

Just In




Wolf Pact by DizzyDG

 TV » Game of Thrones Rated: M, English, Family & Romance, [Robb S., Myrcella B.], Words: 163k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 24, 2015 Updated: Sep 13, 2018865Chapter 17: XV: Snow Queen

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry my Saturday posting went to hell, I had a rather unexpected weekend away, but I am sorry to have missed posting! Anyway, I'm doing it now on a quick break from work so I hope you don't hold it against me that I haven't been able to reply to all of your reviews!

I will say, thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone I didn't get round to replying to, and to all the guests who have left comments. It is always appreciated.

Much love! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!


XV: Snow Queen


He was beautiful when he slept. Innocent. His brow smooth and his features free of any worry or stress. Myrcella smiled slightly as she looked down on him, her fingers itching to run through his auburn curls. She wanted him to wake slowly to her touch and smile up at her. That beautiful smile, that lit up those beautiful eyes. At the same time she wanted him to stay sleeping, so she could explore every angle of his features. To imprint them on her mind forever. She tore her eyes away from him after another minute, flopping back down onto the bed at his side. Two weeks she had been his wife. One week spent apart from him, and the other spent almost entirely in his presence. She knew which one she overwhelmingly preferred. This past week that he had been here had perhaps been the best of her life. Even Arya had started thawing slightly towards her. It wasn't much, just a few polite words here and there, but it was a start, and it made Myrcella's heart soar. One week of seemingly unending bliss. She should have known something would come along and spoil it.

An irritable sigh left her as she thought about her mother's letter. It had arrived the day before, and she had put off reading it until she had retired for the night. After reading it she wished that she had just put it on the fire and had done with it. Parts of the letter still flashed fresh behind her eyes, and even dragging Robb to bed as soon as he had come up to their chambers had not managed to erase the poisonous words. Her mother had, as she had expected, disregarded everything Myrcella had written to her about the wedding and her new husband. She had ignored the fact that Myrcella had told her that she was happy, that Robb had been nothing but gentle and kind to her. Do not let him fool you, men can be kind when they want something from you. Remember what I said, you must not weaken, you must never show him that you care.

Too late. Myrcella smiled wryly. She had grown to care for Robb even before the wedding, and afterwards it had only grown. He cared for her too. He had told her so, and she believed him, because Robb was honest in a way that she had only ever experience from Tommen before. Tommen. Tommen was far more supportive of her, his letter had told her how happy he was that she was settling in the North. He told her he missed her, but that it was easier to bear now that he knew she wasn't miserable. Why couldn't her mother be like that? Why was her mother so intent on Robb being a monster and her suffering at his hands? It was almost as though she wanted it to be true. As though she wanted Myrcella to have an awful life.

If he strikes you, do not hide yourself away, show them all what he has done to you. Myrcella put her hands up to her head and willed the words away. If the Gods are good then you will soon be with child, then you will hopefully not have to endure him assaulting your body any longer. Her mother made it sound as though he was forcing her. Myrcella rubbed her hands over her eyes. Her mother could not be more wrong. Even just remembering the vile words made her want to rouse Robb from his sleep and join herself with him entirely. To lose herself in being one with him, to escape her mother's bitterness just for a little while. She did not endure Robb's assault. She revelled in him bringing her a pleasure that she still had not the words to describe. Her wifely duty in his bed was something that she was more than happy to perform, and something that she was as likely to instigate as he was.

Robb began to stir at her side then, and she turned herself over so that she was facing him, and determined to ignore her mother's words. From now on she would write to Tommen, and send the occasional correspondence to her mother. She would continue to tell her that she was happy, and pray to the Gods that her words would one day get through to her. Robb groaned slightly, and in the next moment his eyes opened, blinking slowly into the morning sunlight. "Morning," Myrcella greeted him quietly and he smiled lazily.

"Was I dreaming, or did last night really happen?" he asked in groggy amusement, and she smiled widely before biting down on her bottom lip.

"It happened," she confirmed, and he wrapped an arm back around her and pulled her back against his chest.

"Good," he said simply, pressing a firm kiss to the top of her head. Myrcella smiled again at that, clutching herself closer to him, breathing in his scent and caressing him gently. "Are you alright?" he murmured against her. "Not that I'm complaining about last night," he continued, stroking his hand through her hair, "but you didn't seem quite yourself."

Myrcella could have wept with joy at his words. It would have been so easy for him to say nothing, and yet he had noticed something was wrong, even though she had done her best to keep it hidden from him. "A letter from my mother, that's all," she told him, and he sighed heavily.

"Myrcella -," he started awkwardly, and she cut across him to put him out of his misery.

"You don't have to," she said quickly, "I know you don't want to talk about her, and after what she wrote I don't think I want to either. Can we just forget it, please?"

"Whatever you like," he said, though she could tell it was said grudgingly. She pinched her nails slightly into his chest before pressing a kiss above his heart.

"I won't let her ruin this," she whispered against him, and he pulled her even closer in response.

"She can't," he said firmly, and she nodded her head, determined to believe him. "I think it may have snowed in the night," he said after a long minute of quiet, "perhaps we could all spend the day together as a family? Since you have never really had the opportunity before, why don't we just forget all about being grown up and having responsibilities and just be children for the day?" Myrcella knew that he was trying to cheer her up with his suggestion, and she was thankful beyond words to him.

"I'd like that," she told him honestly, "I'd like that a lot."

"Are you sure you don't want to join in, mother?" Robb asked in a teasing tone as he and Rickon piled snow up to create a curved wall.

"I'm sure," Lady Stark said drily, though Myrcella was sure she could see the amusement in her eyes. "I think Bran and I will officiate, make sure none of you get out of hand," she continued pointedly and Robb laughed at her. Myrcella smiled when she heard it, he sounded so carefree and young. Perhaps he truly had forgotten the weight of his responsibilities for the afternoon.

"What are the rules exactly?" Myrcella asked, glancing at Arya who was building a wall of her own opposite Robb and Rickon's.

"There are no rules," Robb told her with a grin, and she raised a brow.

"You will just end up pelted with snow, freezing cold and soaked the bone," Lady Stark elaborated.

"Mother, you make it sound like no fun at all," Arya said with a roll of her eyes. "Here, you can be on my side. Boys against girls, what do you say?" she continued, and Myrcella nodded her agreement, thrilled that Arya had suggested it.

"Best we show them what we're made of," Myrcella quipped, moving towards where she was and seeing her grin widely in response. Myrcella dropped down in the snow next to her, and began adding height to the opposite end of the wall.

"That's it," Arya nodded her approval, "make sure you get it nice and thick. Pack it as much as possible or it will just crumble down." Myrcella did as she was directed, even though the snow soon soaked through the new gloves Robb had bought her. She could feel the cold on her skin, but she was unwilling to let any of them down by complaining about it. It wasn't unbearable, and she soon grew used to the feeling.

"You seem to have a knack for that," Arya said after several minutes, and Myrcella smiled. "Here," she continued, "do you want me to show you how to make a snowball?" As she said it she was already scooping snow into her hands and sculpting it into a round shape.

"This is our weaponry?" Myrcella asked with a raised brow, and Arya grinned at her.

"Too right," she confirmed, placing the finished snowball between them before she started on the next one.

"Five minutes until battle commences!" Bran hollered out from where he was perched on a chair, swathed in furs. Lady Stark stood behind the chair with a protective hand laying on the back of it, the sight making Myrcella smile slightly.

"C'mon!" Arya snapped her back to the task at hand. "Robb makes these things ridiculously quickly."

"We'll see about that," Myrcella returned, squashing a handful of snow into a round shape and depositing it in the small pile before instantly scooping up more. Arya look faintly impressed as she quickly added another three to the pile.

"You keep making those," Arya advised her, "and I will add a little more to the wall." Myrcella nodded her agreement, making the snowballs as quickly as she could. Soon a nice little pile was building up, and she increased her pace even more as Bran called out that they only had one minute left to prepare themselves. Arya dived back down behind the wall in the next moment. "Ready for battle?" she grinned, and Myrcella smiled back.

"As I will ever be," Myrcella said, following Arya's lead and tugging up the hood of her cloak, as well as pulling her scarf up over the bottom half of her face.

"They can sting if they catch you in the face," Arya warned her, and she grimaced.

"Three!" Bran shouted out. "Two! One! Fight!" At once Arya snatched up a snowball and launched it over the wall towards Robb and Rickon's own fort. Myrcella picked up one of her own and raised herself up so she could see, only to duck back down in an instant as a snowball hurtled towards her. It landed just behind them and Arya scrabbled for it at once, squeezing it back into shape and adding it to their own pile. "Waste not, want not," Arya said, as Myrcella flung her own towards the wall that Robb and Rickon were ducking behind. It sailed over, and Myrcella could have sworn she heard a slight yelp. "I think you got Rickon," Arya cackled, "nice shot."

"Thank you," Myrcella beamed, picking up another ball of snow and tossing it towards the boys. This time she didn't think she had been lucky enough to hit a target. Arya threw another then, and then they were ducking back down again to avoid a pelt of them coming from the opposite fort. "What is the aim of the game exactly?" Myrcella asked Arya as they cowered behind their own wall and waited for the assault to stop.

"To destroy the other team's fort," Arya told her, and Myrcella nodded.

"And how do we do that?" she asked.

"Hope they built it weakly so we can knock it down with the snowballs, if not, we have to kick it down," Arya told her, and Myrcella giggled.

"I think they've run out," she said, picking up a snowball and moving to rise up. Arya grabbed her and pulled her back down at once.

"Don't be so sure," Arya said, "Robb likes to lull people into a false sense of security and they get them right in the face." Myrcella's eyes widened at that, and Arya cackled. "Don't think he'll be soft on you because you're his wife. Robb shows no mercy when it comes to snow fights," she continued, and Myrcella couldn't help but join in with her laughter. Slowly they both raised their heads up above the parapet, and a snowball came hurtling towards them at once, missing Myrcella's head by a whisper. "Told you," Arya said breathlessly as they ducked back down again.

"Should we aim for the fort?" Myrcella asked her, and Arya nodded her head. Again they rose up, Arya expertly dodging another snowball that came their way.

"Go," Arya said, and they both launched as many snowballs as they could towards the boys' fort. A tiny little piece seemed to crumble from one edge but other than that it remained intact. "Damn it," Arya cursed as they ducked back down to make more snowballs.

"What now?" Myrcella asked her, and Arya bit down on her lip.

"Now we need to entice them out," Arya said, "then you can run out and knock their fort down."

"Why me?" Myrcella asked her, shaping yet more snow.

"Because they won't be expecting you, they will be expecting me," Arya told her with a sly grin, and Myrcella nodded her head determinedly.

"I'll do it," she said, and Arya nodded once, before she raised her head above the parapet.

"Scared to come out, boys?!" she called out in a crowing manner, and Myrcella put her hand up to her mouth to stifle her giggles. "We are just two defenceless ladies and you are too afraid to take down our fort!" Arya continued mockingly, and Myrcella crawled passed her so she could peek round the side of the fort.

"It's working," she told Arya quietly, to which she rose up higher behind the walls and waved her hands in the air.

"Come and get us!" she taunted, and a snowball flew out from behind the boys' fort.

"They'll come now," Arya said certainly, "they will take cover behind those bushes over there," she nodded her head where she meant. "That's why they insisted on taking that side. I will make a lot of noise and throw a lot of snow at them. You just need to sneak into the undergrowth while they are moving to the bushes. Once I have them distracted you can move through it and then just go for it. Kick as much of it down as you can, then victory is ours."

"Alright," Myrcella said, eyeing up the undergrowth, "tell me when to go." Arya confirmed that she would, and Myrcella readied herself to dart into the undergrowth nearby, hoping that neither Robb nor Rickon would spot her.

"Now," Arya hissed in the next moment, and Myrcella crawled as fast as she could towards the undergrowth as Arya spouted off a tirade of taunts and insults to keep the attention on her and mask any sound. Myrcella hid herself behind a bush that still had most of its leaves, seeing Robb and Rickon in the bushes opposite, furiously making up a pile of snowballs. Slowly she moved herself through the vegetation towards their fort. Thankfully Arya continued making a lot of noise, throwing several snowballs towards them as they continued heaping more onto their pile. Myrcella took a deep breath when she came to a halt in the undergrowth directly opposite their fort. She was ten feet away at most, and Robb and Rickon had retreated at least thirty from their base.

If she was quick she could have a damn good go at kicking it down. She glanced over to them, seeing them beginning to pelt Arya with snowballs. Slowly Myrcella inched forwards until she was at the edge of the undergrowth, preparing to dart out towards their fort. "Hang on," she heard Robb say as he launched yet another snowball, "where's Myrcella?" On hearing that she knew it was now or never, darting out of her hiding place and launching herself towards their snow fort. She got two good kicks in before Rickon shouted out his warning to Robb. There would only be seconds now before they moved to stop her, and she furiously kicked as much as she could down. Arms came about her waist in the next moment, and she shrieked, her feet slipping on the snow covered ground.

It was enough to topple both her and Robb, but somehow he managed to twist his body so that he fell first, cushioning her own fall with himself. He crashed right through the remains of his and Rickon's fort, landing on his back with a groan as Myrcella collapsed on top of him. She couldn't help but laugh, pushing herself up against his chest so she was sat astride him before she raised both her arms up in triumph. Arya was crowing in victory behind her, and Robb sighed heavily in defeat before he grabbed a handful of snow and brought it up to tip over her head. Myrcella gasped as the coldness trickled down her back, grabbing a fistful of snow in each hand and crushing it against either side of his head. "Alright!" Robb raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, you win!"

"Did you hear that, Arya?! He conceded!" Myrcella called over her shoulder, and Arya practically bounded towards them.

"By the Gods, how did you ever win the North with those appalling tactics?!" she crowed triumphantly when she reached them, and Robb rolled his eyes at her.

"How was I to know you would use my own wife against me?" Robb replied grumpily, and Myrcella tried to bite back a smile.

"What do we win?" Myrcella asked, glancing between the Stark siblings expectantly.

"A hot bath," Lady Stark said in an amused tone, "and if you're lucky I will have them sort you out some warm, spiced milk."

"Lovely," Myrcella said happily, struggling ungracefully back up to her feet. "Thank you," she said gratefully to Arya as she steadied her to keep her from slipping over again.

"Is no one going to give me a hand?" Robb asked exasperatedly, to which Myrcella and Arya both held out their hands.

"We'd best help the old man up," Arya grinned, and Robb scowled at her, grabbing onto both of their hands and hauling himself back to his feet with their aid.

"Thank you," he said, shooting an irritable look to his little sister, who merely poked her tongue out at him in response.

"I have been waiting years for this moment," Arya said, clapping her hands together.

"Don't get used to it," Robb warned her, wrapping his arm around Myrcella's shoulders. "I think the teams will have to be mixed up next time."

"So you admit you can't win without a girl?" Arya asked, to which Myrcella put her hand to her mouth to stifle her giggles. Robb huffed in response, and Myrcella calmed herself, snaking her arm about his waist and poking him lightly.

"Perhaps he has been humiliated enough," Myrcella said, "I don't know about everyone else, but I have snow melting down my back and I would quite like some of that warm milk."

"A good idea," Lady Stark spoke up before either Robb or Arya could continue goading one another. "Some warm milk while the poor serving girls get on with warming enough water for baths for all of you," she continued irritably, swatting at Rickon as he tried to sneak a pinch of snow down her back. "Enough, you!" she scolded him, and Rickon danced out of her reach.

"Come on, let's get Bran in," Robb released Myrcella, and clapped his hand on Arya's back instead, steering her towards their brother. Rickon bounded towards them too, and Myrcella watched as Arya and Rickon took hold of either side of the front of the chair while Robb went to the back. On three they lifted him between them and made their way up the path towards the gate. Myrcella walked on behind them, smiling slightly as she heard the four of them exclaiming away happily about the snow battle.

She knew well enough that Bran would likely have wanted to join in with them, but he appeared in good cheer as Robb chastised him teasingly for not telling him that Myrcella had moved to hide in the undergrowth. Lady Stark had darted on ahead to open the gate, and they passed through it slowly, mindful of not slipping on the snow. A path had been cleared in the courtyard, and their pace increased slightly as they made their way to the cleared steps of the keep. Up the steps they went, placing Bran down carefully in the entrance hall as the guards closed the doors behind them again. Robb moved to grab Bran's wheeled chair, setting it down next to him before Arya and Rickon shifted him over into it. "Was this from the parlour?" Robb asked his mother, indicating the chair they had taken outside.

"Yes," she confirmed, "you can take it back there now and wait for your milk."

They obliged her, making their way down the hallway to the parlour, Rickon bounding ahead to open the door to let Bran wheel himself in first. The rest filed in after him, with Myrcella entering last and closing the door behind her. She had never been so grateful for the roaring fire that was dancing in the grate, unable to stop herself from exhaling in relief. Robb turned to her when he had replaced the chair at the small table in the corner, sending her a smile which she returned easily. He wandered towards her in the next moment, his hands coming to the fastening of her cloak. "You're not too cold, are you?" he asked her, and she shook her head.

"Nothing that a bath and that warm milk your mother has promised us won't fix," she assured him, and his smile widened as he swept her damp cloak off her shoulders.

"Settle yourself down," he urged her, laying the cloak over the back of one of the chairs where everyone else seemed to have deposited theirs. He made to remove his own then as Myrcella moved to settle herself on the sofa, pulling her dripping gloves from her hands as she did so. The numbness in her hands was beginning to fade now, and the sudden warmth surrounding her was making them sting. Robb settled next to her in a moment, reaching out for one of her hands and rubbing it between his own. "Getting them warmed up again can be the worst part," he said knowingly, "but you'll be fine in a little while."

"No doubt," she agreed with him, smiling widely when he placed a kiss to the back of her hand.

"Ugh," Arya commented, rolling her eyes. Robb merely hushed her, and Myrcella smiled, glad that Arya was being more herself around her now, instead of being overly polite and guarded.

"Can we play another game later?" Rickon asked, looking hopefully towards his older brother.

"Perhaps," Robb said, "but not out in the snow, it will be going dark soon enough. Perhaps I can see about us dining as a family instead of in the hall, and afterwards we can play a few rounds of cards."

"That sounds good to me," Bran said, and Myrcella smiled, imagining that he would be glad of a game that he could join in with.

"Well it would, wouldn't it? Seeing as you always win," Arya said irritably, and Bran smirked at her. Robb rolled his eyes as they all started bickering, shifting himself closer to Myrcella and wrapping his arm about her shoulder so she could nestle into the crook of his shoulder.

"Feeling better?" he murmured, so that only she could hear him, and she nodded. "Good," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Tommen would have enjoyed today," Myrcella said slightly regretfully, and Robb sighed.

"When spring comes you will see him again," he said after a long moment, and she raised her head so she could meet his eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked him.

"Well, now that we're wed I imagine there will be a big show of unity at the Capitol. It is hardly something I am looking forward to, but knowing you will be happy on seeing your brother again will make it all the more bearable," he told her softly, and she couldn't help but lean in and press her lips to his for a moment.

"Thank you," she whispered against the softness of them when she pulled back. He merely smiled in response, before pressing a tiny kiss to the tip of her nose.

"Must you two be quite so sickening?" Arya asked in a disgusted manner, and Robb turned to narrow his eyes at her as the door to the parlour opened again.

"Mind your own business, or I might suddenly remember that you are still unmarried," Robb said warningly.

"It is hard to mind my own business when you are being all…ugh…with one another right opposite me. Gods, you are almost as bad as Sansa and Olyvar," Arya seemed to shudder at that, and Myrcella couldn't help but laugh, seeing Lady Stark shaking her head as she directed a serving girl to place the tray of warm spiced milk on the low table between them.

"Honestly, I leave you all alone for ten minutes," Lady Stark said exasperatedly, moving to take a seat between Bran and Rickon.

"I think we should have a private dinner tonight, mother," Robb said as though he had not heard her.

"And what is that in honour of?" his mother asked in response.

"Do I need an excuse?" Robb raised a brow. "I just thought it would be nice, and afterwards we can indulge in a few games of cards before bed."

"And a bit of truth or tale," Bran said with a grin, and Myrcella saw Robb roll his eyes.

"What is truth or tale?" she asked Bran curiously as Robb extracted his arm from around her to lean forwards and pick up two cups of warm milk.

"Robb tells us something that could likely have been from the war, and we have to guess if it happened, or if he is making up tales," Bran explained to her, and she nodded her head, accepting her milk with thanks.

"But then you would have to rely on Robb being honest with the answers," she said slyly, glancing towards her husband, who grinned at her.

"True, we have to rely on him remembering his Stark honour," Bran agreed, and she smiled widely before taking a sip from her milk.

"This is wonderful, Lady Stark, thank you," she directed towards her good-mother.

"It is no matter," Lady Stark smiled kindly, "hot water has been called for as well, so don't tarry too long before you go on up for a bath." Myrcella thanked her again at that, before sipping on her milk again, feeling it warm her insides deliciously. Robb shifted closer again as she sipped it down, his lips coming to press against her temple before moving to her ear.

"Drink up quick, wife," he whispered, his warm breath making her shudder slightly, "we don't want our bath getting cold without us."

A/N: Just thought I'd say, Myrcella and Arya aren't going to be BFFs for life now, given history and certain things I have planned, there will be some tension between them again at some point. But right now, they had a day of being kids, which I think they both really needed and enjoyed.

Also, I know I've been saying for ages that it's going to happen, but this time it really is going to happen. Next chapter you will get some insight on Robb and the dragons! Catch you at the weekend - for real this time!

Thanks again!


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