

Just In




Optimistic Game by Mirlnir

 Anime X-overs & RWBY Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Supernatural, [Ruby R., OC] Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Words: 69k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Apr 26 Updated: Sep 5 579Chapter 3: Friend Acquired: Gwyn!


"There you are." The headmaster of Beacon academy stated, smiling at the arrival of both of his former students. "I'm glad you two arrived safely."

Getting a good look at their faces, he frowned. Qrow looked serious, more so than his usual self. Amber looked worried and crestfallen, looking away and not meeting his eyes.

"What is wrong?" Glynda asked.

Qrow stepped closer and slammed a piece of paper on Ozpin's desk. "Mind telling me who 'Ozma' is?"

Ozpin's blood ran cold.

"Ozma?" Glynda parroted. "I've never heard of-"

"Who told you such a thing?" Ozpin cut her off louder than intended.

Qrow gestured to the letter with a nod. "Take a look."

The wizard stared silently at Qrow, dread slowly filling his being before he turned his gaze to the letter. Slowly, he took the letter and noticed that it was already opened.

As he began to read it, his heart started to beat faster as his eyes widened.

To Ozma

Yes, I know who you are, reincarnate. I know your story, Salem's, and the gods. But that is not important.

What you should know is that I'm not your enemy I'm the opposite. If you don't believe me, then the proof is the Maiden you failed to protect.

I'm writing this later to warn about certain things you should be wary of, and about the identities of Salem's agents.

They are:

Cinder Fall - A raven-haired woman with amber eyes. Her semblance is superheating objects and manipulating their shapes.

Emerald Sustari - A light-green, short-haired girl with red eyes who follows the former. Her semblance is illusions.

Mercury Black - The son of Marcus Black. He looks roughly similar to his father, but this one got his legs chopped off. He works under Cinder. He doesn't have a semblance.

Tyrian Callows - An insane scorpion Faunus who worships the witch like a goddess. Be warned, as crazy as he is, he's not an idiot. His semblance appears to be disrupting other people's Aura.

Arthur Watts - The disgraced doctor of the Atlas military. Presumed dead, but very much alive. Warn Ironwood to change the security systems in his kingdom.

Hazel Rainart - I believe you know enough.

Leonardo Lionheart - A traitor amongst your midst. Don't do anything to him. I'll deal with him soon enough.

Those are the current agents who work under Salem. There might be a chance where she allies herself with the White Fang, but it's very slim.

Finally, the reason why you couldn't find the Spring Maiden for years... is because someone already took her power.

And that someone is Raven Branwen.

The letter cuts off at that.

Ozpin sat down on his chair, putting the letter on the desk while sighing wearily. Only a few people knew his first name. Salem, the brother gods and a few others he knew hundreds of years back. He could only come to two conclusions on how someone found out about it.

Either a descendent of one of his old friends, or Salem had something to with it.

Glynda took the letter and began reading it, frowning deeply. "Leonardo is a traitor? And you believe this garbage?"

"I don't believe all of it, but the information is too specific to be fake, and the guy who wrote it saved Amber," Qrow replied coolly. "And besides, Raven being the Spring Maiden? I believe it wholeheartedly. Raven will never waste the chance to gather more 'strength' for her little tribe."

"And bring Salem to her doorstep in return?" Glynda rebutted. "We know how your sister operates. She won't take the risk."

"Glynda, Qrow, that's enough." Ozpin stopped them. Standing up, he looked at them with steeled eyes. "Glynda, copy the message and send it to Ironwood. Qrow, look for the stranger who wrote the letter. If what he said is true, then we need to act quickly."

"Ozpin, you can't seriously believe this farce!"

Ozpin sighed. "We don't have any other options, Glynda. Ignoring what could be true will bring tragedy on our heads."

"That's not the only thing we should be worried about," Qrow interjected. He looked at Amber and nodded.

The Fall Maiden stepped closer. "That man, he... he somehow used magic."


"That's impossible." Glynda narrowed her eyes. "We all know that magic disappeared from the world thousands of years ago."

"Well, it's true." Qrow brought up his flask and gulped from it. "I felt it too."

"Then we need to find him. Fast." Ozpin said. "If Salem gets to him first, then she'll have a huge advantage."

He looked at Qrow and the Huntsman nodded. "Got it."

"If... what you say is best, then I won't object." Glynda sighed the moment Qrow left the office. "But I don't believe that Leo is a traitor. Not one bit." With that, she left as well.

"But what are we going to do?" Amber questioned. "He said that... He'll deal with him."

"We'll get to that soon." Ozpin sat back down and gazed at Amber. "For now, I want you to tell me everything that happened."

Amber nodded and began to speak.

(A few days later...) (Reid)

"Hey, Game." I start, slicing off a young Boarbatusk's head with a lazy swing. "Can I ask you something?"

The Game doesn't answer and I sigh. Walking through the Forever Fall would've been quite nice if the past five days weren't so unproductive. Am I worried about Ozpin finding out about me? Not really. Thinking about it a little more, I realized that even if he does know, he can't do anything to force into his group. Ironwood might, but Ozpin will stop him.

I searched most of Vale's forests yet I didn't even found one dungeon. True, they're kinda rare, but I've searched for a long time. Consider that I don't need rest and see how much time that gives me.

I know that I can sleep since I did take a nap on the boat to the city a week ago, but I didn't get a wink the entire time searching.

And fun fact, my interference with Cinder's plan had consequences! Surprise!

Now that Amber is saved, Ozpin and his circle will know who the culprits of the ambush. The reason why Qrow didn't know in the show, even though he saw them, was because of Emerald's Semblance. How do I know this? Because she tried to do the same to me, but Gamer's Mind blocked it.

But we're getting off-topic. The biggest consequence would be Ruby. Since Cinder isn't there to pay Roman, he wouldn't rob the dust place, which in turn wouldn't get Ruby to Beacon early.

And I don't want that to be honest.

Which is why I'm gonna pose as a temporary criminal, and pay Roman/Junior to rob the place. But that's the only thing I'm gonna do as him... If the situation doesn't call for it again...

...Do I have to do that though? I mean, technically speaking, whether Ruby goes to Beacon or not doesn't really matter since I already fucked up all of canon. Ruby will most likely tell Yang about meeting me and through a series of convenient events, I'm probably meeting Weiss... If they happen to be on the same team anyway.

So, do I risk it and try to get her in or not?

Decisions, decisions...

"Game? I know you can hear me." I state monotonously. "Say, did you lie to me?"

It doesn't respond.

"There aren't any dungeons, are there?" I say. "Did you pull an epic prank on me? You sly god, you."

There are dungeons.

"I don't believe you," I smirk. "You probably wanted me to be all frustrated and angry at you, but you're not getting to me that easily."

If this is your attempt at goading me, then you need to work on your skills.

I click my tongue in annoyance before shrugging. "Eh, worth a shot."

After a silent minute, I sigh. "Seriously though, can you tell me where the closest one is? I know that it sounds like I'm whining-

You are.

"-But It's unfair. I barely leveled up to 25 the past week and a Gamer is supposed to be god-level after his first month. Is my system defective or something?"

Keep going straight and you should be able to find one after a few miles.

"Ah, thank you." I smile. "See Game? Why don't you be as helpful as-"

I freeze.

... ... ...

"Who said that?"

The voice doesn't answer.

I run a hand through my hair and frown. "Am I hallucinating?" I check on my stats and see that nothing is out of the ordinary. "Game, who was that?"

It stays quiet.

"You just love being mysterious, don't you?" I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'll trust the random voice in my head and go where I'm told. Not like I have anything else to do..."

My super-hearing picks up a low growl from the bushes, making me stop instantly. Slowly turning my head, I gaze back at two red glowing dots promising pain.

Alpha Beowulf

Level 13

HP - 1250

"Well," I grin, fire forming in my left hand as I unsheathe my sword with my right. "Are you just gonna stay there?"

It comes out of its hiding place, seeing as it's spotted, and a few other Beowolves follow its lead, growling and snarling at me.

"Aw, you even got your friends with you!" I crouch and my grin widens. "How nice."

The leader howls and charges, its pack following it. I chuckle lowly and meet them head-on, sliding under the leader's lunge and incinerating some of the other weaker ones with a burst. One Beowulf leaps at me and I narrowly evade it, using Power Strike to cut off its head. My senses warn me of an attack from behind, making me meet the attacker with a smirk and blasting it with fire.

The alpha howls and backs away as two other Beowolves rush me. I parry a swipe with my sword and grab one of them by its face while charging a fire bomb, then kicking it in the belly, sending it to its other friends.

I look back to the leader with a smug smirk as the explosion of the bomb kills the last remaining Grimm.

It steps back with a threatening growl, one that I ignore as I walk towards it.

"Scared?" I taunt. "I thought you guys were supposed to be fearless."

It roars as if it was mocked and jumps at me. Mocking it under my breath, I use Fire Burst on it, completely reducing it to ashes.

"Well, that was fun." I stretch my arms. "Too bad it didn't last long."

Seeing that nothing's left to beat up, I sprint to my destination.

(30 Minutes later...)

"Is that... the dungeon?" I mumble, slightly unsettled.

What does it look like? Well, you know those purple wormholes in the lobby of DBX2 that lead you to raid bosses? It basically looks the same, but light-gray instead of purple. It's honestly morbidly fascinating to see in real life.

Also, they feel weird. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel uneasy near them. As uncomfortable as looking at a cockroach staying still in the corner of your bedroom. Real disturbing shit.

"So I just need to kill things in-"

I was cut off when a Beowulf leaped from behind me. I simply side-step and kill it in one blow.

20 EXP

Common Dungeon Key

"Wh- Seriously?!" I laugh. "The first enemy dropped it? I was getting ready for grinding."

The key took on the shape of a small orb with the same color as the dungeon. It was smooth and shiny to the point of me almost mistaking it for a gem.

Too bad I gotta throw this away... But how do I use it anyway?

Let the dungeon consume it.

So I throw it... Literally?



I toss the thing and the wormhole consumes it. Soon, the dungeon starts to transform, electricity starts to go off near it as the heavy wind it creates pushes me away. Suddenly, a bright light consumes everything near the raging phenomenon, blinding me completely.

This goes one for a few seconds then it slowly dissipates, making me open my eyes and see a door adorning a silver color replacing the wormhole.

"So cool..." I whisper in awe, slowly walking towards it and holding the handle. "So I just... go in?"

Yes. Once you're in, you won't be able to leave until you finish the dungeon. Be wise and you won't die.

"Got it..." I slowly open the door, getting inside as another blinding light comes out.

The door closes behind me and I open my eyes, seeing a huge grass field stretching as far as my eyes can see... And I see very fucking far.

Common Dungeon Quest added

[Common Wolf Dungeon]

Objective: Defeat The Great Alpha Wolf

Bonus Objective A: Defeat 100 wolves

Bonus Objective B: Complete the former objectives without taking a single hit

Rewards: 750 EXP, 500 Credits, 5 Stat points

Bonus Rewards A: 500 EXP, 250 Credits, Wolfsbane

Bonus Rewards B: 1250 EXP. 1000 Credits, 1 Gacha Token

"Woah..." I take a few steps forward and the door suddenly fades away behind me.

No turning back now...

So, where are the enemies? Do I have to go further?

I start walking around the place, feeling a slight breeze hitting me as I go further. A few minutes of walking and I see something in the distance.

That's probably the wolves I'm supposed to kill... Looks like they're gonna take a while. If that's the case...

I sit down and pull out my alchemy tools and ingredients, making a few more potions.

Health Potion - Tier 1 x5

Heals 5% of your max health

Mana Potion - Tier 1 x3

Restores 5% of your max mana

I think this should be enough.

I slowly get back on my feet, checking on my stats. Hmm... Maybe I should've used more points on DEX. It's 55 now, and I can increase it to 80, but if I had increased it beforehand, I might've gotten it to 100. That would've been really good for the second bonus objective.

Oh well. This will make it a bit more challenging...

I get in an offensive stance as fire comes to life in my left hand.


Level - 7

HP - 500

And there are a lot of them.

The first one leaps at me with a snarl, which I evade easily, cleaving through its body with one hit. Blood splattered on my attire and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

50 EXP

Right, not Grimm, which means they bleed.

I take a step back and sheath my sword, opting to use magic instead.

It's probably for the best. It's safer staying on the defensive and I definitely don't want my clothes getting all bloody.

I use a small burst of conquerors, freezing the remaining wolves temporarily. I smirk and throw two bombs at them, the explosion engulfing them and killing some of them in seconds.

The others who survived were spooked out of their trance as they started running away to the hill, afraid of the fire most likely. I grin widely and follow them, two fire spears forming in my hand as I stab one in the back. I throw my other spear and I hit the furthest one, ending its life.

As I see what's behind the hill, I stop. Hundreds of wolves were there, and a huge one was on the front of the army... And I mean huge.

It's as big as truck maybe, with silver fur adorning its body and small scars on its forehead. Is that the boss?

Great Alpha Wolf

Level - 30

HP - 5000

My grin widens. That's the boss alright...

Say, I wonder if my conquerors' level is enough to tame some of the wolves. Game? I wanna get the big one.

Taming wild animals requires level 3, or 150 CHA points.


Hm... What if I... Maybe it could work.

I have 105 points in CHA, and 25 to spare... It's possible with that amount of enemies.

Ah, I wished I could've leveled up a bit more before coming here.

The Alpha howls, making its pack charge at me with their own. I smirk and rush towards them, unsheathing my sword as I laugh joyously.

Remember, Reid, if you are touched, you lose.

Four wolves pounce at me and dodge the attack, ducking under another from behind. I blast the four with fire then kill another with a stab. Taking my sword quickly, I narrowly evade an attack by rolling out of the way and retaliate with cutting the attacker's head.

I didn't notice that I was laughing maniacally throughout the fight until most of the Wolves were killed, either by burning to death or a lethal sword slash. I genuinely felt a bit worried, stopping my laughter, and taking a step back to contemplate.

That was... incredible. It felt like the best thing that ever happened to me. How my heart pumped and my blood boiled... I felt like I was made for this...

I felt like I was born to fight.

I look behind me and see corpses upon corpses of wolves laying on the ground, blood painting the beautiful field crimson. Since when did I kill them all? I could've sworn that there were a lot more.

Is this why it's considered a flaw? I lost my sense of self for a second... or ten minutes.

That's... kinda scary to be honest.

My senses warn me about an attack, making me jump over a swipe of the huge wolf. Focus, me, you can worry about whatever the hell messing with your head later.

I back away and bring up my stats. Alright, four levels, that means it's enough, albeit barely.

109 + 41 = 150 CHA

68 + 4 = 72 STR

Name: Reid Astera

Age: 16

Race: Human/? Hybrid

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Level: 29 (3%)

HP: 3900 [Regens 390 per minute]

MP: 3450 (5170) [Regens 295 per minute]

AP: 7250 [Regens 725 per minute]

STR: 72

VIT: 78

DEX: 59

INT: 69

WIS: 59

CHA: 150

LUK: 64

Points: 0

I frown slightly and back away, gaining a distance over the wolf. My frown turns to a cold glare as I use Haki to try and subdue the beast. It freezes for a minute, then it starts howling, letting out its own presence. I tilt my head slightly forward as I smile darkly, slowly getting closer to it while brandishing my sword.

It's resisting...

Guess I'll have to teach it a lesson.

It growls and lunges with a snarl, saliva flying all over the place. I squint my eyes and sharpen my senses, ducking under its pounce and slashing against its stomach. My eyebrows shoot up as my blade doesn't cut it open, only slightly scratching its skin instead. I immediately back away from its stomp, getting away from it as I glance at my weapon.

My sword is not doing it. Around 150 damage per hit isn't good. I should probably stick magic for now since it does much more damage. Besides, using ranged attacks whilst maintaining a distance against something with no way of countering me is obviously the better strategy.

Even if the back of my mind refuses that idea wholeheartedly.

Damn Battle Maniac...

I put my sword in the inventory as both of my hands burst into flames. The wolf slowly backed away, still growling as it circles around me. It barks and rushes me and I crouch, charging fire in my hands. Once it jumps, I bring both hands at its face, huge gouts of fire is sprayed on its face. It whimpers as it's flown back, and I use the chance to run forward, throwing fire spells after fire spells, chipping at its health quickly.

It flips back and howls to the sky once its HP reaches 1000, gaining a red aura as I feel a change occurring. I don't stop for it to finish its doing and bombard it with bombs, and I notice how its health drop slower, concluding that it got a defense boost after whatever that was.

It runs at me significantly faster than before, causing me to leap out of the way of its charge.

Rolling on the grass, I shoot spears of fire at its back. One spear plunged itself in the boss' leg, causing it to fall and writhe in pain. I check on with observe, sighing in relief once I see its health at 81

I slowly walk towards it, standing in front of it as it snarls and growls threateningly,

"Really hope it works..." I mutter quietly. "For both of our sakes."

I take a deep breath and use conquerors once again solely focused on the huge wolf. It tries to fight back the oppressive aura but is reduced to a whimpering mess when I glare coldly at it.

Beast Tamed: Great Alpha Wolf

I let out a sigh and dismiss my Haki, smiling sadly at the wolf's afraid look.

Crouching slowly to its level, I take out all the potions I made earlier, opening one of them and bringing it closer to its mouth.

"I'm sorry about all of that," I say as I pet its fur gently. "Drink. You'll feel better, I promise."

It looked a bit apprehensive much to my surprise but complies nonetheless. I open up the rest of my potions and give it to drink as well, seeing the scorched marks slowly healing.

Five potions only healed 25% of its max HP, which is 1250, but it was enough for it to stand up. As it does, it slowly... bows? I think that's what it's doing. Its head was lowered and its eyes were closed. Was that a sign of submission? I thought to show its belly was... no, that was a sign of trust.

"Okay..." I keep on petting it, not really knowing what to do now.

5 Reputation with Great Alpha Wolf [5/100]

...That's a mouthful.

"I know," I remark, using both hands to pet it. "We should give you a name..."

I'm not really good at naming things... So the first thing that comes to mind is...

"Gwyn." I proclaim, grinning as it barks happily. "Your name is Gwyn from now on. You like it?"

5 Reputation with Gwyn [10/100]

I chuckle. "I guess you do."

Soulstone added to inventory

Note added to inventory


I keep petting the humongous wolf with one hand while the other takes the two new things in my inventory. The Soulstone was a green droplet-shaped orb that glowed faintly, and the note had a sword and a gun crossing each other as a symbol.

I sit down and open the letter, raising a brow at how short it is.

Here's a gift.

From your predecessor


1 Reputation with [REDACTED] [6/100]

Suddenly, the letter burst into flames, making me yelp and back away.

Geez, that kinda scared me.

...So, who was that?

Mix your mana with the Soulstone then let the soon-to-be familiar touch it.

So you're ignoring me again? That's cool I guess.

I look at the Soulstone and shrug. Might as well do as I'm told.

I do as I'm instructed to, and the stone glows brighter. I stare at Gwyn for a minute before nodding, extending my hand with the stone on it.

"Paw." I simply say.

Gwyn understands and puts his paw on the stone, and green aura starts to engulfs the wolf. He pants still, thankfully not showing any sign of distress at the process. The green aura transfers to me and turns gold, and after a while, the stone turns to dust as the glow dissipates.

Familiar Gained

Name: Gwyn

Species: Great Wolf

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Level: 30

HP: 5000

MP: 210

AP: Locked

STR: 78

VIT: 100

DEX: 75

INT: 21

WIS: 19

CHA: 53

LUK: 11

Thoughts about you - Master

I gasp. I can see his stats now! And he healed back to full too.

I frown slightly after a second, guilty not meeting his piercing golden eyes.

"Are you not angry that I killed your pack?" I wonder out loud. "Sorry I had to do that..."

He whines slightly.

I was a little taken aback when he understood what I said, then I ask again. "...Do you forgive me?"

He barks and licks my face happily.

I smile softly. "I guess you do..."

Quest Complete

[Common Wolf Dungeon]

Objective: Defeat The Great Alpha Wolf

Bonus Objective A: Defeat 100 wolves

Bonus Objective B: Complete the former objectives without taking a single hit

Rewards: 750 EXP, 500 Credits, 5 Stat points

Bonus Rewards A: 500 EXP, 250 Credits, Wolfsbane

Bonus Rewards B: 1250 EXP, 1000 Credits, 1 Gacha Token

Hidden Quest: Tame The Great Alpha Wolf

Hidden Rewards: 2000 EXP, 2000 Credits, 1 Bag of Doggy Treats, 10 Stat points

Level up x3

Shop unlocked

I laugh at the hidden rewards. A bag of doggy treats? I won't say no to that.

I pull the bag out, taking one treat then handing it to Gwyn.

He sniffs it a few times then gulps it in one go, obviously enjoying the taste as he starts to pant again.

5 Reputation with Gwyn [15/100]

I give him a few more treats then put the bag back in, getting the Gacha token out in its place.

Bag of Senzu Beans

A bag holding five Senzu Beans

...Huh. That's actually a good pull.

I wonder, is there a gardening skill? It's an important skill for an alchemist, but now that I have Senzu beans... Can I farm them? If I can... Holy shit I'll be rich.

Right! Money crisis. I forgot about that.

So credits are Gamer money, right? I can buy things from the shop I just unlocked I mean.



... ... ...

"Can I buy money?" I immediately smack myself when I said that out loud. "Lien, I mean. Can I buy Lien?"

You can.

Oooh ooh... Then I buy 1000 worth of Credits.

-1000 Credits

1M Lien Added

"What the fuck?!" I shout, utterly shocked at the amount.

A million?! I mean, technically speaking, it's not as much as you'd think since Lien is around the same value as Yen from what I've observed. Which means one mil is 10K dollars. But still, getting a million means that...

A huge grin stretches across my face.


I lay on the ground, still laughing as I take out the Lien cards and throw them in the air. If one credit is worth a thousand Lien, then I don't even need to work! I can just farm dungeons all day and I'll eventually become the richest.

I sigh slightly. But where's the fun in that? Getting money that way is too easy. This is only a common dungeon and it gave me over 2000 credits, or 2 million Lien. What if there's a legendary dungeon? Or something further than that?

Besides, getting all that money so suddenly? Too suspicious. I'll most likely get arrested or something.

Still, a million is a huge first step towards my goal. I need to get to Junior now, so I can get myself a permit and an identity.

I suddenly see Gwyn laying beside me, closing his eyes as he cuddles me.

...But you know, this place is kinda nice. Not too hot, not too cold... And I haven't slept in ages.

Is it dangerous if I stay too long, Game?

No. You may stay as long as you wish. But once you get out, you'll never be able to get in again.

That so? Thanks for the information.

You are quite welcome.

Eh, a nap won't hurt anybody. Just a few hours and I'll get back to work.

I close my eyes and sleep takes me in a few minutes.


You're pampering him.



He's entertaining. Why is that so hard to understand?

You sent him an artifact. You know that Soulstones are incredibly rare. Remember how frustrating it was getting your first one?

I roll my eyes. How many of them do I have now that I gave one away?


Then it's not a problem now is it drama queen?

My point is that his 'story' will grow stale and boring if you start giving him everything.

I groan. I just like pampering the ones I like. I don't get what's wrong with that.

...I liked you more when you were a Sociopath.

And I like loving things, thank you very much.

Besides, you know how I lowered the chance for him getting Gacha Tokens by a lot, right?


...Alright, fine. I'm not gonna help him out any more than that...yet.

That's good enough for me. Please, with how many Gamers you killed already, it's getting really difficult getting a source of entertainment.

Yeah, yeah.

...Also, remember how you said that 'Goody two-shoes' are annoying? Why the interest in him now?


Is that embarrassment I sense?

I'll admit, I thoroughly enjoyed his characteristics by now. His arrogant nature is surprisingly refreshing...

And his teasing aside, he is quite polite.

Right, you always liked the polite ones, didn't you?

Well, now that we agree on his entertainment value, I could go for a drink...

Hello, my friends. Hope you're having a nice day or night depending on when you read this. fun fact, I kinda finished writing this chapter before I was done with chapter 6 of Akane's story, but decided to wait until I upload that one.

I don't have much to say so let's get to the reviews.

Everpeach: Close, but no. Not Dragon.

Acqua OfThe Back: Well, yes, most items are cheated objects in a world like RWBY. The staff of Magnus, almost all Daedric Artifacts, a dragon soul. Hell, the Gacha landed on Auriel's Bow but then I thought that it's too OP. The masks...they are powerful, but not much. If he got Ahzidal's mask, however... Then the world will burn.

jrlarmore: He didn't deny it because he knew it wouldn't make a difference. He knew that a fight would happen anyway.

Soda-fiedPsycho: Probably. He'll be able to surpass it, but it'll take him a loooong time. If he wants a skill like that, then he needs to up his DEX to 5K or something.

Gobert600: It's gonna take years for him to be king, and I might end the story in RWBY, but who knows. And if I do decide to continue, then yes, he'll most likely take her with him.

Chainthatbinds: Alchemist is a bullshit class, er, skill. But I have ways to make it harder to use.

Hiremsage00: He does have a semblance, but he still hasn't unlocked it yet. Haven't decided what kind of semblance he'll have though.

JKingSniper: ...I guess this chapter answered the first question, huh? Haven't played LoL. I'll see what I can do about the skill once I read about it.

Frescko: Nope! Not dragon. You'd be surprised how many races have slit eyes.

Sentry342: She might take the role of the teacher later down the line, but nowhere near as crazy as Shiro.

ernesto jose: Probably a friend/advisor. Though... Who said 'RWBY' will even exist? ;)

Humn: Hey, no plan survives first contact.

AgelessReaper: Yeah, I honestly got bored with the paranoia shtick. RWBY isn't exactly a dangerous world in fiction standards either, so he virtually has no reason to be afraid. And don't worry about not punishing him. I already have something that'll punish him as much as it'll reward him, so stay tuned.

reviews are always appreciated.

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