

Just In




Optimistic Game by Mirlnir

 Anime X-overs & RWBY Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Supernatural, [Ruby R., OC] Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Words: 69k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Apr 26 Updated: Sep 5 579Chapter 5: Opened Business

"Ahh~" I sigh contentedly, sinking into the warm bath of my newly made marble-white bathroom. "Damn, it's been so loooong~"

Too long, to be exact. I wanted normality for once after getting here. Like, eating, drinking, sleeping, and bathing. I needed this too much man...

Maybe I should order something too. The smell of food being cooked was killing my nostrils when I walked through Vale. I ignored it for a while, but then my stomach started to growl. I know I can't get hungry, but holy crap I felt starving when I passed that burger joint.

"Maybe I should treat myself more often..." I voice my thoughts, feeling my muscles relax under the warm water. "Pasta sounds reeeaaal nice right about now..."

Does Remnant have pasta? They have noodles, but what about its Italian counterpart? I hope they do. I can't see myself living without Italian food.

Imagine a world with no pizzas... I shiver slightly.

I don't think I could ever live in it.

By the way, is it me or does the bath feel... very comfortable? I know they're supposed to feel comfortable, but this is a little strange. Eh, it's probably because I haven't had one in a long time.

I wonder what I should do next? Ozpin will know about my place sooner or later, but how do I handle it? Do I reveal myself, or do I play two characters? I'd rather do the latter since I frankly don't trust Ozpin all that much. I know he means well, but better safe than sorry.

And is he gonna try to force me? He better not, because I'll turn the rest of his days into a nightmare. I can be real petty if I want to. I'm not turning to Salem obviously, but I can work alone just fine... and once I get enough political power, he won't be able to even touch me.

And I'm feeling quite aggressive for some reason... but the idea of working under someone doesn't sit well with me at all.

I sink in slightly as I close my eyes, only my head remain out of water.

Also, how am I gonna get people to my store? What should I even name the store? How am I gonna mass produce potions when it's only me that can make them? A lot of questions and barely any answer...

I sink even more and-

Racial ability discovered

Racial ability discovered

Racial ability discovered

Racial ability discovered

I freeze, my eyes widening considerably. What? Why?What did I do? I'm just taking a bath...?

[Human/?e? ?p? Hybrid]

A perfect breed between a human and a ?e? ?p?

Your mastery skills gain 10% more EXP

Your ?e? ?p? side gives you double gain in STR and VIT.

You start with 50 CHA

You can breathe underwater, no matter how deep you are

You can see clearly underwater

Swift movement underwater

When you're submerged underwater, all your stats increase by 25%

Discover your heritage to unlock more of its powers.

...What? But... this is a bath.

Are you not satisfied with this development?

No, no! That's not it. It's just...

I couldn't help it as I started to laugh. Seriously?! I was having a fucking bath! How did I discover anything?! This is gold!

My loud laughter slowly turns into quiet chuckles as I read my new powers again. Guess that answers how I'm gonna deal with the aquatic titans... personally.

Fuck yes.

No! Bad flaw!

Shaking my head, I notice that some letters are revealed as well. E and P. I can't think of any race that comes with those letters while also being aquatic at the top of my head. It needs some thinking through.

But more importantly, is organizing the place for tomorrow. I already decorated it... well, less decorated and more fixed it. The wooden floors and walls were replaced with clean white marble, giving it that hospital or pharmacy look. I already put display shelves and a counter near the entrance, so all I need is to make and put the potions.

Fixing the place cost me 850 credits, leaving me with 2900, which is thankfully enough for an alchemy table. Basic alchemy costs 1500 credits, so that leaves me with 1400. I saw something called alchemy ingredients bag that gives me random, well, alchemy ingredients, and I'm buying three of them. One costs 300, so I should have enough in case of emergencies.

An alchemy table gives me the ability to make next tier HP/MP/AP and new ones, like stat increase potions. It's obviously a must when you're planning on becoming an alchemist.

I let out a long sigh as I stand up, droplets of water falling off my skin. I get out of the bath and head for the mirror as I glance at my face, smirking slightly.

Fuck, I'm handsome as hell. Charisma is one hell of a stat...

My eyes then look beneath me, staring down at my crotch and manhood. My smirk widens even more in pride.

To you, whoever made this body... Thank you for this huge gift you've given me. I'll be sure to use it to the fullest~

Once I left my bathroom, I bought the alchemy tab and put it in the basement, next to a couple of small garden beds. I plan to grow my own ingredients later on obviously, as it's a good way to conserve money.

I already bought the bags, and all I have to do now is open them...

Alchemy Ingredients added to inventory

Blaze Powder x12

Ghast Tear x5

Blue Mountain Flower x24

Snowberries x21

Luna Moth wing x7

Chaurus Egg x6

Elves Ear x16

Nirnroot x3

Canis Root x22

Vampire Dust x7

Daybloom x26

Blinkroot x19

Fireblossom x12

Deathweed x11

That... is a lot of things.

Good for me then.

It's still very early in the morning, and as much as I want to sleep in a bed for once, I think I'll spend my time stocking up on potions. Probably should plant some too... once I get my gardening skill.

How can I get it anyway? There wasn't any gardening mastery when I first chose. Do I unlock more masteries as my previous ones are 100? I think so, I mean, there wasn't ice, lightning, or light in the magic section, and they're definitely one of the more powerful ones.

Damn, if lightning or ice were there, I would've taken one of them in a heartbeat.

You can lament the fact after you're done with work, focus.

I think I'll stock up on strength and speed potions after making health and aura, but make sure to keep at least one of every ingredient. Mana potions are not important since no one uses magic anyway.

With that in mind, I begin my work.

(Jaune) (A day later...)

He screwed up. He screwed up badly.

What the hell was he thinking? Forging transcripts for Beacon? Beacon of all things! Not only it would easily be found out, but then he'll have a criminal record, and he won't be able to get a job anymore.

Great going idiot!

Besides, even if they didn't find out, how the hell is he gonna blend in with actually trained huntsmen? He couldn't even put up a fight against his bully much less kill Grimm.

He buried his face in his hands as he groaned, walking around Vale aimlessly.

God, dad is gonna kill me... He thought in despair. How am I gonna explain this to him?

Maybe he should've been more stubborn about being a huntsman, but he begged his father to train a million times before, but he just refused, saying that he doesn't want the Arc family to be warriors anymore.

A hand ran through his hair as he sighed deeply, feeling like he made the worst mistake in his life... and he did.

I used almost all of my saved up money on a dumb idea. He thought bitterly. Maybe mom was right; I should just become a farmer or something...

Then he stopped as he saw a note on a lamp on the sidewalk, with the sentence "20% more leg-breaking!" in a huge font.

He thought it was a little weird and funny, so he read it... and his eyes widened in hope.

"Miraculous Emporium..." He muttered softly, reading the location of the place. With his hope now reignited, he jogged to the store that can hopefully give his long-dead dream a chance.

Once he arrived, he gulped and nodded to himself, then he entered the building. His eyes flickered through the shop, and he spotted a shelf with many vials filled with colorful glowing liquids. His eyes then found a handsome man with white hair and deep blue eyes sitting behind the marble counter, who stared at him blankly in return.

He then smiled professionally. "Welcome. Anything I can get you?"

"U-uh yeah." Jaune stuttered. "I saw the ad and I got interested."

Jaune tried to remain calm... but he found it hard to do so. The person in front of him looked friendly enough... but Jaune felt he shouldn't be all friendly with him.

"I'm sure." He nodded. "Well?"

"Oh, right." No turning back now... "Do you have something that can make me stronger? I'm going to a huntsman school tomorrow, and I don't feel... that satisfied with myself."

"Sure do," He said and took out a small vial filled with orange-colored liquid from under the counter. "This is what you're looking for. 10K Lien."

Jaune winced at the price, before sighing and pulling out his wallet. He only had 60K remaining...

He handed the money and the vendor accepted it with a smile. "Good doing business with you."

Jaune nodded and stared at the liquid... before pulling out the cork and drinking it in one gulp. Jaune was surprised to learn that it tasted somewhat sweet, but he isn't complaining.

Once he drank all of it, he let out a sigh of satisfaction. He looked at the vendor, who stared with wide eyes at him in shock.

"That's it, right?" Jaune asked, a hint of plea in his voice. "I should be stronger than before, right?"

The white-haired took a second to register before nodding slowly. "Yeah, you are. You won't feel it, but you're definitely stronger than before..."


10 Reputation with Jaune Arc

He beamed happily at my words.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? He literally gulped the fucking thing without asking any questions!

I'm not complaining, but how naive do you have to be to do something like this? Is he out of his mind? Besides, the potion only works for three minutes, and it's only a 10% increase, but I'm not telling him that.

His fault for being so gullible.

Actually, since he's so stupidly trusting... there's something I want to test.

I give a professional smile. "Congratulations! Since you're my very first customer, you get one Aura Potion for free!"

He whips his head at me in surprise. "I-I do?"

"Of course!" I take out a golden vial from my inventory as I bring my hand out from under the counter. "Here. You should probably drink this as well."

5 Reputation with Jaune Arc

He does just that, gulping it all like a beast. Once he puts the vial on the counter, I use Observe on him.

Name: Jaune Arc

Age: 17

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral Good

Level: 2

HP: 200

MP: 0

AP: 2500

STR: 22

VIT: 22

DEX: 16

INT: 26

WIS: 20

CHA: 31

LUK: 19

Thoughts about you - Thankful, Nervous

I knew it.

The potion unlocked his Aura

"Feel any different?" I ask him, noticing that his Aura didn't flash when it was unlocked.

"...Yeah..." He pauses slightly before continuing. "Now that you mention it, I feel... better? Healthier? I don't know, it's weird... but not bad."

"Good!" I say, still smiling. Then, I pull more strength potions and three speed potions. "How about these? The green ones make you faster!"

He looks a bit hesitant. "I-I don't know, I don't have much on me..."

"You're planning on leaving for a huntsman school, right? Beacon, I reckon?" He nods slowly, making me get uncomfortably close to him. "You know, they say that Beacon is considered a school filled with supermodels. You know what that means?"

He shakes his head.

I smirk, getting back to my counter. "Imagine this: Becoming the most powerful... The girls will flock you like bees to honey."

He blushes.

"Y-you really think so?"

My smirk widens. Hook, line, and sinker.

"Buddy, girls love strong men." I gesture to the potions with a nod to their way. "And drinking these bad boys? Hoho, you'll be fucking a different girl every night."

His blush intensifies as he hesitantly grabs a speed potion. "W-will these really make me popular?"

D'aww now I feel bad... not really, but it's still pretty scummy to do this.

Sorry, Jaune, but business is business, and you're a dumbass, soooo...

1 Reputation with [REDACTED]

Yeah, I know I'm cool.

"100% will get you a harem." Like all those fanfic I read, for whatever reason. "I'll cut you a deal; these five for only 45K, five thousand down. What do you say?"

He looks between my smiling face and the potions, debating silently with himself. After a whole minute of me maintaining the dumb smile, he sighs and takes the amount out of his wallet.

Ha! Gullible moron!

He gives me the money and my smile turns genuine. "Good decision, my blonde friend," I say, tucking the cash in my breast pocket. "Now, all you need to do is drink one every five minutes, and you should be able to take down goliaths with your bare hands by tomorrow!"

He looks pumped as he clenches his fists. "Y-yeah!"

"Now go get 'em, tiger!"

He nods, a fierce fire in his eyes. "Yeah!" He shouts, exiting the place with his potions in a bag.

...First customer, and I already have more than 50K this day. Either I'm too good, or I'm too lucky.

Probably the former.

But, this is only my first step to rule the world.

My first step to Godhood.

You know, I'm surprised that it's Jaune who became my first customer. I made the ad specifically for Nora, with a lot of more leg-breaking promises. Nora would drag Ren with her, and if I play it right, then I could get two customers at once... who will one day tell their friends, who are probably gonna be team RWBY, minus Ruby.

Then probably all of Beacon at some point.

Am I afraid of Ozpin finding out about this? Not really. I'm 100% he's 'speak first, kill second' guy, and I 'd rather he comes for me to be honest. I could make a deal with him, which will only quicken my pace to become a businessman.

And if he tries anything funny... Well, I am The Gamer, after all, I can easily 'take care' of him if he really thinks he can get away with it.

A few levels up and I'll be stronger than someone twice my level, and with magic? Haki? A one-sided fight.

Who I'm worried about though is Ironwood. He's a paranoid lunatic, and I don't think I can deal with an entire Atlassian fleet at my current level.

So it goes on like this: Ozpin helps me = Ironwood can't do shit.

Or: Ozpin is just as paranoid = Ironwood attacks = me fleeing = me killing them both later...

...Huh, so I am more violent than before, I'm sure I am but... I don't really mind it. I feel like it's my nature...

Is this my other half messing with my head?

An astute observation.

So it is... Well, as I said, I don't mind it. As long as it doesn't get me in trouble...

Maybe it's just I don't like being pushed around... yeah I hate that feeling, and right now, I'm weak. Huntsmen level? Still weak.

Right, I think I'll go hunting tomorrow, at least until I reach level 40- no, level 60. Yeah, 60 sounds powerful with my skill set, especially with Observation Haki.

Besides, I need a stronger weapon. No shade on Wolfsbane, but not everything I'm fighting is gonna be classified as a 'wolf'. I need armor too since my light armor mastery only leveled up once. Once.

I just opened the shop though... Well, I guess this means that no one will miss it if it closes up for a week or so.

I lean back on my chair and close my eyes, simply waiting for anyone to come.

Wish the day goes faster...

I'm already bored.

(Three days later...)

Been moving around from place to place the last couple days, searching and killing every Grimm I found. None of them really stood a chance, which was kinda disappointing but I remind myself that I came here to level up, and not fight. I did find dungeon though, so that's useful. I found it in some no-name forest in the far south of Vale, and to my disappointment, it's a common one.

As long as it is a dungeon though, it's fine.

You know, at least I'm level 43 now, and once I reached level 40, The Game asked me to choose a 'profession'. It's like a mastery skill, but different. What's the difference? I don't know, The Game did not elaborate any further than that. If you ask me, I think it doesn't know either.

There many professions, like baker, fisher, teacher, etc etc. But there was one thing that I wanted... which was something I already talked about.


Fucking. Gardner.

Exactly what I needed.

[Gardening Mastery] (LV 1/50)

Your skill in gardening is that of a novice

I don't know if its luck or some god is fond of me, but I sure as hell ain't complaining.

I lazily tilt my head, avoiding a Beringel's fist aimed at me. With a bored look, I turn it to ashes with aa blast of fire. My eyes catch a shiny object inside the remains of the Grimm, prompting me to kneel down and scoop it with my hand. I smile slightly as I see the dungeon key, and immediately head out for the dungeon.

I didn't take long to arrive with my improved DEX, and once I did, I threw the key in, and the sequence happened all over again. Smirking, I open the silver door, and a city in ruins greeted me.

Common Dungeon Quest added

[Common Zombie Dungeon]

Objective: Defeat The Giant Zombie

Bonus Objective A: Defeat 100 zombies

Bonus Objective B: Complete the former objectives without taking a single hit

Rewards: 750 EXP, 500 Credits, 5 Stat points

Bonus Rewards A: 500 EXP, 250 Credits, Undead Hunter

Bonus Rewards B: 1250 EXP, 1000 Credits, 1 Gacha Token

Literally the same dungeon quest as the last one, but with zombies instead of wolves. It should be easier since I'm much stronger... and I'll get a Gacha Token from it as well. I like using those, you don't know what you're gonna get.

Seeing the zombies spot me, they slowly start walking to me as the groan. I rush in with a sword in one hand and magic in another.

This shouldn't take long. Five minutes tops.

(One dead boss later...)

As the giant falls down without a head, I sheath my sword with a bored look on my face.

Quest Complete

Level up

Yeah, yeah.

Once everything calms down, I bring up my stats, smiling slightly at the difference in a few days. Not much, but I'm definitely much stronger. I added enough in INT and WIS so they both can reach 100, leaving me with 35 spare points

Name: Reid Astera

Age: 16

Race: Human/? Hybrid

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Level: 45 (4%)

HP: 5500 [Regens 550 per minute]

MP: 5000 (7500) [Regens 500 per minute]

AP: 11,250 [Regens 1125 per minute]

STR: 104

VIT: 110

DEX: 110

INT: 100

WIS: 100

CHA: 165

LUK: 79

Points: 35

If only I had five more... I would've put them into DEX to improve my reflexes. Eh, I'll stay outside the city all week, so it's possible. Everything should be much easier now too. Only 15 more levels and I'll have reached my goal.

Now let's see what the Gacha gives me... Hope its something good.

Skill gained

[Sharingan: Locked] (Lv 0/5)

The Sharingan, otherwise known as the 'Copy Wheel Eyes' is the bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan. These powerful eyes give the user many useful and powerful abilities, such as incredible clarity of perception, copying any technique you are able to see, and once developed, can give the user predictive abilities.

The Sharingan will level up every 50 personal level ups, with level 150 unlocking the third stage. Only through special quests can you get the last two stages.

I was utterly speechless as I kept reading the message over and over, not believing what I'm seeing. My hand trails over my right eye, as I let out a sound of disbelief. Oi, am I seeing this right? Do I really have...

My face splits into a huge grin.

I start laughing like mad, jumping and running around like I won the lottery, and I did... I won the cosmic lottery.

"Woooooooo!" I throw my arms in the air, still grinning like an idiot. "I fucking win, Game! I fucking win!"


"Fuck yeah!" My grin turns into a cocky smirk. "There's no way I'm gonna lose any fight with this now! Ironwood? Salem? Let them come; I'll kick their asses!"

All I need to do is level up a few times, and I can use the Sharingan, and mixed with Observation Haki? I'll be untouchable!

Not to mention, with my already supernatural optical senses, the Sharingan will be one hell of an ability.

feeling too excited, I leave the dungeon, and I'm greeted with a Grimm growling at me.

I take out my sword and grin widely, and my voice comes out as a growl as I state. "You'll do..."

They charge at me with roars.

Let the slaughter begin~

(Disclaimer: The next scene is not necessarily canon unless you want it to be. No pole or whatever, just think of it as an Omake if you feel like it. For the full experience, read The Chronicles of Bibbo the Ass-Monkey simultaneously with this.)

This fucking thing is refusing to go away! I tried water, soap, cleaning products, and my own fucking fire! It just doesn't go away!

I spotted a dark spot on my beautiful snow-white marble counter, and I spent literally 5 FUCKING HOURS TRYING TO GET RID OF IT!


"That's it!" I throw the wet handkerchief away, my hands bursting in flames. "You fucking win! Congrats! You can take the fucking counter with you TO HELL!"

Just then, the door to my shop bursts open, and a humanoid tiger charges through, pointing at me as he snarls.

Hold the fuck up, is this Rath?! From fucking Ben 10?!

I tried to say something, but he immediately cut me off, starting a rant.

"Lemme tell you something you giant-footed furry-loving moron of a man," He starts, silvia flying off everywhere as he screamed. "who's making me miss out on sumo-slammers 6, You done-diggity won't get to steal my cult!"

"Nope. Not happening. Not again."

Nope? What do-

Just as I was about to ask, a red orb of light appeared around his head, and started spinning around him. Rath then looked dizzy as he held his head, stumbling around as he stated, this time, less aggressive. "This stupid ball's makin me dizzy..."

Then, he suddenly fell… banging his head on the counter. I wince slightly at the noise that made… then instantly panic as the savior of the universe is unconscious and inside my shop!

Shit! What the hell do I do?! Is he- is he dead? I go in and try to check for a pulse, but then realize that it's an alien, not a human. What the fuck do I know about aliens?! Is he breathing?! I check and let out a huge sigh of relief as I see his chest subtly raising, indicating that he is breathing.

Fuck, that scared the hell out of me.

And what the hell is Ben fucking Tennyson doing here? Is this some kind of a crossover episode? Is this a prank? Game, are you pranking me? Is this- Am I having a fever dream?

"Breathe, Reid, breathe." I remind myself, taking a deep breath as I calm myself. "Just… put him on the couch for now. You can ask once he wakes up…"

I take the hulking form of the tiger man, dragging him through a door that reveals a quaint living room. With a breath, I pull the alien up and put him on the couch, leaving him in a comfortable position.

...What the hell do I do now? Is he okay

Hold on, I have Observe, why the fuck am I asking?

Name: Bibbo

Title: The One And Only Ass-Monkey

Race: Appoplexian(Current)/ Deity Ass-Monkey (Original)

Level: 18

HP: 50/850

MP: 110

AP: Locked

STR: 348

END: 167

DEX: 173

INT: 7

WIS: 5

CHA: 350

LUK: 0.1

...This is a fucking prank, isn't it?! This is not Ben, it's…. Who the hell is Bibbo? What the fuck is an 'Ass-Monkey'? Are you messing with me?

Also, why the fuck does it have the Omnitrix? This is your doing, isn't it? Answer me, Game

It is not.

Yes, it fucking is!

I do not understand; why are you angry?

Because I thought I'd be meeting one of my childhood heroes, not whatever the hell this is

You know what, I don't have time for this shit. I need to deal with this moron quickly.

With a frustrated sigh, I walk to the basement and take a bucket, then go to a sink and fill it with water. Once it was completely filled, I glare at the imposter… then grin sinisterly.

"Wakey-wakey jackass! It's morning!" I spill the entire bucket on his head as I notice him stir and open his eyes.

Once the ice-cold water hits him, his eyes widen comically as he tries to protect himself with his arms. It obviously didn't work, and his entire body, along with the couch, was wet with water. I laughed loudly at his shocked expression. He then snarls at me. "You wanna fight?! Huh? You wanna-"

Then a green light shone from him, making me close my eyes. Once the light dies down, I see a strangely bald yet charming gorilla in what appeared to be Ororo Munroe's outfit looking confused with a frown on his face. My laughter stops as I process the creature in front of me.

"...Talk about dressing fancily." I state, which gets his attention. "Why are you bald? What happened to you?"

"Say what?" He responded blankl-

"Did you just talk?!" I say in shock. "Wow, who taught you that?!"

"First of all, rude." I gasp in surprise as he continues. "Second of all, I'm a god you sack of badly shaped bones.." He trails off as he zones out, looking blank again.

"That's so cool!" I say, the frustration from before all but disappeared. "What's your name? How did you get here? Why do you have the ultimatrix?!"

He shrugs. "In order, Bibbo, No Clue and cause my luck is the worst this Omniverse has ever seen" he answers politely.

I take a look at his stats and my eyebrows shoot up, noticing that his health is extremely low. "Buddy, you okay? You're hurt." I say, taking a second-tier health potion and handing it to him. "Drink this; it should make you feel better."

36 Reputation with Bibbo for saving him from an identity crisis.

Uh, what?

"Dude, just for that, you're my best buddy. You want some incredibly expensive socks? Also, can I keep the flask? It's a nice shiny semi-gold one." He questions rapidly. as I was answering, he walks to the main area where my potions were.

"I mean, sure? I haven't bought any socks yet, and you can keep the flask. I have plenty." I nod while following him.

He stops and stares at the potions on the display shelves with wide eyes. Then he grins almost manically as he whips his head at me. "How much to buy everything here?"

"E-everything? You sure you have that much money?"

He nods rapidly.

"Well…" I put a hand on my chin in thought, calculating the amount. "So, I have 70 HP pots, 72 AP pots, and… Around 25,000,000 Lien."

As I answer, I see him already near the Aura Potion section, looking at it with a huge grin.

He then mutters. "Skill Use: Inventory removal, Dumbledore's gold glasses." Upon which a set of old monocles materialize on top of his face, giving out a strange gold shimmer.

"Woah…" I breathe out, looking amazed. I need monocles like that one day.

He then takes one of the Aura potions and shakes slightly, nodding in approval. "Hmmm. it has the right consistency and weight, but are you sure you didn't put a rabbit's foot in this instead of a spider's bottom-left eyeball?" He questioned with a gravelly tone.

"Uh, what? No, it has neither. Just some plants, mixed with Mana and Aura." I answer, confused by the change of his voice tone.

He tilts his head in askance. "And that is… what exactly? What does it do? Would it increase my capacity to summon incredibly large shit-mountains? Cause of right now it's only at like 100 feet every 30 milli-seconds, which isn't all that great to be honest."

I laugh at his funny questions and shake my head. "No, it just gives you an invisible shield and makes you a bit stronger. You can get your semblance unlocked with enough training, which might be what you're looking for."

As soon as I said that, a mountain of cash appears out of nowhere, making me yelp. Once I realize what it is, my jaw drops as I stare in shock.

So much money…

I start laughing madly as I leap at the mountain, feeling drunk on my newfound richness.


I was swimming in the pool of cash my new monkey friend gave me, laughing hysterically. I turn my head towards Bibbo, but then see that he's heading through the broken front door while wearing badass armor. When the hell did he get that?

I shake myself out of my stupor as I run after him. "Wait!" He stops and turns his head at me with a huge grin plastered on his face. "One last thing. Can I have a selfie real quick? To remember the moment."

"Oh hell yes, best friends forever, totally! What's a Selfie though?" He asks, making me smirk as I pull my scroll.

I get next to him and aim the scroll's camera at us, then say. "Smile." But it doesn't matter since he's already grinning. The flash from the scroll captures the moment and saves the picture in my gallery.

I check on the quality of it and nod in approval. "Never thought this would be my first ever photo, but life works in strange ways, don't you think so as well, Bibbo?

He simply smirks at me, his body fading slightly. "Who's Bibbo?" Then he abruptly vanishes into thin air.

I raise a brow then chuckle to myself. Who's Bibbo indeed… Wait, what's a vial doing here? And why are there socks inside it?

I take the vial and open it, then take out the dirties socks with a confused look.

Shiro's Socks (Dirty) - Legendary item

The comfiest and most expensive Socks in the omniverse.

...Is this what he was talking about?

It's a legendary item though, so I'll take it.

I know what you're thinking: What the fuck did I just read? I'll answer with: I have no fucking idea.

This was an interesting thing I made with another Author, Bibbo the Ass-Monkey. We had this idea brewing around since his character, Bibbo, is too fucking chaotic. Believe me, you'll understand everything if you read the story.

Now that was a crack scene that I had so much fun writing, and I hope you guys liked reading as well.

And I swear to god, if anyone complains about the Sharingan, I'm going to scream. You guys said don't re-roll, and I sure as hell won't anymore. Say he's too OP and I'll... I'll be angry. Yeah.


RokenDarkly: It is possible to redeem Adam, but the real question is, will Reid do it? Prolly not. He's 'kill first, forgive second', Especially with his aggressive half and bloodlust.

Hiremsage00: I thought it was obvious, but Reid will not go to Beacon, so a team for him is not possible.

Inritus: You know, I appreciate you taking the time to write all of this, and I agree that his choices are very bland, but that doesn't mean he won't have other mastery skills. The next magic and weapon mastery are already decided.

Also, I think you're being really unfair to Ozpin. He's not gonna try to do something inhumane when he never showed anything in that regard in the show. You're trying to make him a character that he really isn't.

Okushi: Don't worry, Akane(Other player) won't make an appearance or even disturb his growth in any way... maybe. The times she appears in will be her making quips about his adventures and decisions, and that is all. You do not need to read the other story at all.

And to those in the cult... you created this.

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