

Just In




Wolf Pact by DizzyDG

 TV » Game of Thrones Rated: M, English, Family & Romance, [Robb S., Myrcella B.], Words: 163k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 24, 2015 Updated: Sep 13, 2018865Chapter 16: XIV: Honesty

A/N: Hey guys! Happy weekend to you all! Hope you like the new chapter!

unnamed visitor: Thank you so much, as always. I'm glad you enjoyed the reunion and how it was written. Hope you enjoy the update!

Loverobbstark4ev: Thank you, glad you like it. Tyrion might pop up at some point, but it won't be any time soon I'm afraid.

Blackrider: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, and I hope the wait for the new chapter hasn't been too painful!

Boramir: Thank you! Good question, I'm going to answer with a yes and no. I don't think Myrcella would ever have been taught how to run a household, I mean, I can see Cersei thinking such a thing was beneath her. Obviously things are different at Winterfell though, so I will say, that in time, Myrcella will start to be a bit braver in helping to run the place. Right now though, I think she's more than happy to leave it to Catelyn, despite what Robb said about her being Lady of Winterfell.

Right-ho folks, on we go!


XIV: Honesty


He had woken before Myrcella, keeping her nestled against him for a long time before he simply had to move, padding to the washroom adjoining his chamber. Once he had splashed his face with cold water and relieved himself he padded back out, seeing her still sleeping peacefully. She looked so sweet and small amidst the vastness of his bed, nestled beneath the furs with an utterly content look on her sleeping face. He ran his hand through his hair as he looked at her, remembering the incredible welcome he had received on his return home. His exhaustion had been forgotten the moment he had entered the room to see her standing there with his robe wrapped around her. He could see it tangled up amongst the furs on the bed and he moved to extract it, Myrcella stirring slightly as he did so. Thankfully she didn't wake, and he wrapped the robe about his own body before thinking on what to occupy himself with until she woke up.

There was no question of him leaving her before she opened her eyes, the Gods only knew what would go through her mind if she woke to find him gone. Myrcella may be confident and teasing, but he knew that a vulnerability resided within her, and he knew damn well that she was hiding the extent of it. Somehow he guessed that she would feel abandoned and imagine she had done something to displease him if she woke to find him gone. That was the last thing he wanted her to feel, and it could not be farther from the truth. He sighed. It was tempting to slip beneath the furs and press himself against her again, but then he would run the risk of waking her and he imagined she would be glad of the sleep after their late night. He was used to early starts and surviving on little sleep, there was no reason for him to subject Myrcella to it though.

In the end he decided to write some letters, given the wedding and riding out to Torrhen's Square he had not had the chance to respond to Theon or Jon. He decided to do it now, approaching the desk and moving Myrcella's gift aside carefully. He would have to remember to give it to her when she eventually woke up. For now he would occupy himself with letter writing, pulling a sheet of parchment from the drawer and rummaging as quietly as he could for a quill and ink. He found what he wanted in the end, dipping the quill into the ink before he began scratching out a reply to Theon. His friend's letter had been mostly full of his usual vulgarity, and Robb knew well enough how to respond to him. Jon's letter would require more thought, and his mind was not yet fully coherent this morning.

When he finished the first letter he lay it aside for the ink to dry properly, pulling another sheet of parchment towards him to write the next. He had barely written Dear Jon, when he heard a shuffling behind him. He turned his head to see Myrcella clearly waking from her slumber. Her eyes were bleary and confused as she pushed her hair and the tangled furs away from her. She looked confused. Adorably so. She turned her head, her hand patting the space next to her as though she were trying to find him. "Morning," he said softly, and she looked towards him with wide eyes. "I thought you were gone," she said, her voice thick with sleep, "I thought I'd been dreaming."

"A good dream, I hope," he said amusedly, seeing a light blush adorn her cheeks.

"Very good," she confirmed to him, and he grinned. "What are you doing?" she asked him, as she stretched her body awake.

"Writing a few letters, nothing of great importance," he answered her, and she hummed in response, eyeing him for a moment before she shifted up in the bed.

"I see you have reclaimed your robe," she said in a slightly irritable fashion and he chuckled.

"Would you like me to pass you your own?" he asked her in response, and she nodded her head.

"Please," she confirmed as he got up from his desk and went to fetch hers from where it was hanging behind the door.

"You will need a warmer one soon," he commented as he fingered the silk of it, handing it to her when he reached the side of the bed.

"No doubt," she agreed with him.

"Speaking of warmer things..." he trailed off, turning back to his desk to pick up the parcel for her that he had set aside. "I have a gift for you," he smiled at her, tuning back to the bed to see her sat on the edge of it with her robe wrapped loosely around her. For a moment he allowed his eyes to linger on the tantalising roundness of her breasts which were only half covered in silks. She seemed to catch his line of sight, a light blush coming to her cheeks as she bit down gently on her bottom lip.

"A gift?" she raised her brows questioningly after a minute, and he shook his head stupidly.

"Yes," he confirmed, "here, I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will," she said, taking the parcel from him and toying with the ribbon for a moment. He wondered what she was thinking, but before he could ask her she was pulling on it and winding it away from the wrapping. Robb seemed to hold his breath as she carefully unwrapped the gloves, though he began to breathe more easily when her eyes lit up and a laugh escaped her.

"Tell me you didn't finally go to the seamstress for some while I was away," he said in an amused tone, and she raised her head and beamed at him.

"No, I didn't," she assured him before standing up, leaving the gloves and their wrappings on the bed.

"Thank you," she said as she came towards him, her hands coming to lay on his chest.

"It was nothing," he smiled, and she looked up at him with an odd expression on her face.

"It wasn't nothing," she shook her head, "you thought about me while you were away, you took the trouble to do something nice for me. That means something to me, it means a lot." He had no words to respond to her, so he settled for planting his hands on her waist and bending his head to kiss her. She kissed him back eagerly, her arms coming to wrap around his neck, as she stepped back slightly, ensuring that he took a few more steps closer to the bed.

"What are you up to?" he asked her slyly, breaking their kiss and looking down into her mischievous eyes.

"Well," she cocked her head to one side, her fingers coming to twist in the curls at the nape of his neck. "I had thought to thank you for my gift," she raised one brow in a perfect arch, and Robb needed no more encouragement to shove her back onto the bed where she lay giggling, a shriek of delight leaving her when he pounced on top of her.

"You do realise I am going to be late for council?" Robb said, stuffing his tunic into his breeches as his eyes hunted the room for his boots. He had tossed them aside carelessly the night before, and he was regretting the action now he needed them. Myrcella seemed unconcerned as she sat at the vanity in his robe, slowly brushing her hair through with a slightly glazed look in her eyes. He shook his head at her, finally spotting one of his boots and crossing the room to pick it up, finding the other nearby. He pulled them on quickly before grabbing a doublet from the dresser and pulling it on. After fastening it he moved to his wife and placed his hands on her shoulders. She jumped slightly, her eyes surprised as he met them in the mirror. "Were you as far away as you looked?" he asked in an amused tone, and she smiled widely at him.

"On the contrary, I was very nearby," she told him in a teasing tone, and he groaned, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek.

"I would stay up here all day with you if I could," he growled against her skin, peppering her cheek with kisses before he pulled back again.

"How long will you be in council?" she asked him, and he sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

"I have no idea, hopefully not all morning," he answered her, and she nodded slowly.

"Perhaps we could take a walk when you're finished?" she suggested. "I could try out my new gloves…"

"That sounds wonderful," he said honestly, "but Sansa and Olyvar are leaving this afternoon, we can't be absent for that." Myrcella sighed in response, but a smile soon lit up her face again.

"Never mind," she said, raising her hand up to pat one of his that was still resting on her shoulder. "I will be sad to see Sansa go, do you suppose there is any chance of them coming again before winter?" she asked him hopefully, and he was loath to disappoint her.

"I doubt it," he said regretfully, "the first snow has already fallen, and the next one will likely be harder. They cannot travel in such conditions with such young children."

"No," Myrcella agreed with a tiny smile, "no you're right, we shall just have to pray that the winter will be a short one." He squeezed her shoulders in response, kissing her cheek once more.

"That is all we can do," he said when he moved away, and she swivelled around on her stool to look at him.

"Will I see you at luncheon?" she asked him hopefully.

"I would expect so," he said as he wrapped his cloak about his shoulders, "so long as council does not go on for too long." She rose to her feet as he fastened his cloak, coming towards him and laying her hands on his chest.

"I hope there is nothing serious to attend to," she said, and he placed his hands on her hips and kissed her slowly in response.

"So do I," he said when he pulled back, nudging his nose playfully against hers for a moment. "Now I really must go, before you ensnare me again," he grinned at her, and she pressed her lips to his once more.

"See you later," she said softly when he let go of her and stepped towards the door.

"I look forward to it," he said honestly, seeing her smile widely before he made his way out of their chambers. He could barely keep the smile from his own face as he made his way down the hallways and the stairs, intending to snatch something quickly from the dining hall before he made his way to the council chambers.

"Welcome home," his mother's voice halted him before he could walk through the doors, and he turned to smile at her.

"Thank you, mother," he said warmly, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek.

"You seem to be in good cheer," she said in an amused tone.

"There is much to be cheerful about," he replied, and she smiled knowingly.

"I'm sure Myrcella was pleased you came home last night, I think she was starting to worry about you," she said.

"She is perfectly at ease now," Robb told her, "we both are." His mother smiled again at that, coming to his side and taking his arm.

"Good," she said, "you can escort me to breakfast, since you seem to have forgotten your wife." Robb knew that she wasn't chastising him as her tone was teasing, but he knew well enough that she was wondering where Myrcella was.

"She is still getting ready for the day," he told his mother, "and I have council to attend to, so I came ahead." His mother hummed in response to that as they walked the length of the dining hall up to the top table. Robb was vaguely surprised to see that the rest of the family were still there. Seemingly he was not the only one who had risen late this morning. "Morning," he smiled brightly as he moved to take his place. All but Arya responded in a similar fashion, his younger sister merely muttered her greeting before staring moodily at her breakfast.

Robb caught his mother's eye, and she just shook her head and rolled her eyes at him. He huffed irritably, guessing that words had been spoken in his absence, he just hoped that none of them had been directed towards Myrcella. Arya dropped her fork down in the next moment, letting it clatter against her half full plate before she stood abruptly from the table and marched her way down off the dais. Their mother opened her mouth, no doubt to call after her, but Robb lay his hand on her arm and shook his head slightly. "What happened while I was away?" he asked quietly, his eyes following Arya's progress out of the dining hall.

"Nothing in particular," his mother sighed, "she didn't go near Myrcella if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm worried about all of it," Robb said irritably, "it cannot keep on like this." He dropped his half eaten bread roll down on his plate, and glared at it as though it were the cause of all his problems.

"Arya just needs a little more time to adjust," his mother said soothingly, and Robb shot her a look of disbelief.

"Everyone else has managed it just fine," he practically growled, "I have had enough of this. She is a grown woman and it is high time she started acting like it." With that he pushed away from the table and stood up.

"Where are you going?" his mother asked him in an almost fearful manner. "I meant what I said," he replied, "I have had enough of this. It stops now."

"Don't do anything rash," his mother almost groaned at him as he strode down from the dais and made his way towards the doors. Myrcella made her entrance as he made to leave, her welcoming smile faltering slightly as she no doubt took in his irritable expression.

"Has something happened?" she asked him at once, her eyes wide.

"Nothing for you to worry about," he said in response, noticing a few serving girls glancing in their direction from the corner of his eye.

"You look tense," Myrcella said knowingly, and he gently clasped his hands around her upper arms in response.

"I'll be fine," he soothed her, "I just have some matters to attend to."

"I thought you were going to council," she frowned up at him, and he sighed heavily.

"I will just have to be late, some things are more important," he said, to which her frown only deepened.

"What -?" she started, but he leant in to kiss her before she could ask any more. The two serving girls had gone from glancing at them to whispering behind their hands, and he did not like it one bit.

"Not now," he whispered against Myrcella's lips when he pulled away, flickering his eyes towards where the two were gossiping and hoping she understood the gesture. Her own eyes glanced in their direction, and she sighed, nodding her head slightly.

"Not now," she agreed quietly, and he pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead before he let her go, sidestepping her and striding out into the entrance hall.

He made his way swiftly outside, assuming that Arya would have gone out to the tiltyard. Across the courtyard he went, his mind so distracted with thoughts of what he would say to his stubborn little sister that he wasn't looking where he was going properly, bumping into someone as he rounded the corner into the alleyway. "I am so sorry," he apologised at once, steadying the woman he had knocked into, but swiftly releasing her when he saw it was Ada.

"In a hurry, your Grace?" she asked him in an amused tone, smoothing her hands down over her belly. His eyes were drawn to it then, seeing between the folds of her cloak that her stomach was rounded.

"Congratulations," he said, blinking stupidly for a moment before he raised his eyes back to hers.

"You seem surprised," she almost laughed, "Thom and I have been married for well over a year."

"Of course you have," he shook his head, smiling slightly, "the time has just gone by so quickly that's all. I haven't seen you, not really." She smiled back at him, an almost regretful look in her eyes.

"Are you happy?" she asked him quietly, and he swallowed hard, slightly taken aback by her question.

"Mostly," he told her honestly, and she raised her brows.

"What's the problem?" she asked him concernedly, and he sighed.

"Arya," he said irritably, and Ada bit down on her bottom lip as though she were afraid of her next words.

"Because of…the queen…?" she asked him tentatively, and he nodded his head.

"She will not accept Myrcella, she will not even give her a chance," he told her in a frustrated manner.

"She sounds like someone I used to know," she said pointedly, and he smiled wryly at her.

"Yes, I know, I was a stubborn fool, but I have admitted to that. Arya…she just won't," he practically growled the last words and Ada looked at him in a sympathetic manner.

"You're her brother," she smiled at him, "doubtless she is worried about you getting hurt, or about you being miserable. Don't get angry with her, just talk to her and listen to what she has to say to you. Stay calm, and explain your own feelings. I think perhaps you both just need to be honest with one another, then perhaps this tension between her and the queen can start to fade."

"Thank you, Ada," Robb said sincerely. He had no doubt that if he hadn't bumped into her then he and Arya would have likely just ended up shouting at one another. They still might. But at least with this approach he might actually have some hope of getting at least some of his inner feelings through to her.

"What are friends for?" Ada smiled back at him, and he took her hand for a moment, squeezing it lightly before he let go.

"I wish you every health and happiness," he told her, looking her dead in the eye. Her smile widened at that, and she inclined her head to him in response.

"Thank you, your Grace," she said happily, before she squeezed his forearm lightly and set off on her way again.

Robb did the same, straightening his doublet before marching down the alleyway to the tiltyard, telling himself over and over to remain calm no matter what Arya threw at him. Arya was savaging a training dummy when he arrived and he sighed heavily, slowly walking towards her and stopping a safe distance behind her before he spoke. "Arya, come and sit with me a moment," he said firmly, and she stabbed her sword firmly through the dummy where the heart would be and turned to face him.

"Why?" she asked him defiantly.

"Because you're my sister, and I want to talk to you," he said softly, "please Arya, don't make me order you."

She glowered in response but nodded her head briskly, to which Robb gestured over to the steps of the armoury. They walked over there, and Robb hesitated a moment before he sat down on the steps, seeing Arya do the same. Though she purposefully sat herself as far away from him as possible. "I hate us being like this," Robb told her, staring right ahead instead of looking at her. "I know I may have been a little harsh with you about Myrcella," he conceded when Arya said nothing, "but you were cruel to her Arya, and you have to understand that she is my wife. She is the woman I will spend the rest of my days with, and share children with. Can you understand why I would rather be happy and content with her than despise her for the rest of my days?"

"How can you trust her?" Arya asked him in an almost accusing tone, and he sighed heavily.

"I just do, Arya, I can't explain it," he said. "Listen, before she came, you know what I was like. I was dreading it, dreading her coming and having to marry her…but that was before. I was unfair, and I judged her on her family rather than on her own merit. She isn't like them, Arya. I know you think I have had my head turned by her because she's beautiful, but I thought you knew me better than that. Myrcella is a good person, as much as I wanted to deny that before, I cannot any longer. Please, for me, can you just try and give her a chance?"

"It just reminds me of last time," Arya said quietly, "of Joffrey." Her voice hardened when she said his name, and Robb's fists clenched slightly of his own accord.

"What do you mean?" he pressed his sister, hearing her take a long breath.

"Joffrey had Sansa fooled," Arya elaborated, "he was polite and charming, and she fell for all of his false courtesies. Then when he had her where he wanted her he made her life hell. I don't want the same thing to happen again, for it to happen to you." Robb shuffled himself closer to where she was sat on hearing that, hesitating a moment before he wrapped his arm about her shoulders.

"No one will ever be able to hurt our family like he did ever again," he promised her, and she leaned into him. "He hurt Myrcella too, Arya, do not think she escaped just because she was his sister," he said darkly.

"What did he do to her?" Arya asked him quietly, and he squeezed her shoulder tightly.

"I haven't pressed her for details, just as we never did with Sansa," he replied, "but I know he hurt her. She may not have scars on the outside, but…" he trailed off, not wanting to say anymore. Not even wanting to think about the emotional turmoil his wife had suffered at the hands of her own brother. "We saw right through Joffrey, remember?" he continued instead, and Arya nodded her head.

"I could see what he was," Arya said, "but Sansa wouldn't. Even after what happened with Mycah and Lady…they would still be alive if it weren't for him, but she –"

"She thought herself to be in love," Robb cut her off, "she thought she would wed the handsome prince and live happily ever after. She always dreamt of that, we cannot blame her for chasing that dream. Joffrey charmed her well, and she wanted to believe him. She was young and foolish, we have all been guilty of that in our lives."

"Do you really think that Myrcella is different?" Arya asked him, and he turned his head to meet her eyes.

"I know she is," he said certainly, "I think I knew she was from the moment I met her, but it took Sansa coming and hearing the story of the doll to make me swallow my pride and get to know her. Judge her on her own merit, Arya, and I promise you that you will not be disappointed." Arya grimaced slightly, but he could see the hint of acceptance in her eyes.

"Does she swordfight?" his sister asked him, and he grinned at her.

"I think she is more akin to Sansa than you," he said teasingly, "but I am sure you can find some common ground, she is actually very funny. I think you might enjoy her company if you gave her a chance."

"I will, for you," Arya said after a long moment of quiet, "if it really means that much to you." Robb smiled at that, and pulled her further against his side, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Thank you," he said gratefully, "it means a great deal to me. After everything we have all been through I just want a content and happy life with my family, and that includes Myrcella now. She has become more important to me than I thought possible, and I want her to be happy here. I just want all of us to be happy here."

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! Catch you next week!


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