

Just In




Optimistic Game by Mirlnir

 Anime X-overs & RWBY Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Supernatural, [Ruby R., OC] Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Words: 69k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Apr 26 Updated: Sep 5 579Chapter 6: Three Quests to Godhood

With my eyes wide open, I slice a deathstalker's pincer with my blade, then crush its body with an axe kick. As its body starts disappearing, I grin widely, happy with my new powerful eyes.

I don't know how to explain it... but I can see everything.

Even after spending one day's worth of using it, making sure to drink MP potions regularly because of its ridiculous drain, it's still not boring. The slightest of movements, no matter what, is so easily noticeable. An entire day spent where I was fighting, and I didn't lose a single HP.

A horde of Grimm came after me, with some being level 50, and they still did not stand a chance.

All I need now is better equipment. My sword isn't really that good, and I need armor. Also, I might need a ranged mastery skill since I shouldn't rely on magic alone.

I bring up my stats, nodding in approval at my Sword and Fire mastery skills.

I have 160 spare points, and I think now is a good time to use them.

190 + 10 = 200 CHA

154 + 50 = 204 STR

135 + 70 = 205 DEX

125 + 15 = 140 INT

125 + 15 = 140 WIS

Name: Reid Astera

Age: 16

Race: Human/? Hybrid

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Level: 70 (11%)

HP: 8000 [Regens 800 per minute]

MP: 7000 (10,500) [Regens 700 per minute]

AP: 17,500 [Regens 1750 per minute]

STR: 204

VIT: 160

DEX: 205

INT: 140

WIS: 140

CHA: 200

LUK: 104

Points: 0

[Sword Mastery] (LV 54/100)

Your skill in the sword is that of a skilled warrior

Increase sword damage by 54%

[Fire Magic Mastery] (LV 52/100)

Your skill in fire magic is that of a skilled mage

Increase fire damage by 52%

[Sharingan: First Stage] (Lv 1/5)

The Sharingan, otherwise known as the 'Copy Wheel Eyes' is the bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan. These powerful eyes give the user many useful and powerful abilities, such as incredible clarity of perception, copying any technique you are able to see, and once developed, can give the user predictive abilities.

The Sharingan will level up every 50 personal level ups, with level 150 unlocking the third stage. Only through special quests can you get the last two stages.

Costs 100 MP per second

Everything is going smoothly. If I had fought Adam at this level, I would've wiped the floor with him. Hell, I could easily beat Qrow right now.

But as much as I love using the Sharingan... It might be more disadvantageous to me. It uses a lot of mana, and I could only use it for 70 seconds if you don't include my MP regen.

The best way to use it at the moment would be in short bursts.

Now, I might hear you asking, 'Why didn't you increase your INT if the Sharingan costs so much then?' Well, I thought that upgrading Haki would be smarter since they're passive and don't cost anything. I will increase my MP, but it's easy to do that with how many magical artifacts I could get from the Gacha... If I get some.

Eh, common dungeons give one, so what about uncommon, or rare? I'm sure they give more.

Now I need to get back and make some money selling potions. I'm strong enough to take care of myself, so if Ozpin tries to send anyone, I will be able to fight for myself and escape.

Before that though...

"Alright, Gwyn." My companion perks up at my call. "Now that you're at level 50, its time we unlock your Aura."

He wags his tails as he stares the golden potion blankly, not really showing any reaction. I pull out the cork and beckon for him to come closer.

"All you got to do is drink..." I raise a brow when I notice that he didn't move. "Gwyn? Come on, you need to drink it."

He takes one step back.

My eyes narrow immediately. "Gwyn..."

Two steps back.

"Gwyn, I swear to god, if you don't come here and drink the potion-"

Before I finish my sentence, he bolts out and runs away, disappearing into the forest shortly after. With a groan, I follow after him, drinking a DEX potion as I sprint.

He thinks this is a game.

He's enjoying this.

"Goddamn it..." I curse under my breath, breaking into a smile a second later. "This damned dog..."

It didn't take long for me to spot him as I activate my Sharingan occasionally, seeing his silvery fur and hearing his surprisingly light footsteps. Grinning, I accelerate my speed using Fire Burst, catching up to him easily, He barks and takes a sharp turn, making me slam into a tree. I click my tongue and recover easily, using the tree to launch myself in his direction.

He tries the same move and takes a sharp left, but I anticipate it and tackle him into the ground. He pants and barks, trying to get me off, but my superior strength keeps him in check.

"Gotcha, you dumb dog!" I laugh. "Thought you could outrun me? I'm faster than you!"


"I don't care if you're a wolf!" I girn smugly. "I'm still faster than you!"


"The difference between our DEX says otherwise!" I chortle. "You should always have trust in the stats, for they never lie!"

10 Reputation with Gwyn [32/100]

10 Loyalty with Gwyn [43/100]

He barks again, licking my face in affection, making me laugh slightly as I use both hands to pet him.

"Alright, enough messing around," I say, taking out the opened Aura potion. "Come on, be a good boy and drink this."

He obeys and easily gulps it, finishing the small bottle in less than a second. I get up and use Observe on him, grinning at his improved stats.

Name: Gwyn

Species: Great Wolf

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Level: 50

HP: 10,250

MP: 350

AP: 12,500

STR: 121

VIT: 132

DEX: 164

INT: 36

WIS: 32

CHA: 56

LUK: 15

He's probably at the level of a top beacon student, and I'm happy with that. The only thing I'm not happy with is his mental stats, which barely increased when he leveled up. The Game told me that he'd be able to speak once he reaches 100 INT, which is what I'm planning to do.

A talking wolf... What kind of guy doesn't want that?

"Alright, buddy," I say. "We've been here long enough. It's time we get back home."

He whines, making me sigh.

"Right, the insides of my soul is 'boring'..." I mutter, "I'll make you a room once I get back, so bare with me, okay?"

He barks in agreement, disappearing into my soul.

With that, I head back to Vale.

(One week later...)

You know, gardening is a lot more difficult than I first thought. Well, not difficult per se, but it has varying levels of difficulties. Somethings are easier to grow than others, like Dayblooms are incredibly easy, but Nirnroots are a fucking nightmare. I already lost two Nirnroots trying to grow them, but I managed to grow the third when my gardening skill reached 20.

Also, not all ingredients I got can be planted, like the Blaze Powder and the Vampire Dust, which frankly, is really annoying. Blaze Powder makes STR potions and Vampire Dust makes invisibility and can be made into disease curing medicine. I haven't testes the 'Cure Disease' potion yet, but from what I know in Skyrim, it can cure everything short of Lycanthropy and Vampirism.

I'm hoping it will be able to cure terminal illness, and a gut feeling is telling me it will. Just gotta find a test subject...

Of course, I do have ingredients I gathered from the forest. I also killed a few animals for their organs. I'm pretty sure they can be made into potions as well.

Let's just hope no one asks whats in the potions...

Eh, I'll just lie and say some medical herbs or some shit.

Finishing planting the Blinkroot, I put the trowel aside, then take off my gloves and throw them into the garbage can. I take the watering can and spray some on the plants, making sure to not put too much. Once I'm done, I take the bag then go to the main room, organizing the potions on the shelves.

Good thing potions don't go bad.

I sigh as I put the last one. "Bet no one will come here today... again."

I'm surprised that Ozpin still didn't contact me. I'm literally under his nose right now, and I've put posters everywhere near where I am. Maybe he just wants to observe? He's pretty passive in the show, so maybe he won't contact me until he has enough information.

I need a contingency plan as well. I say that I'll kick his ass once he tries anything funny, but then what? He'll probably do something that makes everyone turn on me, like making me out to be this big bad criminal or whatever, and that will just make everything harder for me. How the hell am I gonna be king if no one acknowledges me?

Hide in Vacuo? That's probably my best bet. From what I've seen, its the most lawless out of the kingdoms, so if I go there, I can grind loyalty with an existing gang or my own if I make one.

But I don't like the desert, too dry for me. I'll have to tough it out though...

Or I can go to Menagerie. I just need to convince them that I'm a Faunus, and I doubt Ghira will hand me over to the authorities. They can use force, but the moment they arrive at the island, I'll be long gone by then.

And if I don't find a good hiding place? I'll just grind like hell - through Grimm or soldiers, it doesn't matter - then I'll be strong enough to crush the entire Atlesian fleet with my own hands.

Then they'll know not to mess with their future god...

Man, thinking about these things piss me off for some reason. I really need to stop doing that.

I shake my head and turn the sign to 'OPEN', then go back inside and sit on the chair behind the counter, resting my head on my hand.

"Wish today ends fast..." I mumble quietly.

Maybe I should find a hobby or something...

(A few hours later...)

You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up~

You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up~

You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up~

Would you please stop?


You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up~

You've been reciting the same line... for four hours straight.

You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up~

-5 Reputation with The Game

You've been inflicted with [Headache] for one minute

"Ow!" I hold my head with a pained grimace. "Okay, I get it, I'll stop. Geez...

"Shouldn't Gamer's Mind help with this stuff?" I groan. "Ow..."

I decide what it should and should not do. Be thankful I did not give you a third flaw.

Yeah yea- Wait, third? What do you mean by-

Just as I was about to ask, the door bursts open, and the loud noise made me hiss in pain. Fucks sake, who is it this time?

I look at the approaching Ginger-haired girl dragging a black-haired boy with a glare, and my eyes immediately widen when I realized who it is.

Holy crap, my plan actually worked!

"Heya! I hear you have something that makes me break more legs!" Nora screams in my face, making me wince.

"Ow. Yeah, I do. How many do you want?" I crush the annoyance building up, opting to smile professionally.

"All of it!"

"Nora, wait." Ren stops her, looking at me suspiciously. "We don't know if this is a scam or not."

I raise a brow in amusement, then point at the doctor's permit hanging on the wall. "Doctor Feverfew thinks it's legit."

He doesn't budge, still looking at me with narrowed eyes. Smart kid.

He's older than you.

Fuck off.

"Don't be silly, Ren!" Nora waves off his concern. "If he's lying, I'll just beat him up."

I suppress a snort and sigh instead. "I can show you proof if you'd like." I offer.

Ren looks at Nora then me, and after a minute, he nods slowly.

"Great!" I grin and pull out my scroll and use the Aura function. "Now, tell me how much Aura I have."

"Full." They both answer.

"Alright, see this gold one here?" I pick up an Aura potion. "This one restores some of my Aura. Fifteen percent to be exact."

They both look attentively as I continue. "You don't need to know how it's made since frankly, it's very complicated." It's not. "But know that it's 100% legal. No drugs were used in the making of this potion."

"Wait, potion? As in Video Games?!" Nora asks excitedly.

"Exactly!' I snap my finger and point at her. "I figured out how to make potions, but since you want proof, we need a test."

"What kind of test, if you don't mind me asking?" Ren questions, looking somewhat interested.

"Girl, you have a hammer there." I point at the hammer strapped on her back. "And I want you to hit me as hard as you can with it."

"Um, are you sure?" She asks in concern.

I give Ren the potion and the scroll, and walk in front of the two, then put my arms over my head protectively. "Go ahead. I'll be fine."

Ren and Nora look at each other before the former nods, making the girl grin manically. "If you say so, stranger!"

Ren steps aside as she takes out her hammer, then holds it up... and strikes down.

And when I say strikes down, I mean my arms felt like jelly as the shock spreads throughout my entire body making me fall on my knee as the ground beneath me shatters. Bringing up my stats, I see that I lost 5000 fucking AP. Five. Fucking. Thousand.

Holy shit.

Nora takes a step back in concern, probably thinking she went in too hard as she saw my arms smoking from the hit. As she was about to make sure I was okay, I get up and with a pained grunt.

"Holy FUCK!" I scream. "That shit hurts like fucking hell! What the fuck!"

"S-sorry, but you told me to hit as hard as I can, and I didn't want to disappoint, and-" Her next words turn into gibberish as she tries to apologize.

"No, you're fine. Damn..." I sigh slightly as the pain slowly disappears. "You, guy, give me the potion, please."

He does so, and I promptly drink it all. Once I down it, I scroll in Ren's hands reveal a bit of my Aura restored

"Woah..." Nora breathes out with starry eyes. "It really filled a bit..."

"See? I told you." I say smugly.

"I... apologize for questioning, but I've never seen anything like this before, so-"

"I get it, man, I really do." I sigh. "So are you going to buy something or what?"

"What does the pink one do?" Nora then points at the Charisma potion.

"It makes you more beautiful, but it only lasts for five minutes." I answer truthfully.

I don't want to scam every customer I have. Jaune is enough.

Nora points at the light blue one, and I answer before she asks. "That one makes you smarter."


"The strength potion is the orange one," I say. "10K per potion."

She grins and starts hoarding as much as she can, with Ren sighing near me.

"Aren't you gonna stop her?" I inquire.

"Once she gets like this... There's no stopping her." He sighs again. "Are the Aura potions also ten thousand? I'd like some of those."

"Nah, those are half the price." I shake my head. "How much?"

"Six vials please."

I nod and start gathering his requested items, putting them next to the pile of strength potions on the counter.

"Alright, so six Aura potions and ten strength potions... that's 130K Lien."

Ren takes out the amount as Nora cheekily grins at the vials.

As we exchange, the two take their bags and leave the store, leaving me alone with almost the amount of my rent. Damn, 130K per two customers? I'm gonna be making billions soon.

As boring as this day was, at least I got money from it.

That reminds me; when will the initiation happen? You'd think they'll come here with their teams, and Jaune probably figuring out that he was scammed.

I chuckle slightly. It's still funny whenever I think about it.

Also, I need to hire someone, preferably a huntress. Yes, a huntress. Why? Because cute girl also acting as security is something I want. Two jobs and I only pay them the salary of one.

It's a dick move, but a profitable one.

...I also need to fix the floor... Because it's utterly destroyed.

Really should've used a different method of testing...


She blinked as she heard the report from her subordinate, slightly narrowing them in annoyance. Someone managed to get hold of their plans and interfered when Cinder attacked the Fall Maiden. It's somewhat concerning, but not really that much. She could easily weed out any potential traitors with her magic.

What really annoyed her, however, is how Cinder took so long to report back. It's obvious that Cinder wanted to drag this long enough for her to get the Fall Maidens power before Salem noticing, but it seems Ozpin now knows who they are, so he's on high-alert.

"Cinder dear..." The Queen said. "Remind me again why should I give you another chance when you failed so pathetically?"

"I-I can make this up. All I need is some time, and I swear I'll get the Maiden and the rel-"

"No," Salem shut her down. "Once a failure, always a failure."

Cinder flinched, fear growing in her heart. The Grimm near Salem growled as they too felt the emotion, glaring holes into her subordinate.

"You are not allowed to go to Vale anymore." The Pale Witch said. "If you want to redeem yourself, then go to Mistral and get that Mafia group in an alliance. I do not care how you do it, as long as you have their support, then the hunt for the Spring Maiden will be easier."

"B-but isn't Tyrian the one look-"

"Tyrian will hunt down the one who interfered with your mission." Cinder was cut off by her leader's Authority. "You will cooperate with Lionheart in finding the Spring Maiden, then you will bring the relic to me. If you do not succeed in five months, you will be deemed as worthless... and I'll deal with you personally."

Cinder shivered, trying to not show her fears but failing horribly. Salem relished in the negative emotion as if she's feeding on it. She suppressed a dark smile and opted to give a cold look.

"You are dismissed."

Cinder nodded obediently and left the room, leaving the Black Queen alone. Just then, Salem sighed, telepathically ordering for a Seer to come. When it did, the Seer connects the one with her mad subordinate.

The Seer then reveals Tyrian's insane grin.

"Yes, my queen?" He bowed.

"Stop your search." She ordered him. "There is someone I want... gone, in Vale."

Tyrian giggles madly. "Of course! Who's the poor little sheep?"

"Someone with a blue mask and a black cloak." She answered vaguely, not knowing the person herself. "Stay outside the city and make sure no one with that description gets out or enters Vale. I'll send Hazel to assist you and Seers to monitor the forests in the kingdom."

"Your wishes are my commands, my lady." Once again, he bowed politely, then the Seer cuts off the connection.

A Grimm then arrives, holding a glass filled with red wine. Salem takes the drink and closes her eyes in thought.

Oh well, it's a minor inconvenience. She has a literal eternity to crush all life on the planet, so what would a few years do? She'll definitely be entertained with this new player... Unless he reveals himself to be another of Ozpin's pawns.

She hated them the most.

...Well, that Rose was amusing enough, with her heroic speeches and promises of defeat. It was even more amusing when Salem saw her shock as the silver-eyes were utterly ineffective against an immortal.

Too bad she broke very fast...


As he reread the poster for the seventh time, he massaged his temples. Under their noses... The potion seller was right in their city, and he wasn't bothered to hide from them. No, instead, he went out of his way to make sure they knew where he was. Ozpin did not know why the subtlety suddenly disappeared, but he has some ideas.

Either the two aren't actually connected.

Or this was the message for them to meet.

Ozpin leaned more on the latter, seeing that this was the only way for them to realize the connection between the two. Only Amber and Qrow managed to sense the magic within that mage after all.

He put the poster away as he typed in a message to Qrow, telling him that the man they're looking for made himself known.

Qrow sent an 'OK' emote, signifying his return in the coming days.

Taking the poster again, he thought of ways to meet the young mage. He wouldn't try anything rash, as the man made his allegiance known by saving Amber, but he doesn't seem to be thrilled with working under him. Ozpin could understand since the man hinted to know more than most.

He also needs to find a way to mass-produce these potions the other one makes... if they're not the same person.

If these were handed to Huntsmen and Huntress all over the world... then the death rate will plummet. If these people were in hospitals or are on their deathbed, then these magical drinks will put them back on their feet.

These potions are revolutionary.

And they need to get the one who makes them on their side.

Whatever the cost.

(A few days later...) (Reid)

Huh... Took them long enough.

Really, I honestly thought Ozpin would notice a lot sooner than this... but it really doesn't make a difference. Now I at least know their next move.

I subtly glance at the crow sneakily watching me from the window of the shop and chuckle. So observe and gather info before acting? I can respect that.

It definitely doesn't matter to me. After all, I'm a simple man.

You help me, I help you.

You try to force me, I end your existence.

See? Very simple.

I'm definitely interested to see how long they'll do this before they work out the courage and ask me. If I have to guess? A month or so.

And I heard that the school year finally started, so that too is interesting. Wonder how many will flock the shop once word gets out? Oooh, I can't wait!

What I'm hoping to happen is making a deal with the council, which will easily give me a lot of money and political power. Once I'm popular enough, I can get a seat for the council, which will boost me high in the 'importance' ladder. I can get rid of the other ones through assassination (I'm not doing that unless they give me a reason to), or through digging enough about them and exposing them to the world.

Once I get rid of enough, I'll be popular enough and I might be able to pull strings to get another seat. Rinse and repeat, and I'll become the King of Vale.

I chuckle slightly. That's step one written down.

Quests added

[Step One To Godhood]

Objective: Make 500 Billion Lien by selling potions in three months

Bonus Objective: Make 10 Trillion Lien by selling potions in three months

Rewards: 1 Gacha Token, 50K Credits, 100 to all stats, [Billionare] Title, Ironwood leaving you alone

Bonus Rewards: 1 Gacha Token, 100K Credits, 200 to all stats, [Trillionare] Title, [Genius Businessman] Perk

[Step Two To Godhood]

Objective: Become a councilman

Bonus Objective: Have three council seats for yourself

Rewards: 1 Gacha Token, 75K Credits, 100 to all stats, [Councilman] Title,

Bonus Rewards: 2 Gacha Token 125K Credits, 200 to all stats, [Royal Voice] Perk, Massively increase REP with Ozpin

[Step Three To Godhood]

Objective: Rule Vale as its king

Rewards: 3 Gacha Tokens, 250K Credits, 500 to all stats, [Ruler] Title, 70 Reputation with Vale, The kingdom of Vale at your beck and call

Thank you game...

I really appreciate it~

Canon Omake - A God-Emperor's Blessing On This Wonderful World!

Written by Fenris Faust

Eris, the Goddess of fortune and deity of the Eris Church, disguised as an adventurer, was sitting at the bar of the Adventurer's Guild in the beginner town of Axel. She had heard rumors of a new adventurer, who after getting scanned, produced an adventurer card that showed that his level was in the hundreds, along with having so many skills that the words had to be compressed into pinpricks to fit them all onto the card.

It had rarely happened in the past, but scanners sometimes misinterpret an adventurer when they go to get scanned again after losing their adventurer card. However, upon being questioned about it, the adventurer had the gall to say that this was his first time getting an adventurer card, what a joke! It was impossible for one to level without an active card, especially when it would take centuries to reach the numbers on that card. As Eris was thinking of ways to expose the fraud, she heard the name of said person being welcomed by the other patrons. What was his name again? Reed? Read? Oh, that's right, Reid!

She heard footsteps walking towards the bar where she was sitting, that must be Reid, her Goddess luck was already kicking in today! As he got closer to her, Eris turned to look at him, white hair, blue eyes, a confident smile, he practically looked like royalty. She activated one of her lesser-known Goddess abilities, allowing her to observe a person and obtain the same readings as a scanner. For anyone else, she would have gotten a mental picture of what their adventurer card was supposed to look like.

But Reid was a Gamer with a sentient Gamer System, and said System decided to "help" Eris with proof of Reid's achievements.

Eris was immediately dragged into a vision, she didn't know what was happening, only that the world she was looking upon was not any world she knew as the world had a shattered moon. She then saw Reid, fighting against hordes of black, red, and white monsters as their bodies dissipated soon after being killed. The monsters resembled the shapes of werewolves, boars, apes, birds and so much more.

She saw Reid killing people, humans, and demihumans, who could barely manage to put up a resistance against his onslaught. She saw him brutally slaughter them all without any mercy, all while having a smile on his face. She would have vomited if this wasn't a vision. It didn't matter who opposed him, black monsters, humans, demihumans, a few magic users, even robots fought him. They all desired his death, only to fall to his blade and magic.

She saw Reid fighting against titanic creatures of black alongside an endless tide of black monsters of varying sizes. There were so many of them that they flooded the lands and clouded the skies, stretching from horizon to horizon. It didn't matter in the least. She saw his rampage through the sea of black, slaying them in such numbers that there were mountains of corpses, the corpses mounting faster then they could dissipate. And then she saw it, a colossal black monster in the shape of a dragon, even larger than the infamous Destroyer.

She didn't know how, but she understood that the dragon would have gone on to destroy the world if it wasn't stopped. She saw a battle of legendary proportions, with Reid triumphing and standing over the corpse of the dragon. She saw Reid being crowned as the world's God-Emperor, millions cheering and worshipping his name, for who else but a God could have accomplished such feats?

And then two Gods descended upon the world.

What she witnessed next would forever be scarred into her mind, for she saw a battle that could never be fully described in words. She saw mountains atomized and people disintegrated from being too close to the fallout of their attacks. She saw the shattered pieces of the moon being flung as projectiles. She saw the landscape being reshaped and the laws of physics breaking down from the sheer amount of power that was being unleashed in the conflict. But what terrified her the most, was the face of Reid as he fought the two Gods.

A face of pure joy.

He laughed as he unleashed attacks that could wipe out entire cities. He laughed as he took hits that would have erased a person from existence. He laughed as he finally struck down one of the Gods. He laughed even more as the last God tried to flee, only to be cut down from behind. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but deep down she knew them to be absolutely true, that these visions were scenes of the past.

She then noticed something from the corner of her eye, the adventurer card that her ability was supposed to have shown her, except it was different. What was supposed to be a small pocketable card, was instead a massive roll of parchment. The parchment unfolded by itself and she was able to read the last words on it.




This was not an adventurer card, not even close. This... was a kill counter. That was when the vision ended and she found herself back in the bar. She quickly realized several things, the visions lasted a second at most, she was hyperventilating, her pants were soaked in her pee and... oh fuck, Reid was standing in front of her. Reid, the slayer of millions of monsters, ruler of an entire world, and killer of Gods was standing in front of her. Reid was looking directly at her with a smug smile.

He knew.

He knew.


Her body trembled uncontrollably and she fell off her stool. She quickly adjusted herself to be on all fours with her head on the floor bowing towards him. Please, she didn't want to die, she didn't want to become another name in an ever-expanding list. What could she, a Goddess of fortune, do against someone who took the full wrath of two Gods at the same time and won?

She cried a waterfall of tears as she tried to speak in garbled words, that she was sorry as she listed any self-perceived sin she might have committed. She cried as she promised to never return to the mortal world, to never steal anything ever again, to never shrink away from her duties. She cried as she finally understood why people prayed, why they believed in a higher power, and how she desperately wanted to pray to someone right then.

As she finished bawling, she peeked up and saw Reid squatting with a grasping hand approaching her. This was the end, she was going to die here. She closed her eyes and hoped that her death would at least be quick and painless. But there was no pain nor death, only warmth and a feeling of something on her head? She opened her eyes and looked up, realizing what had happened. Reid did not have his hand out to crush her skull, but instead, to headpat her.

What was happening? Why was she getting calmer? Why were her fears suddenly draining away? It was such a big dichotomy that she couldn't comprehend it, how could somebody who had happily butchered people, be so gentle and caring? Reid continued to gently caress her head, before moving closer to embrace her in a hug. She didn't resist it, still too bewildered from everything she had experienced as her tears dried up.

As she succumbed to her exhaustion from the rollercoaster of emotions, she heard Reid spoke barely above a whisper. "Dammit Game, why did you have to do that? You made a cute girl cry."

She didn't know what he meant, but as she closed her eyes, her head on Reid's lap, she had at least understood that while Reid was a merciless killer, he was also a protector. A protector that provided her with the feeling of safety for the first time ever. And as she dreamt of being saved by Reid, from the horrific black monsters, her dreams propagated to her most devout followers.

In the coming days, her church would go through a schism, her worshippers arguing about interpreting the visions. But there was one thing that they all agreed upon, a three worded sentence that while short, held great power and would eventually be inducted into their prayers. As news that the Demonic Armies and the Demon King himself were slain by a single person, the sentence would spread to the other faiths, becoming the singular truth that united them. A three worded sentence that heroes shouted and monsters feared.


This was a surprisingly easy chapter to write, even after agonizing for hours about ideas to make it work. Also, what do you think about the Omake? It was all written by Fenris Faust, one of the guys on Discord. You should all join in there. The link is [ discord . gg / CEnkKQt ] no spaces.

I wrote this in one day, so I feel pretty proud of myself.

Also, I've made a Pat reon not too long ago. I'm not really uploading anything there, so don't feel obligated that you have to donate. Thank you very much if you do though. The link [ Pat reon dot com slash Mirlnir ] You know what to write.

Now, if you do join the server, I want you to say "Thank you Fenris" because he wrote that omake.


Chillingbear: actually, a little funny fact, did you know that the Sharingan is barely used in stories not inside the world of naruto? The overused you're thinking about is all Naruto/Gamer stories.

MasterBlade47: I haven't played any fire emblem game yet, and I really want to do so. Once I do, I'll definitely write an Omake if it interests me enough.

Guest: Bibbo won't appear again, don't worry.

Inritus: You were not coming off as rude, don't worry. Now, you make solid arguments, but I still believe that Oz is not as grey as people make him out to be. Like another Reviewer said, Ozpin is very passive, which was shown multiple times in the show. Not to say that Ozpin won't turn to force if he has to, but I think he'll rely on talking and peaceful methods first.

demzerff1: I whole-heartedly agree with you. That was something I really disliked about Ozpin. He's too passive.

Mime-Andromeda-Benetsnach: I would give him a stand, but that would mean thinking about its powers and stuff. I'm having difficulties deciding his semblance and you want me to work on a stand?

Guest: The Rinne-Sharingan is not counted. The final level is the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. I might give him the Rinnegan with enough bullshit Gacha pulls, or with divinity.

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