, leaving only the groups that were isolationist pacifists. They had kept to themselves, hid and didn't fight in WW2 at all, and their wards were pretty incredible according to the history, and they had a pact with something called the Yokai association. After the war the surviving magicals had left behind their isolationist policies and expanded into the rest of Japan, forgoing their seclusion for a more active type of secrecy, hiding among the multitude. There were numerous references to that time that went over Harry's head, but what he understood was interesting enough. After that bit of reading however, Harry began to get to what really fascinated him: the magic of the Japanese wizards, or Onmyodo as they called themselves.

As the idea of multiple separate communities implied, magic in Japan was old, going much further back than Japan as a united nation did, but magic as it was practiced today came from two different presiding principles. One was based on native concepts called Kotodama. The second was based on the ancient Chinese methodology that the locals had absorbed during their wars with the mainland and it was named Onmyodo, and had given its name to the local magic-users as a whole.

There was also a third principle, called Jugondo, but the chapter Harry had been assigned as his first class - which read like a broad overview - said it was no longer practiced outside very select families. These families were almost an entirely separate community, harkening back to the same almost xenophobic ideal that the rest of the magicals had left behind after World War 2. The chapter was very blunt about that, which told Harry very bad things about how those families were both viewed, and how they possibly protected their favored status.

Harry smiled, letting loose a small 'Ahh', as he finally got to the real magic bit. This caused Lily to look up and she turned to him, eager for any excuse to take a break from her own repetitive writing assignment. "What's so interesting Daddy?" Poking her head between Harry's arms she looked at the computer screen only to see a rather intimidating wall of Japanese kanji. "Eep…"

"Heh. No worries Lily. Once I have a handle on the local magics I'll share with you. But the first thing is interesting because it highlights how different Europeans and the Japanese see magic."

"You mean like transfiguration, charms etc?" Lily asked, her little brow furrowing as she put to work everything Harry and Hermione, and Luna to a lesser extent, had told her about magic.

"Mmm sort of, since the locals don't seem to break their magical types down like that. But no, this is a bit over your head at the moment. Unless you can tell me what the idea of there being five elements instead of four would mean to transfiguration and wards?" Harry teased.

With a pout Lily turned away, smacking her dad in the side with an elbow as she went back to her own work.

Chuckling, Harry went back to reading.

Despite Onmyodo having given its name to the Japanese magicals, it was Kotodama which formed the basis of both disciplines. Translating the word to English, Kodama became 'Word of the soul' literally the idea that there were words that could impact the world around one and the individual. There were four stages to learning in Kotodama, which further broke down into mastery of the body, the world around you, the mind, and finally the soul. Those segments were further connected to the Five Basic Elements as the Asians saw the world: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, rather than wind, water, fire and earth. These elements combined to become the five pointed star which became the center of every major runic work and was called Seimei Kikyo.

First came way of the body, or Earth, since that was the element the body came from. This broke down to meaning that a healthy body equaled a healthy magical core, or at least that was what the first chapter stated. Many of the spells under this discipline however, while not being offensive or flashy were incredibly important. Several chapters were devoted to physical enhancement and other things of that nature, which Harry had never heard of before. Combined they could let a normal magic user fight a werewolf on equal footing. But if you combine it with a werewolf's strength, you can take them to a far higher level.

Lily looked up again as her father began to hum. Sticking her head under his arm again she watched him flipping through pages, highlighting several chapter headings. "Hmm?"

"Heh, just some new and interesting spells to learn, these I might teach you first once we get to magic spells. But that's for later nosy one." Harry said with a chuckle, pushing her head back down and away. This turned into a bit of a game, but eventually Harry went back to reading as Lily once more girded herself and began to continue her writing practice.

Then came the way of the word, or wood since that was the medium used to relate the words. This directly led into the other discipline of Onmyodo, but initially was simply spells which could change the physical world around you. Charms and Transfiguration for the most part fell under this discipline and DADA equivalent offensive spells though Harry was unimpressed in the extreme by the spells the book covered. Maybe that will be covered in greater detail by other textbooks in the future, but I somehow doubt it. I think the locals rely on Onmyodo and long term rituals rather than direct impact spells. Their rituals could be helpful though. Harry was also intrigued by the transfiguration spells listed however, since they looked to be far more permanent and stable than the European style.

Then came the way of the soul, and here Harry made a point of breaking out his highlighter once more, since all magic dealing with the soul was seen as Dark in Europe. Here that was not the case, and the importance of the soul was pointed out in no uncertain term by it being represented by the ciphers for water and fire, or the Yin/yang symbol.

A lot of these spells were defensive in nature, protecting your sense of self from others, not your mind so much as your body, though to Harry's way of thinking the soul and mind shouldn't be separated like that. But the book talked about protecting the soul from corruption, and had spells and various defensive meditations to throw off such corruption. There were also other spells to connect ongoing magical spells directly to your soul, so you could set sort of alarms on wards which would tell you if they were tripped, something Harry had rarely seen done in Europe. It also talked about taking over the souls of animals and other beings, though not other magicals. Illusion spells and spells to fool the senses also came under this heading, since most of them worked with the glyphs for water and fire.

One line also mentioned being able to connect to 'the soul of a place' which was odd to Harry's mind, though thinking about it he supposed it meant someplace like Hogwarts. Anyone who stayed in the castle for any length of time could tell you it was alive in a way, and the idea of connecting to the castle's soul, or any place similar was interesting.

Another hint this area had about advanced learning was called aura reading. This again tied into the idea of the soul, but this was about seeing another person's soul, or rather their auras, but it tied into the idea of seeing magic in general. Advanced practitioners of the way of the soul could see people's auras, if they were trustworthy, hiding something, human, not completely human, corrupt, under the effect of spells and other things.

Of course this text didn't actually have any spell to do that, but Harry made a note to see if he could find a text which did. That classification of spells was far too useful to wait on. And maybe with it I'll figure out why Gremory, Himejima and several of the other students seem to feel more than human to my senses, and not just Ms. Toujo.

On top of making a note about that, Harry wrote down a more specific one in the document he had opened to make notes. "What about the Unforgiveables or an equivalent?" was what the message read, since there was no mention of spells that attacked the soul like Avada Kedavra or Crucio. Crucio bypassed the body entirely and basically tortured the soul, while Avada Kedavra, the spell Voldemort had used to kill Harry's mother and so many other people simply snuffed out the soul. The omission of even a mention of spells that targeted the soul could be explained away by the beginner's nature of this course, but Harry wasn't certain about that.

Last came the way of the mind, Harry read. This was contained in the way of the metal element because if you have steel protecting your mind, you could guard against foreign influences. According to the chapter few practitioners made it to that point, simply because of how tough it was, and because mental magics weren't' flashy enough for modern magic users. Indeed, the book was somewhat disdainful of mental magics beyond the requirement to defend you mind from intrusion, and skipping ahead, Harry found no lessons on this discipline within the textbook he had been assigned. Darn it, it would have been interesting to see how different the local mental magics are to Occlumency. Still, we'll have to see when we get there.

From there the introduction chapter gave a brief overview of Onmyodo, or as Harry thought of it, Runes and Arithmancy. Onmyodo was built on the use of talismans, the runic equivalent, and looking ahead saw that two-thirds of the book was devoted to teaching this ancient text. And the thing that came away to Harry after reading the summary was the word diversity. Onmyodo could use talismans to do a lot of the things Europeans would use direct effect spells for, and use them for longer. Their wards weren't as brute force powerful as the European equivalent: they wouldn't be able to hide an entire community in the center of a bustling city. But they would be able to hide it far more subtly in say a national park.

Talismans could be used to bind, blind, defend against offensive spells and physical attacks; force someone or something to submit, and other, far more subtle things. They could affect the mind like a permanent Imperio almost, so long as the talisman was on the individual. The summary had a picture of an Oni like the two Harry had seen in the airport upon their arrival. The Oni had a naturally high level of magical resistance but with the collars on them and the number of talismans there directly touching their skin, that could be bypassed and their minds were quite weak in comparison. Talismans could even be used to ward an area, though they needed to be connected to a power source, and even conjure or as the locals put it, summon things.

At this point Harry noticed that Lily was almost finished her writing assignment and decided to set his work aside for the night, knowing once she became bored Lily became a right little hellion. He would have to write up a summary of what he had just read and submit it. His classes would begin in earnest next week. Those classes would again be more about history and local laws. The actual magic spells didn't begin for another month, though Harry certainly wasn't going to stick to that schedule. Aura sensing spells, then illusion spells I think, and after that start work on Onmyodo. I should be able to skip ahead like that and keep working on the history and law lessons if I'm careful about it. Doing so while working is irritating, but I just have to get through this segment before we get to the good stuff. For now though, I have a slowly sizzling redhead to diffuse.

With that thought Harry shut down his laptop and stood, grabbing the desk under his laptop. "Okay, I think that's enough work for one evening. Let's clean up a bit Lily, then we can play Hunt the Snitch for a bit."


"With so many devils there it's making me nervous, I'm glad that our orders were just to observe for a few weeks before acting if the boy's sacred gear seems to be on the verge of activating." A black haired woman was saying to two familiar faces and one unfamiliar male face. She seemed to be a high school student, with a very good body, if not quite as top heavy as Rias let alone Akeno, with a face that could have graced many a painting or sculpture, matching her body for allure.

"And that doesn't even include the new teacher." She concluded scowling angrily. The expression twisted her angelic features into something not nearly as pretty.

"New teacher, what about him? Is he another devil we'll have to watch out for Raynare?" asked the man.

"He's some kind of were-creature I think," the now named Raynare said, scowling angrily. "Of course I couldn't take the chance of trying to cast a spell on him, but he definitely gave off that kind of wild vibe. And he's quite powerful too."

Both of the others, Kalawarner and Mittelt perked up. "Handsome twenty-something with raven-black hair, emerald eyes, tall with dreamy physique?" asked Kalawarner.

"That's him," Raynare said, then paused. "Wait, he's the one you two mentioned… That's a bizarre coincidence."

"I don't believe in coincidences," said Mittelt and the man it at the same time, before glaring at one another. "Hey don't copy me. Stop it!"

"Shut it you two," Raynare ordered, pacing around pews of the abandoned church that was their headquarters in Kuoh Town, thinking hard. The fact of the matter was that Harry Potter scared her for some reason. There was an aura of power and experience around him. As a soldier herself Raynare could spot such things in others. "We're going to have to be on the lookout for him and be very, very careful."

"Or, I could run into him by chance… He was interested in me when we ran into one another before. That way I'll be close enough to surprise him if he acts against us for some reason, and keep an eye on him too." Kalawarner said diffidently.

Kalawarner was a little worried about that idea since it might mean taking action against Lily and one thing she had never done was kill or even harm a child. But if it was that or being forced to go rogue after disobeying their superior in the Grigori orders, then she would have to do it.

The man scoffed. "Please, not everyone can fall for that kind of stupidity Kalawarner."

"Just because you fell through violence doesn't mean you can look down on those of us who fell for more subtle reasons Dohnaseek," Kalawarner shot back firmly "And unless you want to die in a blaze of glory against the number of high level devils there are around here, I suggest you keep it under control."

Waving them both to silence Raynare addressed Kalawarner's idea. "Hmm… I'll think about it. The problem is what if he notices what you are while you're getting close to him?" She asked.

Kalawarner smiled, reaching up to her hair she stroked her fingers through it, then moved her hand down her body, accentuated her curves. Like all Fallen Angels, Kalawarner's body was built to seduce, and she knew it. "Knowing what I am is a far cry from being able to think about what it means and take action against me. Leave it to me Raynare, don't worry."

The Gothic Lolita shook her head at that, but had to admit it was a good point. Many a powerful man had been done in by a pretty face and a sexy body and though she hated to admit it, Kalawarner was pretty good at that game. Now if only I could convince myself that it was a good idea in this case? She thought to herself wondering what power Harry Potter hid as Raynare turned back to the original discussion about the target they were actually here to watch.


The next day, Harry woke up early enough to cook a large breakfast for both him and Lily with time left over to prepare a lunch for his daughter as well. However, after checking his schedule for the day, Harry decided to spend the rest of his time that morning after waking Lily up for a shower to prepare himself. FUUCKKK! I really didn't think this through hard enough.

Several minutes later Lily came down hopping from one step to another, pausing in the doorway into the kitchen as she spotted the look on her father's face. "Why are you looking so sour daddy?"

Harry smiled at her wanly, unwilling to tell her why. It would be his first physical education class today, something he had been looking forward to meeting his students and seeing their reaction to him. There are supposed to be rules about teacher-student relations, right? Did they not get the memo on that? I hope that at least Gremory and Himejima don't continue where they left off yesterday. To help combat this however, Harry had locked away his instincts his werewolf side and his libido in three different cells in his mind via legilimency.

"It's nothing to concern yourself with Lily," Harry said aloud with a smile, reaching down to ruffle her hair. "Now eat up and I'll walk you to school before heading off to work."

Lily noted that there will seems to be an inordinate amount of mothers there this morning as her father dropped her off, and she glared at them all, before hugging her father tightly around the middle. "I'm fine now daddy, remember you have to get to work." She admonished, waving a finger up at him and wanting him out of there as fast as possible.

Harry but he did turn away, ignoring the looks of the women around them which had been Lily's objective anyway. With a final wave his way she turned, rolling her eyes at the various mothers around. Many of them had hidden their ring hands behind their bodies, though Lily hadn't noticed that, just the interest they had towards her daddy. Giving them the stink-eye, Lily then rushed off to class.

At Kuoh Harry's day started early. His first class was set in the first period of the day, the final freshman English class, followed by the two sophomore years. His first class went very well. Evidently word had gotten around about how he ran his classes, and he didn't run into any disciplinary issues like he had with the three perverts or the girls who wanted to beat them up. Instead the freshman boys and girls vied eagerly by the sweets as they had in Koneko's class.

His second class however went a little bit oddly. As Harry was moving around the room, handing out syllabuses and generally getting to know the students by asking them questions and having them tell him their names at the same time, he paused, staring at one girl at the far back.

The girl had glasses and rather unkempt long darkish hair to go with a thin, bookish build. She was staring at Harry, her eyes glazed over and actual drool coming running from her mouth. He blinked moving to one side, and watched her almost glazed eyes track his face as he did.

Coughing and feeling decidedly uncomfortable for some reason Harry gestured to her as he looked around at the rest of the class. "Something seems to be wrong with her. Would one of you take her to the nurse's office?"

More than a few of the girls looked back, and groaned a little while many of the others giggled. The girl in question however answered before any of them could, muttering, "Eight, eight and a half inches and five around."

For some reason, those words caused many of the girls around her to blush hotly as they stared at Harry,, and Harry resolutely turned his back deciding he really, really didn't want to know. Hiding behind his desk from the girl's gaze, which he now realized was locked on his crotch, Harry began the class.

When it became time for her to read, the girl didn't respond to any of the questions and he shook his head. "I don't know what you are drooling or thinking about but I am going to have to send you to detention Miss Kiryuu. You'll serve it with the Student council president, who I understand is named Shitori-san."

At the mention of the student Council President's name, Aika Kiryuu sobered up quickly, staring at him in shock. "No wait, I'm awake, I'll read it, I'll read the lines and I'll even do voices like you got the freshies to do." Then she twisted her face into what she might have thought was sultry but which just looked disturbing to Harry. "Though if you insist on giving me a detention I'll serve with you sensei. Whatever you order me to…"

"I don't think so. This isn't such a huge issue that I want you to become the first person to have detention with me, and besides, the way you reacting to her very name tells me that you'll possibly learn not to act like this in the future if I force you to serve at Shitori-san's pleasure."

Aika slumped a little, muttering something about stupid sexy foreigners not going along with her fantasies, and Harry shuddered once more. Shaking that idea out of his mind Harry resolutely gestured to the next girl in the back row moving on with the class.

After that was lunch and Harry hid in the teacher's lounge, asking the other teachers plaintively "Can anyone tell me what's wrong with a girl named Aika Kiryuu?"

Several of the teachers laughed at that. "She is a pervert!" said one of the female Senseis shaking her head. "One of the few female perverts I've ever known."

One of the men shivered. "Yeah, Kiryuu s got this weird power, where she accurately guesses your um… proportions. Like that one new sophomore Matsuda is supposedly able to do to girls."

Harry blinked. He never actually measured himself, but now that he thought about it that sounded accurate enough. Shaking his head angrily he looked around and asked "So what we do about her and that trio?"

"Kiryuu keeps her grades up; in fact she's one of the smartest students in the sophomore year. And she's never actually gone beyond taking everyone's 'measurements' and lewd suggestions," said one of the other male teachers sheepishly. "So our ability to do anything about her is limited. We can assign detentions if Aika's a little too loud in class, but that's about it.

"And in your case, that would probably be counter-productive." A female teacher said dryly. She looked Harry up and down, shaking your head dramatically. "Oh if only I wasn't married…"

Harry chuckled at that, but turned back to the other teacher. "I actually found a better way to threaten her. I assigned Kiryuu detention with the Student Council President and sent the classroom rep to tell Shitori-san about it."

"That will work," said more than one of the teachers. "Sona-sama is both respected and feared by the rest of the students, if anyone can keep her in line she well." Finished one of the older teachers.

After having a relatively pleasant lunch meal with the other teachers Harry sighed, then went into the small changing room for the teachers before making his way to the track field. Once there he began to bring out various equipment from the storage shed waiting for the students to arrive, both anticipating and dreading it.

Once the students began to arrive Harry groaned, tearing his eyes away from two students in particular as he realized that the first physical education class was for the third years. And that the girls here all wore bloomers and t-shirts, as he had seen in some pictures here and there while walking around the town.

The bloomers left little to the imagination, showing off legs and rear easily. Most of the girls he could avoid looking at, they were still young teens and had teen bodies. But Akeno and Rias, along with the black-haired girl he knew was the student council president did not have teen bodies. Shitori-san was tall and leggy, her legs such that models would weep to have their equal, her body shown off to a great degree.

However it was Rias and Akeno who took his breath away. Their legs were not nearly as svelte, but they had wider, more womanly curves, their rears tight but still soft looking. Their chests, in particular Akeno's, strained under their t-shirts to a degree that made Harry idly wonder if the shirts could feel pain. They were altogether delectable, and the moment Harry saw them cracks began to appear in the wall of the cages he had pushed his libido and werewolf instincts into.

It was as if the moment he looked at them something about the women hit his mental defenses with the power of a cannon, slipping under and through it. Harry suddenly wanted to grab those breasts, to play with them, to hear their owners moaning his name. He wanted to lick them from head to toe, to fist his hands in their hair and kiss their breath away.

Damn it, it's like they are Veela only a slightly darker and far more subtle sort, just like that Kalawarner woman. My mental defenses can't handle it, not with their bodies or their allure or whatever calling out to my own instincts and werewolf side.

Turning away Harry grabbed his mental control with both metaphorical hands, slapping another wall of steel around the cages, before he turned, smiling brightly at the third years and not letting his eyes linger on the girls who had such an impact on him. "All right boys and girls, five minutes to loosen up, and then I want you to line up over here."

Harry watched, as the girls separated from the boys moving into groups of two as they began to stretch. The boys all gathered together, and Harry moved toward them, describing a few leg and hand exercises that they could do. The girls seemed to have a better idea of what to do stretching wise, but many of them listened in too.

Though he didn't know it, this was because Harry was showing the boys examples of the stretches, not that the girls didn't know them or alternatives. Harry was incredibly well-built, with the build of a swimmer, heavily muscled upper body and trim legs. At one point his shirt actually rode up as he did a stretch, showing off a very well defined torso.

Observing the girls Harry was unsurprised to see Rias and Akeno pairing up and resolutely turned away as Akeno began to do dips, not incidentally thrusting her rear out towards Harry. Then she began to stretch her arms up above her head and work out the kinks and in her neck, having again turned so that she was thrusting her chest out towards where Harry was roaming around. It was an obvious come on, but she made it seem so natural Harry doubted any of the other students noticed save Rias who rolled her eyes.

For her part Rias was simply going through the motions of stretching out, watching as Akeno bent and contorted her body, trying to get a reaction out of Harry as she had somewhat done the day before. However, Rias was not surprised to see that Harry had clamped down on his reaction to them. If he hadn't, I might've actually lost some respect for him. After all he is a Sensei, it shouldn't be so easy to get his attention as all that.

Someone coughed nearby, causing Akeno to huff mock-irritably and stop what she was doing. "I'm just having fun Shitori-sama, there's nothing against that." she whispered.

"Actually there probably is a specific law against it, even if it is the 'minor' who initiates things." Sona said, pushing up her glasses as she turned away from Akeno to rejoined stretching with her own Tsubaki.

After five minutes had elapsed Harry called the class together. He split them all up into two teams, making certain to split Rias and Akeno up as well as Sona and Tsubaki. Akeno and the Tsubaki found themselves on one team, and Rias and Sona on the other. He had no idea about what the four of them were, only that something, some sense that he couldn't quite name, was telling him that they were more than they seemed to be, and he didn't want the two teams to be uneven.

The two kings exchanged a glance, shrugging as Harry began to kick a football over into the middle of the football field. "The game is football ladies and gentlemen. I expect you to nominate a team captain, decide on a goalie and forward positions and all of that yourselves. The objective is to win. The losing team has to do ten laps for every point they are behind."

Akeno held a hand up to her cheek, blushing slightly. "Ara, that's so sadistic~~."

Next to her Tsubaki rolled her eyes, and promptly moved over towards the goal. "I will be goalie Himejima-san please pick out your forward strikers, and the students who will have to sit out this first rotation."

"I wish we were on opposing sides for this," Rias said, shaking her head as she stood next to her friend Sona who had been unanimously elected captain. Rias herself would be goalie.

"True, but I have to admit to having wondered about how I would stack up against your queen in a purely physical contest like this." Sona replied

All devils were almost all devils were naturally competitive, and these two was no exception. "Ah, I could say the same thing, Rias said, shaking her friend's hand then moving towards the goal. Moments later the game began.

For the next hour Harry raced from one end of the pitch to the other, always moving with the ball, and calling the game fairly. When he saw a few student tiring out, he ordered them to rotate with a few others who were standing on the sidelines of the two teams. He had also already prepared some Gatorade for them.

During this Harry made a note of the students who were most athletic and those who were not athletic at all, the better to make certain that there were no bullying allowed and to make certain he had a good idea of how hard to push all of them. He wasn't certain that the physical kind of bullying was an issue among girls, but he assumed it might be.

The game ended with Rias and Sona victorious by one point. In fact, that one point was the only point scored throughout the entire game. The two teams had been incredibly even, with Akeno actually being slightly better at football than Sona, but she had been unable to coordinate her team nearly as well.

"How do you run in those?" Sona said pointing angrily at Akeno's chest as they all moved to over the track.

Akeno bounced in place once or twice, setting her giant breasts to jiggling in a manner that caused every boy in the class to look away with a blush on his face. Harry had already looked away, determined not to get involved in that conversation. Especially since his mental cages had grown several more giant cracks in them.

"It's just a talent I suppose. Don't worry Shitori-san," Akeno said chuckling gleefully. "Eventually you'll be able to have a body like this too. Perhaps some time when you're in your thirties?"

Sona glared at her, and Rias stepped between the two whispering that the other king shouldn't let Akeno get to her like that. This was a bit of a pot calling the kettle black, as Rias had been envious of the Akeno's figure for the longest time and still was slightly, though nowhere near as much as she had been when they were all younger.

Akeno's amusement ended however as Harry blew his whistle, ordering her team to start moving around the track. "10 laps for you ladies and gentlemen, and as for the winners, you only have to do two. However, if you are lapped by any of those who are doing more, I'll tack on some more to your own amount."

"Mmmm~~, so merciless~~," Akeno moaned. She and the other devils then blinked in surprise as Harry joined them racing along easily before passing through them.

"And if I pass any of you twice, you'll have to do twenty more laps!" He shouted over his shoulder.

With that everyone began to run around the track. Harry ran along beside them for a time or ahead of them and then slowly coming up behind the slower runners, egging them on.

Harry loved to run. He had been a decent sprinter when he was younger, the better to get away from Dudley and his gang, but since he had been bitten that had turned into a true love of running. Thanks to his werewolf side, Harry could out run sprinters and keep going long after endurance runners fell over dead.

As Harry ran he resolutely kept his eyes straight ahead above the crowd not looking at the girls who were obviously not wearing bras. Akeno in particular bounced with every step she took, though Rias was only slightly behind her in the bouncy department and Rias had worn a sports bra.

Coming up behind the two of them who along with Sona and her Tsubaki were in the lead, Harry said, "Better put a move on ladies, or I'm going to pass you for the second time."

He did this somewhat deliberately. For one thing, the four of them seemed to be the trendsetters among this grade and possibly the entire student body. If he won them over, and if the other students saw him working them just as hard as he worked the rest of the students in or out of the classroom, then he hoped he wouldn't have problems in the future in terms of discipline or students simply skiving off.

The other reason was wondering what they were and if whatever it was translated into physical skills. The game seemed to point to that: all four of them had outperformed the rest of the class. But this might well give him another clue as to what they were.

An instant later as he passed through them, Harry felt something. Watching out of the corner of his eye he saw Rias's eyes change color for a brief second to red before going back to normal. Afterwards however she and the others sped up quickly, catching up to him, their tiredness seemingly disappearing.

It looked as if they used magic there, or perhaps something like removing a limiter? Harry wasn't certain what he was feeling just then, but there was definitely a greater presence about the four of them, of something beyond human then there had been.

Moments later, the two Kings finished the run, stepping over to the side. Rias began to shout encouragement to the rest of her team, as Sona did the same, only a very different matter. While Rias simply cheered, she shouted "Don't you dare embarrass Kuoh Academy by letting the new Sensei pass you twice!"

This actually seemed to work even on the boys and Harry decided to call it a day, letting the others stay ahead of him. Of course, that was partially because of time limitations, but it was still a decent enough showing.

"Well done everyone! As you can all see, I intend to make our physical education classes as team oriented as I can. We'll switch off sports occasionally like this as well as other team-based games. But we will also always be putting in some sprinting time along the track every week, and we'll also start integrating weightlifting and other things of that nature for the boys and any girls who wish to work on that rather than their overall endurance next class."

"That was quite interesting Potter-sensei," Rias said, moving up beside Harry as the others made for the changing rooms.

"I thought so," Harry said looking down at her.

"You aren't even sweating," Rias said making her tone one of marvel as she looked him up and down and not just to check for sweat. He was a very handsome man after all, and Rias actually felt a thrill having to look up at him like this, his emerald eyes looking into her own.

"Neither are you any longer," He retorted, giving her a very direct look.

Rias looked away smiling slightly. "Well, we do all have our own little secrets."

Harry smiled politely at that. "I won't pry if you don't?"

"That might not be an option for me," Rias said regretfully, before bowing and turning away moving over to join Akeno by the doorway into the ladies changing area. Akeno winked at Harry, turning away as she ran her hair her fingers through her hair, swaying her hips as she followed her king.

Harry frowned thoughtfully, wondering what Rias had meant by that, and further once more wondering just what she and those four students were. He was certain they were all of a kind, but beyond that he didn't really know. Definitely going to skip ahead to the lessons about discerning auras as soon as I bloody well can, He vowed, moving off to put the gear away.