

Just In




Optimistic Game by Mirlnir

 Anime X-overs & RWBY Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Supernatural, [Ruby R., OC] Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Words: 69k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Apr 26 Updated: Sep 5 579Chapter 7: Ultra Divine CHEF!

Ten days.

It's been ten days since I got the three quests, and I've severely underestimated how difficult the first one would be. 500 Billion Lien is still 5 Billion dollars, and three months to get it all? That's not counting the bonus objective, which is twenty times harder to achieve than the main objective. By the way, 10 Trillion Lien equals 100 Billion Dollars. Let that sink in...

As hard as the quest is, I believe I can achieve it. The past ten days were spent on leveling my Alchemy skill, getting it to level 82, so I can bump up the price by a lot. Potions that heal 10% HP are 5000 Lien, but one that heals 50%? That gotta be at least 50K.

But the problem isn't in my skill as an alchemist.

The problem is how the hell am I gonna mass-produce potions? I'm the only one who can make them, and I alone can only make around 600 potions per day. I don't want to waste my entire life making potions, and I'm positive that 600 a day isn't nearly enough for future demands.

Once I max out a mastery skill, I'll be able to choose a new one, which is what I'm going for at the moment. I think looking over new skills could give me a few ideas.

Also, I maxed out Gardner, which didn't take long at all. I bought another floor under the building with credits that I filled with garden beds. I have a lot, and I mean a lot, of different plants. Hell, I even bought seeds from the market to grow other plants, like sunflowers, roses, and venus flytraps as well... though, I might've made a mistake when growing the flytraps.

You see, as I was gardening, an idea struck me... What would happen if I supply my plants with magic? The answer was a lot. A lot would happen.

First, the alchemical plants grew too much. The mountain flowers almost became literal mountain flowers, Nirnroots got so fucking loud I almost burnt the place just to shut them up, and Blinkroots are extremely uncomfortable to look at with all its... well, blinking.

But the worst of it all? The Flytraps became Mantraps.

These things turned into actual monsters, like the ones you see in video games and shit. On paper, that's pretty damn terrifying... but I supplied them with my own magic, and you know what that means? That means they see me as a parent.

To summarize, I made an infinite supply of ingredients and plant monster pets in my basement.

Pretty cool, right?

Now I just gotta choose my next profession... which doesn't even need thinking

[Chef] Profession chosen

Mastery Skill added

[Cooking Mastery] (LV 1/50)

Your skill in cooking is that of a novice

If gardening wasn't a necessity, then this would've been my first profession. Personally, tasting divine food is one of my final goals... and what's better than divine food you made yourself? You should know that eating your self-made food tastes way better than what others make.

And I'm pretty sure I can make my food increase stats like most video games do.

So double increase with potions and food.

And if I'm not wrong, then different dishes will give different kinds of buffs, so in short, once I max out cooking, I'll virtually become the strongest man in the world.

A month in this world and look at where I am.

All I need to do now is to find a way to mass-produce potions... and I need to do that before the council gets a word of this. I don't think I'll be able to make a deal with them if I don't have tens of thousands of potions ready, with double the amount being made.

If I'm not wrong, I think the Gamer Store sells Mastery skills for around 50K Credits... which is pretty damn expensive. Buying a skill now will give me an extra slot when I max out Alchemy, so two production skills if I don't find the thing I'm looking for.

I would go out to look for dungeons... but I need someone to hold the fort while I'm gone. The store has been getting some people after the whole thing with Ren and Nora, and not all of them are huntsmen. Some civilians come to buy the cheapest HP potions for small bruises and non-lethal wounds.

I don't know how long I'll be gone, and I don't want to waste a single day. Three months is extremely short for a quest that big.

I could just grind alchemy and the next skill... but buying and an extra slot will benefit me in the long run.

Which is why I posted on the internet that I'm hiring. There's no guarantee that someone will answer to me, but that's the best thing I could do. Unless I get a clone spell or whatever, I'm on my own.

Well, getting clones to do my work still means that 'I'm on my own' but you get the point.

For now, though, there's still time before I open the store... and I think I'll use said time to level cooking.


As she arrived at the place, she took a deep breath. Seeing the poster saying "Hiring" only made her sure that this was the place... even when the name of the store made it obvious. Glancing at the scroll once more, she finally moved to knock on the door, until she got a glimpse of the owner's face... and she immediately backed off.

Maybe I should... observe first?

She wasn't sure herself, but she does not want to be suddenly in the face of another racist. Getting a job in Vale is almost impossible for Faunus because of racism... and that's not to mention the sexual harassment the girls get when they do get hired.

Peaking from a land post, her heart dropped when she saw a white-haired, blue-eyed guy lazily tapping away on his scroll. A Schnee! Of course it's a Schnee!

But what is a Schnee doing here in Vale? Well, there's the Schnee girl in Beacon, but what about him? why is he selling in the farthest corner of Vale, and not in a mansion or something? Why would he need to hire people if he has people to help him? Why would he need to even do this himself?

Even with all these questions swirling through her head, the bunny Faunus let out a defeated sigh, walking back to Beacon.

Then, at the corner of her eyes, she saw an old Faunus woman, a dog from her extra set of ears, enter the store. She winced slightly at the incoming racist tirade... but was shocked instead when the Schnee lookalike smiled warmly.

Unfortunately, the door closed, and even with her ears, she couldn't hear everything they said. All she got from the conversation was that the man didn't seem to discriminate against her kind, going as far as to give the old woman a discount for one of his now named potions.

She caught the man's name, Reid, but that wasn't much still.

After a little while, the lady left the place with her items, a content smile on her face. Reid lost his smile and glanced at her, making her squeak as she hid behind the lamp post. She then slowly peeked from behind it and saw the man back on his scroll.

In the end, she decided to keep on observing, still unsure of the man's motives and whether his kindness is genuine or not.

(One day later...) (Reid)

Alright, so food giving buffs exists, fortunately. After getting cooking to level 20, things I made started tasting good and also started giving benefits. Cookies, for example, increase my DEX by 5% for one minute, which is very useful. Unlike potions, cookies are fast and easy to consume, and my opponents won't know that they make me stronger.

Of course, every dish has different buffs, like steak increases your max HP by 10% for three minutes, a salad cures a few debuffs, and fried fish increases your attack damage by 10% for three minutes, etc etc. The one thing they all share is restoring HP.

All that and I'm still level 22.

I knew Chef was a good profession to choose...

One day... I'll make an entire world worship me using my food alone.

Quest added

[Ultra Divine...Cook?]

Objective: Gain the [Divine Chef] Title

Rewards: Doubles all stats, 5 Gacha Tokens, Cosmic Frying Pan, [God's Touch] Perk, Greatly increase reputation with ?

Bonus Objective: Defeat five different chef gods in a cooking match

Bonus Rewards: [Multiverse's Best] Title, Infinite supply of the best cooking ingredients, [Blessing of C?], Audience with your predecessor, One wish


Welp, another quest is always good. This will probably take make years to complete, but an infinite supply of food? A wish? I'm sold.

As I finish making a medium-rare steak, I put it on a marble plate and take it with me as I head downstairs. My home currently has three underground floors. The first is the potion making room, the second is the gardening one, and the third is Gwyn's room. He likes being outside my soul to stretch his legs and play with dog toys.

Getting down to his floor, I open the door, revealing a colorful room with all kinds of different toys and pillows. I see him napping on a huge soft pillow, breathing lightly.

"Hey, big guy!" I call out, making his ears twitch. "I made you breakfast!"

His eyes slowly crack open, staring at me before getting off his bed to stretch. Once he was done, he slowly walked up to me, still looking groggy.

I put the plate on the ground, causing his eyes to shoot up. He backs away with a leap while looking at me in fear.

"What?" I raise a brow. "Come on, eat."

He barks twice.

I frown slightly. "Why not? I know you're hungry, bud, you can't hide it."


"Oi, my food doesn't suck." My frown deepens. "Don't be an ass and eat."

"Woof! Woof!"

That made me sneer. "You better get over here before I force-feed it to you," I growl. "I trained for hours so your fatass doesn't spit it out again. Come here. Now."

He growls back before obeying, looking very apprehensive at the beautiful work of art beneath him. A minute passes and he takes one bite, slowly chowing it... then, he stuffs his face in the plate as he licks it clean. I laugh boisterously, pride swelling in my chest as he finishes his food in seconds.

"See? I told you I got better!" I pet his soft fur. "Anyone with The Gamer powers will be the best in days if they put their minds to it."

He whines slightly, making me chuckle.

"I'll make you more soon, I promise," I say. "But I have a job now, and getting food isn't easy. That was the equivalent of Wagyu beef what you just ate. Those are very expensive."

Pulling out my scroll, I check on the time and see that its time to open up the store. Petting the giant wolf one more time, I leave the place and get back up.

Another day, another boring endeavor...


As she waved goodbye to her friends, she turned around and walked back to her team's dorms. Even after more than a week, she still couldn't believe that she's in Beacon... even if she boasted about it to her baby sister.

She sighed sadly at the thought of Ruby. She already missed the eccentric weapon fanatic, with her promises of following after her in two years. Two years were kinda long, but Ruby never lost her spirit, so why should she?

What worries her the most, however, was leaving her sister alone. Ruby... wasn't exactly that popular in Signal. She was targeted by bullies constantly before Yang made sure anyone who touched her was sent to the hospital. Ruby never fought back either, opting to stay silent and take it all... then sobbing in her bedroom when she thought she was alone.

The bullies weren't exactly soft either. They always went to where it hurts, like mocking her that Summer died because she was weak, or that she's a bastard child since she looks nothing like their father.

That thought made her lose the smile, her eyes turning crimson in anger.

With a calming sigh, Yang quickened her pace to the dorm room.

You're being paranoid. Yang thought. Ruby will be fine. you had a long talk with your dad and uncle, they'll make sure she's okay.

As she was about to enter the room, she heard muffled yelling inside it. With a frustrated sigh, she opened the door and saw two of her teammates at each other's throats... again.

"The moment we've met, you've been everything but polite to me!" The Schnee heiress screeched. "You ignore every single command I've given, never stop that sarcastic tone when talking to me, and now you won't tell me where you put my notes!"

"I never touched your stuff, princess." The black-haired girl retorted, ignoring the first two accusations. "Go and call daddy-dearest to send you a maid if you're not bothered to look around yourself."

"How dare you!" Weiss bristled in anger. "I'm your teammate and leader! I demand your respect!"

"Respect is earned, not given."

"Guys, guys!" Yang got their attention. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Weiss scoffed. "Blake here refused to give me back my notes. I knew she hid it away, but-"

"You say I hid it, but where's your proof?" Blake glared from behind her book. "Don't go throwing around baseless accusations with nothing to support it."

"You! Who would touch my stuff when you always try to sabotage me?!" Weiss screamed, a vein throbbing. "Every single time you'd against everything I try to do! Not once did you try to be cooperative! What is your problem with me?!"

Blake's eyes glowed as she threw the book aside, standing up from her bed and pointing a finger at Weiss' face. "My problem with you, princess, is how you always, ALWAYS, look down on us! Do you think being our team leader gives you the right to work us until we can't move anymore?! Not once did you make us rest, not once did you try to give us a chance to know each other better, no. What you do is screech when we do anything you don't like! We're not the same slaves you keep in your mansion!"

Even Yang winced at that. What a low-blow...

"B-Blake, that was a little too far..."

"So it's about that then?" Weiss cut her off with a trembling voice, seemingly forgetting that she was here. "You hate me because I'm a Schnee? Of course you do." Weiss chuckled humorlessly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I'm the richest girl in the world! Who never experienced any hardship in her life before. I would never get what anyone's been through..."

As she whispered her last words, Weiss dashed through the door and left the room, leaving the two partners alone.

Blake huffed and laid down on her bed, taking her book back and opening it.

"Blake, what the hell?!" Yang glared at her.

"What? You saw what happened. She's just playing the victim." Blake replied, her eyes glued to her book.

The blonde snatched the book and threw it away, prompting the black-haired girl to scowl.

"What?! You want me to apologize?!"

"Yes!" Yang responded. "What you said was totally uncalled for. Go after her and apologize, now"

"You wish." Blake denied with a low growl. "I'm not apologizing when she's been a total bitch to us all."

"She only wants what's best for us, Blake," Yang explained. "And she was right. You've been really rude to her the entire time our team was formed."

Blake clicked her tongue. "'What's best for me'? She doesn't know anything..."

Yang pinched the bridge of her nose as she calmed herself. I'm seriously gonna have an aneurysm...

Then, the door opened again, revealing a girl around Weiss' height with teal-colored hair and dark green eyes. Her sleeping wear consisted of an olive yukata with pink flowers. The girl gazed at them in mild confusion.

Yang smiled at her teammate. "Hey, Levi..."

"Um... Where's Weiss?" She questioned softly.

Blake rolled her eyes as Yang huffed. "The jerk here said some hurtful things and refused to say sorry... and Weiss just left."

Levianna frowned sadly. "Oh... well, do you know where she went? I'll talk to her."

The Brawler shook her head. "Nope. No idea."

"I.. see..." The girl simply walked to her bed, sitting on it and taking out her scroll. She tried calling the heiress multiple times, then when she didn't get a response, she simply left her a message.

Yang let out her umpteenth sigh as she fell to her bed, her excitement for Beacon all gone.

Just another day for Team Wildberry...


After finally seeing a Mistralian-styled mansion on a cliff through the thick forest, Adam sighed in relief. He knew that masked bastard would tell the authorities... or their movements were simply traced. There were a lot of Atlas soldiers going Vale for some reason he isn't bothered to care about, but they managed to make quick work of one specialist with some difficulty. If there's one thing Atlas was good at, it'd be training their elites.

Adam barked some orders at his brothers, telling them to set camp and rest. They've been walking the entire time until they reached the ocean separating the two continents, and while the distance wasn't much, Grimm and Atlas soldiers flooded the path. They lost some good men on their way, but they did not have the time to mourn their fallen comrades.

They thankfully stole a couple of ships and sailed to Mistral, with Aquatic Grimm being relatively easy to deal with. Most of the trip went smoothly

As they began their work, one of Adam's lieutenants, Edward, otherwise known as Banesaw, walked to his side. "I take it you're meeting him?"

Adam nodded stoically. "I am."

Banesaw stayed silent for a minute before speaking again. "He's a traitor to our kind, Adam. You won't be able to convince him."

The bull Faunus narrowed his eyes. "And this is your business how?"

"It's not." He replied tonelessly. "But if you want to try, go ahead, No one is stopping you."

Adam resisted a scoff and left the camp, walking towards the mansion of his old brother. He climbed the cliff with ease, remembering older times where he used to train here with him. It was harsh, but that only made him stronger... but never strong enough to beat Aurelius.

Over a hundred duels and he never won a single match. Hell, he never even managed to lower his aura to 50% before. Every time they fought, Adam got his ass handed to him with ease. It would've hurt his pride... but he knew that no matter how hard he trained, no matter how much he refined his skills, he'd still lose.

Because of Aurelius' semblance, he managed to break the limits of a normal Faunus, reaching impossible heights. He tried to do the same training routine... but Adam couldn't even keep it up for five days, while Aurelius did it for years.

Simply being beaten by him doesn't really do anything to him anymore. Merely mild annoyance at the gap between them, but that's it really.

Honestly, not defeating the one even the Mistral Government fear is not something to cry over.

As he finally reached the top, he wore the black hood he had. He glanced at the gate from behind his mask, scanning for any guards that might recognize him. As he spotted one near the entrance, he slowly marched to him, getting his attention once he was close enough.

The guard stood up from his chair. "May I help yo-" His eyes widened when he saw Adam's mask, then nodded slowly.

"Open the gate!" He barked. "Master Aurelius has a guest!"

It didn't take long for the wooden gate to open, revealing a beautiful green garden filled with all kinds of flowers. He stoically walked on the gravel road, spotting three people in front of him.

The one in the front was a smirking woman with long black hair and amber eyes. She wore a red dress with yellow designs and one long, wide sleeve hiding her left arm.

The one on her left was a much younger girl with darker skin, red eyes, and short mint-green hair.

On her right was a man who had grey hair and smirk that reminded him of someone.

He brushed it off quickly, narrowing his eyes as he walked past them, completely ignoring their existence. If he didn't have any self-control, he would've cut them down for daring to set their filthy feet in his master's home, but Aurelius doesn't hate humans as much as he does, and from the looks of it, they seem to have been guests.

Once he reached the building itself, a maid opened the door for him, letting the Bull Faunus in. He took off his shoes and cloak and set them aside, almost smiling at Aurelius' masked face.

He was a giant of a man, standing at over 8 feet tall and with a large build fitting for his height. His shoulder-length crimson hair was combed back, making his golden eyes glow brightly. He wore mask covering his lower jaw, with the front part made of golden metal, while the other two sides made of black leather. He also wore a black yukata resembling their master's.

"Adam." His deep voice rumbled, a hint of longing in it. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Adam's stoic mask broke as he let out a small smile.

"Come." Aurelius beckoned. "There are many things I need to tell you."

He followed after his brother into the living room, taking his seat on a pillow with the short table separating them both.

"So," He started, "I've heard another dust shipment was stolen recently, with you and Belladonna taking over an entire train in Forever Fall."

The mention of Blake made his fists clench. "We did. Most of the robots didn't pose a threat, but..."

Aurelius raised a brow. "But?"

As he was about to answer, someone knocked on the door, prompting the larger man to say "Enter."

A maid did as she was ordered, holding a tea tray with sweets on it. She put it on the table, then started pouring their teacups with high-quality Mistrallian tea. Once she was done, she bowed respectfully and left the room.

"As you were saying?" The Mafia boss asked, taking off his mask.

Adam let out a breath. "Blake ran away."

As his mask was off, Adam narrowed his eyes at the SDC brand burnt on the left of his friend's lips. After Aurelius took over the Mafia after their master, he never showed disgust towards the sickening brand, instead, he was proud of it, telling him that it's simply a sign of his survival in the worst place to work in.

"I see." He said, taking the teacup to his mouth. "I've always known she never had the heart for it. She's simply too much of a... pacifist, like her parents."

"She ran away, Aurelius," Adam growled. "She betrayed us."

"You're being too harsh, brother." He replied calmly, taking a sip. "Some people aren't strong enough to fight."

"She is strong."

"Or, that is simply what you think." If Aurelius was annoyed at Adam's disrespect, he didn't show it. "Tell me; have you ever asked how she feels? Comforted her when she was at her lowest?"

Adam froze.

"I see that you haven't." He said, putting the teacup back on the table. "It seems you still haven't crushed that bad habit of yours. Master always taught us to know our and others' limits... but you didn't, which in turn, made Belladonna leave you."

Adam stayed silent.

"Do you know where she is now, Adam?" He asked.

"...No." He answered. "If I have to guess, back to Menagerie."

"I see... Well, the next time you see here, make sure you reconcile. For now... I'd like to ask for your and the White Fang's help."

Adam paused, unsure if he had heard correctly. "My... help?"

"I know how it sounds. Why would the leader of the Caliban Clan ask anyone for help?" Aurelius summarized what's going inside Adam's head in an instant. "Simply put... The Grimm have a leader."

Adam's eyes widened.

"And she wanted me to find the 'Spring Maiden' for her... The same one in the fairytale."

"You're telling me that... magic is real?"

"I do" Aurelius nodded. "You must've seen the woman with black hair leaving, no? That was her subordinate. It was the second time she came today, as I refused to help the first time... but, she brought proof in the shape of strange, spherical looking Grimm.

"Her master was exactly as you would expect from a Human-Grimm abomination." He continued. "I could feel her power for simply being in her presence... and so I accepted."

Adam's thoughts went to that masked individual he once fought, but then he shook his head. The story said only girls can have magic, and that individual was most definitely male.

"You're gonna help... the Grimm?" Adam asked, his voice dangerously low.

"No, I'm planning to stab them in the back." He said with a shake of his head, "But I need your help."

Adam nodded slowly.

"I'll send some men to look for this Spring Maiden, and whatever information I get will be sent to you, while making fake reports to the Grimm leader the process. I want you and your men to find the Maiden before they notice, and either subdue her or report back discreetly. Once we get the Maiden, we'll get rid of the three messengers."

"And what do I get from this?" Adam questioned coldly.

Honestly, Adam would've helped if he wasn't so busy, but risking his men for what seems to be a Wild goose chase? He was somewhat ashamed that he's doubting him, but a Grimm leader? Magic? It all sounds too far-fetched. Adam was taught to not believe anything he hears easily, even if it came from his most trusted friends.

And if Sienna hears of this, then she'll pull the men back to Menagerie, and he'll be alone.

"If we succeed in this mission," Aurelius smirked slightly. "I'll help the White Fang in their endeavors."

Adam froze, staring intently at the golden eyes of his friend.

If they have the support of Caliban... then everything would be so much easier. Aurelius already handled most of the racism in Mistral, and it took him less than ten years... and that was when he was simply rising in power. With his already powerful family backing him... then the humans would know that treating the Faunus will have dire consequences.

Adam grinned. "What's our first move?"

(Three days later...) (Reid)

Alright, I maxed out both alchemy and cooking... which didn't take long at all. Really, all I had to do was buy food and use the huge amount of ingredients I have in my basement. After I closed my shop, I spend my time making potions and cooking, until its time to open the shop again. Surprisingly, after maxing out alchemy, I received this little window.

You have maxed out Alchemy

Choose a perk

[Physician ]

Health, Mana and Aura potions you make are 50% stronger


Poisons you make are 50% stronger


Stat increase potions you make are 50% stronger


Resistance potions you make are 50% stronger

Realistically, the first one would be the most profitable one. My current restore potions are 60% which means it will turn to 90% if I take it. Poisoner... I really don't care about poison that much. The Grimm are immune to it and Salem is immortal, so not really useful in the long run. Besides, I can't sell poison since its illegal. Not like that stopped me before...

Tanker is good, but no one here has a weakness to elements, so the demand for it should be low.

But... I'm choosing Booster. They're a 50% increase, but adding another 25%? It's insane. I managed to make all-stat potions, that give 50% to all stats so I don't waste time drinking potion after potion. Turning them into 75% is something will save myself one day, I'm sure of it.

Mix the potion with food, and I'll be unstoppable.

So booster it is.

Perk gained

Alright, before I choose the next mastery skill, I'll take a profession.

Originally, I would've taken teacher so I could teach Gwyn how to use magic, but in the midst of making my amazing dishes, there's something terrible I noticed...

I can't make drinks.

No matter how hard I try, I just can't make them. It's horrible!

I can't even make a mojito for fucks sake! How the hell am I supposed to do live like this?!

Do you know what this means?!

[Mixologist] Profession chosen

I am now able to make good drinks.


Now we got this out of the way, tis time to choose a new skill







I immediately skip the first three windows and go straight for production. One thing I noticed was 'Artificer', which wasn't there the first time. If I'm not wrong, it's a technology and magic mixed together, right? I didn't play DnD much, so I don't know...

Will it help me make an automated potion machine?


Well, it's out then.

Can you help? A piece of advice? please?

...Very well.



If you choose it, you'll unlock the Golemancy skill.

...How would making golems help me?

Workers who don't need rest nor a salary, powerful and loyal soldiers when used correctly, and infinite possibilities when creating new kinds.

Including potion golems.

And this is why you're the smart one.

3 Reputation with The Game

Also, this would mean I could enchant my weapons and armor... and you know what that means, right? More fire.

5 Reputation with ?

Thank you, random entity, for also appreciating fire. It's truly the strongest there is.

Mastery skill gained

[Enchanting] (LV 1/100)

Your skill in enchanting is that of a novice

Increases enchanting effectiveness by 1%

Now then...


This fucking rabbit has been stalking me for days now! I saw her since day one and she still didn't make a move. She's here for the job, I'm sure she is, but she just keeps STARING AT ME!


I give her a glance, literally a glance, and she squeaks, trying to hide. I groan loudly, covering my face with my hands in frustration. If she keeps doing this for the next five minutes, I'm getting out and dragging her in.

...Would it be slavery if I force her to work? I am paying her a salary though...

Hmm, questions for later.

Making subtle glances towards Velvet, I raise a brow when an... overly dressed girl walks up to her, holding an expensive-looking bag. I recognize the woman as Coco, I think the leader of team CVFY. I ignore them when I saw Coco talking over the Faunus not really interested anymore... I will drag her tomorrow if she doesn't work up the courage.

A minute later, the door bursts open, and I see Coco dragging Velvet inside with her arm. I suppress a smirk and put my scroll under the counter.

"Hey, you're hiring, right? You mind if this lovely girl here gets the job?" She questions.

"Coco, please stop-"

I smile professionally. "Not at all! But first, a few questions, if you don't mind."

Coco nods and gets out of the way, with Velvet trembling with nervousness.

"Your name?"

"Velvet Scarlatina, sir."

I nod. "How old are you, Velvet?"

"E-eighteen, sir."

"Do you have any experience?"

"Y-yes, sir. I've worked in a-"

"Congratulations! You get the job. Can you work right now, or would you prefer tomorrow?" I say, getting off my chair to get the uniform.

Both of them freeze, with Coco recovering first. She grins at the bunny Faunus, happy for her friend. Velvet takes a few more seconds before realization hit her.

"Th-that's it?"

"It is." I nod, taking the blue and gold uniform and handing it to her. "See if this one fits you."

With her still not responding, I sigh. I know she's introverted and all, but this is annoying to deal with. Is she gonna freeze with everything I say?

At least she's really cute...

I know I was supposed to write the chapter for my other story, with the cliff-hanger I just pulled there, but I thought that chapter needs a lot more thinking than normal ones. A huge fight will happen there, and I need to let my brain think up an amazing one... but my brain is slow, sooooo...

anyway, I know the last part feels a little too rushed, but I was really frustrated that nothing is coming out, and I know I would be taking days to figure out what to write, so I just winged it.

Also, yes Levianna and Aurelius are OCs... Because I want to build a world that is not revolved around RWBY. Reid will travel to other worlds, but it will take him a long fucking time.

And this probably answered your question about Ruby. No, she's not at Beacon because Roman didn't bother to steal from a dust shop, so Ozpin has no reason to drag Ruby there.

Another thing, Aurelius is not Adam's blood brother. They simply call each other siblings because they have the bonds of it.

From now on, I won't be responding to questions here, because I noticed that they really bloat the chapter for no reason at all. I'm responding to questions in PMs.

I've made a Pat reon not too long ago. I'm not really uploading anything there, so don't feel obligated that you have to donate. Thank you very much if you do though. The link [ Pat reon dot com slash Mirlnir ] You know what to write.

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